LIBERTYVILLE IND"UENDRNT, T$IU1SIkAY, FEIBRUARY 19g,190 leting bombha . .. 3.001 Testiaiony'et Joseph IL.Blsbop, - Justice of th Peame. afconte la the $".30 rlloving eam incuured la the pros- DEERFIELO, FIFTH ecution of the sans lu the city oi Grant, : . Zion. ge of eie-tlon . . 8 00 Christ Acrob-JusUce tees, 1. Searles, do............. 6-('0 îneltng iing trial, AsumE Stanger. do - ~ .mttimaus, approving bond - Salyrdî .. .. an d preparing transcrIpt (ln !ri of Cectlcf........... .0 twa caseo, ..... ........... $16.00 A - . 6-001 bFrey Stanher, deo--.---.-- 0() Coxtable tees, îcreing war- Grant.rants snd aaecutlng nit- ottt-mtir.-I VIeten- 25 tîntl . s...................2 tallaispectimen bullots, t.ilenne» 01 neespar? as- S. -- 2 50 lAtance In hafldllng trucks turning poil books. etc and beer .......... ....... 9.81 bt of pollng place... 8.00 $34.04 cl&rL.omm d $redeiek - Justice ies btIng bootis - .0 lu luding Mting. trial, issu- - lg mittL-uus. appravilnS $5630 bond and prepalai tran- DEERFIELU. SlIXYN. scipt(ln two cases) ..*15.0e Si. Peter. Constabe tees,' eer*tng §go et election . 4.- 00 warrants and executnt Berube. do...... - ----- 6001 mittimus...................2 Shoahen. do .-..... 6.00 Dipenses of necessarY aI- 5, .PCtentn. an ln handling trucks kI F. Pèeet on. . 6.001 ad ger ...................8 G Sheaien. de 600 die pctîng notices oaiedcclIon X.-A.St. Peler, pastlng apeen ballots, etc to.-returning poil book. etc. 13 m iles .......-...... ..... Henry P. Etivards. reut ai polillng place. T. 5 <Clar-k. eretîg Socthu -......... DEEfiFIELD. SEVENTH 8242 J. J. ut-anal. Judge1af lecton Sm41 et-tian Dani, do .... -8244 M. lDaaleY. do - --- 824U W. H. Thomias, clerk of leclian 8244 Wm. Denrel. do 9247 T. MCery. do -- 8242 J. J. Btanti. potlug ntices af eleaflioflý t243 do. postilgapecîmen ballais e... S243 iet-man Denzel. te- ternlng poilibooks, eue., la miles 8248 .City etliiHOland Park t-cnt cf poulttaipace 8249 Wiultrsd Gisais,. et-sctlng boolil.----- DEERFIELD, EIGIOTM G. i.Veltet- Jealge of electioD D. M. PIesie', do. Mari-y Paul, do ---- L.. A. Paul, clerIt ai election L. M. Warren. do...... E. L. Ilintz do OL.Vetter. tosting icluding AMing, tria l Iauug 2.50 millimus. approvlng baud andl preparing transcript (ta 4 w 30 taCases) ...............1.0 f Constable -lees. .»l»% 8.00 warrants ant i eglttg ci- Il mus .... ................2 3.0 Expauses aineecumry as- - stane Au baniini trucs anal boer............. 88 4.00 James D. Wurpiy-JsfIle f ts. 6.00inciutialtas i, trio!. lion- 6.00 ing mlltlmun. -plrovlng f bond andalpieprag tra- 600o script (lu Ivo cases)......156,00 6001 Constable fecs, nervlug- ver- 4.001 rants.aid executini mit 1- MU .................------ .26 10 Expenscu oi neemarY as- sisatance lu handli g 2 2.50 trucks aid beer ........... 1942 .J.Guenlhet-luttsitees, fIn. 306 4.30 luaing utttmmus.aPPreV- las, bond and prepat-i. .00 transcript (lu tva cas)- ..114.50 30 Consable fem es. serîni vr- ____ tit.....................83.75 Expensei Of nocessary as- $630 sistance i n ain i tucks aid beca'......... ........ 19.62 $.on $27.87 69 0 Chatles F. Tran-Justice feue G en la four cases) ........... $19.00 Constable tees------------- 6.2. 4 noi Expensos of necessary' as- .00 i istance in handuIng trucks 6.00 andi beer...... ............981 notices o( etion-..... 2 60 $35.06 8260 do. Postiug apecîmefn Laurentce Sehufietier -Justice ballots. etc. - .250 eï cldg011,tra 8250 do. reînrning pol i ts. incldîneaptntprl hooks. et c., . 13 u tics 4.0 bond anti prupat-t-lngt-si 8234 Stioni Dstrict NaO18 srp i W Ae).... 817 . -nt of poliiag place- 8.004 Cstal teaecs ern ..... $5 80 T.M. Clark motîs anal ei;edtitt mitîl- errtig bmb .. ---- __00 mus ... ................ -. 2 -~$66.30 Expenses ai necess.ry assis- ____ tance lun itantihng trucks - 25.0 aid boor............ ...... 