CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Feb 1920, p. 4

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. ." I ."AmeianLginNews Items u" """ MAROON -AND WITE -METHOPIST EPISCOPAL, DOROTHY SAYERS, Editor-in.Chief Office Telephon ,ilNilm er 1, Libertyvill xcage.una fternoon thle citizens of - -Sudya Will le be nee-sahy to, briný ito . Special meetings will be held fromn b Etered at the Postofflee at Libertyville, IliL, as Second Class'Mail Matter Libertyville voiced. a silent tribute to- play a Pay roll den 'etion system to t4%, March 21 to Easter Sunday every night th@ memory of the menwhoi died in somne of those Irdt ,on pay.the. -1920 excet Saturday. The past6r wÜi de- SOCIAL HAPPENINGS - when first thrown off containt-iL France during the recent great con- dues liver the messages. The music will be Monday--Mr. Ray announced that great deat of hot gas and solid mater Official Publication for the Village of Libertiville- flict, and an approval of the work the -. Ç. Luce & soàp.yed a part in *under the direction-of Mr. Bradford a liigh school chornis was expcted, to ial. Whien the nebula cooled thr" .'o11( OMe11tll Publicatior. fçr Lake County Board of Supervisors' *Proceedings American Legion is doing. Scd.h uceso h a. hylae ssse yasrg hrscor ing "The Mîtrseillaise and "The Star material collectéd iIn a baillwhichl' in Sver Thrsda. Avertsin Rats Mde Kownon Apliatio spendi atendace n repone st th'Winow hade -addiwp trbaottae m-tnnd o Priaf t i:0 Sangld Bnnertatt.he'mnrica Le. aly igledint thepreent imei0 us on to reneived and greater energies. herces, but the finest insignia .of dis- homeÏ: Cunite 2 and 3, Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday-A studentcouncßilor- meet- Mr. Moyer also explained, fihe»1,he- We want Io be deserving of the spirit tinguished service in the hall was the Piere, Lyell Morris leader; 6 and 7, ing and it a Pep meeting.was hield during nomena, of -shootIng stars. He saiti W. J $Mlm . . .......--..-..- Editer that made our exercises the splendid white heua andl beards vorn by the' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cole, Mrs. Bond assemibly time, the shooting stars werë comparatvly for an or- Mdrelibls--th mn fgteGvA.R.aedereUit 8 nd9. is Ela ar Wdneda-Atth asemlypeiodsmllpatclesofamnnatt, wihin NLE ............ ... ...LclMngrgaization of men In thi country«that Let un keep thleml forever In our mindis, fier, J. 8. Hyatt leader; Unit 10, Mr.M Myrgvaveyntetigndhouhpceaminotctwt stands for 100% Americanismn, Arst, Our donation fund ls growing. MM. and Mr. George Eaton, L. H. Whitney listtivae ad l e o how teearstehte eh's arton nd laraae draw last and aillthe time laiiserative. E. WhitneycOntributed to our office leader. Let reveryone inte'rested linth othewa steond helalso eplaeine some ti. WhaenelyInaondispce theon Our duty enale-us forth -how to Aght furnisings'fund uplift of our community attendonofthruetnseatgtoheebarptcesreotnadeetutn for the extermination of the enemies Now, why do you suppose eny man the»secotage metg.Anxhae hypothesis, entering the earth's atmospheme the of our government, the. enemies with- elgbet emesi osntjito iesi fe nublAne. Praei Thursday-School was dismissed in friction of the air genterates no much,' ln the bounds of this great nation, just You know thonse fellows, will tatke all the eerst of power to develop Chris. theoaferno n con ouncesat Ithatntecentat ict rtar"be-um a it icalldun to go forth aned suppresas the. American Leion isfighting to gets tian chameter. ..tul.cmsicnecn nuaal un the barbarous Hon threle years ago and for thema and never even blush. SndaY Schol at 10 a. in. The Friday--A Pep meetting was hld up. Very few of the shooting stars 'ta are organised 'ad stand ready -to That dance! Oh, boy! "HMak", younag pople'lssesare@ maklag a during part of the absembly time. ever reach the eearth. ytuaritg BtietOr ýùus¯ r¯càëitfü ¯s EU1El~tföH-fw-h