~ii~m1 -- - . - - -. - ~ *fl'flflS* JtIflLWIA~I I J, I 7LV.b I LIDERTYVILLF LÂICF <Y1IJ?êffY il lM~N TUlbDcfl*V TAIJIIADV ic min Ctertyille Independen-lFllT 0F TEN Office,'Wb ZIO TAERNCLE ne NuMbef,1, J.ibertyvie Ixciange. 1 Bntered ci lbe soflicq a lbertyvîtbe, Ili u Scnd 'Clasm Mail Malter % IIA DEDICATED SNA 4Of4i,,i. P *nêdl.1.. I..*k t I, ié Ct lî;-t 1k . 1 , ,1f.I-t COIola Publication for Lake Ceùuhty Uad et OboÏrvl*era'P Oc»edînge lasued Plvery Thuraday.. Advertltag Rit« Made iKnovn on Application. SUBaSCRIPTION PRICE".1.50 PER YEAR, STRICTLY ON APVANCE. F. G. ,8M lTH .. .... ....... .. .......... ... Manager C14AS. 0. NALLEY .. .......-.... .............. ......... Local Manager V/MAT EFFECT HAS COURT CLEMENCY ON POUCE? The. Daily Sun b.ikves that c1ememny should b.howun i the local court wiien thi.e ds juatifyit Mud when the. grantiiig of clemency will not have a discouraging dofct upon authori- tieiWho vae.xpected to enf orce the. 1mw and wio aré ciidzed viosyby thi public i-ýhen thèy do not proted't ti public from 1 rob ais lugging, etc. The. courts, we riauLe, areaced in n iniable paý lion wiien theoy have talus b"l "e Young men -,iio have been charged with' serios o&m *Wsu for whom lasaead ntiatempt to gain dhmé as.- However, it is not always juat their sade .1 é.mui which the. courts muet- consider. For instance in Waukegan tiiere have been niany burgiaries and at*omptd burgiaries and l the p*olce have been cricized right iud loft for not putting a' &top to thein. Now tiien cornes the . ise of tiiree young sali-t ors who weremogtqfy eaugkit i 1.tt1in* -gbu .ia1 les and foliciing pe*re coUdeni U 7r tf F 0.ieàdm tii. cuiprits. lMme.dire.you Snunaaly dd ot coinit burqWmy but tii.y wee att.unpting it and.tiiey were arméd Îhe illi.néessary apoustq -ccurry out their plans.' ...iIý police th Àiugit tiiey iiad aciiieved qébe a vittory wben tiiey ar- rested the boysinite di. * But when tiiey ficed the. bar of jàsttce an urgent ples is Mnade for clemeucy and tii. averaga person is lwontb belle' tluatcleinency siiould b. shown because of their youth. ..et on the oth,-rbaMd caes of tkhi ddopentedly corne beforr- tii court. If extreme cem.ncy t'o avM tothi e des wia incentive is tiere to the. police autho$i. to keep busy and ar- rest offenders and prevenit the> robiierirsud burglarnes goint on? If tbe pofice see vey f.u ctaly puniedfo this. I trayal of pubic saety what is ther. to encourage thein to niakr- arrestt? 1 t b a baril Position to place the. courts iu for on the. one baud la the' denatid for clemency wbulo-on the. othér band isL the. demand that puulshaii.nt b. ni.td out to dia.. who are r breadng thi. law, wiio are robbing sdore&, bouses, etc., and who tt tbrow îallamOff bar intth. lisat.of the. pulic. Ter. is t the danger that iu cam punimeut is not uneted out to the. offenders who are ai#preli.ndad bu edosclly wb.u they are caughithe'i. sad, that the. police e- ae . to throw up tlieir bands and cesse tlir activity i tbir effort to- protect the -b public.lc In thse das dm oys o 14 ad upw knowthatits'yl 'vrong to try to burgiarize s&M to burgiarze a bouse or a store. The boys of this day have itellects too far sdvanced to inake aliy on.edÙ"u that t0". do flot knw hoetter. Thus if offenders are to b. let off by mere repnmuandiug, wbat ire tdm police tomegto do about it? wicid orsiaecc n -t k w ot le individuees wlhte orsh £eoCM mider, but thei. entire effect, of leniency or punisment on socuty as a wiiole It la no plussant job for any court to sen- re tence a younin nto a reforn scliaol. I . aoor raiy ing ho doubt to extend clemeucy yet if tus to b. don. time1', after "e .the. public on the. otiier baud should not criticii.m Police for not brifnsm to justice such off enduis. It is possible t< soinreuettytoa pfbed that tiet l dwshearteniugteD Thi.ens«t onthe. ci., bud tnd " as moudater between the. P"bi, the offeïder