Big Reductions in Bath robes Hito, secure, a. beautiful Bath Robe at a very low pJrice. Our.ý entire . stot. bas. -been placed on sale for Profit-Shar- ing Psy at prices that mean a quick clearance. We -know this lot will flot last long and urge you to shc'p early for bout sel- ectiofi. 45,5.75. and 6. 50 SATURÙ)AY, FEBR4JARY 28 Bargains Here in. Bags ALL oui Pt#we and Bags$. Shavq bée gveetly reduc-, Monti of cloth, leanbe uedvol- vet bagu to'choôoe f*". -AUl the latest àtyie in côlons of blacka, brown, utpe or navy.- Valueg up to $z..So are includ- ed .. in *im*6rtiént. S1.00, 2.509 and U o61l5q a monthly evenit at al Pierc e stores and -are more,,laIrgely looked forward to each -stcceeding customers learn of the very exceptional values wee gve'In depe'dbemrhnie It will pay you- well te, attend this .profit-tihariug day. A*uthentie Spring Styles - kFor Women and Misses Sring Coats I Ail Newly Arrlved. rAll new ln color and style and in a go"d aaortmnent. Stand- ard values and every one the very thingýto wear now and at Easter.' Specially priced for Profit Sharing Day. 14.7 5, 18.50 and Ûp to 36.50* 1920 Sprin g Suits, Nav" Blues are more popular thma ever.i Ester APMi 4th-Two weeks earlier than Imt year. Masty Suite in 4U the. Spring shadles and a aumiber of materials, The jackets waa lined in plein e fgurod .11k, Specialiy priced for Proft Sbhring Day. 27.75, 32.75 and Up, to 62.50 A perddSilk Frocks -in Spring Mode's A peddvariety of the, ncwest Spring models, i most fashienable materia!uincluding Georgettes, Taffetas and Tricotine, hadsorne. ly beaded and embroidered.. Ail specially priced for Profit Sharigig Day. '- 18.50,23.75and Up570 Big Values in Skirts -fnor ' .p(t r hîttness er for dres wear, of! -oel Strgc, 4iiiit.tricmîilles, plaids aitîl silks. EIpeciaIIy good this EeabI] ýr(' laids in port StUel. 6.98, 13.98e and Up Serg', P.1,1111 .1 vir c ,t6nci lait tarrd (r sporrt 5.98, 698 and Up to 13.98- Women' s and Misses' Dresses 'We have abbut 25 ýdresses in odd b.zes of Satins and Georgette whidi we havé priced for quick cleamance on Profiff Sharing Day. W. advise shopping early, as they will surely b. sold early in the day at these pices. 13.50 and 15.00 Dresses at. 13,$0 and 15.00 ]Broken fines ln Serge and Tricotine are pir.ced for quick clearance on Profit Sharing Day. The styles art good, being a traight Unes or fte Bargains in Pettiéoats and Bloomers Cotôn afetareticatsinplain bak orblack w-jth floral floutfce .............. Taft luieservice silk (,I nil stide $ . nt ............$ .5 Silk jersçy Petlicoat with or ' 'u fia' 57 fl-unee. A supemior qttality. aIl shiades.....UI Bloomeirs of jersey. -flesh color 0111Y ........... at . . .... .. . .... .. ...-. ......... . .. .. .. . 50 SilkMullTtisaliSilk .loirs...1.25 -l §nÏers .;.....1,25, Winter Coats -Women's, Misses',and Children's P lREare sortie women who deeirç, to purchase a Win- T te rgarmcnt fÔom-t fast two more orgonthii' weae and al- sfor next seso. ere- will b. no gregt j $ n styles aimnd at the pries these ýcoats are naarked !an a big uav-t- Ing tp you.L MatEnials o! Velour, Plusti, Sulvertcne, Bolivia anA Kersey. 8.50, 15.009 23.50,32.50 Children's. Çoats Air« 3 to & tnd 6, tn Il modela ail well liaiored, rare values for the. prie. W bhave thbem markedu V&% 4 13.50 and 15900 7. 