LIBERTYViML AKE COUNTY, RILNIS, THURSAYFEBRUARY 26,1920.- - PAGE EIGHT O' OO0000 hen locat ingherethey .oined thle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 bOege ege egggg eggFOR SALF-aigdcddt ut;15f.o i.2pi .liho) n e EE FI LD 0'on fat"eb'nC1iicao, but 0 FREMONT CENTrER 1Hvn eie oo 2 to .Hgwo n e0 010 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 c 0 0e0rt Il he"a l"li"-"'fhsie 0n0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0ex0pirW An 0,0060000en an eider ir me litur Mr A T.A D Svatheles by ide, blance Ilhe 261hday1%of1June A. Il1920. Mrs Lo Dffand-il ;i lk ent t o hr ew ard I eI& e r, !oNland i Mis. MilarmusBeam d se springers; 1 Durham -bud, 2; i % - d Sndyaf teiIl'fln iiiidn .l1l Feh),a2 1 u ilRATES-10 Centi per Line ,Each Insertion. eaIu; also lu; bushlels rye, er reanof Leu Dufft adS lM ofl, amr 20 Cente Minimum Charge iweil. Lake V'lila, 111. 9-11 To Annililuiton: That on tio .ei lioeit riznaWedesda, Fb bs ae. Williagmggegnieegegg 9Meeeeeee OilSA LE Team heavy young aesdyof .une A 1.191.1;A.c. He hadt left here only five days lire ubr n deagrne Diehoid i, heIl e sor mla neltFOR SALE- Cholce residence lotson sound and fat alkers; sound purchasend and assigned to m Il is iler- tious to his death. The funeral was. Ile lillasle(1Nad, od r McKinley Ave. IMrs. Grunles. -f E--0 cunr rner; %youtgiv, riig f0 iscate of I-urchase lot 1ibbll.23 in s heldi Monday nmprnming ,at Holy cross h:,-if:e 1.n , - - S inÃgw; ol dne how1 rsen·-e, yoZo Ct, se h chrhadbuia h Moe e-M -,rJoseph iDolmeringlee Mar- FOR SALE FMradecein Liber- t ed o'$0per we def m l- freshen ; one Guernisey yealn le>seepinwl xie h etery. 31 M; -anetd rs J EWodanrelui n- h euu fW rtot o yl l oen drs ot->48 bocus. The Daily Eun, Wa e ;tobred Duroc sows; eleven 25th (dit-of June A. 1).192 Miss Gladys letchyr i oif fw;is d Friday fromt a two weviks, Np lhru ofc.uo 0,Lbeýyil ll - urc-isfu oth;3rhte•SIH the -guest of Miss EldaHrnbre the south l. Mailh. Lang'e and Mrts. Wil l M an-tf Leghiorn helle, Herring sitrajn. Rogers 'Tù,eeday and Wednesda ). E. I'euis ha.,;boughl 0out and .Il Siein lier oi Chieuw t)spent it iM, runJ. ATDT laz 10 too 20 ars nM oa.Adrs . ADJUDICATION NOTICE Grandma Brand, who makes her conducting George Hemnan's s111tre, wi ith aiand Mirs. Fred Wagner. Wihsm rnago odiln WANTED-Go i00fdlie;Roes Lake Forest. 111. 9il PBINOCE.,hr> le domewit herdauhte, Mr. Hnry Mr Banc oishicgo ille th p. 1 esisJolii Tekamipe and Alberl ilake. Must have salithouse on it .S tUI Olf shrb o Wesiigasbeen sick. but j1slim-pit o fthe Presbyterian church*both B'ebutm wýe Rounid Lake viito l:r G1 . linsn,12 alfrnaA e Otw canin maketreay on NTC htti usrbr dîitar prvig.moiig ndevnngla Sndy edesay -Chicago. til ý8 ?t1of sale of lands and 1ots o Sae the. estate of Os8car E., Warner, dl,- Mi»s Marie Bleimiehl of Chicago was ,Tue young people oi the U l' 1 FO ENTfsLilin ura failerrws ¯¯¯ Ciide pefrr .An3| a0U ti.. SqtGeralisaCnSpecia L aeotilattendterCnity our)tl the week end guest of lher brother, church finished a contest Sionday with ta guest ailfihe Michael Obenhiaul fhoae FO RNT-54ace frm8.ocaedlae o Ino omt f o LaeCnty at r tho ern V'tut Edward Bleimehl. a banquet giýen to thle winning side Antioch, Illinois. buildinïg in first country man, Te Daily Sun, TAX PL;RCIIIAsEýli NOTICE. behdnatheCutHsenW Mrs. Emmna Fier and datighter Mary, by ithe losers aifthe homte of MI. andl Mirs. Henrl Tekamnue is in Wtýauke- clsscodiio; Tmie rohGedeW k "nn own rs ltiand to aill ®""1 nsa c1oy n h of Racine, Wis. spent several days 1rs. MU1fon Frantz. It being the anni.gan caring for lher daughter.AMi's. John HSç hoo nd % mifom cwnship ga, ii -ibptilinterstend inoteollowj(ng dle. Monaiof'Apesn ali ex,12 n ands with Idr. ThomÅsDuffy. ersý, of Nir-. Frantz's -fiirth. a very, lak.and children.