PAE W PACSETWO LB~ TY INIDEPENDENT, TMMJSDAY. JAýNU ARYý 15, 1920. *Libertyville Independentl L£akeCoum-*y Indeenden I J'm4ntebI u Mlefrqenrwitbhh i.--eburgier alBumoS iL oclboul a"vebeen " lolte* ~ugisetvwni cause one te think-of tii.ctr of tNl" wl"'Ikt& ~~fi n 'redal eunthei.pbi iltliki1 nt. ýlmthe. plim%ilso oItely vien thi en la.mb nia uy.à j*eFort Wy ~i. oai4r to lwohsosi"e $50,000: "Ire poing te ilove. itO a new «Ver. yMn '.7 a .Lut-tail MIof type aud a Thire is a viut des! Of Greeley went to New York lm day.. lue would neyer be kn biane" or any other paper. éa job on any NcwYork pprt Whavino ien" fer y. 0.Onthe oh 0 nd"h *> do nwppr Las rcehred w i uituber. Ciaoonej1 e.mri ppr.NoW there are two. lrgihiounyt. eci.tohave two wtet Dd in wt~vs it aLWiere there were thre2 or more, bankers auJmerchants induced them to consolhdlate. MWi cost of printing even a amall &Uiy-tii.. days rune very high ard on an aucendlng semis. The. "plnt"' tots ten- fold what it diii bef ore linotypes aMu perfectisg presses came. Staffs are far larger ând coit nuclhmore. laInshe in-lathese modem dan.,the. n.Ispaper business Las become a business esepis i di must have ample capital.flie f ellow, vilsIi f neer *et a InLok-i."--4ary Tribune. WORKING FOR YOUR9ELF OR YOUR EMPLOYER? TOn msuy persons. wbuý ork on a ualay n~ eYern tihe unst iiptant thingevey vag. emuner aud mksow--that athou8h ose iiy be WàÉ4, g W' oéau, h6 i in reay W"- in gfor hà%WËf lu t . ut etffyl a raàt"o gre a b reaeh betwuen captl ami lahor. 1-- " Sosie ofthue bigg.ut mexd iD the country are wonkiug ou a salmryint =1ro eene10 e M)lidns for tieniselves. Aunong fic.ane have beconie. 80intereuted in flair vo&kthe. umàmt 6 f Miami$ of noieglb& *Otàne-it Wle fluermay b. amodaer. ton r igtOF love ,Iii empflyeîafuir rtorufor hib ices hre îhousand Who ahiityvii va'rat.m!Oyms May daik tLoavareso mu- mg as mué as . m iv~oMto t.t oscern. Thty wob- ably.dorsottake bto conuudration the fact that mou boi- unoney-ost bemoL Tosa " louses in businessitth ti. verage mnplze know.s otiiing about. Careleu of essploye. ta one de preatest 0< thee Thi.e oiWiewateim i. uploe Md ithe oaef ni, paiutaking vcher us **MIU the. oné Who gelsthei Promsiotion. eîanthei. oirs cuise thoir Ioékma iwoii4urwhy tiiey dkk.'t Kmet. fl1W mkwnauthde wage «Maer hloe à«f iIDin rwto:get goater rémunradion ho musta il ttr '~~ct-4a o mâàt hotwilibecomueabuerpunile. acaeu"ho acuiysworksg fer Miimeu aut" ohhe upay bd i56nu- Ilue odior &y a boueernakd to a weMlty Roxbury, Mass., *wkdo, vwu beueated 8M5,00e whon . vomsah dl e& simply LL-- iho Mié i orl« se wa andl wuas ailà de. even spuual e u f nrrag o rpped up in lier vork wu di.housuaaiiNewvtsIca us *.* li aàntwterof ,a million comnortale hua, uishuemâid prohbly vi ihavéeët of Unte SateWho nover bfti. loifea taç Attarney M.;V Orvia. eoms ose~r Charlet Bolfeli WhovW» -eetly eouviedf o s1asgmecr snd glven an laterr*cdi te seuteiée la PoutlgC, statted Wb. e bolacoufideut that tii.s"t#te bar gardonis viii pikr? don BOll Thé oicas w laid before the par don bern-iTuéeday and vas taken ,ptRder avau . ta y- Orvis lwlimred fer ',Wich. 'alie, Stet.' AtouyWclhai slc o the Atf0ra~:0WW. ib" t thol epho lon thé. tl4iaeihtA o1ou but b.e fa a IMP 'Ibli given vîtiîn ltie neit tWoa* acks.