CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Jan 1920, p. 14

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-LI13ERTYVILLE IPNETm TTS4j~R 5 90 Just nov visen tésteel stiutc fs S anti Judge E. Il. Gary, disrcting hea.. of, tiseSteel Corporation. ta accupy.in4r e-a<is a conisp!cuous phlce in tise coun i-y, Waukce&an peuple wiii bc inter- utdintarcàlltng tise faut tisat Judgc Giry deurcndtd a man Inl Waukegan as- ciarred ielh mtrd et. ThIe lkcmrter triai h, v-, scliifrr'r in late iseInds of pEoplz w:a lived in1 Waukegan about'çNarîd'e 1'.,rir . oýIl vas rinIS94 lha.lrtir~ wotd andi Laite murdered tise fmser oi Icroser toun(y Jtdge Owen af Chis- gi, tise îragrly accurring In a box car On tiselSt. Patul railroati dowsi near ri.erf0Iîd. Griswoid anti Lake came from pron!nent familltes in tise eat and Il vas duîing tise big rali-oati Atike i Chuagn Itbat they acteda& body gtîaî'ds ai Eugene isa, wito wa althtiitinte president aofte Americar Railvay Mens Associstion anid oue of tise prncipal promters of the strike. Ater tise strike *as aver, Griswoid anti Lake vent aut mItie cousitry for lise purpose of robbing trains, baot- ing box ca, etc. Acoordlngly, the --raiiroads vere vattisgor titem anid -.Mr. Owen, a detective for tha St. Paul, * started tri capture thie vmen as they -. vre breahing itoto saedovu near D~rllTbey lurneti on btm and zaitot hlm.ta death, Griewoid Prominent Thiai-arrest folioved ansd tissu ti became ksiown rtal Gis-woid vas tise ion of a dinectar of tie Home Insur- alite Company ln New Yank, a man fery promnugt inancialiy. At tissA tle E. H. Gary vas prac- Sticing iaw ln Chicago. Titrougiste lu- - tuenca of lb. fatiser a! Grisvald Mn. Gw fir> as retaincd as council for tise ".n saVien lise murder triai Came be- tore Jugs Upton ln Waukegan. - W. t. Prel, on. of tise most noteti crim- lAni lavyers In tise coustry, vas ne- -tained b>' States Attorney' C. -T. Hey deckerto assial inte b roecutiosi.ý Gui>'came la Wauksegan, eiutlied -b fie ose and vent lota oourt la ro>- rosant Grsvoid. Hie main abject vas bu> save hlm froni the galiows, becaufici thseavîdence vaa veny decistvq. L .P.r Man-ia vas appoini.ed b>' Judge Upton th lbefendLake. Bo the trial vent on. * Gary made a wonderful pIes for bts client, asdiid aise Mr. Manue, altisasgh neallier. of lhem vxpected acquittai. Tise>' bped ta save the men's siecks. - _Ga.ry -wonlted i canjuncîlon vitis Mn. liaua, andi accordisigi>'M. Hanna bo-e %menaver>' veiliacquatuted vith tim, il vas isilater years isai Mr. Gary -vas prnmoted taete Position as iead .o thi le Steel Corporation. Sot ta prison Itlta recaiied tise jury faund bath moan guitt>'of murder and tise> vers Is-auenes ta- 1f. imprisonasent by Tutige Uptan. Grlsvoid dted net many yaeago I Joiet prison, wvila.Lake Seiatil Ini h Ceester prson for lis. la connsiîon vitli tisadefense 01 1,aidé, il le interesllng la reosill tisai Viiga Lates faihor came ars rfnom t>. sout to engage =ataraY ta de r edbsson haooefaerred vllh UT.t »uum4e but h.