rBOA RD 0FSUPIÉRVISORS: Officiai Proceedià9s, Regukcir Decem ber [1919] Session, Flekiinih HutFouse tt W ukegan, Lake Cuîy luos Waîilrçan..Ilhinois. - 8anme Il]netire mde more expen- Suely!(,,spoin a Ile Court FRED GRIMI<, Huîrvc- i le l> i-ui . Igliva>' Canulemner. Counly uf takre andi State- ai Ilir-ais;. 1 Sunb.,crbed aud svomnutobefore me Wl-h Chti.nan 1Pic(k, prosdiflg unti tus sîxti day ot Decemben A. JD. the - -. trfoloivna nmfIbvs rgrèsent: 1919.,- Sajer-Vraor-i llairàle-w . flarusa-she. EM IL A. FIlE, --- Brown,. lrlr. Crapo. Dilger, El- n. Police Magistrale. 5icirc. inhitidge, ilhîsein, Button1, The tiloving communication vas Krra<.ncr. NMarin. Macther.Mefer. iwesenterl andl oumotion ai Supei'vls- Murffl[ý. Me('îriîî,arli, OConnrn 1ad or Eger rêerreci to License Commit- duccl i;t:~i.:ii -tattoIl. Tîompton. tee. Vercoo'.W(bi r! Antio I, Webb orT thle Count->' Board cf Supervisons Warkegan 25.Absente. Saîîrviaora oft ,aire Ceunty, Illnois. Burges. Nonahan. 2. On"Mai, 1. 1919,.1i gppllcd for Dram Tie follJowirig îi-. itions wacre lire-Shap Lice-ose ion thé period of cone sient-rd rand on miorion of Sepervi.tor yeqr ending May' 1. 19;0, hten acL Dilger n ferredti tathe Modud muicont et the War Tino Prohbibton. 1 Bridge (ammilie. oui, usedthe liicense ionrithe noatlrs ýStat, aof illîfroais of Ma>' sud Jane viich vuion>' t-va c'outlYty.! i.-rýinumonilia, sud am aikiirg. ion hie bal- 4'tawn of le I ibii1finiyT T. lie Board oi Super-viseasofiLake turneti bacir le me. liaunli,, Illînuig. Yoars Irai>'. The unders;igne-d Commissioner of GEOROE A. STANCLIFF. liIgirvayq ai lie Tovn of Ela it âamitiHait Day, fila. CoulaI>, vouid respeettuil>' nepresesut Decemben 19. 1919. tiraI a bridge needs ta bc bulit evef 'The toiiowlng commanicaîlon van lthe Bluie (reek lirera t-le sanie la presented ad on mci-Ipn ai Supervis- coned lb>' lie il&hay leading fron on Egern rerd ta lie SuperviSof o Faîrfieli ta Palatinie, lu saldti n. for West Deenfeld. whlci raid venr the, love ot Ela la Presldeat -of Board of Supervises: helà repponsie; liat theo taliros There la a pleceo f lie Ridge Roi! et saiti venr viii hoOn. Tiausandti ta bas neyer even be-en graveiied, Dollars, vuitisum viiibce moi-e tian and la Inupassablo Aller nains. 'Elmht teselve cents on lie One Hundreti Ovnrivant Ift1Put lu shape. have Dallant-valuatinu, othle Ijtest aseai- vrille-n evory y>esr -for ê-ý>'oars te meént rail of salut Tovn. andtfi e-ie-.- WestI flenieid Roati Commission«i ferr raci audbridge t-aion tie lwo and ne atteution palti. Tien. mnir Years Isut jiasedinlu ald Tovu, vas fiue homes, ai lie nri endl and tire. iu eaci year for tic fui) amjoual ai- mare wyul b. bulît b>' Kilhourne,. Rmy iowti by la-.. ta be raised for ail romTar at aIe anrslseuil as lie mmgd la ari bridge purpoaca. excr-pt -for iay- eraveleti Or Paved. This le the wvent. lu& out. alleriug,-wldcururg or vaczting t-tnp ut Rond II' Lake CeunI>'. Can roacis, tti- rmajor part ai *hIcle1v> 5it n ulsietltlulbe due? te neeslcril for tire ordînary ni pair oi Resperiifuhiy. rokansd bidrîges. 1HENR1Y K. COALE. Wheretore tic raid ('oumîaaioner Tic toiiaving communication vas. et Ilighwinrr:ie rreby petitions you for reati and on motion of Sup@rvisOr aid and for an appropriation Tromnthle Maetfien referredte h the Commlttele CauutTreasai-y ai a surn sulticrent on Eduriatian. taomet one liai! tic expense, oi aaid War Record Section efthtie Illinois bridge or, at-hi-rwork, salit Town îe- State Histonical Librari,. îag uirpareintfuritethei llier hait Sîste Captll Sînngdleld. ofthle aniorut reiluir-ti , Serulerîber 26, 1919. I3 ated i La c e-Zuri httii, .ixh îlav _bairinan. Counli, Board ai Super- ofi I ctabi- A. Il19M cracra: FREI Gi laMM ti2rrrSir- (otnmrsioner oai ithivty.. As Y-ou aie daubtli-s avare, lie Wer Records Secion oft-he BIlncri 8tate of Illinois St-ste IliFrincal Lhbr-ari, la pranfot-ing Ceunîi fT,.airc Es thie ork ai galiering anti presenvllug Thown -lf Rît materlai Pertatuing