CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Feb 1920, p. 11

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L1BeZTYVILLR 1Nfluêl4)MTTHURSDAY< F1BRUJARY 24,1920, INumlag teePLU mm aNa~PfWIDÀha 5t.Pvc*ate c0wvilla vers matter aiton .up an complled bjr a ntted to ec M bell f t U TE YAfiied a~m none ed i#e protîated. County (tlerk 1," A.litendoie Mentazy Iasued to TER'- -S .TAIRN UM ITN A iftIdlort waafiled anking that te Léonard Purma. miner. letters of Mathilda 1oc TETFES MiAINST- '>1 T»S ehgadasbvIaad t ln $31-w00.licf tltaeiNrs. Edwrd It'Ipt»n Bkfihens Marga.etilchiî MG~RA RA eorg Shedp bùugbt à acres ln C ~ O D Yho igdmitted to probate. The lioaring M-axiot P.Tack ett. LtuHrs of:!ad tand admiit-t to ler. lnIÉl tion. indiow' 'etint lte value or the' ett. Hotena Senglhîîs Lad is Star Witnéas for State lired A. Gatso gt h Carrne Many probate matera votr. taken est aie L ln tA neWLitbrltoof sqnoli James Calto'w. letiera or admintuiৠVovetd. lit Clugston Case; Dr. AI- (jbrTaa ~10 ce n etosUP i coutty cort Monday. Seettral jFoiIOW>Jta la ]toitet tie probait rtolhudtehrejT le. Mni ngt .Vgson on TrIal. 0 andi 14 -réa Ia4Ioated $00 ad . .DowitICareyt,.miner,. Tid acoatsO uttpprOýved; - ~gavael>ack trust 4doad fer I$8000. _and_____________________________________________-Augusandni The 1-yotr-olId son of Lawrence . diaL oit~ Ietr'af a COnt approvoid. rlgty.for wbose alleod tnurdeï E9I~Dfl1 BUT mlflatimtl 1isued te John Gourley. liartan B. 11. is. Clugston and Dr..Gme, A.- er TV R1 BoozL4, -- erbard b. ii-iauer-. Petition foi bat,' Of wil sot for am., former Wauconthj and Platlie. $ GUST1A T a IIT f l ** irobate of wili set for MeZcli 15,. 1h(0. Elizabeth Aicocit pblisician are On trial et Mfaeomb, ni.6T IjflO TNesnJ1jtm Iietrya-itao sedt la the star vitaci. for the. prommuoim e dni Ipr.> ttwrs. ina eot and se- ar 0iriatite poba 1 11W he caite. H ie ten tula n y delivere i U d A U " E l I o a n m a . in l r t tl t a i c d ît t d ta p o x eth tnlaregarced as a sevore JYYA15ULV IS1EAU cout Lapproved; (suLtti blow tn the ee f id.. aother and - ma&- gandnian, tPftial, nrnorq . Bete oQi' Dr.I I 11....1 'I *Apyalian arebavnflnai ruort andl accoît t ixîîrovtI- ive, and iyou nie A Waukesan man tli la rocoipt cf a cosidérable amusement over the nut- - M M M V isr ae loeed. 1If youti ls@ your ciý letrfona friand ar onib in terfugen that are .awloyed l>y aatte, le'MfI iMumu gI -votya Ir. Wetia minas-. Ft'lotac - aes ase hutà wOlieh lie mors th. sentmnt ainst of thir patients in attempting to.get courit and report appt ovd. icf ener yOu gc't b dIf '01 ifkey pre'crlptlca.. Thoe doctore The.undeuigned will isuD ut public autifion en the. furmknown Jamnen italpin. Wilal pi-oir-ml and huNier-Lîtin. The foikiwlng s-ýL.-t-iluthe are fhaving sm«on ft uabaon the *8 h&f RiaMCùiufn i.iàe nOeP1ik____________ latoat dtai]. 0f t-lia cae: aide an a restait of thair exateo roa& 5'/ mles wot of.Waukegan, 6 milSe sa of, Grayalae &0tdlb. Id., Feb. 25.-Arler a foui Itrendiq or a k>cal b&ÉW',am hlil- firat'farmEast of tii. river,. daye' rects aosei lhrough thle SU" lng couideruble fun at bis espeaba Bas nos. Of ltqrOrs, lth trd week of rie the réuit cf lisI. ietffèusleffieorts MONDAY, MARCH IST, 1920 trial of 1Mr.. îawrenee Ci«sto<>-andté Set lthe, xtneesnàry prescription.