¯ who are III witliHig col ossincnb a AAsrbdlnsadl rsrino hr l esn aigcam wlth Ms. Thmis Duty. "l, althe 1la of Marc.h. Write or- phone PAR W*ANTElb anted In hear samte. agamnst said estate are notified and re Mrs ;ê7geTFt MnI n hnrln.fnor!>Tehrenin awasusenSara naie inois "iitt l u roudsuuPdo1us u topresem ne àameto aïd berger and Dorothea McWilliams and' n eres will entertain the era- Msi hl lr ad%'il Iioni- kly 2t 1Sale. Send fprice anddsryto.Ad -Thaa -anTx aor LadhendCourt for- adjudication. Ral.olh Horenberger and Harry Mulhlkpfe irland morthers of the v . Fnfus of Round Lake spent T-ue-sday t res esi Jne. ox6.Ooei a h unty a MR. E'tZAWARNRf wer te gess o Mss areRedr curh t lher]homte ThursdIay anePr.Failn. and ;:d:he T OU l'R PicES 3for, boring shallow1il linoi 9 It rrand l ('uti t'lerI, in (rthe l'ou t aukegan, 'l 3bur .12 of Chicago Sunda-y. noon. . iral i Miss Deinlein. -ells. Thlese wells aire sainitary and -- couvII rootnin tl he Courtlcu in ti. feb 12 19 26 Licon etisis moig iswel- . b --- -----The Waukez-an Daily Suni stated thep suitabl freihr osecns m tinlit or2.1acr iloffine lan, l of Wauikeganu. ( ouniy ofl ;kc digging appâratus fto Ihe Cooney farm 00 0 000 00 0 ,0OO O0 0 0 0 0 01 eecold] weather of thie 14th and or for stock. Good ,lervice guaranteed. Nw;li room h ouse.a50fmiles ni,,rth ni nd stai.. of Illilnoi.s West of Everett. 15thrilof this mlonth caused the fiu to Prices reasonable. Phlone 14.Zilon hago. near lake. 8fi'ro<si fom town .F Hgn Fodiaan ADJUDICATION NOT!CE Ed anaume wthanacidntlat DI M ND . KE sic u is oe1ad I f this is Baildihg Industry, Ziôn, lilinois.5 i A_-Ownel.R, 1) 1L Box7, ake week white in the emplov of the Pub- i OOOOiOO ruw r ighty glad we haedIthe Villa. 111.' .9I 1 - ECNT shrb ie licSevic C slppng ndsprinngMr. and'Mlrs. Henry Kane and daugh- 1cold weather, for- we know it would FOR SALE-Elm trees, 4 to-îinches - -- ----lh north 18N3 feer f he(aionltatIhlubcrbe. xcuri o l. his ightankl andcutingfisAlftstr o Are vis ed .r.anddMs.rLroyL atk somthintrater sron to illralliancsterEstaegoetoile est Oltl ALEtedSArle, fre ,: a ffiighwod, i th e sateGf.Frderck G Sprng, ece knee. He will be unable to work for Kane Sunday. the-brazing rascat who has been stick- of Everett. H. Lancaster 6609 iSouth font seed. Lee Hiu.,n, Itoundi Lakte, of 1r% 01r lso fihe ¡,ali w ed, will1 tten thIle C(4mny Courlo Nit ad- ai in aou d i il o nu - iç M r fIllinois. 9 .1the east 7.l et tof thet.north 1i Laak--Countyat a fterm thereof to be acouple ofweeks M1 ad-'Mrs. Robert-Rouse adigaoni hscoiuiysneMrjetld Ave., Chicago, ll. phone 4teÇ of 'file or mhttalf of loi li. ho..lden at thle Court fHouse in Wauke Miss Isabel Biederstadt of Highland daughiter spenit Sunday with the formi- the New lear. and hais never been Prospect 7182. . -4t FOR SALE- A seven roomi -house and 147a0 of Hligho '. n rhfll Park spent thep week end with her par. er's mother, Mrs. Annie Rouse o[ nmade welcome anywhere, somne of us- large lot; fine location- -Park Place liighwood, anthat t.w t i% "orlra- gn nsalid ('ount.v.-trn the first Mon entsl, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Biederstadt. Area. even going so far as not to notice him FOR SALE-Pure bred buit calves, out Libertyville, Possession April 1. 