laebiha part played ih. Ti rnie---igr.rl (ommissilcuer b>'tlie Mate during lte Great w*r. afI Higtîwý,:- of lie Tovn of Elt Ita deinabi,. aLi pointi eout lu tir- CounI>-trî-i.hrciv rtatliaI I1fenrlosei -cilirr. tbat certain local brasv rit. s i-Qr("" -t iirite of 1he- records a n reet hbcnroîcrbied in. urOit.be ca)tt-otflie-Dilurne Erîrie. county rolect;ongs lu order tint tiey andtInluMy opin-on anti judgmntnthle may bc Preserveti for tfture genera- aforesajt irittre rh-uiiI e ic bîlttaI lions anti in order tir't tic- necessani, ocer'-tii'--v'itectnI d ir'dgr- birg un- drta itay hi. avallille tor vniling a- st'e fc-- p.blitctrafiir, anti h do 1 --'t- rrsof Itic stale's participation lu malle talicheprobable (-iCot f Ireth î. sanme w lI b" One TiausarutI) ltotirs. TtlIle Purpo se ufthtie War Rec- Witutr-- y hmmclhIa sixttl)'i>Of Ord- Seetiqu tint thEre Paiîl hoa Demunier A. 1). 111.919 -ecilic mjte- Or otier saitabie FREI) GRlý1?J. Z ta'c- resPaniiilc i on building up a raimitsrionrof Illîgîtways. collection et material lu evei counli,. state etfRmite I1,n certain caunîles lithe r hba, ai- C(u7ea'ortLake ai r, ail>'been commuinceci. inathors au Town oftEli,. i r-"izat iennurîrt frl bc toruret. I. Freit Cimîn Cmnoirrn o Tii secticnri attîrill de-r-Iret. coman HIt-hvtrvYs cr' tlicTown of Fia bette ns litrasihje. ta utihize1the servIces ai rfui> sworu ,cno atit rays it-ut on,- snY arz;tnizalia)n hich may aire-adi Thoîrvand llr's nieullone i n tlii b, in l-e fi-Id. eestiae ta0 i ib irs affidlavitle t Tt i wilI be nueiaary t0aobain t-he tarehedi teneci- carY, andti laI te tfinitinrai rrquevtpd In thje ccam- carne vtll t otbei recru cxtrrsivr tita iiiiti> l îetiortairts in order t-o leaflheded fthli- pur!i)ie rrquireil. knourwt galareadiheing done anti Fil:ri GIIIM?1.1. aigu t-olear n u vat coumtea It vîli ('î-mmiFoe of iiighvWays. - ha ucecasar>' f0 esabligi an argani- zation teiý the purpase of gat-Ierng Subicritiet anti avora te befOre me:niat-erial. i am calling upen you asl tus i'cqilh diy ai Deceunher, A. D.- anc vie. by resson of proruInenco ou 1919 couati, affaire or because- of Inténest EMIL A. FII'Ke inluvan activille,. vli b. un a paisititon Palire Magitrat., - 10 give.mtc Ibis Information. Wilii na Ette of Illinois net lat Yoan emnieî convenience nit CT-untof Eca l it§ asOuIta,,enclaseed qu.-rtouna!r-e anti TclSenof ElareAr lentalume ogelien vlilr an>'cd- T'l' eBoard Of SuPrrvi.'Tocf Lake ditil,-i information ahici you mai, County. Itilueir. . timiiecira? Do ual consider younaei The 'inderaitzueti hilglwaY Comt-,- coniuhiiete- glng lie aa specillcaliy sqioner of tic TovwnaifRua In raid icalteti for. An>'. jurtber Information County vouiti respectiuliy reproseni -.Or iuggeaî ionsa vili hé e lcnmed. fbat a. bridge as-eds ta hc. bulliaven ýCemmunicailon., aboutitibe sigucti tlbe 'misa (,"-k vrs ticesane i,; andi tonvaride th ie- t eod croseed b tith iaýivs-ay leading tram 1Section dui, Sat aHrRo rdslLI Cimer'ta PPrairie- Vltbv lnsaitd Tovo,. brany,.Springfrcirl.ilnai, forvhii eit veir ie ovt c El iConfidenit inatyeu vitI gîve ibis 1 la -reg opnriii)c liai lire total malIer Your cauliest attention, h am,. COat- Otfaid ver vili ho Eeven Itn-VHu'uh olr llt.aus, wilci umvii onWAYNE E. STEVENS. etwel yCve rient-a on tie On. itan- The foiiowing comtu-uniriat-ion val, &W Mflllamtr aluation on tic inti-el filet andi en motionpi Superviser Ver- Uszeainient nroll of saidTown, avit.un)thei eoelaid an lie table. 