tuli ttèhdàT@e. Ma, Meortsflas Jyugner- SH RLEFF FOlt SENATOR. Ours las1to support any move in this They have played In every largetaty MeWrUtMurrhip nt it locksexSr A SONOFEST esting and included many other to1pires SHURT ommunity, state or nition thant stands in the midille West. The jassilest Jans MOU thOee,*"A Call tò More Definite Due to the tact that the class roomfis of practical Interest. Residents Of this, the ighth Senatoial District, will be keen- for better citisenship, and we want you erilators between the twore mountatins. Prayer." were cold Monday morning, we fied Fred Butterfie1l. '21. Iyiteete nherngta Rpesnatv hutef9a entered the to know that our meetings are open at And you know.-Smart la a bear on the Epworth League devotional servic es asml eidfis.M.Wle -ace foir Unted States Senator. all times t. you. Consider un a power old-time danhese for those who like-them at 6:30 P M. Mies Graaff will con.sId that in honor of George Washing- 1 F, ÝOU DON'T WATCH OUTr 11sere have been rumblings for a long timle that Mr. Shurtleff for right and an advocate and a sup- best elude the Beries of studios In the "-New t u's birthday, we should all stand and Place: Heaven's Portal&. rWobably would bie a candidate but nothing ddfinit camae fromn hige Port tu all those things In this flfe You bet vwe are going to maintai Lire Currents in Chin. h tr pnldBnnr"W ie:Wocnel which ate good and worth while. Come Our reputation for hall decorations. At 7:30 p. M. the pastor will deliver enjoyed several songs and then sang St. Peter: Did you gg to the Dis inti this wek. w he cndhedaeot e w »tapsonlttr eca-to our meetings and get acquainted. A wonderful floor, refreshinents, 'ney. the secondi of a series of aplcial ser- "Aha e."en r. Waltf sernsuggveted Laines.8.- gameNo *l )O ingtht h ws acadidteforth imorantpoitin.Wecanniat work without you and with. erything. Can Tou beat it? We Bay mone, "Can a Successful Business Man that thed seior sin ialne. e rya- l.T.1H.. . uent: Nsai;s.o Mr. Shurtleff's prestige in this district "and. the northern part ouat knowing what you want. Our en. you can't.. Be a Chrlatian?" A special Invitation on1 meitl plne nhsis e.Ihdarui esn -ti the state immediately places him in &- position of advantage and ergy and force ls dynamic and It is for ISomebody said thaet Chic Boyd never fis etended to all business and profes- ctraly. rWa lke skd the m o t Ptr:Wreyu tth uno hisfrens reic fr ima hirwid afpagnbake b a -Yom uo1se.- held a job moue than three and aquilar.aonal men andwoese. c owran hyacdtvery Party? è1iýfrkdt redCt fr hnt whrlWid' &Mpgn aliced y axe- Libertyville post is the beat one in ter days. 'He puts in a lick at Legion 80ecial munie WUIl-be'iprovided by bs ly. At. Mr. Ray's suggestion. Student: No, sir; 1 had a diai-and cord in.the state legislature unsurpassed by any mnan who hs ever the Illinois' department. and that ls work fromt eight to twelve about ofur the, chorus choir. the basket ball boys sang."Aloha Oe" St. Peter: Did you go to thre Athe- served m the House. He hias. been a leader in Springfield and e nis. depatetih bs nteU- nights a week.• The Irst Quaely Conference wl very beatifully. Then the Sophomores naeum entertainment? leader all over the state in legislative matters and is regarded as f.ont. We called that esprit de corps In Ticket sales? You tell 'em, Buddy. bie held on Tuesday, MQarch 2. a( 9 and Juniors sang "Farewell to Thee:, No-o, you sMe one of the ablest law-makers that ever satjat Springfield. the army and it lis the right spirit.i, It We are going to fIl both halls on the P. mti. Dr. A. P. Clark, superintendent to the Senfios. Mr. Walker suggested 8t l'1eIer: Did you J'ay, yor la Mr. Shurleff's acquaintance over the salate is very extensive is the spirit that sends men happily to seventeenth. If you missed our cele. of the Chicago Northern district, will fer"h we thout any int of due d th . . . death aighting fo their rpora1 convic- bration last Sunday, well-ask saime- prIdg oI la and te nice thing about it is that he lis admired by everybody who tions. Libertyville is the best regu- body who was thgere and you won't We are in-the beginning of the Go- ere1 .