CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Jan 1920, p. 4

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291920. ert 'le Independent suk EE O "' "fin" B"BlMGR NWT ention, Ex-Service Mëýn W A Ni T A D'S Office Tlephone Number f, Libpryv -Cr xhange. Theoovermentat Wahin terd a th Pstofic a LiertvileIll, a Scon Clss'ai.Ma4er aThecularnx1 en l ahigo.js such occu.ation eror [sina eRATE5-1 0 Cfflte Pmr IOeE"ch hertio the ottffle at- Nertyill,"It -ay a xos toesen tittevery may be qualified to follo, 0-20 Cou"ts Mhlý s.Chrg OMefoa Publ sti t for Lae Cor thBoard of Superiser*'Proceedin ng.fe filanpundoe sahis ghttte stredoLke (»FnIhisNtaS IUsued Every Thursday. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The raising of sugar beshas be- an o htproehssnt Mr. calling-attention -of the keen- deire of FoR AF-Anme fgo aeSAEO LIOS aUßSSCRIPTION PRICE--$1,50 PER YEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. comte quitte an -extensive.,Industry in Halr Burlingamne, a: formere-rvc the Bureau to se that every Man i -Co fr.s wth1medae. seCUNYoFrAE S r----- --- ---:_-_--the northern part nof Lare-ennnty. A Man, toIllinois for the purpoèe Of ac- abled or injured by lthe war was madq s ss. pagetwo, coAm e, In. the rcit C. ), Lae1Conty W. J.SMITH --- .... ..... Editor start was Madle in 1916 with about 30 quainting the men with these ighl wr fhsrgtt iehsca fti su.-.M.aqn!,Ae,10MrhTr .D 90 fr. . SMITH --....-...-...- Manager acres on one tarmi. This was incresesii Mr. Burlingame stated at the last -forcWarreinfon R. Herricks WNELýMnorabeboie ouh -CHAS. . NALLEY .... .... Local Manager to 45 acreà in 1917, and 8 acres raised meeting of L.ibertyvcille'Post of the. cmpntionfrsuhdsb.iyo WNE--vnoaa.-oie ot -- -- -- - - -- --- groer N. 2. . In 1918 on accouant American ,Legion, Tuesday night of vant eandrca ring gissveriment Insur appt i c d dn iebsmn; "nnw er tlwo eie of conditions brought on by the war, last week, that thegvrmn smk ne vna o s$,0 r re --o ia tpes eesdFakG scarcity of labor, the governmnent'. Ing ever"Y effort through the Bureau ofi that the fathfer .or, mother mighit ln at FORt SALD Property atiMonavilenle I.Hisio, MryMie1 lotie st,l callfor, more grain, etc., no beets were War Riskl;Insurance, to get in touich slighit way, be protecteintevntf CoeroreyRes-esdce.nne.HnoMme .IltEa raised In the vicinity of Russell, which with all men whoiehave been harmed the death of thre boy whomi they hadl and adjoihing lands. Altogether abouit )oi Holt and Unknown ownerstof ls the principal loading point for thre by the -war. i is the iention and supporte# and cared for' from his in; 4 acres. This will be offeredfor quick or rsnitesedna rtdth beets in Lake county. Purppe Of this breau to advise men fandfy, or- the wife- or children n ight. sale.> R. W. Churchill, Grayslake Hi. sohwest43 a'rt r ofecin9tw- In 1919, however, ten new growers Who are bearing disability or wounds be protected ln the eyent that th2t s-3nrthrage11east orf the 3rdjý - -sirted n äkW"a tt-aloÏf abóüf WdÛlmuñed-n¯tSe iëiie that they are father peet nd MrHr;desrb(-l p¯ acres. entitled to compensation, and stuhat it EDWARD IAVIN FOR 'SAL -Choice residence lots on4 lows: Beginning ati.te nor-thwest cor- àVile ln 19.16 the price paid for is their duty to appfly therefor. "Any Commander of Libertyvine Post of McKinley Ave. Mrs. Grimes. 