1evY frormsu d bridge lax fer lie U S. Bronze Tre-let snd lircctary' Ivo years lait Iu raid Tprn ag , luCompzni,. eh vcmr for f11-- full amnul alloweti 21 Ea.rI Van Biuren St. Chicago. lbY 1»% u racd frar n-ou anti1 - Navcmbcn 1 99 bridge PUrpOs'ca.exCeat-tfor la CiI>n, %r. Lgv A. ttendee, alerinP. videntng t-rn vscat-lnq rondsï, Waukegan, il]. the major Part et osiçh ievv it neriti- We Ar-c- v'snu'ig you tir'. u v; d fiontlic rdrînanreplaîr of rondr avent you i h-î netal arcati>'taken anti bitigea. - soute action lisprovide Ptermtanent Wie'r.tore lie raid Hîgivav <'rn-emoriai tutahie menca M rv-ed in rnisPcin-er n- bY , etittonuyeti fer;- lie vend ver, tiat yen Mcay rend thirs ald. arrd fer anl sppropnlatlon frein communication aPtidur r.ext 1ugular -tbe COusît> Trriteiirrr.1n a num sut- rnecta'. elou tanmucet anc 1i:-f tir' expenmes - WoetsArnenicana bave (voneros-ea Of!UMnr>Id on oreon t-icr werk. saldi 'on te bo prnud ofthle paît eus' -nrez Town inruI, -rt- 10 ii rnlqh he laptycd ta &,anlg t-be gnontvletory; ohiier irafthrli-rmonfineeuiret. ever>'ressn ua l uhoprauti ai tier Dfl-l I1t.sltc Zich thia ejyýth dea clovfmeula. we of th. pwt owh -h Ot I>-enie-r A. T)r i. 1fnvcrn faget- thoir dévotionend sa,- FREt> ;Itlmm. . *& rlfrr'a; mltfon tire sake ot thoge wia H-IigivaY (O-amisouer, Co RIT tté, fer tarîke oai tlai' stateof Ilin-l.jlgenenallona. litlai.von>' isocul>'t-bat fiLAI. of ILinulras Itier, Shoutd be a publie mmd perte& -Toouf'hil. -ii'l ent- necnd Of tbase who voire lu the 1 c. et nela. d lhay service. t, ionasîi, ao--h nII. ltaCIoaveintiset. S.aif nar rn. 041 J, ~. : ~ a~~eUB<Oaskam>tru wu LWnaa Mo i u ftS a mui-j Lm ll2oydftc«....2 Ù.I ibi àA. IL otMM flr.M«1 emo ltes. Ili__ mfoure enrcmwaore toiA. l8 lead ...2 . 8.IONETiL W petatmdmt. Ei Counthis at-. l la he ou.. p«MJ.ar 3. J.<2llaban . . ...22 presented aand en motion of Super- M lhe adopted. BE IT 1USD O . 0. AdOolen. Probate Clerk, Agafb lu order ta construot au mani, D. S. Thompson, ir....2ý0 wSar Eger referred to, the Rolu- b>'the. Board of Siw.rvtiOre 0f.Laka Sangamon CoUnti'. miles u possible ,durtng the. 5ouof Clarence Diver ,......21 tions Commintte.ta propare a Reoain- 00maYIJlInOlial; lier. shbaht. George H.L Eckart, Count>' AudItor, it l s taUI tiat theocontractor Cinton P'ulLir..........i2 don te, proent at.tuis meeting. and tiere lu herçby 10,104 direct a-O.CairCuty. "hctild Set an earlier start. The Rex Wolos.............2 Western Association ot Eolled 84e iil tauopen ail orthle failable proie- R. H. Lowdon, Count>' Conimgelo- atringor tuis materlal wvo belleve W. 2. Wellu .........2 Consuer,.la Lake Count>' tbe Somn et thir- er,-Came Count3 wUi entaile thean'ta do se. ()e. A. Sheemal, r. .2 office of .lte Secretam -17 .001.0 on'lme-ch On. e adi-Dol-. - A.-jtebr.Sa _K1er,4a_ _MM _flunhm _thc 'uanwtgntng-of iiR:, D ,Wnltm......... 1305 Cit>' Rail Stiarà Building, 1- (8100) of t-he valuinci for the Couxi ty. materli t tat«-WLa -Couny and W. (Mode ............... 19 -Do80110 or0 0fu~>ig the. principal and Dr. lred Granund, Premident Asso- the pà>'flbIlI e ot e f'lght by th -ho fnry pHo>'esg...... .'.,...21 Chicago, November 18th, 1919. iiterest of t-oa. certain Rond Botdo ciation, »Rock lmietid County. 9tate. or Ocunt>' onUtled on ta ex- 1{uert Vep~eI ............ 26 Board of Cornînhalogers, of Laki County, IlIlinois. amotintlng Ifite ii.utyir f thi, -coMmmtte. ta emption ftxpni ar tai a n frelght I-omer Tally............ 1 Laeo Cunty,, Wao.keae., Il. tfthe bamm of On,' Milan Dollara copsider iiattei'i preselt-ed 1tethii.charges. This le;aticomplialed thruugbL-; "'~ r~r........2 Gentlemen:($OOAt authorized Et the, ciection , convention relatlng' ta ceunt>' and the use aofdtoesclosed tai exenp- The tax payera et your Couzuty, par- belli on Novuabor 4, 1919. Andj the township affaire and ta aller thim0- tien slip. W. waouj recommend 1 W. D. Joues ............:27 ticiuarly 'the. farnuers. are inisremted County Clerk la- direotud - ho extend etion much proposala ai' the 0cm- thé couru>' tint thvy pursue tihe 1..128' ln the hnarig wvilchi vibegin hi such taL mgitt.o duera advienble: smincourse with contracterai, ai leat FPrank iBurke.....