CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Jan 1920, p. 6

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wm .i___UETVLER)PFIEf1 HJSAJARY 15.,1920. -o - . s Oit .1 .esu* casital bas, at.m .3 ibasusa.. s4 snds.Uy sud seeli.d .ri.a~s. ail tfloehrt. aid artiiots. ci tht t.aoî tst. pae't ~ssW~usut bu tht prose.1 ncaasirsstsoa ta chicS au set. -JAMU J. UILL The Successful Farmer ' Raises Bigger Crops and cuts down costs by investmerit in labor-saving machinery. Good prices for the farmers' crops en- courage new investment, more production and greater prosperity. But the -success of agriculture' depends on the growth of rilroads-the modern beasts of burden that haul the crops to the world's mparkets. The railroads-llke the farms-increase * their output and cut down unit--costs by the constant investment of new capital. With fair prices for the work they do, the raiIroads are able to attract'newcapita for expanding their facilities. Rates high enough to yield a fair retumn wil insure. railroad growth, and prevent costly traffic congestion, which invariably resuits in poorer service at higher cost. National wealth can increase -only as our railroads grow. I>oor railroad service is dear at any price.- No growing country can long pay the price of inadequate transportation, faciities. DU& badverh4emeni & pub&Uwd by h Thom desinug je! eruiieonceisg the ,ailraed is- s/w. u " oUais iieraisre by ariig goThe A woci-a- * ~ion ef Reilsiay E&es-uiusa. 41 Broadway, New 'ou'. * il Bell< j Syst em - The problems of peace, as did the problems of War, involve heavy expenditures by the Telephone Compmny. 'There je much réecon3truction and even, more advaiVce construction work to do before the 'ftrmer position of Readines to Serve is regained.- 1joëff OLIR --taits e place aof the honey stores.- Etbher suger la suitabla for the Pur- I MIC ÂS ENÇSI Nothlng "t graislted, sugar can ho pose. The extension division of Newv Soseil with safety for It& purpose. York eutdtthe state department of ag- I C M MO BÀMRD SUCCU#RSSAT. EVE The ahortage-of sugar magen it dt- riaiieot.Peimnsylvapita are aigj I CIL&SE MAN IMUtU ~ uWJi~mS SAT. ficuIt taget sugartý4quantity for -~ :a~LwYd ~keeso - dn os Beepr aof toesa s 1h'uas!', l t BY LOCAL POUCEs Buffalo ;itd Pittsburgh vifl be coin- eastérn -states bee>epers"IltfW tnti TitrL.OCAhL,-iZens, s former remit- peliet ta buoy canlé elta", vhtlethoaÎ tlfflculttto gel «Sgeunalestbey Ma _____ ' dent of Wauketan, pestat wveut of thet Une mut luse hast suacomine vil@th o* r to bua C ar', Oscar Amer*gor,.Foroed to go .ve»t», afler an.,extenidd MUess. -. - toNot Chioago to Talk, Oh. va. siadent of Waukegan for Mts. Zens la survived b>'tae foi- OarAmerine, assoclate editor iowlfge,20uhilt en a. eoSree S.1.f g who adireaset a meeting of Wauke- eguarde g»4ïePlsrkr i ot Hace; Miss autan Zens, Arlinaton V44 gan tre iltstriers t aNart Iltel: John -Zens.,,Ar4ngton Hatli t t; * 1~ D 7 IChicago hait a few und&as g lira. J. W. Bonslit. ?Àc"ens-y;-. k R ND -E N jwhen the Waukegsn pottcd preventatR .Fstb>.MHO"Yian CsS. e a eelb t l. Sovenle Natioakt. Jeu is, . M H fesaand y ý - - boa" ebszet. ont off Jersey City, N. Mrulng at. 10:30 O*ctack frai» St. Payiù#g J. Heý vas. in Company wth Victor0111PRU TMN NExzr LM gafibertng. The Police prevented the MiarYs. church, McHenry.. Intermie ni p-om 6% OaP.-xLP IUTIvs'xarPA meeting and. cliseaitthora out of Jgo Mcixr cketrY <> mak t es esy w asie money, eystemstioaýl yand .0ý,V.fte WStSUtifliUliti .ogÉ. isM..A. ecit insir po.ugvl Nlspatéhea tlti ow the rolice, s!