2-tf1 ner of said quar-ter section thence east T& D E FOCE L W NDOR ER beets f o. bl. loading station was onl man Who was disabledl or injured by the American Legin,12650 fest to #n irori staisek nthe cea- LOWDIMB"ORCS 1-AWA" ORIEIR. $6.00 per ton, it had increased to $13.00 reason of the war shlould get in con- FOR iSALE-Cheap,, modern seven. ter Of section 9 aforesaid; thence on11,wt rsncso smc ramfication with the Red Cross heatl- room hbouse, centrally located. Ad south along thle east fine of the south Gov. O. Loen scifeeuieto immore for the 1920 crop,'which will lbe, quartera, 58 E. Washington St., Chica-desOnr Bx45 -f wet ate r of siali se ct ,263.8 stn or et cmn o a adode uin1h no doubt, the largest acreage of beets go, and file an aprilicationts for comtpen-fetPoUaBLIC tae i tTe ener in perad fofin cramunet WhlL Spand oe i he toun--ever raised in the United States. stoan hngo upstairs to the'GEOUR PRICES for boring shallow of the highway 30.7 feet north of the In. the v ioinity of Russell, for nefifth flour to the Public Heàlth Service wls hs el are sanitary and sotes1ore4fte otws 2 ryldin the wake of thé world war. Re never acted has- stance, there will be about 600 acres where lie wi,11 be examined and the pat- O L9 PDE I; sultable for either house consumptionj quarter of section 9; theënce north 59 tily but did not hesitate to adopt stern measures when, girown ihis year, as against 120 acres pers sent to wýahinIgton wvlsere they o for stock. Good service guaranleed. degrees 26 minutes west 'along the aftër inrestigation, he was cOfitinced such-action was nec- ilast year. This shows conclusively will be passed a'in,, he will be awarded P FCA EU ricsraoal hoe3-9 incenter Ine of saidi highwaiy -73 7 feet to esaywhastthe farmers in that section have compensation in acrac with the. Building Industry, Zion, "Illinois. 5-tf: an ironsntke; thence north 42 degrees essa- . learned ab out - he re.turns froms shal e¥tent of his injuries. Thre compensa Folt S1AL.E--Elm trees, 4 toe nce 48 minutes west along the center line . When a young man he,ýerved as lieutenant-colonel croi, as compilaretd withi othelrs. lion 1s ndt given ini, and ýhould not Héalth Board Gives Some New. on iancaster Essate, one moile se odOf said highTwaya57.8 fer id, anl on» of Chicago's "Dandy First" regiment Of the Illinois Na- The average il per acre in 1919 be regarded as chi.it3bIui as a con) Facts About Pneumonia. 'of .I; ancs dr, st9 oufr t-lieu enenor th 42<di-! -rs 49 mif-,t tinao GarandevrGineaastaena aeniteeseivRssn sasi nc.runig enatonfo te i ss oadsadhie chcao hoe tswet log lt< irof!a the welfare Of the state militia, i different fields from 9 to 17. This by« which hse is hand ca(apiod due lispringfield.- Late reports recelied Po et I3hway 42fe t n>o scalled l -thds of a crop, whichl war service.... by thec stite director of heailth Iromn---- -ie teeenori'h 12i d s 48 Min. Spealcng of hemenace of Ialien redis Govero was arjout as Lzood las other crops, on 111rth1nusections of th(- stlate tiidicate 1(Iih bira ,I we 'Il. st ýIalon Ilhe ceniter fine of saidi sowden says, ccunsoile os', severe drouth exbecamne ia law D ecemni!,r! 2h 1919. me opnieasn orpnumoiaisat ht 20o blis.,io fkitsay606 1n ro a on slake; "Our mest dangerous enemy is not in some foreign, i ee i ys l and surgia crie .,if gaiaed fi Pneumonlia is a contagiou is Pr nnOrith il- !s minutes land. He is now within ourgates. He bears different. ecnFu'~he""'e ""Ifie for injurie- or a case rested ei n one of rthe most previent andcr1 221oeth norsi names. Sometimes it is the Industrial Workers of the: níes eoulg uaorse eor,ailfa, einagen secoon sa e 1Ls t l year; that is, a guar« of $0 fer iont o r oa, 1o: r(-u etooe,1)%" has beenqgend rals lyit- urn he o! r a I hayand World, somietimes the Soviet. somet es the 'one great atepIof si to per ton f. o. b. ioad lIsabiIii. n presumlit i ,onjý e d noth ly physicans n d v oth- I . 