>' couIld nt gel tôgttherc on tise fee. .The fithar explained (batf be vas ver>' short filnanottl>'. ..... îAjiaia ould Dot take thse case and idevols lthe Ima naeazan>' yte Il for Ibis te thé eIder Lake e nmtied. se l'a lftI lb. office and Mr. Hasna tSo1't t>s matter vas droppeti. - - Il <evelolued. hovaver, . tisehoeider -1,Lke vas unable vitli tl maey bie bcd o« an sd ta engage nY attorney 00 vises t~ARe (the priganer) vas toit- e before Judge Uplon, he vas askedi If bu bad an attorney'. He raid ha diti Ual. Tise Judge Cite-i bim. ý iare - fered tise cog& ta name ona and lie1 1 Id te du. 1A4e4 ijf blitdan>'Pi- = 0vece rbedinoed Mr. He1111a- aMrs> id fa defee& Laka ta -thej m aI bIs ability, sadfotahIlA vor)' Berai~ o pàyomvher atisahee- sSI e 1is oout'baving eppolnted hli& Iale* eitin The othr day vlen a Young Wauké- tRu men ."leanatibouse" i alocal osi drtin-h emporiuitiltgtadelRred by #j eybn«t1a55 ha id juet ftnlted l114- »b*bau anInsurananecame lI Ans4ed"re Welss0 o,.bxitrmilk. W&UM dUp and aidt" litgive YOii a,.ak 'of buterfhlh." WitLtht - ba.Ied og ad the. nevoafer mev mev- pa# Mars in hie ci-avisN99t day the tsavvenca sMan retssrisd ta Ilie.Pleo oÙ-deld 1theprpetr dyIli ~ ~eOgla. mtatglass of buttr. nowrJ STEL C IJAI)TRIED' MURI>ER CASE JIERE As Steel Srk Ends, Facts Are RecaIled Exjiaining. What Part Ju ge Gary Had -in Sensational Murder Yri in ~Wakegaq-Cxary Hae Won Notable .'-irorynSel Strike Just En"e, Refusing Ite Recognmze union 'I Any cf U. S. Steel mm$l., Womens 14,Our Suit$ r Prier$en.Rsduced Lake Countj'a Greatnt Store for" Worn.nà d-Cidre aR»dv-to- ___ p Je" Wa ukegans ' Sale. of Sales- Oûr Greatest - iuary Clari'Ss 18c Sheil Hair Pins Mdediuin Me. regutar 18 j cent quai lu liste Janu- ary Sale. veTy spio i- ai 3 15c Hair Pin'Cabl ets Wamen's vire bain pilu~ lu assorted sizes tn fancy 9 cabinets at Double Si e-Talc. Powder tVonen'a zouble, size - cau. of taicuilipawdeyr in, 22 c vartouis adora t Cbild's 1.49 StiPPers A- ltmited nupmber of ýjuie Hoge'Sîlpperru 1.19 ln redj Ouly, izes 11% to 1 et J~.udge Gary la chair' is b U. 8. 88001 Corporatiom beev CIIEAPER.CLOuTES WADSWORTII MAÀK- IN SPRIN4i? IT' INK GiREAT PLANS ONLY PIPE DREAM FOR iNSÊTUE Nationat-R etail Clothiers Bring A prelilinry meeting was called et News f HicW ds'worth, liI., Saturday marning for qher rice; the purpose of appointlng various con- Up 25-40 Pe~r Cent. mtitees on the Farmers' Institute Pro- END IS NOT YET IN SIGHT nated y Our:state Institute workers ta be heid at Wadswortb. Feb. lîtit. The meeting wap caiied ta arder by "Whait! ýMe co-ne down?" îldenanded Vice Chairpian H,. 0. Brown. Charles C'ol. High ('art of Cloihi,jumpig Aicock was elected Secretary. lâto the drivers seat of hibis 1igit priced Th Oiiawing persans versei ected to serve on thte Reception Committee.t plane. "Nothing doing. 