--2 Washington, December 2nd ho the, Thie fllowjng comrûniiiation vas lYau are asked ta consider iiaw ea far as Os ue v.rk la on* t-ko ioderai Frille Vk ebb......... &abject et whether or fot the. steel reati and on motion of Superviser Dil- we, as ceunI>' and township officialis, Bill systemor on roade. whWh are to L. Wilbur I.l> ( ,arage)26 jinflslIocated ln and about Chicago uer jlaoed on file. wouid revise, alter or amend the, Con- becaune alvert or the bond Issue týYs- A. r Z1.11...... ........2r mn>' continue te charge the. freliit Biais of Illnois. stitutIon oet he ietate efIllinois te tem. - W. r '.'nj, .....2i fren PttbugiitedeUnaio. Ol c-»rten afPulicWohsafd praduce a more-efficient, econcical, Vour.m tru)'.E.yt,.Sarx.,nt.. ........27 steel wbicli neYer saw Pittsburnh. or *Bufl4JD8. and eliatie basic 1mw for the. gavera- S. E. BItADT, . ;sîf......24 charge the actual freigbt troin their Division of Bigbwaym ment cf aur coat>' and township af- Suporinteadfflt of !iigah- Chw.A. W. Crawford .... 26 mille ta point ef destination. Srnfed lios ar. waya. J. R .steplieu-9............ 22 A gme la aur C Ofaiase'la 002-àOctober 29. 1919. LThecommtte. diosethe coopera- (Ses. copy e« lettr.rîandFakmIy ......e brid en, curt.rui ang e- thTo AU èounty Clarkre: tican of ail Count>' and Township off 1- aireemente Bled>Frniert Car........f bridgea, culverts, roA ad m ak» 101011lnaxmfud.n upa'4er sl.Ma-uoe4tba ý LiS Ilm.......... 6, whlci You are tuardima. but the Gênerai that ln the abuenca et an>'llmatterm Pertanlng te cauntimu omncto orfry e i l l imiu~.....2 greateat .consumer et rolled stee1line mpecitp provision lu tii. law relating Assocation mand ail otier coaanan id Coot>' upeféteudeno, cf Righway' larry Mtaiaulî. tihe rmer. for . pTCUcaiIY ail - m ethe sco ota b. pnrsned opon the itownship 01ff(4i1111are requeahed ta- and «tint bu urge il:-!coltracOirata Edwgird 'un rad........24 teri eulinet.Wbiiitotlatro ephmUon of lhe terni et office, ef I gve Ibis matîer the videel pubticitYr availt tiemàmvem ofthe tmmended muiD Q . Hart.......0 10 a 1500 p unds lc ta mle ftrat count>'superintondent 09 ihwaym nla Inhér conatie, mand tovas. agreement. Motion carried InD . -DOug~la. ...........2 rolled sheel 1cunie LSat.ti Twety ar entof he ollil tee Doimnréindcatd l tb l fo t eesor asindments bie submItt.d at Oouaty Clork b.i authorlaed ta pur- iWIlDaislel ............ 2 mde a intheUnil tottesle »roduced original appointmient shquld lb. fol.i. erlstpmiidt i ru caee 10.00 vorth at Red Cross SeaIs Andirea Efinier ..........1l la and 'about Cicago. Mont -of fiieloUOd la providias eliIblea fortitthe t t 07 ' m e' b.fu>' considned. eledvddaogtedern .JýSlo ......2 stee1l b sold at a dellvered price, itIceeellig tersa. b>'the, mitte. . p d fiier. Moton s 1h. difeeW. I Saimton ...........26 vhieb lâchinde, the. frigit ftramPitt»- It Beomi doirable te bal Snell ex- Ail propee»ions sbouid h.e subinît a fotCO ile s, MotnCek bOfr led111 amJitho ........... 21 buri. a palttover 400, miles ZBut. auinatiobs at an early date la order ted'ila vritinan od torwared ta theInita. te olnd,. pot. ieTred G~ >soldsmhms....... ...2U The milîs n hilii.district- acttaally. that; mn eligible flot a>' be4rvD dcirmmmofetieiscomitmte,..mTATE 0'tiI.fLîôLOIS ot ,J ? el Qly .i.......... charge and coileet en ail s)kpmnt for ech o etIr varlous, couaties. W.1 CONSTITUTIONAL CON VENTION C'OUNTY' Olr'IAKE, as Lis51 Lar'sen ........... 30 West, Nomibuese and SoutbWet.trom wouWd-requet tiierefore thit et athle .COiMITTEE Tao. te Boar"-otSupervers of Lake1'Nathan JIMber .......... 26 ffl0). le, $5.401> per ton. for a freigbt n*gt sBoslon of jour board, aflat iof Novenuher 29, 1919. .1Count>'* inoia. ->'- ..C. .Park er.. ......... 2à service whIlchla 1Dot rendered.- not less than tiiùeeOuor more ith"ii ve, Th i fwinigcommunicatiolas 1, Law A. Mandea. Ceunty ClerI B. N MToeY ... ......... 24 The. manufacturer tncludes ibis un-, nanres b. certlffed te tItis department rend: and Cierk af thie CountJ dourt ln andt W - D. Lambert...n.i ...2 earn.d charge la bis oost. To tua tloi' eaminaion. -you wilU hereafter 51mb of Illinois. for tAkeeCousit>'.Illinois, hrewlth T J. liallire ...........24 the. midde ma adds bis legitiomte b. aotified- ortheielime and pince the Department of Public Warka and - ubmîitatthe foliawlng r-port of ail 1) F. Travis ........2 profit anud pause, It an ta the. son- Oamination wili be given, mand natif>' Bulili5. caruings. rocelpts antd expendilures J A Laise .. .........2 umer who "Pays tihe reight," vblch the candidatees acordingi>'. il mai, Division of i-llgiways. af my office for and durtnt lie hait 4A <mCtao.........