- Dr. Gi. W. Mvmucm, ciarged -With Tboy had told 1dm thVit a ntuat .was (Sale starta at 1 P. ýM. Sharp)', eT 1 beenresne. that ha did nfot fond wotll, d cet the i (Cro,-go (lugston, il yeal-oid 'am,. £usertUoa 10 new nilch cm"s, 5. with calves by tiseir aide; 15 close toil f fidinglii.modir ~A~. ~ "Say, dite I dont foal gvod,» the ngr; ea tridofn 1d lé cmromlierind aud a Utti. eiil baelance milkersa and backward upingers; one fulliS e e I aIego taid te jrotitatisitin rer taatou ble aer a bo od ' S e e I t rJd; 2yer-ldbui when boi üturnrdiIhomc m@uddeniy. Ha hao ntered te office 'of a physicie.n.boowihafbyerid;52er-o ul. a actod_ h jro st a 1 bgmoïe What'd itobe, adte-SEVEN HORSE-'r- said 9M44e- tut bis faiter ah. uvulitdoctar. ymintlietleaiiy. fruk ariayMrm. liin,, Miller, foster *Oh, 1 dont know Eract1î-," vas the 1 pai r graya, weit 3700, nine yeara 'old; 1 paùî brown MO1- r of tliii -1 îi , x. intepted fi'oin replY. 'Ive got a sort of grlpPy fassi- mares, one ten years old, weig*at 3000 Ilb.; 1 black mare, the. 'anît <nul (oi-rr- Nir.a cugu-toas lng a.nd thouglît e»obabiy you coulit vena old, weighs1301 a hos-wge 1200; 1 colt as tiii152 ltVin li. <aidroînt "I guets t-bo-r' wcn't li any trr.ubIocmg ersod sts al. ad the 0hysician. "Taire -FORTY HOGS- BUSINESS BRSKlîm-ni-n-acs ftoalts 12 brood 8ows, mostly ail to farrow by 'April 1 st; 3 young I NREL STA E; gu'un mi-itt-'hen~ boetra, big enough for service; 3 5 shoats averaging 100 lhba 3 lia tbihs pafient.W.throiat lat s o ats. LOA $ N AJU P i-ty-tasting mni djî'tne thAt rG-uemblel -30 TONS 0F IfAY- ByA Bvus ma Scrtay ordins, .4Pe tico fdled a boittewl 10 tons alfalfa hay, bala nce clover and tirnothy, By A K. . vves ^so. ScreUy tttie pills. -'Take one of the ci ee-r>' uir un--MLMET-- Tflie andt Trust Co.aM Lffl . n: ln~Î~b ; r ri~:febcjer~2,P.ese Twso truck wagos; 2 rriilk wagons (one new. -,;rdk cans; lokthi j1 îll and le-lt tire office. If£ strainersrayatce Nuîibtr of Vrd$ichà,t, r 1-rt,' îdiln'-tn t h ne 0-rve-to asir for the imention. ,Nuîî1 '-r'!i - to 't tuîîrriggeî .. .. 1- îprescripIîor. Qoutiide the Office bo NU:2ib. r i"f îruîî ecds J-. mort- tbrew lbh' pisi tot an attey. TERNIS 0F SALE-Ail sumas of $20 or under cash. Ail suma 9.11s.-..... ... *11 hot-ibu die satd. of over $20 six months will be givenon good bankable notes, - Atryaao td ¶~rsac eIa Tot.dtriutnt'r ut in-t.umen$14ued849,78 intereat 6 per cent, no property to be moved until sett.ed for. yasaowsbtaraie odto mn Tni~t<tii ni f o:rt' .$148478 Fit Examine Good Qutities. Settiement can be made with clerk after sa-ale. a btar.lLe cniin rol Btn i aibt- o- ih ui etr lr *er' utemxt FRED GRABBE, JOHN THOMAS, N cdfru act h iaca u tht li."ir. -'it fr-r it richt jiii'gînent fur ifly N ed frU a ct h ia c u 'Il tlti :,'gr,iii- tnt re ;rln<-'riinn or i;ng Il IM us-ful, nay "esetini, AUCIlONEER. PROPRIETOR. tînit :ti ai('o güûe u hl riiteeheitre pro. fjeld. ?,o need for un ta ask you whether YC n Waut'cgan nr-iru(-kni; judigmtat îrî i hit-r o t Lii Itl'Iil '<uet rb' Lre 1-te j hanes cf the capital stock 01 any one- 0 t-he la Flue A lelifn~t î:rýwt crr o _____ you are famnillar. P~.îIf L -.'ui"itt *NO TIRE COMPANY IN THE FJELD ver~o -it ,t , Tl,-. n o n e e t iRE, BETTER FACILITIES, MORE IHO0 Annou cemetl BTTER FINANCIAL PROSPECTS THA At-' F ".ii0 ii, J , ____________TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY AT THE OU Fin:ii ,'n i iý-hN1.i Visit ACHEN & WELLS, 217 North Gen, St U; 0 j"' ', A% f'otr 1. - W. wlalt ta announce that w. have purchased the buý1ness fot-merly, Street, North Chicago, 111. raI il '*R owned by R<ehard Hook and Park Smnihlaut Gurrice, and wè will continue Se ordipay of tires, fabrlft ind anetht J i lit: li 1.t-ttsaii-e."n'il uadie '-tu,! \l; 'Ati r ur' - o nd 'past the experimental. stage- and that it iîa nons - * 'o I-IFr v. o niW. will, however, enlarge the business and willi carry a full and corn- c;* i . t 1h nil Cire hack trust deed fi 1 -. plete lUne of 1X ni.t ~ rJr. hr'uj-i' lie Om'arIp- .1 o oni e a d Aveý ., ji-'n prth on! Ms t., o mi-Coal, Lumber, Building Material,Z gln T r a d Avé.d> r-n paon aiofît Sfrndi-Mt Frak (. ubcr -so itvie bcurht e d a C m nC pi l thte Frank Wlodest l lace can weu't .adwilI b. able t9 take care et al yu 'efe aiite- Vlct ry St,- stiiuh o* Gît-tu]Rock 2,000ur needa. -e Ave., for Indicated $lîiîu and gave back trust. deed for $2600. G r e b r 50 0S a Wm. H. Brooks bouglit a btonne oito l& -ed v..est aite Powell Avv., mast north of1 11elvidere St. fron Bri<iget O'Neli for . p ar Value $10 Each, Fully Indicaîcit $4000. ' -( 11 n Lake Bluff- _________________ ltsYnind-L. Hïnit and vile houleht Cl1l4 (l ~- ________________________ thi Gea Miller praperty on Northi. aOut corner North Avé. anxd Wauke- .<LI'4otlt <an ruatnibg Othrute Waah!ngtcen Ave. ' I- for lndlcated #3600 ad gave back f trust deeai l ol0. -- -'In LalceForuçt John Watiaon Jordan and vire --1 ,0 bought the J. B. Kuktar property on 1 90 Pouth entai, corner Illinois and Witsh- Ington Avenues for lndicated $65n0 andu gre back trust deed for $6000. W 1 --l H n dghwvood N. CLarIu-s Glass bought 74 feet on N orth Shore.Auto...,..... an tesfor $8500. Ia-roomn lots at tes .11 HittIancr Perk iltedlrg N. ntfh bouglit part of h Noeroitterg jroperty on Nath t Wet 'hone 748 là9 Èast 'Water Street, 'Waukegan, 111. This la your chance ta have your r corntr r neonit and Elna troats for is than halfprice;. roomas decorated wlth some of the fin- mber that>ýevery roll muât be sold as f this wonderful assortment -ot Wall 1) DECORA TORS 299 N.- Genesee St noaay-We ti 1sabel Haipin. urmraecae0 il ntfe yo. lnventory ap- reltteti of St.- Attion, 'bthJp orf mora, who litn nthe lent.) centrnýV igor. tWiII proyed Ne wantei ta surreniler hb»s hishopit. n L otrd. aut nd tirew liï tcpa'rtginto0 rie flour<,. But aft s brouglt t i leek të Io John, tlhn r. hin'i, j41î,41he ,m,lirdd ta lie os il4 rh. lnî entory "P- cont ii w Io tenu r li. ; i lrteî.- Fl11.l report atnd composition of Pennies. cuLae clored. per,11ùiîe tnt. -M 5pr o"~-. e. b'inai r art and ropper ri d 5 per <cent nickel and ziOS. 1.Etato c1o-ýed. 1The niaterlai wlhi-h goes Ittt tbeM n. l-etition air pro, .fiiits Sdtt22 Cents a Llld n ha " or Marcti 15,lbD2. poiî nif aki %Up into 120 nne-ooflt- tk etters of ailînîn- plecés. Thi.y are dtstributed t biS a t tUeir. tnîoe valtîe, go the, profit *, L. I'(tw k $1 a ponnd, iota the cost,.f rtanuab 1.Will .proved nd i ure, wlîieh lm tot Vent. te. Two Doctors Two Ilourn Feuvle. ve Than Lend. tay keep yuiur irtend ?Y .1r1y; tend and the QOn ' à, u ue your frtend back your alotiey.- 111 N. Cenesee St. . Waukeg« ieng And 1hrough, lrn, 1# -That s Why Tho folltow.InU significant c,, m- nent appearcd in theo influenia1 iutomobilo publication "MOTOR? in Doc omber 1915 in an article by* the cîjartmcnt maager of cone of the arjgcst Rubber Companies:- The'Ideal Pneumatic-Tire Will Conslst of But One Ply"î oe perfect'ed today Sut such a tire whkch five «all tire manu facturera' - ceas of dozens of manufacturer In the auto tire DU woùrd flot now lik. te bc the I\oasesaor of arge cornpanlca melling tires with who3a names i TODAY STAPTED WITII A BETTER NEST OR CAPABLE MANAGEMENT OR ,N WiLL A~ ENJOYKD 1DY THE ZEGLEN JTSET 0F ITS CAREER. nesec St , Vaiikc2:an, ElI., and, 10t West 14th hods of manufacture. Be convîinced that it isI .a live commercial proposiiorl. Rubbor, Ce., Inca ýrred 70,%- Cumulative res Common *, Pald and Non-Assessable' BOND,

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