14.71 The ioliavlug eomm'usicsatt mac -Jutic5.96,ln ,?Ucuhld nalon tatin c Sna"vie- Rous Davis utc e. u or Webb referreai ta the Judicist-y cîkitmtinuapvih Commitce. bond aid preparinn tran- To the Honorable Chairman qeript (in tva es)... $16.00 and Boardi ai SuPeniore Consable tees srving van.- 0i Laie Caunty, naots anal executlns mitli- .2 Gentlemen: mus ........... ......... .. .5 1 beg te repart la your honorabe ]Ripante of necessat'y as- btody Lie action, ofttii Court wtii sîstance lu handlîag trucks reirene t lte o eîlei ianCl ansd laet- ................. 9.81 boer cales. Storage...................89 IfiDeteenh cases have been.dl sposeti390 af la te Circuit Court. as la moi-e$3.1 iutly ihovlay Itle shloinml Btereto Thosmas Bo dt-e--Jàirl e te, ataceed. includltai Ali, trial, ap- - Ttb ias been bt-att-lt ta my alîcu-ý provAng bond anal ptepat-lng ton tiat umereus bls have been tranacript (utfess 1 1 fAId s.ili lie Côuuty Board amnst Constable tees servtfg mat-- Laie Couti tua varions part les fer rantes.....................81.70 serices nenderea lnlaconuacition vitit Expentes ai necessarY s- tise cas., s0 viten Iiey vere icard sîane la itandlflg trucks en ples i guilly. i hati a short te- anal laer................. 4.0a cord made anal îtinit for vaut- con- alderallan an Item izeti repart o mon- $18.70 e"5 receilffd by te partiles inlerest- H. V. Newman--Justice tees, lu- cil clutilas li-nacriI., flibg ils report la complte se la the anti mittimlle------------.$l 7.00 laoetey puldLt.. O. rockvray. Circuit Constable teesc .... ...6.70 Cleri, to date, but doos ual lalude- Expensýs ot necesmary as- the varlalus aniaunta la dferent par- sistence lu handilng truck ,ticn aI Zkt City -for tic storage af anal beer ......... ?........9.81 truelle. Theaa amoitats mâd besu Cotîai cases againsl Au- Velai mien tAe trucks yen. rêelea, guet Setier surd Hlai Mor- Dulor la lie Indilcîmenls belngt-e- I gain, asiatel wlLi Newman, wimeinluliAs Court, andi 1 have no t ates lu Newnman case..47.02 of taI haseamounts, Uy.umnalcrtandiÉg te LiaI a char-ge .$7063 wus matie of one dollar per day ferIliertuan Rllic-Jumllce tees, eci truck andt liaItle amout was tncludltng filng. mittîmue paid vhen te trucks wve sreleameul. and transcrit........ ... 1 7.011 axituning luinome, cabs. 10 ans g Constable tees ............ 7.6û am seventy dllare foi' a single ttin. Expenses 01! nccossery a- On tie 2%th day ofi Navemier, 1919. sîstance lu bandiîni- trucS Theadore R. Becker. (,lhet et Police anti isqet................. 9.81 of ZIta> City, wvia iad cutatdy ai lie beer. filed] a petilion lu court, tie .*44 pt-nier ot vilci petitian vga granteit bE.Ogdan---Juatce tees. lu- anal an order entened autboelslng llut e' uding ilUng. milbimu, anal t0 pourn ouI ithem, .tu s»il lie bol- sa i Iamscript ............-7.00 les anti maie report of bis ata andl Constable tees------------.60A dolag ta Ibis Court. A copy ai bis Expeas..eti icesusan? as- report le hereto attacisl. Tihem77n itance ln baidiln ltrc of $765539 fl bespelaiby L. 7& . antihuer ..................98.11 Brocivay, Circuit Cict-k. ta lie Coun-' Blorage----------10 ty Treasuret- cf Laie Counli. This I lie total arnount uecelvsd fur empV- 054 ty tIottl mai ase. te date, lIsul. thea-utiefes a amouil oi expense. la deeti--ylg thli eluailfiS DiUa. ltees, mtAi- habit. an temttacticopi of vilcihle ou% aig &J tu- al»imaerel'c allachua mi tîs nsacy cmandi trantclpt ... 1.00 a l a ebaun tihia Cuuty Caulable feesn.............7.60> Trs.mwurer awalila your eric-dier. xese i eesay s yul ebombter reort uteit- the»e slitant@ la bsndlASg Ici Camsare camplelea ' maid boer ............9.81 .Valom CI"a fo-ia .usommres Mmd -004 4larice bave becu brougil la lie aI. lt4i ai lhe, Court, bultIf cil Ihal William Zveyer-Juatlce tees î taj a n lgt te amov lins gainçl lacludhi lMtn, taliait- the Couty. bies-fore hvclacaw lthaakà u nal Lu>ausript .. .00 zeobod et twret" th e y oep Constale foeu.............1. 