«24 by tbis Ime fla*frein $5.00 ta 86.00 net lb. feasibie ta ficdtifI.,. examina- Spriniield, Deeembt-r 5, 1919. yezndiNachr .A.1NPSaf...... pe o.Seven million teips means à lions previous te the expiration0f the T'a Count>' Cicri, Lakp Counti,: 11.faFewit ...... capital tax of over $35.600.000 agalnttoriginal term etf office ln Soin@ et the, 1 am -banding Yeu herewith copy oft 1919. eand aroîngg irlna e;el............2f) ibiegrei WeterBeounryh-reaamilald...........2t0ei t ihuegrel Wsten cunI>'.counfles. ln tiiscame îowever. the lettersisIdblliiDpatnetta Erned itiŽcelved Recelved durionBerl Douglas ............1 Steel la pradiuc.d at Gary. Indiana. Law pirovides tint the present in- coutractors cftllIrg for tie paymsnt or , er~yspoiraHnelTI......i 18%- cheaper than ai iPttibiÏtgh. The cumbent shailholadafu l e for materînîs s preiore fr dtsmos .-rbtlnh ith.. .........2,1 UntsISatsSte Crortecan succe-mece bas been duly appolnted as êrned V. W 'fl.uiàaý.............17ý sel ilt. o. b., Gary, Indiana, onrf. 0 b.-mand quallifed. No caunty tiieretobre Law telO,.............................. I 319.25 280.26 1f;#.00 , W F. .Strohni........... 2t Chicago. at the sanme pn.ces it selleaf. poeds ta be vit-bout amreitnet 'oa. -e.............2028.96 i68.40 97@.6(j TIlR m, .r 2 noe. b. fitaug.sdmieahn-o uîaso iacu'. Weere Miselltneous i'ýrm ............ ......... 6722.42 28r)670 8356.90 tW 13 DuIlakn ............24 saine irnafit, 5 ~~acousit>'demrea te, retain*tbre aenv-- - . ChstAî,ç.....4 Onl a ew ear mg t-. feigt Ies t l, peaert aun>' upefu'Total.................................. 9070.62 3904.35 9493.50 :JerIllOj......2 rat-e frein Pitsburgh ta Chicago va, tendent of Hfgbway,a, c 90 1 JitSl.riuvd-.......! $2.40 parttn, and the. manufacturer ei'n-îî lr-ratAl b w -ce' o.,t inodrt-rn hz nut i ante hlm as one ai tie candildates ta Total.....r...........sd85 J 'try gr- 2-v ... WnetTe--prdin orhaseInusqiltrIes theexmî aUn l' J__________....... lanwesa icargeductn nf loge rla Permit ,us la suggesai liluxn Errpnsesa ellEL'enrr 1: ise rotectlarge lIi lie>'mc llner hlm saler>' fer the cnsulng terni cou -Salary ....................-11500I.00 iport iii' dm ub,rib(,rlmedItruc ui Oscar Sanudtraî,.21 grne gpet teieiul rate aill re ideration b. gvtn te present living Cierk i[lire ............... 4.00,7 oo crrlt (LI',- 1w't Of 1h114 knowledhe -C M.il -astan ..........2!, lgôand, hetagt d$.0rtonvasndcres-condItbons, alseto t tct that the'Ofin- e Lrkp.-es................26.41 i nformat ion and belleot c A Hut-ir ......'q exrn mny h imliie have been cal- o . wihte onyreevsLiMW A i-iNf>E1E J,.......rk lecting lias incr.ased proportlonately wthh ta a certain pilent ie;îend Pi~olaSaiob- n *,oit eoem ta the Increase i reigit srates. if lie salas'>'vilci tie county la 'wIll- fue ounty Far '14 year ....17564.144this Stfi day Offlc1'm4- , 1' 919 Jas. . - .. fregi raesadsuc î.o pa' oning ta pa>'. Tii. mv requires liai a A if)e',l o uniy Treasurer (St.Ili i 11, T. Plin, Noltar lhheL LV,,J -r nexi year. hilchte-y un daublviiCant>' Superîntendent ai Illgiîway, Aiguet 26, 1919...............tupervi5<W Maetir r ved hat tIi'- t. l.rjs the uille viii colleet anuaddit1w il,b. employed lu oaci mounI, snd 11-1. .-report be refe-rred t in' ~5th tf'Ci-<ala... ......- $7.000,000 of unearned frtight. D-uthe salary fh made sufficint ta l r le.,rdrm 'tiyfr5 <i ùl'ene lt -u ',n ln M ,itain,,', ..... the var for a period of 9 moullu,lie empioymnent of a romp, tent fier- yeni-. .... ..... $296d,84 Motion carlriedA N T, îîeardrîa ........... Chicago vas nmadA a iseing point. son lhe service la tire crarlrwill be -Paid Cwîiny Toraurrr Atrg. 1Si<rtff Frt.r J, Orren sulnlttt I i y ci l7,d , . , ý ý vith prices equai viithPiteebug.wortlh man>' tinei t-b tcot. ,let us 26, 1919 to correct errorin tlire fallowing r-part i kI 4n,:ri.... but on Jli>'1, 1918. flrougi the ln- aiseeati your attention ta the tact pr(-s o r,rort ...