%n,. 2 .Didi.,ou buy a itu has watched his legislative career. His entrance into the Senat- lated, most congenial townin the Na- miss'the dance. To-Church campaign. Ail who do not stuident: Orial race is therefore.a step.of political importance to his friends. tion; we think it is and we know you DIdI you notice that classy looýkIng attend elsewhere are Invited! to join In lihe 'basket naillgamtes between ri Peter. 1 can't lhear you 1%Of course Ed Shurtleff will get the solid support from this, the do, or you wouldn't live here. Probà- chief usher? "'Siberia Bill" D)uden, us In this effort. The pastor ls en- Wauconda and L T. . 11- %Wau7ondla Student: Weli. not exactly; but 1- adhahsemnamiring is riens ib te dstrctwhowiler laos. gvehislifst aciee hshprpseohatbi on hdin bhin th fag s nillaidinthemoae ndopiitul layrs hoed arthebes tam or an asmnyamiig ted.tic h.wllrly t is here, but we uinhesitatingly volunteer was' Lieut. Kennedy. , uPilft of our community. 1btte eeufaulrwt h ATHENAEUM ENTERTAINMENT s$upport. Their influence will be felt all over th~e state. every unr.ce of snaport we can give to f the telephone operato's r elief was1 way in m hich tire baskets were placei1 Mr. Shurtleff's only opponent/at present is Congressman Mc- .keep this community in the pace of Postponed about two hours, maybe we PREBYERINihe coe;fi nIl;thirsnd'tatea gm wfWinle ea M S Kineya an ho s quafy s trog i hs dstrctas r. htimnes and nmaintain it as the best could keep thre sergeant lat arms at Pastelr, Earl C. Morgan. 41 aondin Wauonda'sfavor.bnaeum.nrr;n ith l Shrtef s n is hee ae heraewil eaninefsin oe- : i !e Nation. ilhe meeting until its close Sunday scho; lt l)a. mayniond înoui Looa an S sureff ton bs er e faighe race w-ith n udingeing oe Da not infer rthai we are devoid of Miss Elizabeth Schanck's Immense l'reaching lat 11 a. m. Topic of thie OUR OwN SONG BIRDS.M e oteretnegnteen- imagination. Among our mtembers we1 flag occupied most of the sice in the sermon,"-.nder thle Banner of the 'tor Mis..l'orter. lih. bwsf talentf.,f Bot, refie gntemn.have seen practically every place in 1rear of the hall. -Cross." Sasecial musicda. actors W"r bP uh.tothfo 1r M..Shurtleff has satin the legislature for a great many years (lhe United States. France.EglnThre Womna's Club hias very kindly Christian Endeavor at 6:15 p utAsml.Te GrsOtre is-ea s avno nh tbeu n and has been recognized as one of the ablest law-makers and there- Belgium. and even Germiany i and we 1>resented us with thre Service Flag To.isi "The R lesultis of our Words and rdancoic on e fore it was hie whom Gov. Lowvden called upon to assist in the re- see r'Oom fori, mProvement and are and Honor Roll to gieli, decorate our ce" Leader. Esýtells >shie ahn n A he;tibitsio l i construction of the administrative departmnent in Illinois. Mr. hrt lowlyv formulating two or threi, big office in the Village Hiai]. rahnat:3i .Thsevcenn s-s m the 11,l leff thus had a great deal to do with the very Important program idesta e oeoptvrso. knowiLake lForesbought the Libe rt e a v oci oungserie ELet cially finams were unas njoliel -ne h which Gov. Lowden put into effect. ville paliers. "No, that is only soine 'ader ne or oungas eople. Lto l t ;ri abhIlix.we 'rllntal 4nM t asbenknwnfo om tm tatMrehutrfyhs ee igs' °"be Of thre caracteristic spirit of the ton sh,%,1,1Tr 1an L - ha en nw o om ietatM.Sutef a en Mr Rathbone's address was at once l ig t oos n morhr *i ent iit-ii- fi.tnicliTe' hlere tanlhe sureymg the situation throughout the state and his formal an- inspirIng and forceful. Anyone who Fing ita mos.c-oertin er iil b n payr ietig n inoi <me'iang l WN nounicement that he is a candidate was not Made until hie had analyz- missedit missed a splendid ciration he m tfelle anevOus HeIl ouht ednesday, Marceh 3. Inste(ail t iere 1such l, hiuderous applause 1 ha 1 holh I " " *1*^"" "i Fa] ed the matter thoroughly and decided that the -time was Opportune delivered by a man thoroughly quai- Latest rumurs fron leComrrtercilwil eterglrAna ogeaOrnsrtreiand sang " M-arry Me Or ltAe a realliitir a for hima to became a candidate. ified to talk Americanism and national Cu nia tional Meeting. sup.ner will be served 11aek Il Old Virginn .