4 tie lie Coualy Trs.unr. revlit 2 'etnicai»u7tse. Our pour body to reou'an*blahei- ai moluc *b@e ctia Sare leffltate olalas aid eeboa ... ...9.81 smiat liceCouaty. I1M ivlagus lca o ita report noPOU Marsy::18 = t = 1Pma flisé.letliytise Ma...Duma-JutUce fêté. ln- t Ofmon " ischruttofons cidug limg, trIAL, mittitaus fein pi l t e A-e Vsiou "=mats 1 I tal UU t -,....... 1800 &Md la"ie MtieteaI.oausWMrala - Cenmable feue... ........7.00 ausýru« thliu tlis lit yc ge. -ùIA tsi =pea ofai ecisprias- aM~ttum.. I sistr: ela iandllag' truck -.Rcpucaiy uiltei I and-ber................. 9.81 CAM(). MWA"AS& 1@ ý M -.WAà- Weà l~t8-J~ feue, la- eludinflgIR1aU ASpaAg ttl' muatn d traserlpt .... .00 Constable tees............ 7.30 I1bipeiimes ofnecessary as- sistance lta dIus truck» and beer.................. 4.13 818.43 W. G. cam dT. n. *roc 7Juda L1 N.1 .W Ralpm QeI] un mtotton of Buperyleor Neyer 50. cepted a"d adopted. STATU 0O' ILLINOIS, COUNTY 0OF LAKE, as. Board of Superir. 1ecember T"y. A. D. 1919. lir. Ciairnan ad Board jpf Super- Yeur Commiltie u LaitoeCountY Ceneral Hospltai àudltingwvoold b.s le&VO to repon t tat tbey bave cx- amlàned tii. books axié accouate Of the Suhcrintendent af nid huspîibd "d Sund samué-fee 5»d »M "sm e I"t repart the.i1gw. of recelpt mmd dia. bursemeAst ia e oo*s. à. G. NÀETIIEU. A. W. VEUCOU. IL A.111offll Hlenry oceez-4et1tion êes. in- cludhig fil-ig. Issuing mtti- mus andt rmnseript ....$ 7.OC Constable tees................ 73 Niaut aineeua*ary la- 4iataricg n BanidungUl luh andt- beer..................13 $18.43 Biner Sabi-Justice le«s, la- jetudins flItaisula ta illA- mus Mai Aaoecrt. $ ..87.00 Constabl .30 jExpeuses of neeessarsas- slstance la handlug huCi and bei"-, ................ 4.18 FrLàk Pleber-lustie fées, filing, mittlinu. aid tran- script Cne cae) ...........j 3.50 Constable focs ...... ......50 Eltpnses ai nocessary as- anal Suer................... 7.041 Gua Leiman-Conafabis e es. .$7.50 Expenîci of aecespary as- sisanace lu iandhingtrck and becr .................. 0 $17.00 STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNY OFLARE, se ClaNt ircitCourt ai 1411, Caunty. Decotuber Tsri. A. D. 1919. People of thil tat 0 Illios vs. Rerma Newman, Charles J. Ryt-su, Andrev Seaman, Herman Sidick, L. E. Oglden, James RYan. James D. Murphy. Ir. A. Sicarer, HuimA..Ler- cleA, RImer Sans, Nases IjUna. Henry Gocts, Henry Keee. rankh Fisher, Ous Lokmanu. Rte DVis, J. P. Snamber, James GuilaovAo, Christ Th. underwlgasi shows mta lhe Cauttt theiccourt ceseslasthe above incluisi thaeftom of te Justie ofthe .pouce Mmd charg- es for sicrage sud labor, liailie ierk ai sai court ceau Dt puy Mai teus viticul au ot'detof aies our; yaur >tltiicaer leret-are prays liat san rdet- may hoe ntereal icrela di- recting sai lal Ciot-tt puy ovor ta Josepit L. Bshop. saii Justiceaitlite Peace, tees entered up as Justice Court fee, and te tues charges as îltage ad labar., JOSEPH! L. SISHOP. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTI OF LAKtE,s. Jotetili L. Dishaop being fitst duly .-mortidepomes and c5ys liaI hoehbas reiad tite aboya entitied petitiasu and Ituov te icontents taitaroof and tintt the anme lamtrue. ,1 JOSEPH L. B1SHÔe. 1 Sutareribe andaxil avrua L efare nie1 tis Sala day aoft)ecenittr. A. D. 1919. J. 13. iEECII. Notani Publie. STATE 0F ILLINOIS, CO0VN'I'VOF" LAKE, et. In thc Circuit Court ,, iLake Caunt!, Octaber Terni, A. D. 1913. an te malter aifte People of thea1 i State of Iliiro.0 Herman Newman. Chatles J. Ryan. Antlrew Scamon, Heraua Ridllck, L.. C. Ogdeîî. James 'Ilyan, James 51.1 Murphy. Fý. A. Sitearer. Hugo Loeu- ceui, Elinet-Saits, Noses Dut-mas. Htenry Goeta, Henr-y Koofo. FranIt Fishter, (us L.eiman, Rosi rIav!e, 3J P, lionaher, James GuilloYle and Christ Aicirofl. Ta the Honorable Claire C. Etivardi Jutige ai îaid Court: - The undet-algued wuld respectftily report hhat by vittue of otders uet- ler.i)vn the 18th day oi November, A. D. 1919, n îald Court ln tie above entllled case, be did on the îist antd 22nd days of Navemier A. D. 1919. compiy viti salitdat-des by pouritat tic beer mentionat i n salal tort Into tie aewat-aaaut ZVan ('ity, Ili-i nais, andt laI he il Ia iilte boIles cases, Itoga andi bat-tel> as diret-cad in at-ters, ta aoe Aloi FiniqteIn; liai lie solal ho saai AIea Fieni'ein: 145 gnose ai batiles at $2.0 per yrosau.............. s 890.0( 381 Lutrois at ton cents raci. 88.