$1101> .00Tate lnior,h1- ln- tr, '! )r 'vl A iF (*. . . . . fluence ai the steel mille. Pittabtirgi tint the, count>' canatge-t value ne- Pmld Cortnty Trea5urpr Aue 'ors of Lake (X 'tnty. hltinlm. i- ie to ri . .......... 21ý woas again made the soie bassng point. ceived if lie ceuni, superîptendetut 26, 1919 blire ( Ille on î 1, MmIrr J,<',reý;n Stteriff lnu avol This association, cornposed e of 0 r 1e n laîleoffice; tlfrrfore ho lune 1919 report ..... -2160.6 fOr Irle Coutty oft1L4!,e and Stue of'tukM -voi manufacturer@s fronm 2e'Western stuuld lb. given a reasionaiblo ex pense Total patldTreasurrAurusl iioetepcf yues'îlr o-oo~ak...............14 States, luciudlng manufacture of account ln order ftint bcmaly v1itl26, 1919 .......... .....87704 Sr, iow!ng "repo f ail tt, teps and "m- ~nMcAft...........1 bridA.!,-culverta. rond nailing na- lie 'differeut sections o et tc out YI LnW A. 11FNI;EE , oyument.4 of rary coflieI-r sud dur!ng Th, Wa r-n-r ........... i ciinery, Structural ste] lfor buildirngsa ieuntitevl. l'enr. ti- lstarrinc emen1 dv:n %Vil, r....... i tarin iplements, wagons, tneara. s, Ver>' Irai, yours. RTATr OFilijOS D. 119, inclusive. wlier.'i i atet(BlIn 2.ic9ta,n - automobiles, tires9hing machines. S. E. BItADT, COUN1'Y 0F I.AKF a1.tire gros ,aurjnt oa I ,l h,, fie sor \t- . ý .. ......- 14 silos, barn equlpmmt, feuces, gales. Sîeperintendent of tllgirwayp. i Iew . APlendi- obriller dut>' sworn ,moitntent', by me (--rnti.1y offliaI W H frmî-o .... ......2 wlndmila ire-oh vatir !.ytcs, 15cul CIFFORD OLIlEIt.deoira d si,rri 'îtt ihe aima. r.- ic~rvIe edurrin. ts ý the vrar. tIh'F r : ii--t y . -.... 75 Pro. furnaces stoves sirec-t 2mets]roof- (bIef Highwa>' Engini-er. tortal arflo.t of reFel:,*.4 Otf5 irIs- Csr I :ratt..........24 in bdmik an ttt dsos f Supervisor Crapo moved îî1h îih -vr tm o carctr.T .1. iaI.............. 2 altier Items. have been working ta e- ecomunniatiorub rfrrî- 0Li' lo 9rr i eufie- nts ur:an Cort............Jf,2e901 2 06 FIîq oediî,r...........281 establah a 'Chicago Base' oun olled Fees sud Salaries Counmittee and the ~ Iretaitha> vcs-----------tr~ t--'o~ -îeî......2 steAioauoù equallty viti Piltsburgh. Road and Bridge Comimttee.................................v;cPs..... ...>........... ...242 h3 # J'.A\it..... ThiiAssociation bas asked ltM carnled. l'r --rint!r'rnicie Pi Fasteta-r----------2........6 Federal TradleCommission ta enter a Tii. tohioing communication vs" Toali arnlnpgs lfor'liaI! yenr------------------ ..... .15Fred Hecrbert - ..... comjpla.inl agalstI tire United States rend' Toalýiounîrtnlrecî-ýivrtfoi- liarit ycr r-----------------------2614.50 Steel Corporation and other Steel 993-Come illi., lureet.1s eebr companies located lu lie Chicago dis- Wat-erîCo. ivm- Stni salar frni earl Iicebrla.191 1000 -tssl letw rr trc wiiar iaria o usu-Dec. 3, 1919-' Stitriîttozeiryfor rai ear ta Decmeir li,1919 92100nRse]H da .. carnet! service. <li.he arlng beqlonsCaunty IBoard of Supervisons, îrSenif axprtsr liait)por t...................9. 9218 - Ediv A. StYl em...------.2. lu Wsirb!ngton on Docember 2. W. ReÈelfo as eot............ %216 ami'>PannaI*. ......... 2 ni'. met aaking fer your financial as Lake Caunul Court Hous. E. V Mille-------------.23 aistance bel we do neeci your moral Wank.gmn,1. Total-------------------------------------....12203.80 js- W7rJ. enkrns .-------- 2 support- Gentlemen: . idaî ta Count>' Treaourer........................ 