and. the poSces. M .job as none ton good at tii. be.t. -Se the. public bas to assumne dis Position of nat otiaizang the. poliéefor nam appresh.ung o0901" twn clemency ts frequ.ntly xt.uded. on di. alLer baudth,' court cani bociicized for extondung cicy hi youtlus Who commit their -irat off once.Ti" s ns to b. uae natue. It ia a Lad job lit the best and dierfordiyunmn ing Young muei tuf Cseiuyiow'.ver, the. Co urt Muet bah ýup thepolce -'ý pr=uti i police deparbmont is «pocei to b. f ci Aocording ta o rtsuChica noo bgoing to b. ad- vanc.d 6Csà ton by rmâalhrstvdiinii. but few days regrd- le.. of theactimt bb. taksn by PNs«" tW" sn"m itii. mpoof Mdi. osamefrr, mis te bmruethimauz Dut uswe ail predctoet usS *J dtcoalsiàk. wason, Ibo "pubc aWin eaipsy d.fidaer. le'& an i rlgt havelcon- c~feuu~gopa.wat4iy tinli i.tii. Lest ding hide but, =6u.ess en thirwdd poiàtîue stringlealWas"crm es ssk"pamoly the pbic a gnalroady bas hi psy an odvuied pWp~e f« cool and am' itsesMsas tiiough asiothrbar i -" he. Of cours» Waukeffan hU b brugit op t eoqualiz wM hl 3icago andmo, adl ladonsheipe ou. pubicpays the b&6 n.matiw tii. aLlimertQ tdpartesmy work out lb. alc.owad tha ~d ilahgl. isas M luHtays di. lmadrshave )Pm elà uar muidetue.,nverintsudod hi à t a w lst fOI lmmky fer few (Dy a. W. Croft)- Sion, If.-Chriatlan.eharacter lae se. bential te good ctlzenoblp ln Zion City. Ail otheil, thon vbho do flot 50sseea good Christian Character and ipho do flot live a dle&n 1f. are con- s1dered as allen. or barliacles on the Oood Sblp ZMon. For the purpos eo gettlng btter acQualnted with the, eit- tzens ef Zion and ta, knov Just -wbo lg -Who, Overecer Voliva. la building ten tabernacles-onefor oaci of ta districts Italcvhlch the clty bas been dlvid.d. The firat <of the". ten tabornactls wag dedicated lant nîgit. It pute one ln loid of a littIe country eburcli. lthe Montry towns and villages 'of this and other lande There la the lîttie beltrY. where-the sexton tala the bel and celle thé dock ta vorshlp, there are the come *alla and Windovs, ted the orgain la tbe corner, anid the pulpit, and brut or ail, there la the sevdn'st ad PhavISLneliber, vblch gives tne place a klnd of demois'tic air.- The nigbt va.- cold. but the litîle cburpb veasvarm and sng, and (bore vas a kInd of nelgbbourlInesa about the place., cuclisle noiiced ileoema]] churches. 'as)t ofaI il. the pastor bas W chance te get persoeally acquatnted wlth ail the inembel's ofieis ock no as to inauter te Iheir spirituel and inatetai neede. . 1 The little churchbosat$ 300 persoa. -It va tlled lest nfl te <oaverfinvlng ~iihough persane living vithîn certain botinderice anly ,are supposed 10 at- tend, the alliera yullho. taken care ai as soon ce theieother tabernacles are bult. The big tabernacle le Subioi Park- In ta b.the entrai Spiritual Pover uie, and te this Pover Us. te efcalb1ned congregaieas vill vend their vays on Wednesday niM a nd op Suaday atternoon. Overs.er.Vollva >expreeised himeneli cs delightod vlth ibe home-like spirit pt the- mev cmc. lNe îook for bi? text, "leàiny aFtber's Rouge Are Many Mansions.,, LinE ÎNTiNCE OF, D~ #ORJ IS COMb IUTED TO i4,%YEARS. Gov. Lowden Orants C imu- tation of Sentenoe b t WaukeganSIaVer. Acting on thtf roanmendation af 1the atate boaido pardons, Gov. Frank O. Lovden bas cammuteil tafourteen years tiecsnltence af Lemnon Dan- forth, Waukegam colored man nerv- log a life sentence for eiaying Miss Luit, Weàér his common 1ev vite., OfficiaI natice of the commutation of sentence han u 1tteen relved ln REDUCE SIIP'S COMPANY TO Iz5~ MREN INIDE WEE Bigest Reduoltion «of Offiolal ,liretr of Station Since - the War Came On Orders bave bren recelved ai Oren - 1-llen station ta i'eduQe the shlpp r0luPaby'to 1.060 mnié. Tise«sn that *ItOile the next - veek betveen 300 ajit 400 men yul lie shlpped off the etiltioa4Md Ie shlp's Company' u'1ll lie a-ednced btu te