1920' lrimtion o1 thep above lowillex. da of Api nexi. 19.2f), when a- t l h 1pire on the 26thl day of June AI l> where all persons haiving craitm, On Monday Mrs. 1. M. Hole and Mrs. The Ladies' Aid meeting at NMrs. , en maile otrd ls, adt ae o odrcr asado 0t 0Pon 2-. ietvle onE 90 tM 1.against said estate are notified ;,nd te P. H. Myers took over Iwo dozen tow%- Earl Kane's Thursday was well at- fmefmatro urhms)ound sires. H. H. Schroeder, Priarie Ballard. -9.5ti- questedl to present thle same to sn elle, donated at the shower for the Bo> tended. View, Ill. 4-tf Tou# N. Irnman and lo W. F. hemian iSetlement House, by thle 14 Gog lace newn o. OBITUARY FOR SALE--Good, aprtly modern Hogan takle notice. $hat on the 27 th C'ourt for adjudication. dies of the Presbyterian chutch at the GereT'thrudretaSp -room house In Area- Fine location, day of June, A. D. 19#16, W. N. Inmaun ALICE I_ SPRINC , reulrmisonrymetn hlda teeration at the McAlister hospital in John George Spoerl was born at Ba- CIVIL SERVICE e.AMIINATIONS- 2 full lots if necessary. Barn, sad'tt purchased and has asAlgned'hi, certi Executrix of the Estate of Fredertewk WeUa isotr etn edarteMaukegan Saturday. ,varia emnMrc 713 n Feb.-March. Mn oe,185 l'adficate of sale to mie of tle fonowing: G. Spring, deceased. home of.Mrs. AlcDowelo hrdya PýayMac1-186'aden mn,850ell onThusda fruit trees. Wili sell on monthy théesouth 65 feet Of the north 183 WueaIIFbur ,i19 a fternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hutchings and died e, 11, 1920, aged 83 yearsl, 10 gible. $110. month. Experience nnec-. »ayments. F. M. Harding, Area, l. feet of the enst one-half of lot 48. Plat 'keaIlFbrry9 1. The é once : e last Thursday daughiter were Waukegan visitors last months and 25 days. He was united in essary. For free ,oarticulars. write R. Phone 184-J. 9-ti of ifghwood, In the Cit y of Hlighwood, E. Jý Heydecker, Atty. for saidPslatre eveinevein b th MCoricSt urday.. marriage to Eizabeth Hertie and when Terry (formerly Civil Service Exam- NR- and t:hat tihe timi ëf redlenotAion un feb 12, 19, 26 Glee Club, uialer flhe iauiices ntfithe AMiss Elsie Weiskopf of Chicago was a young man midoved tu Amerrica and I ner) 758 Continental BIdg. WVashing Tre farms in Lake the above will expire on the 26th day -- Boy Scou.ts. Wel aFe wel nut pltwndedvr Sundy enithereer overs.Sunday in visitingl Oihere parents... -3, etted.2iincre woodutcounty. f JOhio,20.bein.S .-titCAment s -K joyed by all.iMrs.'ý'Ander.son and children of Ci-among the first settlers of that ouny. 1 ,ANTEDA NEof-iesrefinexe tntfe ti.n. ageo ih To Richarni'W. Hawkin, u MranMs.Rbt Eliad eaturday Will Curk ireceived word cago spent teweeda t hehoeTwo this union ten chIldren w' eeur, .E)A NEOfc e nehue o ae et odbr.Thorsen and Lyman W. Baird. Trus faily wish to wishl extend their heart of the death of his father. William MWl. of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Holmes fv f hmsu1v. on teèdet a,rs enu erleoffe ork. akeCo9. wlarencued. bakfrn;92cre. seeotake noticethatnlthe, ,1,261 V11 mlth day 1forlelt tha sitaredsand ngymhor e Car o Dcao.wh hs ee il . . uthigsspntthe we nd preceding is father to the grave in amBra eehn 2 n .lakte ousc bimclatn ëll encd 9 mti fr h idassaneadsmah for several months. Mr. Clark wvas in -Milwaukee. 