440.70 E. IlWcisimanli18 Thiissupport eau boe given tiraug 1 ide pot ki>ow viat the statuae i-n ~ LusTrihn.....2 Iminediate adoption of reolutionî y iayLle kounaria ln laregard ta a (omit>' -12644.50 P W 1'cterson..........20 1 armer.' Organisations and hi, public SuDei'ltetident ai Hlabways for tire >___________ geverning bodies.,itici as yaur Board oomig terna. unlmes Il oa iereigone STATE 0F ILLINOIiI. W.Jein Momnision...........20. et Counli Commsieners. Capies a oiaofn1,101 a h om La ta bc ap- 7OUNTY OF LAKE.Jh orio ......2 thest' resohutIonasboul ie hosent te pointed, I vauld like ta have Yeun l- IElter IJ.Green, ihhelifl nitm Sprio iaio oattia 'rtil-----2 lbe Hoan.Victor C. Mundock. Chair- cinde mnome l n the floit eligibles Late .Caunt>. Illîrtais, bengdci'lirte report ha referredtate .Coin John Wildè .............. 24 man oi tie edenai Trade Commission, wbileh >'OUtomiralate G. F. 131ich of avora-on oatb. dopals ,and *»ys mithe, on Soîflernent Iti the. Sher- E.F..Mchonald .........21 4 Washington. JD. C.* Individual proteste the State Hlghwmy Dept. tbttr toerpr stui n f.Mto an.Wlili Liodberé........... 6 1 te t-ho Comiiaion. pating Out thre 11>'home la (mand buibeen ion 22 rftlinth b e tit of bisi.knnvledge;-,I- -fi ollovlng bill vwi prueetd C. E. Balntav ......... 6 rlntalrness of thre situation wbich la >ears) et 796 GCond Ave.. Waukoffl. formation and bellet. and on mollo. of Supervison Kirsch- - .Airisiro ............-2S actumily, blockiug urogrema lu Lhe Ill., but at- frenat Iama ompioyed as ELMER J., GREEN. nés'reterred to ih mac.Commit- 'Louis Oullidg ...........26 1 West, viilase bet fpaiamoisoitlier- Ausi. .Clty tEneer of tlie City' 01 Uubcnibed and aval' te battors ime ftofor investigation andremi C.F gaa------4 vice. *Waterloo, 1&. 1 va In tue ciasa f ibis tidayof Octallir A. D. 1019. - I isf...............24 4 -ManY dePartinua et public vos*s 1918 ai the-i. nvdrsîl>' of. Illinais, but Loy A. Bendes, CeunI>' Chori. To the. Honorable bolas'd of Super- Frank Tlyerm------------.15 1 have already vnlttea the Commission. loisicd the Navy la t-i. Sprnt. , arv- WaukeganhIlinois. iisof'5etlske CollaI>' Illinis. Jas. Oltudly ......-------.12 2 Esichosed inlaa a pyo et l rsohutiens iug 9 men.tatse. of aivbci as lualg lain Office ef the Canl>' il »WM j. Green. hherlljin ad fom Tiran. H. MeCanu -....26 fi adePled by lie l'armer. Educmticcal engineering, sud tben neturned ta tihefTreamurer. the Ounty of Lase, aaA Blale et Il-Chai.Why-te '-.... . ...28 15 sud CO-opeaaive Union ln convention University' ani gsmduat.d ithe. cs& NO. Ibn.. t'nad .roepeoti.fllypressai lie Col- lArthur îEtripe-----------..28 m at iBirmingham,. Alabama. Tire South- or 1919. i bave.bail eiteidMrbleex STATE 0F ILLINOIS. iolrln. rporto VnsO oolnadLt ......2 ena termer la alive ta tlqInhjury perlence in ilgbva>'constrution vili LAKE COVNTT. tenan l& eteau o»'.edu-R.onarrSD .a ............--22 wraugit hlm mnd aka tiat Birming- t-le IllinoisEtaSîmiMgbwa>' De»t., and fRecelt-rd tii. BIb day et Dec. 1919 ieth@ d Sp 1ta uai.etIainoi.4 R.oHrr ýtison.. ...........4j bain t..made a basing point, tic saine bave been la my preut position etf1Mmer J. Green, Pour }Iundred - i .b c mdSausc îiof. Robent Itwi---------2..4 2 as Western tnt-réas are msking that vit-i the.City of Waterioo on isael- fort>' andi 70-100 Dollars -for Surife lird 1917, Chapler as, Section 250Z, ~ cwrx......4 Chicago be ruade a basing point oqua lissnos engineering vorir. imcudg fae" sud emaas lu axe&&ofet . for dopaI>' bine frein Seplemiien *0Ib, Aloi Hen-----------...1i1 wih itsurh.oiWri ad ringe sne ep j 144.7'9O1W9B bM P eNovombèe ffIr, 1919 an strike Bsn Parmale...........14,-2 vsihb Yetsug.- îwr id riaeWic Spu-14.0 RTW RCE.- dut>' ai Wlre Mll. Chas. IH. King----------...21 4 Trut1g aîsvii cvthe ncce',slly.bi-. ' wouid 11kg te have Yeu writ-e CcunI, Tmanrr. -Lewis LolAnk ----------- 6 Of prompt action , and thomkina !Y5unme Iniorming ume about thbe terof ? ' B>' H. LewisDep. Itogular Deiaity..Ahn oir------ lu adeance fer an expression tno:u office, rnenumenalton. and place of ae--. a.mutAbe nca ............