loveet point that It bas et er been since tlie ver «v-ce on. Glnce the armistice vas signed the lcal station han boe reduclng tht .uhp'e Company grmdualiy andi now comos the order te reduce it materiai. ly vîthîn'lte next veek, This coin- Pan>'i le .officiel bot of men vhG have charge of Grect Lskes station but of course dons nat include tliomt Who are le teatuilas. hase ln thi ochoole. etc. Tiere are still about 6.000 meon a he station and wyul0e e chacis are icreaislng ln attidmance lte regu- lar tr&Wnlg hIs l admltied la fautaig off of lute. Ho-wever, as spring camnes on tht regular trainling wiIilici'eaee as webl a the attendance In the echoole. The ord.r to reduceth. shls consan-y to 1,060 lua esthlng radical, accord- cg ta oikaleof ihe station, but la merel>' la lime vîti the geperal poilcy oued mon ta ses Io give theni ex DerieneEtiiere. $IWDONATION FR01 KITII EST. The Humnais*otilety lias recelved 'e 11.000 ltgacv trom the rutate af W. Slot Koftltho ýaniunt- bing irneti over Io lte sociotet IlsD&ba# mePtine 'Tbur&da, et ternooe. Tbe. ~ ~ h - e7.viih nv'staL en me interet set odb turtier thevr if tihe ocletr. It vas declded titat an would le tbotter ihbn tane the. Pr4ucîple, as le tue s wayIt l wllper- >etuato lhe, imrory ofthle daor. Ille soclety, re-eleoted lie officers.t t lollevs: ' ev. IL W. Chîdoiter. eldelit; ,-ri. :Wuase a . Gredie. frt vice Preeldent; tirs. Alex Hein - coe vice prostdeai: Rtlssel Bd- vardu., sc -rOary cnd ti'easurer. Thie soclety Il akichleupans for tact-ive' er TI àe vlan un mai>'-lare ttedane.The enter- alln»ent hiqpimtttee lu akieMg plan! ko thlga bmmiung mand -are ai- eadr onglsoéeilng a dance t0 1" ,vn le iii, nbar fttre. The e',- tortaleat comlttee eonulutleg -t deudames ]Molo, C. M. Appel. T, E. doris, A. K. Baves and Mil,,Idia M limlretlb Tic oirKof th<f"Waml- i e's City' Club lW tbx--dlciryllion of, 11ik te chbiren of famillea an lhev outb 814e bau ýbeéh an, uccestitl ad vobtti>'n -aune, lb. Humane g0- b 4et>' vitta'Fane" funds and ce. b Oersi. vith t he Club le furiiertngq h» dhstrlbultIccm. i au fin wa a tai giv ont Mo Hs mi Soi anI 1h» znnlco Caruso la nov tue happy fa. theo s etg lbt-pouu4 girl. The grea tengr bas .±aed tht One great cm. bfilon vbli e bcd Coi fuîiled. H. hr BOfOdcaoof -tic grettest bIts'oet laff 1 Ile noWrly-rot-lved opera, athe tUme allowance for annd heb;vylor. Danforth will lie dlecbarged fram the statç penltentiary at Joliet on March 1,12.one Yer trm next Merci. Nroda of Dautforth vbo bave Inter- e-*'ýd tiemselves ln his case, lied tur#ed t)iat t)nforth. epnrdonecl *blch vould have maile It possible for him ta beave the penetentlary at onice but the Povers (bat be evldently fig. Ured that the vIser course would be ta Commute, his lite sentence ta four. teen yearp. On Msrch 1. 1921, Dan- foirtb vIli have served elght years and' nIne mànths.' AUl reporta fromn Joliet have been ta the effecithebt Dan forth han been n model Prisoner. Files Incere epplîca- tfon ta his dutles and his consclontiotis attitude et &Il times eausýd the prison aufhorities tu place hlm 'n the honor rerm wherelie has been for norne ti-ne. Recently friende of Danfortb cireu- -ated a Pethlon aaklng for a pardon ind a date for the eing w a pet by -ho Pardon board. No one u ebre Ippeared. however, anmd the' matier ««s coflttud. limfortWm tfriands reaumed tbeir ef- furta and a nov petition wac prepared. lit vas slgned by the circuit judge, Pruent ttes attorney, former states attorney, sberift. etc., and asked for a pardon or commutation cf sentence. This vas submItted.- ta the pardon board and thie l»dy at once laid the matter before the gavernor vlth the recuit thet the commutatio,vas glaflted. SIt la recelied -'ibat Danfortb abat 'MIss Weever, his common 1ev vite. ln &aj"alus rage because she bcd sove nattentions ta another coloi-ed mian. Danforth »leaded gullty and ihrev himelf on thie mnercy. 