5>anci od 5 - -. - i Big Values in Blouses li andsorne Cýorgerte PBlouses, lghily soiled front beîng hatIIdjcd s0 olten.duriing the retnodeling of Dur store-,~ values uIt to $8.(.S; Pofit Siaiîig Day ........ rmcuy Georgettte Blouses in suit shae"esa3 well as ligIiý olrSome etibroidcmed; o-thers lîcatly fiizîsiehd iith bead womk. Values tip to $!2,.$78 lîrofit Sharing bay $78 DAINTY VOIL AND LAWN BLOUSE~ Arivais of many new Spring blouses bave comythis last wqtek. -Sane tucked others f illed with lace and smre trimrned with collars of Organdie or Batiste. 2.48'and ,Up to 3.50 -Childrèn's Dresses Wairtty Dress'b for school wear of wool serge. -Sorne Middy Suits, ages 6 to z4 DRESSES SOLD REGULARLY FOR $8.5o Profit Sharlng Day ............... ......... DRESSES SOLD RÉGUtAkL) FOR $12.5'o rrofit Sbaring Day ........ ..... DRESSES SOtb RÉoULAgLY FOR -$j6.àè' Profit. Sharing Day......... 1...... ......... SAO 7.50 90.90 NEW TUB FROCKS FOR SCHOOL GIRLS Now corne thedeys girls choose these. ockt eagerly. They're iresl raapness lends a new zeI o pcbool àia. And now, ladeed l. 'tii. ti ete-- cI me ices which mean realmavinga. Dorens of differetit sfple luases froua a to r4ç ye.ns. nthre are gin&-, 4iam froc!., plaI4 sutd plain clumnbray in soi t coloriag. Tse havq qpaq white cll*rs, pcet, ceenj ut beits, 'Jiut the. hock fgIm mediaie wear. ~ 1.8, .48and p to 5.00 North -Geaesee. L VOLUME XXVIII- WIDOW OF F SENATOR I W. COON -aud Away at 1 Waukegan Wedn After Illriess of" Mdro. Mary A. Con, of the late ,tate sena died at mldnight Wedi hle, home, 4(15 We.t girn. fllîîvîig ant llni-- HIfr lîitiband was i. .thi Waukegan Weê.ki, Ig (bat îpublication il whitnb le vas publistn (111.) Gazette, .and the Srtbwestern. 0 Ir,,m 118Q te 11111hi at'eB attorney of Be BelJîldere, and aller c county lie practîiîý-d 1 Waukecan Gazette and part in republican polit tell state senator triai Die alào established Palk Gazette in 1ý895 a ii ~paKi. U. antd civic work in M years Sbelap iservi daugher,: %Irs, Ch winl î,-A i of nI..K .i k anld Iueite Colen,.11 at home. Mrs. Lewis, soni s a dau gliTîri o t,% a fnrnîî- * rua rri;,n- fntri il.airk et li-- î,naîen ninlee n -m \t, Io Nq-. Court.~ ir c Bier huahand's i h .1, , :n i liii tn-ire-' unin tl,-ý;lmn i î-l resid rig no 7:W North i ' fliii 1i'l n.? :rIlin 1-1;! Doliti, . 1 teuil, .ip Aprit 13, Ib5d), and spcn ih Blideie and vicini, 3, 1972, tihe was marri W n. whîî wa.s then paper business, Bel%.iii' ght th. Ir(w Brot tiers. Mr. Coon t90le %Ir,. Ceen la sui %ir . P.13.tlînc 4' V. iStuitti of Belvideri P r. I lori-I Kepler of lwo grandchildren, El Fetd Oalwin Kucker. 1Mrq. Coon was devôte tind ihurch. t-'nieral frÔm the honi 2: 0 lnt$mmeflt In Oak INCOME TAX IN NU WHO-SIngle verson. net Income of $1XC for thre year 1919. Married coupulesa invome of $2,O00) or m WHEN-URreti. 15. Il date for filtng retur ing flirt pahlNflils. WMERE-Collector Revpniie for liietrf th pronmsid es. m*4W iîl I. iii i'140)A anidU'omii 10 -a ait(] dregulations. WHAT-Four lier talzDuontie Itt m $4,000 In exeî'-s 'ni Biglit per e-li uno balance of telxalhle 1 tair, front one per e Ilv. per cent on ntet $5.000. Profit sharing days are month as our t. Not~Genesee s 'c 'w 1- ý - ý ýeeýý