Ü1 702 casas at ta-n cents eaei. . 70.W21 24 kcgs at tan» eenta aci.. .. 2.1V Total .................... 1«0.7( The undeIrigned itîrtiier shows un- ta yîaur Itonor titat tac bas incurreal he fialowing expe-nsoat. Hachin etfbeer ta pince of pourlny ................ 31.75 ilelp n paît>inn out laet- .... 171l3f Building Irougi-------------. 34.21 Trotl ............. ........ 245.3! . recapItulation Total Receitta.............. 11000.71 ToaliExpeaa ..............---246,31 - Balance..................... $ 766.89 Tierefore te underalgne elt tuesta permission la pay sal lO pdsel aid ta detiosîl a checIt for lhe. balane $755,89 n titis Court Or vitereVet isid Court sitall direct. T. Ë. BECKRI. STATIt 0F ILLINOIS, COUJNTY OF LAItE s. T. R. Becker beclag IrsI tly avarn depfsls anal Bays liaI lie above re- pol by bAsa subset-ibeai latria. and crrect ta t.e bct af bls 1nOWleige. informationad Sellef. T. R. BECKIER. susribed and s'um telabatore ln( thit 28ti day of Novubet'A. 1919. [SEALI ALGIINU L. WOODU8AN xotari Paule.'- . xt Appurias ta the CeurtAt ita acunt show. s ite above-»UIte eascsbens Ile clu t gev..RIO- d"reitty,-lve Md U-100 Doflar: (8756.89) bavlq, I.ate- li tith alta liAs h otntI I iie 'ed thft Decemblar 1. 1919. Balance ta trcasury anal cash aon band..................865241 Dishureemeas eptember 1, 1919 ta Decomber 1, 1919. C. S. Ainirase, anesluctirs . . 50. lirs. M. Brilan, nurse vagen 16&01) F. BInatov, gencrai expeame. 2.20 Ratier Ditmiyer,, do .... .3oa Pt-ad Buckpt-avipions ....102.7 9 J. Blumberg, equlpnuent 3' 6.00 J. P. Bidîngor, provisians.. 9.11 A. E. Brown, genorat expenne. wuges, equipmentl.........204.13 Bat-ko & Wrght, euitnueul, generaI expense ...........16.87 Chicago Piarmacel Ca., gen- et-aI expenae..............6.25 JaSe Copperk, genersi vases 196.00 Coiveli Ballet-y. i-citerai el- pensa'.....................2.00 Mr'%. Mauti Colis, nurse vages ...................120."0 Chicago Tpiepcone Co., i-en- crai exp auIses ............ 82.78 Swan tatiquist, gencrai vag- es " *«* '* . ... . .. ... 45.00 Mr.Margaret I.unning. do - - 225.00 FrC.E. Duaniels. anacsthetc 10.0 E. H. Berirkan, At LantO Co., general expense ... 1200O K.B. Farveil. prorillons .... 112.10 Carl M. Pick. genierail exPenso 5.15 retebs.Book S hop, do...........15 ira Forvor, genet-ul wageu 28.0 Great i.akeaa Fruit Ca., pravî- clans .....>................43 Dr. E. F. 0-vln, genet-al ex- pent.................800 S. <lumpert Cn. provsis . 63.00 GrInflua Wauikegstn Garage., genat-al axpe-ns...........1.00 îulotly Machine Co., equip- ment ...... .............750 Agnctu.Ilansen. nurse vagua . 96.71 Wm. Mal, touerai vagl. . . 10.00 lew A. Ilendeai, Insurance 8 3.00 Mss Verna Hazneu-iy, nurse mages...................17.60 Mlggnitotham t& Douglaz, gen- eral xpeiqe ý.. a.,.. 12.90 Bldg. anal grls ........... 32.08 Agites Johnon, ganerai vag- e' .......**.... 1...........120.00 t. J. Jeýweit, genet-al ex- ...... ..... 8.35 î7 .Keneyi-net-ai el- penses andi bon.........1505.11 lourde Kotlisi. generi al aes 117.6 Fi. W. Iteel & Ce., provisions. 580.60 Gea. Lonk, general exPeuse -. 143-80 George L.ewin, do-------------7.20 Madul Launtry, laundrY .... .76 Dr. P. 11.*NUaller. guneral el- pense.................