0f thc court. This aaction vas taken alter ail tbib evtdence vas ln and after it vas à certainty ibat be vould lie found gulity. The late Judge Charles Whit- ,ney sentenoed bhlm.to. lits impisen- ment. MOUS INFALLI BJLITY 0f WOOD ALCIIL TEST Dr. Breves, Waukekan Chem- ist, Expresses His Views on the Matter. Dr, Rudolph Breves af the Wauke- gan Cliemical Compte>' le incined ta doulit the value of lie test ta doter- mne tbe preeenceo f vood alcohal in a beverage as detailed le the'Sue a 'ev daYs alto, follovlng succeseful tesntecaeducted b>' Wade Hathorne aed Walter Van De Mark. These yaung ciemials, b>' comblnlng oui- phurlc acid, Balicyllc acid, vatol' cnd e quaiitY af the beverege ta lie iested, dlscovered. tbat the odar of Vlntorgreee.., produceti synthetlcaliy, weubd lie given off If the boverago eonleîed Methyl (voad) alclol. It vas polned out that e simple tout efthIis nature mtght lie suffi- dent tn apprise any person er the preseece of th. poison In an>' bever- mal vhe.e tienvms doilit as tales contents. Dr. Breves vie in a chemial, assorti thal the Pitarmacoporla, tlie recog- eimed standard, aec.the -Dlsaoua- tory-of the United States botu 'gîve elabarate tests to determine tlie presènceetofvain! alcobL Bath testa, bavaver, are toncocmpllccted to e b ai an>' une te the ordleary la>'- man vela wleheu te b. an lie sato .Dr. Brovos la a commnincation te the Sun gaoM te.,.Y "Of course vo choelisaknav ihat 'Meltyl (;Q-~) aicohel. treatoç i vtb sulphuric acld cnd mailcyllc aüld vit! tonf an oster, wvici hli$ethe odor i et clI f wv n .tergreen, 1.but 1 -douit if Ibis test tg von>' rellalile as during J tie course et fermenation ocher aIco- 1 baie cre foreiévilclà, hen treaird1 as given in 'tbis test. givos - imilar odorous eompmudb. la ni>'opinion Iti Do nt as eaMllibbe as tests glveji by sncb guthoniles .ai reviseà t hej legat standard like the Piarmecepoela'I of the Unitedi Statea," - I bVAUKEGAN GETS - 0000 REPU'IATIONj The. vay <ho officiaIs cf WamkO- gan, atslsted b >y-he bils mess anaso PrtafesaipaI men; handled 1he recent untike situation, ban donc more te ad, vete. thb- ommunity, tian ce>' uthor tbl1,g tuat bas eypr iee dont bere, gays\John Dougls. A chicago baiker ruonîl>' laId P business Cc- uftuaiee ltai Industriel* condition& in Waukoen are bett* t han, In al, liher cil>'Mi le ccountry. - The facte. bat-ie.-oelei---upevisra-iefusedjl ao qccopt 1h.e ffer ai tue-vire il! eo itanti part Ofthebmee aooi'uî- Disiing irotecUon bas 0b daueeuj Ivelahlee oulmeatt hrougmout thet counftry. Waukose t, a being poier 4out ce ae lt' liai prtectm 14lianl,- Imtnlaltin1o1e1t.. iPrices ilashed. on every arti4 cie in' the Store.' No profit-ý considered. oosturd no, money is what we want. Sale Closes Saturd ay Night, jan. l7th SPECIAL BAR-IAINS for theý Lait Two Ddys., They Are Peters"Diwxiond'Brand,"and. eut' am Godas They- Look. -There is nothing to1 cover Up in a pair of our shoes. The hcls, counters insoles and outeoles-the vital parts of the sbos-are solid leathe4 ,weil put together. The styles are the -best;9 the -shoca arc built over "Il shaped-laits and are Splendid fitters. The materials art carefully selectcdand the workmanship il h igbh'las, making the shocu uniforni- ly good-îý-n evcry way as good as they look. ""YOUP MonOr gPick and a NwPair, of ShoesFpee Tthe b6Wearer-i:wha -DetaPaper In the Ileela, SOI"î, o Camt r ivala. * - PETERS '"DIAODBRAND" SHOES-- Shees wÈVh the ,#Dremon«P' Trade Mark ou Thefr Soies. -This is pur warrant of quality, and the best possibl e oeason- Why it is to your ad vntage to corne to us -for your-sl9.,s. Time ,le a '*Diamond Broetd" Shoe for 0 4811004mo., - a hic. foi £0m Pur.. J.o B.O MORSE & GO. Jsi If per cen W( Bu thiat we 1! ~ - Elfe ager ani duéted f ht w àt in the Iiked b>' Mr. W.cnte Ta cuir ki wqxisb te- àue cee 0' 1 ý 1 LIBERTYVIR. 1 LAKE COUNTY. RLMLÇ- MIMAY- 1 TANI IARY 11; 1 0'7n RU]