- 1 -M« footthot Boillchbed 4'gaad reputation priai'te bis fiaIt witb Joba maous. inhich unfortunatcly the bttera -detb. wtl--ool hlm lau sttlng a pardon" .ttoruq Ovastateil talay. AttOra.y Ovnis ttat bat Dr. Henuoja-x. %Q«e, umc ým@tdm4ica"e otmilegit, tad «qiisetifha bot »elhwwgsawt, fresond iliht outhe youog ias-b.d a spendi4 record, lie la,« theéalnOu DiM iat " ii llu - stramctallan.014h bong- pardmed. deer Park' or tIy êlt> lu tii vnl. Its aras la *bout 4m0 a&ea& *i~i ua.'hs* J"""»a K'n"' awMc rMan~ LUMI lu the mSiloi- are gq vmncin thouus tber e operat gettiiq ket. Coni ure jc thoi, Wl'i UUUI ac th e pg flbail POVE-.tb*i laJas Cals and -whi* Wx . 0.1Very tonals lmportaa' COurt bumajiessa m they, kc.P Ptlma aaltrom a,&mê would A ISE CO.PLE tonia NOT TO0 BE JL&TY are a tbcy i ABOUT REMARRYNEi what 1 pleteil Milwaukee Papers From Posi- . g tive 'Positi o onMat.- boLs iage Situation. COUPLES ST1LL COME HERE 'orla Mil becon Mlwaub e eapapers continue ta gsi "aIl hèt up'" over the eiqPamut ta waukeff ofai Wscansin couples. A short tîme aga the newspiera In the Cream City bolcily agnounced that fully 10,000 Wisconsin couples wla0 bad beau Inarriecl lh Illinoh, during the lut tew yt-ars watiid have ta remarry. a t once. Laten dis- patclios show a more modlfied atti- tude, a wll be seen by the follew- Iug: __________ Milwauke.Jan. 14-Tbat Uiccon troversy regardiug marriages of Wlscon In ruutlent, performe<l outý aide of Uic Atate vill not De settled until the suprenis court rute« ou tue question la thec apinion of M40h iyl- waukee attorneys. They Boy -that th( vauicd opinieria given' bave -causeil înuch confusion ta persans marrled outzide of thc state. It le ailvisale, they 3ay. to wattuntil. the aupremt court hm o. îen oua case now bofore lIt body and> If that epurt rulce the inanriage% juvallid then kla i. ite l nsmarry. Although Raymond S. Pruitt, assistent attorney genieral a f tîllucols, bas notifleil County Clerk Ue Mlondes af Waukegan that hc muet'* ceas. marrylng Wisconsin couples Vrbo do not wolt the requireil fîve' day. ln arçier ta comPlly wlth the Wisconsin mantloge laina. thc Milwauakee attorneys do not bellevo that tbçme who bave been married al Waakegsn shoulil oct Aln tao greot boite tb remarry hors. The decialan. of the suprenx5 court whlch la lookeil forward, ta sottie the cantrovenay tin axpected ta le handeil dawn iîthîn tIc nelit tin o nthi. COPRATIONS OF i STATE NOTIFED AS ýTO .TUE.STTTS Secy. of State Emmerson miails out MNo tsCovedng Cor- -PoratWs In lIlinoit.. Sprlnglcld. Ill., Jan. 5-er- tIr of Stote Louis Uk mnxnf mîi today a scsp ait the annuel re- port ta sac1 hfethe 35.000 domfestk ail torelgu corporationis tralupacting business l in tisitXtd* whic rmort mauât ha eiOged and returuOt tu hlm on n tore otc W 1. 19»0. -TIs là b tire ttreport ta ho, mailldto catporatlmta4er tihe fectîve nul 1. 1919. The ipurpose of ti" annual report- la to ascrtau wIetler ortnt each corpoatio la thot t~é geescay f uate.r iar de- at cst e o o d la t ale stAtIý l u et der tesula.tb*-,omumat; offranehi»e tan twh*ok viiille rdo. froiu lt lu Ju1y, of Attoriey Alvino C. .iMarnsve. là allaite 0 f théc- corporatlça depari- mint pôlatal q*" it 1e m ttute Miaa It mUaviel te rtiie aeoetr. 0f abat. toooeep aMd file thie r.- Dont afIor lsftmb 1. vîitiut vcqultý Mug Iboeeorporatfou ta 9ay àpenalty bi $20. Thé com ratim goder luçi eblrcumsteg wliW-ahIhabVe a Pm- t7j 0f 10- er -oMt ded t«.