'i w~ h loý M a,,sience union.' and sometimes Socialism. o nemies have aris- in g assisandl bonus of $1.00 nei t <nilnt isee on ri and lire due more ori '1, fie ai en within out midst during the wir wo have not had te o oa msgr" ee the anoweedreistene hL rought about - ri9i sympathy and support of that, part . They profess toi -> fiwoeaeaboie$.0pr ess!Ia1tha Al' fil c'u6.NewFats Developedlo l love peace but they only march with ease under the red a upore ir okigfl the croit and e """" at in ite lore ', n--on h h d jI,ýv;IAdd thile RokeeIr nIitte9or Ed flag of revolutioni. All of these of whom I have just spok-- n an co Ins a cthnesarch-nd a.e ha et ;n4a en seek by.force and lawlessness to overthrow the govern- 1m on7thebee-1), ion ment which Washington founded and which Lincoln Ial')i tk ne fl'nunrIl viIa l I3 saved. (:Thi, an n i weiedto a c n ab li "One of the greatest needs of the country is for a tjo Fo', hie1:- n a es.i finer, happier Americanism. We can compel aliens topp "n lsig)ertigeý,e> 1mteading ,oni puu a "t i la, n a ifi ýý.L(lý_i! Znci respect Our government or get out, and that we must do." 1slrance ovi ungandnl when allm nlcsn The increased length of the obituary columns of the: onw n n as jshn ao eIi"s;e3 leten porary or war risk in- 4nIof ilan IpiiIne,:!I. !n s i 4Minuites 1121eet Io Chicago papers is more evidence that an epidenic o oewill cost $29 lier acre this year The 1surance into a permànent 1'. S. goee a- pd I1and 11, abl, fequ 1n d . 1I\ b thl( ese linee of1 ia doI q ;ii tmnlot- sort prevails in that community. is alWays the bar- t s-d M?75 ,e-acre: feit"izer $3.41ule 'ne",' e s nd -Ta , - 1ndaanesuhontews n fai ometer by which one can judge the statua of-health. ie racie charge for use o mhntsfas1the aluted dmy des e TI"l lit "-i.""1T:e .implementse. Erhis makres a total ex heuh minins u One thing about this long cold spell--it OUGHT toierse, of $37.40per acre. I tcimporary ýor irneinsurancé -'fre tumi of pnilioia :, ici dua- a d 1 no a ajce ice plentiful and cheap next suammer. But it WON'T.i The expense for seedl and labor i- hi l nt h v rtodo* th war "ac n"% The lever increased prices, first this and then that,1 caFried throu hi the season by the . ntliinsp l I iIoi" first by this "union of men" or "union of business men" """r comfaies andlus dducted fromF ihtlebl 1ih.the crop after the harvest. .-aridenhlichi has lapsýed milaj, b- fouand in the mouths ofoeo-NOIEO-PECIAL MEETING TO fobdoc --Wth hepublie a i te time as the victim--is just kill- Anothér feature of this business rensat , ythre 1payme)nt of two (-very, sreVn or I igh nd DISSOLVE CORPPORATION sou n iUi ing the goose very rapidly. The goose is the public and f rom the farmerilsestandpoint, ilhae reimsi pf iet 1isemen ti hve beenan corwtt it ldc>umenýI65 the public's nest-eggs are just about exhausted. How tose who rnise beeti cana get several from date ofMai dischari(!g'(el and(l when Ill Ac logcni ooSesa i vrbd s's ai undred lpounds of sugar fromt the fac- com,!aniedIby aetatmens of thre in- niection on 1n oth-a Na e nr l % i- e c f4 . nu advg an tgo heon? • a i t . 3 E tjut akng or,%>aithe wholesaie e.rice. . Vured ijii his phyvsicad condition >s as yourth That theso types are not 1l'I o adanag-o te ppo . risrrie o abr m-good las ;at Ile fime (of dischage or nfreaue-nilyfound in lthe dust ( trial, etc.. just because it a 1ke the flu: in the air. japsat ion. A mans lapses in Junie, 1919, roon s occupied by- pneumionfia Ill' fhe Luce Buildiniz. Libertyville. [III11. iMe "N! a nd wishe(s to reinstate Feb., 192(1. He Wsi t hs nw rcutossm os w e 'lc .m. o h u rinho , en The North COURT has only to pay one nmonth's pre-Viutii fiar ftothose empfloyed filr* lhe ýpuide' Il - b1 lIll m [ IItocho e ne lih mbiult- o