- an old -ong" * "" princi.oles dicae a regular time. -Somte- iat 6:30. Everyone who contributes etb .r1 ou JHoh ee 1 e OfcuseLk Cut adohepatso hi itrc i es.body said something about a lHula 'the support of the church is expecte< is adi eosbei -hsb'WnianMwresu' all toMr Shrteffs upprtin vey osiiv an cmplte Mr. Rathbone's father Colonel Rath- dancer to attend this meeting. inis. ariis es. onsbl'lorIlhis rall to r. hurteff' suportin aver postiveandcompetebone, hadt the distinction of being one Come to the next meeting March 2- Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girl$ onl flendidene iet s hdr( r,".ocir ro l . of Abraham Lincoln's party the night Y ou m ay get a blind for m issing roll T e dtettegat Ile c u h a l o . s r n relysunderoherid"re. he was assassinated. Mr. Rathbone cati by the sergeant at arms te asday ev e tthelychu rha nd l1 , ano Ja met subMcMiln and I BLOCKING THE MOVE TO BETRAY AMERICA. htas long been a prominent member of ,cthtene, nyorespectivel lsh chari. -, 1lesWa<lan sxohoe Mr. eart hs wo a ict forth * he Lincoln club, in Chicago, before Tscu e et si bringp entknivte es rrhysada.21 ' -""a' l>eic .paac n M. Hast. l wna itry frte people im the United tl Th sie ne Cuchosno il et'dthonaralywl in his imlunction proceeding whereby lhe sougt o reen te ov a members he has delive manse onRTMonday, evening. Iuportant 1 GENERAL ASSEMBLY, FEB. 18 Thispogram was one, of0 h-- trnment from tselling the captured ships• ber of the Hanmilton club and has con- À Gbu UC E s iness tot be transacted. t wnelal ss r y s which as bend as ven a L T H-l .Justice Bailey of the Columbia Supreme Court on Thursday ducted its destiniles as president. His AMtRAND SUCCESS n eneral Ae ssemiIýbfllagintedn:. granted a temporary injunction applied for by Mr. Hearst againt work during the period of hostiities POLICE FAIL TO i etrsbu eti ernonclai àte lie th sipin bad n hematr f elin heGemalFe t heas chairmnan of the war commìttee of TeAna irha1at gvnetr botcranasrnmcoa n laccounif ark Offispacew injunctpin wentofrthe apite out llthJuge rayne aend other the Chibago bar association was of In- by the Methodist Sunday School of LOC TE TIL S ° member of the borathhad oe anot tle al Panelnd . restimable>value to thle mni nfr.Libertyville was a "bowling success.Il ignn o naiveryone.h -is o e-rai . . .of th o a d h t h y c l g al.y sell the vessels at all. They gave the m en fret adi ce and T r is l i c a g w e f rth " w s a ) ilst ini iP "The Heginning Thaisn -opliance with the urgent suggestion of Mr. Hearst assisted them greatly in straightening Paul Mcmmittin cars ews.b eat, was a INy illustraDteTheon Poe n ;t aslight. sn& thta iJatinfte constituâtional rnghts of the people was be- out their legal tangles. -Mrs J. B. Mdorse and Mrs. W. E. Deck boar andwas eryti lar itlye. - kTe lestflhtkel n ic nera mll ing planned mn the sale of- the s. hips. AMr. tathbone was highly instru- e.. The program consisted of humant pre nb evriclpalt ýerni9 lnd. Moer tifaidttes(atht e pce:fasih.ketrhnfr -In a cornrit Te decision calls off for an indefinite period the scandalo #mental in the condutt of the first four .pictures portraying great events IDn Spurred tliqon by isevel omprlintbing has)t now co n nus itktg chen cabinét ftoir g wen it salewhìci ha rased uch fuore hrouhouLiberty Loan drives and the Red Cross