- 50.00 p. H4. MalIen & Ca., genut-SI expeumo..................14.50 MeinecIte &o. QUIPmnOnl. -13.05 'Vrs. Satile icagihin, nurse vaffe............... .......17.60 Plrn'i-naMacVeagi &Ca.. . provisions ...............174.07 Dr. P. IL.Mat-tn, sat*cO -. 19.00 Wm. J. molley. provisions... 13.12 imnel Broters, equipMasa -l"1.91. North Shore Ft-tilt & PrOducCI 00C., pralalsiona......... 179.27 liele Naczas. goeral mages 7.09 'temue Naciai, do........... 3.4» North @bore Dalry 'PlacO Crean Ce. ...............38.15 "<atl Bide. Ilme Baie»Y. proviione62.13 1.kie. geesimi expena 6.0 Public S'ervie. Ca..lit à paveàr, çgeeasi expeus - 1 Igri. Ruamsise, sone"c v- îague.................3$1.00 -1«'M lover, bids. A ars., 81.56 ilsaxigu & Wmll.provios. 88 '.P. ,Ramusgen. geneumimic-. peume..... ............... 4.03 -tubine, provieions, gmereal- - piené ................s 14.9* Wi. 1nos%. enera! poeae.. 41-87 ' ILsîmmOn, do ..9.......a# 1.3 Ilhciair lAlaag . ... 13.00 Iteman Boude', <Muera Vage ............ ..... ,'1&«0 &"MdWcu'M"i-àa'sia& . c 11 Beptl. IL.Balance in ; tresu'. .f19e.90 8 . Cah recelved fi-cm Laie Cotzty ............ 2000.00 4. Do, Mi-.. Tehampe. . - - .00 9. Do,.Nrm. Brstol ..... 84.00 IL Do, MandeEivmx-d m»d Aman ChlyS er......... 22.60 29. Do. Theltasa ssler. 10.00 Do. NiMr. Bristol... 16.00 Do. Mr@. Tekaiape .. 10»0 Do, Aiîgli Ravaanib. !MAO -Daie..acreAvusisa -1- Ott. 3. Win. Wedgec.......... 15.00 Do, ai. Ccuity .......-2M0.0 Do. Lake Cauut, Buld- Iugs gi-aunai..------------786.00 7- Da. NilIrd iDavis ..- - 1000 9. Do.A"Soja Itavanri . 2.00 Do. Mis. Grandi......... 4.28 20. Do, Jlus Slaykin .... 24.32 Do. Mr@. Amaan ......... 28.00 Do. Julus ecg ......... 80.00 23. Do, Wm. Wcdge .... 15.00 -Do. Mr. Coudlil......... 25.00 Do. Mra. Amani.......... 15.00 27. Do, Mn4. Atan . 25.00LO 29. Do, Jo. Avaee.197.60 Do: Mre. 0. A. iiutchsa. 4.40 80- Do. Ralpi A. Gorticy .. 46.00 Nov. 1, Do. Laie Coaty ... 2600.00 S. Do.,lira. Aman......... 25.00 Do. Banale Daveil........ 7.00 6. Do, JohanMar'eth ' ... 25.00 8. Do, Mr. Potter........ 1.00 Do; Mt- Cton---------... 15.00 I10. UEbJ.RLAlger ..........20.15 Il. Do, James mlle. Jt- . 12001 13. Do, John Marth....... 25.001 .Do, Mr%. Eruegur ... 40.00 18. DO. Wm. Wagner ---- 15.00 Do, Mis. Begglns. 10-10 Nov. 18. cash recelveai tram Mrs. Krtieger-------------25.00 19. Do. John Martht....... 10.60 29. Da, George tlabeys .. 47.15 $8522,00 Dishursemeats Sept. 1. 1919 ta Decumbor 1, 1919...77049 1 ImnîIIîIInIIniiinininn,în rn-r--- pense ....................110.00 % Jullu EegEt . .........3700.00 SOLVED, bY tic Baad t lâSpuvlsIO* Shar & lmit. eulpient- 1.67-- etCfLdke County ta the. State of li.i chdd.................. ...4q NMo. 1R5ig...................8351b.00 noie in regular £sssIon mnbleaj, la Standard 0i1 Ca., general ex- Toeviom it may concern Waukegan, Illinois, tus I lth day ai pense ....................13.87 ,N .Cna-,aChcg.I. embr119 la>thwihodg L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~M 1' pudumlpo - mébaviez entend i bib a comtrmtt ram the. counue aiofthIate isb) £loue ....................196.41 vîth thse Vilage of Foi Lake,1.4k. the DlvAiilpna orHlghways aj Joad. Tucker, zonerai cpns. .00 counîy, Ilimels, fer teconstruction lolmeaorai ubi truckal allotted by the Misg Georgia. Thoras, nu ras and grading _« Nlpberahnk Iload, lnitepaMrtzàent af Agriculture tae te Wages ..............166.00 laid Village, do b.rulhy ce,tIiÎ that g 2alu I lîlinois. in cottrary te the Vesle Trandiaigi. geùeral bavê réceind i TSr»Sqven .ltun- spirlaiit heAcat of Controns la sutin expns'................. 2U-33 dreud aud p'ity ($20.000) Dbi- e bItait litait theactinof aile flIiA- Iljpohu Co.,,ganterai expense.. 