1916, and tour who died in infancy. e-poss. ion, of sc! thep oults nfe -oft 4 -in their'late bereavemilent. hura near ArePa in 18'40 residing lat A number fromt here enjoeIdia bun.t, .Spel a 1awllkown lresi.MClot culoh&Dnm.11*1 E Ashley Aears Plat of IlleyodMR AW)ROER ELI Ibis place for Ia number >f years. He co nlarty at the homte of MrtniMs ent of Wood county lvig on his FRSL-On1ao oa 6fe \a tChcg.4 kyS nd ithat thiim. of re-demption, wil AND) FAM* Y anol-hi., family were mmbrsoffthe Vene Welra iertyile Frid, tarm 2l-iles south of 1.ime Cit h n;rb ice pr:2floats. 1WNAlNTED)-Positio nfr sto pr n"Mhdyo ue M' W It Sa Lie ,THot h- P. E. HILDEBRANDT DRU-GG1ST REXALL GOODS AND SeCO UGH MF n y a Confectionery Toilet Articles Perfumery Dolland Toys PHYSICIANS' PRSCRIPTIONS Cdrefully Compounded THE REXALL STORE GRAYSLAKfý ILLINOIS R, W ENDL AND, GROÇERY AND MARKET ÜFAEll(IN General Merchandise STAPLE AND FANCY Gl(OCERIES DRY ;S, NOTION! HATS AND CAPS HOSWRI CMnM*y Prgdgee ggght and SON Pheme 107rJ LA.LA --- - HAINOIS W. F. FRANZE, JR. RAY N. SSMH Soes of Style adDmrliy Fer Men, WomnMad Chidren North Milwam eeAvmee Gents'Faraihins ad %es THE BST OF EVELRY- TIGGS& -JOHNSON H. W. ROBBWN WOODWORKIN COMPANY Emi n u eF' LANGWORtTHY'S WaiLSON &meH WWN"&OE 0 L.A KE Z U R ICH MsEiaKasten spent Sunday at Waltiýr Weisnker spent the week ýed at Shady Oaks. Miss Rose Kropp and Miss liowena Werden splent(the week end at %Wau conda. Nlis VrnaGabeak spnt Sunday at Cars able to go rfomi the R an d r ia d aR e Tu r K Sh Ve mwish to extend our sincere thanks to all neighbors, friends and elatives who so kindly assisted us during our recent bereavement. Mrs. Geo. Spoerl and Children. First In Lake County-The INDE- PENDENT. A Bank- Account Makes For a Sense of Your. savings soon grow siza"ble pro M - tions if deposits att made in a sys e»c manner. . This bank extends all the ooqnàla k ience needed for the safe-keeping of w funds. &M man acount at thie bank and make RegularDpOi. duning the corning year. g tuens' State Bank of Area . %rag errloherqle. FOX LAKE 1N PRES. A6 Pesident 4ol itiff Den Staemet Rofecftn0onà FUNDS SPENT JUI To the Edtor: ieoferring to articles eneof this vilage hsme riter was the vi llage theadministrations Of an<l 1915 to 1917 and f. Meibet akes and i one \Of thosne adminiâtuio shown in these ar(wàa ye4ný l'43 to 1915 tho 1 aricle« apparxently Mr Onr-auto diven fir- 1 1ng 250; oeand-dnr cul Coating S 820oïont, th fire ho"e cSting $750. T albout $,0 ting #yytem eodtlius strert 14ghting system i1 be -said %wieout succ- thon that wu have Oihe Viage in the Plate if a tiy... There wás also tire department, heltt legirl dupairment-and ai pesdand salaries 1 o1fithe moneys derived i ethop licenses. T -principal -streeti three >differenLt timesf yieurs. in 1916 and 191, vas purchaed wiuch t lots wer'e purchafed at a lire siation and jail v theme lots. This immýoý ngegàLiklent, cOstL aho . iethe wnter O>f 1l oppe,4d .-W the method ing adopted Ln 1913 to 1 lea On roads that were ing those yearsa have 1 LwoJrk done oun them'i n tirly good l prt-4nt timte. Kuow for the cemnent èun,ý uownvltLIsile onie erer s3ee a 1riier 1 go &w hill much< Iwould go up one?) gay ithat tIs ihE bills for t.his so<aited b)e workled successfull) cost $Z and not $10 for Ing of litsconstruction. Ii etrue that we are etreets and sewer sY21 Iimprovemlents are alwa speclial assessmenlta aln out of, geneml tunds i Oimtu islacorrIect .1 Chase of $8,000 wort- ýbondJs but this purchà-P the. apirit of patriotis -esp t;he-funds intact k .1opthiit forgeutu t -Iilding of i road and be year 1917-19 connect writh lIngleside; this imi 1800. While thevlu ny500 voter» it mu Sthat it bha p«R'lat:fon many of wh< hlere, and are more fi way ti4elr Phnre ofthle tain this Village. Iter port" of the clett and t reportsa are made