history, *"chalt-talk" eictures ba Mr. tat1lict1iuosils r oerte wr d as sprobal ,-I a nelýous ta is w o itry to gin tte doakt lla roghot the country. NO- drive. He ls beh in hetveeniy ofTent stret, 1, sate.indedti ol eylkl rt idsmtigi h otm body, w hether they agreed w ith-M r. H east or not in politics gen- heartandi soel, a a theilsr e rd ann Gre rs Glenti oskiPar , nd usc at eiean ol -i on Sun ay c.e an n oa spioral ebsuia. wiu hilwas I it e p o r r iiii n in y of4 d the qote era1; ll od recopcile themselves to blieve that everything was attorney In Chicago gives bhis twords The picture a wnbyM .G e n f e asris of ýr aiu d o la es iwhere tvhown ofleffrom thes. Th us it was ar k -rn r ,ahic h e I i t ve ouse. on the square in the proposed sale of these Iships. prestige . landers' ield,ra h tere adtilof er ti ll swe es ups edt t bef y r i o - i i c lhe pl ae t he -ranson or thm w ferrrat h ,a miff le to e dnot Yes at looks as though "there was a nigger in the wood-pile" MWe were fortunate in securing him the poiem rby Mrs. Colby, was most ef- per todAsstathrief Tyrre-- llre hsonbelive taallthe iraets an< tron.thu ifclyit h ak someplae, ad b hi cout ationMr.Heast hs pevened orand we want to assure him that he has fective. The whole program showed fip ordoaythat the raid sa althre saunedreoean Thir axi n estspt th e p res en t, w hich m ealin s th at it a yl b e perm anen t, th e m ost scan - ifound a w arm upl a e n ou ha s . e f :.le *T he co wd a• large. -e -o t l e e o nadh s m d r c ioivTiipiasn b dalous ting in the shipping board phat lhas ever arisen.heh e iksusa wl a eied the row da lae"Evrybdy vis -Now when the country, always without a mercitant marine hi compilee list of mnmes to whom thereino"brt$5 hday cake" a thaed and ships that could compare with those. of other nations, has the the certIficateà were presented wJIl be Centenary. Mr. G. B. Tollett, superin chance to provide itýelf with the wo'nderfully fine lot of boats I ond npag ì tiieo hndenbrugtwars oin grauapp oda this interference hadl not been made, some of our respected leaders andependent. bog T s o nastultionsit of In th 4Eat would have gonile ahetadt and practically given those shi al prsen.STis ws te frstofM ove t Enladwho wileou fien A PRSE- Th sal Girls contributedt those series ot social events to be given overto nglnd, howhie or frendAT RESNT might with- fstonons and light decorations that this year inna few years, if things so shape themsuelves, use thOBe very shipge added tone to the hall:-mi to go against us in case we hadl trouble. It was even worse to plan elfisw dntedthler doing this hin ha p Well folksr- wevdon't need thee theer- s tin t n t as he or gvenmnt erited hemision of the bigh school board toeCiÀNDLER COUlNTRY shipment of munitions into Mexico-and the Mexicans used those Play base ball. and we are very munitions in firing on OUR soldiers who were trying to prb- ave the biêst nine north of the White HO0ME IS BURNED tect our border. . §eSx x>ark. These two things alone stand out so str ongly against Wil- Two prominent officers of the Lake ThfiecutyrsdneOA1 son's administration' that it doesn't seem as though hie or co-workers Forest post were no Impressed with T. heafndewcounry rero . a havea lg t stnd n aymre.thre decorations that, with our consent,s. Cnedtafle r well9knownlfarmr ws hav a egto tan o an moe.they remained aifter the 'hall 'was va- buerrneuto the gro0und A bill is now before Cngu 1res- iiin nw cated, stipp)ied off their coats and r- atrno h lcden oae s We hav sizes and are The prices of secure this -Wl tomsers. If ye G.T. FURb rT IS OUR BUS AND BUILDINM We study the ff rounding thlis F, When you cou are assured of Boost for Boost for R lfunt R, TwoNight and1 Given Reserved-Sea Reserved Sea Children's ;Tic Be Sure to Have YG Nc Sok W% Ph LUMYVLUF, . LAU CRM. ILOM VIÉË6AY. FMRUIÀÙJ -)é !cb,)n Liber . . ,

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