- tractat by tpostera whtch vare e4r culatet,' vent, t otse. hlltwhere the ilerger, the Wsconuin 8Boctalist, vho was siteti to atidresaa *alattc meeting was schedustoti ta take ptace, and pravcnted the0 people enter- Ing. The dlspatch tramz JersOy CiY gao" on ta Bay: Berger and Àmeriuger, affoc- Uionately ca)eesby wBerger,. "my ast- sistent prophet," arsIvet rain, New Yor-k by way of the' Lackawsnna ferry. Police Roody toi'è Party; The pair look a Central Avenue trolley ta 'Hutton Street haf a block fsrn the meeting _hait. The police ver. advlsed as ta ihoprogres of tise sociallstio eWs'aach, sud vben Ber- ger and hie campmanellghted, OhiaI Btterby andi hie mesn ere In tihé of;ng. Mr. Berger, swathed 14 a heavy gray overcoat anti Asoringer l»aa tUwflor ftcap, iatatifor the, hall. IHllno, Mr. Berger,"'chef flatters- by salit,"you'tl ual he permittedt sisec.k hee tosiiht. anti yal must teave tae ity et aue." "Whoa aae you?" Berger demeondet. suit ha vas totd. Chit Acc*p» tlie.Sutrdan. ..l vitt hait Yeu peranubiyrespo- subie for Iis," t'h Soctallalt ectared. "'Alilrit,". Baterby sait, "' respansibte.", ,,I'f sua you for tis," Berger con- -tinuet. "-Go aiseaeugie as much as YOD tets-e," the chiaI remas-kot, "but yoD musitleava the clty st once." A big plice limausine vas stnnd- tug e Uatly. . , Berger basket ai IL Amas-luger conferred vils big su- perlar for a moment and then gatd ha guesset Berger woulti go home, andt iat Autertuges- wontt praceod ta tbhs meeting and teR tentabouti. "Na, you van't," rejoli nattes-- hy, "1you'ra gotng vlth Berger." That nettiet lit. SAILOR TRIES TO : BOLD UP WOMAÀN Waukegen, 111., M~nuary 10. A ie sailor matie an attempt last nlght ta hait up Mss. Ketherisie Tes-- iey, visa rosîtes au Cumtulnge av- enue. lire. Tes-I~p ta ldvife and was going ta -ber hoM itrain Tenth, street. On MgeAitar avenue sta met' ber son, Fret Ttiriap, and tol'ped a tew mameuts 10 talk 10 hlm. They no- tllçedth ls allos- et thsat time elut ho waikedi-past. Altos- tavint' Ses-son se waveo ta Eghth treet,- whero the satiar accoted Vekê 'à "Give me theat pockestbabk.ant dout usake eny naiee,' lie 4telnded._ "TiI give yoD 'mypockelhoak," se re piet, as ahe eached mbto ber peck- et to gel a segrcbllght:. The salins-, appas-antI>'. thnkilie she inte4ffle drawing a veaPon., tla. - The incidenit look place jtbont niib' O'ciack.. SUSPECTED 0F ETS Little or no construction work for two - JNiIPJl FK ycars, a vast. icreaae in demand for * -- srvjce anéfa vas neeaein thepopula- Liquor thteYMas. i ie novbelle'vetj. lion to be served, .prescitsa stunning te 7,200 Me lb oecef boutprt GvIsi problern 10thêîelephone managèmnent. Mca»ni-the, ait ParqW:ll4Catield- A dollar will flot buy as niîch service or ;ey, Sd aten ee t î g t as much imaterial as heretoDfore, which an fite, Tise bouseva wuI'boM to, the ý fuihr cmpliaîe theprolemTwice In recent monthaib4 n$l In the circumstanies the Tèlephone wetoaah/n id driven thte«g 'a 1 frilntb4h.coiltes-. Manday u4bt, 9ie Cmnymust adopt the ppohcy sUtoht u-t e"s. uniform amitong merchants n evivathîcisen aviia "e osu~ wi lineof usim an sel is sevic ath% baissa vas one' of the aliow une f bsinss ad si is Sevic aIpaces aI Lake lFs-est t, lWI bilit highcr prices. fiftîy yeara ago by SettalOt C.-1B. l fiasvetlli e. Ilvet .tbere lbr ,tarty The higher rates are a protection oaia.Th,'heCtfid-als sericeÀ-th-iftn the interest and for - tonk t andtilJjei tbsase fo'T tiMyea-s. the convenience of every thscribcr. jiI5 taken os- thse VrprOrty ent Il vas uutirolong çastly repatrs. CIAOTELEPHONE COMP>ANY aus.. fUrIttire. pltuiresansd an- CHICAGOtiques a fait lbreeof file familles vos-e dests-oyed. eundt4Ittihatse atone vas vauet ai $150.000. The house stoa t Deerpath, BEkt and Mayflower Avenues. 