to the tees and are ou file at with, the clerk who «wi puy interesfta person M'y advice to Lookin to cease riticising wl no gooy-d and oger son advice which Will be. ol illag .at theepresent t future. And to Op4lnist the WWh any good for yo have 4goteto1 nat"Yours very tr Presiåent og ViUN-49 evnn.. greater part of his life. In 19,8 with $5 e e, enue n l o eea oswr*M I .l"l ,H, Io'EP NDE-'l.tx-- Mvein.Lng Mthe.ndganathis wife hee renmved tq Fremiont tomn 1seas on Price $40. Also 2 full blood bix, twele and fourteen lReferenfes To A J. Smiith : Thar inthe 2 11 o ..tHEiDEPy EdNDENTsP he o Ost spent a few days in Chicago thle ship. Lake couinty. 1 L wheýre hie liv ed Buff OII)ingtonL cocks. 8Xmt hsi o ld $ urnished W'rite to Mirs E. Il Hur-st. d tJn 1,W .S i ot d ednwppri ""' his d'"'" """ "1,, ",1 "11hi-- 9 purchasedWW 1 3.fetofE 25ftofff x o xe ouxto x x 0ox il o Gear Thacer mi duenrt- ue to old age. Pisil isld Geore Thia:chjel 0a, He xwas hii,, og member of thre Ai r M aukelzan -Mon- atholic church. beie a iprogressive le(j "rg Oh'o io andin the eýe of his life 1 " n e . terr -enoWe ne w th ers i Tera ndson s r ier en n eache fo l i Mrs Wm Fa Stop.ahnrenpnemtr nsrumnt em "r ""dMr. re "wnre iThese Merchants Will Serve YOu Quickly and' Mrs. Sophia Towner "rA.0 wk : eoesm eritsbur -. There mwas nu school Monidayon ;oio hredagtrs "r'1.wsServe YOu W ei etAmt of WNashiington's birthiday n11r. NI?, F. b>ietz and Mrs. G. MWag "er of' rem°"t 3,- L ""iind "ilr ". 12 great-grandchildren and a bost of triends in Ohio and Illinois. Hel was a dlevoted hiuaband and a kind and indulgent "fathier. His last w0lds swere ex. res.ions tof epace a d be at rest with Him. Ma> he rest in pe-ace.••• G0ES TO REcPAIR PHO0NE, MEETS BilR. GL AR; IS L.0CKED lP Harold Dunn of Lake Forest Has "Thrij1ling Experience" HIere's a belated news Item taken fromt the Chicago Telephone News and refers to an experience- Harold Dun Of Laife Forest haed when he went the O tski rit te city on kie tele phone repairs: "te other day a Waukegan repai Man ý went to a -home to test outt a teloPlione. in the hall, he was met by at ht us ng e .demanded he Man informed thie erstwhile masiter, of the bouse what he had come for and went over to the instrument and took th -ecie off te book to call the vire chief. Pseling .the bystness and -er a .Uset bis bach, he re,-laced the 'ecelver and heladed a short prSes- ,aled °,, ||| t tb * *s.1"hn the n arader hadl finished hlijob, he -rm.te, bm a .a. oh himo M ame fewr minutes Isar the re- e-en.ouivme ffea--e 1. . i weeki The h nfltd . 1.umber - Coal -- Feed -ay for What YOU Suy-Cet What You Pay For", Telephone 50 Libertyville, M1. SCHANCK HARDWARE CO. Hardware and Farm Impleïñents, inand sheet ron 0ork" spr.ingteld, -Il, F( 1shore oGu Company withUilites Commis increase I t es and extenslaa of 'Dw ma cotfor sam. ota - _ "" • """"-- " . """"'"'•e"r"u mato'•our lcld • sor o quick prescription. Or, to finish a dress before going on a trip, y ou find you need a itte more cloth and ma to the dry go•ds sd•re-to purchase it. Or, i.-ma., Other ways yon find the stores right here in Liberty- "vile convenient and ready to supply urgent needs. But if you patronize thee låbertyvile stores. only ,when you need something -in a hurry--if you haituaDy send money away (g ggi of (O on e«»n-e Là>. • ertfvae store suf el iereby . . g m av o Wants in Idoe Ofg idngd TRADE-AT HOME Suppot th o-iiT p f F. C:, NORMAN Groceries, Fruits, Chadies fO acc0 and Cigars REE MOTOR COMPANY HUPMOBILES .Telephone 8 Phon e 39 Libertyvile, 1IL.