TeNrhShore Electric's record for the-past year for July, 1919, and one month for, Feb- vention of the,, spread of diphtlheria.the qwstio fsredro h ca-scin wsi 4I3 noinh.rane . il showing a 63 per cent the number of acci- REVERSES AND RE. liuary 19 Fean is i he aouteustpbde sclmen.n .sadsc1 1e e adcpsainaeofs croenn. Ine. L rni;I dents on the line dhring the year shows that safety-first monh f eayfrte-mut utb anieRqurdaindsrbdas flos hinr argitens wic te c pay asprechd ll he ar MA DsLOCAL CASE, weic : h ri "f ;e sestaoi Every case of pneu-nonia smfust be ROSS S. TRIGGS ilme thatconrIfs.gqn along the whole,0T1). lrecognized as a source of grave dan- wm'N. waLRoxf> i seatron, sthlenele in f to aQ hae had an effect. Besides peim n$,0.All or any part gero to the commiurity, and In Or- EARL H.L CORLETT lirnsaenilecnrlneoih they have installed many safety.features and leave noth- Word hasiefenr received that.- the of. the War Risk Insurance may be der thatppesagusgant Being a maj;jorily% of Ilhe loard of Ili highwaiy; thenceutesry along ing undone to itapress upon emnployes as well as the pub. sIopellate court has reversed and Ire changed into one or more of the -ix thespfread rf t einetion mpay b e ctos1f ai cmpny, the centilfine of said hinbway -. feet heth ee orcuto alth ite A h nnddthe case of E. B. Doolittle andkinds of permanent converted or U. S v epoevrtedcoate local ealth au- r- to theaid inter. secItion of the center linte licth. nedforcatio al te im.And te ratio of P. -WI.d Newhouse, trading as the government flie insurance, as the ln- ý hority. WILLIAM KOLLE AUCTION i of sai<l highwaY and the e fine of derease in accidents proves that good can be attained by Grayslake Realty Co., vsf. M. A. Kap-, sured may desire. Each patient mnust he- isolated sol sai<d quarterse d,9cin: thlence nor-th campaigns of this sortm-providing they're basedon sane in ircui courtat Waukeaad dae Ti nuac i unse tc s iho1lsibleandflcomnd ication wenes d ay, reb. 4, l oi miolt, ion along82fI the ah ie ofb qurte se. ideas the electric's has been. tune, verdict in fav of Kappr a 'nd has full cash and loan values aml fedants prIo ibit i.e nhe s m .Klwilslatubiauioton52fetothpacofbgnn, Thimens that another trial must be hudb olcelnp i dividends. This insurance sis conly for!soudbecolctdin.seia npla e p eon 1Dundee Roadý 4 smiles situated ln the Town of Vernon, in the lield. the( restricted class of men and women'1 inbI or corntainers which cn b u I 'oWheeling, one toile eals(tof Countyof Lake anàdState ofIllinoIs.7 Tax ovrno Dnndecars e blive th Rds The case is one relating to thé« sale --tose, osr-dtercutyinbr rseiie.Aleatj apesCrnrs'tefoloin:in Chancery, Genera;l No. 125 b ein g reed oo severe l by the bgo venm et. e lensare, of iarge f mrabeongisg ,,e Kpple militaryca.acity n the great war a' d er s. 62 Head of Live Stock Ti euii ff-i it ing been at they ave certin consitutiona rforcstutdsuit dagainst Kapple for dcommis- Tmoayortr oice a eized before airain put'into general use.- omr,, geldins, yrs, wt. 2Olu(; .lm4heofie.f 1Cer o th thtte aecrancntttOergh which should sien charging thaet after they hadi chan;;ed any timiethin fi ye),ars Threse, precautiond; shouhldbe main- rel ldn,1ysw 12; adCornic shrfreeeb .be respected. Well, they -don't respect OUR contiu starte-d the deal Kapple and another aiftler the pdresident haes proclaimed tained for not less than four weeks fresli milkiers with calves by thieir given Io the abc\( named de(fendarlts tlonal we cannôt see why We should stretch th elty deaerclosie itio t tasIg peance l afbe ewioS Te rcnalesecpe ype. ides; 4 hsiners n, milks. iand unknowniel onrs afoi resi ha Points very far to keep them