87201 big aiofUtework us4'W q -,1 iM ofaiglbwgy3 su tch ebitah 1% Vetft *A>Zunéker, prévisions. ' ym>e 21, IU s ereîlmatu ai rbitrary, uvratd sts s N1es clama vaeis. mrs. wagon243.50 csarlmIL Ba uacci. cogaîy Ipern- tintai, otaienc-Conutes aiftls tat.. Chue. Webb, Sgemai epenlse 12.651 tedntet Klgivya nid I -<siler Lad1 WbittlITatum Ca., equip,, îtâte that SU bal e~s *W mau a n; EESOLVEID FUETHiI That de- ment .....................2.98 hieor uali in ticconsîtmcîatin a ia eaiUcsueA seym G. S WaîausBONI 00111> itrading o ait!aid bsa ave buspubthpe t ision aiflilgimmys of the ment.................. .8Z #32 j». à& State af Illiois ta alloa I e t Oscera Washingtoni Laundri, lamdry. 2$10N.KCQCOla4OLS. cmmises et the eUtate et ullaAmdma" TillAc Zndermichi generii ag- Ilubads rbed snd svwm te befirre. me alors iankuarly Lake Comity. thc A. W...r....u......j......125.017Ilbyt@MidAéM. 1. Coma.. ibis d415 "atotrucksa the Deport- A.W.Cefeqipext .... 16.0 urof fecmr À. 1). ]»I1l. , jUMet af Agrlicultut$> for the mms.of $7709 KAL) OTTO »W xiING. ltW People ef the Statset llàice Sugaivîsar Brown, Citairua ofaithe N ry Public' RTE RSL ilTMreus Commltcc u Setlemut vtb h Nr. Woscan. In., Nev. 24,1919PUTE tOVETa eai 'eàMitt«on gttiegmt ith t M.W.. Naube. procidest et Uic e msd the lame As bereby taedisg BherAD, sabmits the. foAlOvns.rpart.: vllg o ox P. 9e ai t heState et Illmels STATE- Ol ILL1ieA, -- 1. Vlt"ke I. aiiet h*Sentersand Z.pre»iatý. COUNTY OP LAXU. se,.Vont- Bar: 1 .tires 0ithse State cd. imauiseaCasa- Mir. Cirnmand OcGlUemu et the l subli tise follov<mg paUM ia ) ares.. that tluey lmaidattakM Sea a Spctisrs ' usiml. a avr aN.~.l~.uas ~Orr ad M- au- EU é11 X 0ca cmusaste Your CmmifUee on Betticent vith Ce. contrfea, .for the traing-« t e &ouma P a e ueCntrs ofaaitihe lte Ricyin report m e illv: ipesikKog nFiL i81. IA«09 Culrma b, te Division cW W. %rave examIai ti = part ai Etimai.. H t y t i a ltUcpe lmer J. dGrem, Si.ris, for tise hai »proshustg QuathmIte m 1 ' eAmtes zarLlotmat aaî i iteSmata.-truck.s jouir ondins Decomber lat, 1919. aial 100« . d..e& c. to . Ifi th- L. several Ootilia of Ibis &ad the lame correct; (btat during Noav. le. 1919 (y déie par- Btate may be mnsde, and b. Il laid period thé eurt-nse ofethle Shut-- e u. idL ...............$8140, PUIlTHEAR R OLYND, Tuat - Ors office ver 12546.15; recoeipis 200 cm.yds. of excavation, ak copy ai ti. resoltUonSe sent by the 02f44.50 and epcditur« 0203.80, loweld tadate 0 49c ver County Cr i utt4sanditheta lie Iua.vlg a balance due L.ake Couaty I mc.Y&d................91011.00ecl ralIi 3* ndLi ea et id444d.70 vuicisbas becs pi l ict___ ors tram mMinute and the. lepromen- Cauiity Te-casurr. W. $4410 aborc i Comires. ft. 1 he ltb reccememai it s ald report b- < cs15 aai,......10,0Cangrematal District in the State of Iltinois andita lte Dcparnt 0f i o RRca ectfuliy oubmitted. Amaunt due a payabéle sio Publie Watts and Buildings orfatii- E. A. BROWN. Iboreby certify lb. Ébov. cutimats no10ld. DIv lelanor f 1 was RlAY PAD)DOCK, ta b. correct and recommsend Dey- Superv-'l'r lXiger moved that te CONRAID HOLLOTEIN. meut. Reeloduliun Ille sdod. Notion car- Superviser aaciber mevnt i a the Respectfully submtted. id repart b. sceeptedan md ~ctd. iMe- CHAB. P- RUSSELL, . kaaorvloor neC'Urtu. <iatrumu 0"c carri. Co. SupI. et lgbhways.l a sb on C te onldir Fr Audit Superrisor Batratav, Cbairmian'ai Ta Wbom il May Concemn: ~ UWtA b oiwn ea thc Raad snd Bridge Conmaî, te. sub- i. JullUM Kng. ai Dl1>.lfloti&*& MI- Lat. o Illinois, raitted tha ialoiawngrepart. mois. iavlng enturci tala a courat;B"ra of SuL*rviacrsi;, SWaukegan, Ili., Dec. 10, 1919.,wilhthe icllage af Pc. 1.4k-. ILake Decciriber Term. To Uicejionorabi. Iboard aiflt3uper- jCounty Ililinois, te cnstruct two <2) jpeecAier il, .qsg. vidéors' ai Lake Cousy. bridslaâ aitilae -ouusM Mt r. Cliatrmmnand l (meîtt,'rt of 1km. Sir: Wekega, ii. ersnk anti PbmIsi.. riims. do tc Board af Bupervsors Dear ire: ercity ccrtliy liaI ihave ivceted Y..rCOmmite an Counî> lPariAu- Yer CammAlîe ta wboiut as -o f laid Village t .