1~~yptj~a'~-Pgjdsm~ s , S.Imitu, iceProsdon. ~ A verdict or' "fot xuLlty' vas s-- F. W, bcbi î.,;ý4Sier«rnpdy w jury Cas-I 'E. Jyrch va. ChanieS-Mtcjls»- lELEIION * berg Ili vhtch $10,000 tamagils vas-e ILE& RUST C sot for t aed -fae ara-sest and »MRMlD frr'T. .Nigiitinple. formaer àg' 'm~rof th Met@ alborO~ qUsil- satkiii.t*atifeadg a~t qes~. SÀARIIJ.KELLER PIONEER, IS DEM> lirs. Sarah J. Keler, one of Wauke- gan's planear residents, diet Jan. 8, t ber home lu David City, Nali. a, the ae of 80 yars, follovIng a year's 11- ness,'turing vhich se was atlllted îvth paralysis. Ms-s. Keller vas e daugliter of tise tate Alfen Spauldîng, visa tooti up a' governnant land igrant t»n1.ak co'n- ty aeariy a contas-y ago. Tlhis grant is flow viat ls kuovu as tise Ambrose Wall place on Mlwaukee avenue. Méo. L. Keler vas bomarndu reared an this place. She bat beeti a realdeut of David Cty for many years. Mns. Kel. ler vas a relative of the Spauldine fiamilles et Siauldlng'S corners, an. aunt of Mrs. Charles Il. Brovn. 1096 Grant avenue sud of Fret Shats5wdl. RS. PÂTE, WIFE 0]F FMIRER PASTOR. D IE S IN AUSTIN IWaukegan People were shocked la' read or the taalh Salkurtey in Austin of 'Mms. Rober-t H. Pale, wife of thie 1ev. Mr. Paie. foriserly liaator of thse Wuikogan Niethodimt churcis.j She diet i et er homo-',39 North Parksitie Avenue, Austln, and was about 60 yeam- olil. She was the motheof- 0fL li'illi% ant 1. -Mil- ton pale and sicr af Irs. t'. I.- Hill, lira. E. A. Bs-os-ms, F. A. Ilitl. FumeraI Monday f romntthe late bomse; hurlint»Rosebil. The illes era at the Weukegan metlsodist church for a faeer about fifleen yenss and Ms- Pale vas for yens-s a proitelit tastor ln the iRock Riverar tee. PICKS LOWDEN AS NEXT PRE&.IDENT T,-.' A. ltesidee, county cierk. ibas Picket Governos- lovien as the nexi nomInee for tae restdency as againistIGenerai Wood. 'l tanut SeL lleev the people went a mttitary aci- ,histaration tlis time." doclarpd 1the nasa adiministrationl. and Se bas given tiese aale suec5ra practîcal at- miasiistratlau ho untoubtediy coM4dto as voit as president. The farmers; as-o backing hawden. #oh ls as; gcoi an ags-îuiîiraLi't as lie 15 a I.uskesý. SufiAR SHIORTAGME PROVIN4I A lARD BLOW TO.fitBEES Jinless Bee Owners Can Obtain Supply of Suga, Crop Will Be Curtailed. _ Washttqgttrn-tn certain parts of the instntry. especially la tise wtite claver regidu. there.bas been . laCit of n-l ar d.rig tata summer and faIt. and sxasny cie s 0f bepare neotprovid- sd wlheog tores to lest tlsrough the winter and' ta enable tisentot build upi*roperly next spring., This laCk ts especlatly depiotable mast now becauself the brlght aUtiaO01 for good honey mark-là, neit yesr. Ehekeepers vwho@e bees are not ade- guately providèd with gdod boînëy itorgs. In abundae shold do thelT ut-not lage t gt5iltedý, Ugar, tftM which a thick ilsrsili c«,> -WFGO t SLOW DEATHýl Ache". pains,. netrvOUapo", diffi- culty i ulurnatiflg, uflen xtlsed ,serious ditedOM ~The wcfflda standard zrree4V fo-.kidn4cv liv"r, blattier andi une acid tro4hbfr"- brit q'lek Oà1t f -ahdt', j ' ~ diuidend rtures and capable osf largfe Înreaaee in value. Let us expiai» Ibis plan ta you. Teliu how much yoo Oci. Va> down and ho. much yots cen pay mouthly. 'tl'e us what sacurîtles you have, if you -have amy, no va may asivise. you as' to their present. vaine, etability -and future. WVe wil matie up a specil investmont sugges- tion for youi according to what you eau afford to invosî on thi. partial payment plan, Lither on a 1-payment or 20-payment bsiti. _Write t0o our Departmont A-2 for our paper, *Guarante«l Invesîmeuts," giving advice on thes market oondtions-It wiii Interest you. Securtes Trust -Company 10 South LaSo fie Street CO-MlA GO, ILI. Make Your'Electrie and, Gas Service Pay for Itself EVERY residence customer of the Publ.c Service Company of Northern Illinois by acquiring a fel4 shares of the 6 per cent Cumulative Preferref't Stock. now offered to eus- tomers and employes on the convenent montly payment plan can casily secure dividends suf ifiet to offest the monthly expense of his Electrie or Cas Service. Thik-wt this would, mean to YOU-to have co ming in to you quarterly dividends that wilI practicapy