- the âosIllet t b. fr*anchie a n d ue trottod be Mbject tg Me. of - it Ite.. ute!m o*ctbot là ordser te ecape thsa enalwtiesthat cor- tiiiskay 4mmnec aor omlmalc6. lan the. rebort 'syb. mode and iitb'e. uoort Ige wiW& tbo e requIcO. tAie. vy Contra rsRefuse ho B8ER ADVANCES DAILY MdUS coriractors are somewhst ,e aine f lx as tMe Bb)pwrecked r-they don't inow where they goins ta land. LumbeirjM ad-. Ig at thi fmte of $2 a thoyaand Der day. and naoiens nows lcol eofltior deciareil today Iwnber now la 'Worth $85a îsud lu thes.. tu"i»" andl lum- empiloyez; are a0 sOarce sawmll tors are VrOUy baudlcaPped lnl Xuhery~ atorial ou the mat, ntractors don't kuovj how to, f g- Joba& nEen if thoy alloW. what- ýcon»Ider a bit igrgla. hi the. acontract la Jet they may fînil selVos in the hale. h no mumertle or dellveries eof s3ix manthe on building ma- lé, the contractors ç!Qgit care if do not get a Coiuract; they 0rather put up buildings on aisslon basAs. &y controojors are eýven refua ,gAve bonda wbez bytk Miny of thre contracta wlth mai 1men have a clause that If the> abut down wlth . UWer troubles are not; holden tq tIleir agree- ~>P th such conditions exlsting the actors cau't teli a thlng about TRI a Job will cust Uffore jt la coin-A J.One badl 'gueso" jandlthe av- tcontractor would be bruite If wprltiaklF an a large cont-Oct. ltlcally ail the tractors ".tht itIlînS 10o.lato bulid regardîss ofthe unaqttled ma- aonditiona because everytbng1 e lroned out when -conditions ae ni ai again. ONDAY jà/"NUARY I Dooeqopea t 7,-$ p P-tiwaarim et a8:18 'W/tep~~of X. l4cW~f and are MIE S *RLDFAMU6 OMM1ZAZION WITE XiULLEa'8ALU. w IE MNSTRECLS cop;&-Jlcaded by BiIIy Ileins. and Arthur Dening QULY BIGOEST LAUGIE PRIODUOING SHOW ON THE ROAD. 21OAZANTD ATTN.AOTION Cner Band and Orehestra. PIt1CES-25e, ý Oc; 75e and $1.00- Plus War Tax. * Seat S8ale Will Open Saturýday at Box Office W4TIý ON DÂY PARADEL - r 5,L --Ë-- - -- - M a ke this- store your store. We have, what you vaut vwhec you vaut at the rlght price. A Special Sale of 1,2,00 Por clh ,and ,House- Dresses' VETUTWFTY EOX0WWJONi TRI WOI-TH BRO iE RA-tgBEy WA1IG3 O F-PIC AND -TEESE lARE' ROUIE DRESSES. 1- LEADERS. ___ - CRI8P AND NEW DIRECT FROM TEMAILR. PRI91ZD WÂY DOWN LOWER LOWEE T79" YOU, EXPECTE» TO, PAY.-TUM5I10 131G BARGAIN FEiS- Fi VAIS Every mous ali-wi seam mode -ôr . tt6dm Paons PA ff se Goed a8;$oneutocJ 1eln Ï9 -.-- ed doi WIe have. priced.these d&esses at the very lowegt f igursm in faet at factory prices. W-e plaçed out or4ar oôr thème dressés alinst a year ago and were able to save ýcons'iderably. -We are , goin ogve our arç the b eneftii'ôooutiIoresightedness. by offering thèse -dteésàes at smic Ilowprice. Neatly Made in i Petty .Styles if fine quAfity Perale, - qiijhap and Chambrays- in the very latest patterns: Checks, Plaids, $tripes and Plain Coloré. This is positivelya an exitraordinary sal e of Porch and Ilouse Dresses at pyîces t1at iia1ve.ý J~u~low -Apros ei1$L Ini lisrhta4d dark patterns; neatly made of extra quality -Percales. This is a very special val- L ie and it you-appreeîate ýBargains coRne early and get your choice while weé have a fui! apofrtmt Y o u can always find what you want here. The best qually -priced reasonably. WE GIVE »v TRADING STAMGS Vu e4rt 'alo -On thl fotlz <howr Od 1 IM im . Mma iîgüÊfi 'w