-unoftsinisea diîing vould beg leatve ta reportj :>a ierrcd the petitian eoftthe Tovn aiThoumdSvn Rca umruai sait lrtytey bave exainme a al Caims pre Vla for Caunty nid i canstrucling âme <8174.00) Dollars hbilus8% a etf Ofeha a ecrm lie tollowing brldgeq: 'the voiS ovDow euiloîd on sait! bris- 1lb, Payaterut et land rtoiivi, nd FraI. Tic bridge over fh. Thleu'Sgs.and 1 turtier lste tlitailbil. let±lthe elerk Ile iireried tae Issue Creci aon the raoni belveen QuaI., for materlal sud laSer uued lu the at-tirs for tie several ajnaunts ta tie ad Prairie VAcw* asud- conslrueillon -ofsald bridges bave severa iaatjg îo-wiî: Second: The bridge over Aie'.boua pais ter Sy me.Amt lmd BIurnes Creek an thc rond bewlvue 1 litornIO.hues: for wpbt sad sllowed YFairfleld and Palatine, hereby rea>om- Subftribpd and Ivoru ta betare me. schuylpr Appty et ai, service»s"a (4) menisaIht said aid bde grantei; tat by the Idald Juas Keg this hnd day O;. W Cral&BuC. the. County Suet-intendent afi llli- Deceniiet., 1919. mase .ci. - Id vays be laafructed ta prepare plant) (SEAL.1 JOHN A- HOI.T. Sarl H. corlett, graceries 21%L, l 6" and specidlcations andth tintYonr Cons- 1 Nolsry Publie. Do. mona... . ...... - 346 54 mnittee b. v:nplowered ta recelve bid d Waukegsn, 11),. Nov 26, 1919 W. M. Docker, druges 16il4& aud award (uttractq for the vor tu To lhe President and Truacesof Eger Co., Psrdware ". 13 proceed le tAie sprîag. 1lie NVillage a of OIL.ake. .;W Pr"azen Jr.. brûan .179,fit 1A.aapecfully suimitted, . Foi Lakte, Ilt. IMax Kahner, elatbing. GEORGE H. BAJRSTOW. Srs: ;C iHKaiser, repaire . il O Ciairman. Iitefevitjh subraît the.folowîng .501- Liî-ryîiLam..nber 0). E. A BROWN. mate (thti la laval, Oi Julles Eeg for 1 Cosl etc ........ ... _ 65'1 M. INGitDAJ. )vork coapleted ta date o ontecm-,;P.Atil. ovetCo, drugs 8 9 19 H.1B. MIER. 'struction of tse Pistake. e rideg aud G B. Mamacn, asuapplies >> Rond and Bridge COtt- Nîppersink bridge lu lai Lake. la Se- j iB. Morse & Ca.. celang-- 9476 mttee. cordance wilîIithe'contract vitl saai 0. H. Moidor, grscEries . 8166 Recommcnded. Chas. E. Russell. Julius Keg. dalod July 12. 1918. North Stuoee Gàs Co. gai . 22.39 Comaty Superixstendemt aofliigbVaYz. taioM. Pester à Son., repaires...46 d, SdpeIr io liger moeUIat lis Pietaka. Bridg.. Schnock Hardware Ca. report bu accepteti andi adoptuai. Mo- e t fwatt complet- 1hardware . . -........... 4-..1 tAon carried. e .................. $720090 .3. k Taylor, services . t.dl, Supervisar Webb of WaukeuaaNippersink Bridge-C a.Web6. supplies - 2%,00 moved that tie County Clerk buclà j335 eu yds. ot concreetri u Waz have eimud the report of licorized la drav warrant» onUiel place 0 ~$28W0.......... 994000 C S ApPeey. Sept. of the <aurity Coanty Trusesurer lau )cceber, 20000 lh«, of roiniarring sica-i. Parmt.andainiitiahle nom@correct. andl Karci, June asteîtexnbcr ta NICIt-1 ln ubstructure Cr Ille. -. 200090 hhat îte ina balance due ais.. Wettcî for the aum ofai$13500 te Alteasce far torms in place. 56600 V'H. AïdidieY aOf ... . 82 caver office rent for tounty Supa-rin- 1 tendent af Sciaols. Nation carried. 1$19700A 5394< C Superviser Naetbci movcd tlad- 'Le-sm 15% to bc re'alna.d tntiAil ot vic inAsrespeettulty libmAI- jaur, intAi teoir0w marning at ton campieti>n .............. 2955 ot> ted, oclock, far camnute. voit. Moion G. T. Nc(1T'IÀLOtTuf. carricai, 116745 00,(aes Waukcgau, Ill., rie, Il. 1919., Les. four previaur paymenlî. 13346.00 ~ A. 0. BuRoH<758 Board met purement ta sdjouramnct! Superviser Murphy ruaved ltilerta' viti Citairman riche preeldiug and.Amount due&asFirth Elmate 83400.oo'report lieai ceptedan sd adopted. tie faoving members prmeut; SUDP- I iereby cei Lly tAihe above euttmstel Notion carrled. erviacrse alrstov, Barnâtable, Brava, mma correct andi recommend fins aicep- Rupervlsar iiarnsut.e. <('l forgeas, Clark, Crapo. DI)lger. Zger, tance. Daleai ai Waukegan, Ili., titis ai Dapttntian lions. AudilAng t Flicte, IldrIaige, Hollaicl, Hultan. 