UNDER the constitution chadenie t he otherity deale Isrners aabet io' patlentro hou edMost effectul a mbFrm a ihinery and Tosr the bovefie naised 'o oml ma ere when they're trying all the time to estr1i M rceiedth cmmssonnhdrnrarntc<ctawadgoonorclenudindditriecedattheclseim e Caonwihtoxandspinsfor-fle hs hllofCoplin destoy i. « r. Dnn The case wsfought quite strenui-thosre _who facted as father eor motherl of convalescence. Daily cleansing oftpm gieswagon, trckwgn, utrrey, 2 n said Curo n theChtanceryit would be appreclated more if he demanded MOIRE SE. ously but the jury decided thaï thie to the¯ex-service man), brothers, and1 the sick roiom should be practiced in to ugis oslih'ctewao ie-hrof n ha. u VEI andling of the Reds than 'rgin leniency . plaintifrs were 'not entitled to the sisters (actual,, by adoption or jsuchet a way as to avoid raising the boxgílivel box, wood racý,,2 se mions thereilion issmed out of said -:r-_---_--- commassonr u ywouere g t rcide ftoewosoda.prnsds.double harness, 2 sets flynets* 2 single court againiiithre above nfamed defÏd- _ sctin wre he asetohetrid t th exseric Bin),uncesaunshai'ness, express harness, double bug- an, returnable on the first. day ci o rnfo cocrehenoith shore again remains to be seent. Dcause of nephews, niecesi or to thle 7state fWOE NWIAEyanelss.3 dorh1sé g lyetsinth er o heaicitco rLk teen-fa'incte(e door t wo itaour- the size Of thi feamthe commission theinsured fromn which itf may be will. iRIGT OEefyes os lnes.haycut-t ehl tteCu' os kracknaIn to get Into thIdswhtiskea oy h aeisrte ag.ed to any person designated under the'lprbMCrikganbne e nWuani adL'eCuta 00 ESPL N cellar but above il sit Iwo armed men las of the state of the insureds resl ST ING SINCE WAR Cormick corn b"inder, eccormick thre first Monday of March A.P. 921, dOESPL N cay n ihtwthn frriesiec mwr coriMa ake nearly as is by law required and which suit E NORTlf Sl0REM a w=ort W UCON A REA IES ue exservice man may obtain these i °°a t a °"wn demaa'd,-for vie"l Island, buried deepl froms the eye o rightï or enjoy thsese privileages by apningha and similar dress mateýiaIs '3O ROKWY booze batedits andl Uncle Samn alike plying to theest'ate Insurance offices, freim lhe retail and dress and waist ing cultivators, nearly new 3-ec Clerk. "Mînute Men" Still on guard oSnco Ithe exciting raids on ltiber EEÀ A REiAmericanLegion, Hearst Building, in manuturing pertdsoerb n lgra d- de on harrw e, cr h y r a 50k;WaueaLLinoisûR,aur2819 atan Lake Forest. aear eewdt-i n esutdcin Chiengo, or to -any American Legion nnd. The government propagandia chickens, corn planter wvith 80 trodls oï Complainant's.F,,lit itor theburin ofatleat Pot r.Rd ros Capiter, giving is directei oward teaching the'genseral Bluff, etc. 1 fdTo c1. over thedeed amü 'i"fd full rame, orgaization and serial public to use more of the plain, sub- "rnw ie edrnw 0g a.2 ha11 - o uw o rgaiai fthe e ak hCou --nu br1satalbtlwe rcelarishs tank, 800-11b. platform scale, large - The Vigilantes of Liber*yvilleLkeopes league in j had no effect in wholesaile circles soro) er chichen confis,' grindstone, Forst nd'ther ecluiv norh a rif la er e -n irtiIl1e in rhs,'Run Salltrdyi To dale.Libertyville Post has ae a.-hves.he;aro , ok, ed o, e k. Jn. 2.-ln fan effort to amr wanted ai BDn clybourn with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. ln Chicago Mon .F. W.,FPoulIds l'resbyterian 1 where he has b and Ia much im: F. that Whd other -kin to fit any Graham 1 5 poun Rice Flou 5 poon Rye Flowl 5 poun Swansdov per pac Puina W 5 poun Buckwhee 5poun Large Pa( for. Shredded 3 pack Speciajl Janu Grz Fr i( ,musli Ti

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