1 sbould sair C. W. Winters, George Baats.Jt. M. flot! None of Mits 1.000 foot qtuf for Shfelleýy, T. G. Dietmneyer, S. ... Aloock. me. -4w ouita break the altitude Ladies Reception Committee: Mrs. Y. G. Lucas. Mrs. Oea. Barilet. Mrs. records!" o Minni Lux, Mrs. Roy Acock and Mrs. Woe ta the aptimist, working o Fred Ray. salary. who deiayed buying that suit Finance: P. D. Foster, Fred Ray and sntili aprtng, ln the roqpate hope -bat 1 John Weii. pricei would coin dovfl neat'rrta Entertain:oent: H. 0. Brown, Frank what tbey were 'befo' de wali"! Tho Shea and S. N. Aicock. suit thai ln the days of aid necessitat- Rl i ecorations: C. W. Aicock, E. ed m;erely cutt)ng out the movtes for HiýîinV,MrrsL.C.FLcaan a we.-k or twa and substituting thejAede _,Mrri. uCY ua n maakings for Turkieh cigarettes, ta bt. Motion wasa carried that the com paid for next spring viii demand a 1mttee on entertaioment provide an mortgage on thte next thre" "ea'sr'exelent tringed orchestraas one.of saiary. te mRny attractions of the Institute. eR 110mmes lt aionalltvas alan décided ta servt an old Retai Clothier' association., from ail fashioned cbicken pie, roaat chicken. parts of thse country, are attendIng tise park and beang dinner and suppcr vithf conferenee of* that bod yat the Motel aul te trimmings anld an ayster atew Sherman, Chicago. Plans for the stat- -1 in connection wîthil î. Uiing of thte price of wearitsg apparel "A resolution vas passed unaimauis- viii be dscunsed.i ly tiat thse district scitool board of aur Prices Up 25 to 40 Per Cent 1 'Townshsip Schoais, adjacent to Wads- -We nre living ln u aâsroplane 1 worî t. grant te scitocisa aholidafy Fri- ae,' sad H. R. Kinig. a Seatt le mer- da), Feb: l3tista entabje teacbers and clieot, who ta- a natIonal. dîrectar forsciiratatedte nt$se m the. state of Washington. "Thse tred, take att active part ta Il. of prices ia ever upward. The Trices i A subsequent meeting viii be held in for nèxt spring wiii be, ai'far al ve1MNr. Brovs's Hall,, Wadsvortb, Maoi- can estimate nov. 26 ta 40 Per cent!day evening., Jan. lPtwi t 8, at vhicis higher tihan tisey sre 510w. tite the variaus comnîitteeg VIII r& "The Increase of prices cames f ram1 port and perfect the. pragrain. A gen- a coniplexity at.cansa. Chio f_ l efal a niaia a dte, ta fn' ts te increased pay given to nkers.. ers. business men, and their Vrives. Labor bas gone up 2756lier cent since sous and daugiters ta attend titis 1914. Tise'decreased nu.ber,,ôf work- meeting. ing bours las motter. Tihe varking weekhan eencut fram fiftY-two ta! elhthor ay M terashavene!81BihAVANCE IN Op. Australiean wool, froos vhich tis best clothes are madie. wbchcatF P FIIT 81.16._a pound tui 1914, novcoasis $410. FL Ceming Year la Crucial .The, comhag- yeag viii be a montTeeà Idctoshatepre crucial asie for lotbilsg mechants. Il hneaein acs htth nc a quegtion of malt- Orf our viii adùvaice $2 a barrai, villi- ing money as talceep the business lý the next f ew veeks, declares rFank froui going an -the rmX$. Peopie dis- 4 4oian. Flour la costisi; from $14 te, trust cheap marchandise. Thora bas $16 a barrel nov, and thor e a as- alwaya beenL a lmited supply and de- sibility that fl i il redeh $20 within. a mand for big# clans clthing; nov thse year. Sa far Waulcegan bas basa for-. demannla gi-ater. and te supply lunatei geîîîng hrea.d st 1F- ents a iess,.tban erer bafone." loaf. ln mot Northb Shore citlez, ____ - bread bas. been soilliag for 1 . cents Prsnky p ~ for same time. In MÈiels 1'read Recently tiva aid people In te tîigi-l' a aelling f or18et. barîtooti were marrled. Bol»tj were ivell1 - _ knov-it, bing f'nîiliigrtown risaractera. Suc Piem Trae. 5Aben JImmy henrd about Il be-iras so 1Littlens Ic lkjnlget a exciiesi lie came running In and e'x-1 dres et lutrous tricolette, -regs9ywp claimed : "Ô, mater, '.