make your Electric or Gas Ser- vice self-suý,eorting-that will enable you to pay your'Electric or Cas bil! en- tirely ndependent of your own pocketbook. OnIy $5 D own and $5 Per M'onth Is Ail You Need toý Pay on the purchase of each sitare from the block of 6 per cent Cumulative Pre- ferred Stock which we offer for a imited time only 'on the convenient payment plan Not -more than five ehares of thie allotmnent will be sold to any one cus- tomer or employe. You can readily figure out for yourself just how many shares of stock you should make tFt dividends on the stock meet the cost of your Electric or Gas Service. ON4E SHARE PAYS YOU $ 6.00 PER YEAR IN DIVIDENDS TWO MIARES PAY -YOIJ 12.00 PER YEAR IN DIVDEND THRF.E SHARES PAY YOU 13.00 PER YEAR IN DIVIDENDS FUR SMARES PAY -YOU 24.00 PER YEAR IN DIVIDENDS FIVE SHAWE PAY YOU 30.00 PER TEAR 1IIN DEIIOS (Not more Uau listae s w oiib. soid go any one cuirtomer on iseséé. oyjerms)- Your Money is Safe when invsteid 'i this big, groWig Iug ultilty company, and your divi- dens are sure. The Public Service Company of Nortbern Illinois is. your own home ufihty 'cdhpany-its ser- --vieecu abeolutely.eseentialto the wel- fate. growth and prosperity -of, up- wards of. 200 cities and,.towns ini Noîrthem» Illinois. The Public Service Company ie an oldand well-estiab- lished tatility, operated by me» you Inquiry Coupon Public Sérvief. Northern Illinois Wàukon, fil. 1ould Ilke b recelve further Inform 1- 'affonabW otu ho Pbke-i vée r; ~coi» pan>' and this sto oftecr oà easy knowv and can trust. Th'e growth of the Company has been steady and substantial. Its assete today are more than $69»()0.000. h le liere for al time - to serve, you, your childrén and their gret îgrandchildren. Deciule today te bec... a Profit-shas'- lng stdekboltier tn the COMpeÉny-to alake yaur Ga,; os-yOur Ejectrie Service pay for itlseif. This te an opçsortunit. tf unhsuai mosi-ana tiat le flot affes-edti tyou oves-y day. It la your chance to a sua- your. opportunityty broaden yous- ovn aubes- ofai nfluence and usefulness 10 [rie cornmunlty.. 'The stock is seilng fat-youi neigh- bor psobabiy.isas already onuKchased. Send the coupon NOW or mae your auhacrili- lion'tbrdugh tlisO loca office of lthe com-' *pan-y os- your hank. .Psice $100 lier sare as lixet isy tise iltin 'ois State P'ublic Util-, ItieA t'ommisBson. Publc Sevié Company 0f w lots. Beekeeper» wet0ft of,* la sboutdattempt tb buy suiarmeÎit. trom beet sugitr'refinere. - Evey, effort sli6utd be mnade t0 get staâar. lor It *01t be a greil! basa-i! te bees* r.alw4tu dieof trfho. Toasters- MAYSE eS t»ô theirput a - «M p.m but at's cer- Got' aBy doubt about this? Juat try orne dice- that Ila& been mub- jected to the Toast-. er's care and you'ai ýagrceei' the réal' article. Sold on Mont.hly Payments One.Acentla Worth off car- rent wtil make au the toast a large fainily conhume&. Monthly Paymnents Public Service Go. 0F NORTIERN IlLINOIS HAPPENT] 09 gh Iad of foi »WI trot» LIbartyvit Xe. Mr. eu Mrs. lue supper vas sprved ai tmig &pent. Our beaket ball Ka -1gest Uettrdey ievenln ieAM falled 10 show ,nlaUMerataitdiflgas Hbi"bî 1debandii ~WIt. wax ere 'A, h'i. brother, P. fE.tM Don't forget the1 Uaturday evening. *dînaig wilt!:je out. a lotie itinesa lte te member i ol 1 are hotl, i-ra pare for Ilieillei hiai tli4Pce wt'irh %wtt hie £saî.tàî tding l'a P. E. IIILDI DRLIG HOLIDAY giaudad Books r Cndcti.nory i la act, bu ndr cd à c patate il r Chî PIIYSICIANS' Pl C&rehii!%yCc THE REXAI EN GROCERY AI TA LE NCFA IIAS CORntry Prouce ehorEa M SA A M pon e S Cemetery W Doecr *rrespondi G16e -Wan, DI..L. om.. Vivat Ne DIL 0. P. 8 VE T»UNAI %Ê4sisTA5'r *TAI Ubertyr ELHANM Attorn * #Paes abnome, Co &»,IèF-RTYVILLE, LYELL ATTOR1 ~ Luce 1 L , ý fýi - - --------- ----- - --- - -- - ------- -

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