---- i ye regarding thiiunjueliflabieleuxt, amînatlan, Danti0=it an unaseenhblc....... ai- irnamr1stion vitil affidavit À.A C. Berry ............... ,...... 10 da," @ 0400 lier day... f 40.00 James Woo rn -... 19 Very lin>' yanrs, faiactory. vOOd l J. W. Gray ......................... 12 &ie $400 pur day... 49.00 Id. Doyle--------------..16 W. 3. MeCOLLUM, epesfuî'Weil Iudeipi ..................' da'5#0400P %de> . 1000 Max -------------- - .1'ao.......... dy~ $400 perday ...... 14.00M.e,. ........1 TuPatvtg S.rtr' l. L. STREED. CZ hyr........:d . R. Groom........ .............. la dae $4.00 pu day. 000 C. Gordon . . ... 6 Th o coln ommuafeathru ai Supervisor ifeher movedtbtte i îck.......... & m 0 O84.00 ver a>'.. i. oA. 8. Kiienéy ........ 26 6 rend and uiioa motion oft Muprvîsocmmunication bs phaced on 0lue and '- AI, B. iuminon............. Batroîow nstorred bte th Badingo tlum tire Cont>' Clrk infonun thi. av-~,.......~ .0- bt3. rnet ........26 5 Mod Grounda Ccmmfttee vit-ipve'pileasilor the proviions ofthlie 1W ÙQ.r. . - 5 Tii fîîsrng W.slO. ie md jBi m t* atecfOI ~. maBuck ..... A.......25 tedlg#-etb. t. a i-e.n o t- fu vega , Cot SuOOriienda t $Vbg O an un . .,.la @b B. ...........2 Ir«» am - ,wà%b3 à" tàUc.of tIraButelc uNke lmme-ab 'bM xbrrmm a1 *0fflmt e anblu la Irsa(ty et coiquW bet mu haw& ummod leti t- t Au i f wom t o e-ee<~fe~ llut M Iî t Osent>'atm mim 'w L10 L2.00, .r2 . W 44.ùû0 56.00 2.00,t 2" '0) 4q.00 48 .0 q0.00 24.00 52.00 66.00 Ra-no 44-nO 1211t 62.03 r)0.03 58;03 R. &f IC IL TiiAI-y Nathran la rrl; AI Cati-> ......... Ceo.Vi. >1-uu-Il..... luirr-r Ilinh-.i.. (liat. (titriningli, A. Il. ltouee... l'au[iLe. p....... W. Watrsn> ... 'rirasý. J. McItilian Chas. %Morrîsan - k-- eo. Sage ... k John Mitchelli hies C, K.L Stanley .. ~- W. LDnet ... Wallo te ilbrz ....- Arnoldi T. Noirru (L John Itecding ....- Phi Br-and ... IL. Itinaido ... Ilint Mciausman A. K. BoWer .. Frank Wiliningon Carl A. Wood .. Lelie George .. George King .. 85,76 liniet Oh3nIe .ý-Fi-ank Bur-ke. Mest 8792 W'. IL Burke. larnd Park ..- 8829 Wnr. lai-i -... Superiulcudent AI Fnrm asubmtitedti he STATE OFIt' INO ILAKlEC MY.as Bloard af Saperai - Dec. 81)1 Mr. Cinirmnan andi board of Supervisar Sr'buylcr Api.->'y t0 submii Ithe fallut lits; receipteansd Suprirlt-eud.nt -of - Farin fer Ithequar 19119 (6 I)ec. 6. 1919! Recel S Sept- 28, Jasf. Weakt (icI. 3, tîri i,adc-r, 1 Nova. 1, A L.. titla, Nov. 15. A. LI Ittla Nov. 29, A.L. lt-itta Total r-ctpis ... sumni Total expenîituret, Tutal recýltit,4.. Balance due Schuylg Expend i Sept. 7, I.ee Pese driers .... Sept. 7, Dr. r-o. A thIng ton lumat sept. 10. Public S Eiec. ligit & V' sept. 1l, i'ublie f Eier. ligit & Po Sotit. 19, Join filetz Sppt. 27. Sinclair It gaI. gaiolinie Ü oct. I, S. P'. Evi gerv. andi mater Oct. 1. U. S. Postai 0. box r-ut .. Oct. 6, Dr. I. E.Gai t-ai servitce .... Oct.i. 8 Arrow Truckr eu gr4s.. Oct. 9, <1,F. lRobert- r-tci-hIar an t. lapubice rvi liaiht & poîwe-r. oct. 16 . CId & St. an dry guadq - Oit. 2 i..t-IîRolius, Qct. 24, ti~ & Zut lard ......... Oct. 29. A. 1. Hllta. Nov. 1, Wrtii.Ilawlh .;.v. 6,. ley NMa( patiring tcIii ti-'i Nüo. f, S. P.i-:stic Fe-rtire-s & itial, Nov. 6, Iruranti & K. for ........ . 'Nov. 6, C. M. & SI. - onftoor .. Nov. 7, Wma. I.e.m - cows----- 9, .AII.-niait, eIý,îihiugtI-r lut N- 1, Pubic S ùic Iig,& ça-r. Nýov. 22. cGor Trr<Ri I'.22, Arrow Moti on ,-îrgar anti îo lic. j- l'iherty ()Mi i gaolinre 1,i 24î- Jt.1, S. P. Evut p',evii a niuatf, 6, Vc . !hrt Cl i Dc 6. A. ItýU-iý. etc. .. . . . Total pail e-ut- .... Supcrarsor 2.aeth ne aI Cre-tc-rre-d rnrlAudittng t- Sueeqisr fllger until tfr.n-Jrtow mur Motion carried. De-ce-r Bioard met puriue a1ihi (Iairmirn FIE hule foiiovlug Incmt eralsars fli-slow. I buirges. tlarik, Cr I-icke. Iholdidtge, Mr-irI. MaeLier. MiurphiY. McCulîoug dock. RItigdtil, St ,i-jtltSupervisons IB Antiocît. 2. - MInulea ai precer autit utumet-ion pt i-r appçrowed. Vtle- foluving û(t ne-ad anti apon Mo vlger order--iplar To Lihe lonorable 1 ait" sage