%r. Old.Jenkinu clored stîken sweater, thst lhe fa»riC soi! ÂuntU Oid Murray are marrieti, truieswllch l tse are fasiined once sud 1 thtak t.ey're awul long wait* flourisited ln the tarin of n stûtély 1erg." iprunce or plue on mante rorky moun- - New 'Anlstocracy" unô longer lise "marie," If th1 maispicture engineeri havetiu ~#a,"Cluenst" ,Is the correct tei-ti. 'absmidle lunSeden.- Fortisa t 1ria aur modernetatitbas isuceesia it l1 inaking n tact. Il>'anprocesg as secret as taIt lise anlenl sîcliemisi ho !rodureé silk tram lthe pulli voodt rees -aletua f064 sea.-'ttbrgtiPelaia. 1 1. tAtia-leddqMfiï - . utf-yK - g i"tbï - _____- - Cergyman yàethe b.bride. "Wllt tbo ApsMv oqng Main. br ave titis ma-n tusbe t 'weddai t us- IM*be &~ ps ôf GiSInU have img tbandr" 5h.. vlth s. modge>wic ebit s17bate, mmd taiefir « la eafferbe r iseetyan aditileal p«met repflh mifton «U~r 5 you pise, Childrcn's S). 00- Bungallow, [resses m-at 69c, cûtoti i Rl'.trtpes, cheeks, dotied eff- cia ansd plain colors, aizea- 2 ta 6 ti ttc. tise langer asis- Sizes 8 to 14, 51.50 values -at 97c Boy's l.25-Blouses Ali l am iesîp to14 la boys' gi-ny flann~Lr-ite 9 c blouses. Speciai at - 3.98 Flannelctte Kino izs Wnsnten's versa flan- naietie p ret-2 ly cuolotg, a' 2089- $1.50 Sateen Petticcas Wasnens biiek saietd peti lcoats lJI a Iiînit-dý 9 7c nuimber, vitile lt-y last Middy .Blouses to $2 Otda 4nd ends iu w.- mens Iluad tmisses nsîd- 97 dies. .a.tly' white ai, 7 4ooo CoatS Reduced Long and Short Mcdels byJthe Hundreds Varleties Beyond Compa rson -Vagues Beyônd 'Duplication Conte to 22.50 Conte to 27.50 Conte toi j32 50 Coats to $40 9.*75 14,&50 19,e75t 27.50' Cona to.460.00 in o Conte to $75.40 n549s onet 110.00 in I Long. and Short 34U.5U Cloth. ad P1ushs 49.50 andFurred 619.50 Nartisers 111ibos' largeat asaortments are prsanted5IntsiIis sale aI estartling rltductioti. Coata oÇ evezy description 3a for evenv pocketbeook An extrema»' vi1da variety ef stylas and fabrica mark ed for immediate larance. 2.50 Hug-m-tigbts Jipaee quittditu lacek and'" witle aud a fow kittted_05W Q8 $2 Flannelotte Gowns' Wbmensshem,>' tlansisialte govas la visite and colora si lA ail aises ai 14 Women's SOC Hose A ver>' speelal aertnenLt 0 of oman'e houa e grsy,-22LC white and bisAc, et Women's $1 SiIk Hose Odds and, ends l lslItbôotl sik fibre and et iele sln i sises. 