36îii day of Nov. 1919. le.. îiibtitteal le ifoliawing reàKrt. Kirochner, Naetier, Neyer. Nanahan, itesp"cîully ibmitled, State oftIlinois. Murphy, McCulloogh, OConnor. Ring- CHTAS. E. RLSSg.L Caunty oai I. as. dahl. -Strattou. '3'mpsoit. Vercos. Co. supt. oa i ighwayds. iBoard o1 Supet-viors. Webb oi Antiocit, Web t Wauke- Supervisar Bsirsiov moved ttut lic Ducetuber Term. gia, 26. bilAe ho psid. 'Motion csrried. . DIecen*er 11, 1919. Absent. Supervisor Martin.- 1. SupervIsadr iletton. Ubairman ai the M r. Chairtan onas Deîention homA Minutes ai preceding meeting rend Resolouaons Comonittee, eobaîîitta-d the Auditing vonld bet leave ta repart andi upan motion oi SuiterliFor Mur- iollolng resolutian. tiaItbey bave exsmined ail ' dalii phy appraical. WHERIIAS, Tht@ teparimeat ai Ag-_ presa'nted betore tiern aid recom- Tbcfoolaiug communication vas riculture hag'receutty end8r and by mendth ie payement ai the iolowtpI, read anti upan motian Of Superviser vîttue af Lie provisions oi an Act ai and ltaI lita rerk ho tîirected to lia Webai Waukegau referreal tate Congr,ýss aloitteti 964 auto trucks ta put at-det- for ltae several amounta Lleense Comnutte.lte Etateofai llinala' for the use Of th"ie theisescerai claunants to-rit: Long Grovc, Ill., Dec. 9,,1019. peaple oaithie îevcral caunties luate Ait. cisimcd Mr. Lev A. Hondee, Cauuty COrk. construction of roads, and iNamus; for whmt snd aiiow.c0 Tu the Honorable Bonad aiSuper- WI5,REAS. Tisa. auto truckls havaettî cxi.pawn ... 40 visons andl Mr. E. A. Plficke.. l- been recoîveaili andi for nmre lime B8uke & Wriughthar iware .. 27.02 arable Chairman aoflte Board. iLut pasît aurle en a nd ares nOvWluD F. & lai'tov. polataies ....-13.00 I icrevith put la My applieaUo for thse cuslady andi contretio ti1)i- b'9alt%teiw, ai . ........... .. ... 22674 te balance of tic moncy itie fme onvision oa i igways ai tbe Depatent-IChîas. N_ Cltpo., Dram Ébap Liecase vitci vas of Public Warka and Buildings ai n- 1 Storma Windows ..1..... l ranledtu tame,N1ay 4, 1819 tel NY 4. lBnci.;and are u11t9 ey onider- Peuks Book âbop, supplies.. âAll 1920, and vas sIIoveU ta ram01,17 aile exîcat uge ,r ueful tathe NGttt.pUIIg-.--.. 71 until Juiy 1,, 1919. w4eu var Aime State Departmunt'lor actuel vork. .btt W. r. Hou». entan sd prohibition tout effct. t- are bhin rete Onu aconîructors Sinon eltes.. . .........-.. - 29.5-, Ropîng you vIii acî updon tis mat nal used In he construction and Iaw A. Menee., agent ter aI once and thaiiking you indly maintenance ai tieBsMa te -d Roa&sl burme .... . .... _ 187 1 reman, yours giticet-uly, the receips aiftheDivision 0a ihg- --.-.-.......... 87 JOHN N. ZINIIER, vays. and ourdei Hofebta.. druge . sa- Prmfle viev. 1ni. WIIEEAR, Tl vas thei lulcaion OfA. I. Kned.iià"l.. ....- 4.00 Thie followlflg communication v4 Congres% lu Ain te eu av e, Norh lfore 0».Coe,.gaz ..2 9_1: proomuteai: referred alta itise dauto trc l.Rbil A Trust$ C. a ...... 1.0 roi Laie, lit.. Dec. 101h, 1919. slsoula b. ailoîleal by lte evera «1'Ti &TutC. Ta te Hou. L. Rendes, CcuntY sinIse t e i cverai counties iWhn Iai M. Smith;.0 Clent, "lite Stale ta bo uséd forMd urCre-.Imti L.ake C&iaty, i.- Doss. i bceeral connue., i U and bami p .297.5>1 Demi- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n BA:WEES i iUcCute > ur Wagner, Services ..3150 Ppuait ta rcsolutioti asseaiby lie $tiscf Ilin~ois are A o tBie Bomle Balai-y. Uic Honorable Board of SupereWluosas ami maWnm"n ý ervce 69. mre e ninu91, yt rebî earm laI' iemodute iii tueMd mm- ot eloctrlily ..,..- - 13.28 For 1 LAL Boys' Gun Nt ton Shoes, sizi 5 1-2 ........ Momen's Gt Button Shoes, shoe ......... Child's Pateni CIîîth TWp,' Bi sizes 5 to 8... Misses' Gun N. ton Shoes, si 2 .......... Men'a Gun Lton Shoes, od for C.ach shoe Men's or mm, . . .1.1- -- - , m «MMmÏâMMý Thi -~-to ho] barga $10 har worthc Dollar il o i sH] . i