5 t The fan qary Sale o) -Children's Coats Serraationaity Reduced teo 398,598, 798f,9759 1250. Iwilhcpt' dcubt tise greateat bargeins lae C. cité iss ta -14 acord!g 10pibo. Ail s)tyles, calýea-t dm3ýtai-als. CbidIreo's $2: DressieS.1.29 Gingliani dresses,"dieat a . i ln Cbildren's $3 Gingham Dresses at 1.98 Sale Chlldren's Serglè Dresses $3,98.m 4.98 -6,75.1 At sacit ona of thesa prtoam you IFU rave tram $1.60 ta 82.50 on prýetty' serge anid silR poplin ýds'ees anavyf rosa, copenisen s"i Ipla. -$4 Bathrobe & Slippe'rs '>8, -Clidras udisb t p el uan l i Mdsa 2 &, a eueivu ethtRi sle prices or $2 Double S11k G loves Wgmen's glovea. ieavy double .11k Ihnougisaut, lu ail 16 colore and asmez aI 1.50 Puy Suits and Rompers Meny pretty uttile styles tla al l ) sizee for Inenediate ciçarance at 93C Th.Janoway Sale oI Women's Ufderrnuslin 1.50 corset Covers . $2 Bloomers glikandInulla a 1'7C Woman's 82.00 wheand mllatin rnercerisait Jer' vbtte nd flah Ctbey bloomers tsln A -flash oui>' 1,49, $2 Corset Covers - $3.50 Bloomers WSenpnjg mer- 511h carnel cm.' cri z e d s 1il k or& Miiflash. ey n bloc mers lu fiesi A M eni Ia'colre. 9 oul i>'het 2,48 Values to, $15 Pi-att>' stylas, uloelY tnlsu.nsd, ail ises. $2Corsets 1.59 A rltsrkale a . l les li vaàstedfstyles.-,,, 6.54 Corsets - $ oae --MwIL- L VOLME XxviI L Booxe Va( -. (Mort new. con eflilquor wili be fo Aiphonse * împloycd ae a port 4an barber &ep, irregst titis'aflarno hatithg bfen a me Forest boas. robbe with liquor to a vati autharities assert I the others, ha& mat fesuiar. Claze, i *0. ssd, as it ha$ i flot rmpticfted tns hrit rttrt, hibtio eand ar rr.r valuabi es' wr iC re bondm e8chin 'hi .figIt Saturdar ntr'h raâte M'alter A. Tay of lte asa? y s evter planued in L.a, Tva of tteti «Y~boose bandit gant Vith veli-to-do Lait are Frani Ste ie.The otitors pi V'Ir iaroes. Albe feur for Capt. Bruce lanker,,William Jord Wil am re. vit the d vU.81 other m«s goum%#* the place th rqt raid lu « UfDer- 22. @ 0v*e t. thbc b# bkie tjsmbe and ~ ."seld ta have oeei bise vitt a 1 *othffl bandits loade. - Duer on an army Derne, il toa st pant at Fart Siteri OUiU released frori lmg An the 6lth lofa là January 9. a day affecledea i te Acke feur mamed Kiuney. taker ai tite Ackeri auloenobile inta thse eovered vitit a revo! go ta lte Ackerl re il for tis erobberF.1 -doiyen inia a bedroc * vite accomplicest(u of lte bonded goodr virt vwere eut ,ro cou Id nat spi-ea d titi Barnes sas Itire hlmseif lutsite gira * ita addr"s s citer *vyenue, Chicagrj Bteees faithr an, Weili ta do andiie-i .reoldenis. cause t lghtSiaturday. wlrr, vole ratter bparie Atteridge is leaitr ,orchusria H(, :n leased on $1001m rî o *the eider Steete r-n dan vas relea.rrrd -bonds and bis caP- oary É4. William J. " )lî -O'Brua-ni's Secret St-r -persoiially tas wor @Inice tiecemnber 23, -Leuaty coopertlion y"tote James G. sistant, Nx'Uiim A. Cbief of 1'rrliceý Gord declares 1iw arrest clearr- p ai, lte ,r ot ~Oitvduring lte i pactile OBrien vas - m:ployers' Liabiliti ~uasthle insurance q hold gonds. tnçltîdir J)elective O'Briens reportelr ibat be nev. ment or ca-operatig 1ie did on ltis one a Lob c ounty Wau Treaét aulioritles, t ra- large rmaure tc r bas been so r quor. silverwi thisir valued ai i tly depredation 'A vigilance corn shore resida the fsg M dAch PL

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