AGE MIOR LIBERTYVILELAKE COUWI'Y, flLIOS. TD AY. MARCH 4, 1920. *.,soOo oo o ooieal value of the proîîerty. audnîlot Iloo o- --000 0 6609 601000 000 0011 " IIIIIIII-- -z- - - @ýIàWO-MAN wlth wo cistidren wanti pool ifiao ucaoloibk SiBa I - tion as housekleeper on tarin. AWiY 21 in1 lie ('lty of Zion City, arc thel n n p iil'Ie:(o i liI e '"t ni u00000I0000009Q00000 AT A D SoIS , . 3etlla 12010 2oi t No.h111,1, ,1 1,.1;nî'ts'î~ih îiî'"înîî seleil-'EdBe I 4A N oH 0E . odii s i". oc lii120 %1111S.No "i îiî 'nai s il 'a, li .~r'. ki.î 1< a î~a, riîîii *d s liel o M s lJohn Beanian Niii ii i und RAES O 0Cents par Liie, E&çhinsertion. -N1Eî ODX a>his egi Ciy l..w l til îL'l'i lîc -; r: om 0fiiL:.MIJsh Vliail lýmnîrabou Mnmn Cag îih~t 64) lits.l'hone 627 E 1. .À riiM, and %ý;111 Cli;abbe o t ' *d ý 'Acte anan(j ý,I) ) )btoi ii'c'"elit i Ktkî lgîî ail FOli SALE-Choice ron' Il.,l4 Nohol as Pas1 ijr T T.A~ S0 aftninga woî"I;,i'. 'stir"10Nltii oi, ne .îiarý. Moaillte!' s),eding Itiiîe %lekînlev Ave. àMra ii imes l t$0N OIELIETVLETWSI laaloig ot-. .a i.'. it, iiit l'ils 'i out iae- i cll ast. he Il h'i itet(Illt:, i (et i, lu. s.- y job a $ 0NO IEek'ofVL E rO N Fi liaa jpropos iil oCicago, pleis. juive FI,,( no' spportu. M i.,.c es Ia iii Vii11 îwe.ýt- OR ALE-ine1-esde<>.e il ibe- 1 ere0Sorla a>' i ntsier -.te IadAileNtyville- ail .mqdern. Addrt'ss l'es-18o us h aySn si 1 1.I Cî(nîv tI. Generai andI Sfel Taxes inlI'lbepâlit I ie es ..dpîîutv Tbig la nia'>in, a îs'l, :mund iIa nu h i ýIloridicule ouirai i oad. a~nd a len Chilcago iaLm aii lî fic o 0.Lîeiii e i lW UKitx. i i. ! Ilio' 'uî o '>i-tîrM 5iiN n at2tia rctanges are btn lit noti' ill.ate a c acre lied up for any reaseil a big 1 offiLnu, îholasbct jliceBx 0,giery Il 11 ni.Sae f8-tff Cony f5 i NzrI 2.dàI "ad communit>. Iccottnl of il wouid be sprend on tire illIltle past few days. îs reIori'id I)libe I XAN'ED TO f -lfY (o 211 acres -14 . ' îASIZ'S NOTI, M. y - X Sunfb).ta. Ini tu 5 ).M.. 10il anhn fi ieMrir*sti)ai"'But dîrn' the' îîît iai-*. T'thenknown O'sflî and [o ai! ' ttition Tueiiday, Tlîîîî'S(aîi în tui r0 bengalw on Se. ic eiii S. no ii la.ofa91 wi mni gamnins witb soute frootage 0c ooiîiintand -'iales ître ntefiolgd-dycciga7t ,iiEcjtu ra unao o oMII~ Asniioiii l199'iln'e arniline %Ir$. Van Plew spent a coupîle of Faite.Mt hae nlboseonif.WANTED--Good press feede; 11 fi , i- atd n thei,, r i.oritng de- ayThuisila. 7a ie1.9il. or ursila>.o ai noe note ý;t>bnao ioti' nicel,, nothing'sas said about ilibd lnd 'n loGorMarlon'ch I %arcirbIl.and Tht- 'Izea Davis roved ino tue Gani bunatoil'tda N àlasi aeek wîîîFi Misa Eînîaa dîe G> A. Ellingson, 122 N CilliioriiitAve rewo m k e.. 0 MaENOI(l- i-ehi 18i, Aea wiich lie recenti> tiurclîied of Miss No coinlunil; ci ci'workeil harder and and cailed on alier aid B ienda Chicago, 111. 8 ai I n ake j Thayai aTax ' N TIcE mIlana(thes an.,is Sarah Geary- Say Il(Iiîck niovet lit-atie loIiallIi foi- an> jrojeet ilian Wa l la'uio'dlitilam 'ancl.n Tphane. run'Lt-, trdeînet axs orakin rs.ainlfa defincewich le. the Pearson resu' sronda lias for- our railt'oadi, and a itf le 'a î te ir n uligaotFOR RENT-15# acre tariniilocatedcd "" " I Yrd.Anadaron Lts. for, de by 1h"txesCounthe rie ai H aional MBank. dne hcliiurt'hased a short pai on the back. instead ai the knocks aPi It t Antlocb, Illinois. building ln firet counby man. The Diii> Son, Iliter and Couniy ClorI, in the - Count'e 10 2t iptColîi 'Ume ago ' aould be lunchi more a.preciated. We IArl a.Iclass condition; % mile- fr0111 Gradei Court rhioni in the Cour1 Houie in thDpuyCllcm Richard Dowecl nioved t10ttre Doweillarefnot askilng for aytfpathy. but se r. and Mirs. Walter Fountain and! ScîoqI and %,mlle fron tow nship Warnkegaa, DM. 8-tf 'ity aIf Waukegan, (ouoty aI Lakte !aJI, bavtag renled hislîomt tpace te the il,- of Lake count>' ibat Waucon-! lbert Sn)decIr lonie Sida' h s r. WIeo loeF0 SL- ee un iuea T a W.N Ft. loain; R.lF C. tat n 'joueph Steindorfer. who look îprisses- da cii. .01 be put down and out. and' Mis. Claýa Rosing and illu Il'Corne Mb ADJUDllnos.ICATgION:fin NOTio--ICE Pac *lcm Marb 1. ' 'sua., coing to niake our railroaid a Rouind Lakte spent StInday wih tirie "Skhe 26Lieî'yvile.oorsssionApilA. 1)2-j~ un i hs' t. OI ili feetm'. B OIEishrb îe The eà,rairoad directoîs trerlas! aucesaful tuonumen oorcnînnPoîîc'hîictsorrdMs,~ lr 'ie 326.'%%., Llbertyville. John IG1.,forthe forth 113 futtr Ilei.-eus, anc. ji il Ct flri'y Meade, decatred.o weok to organize and elecied tire loi- il>.'s'hich 'sitl bc addcd hrosîtel iltýor'lit' -Mis. liorfler, lias been t-r% iii GIT OUR PRICES for boring slîailoil Ballard., 9 bill <of lot -ý-. l'litof Iligfiwoiîîl in the ~ 4bcle.Anlltarx .owlng officers: Pres .M.HIL)etî'îck; ltre cntii'e county. ttes.'ella. These welia are aanitary and. Citly of lllgllwood. aîsi; thi' tair Wi it' 'îiAtt. u 'ut> or !Lk V. Pres. s- Ray'addock. A. H. Kueb- MNiss Elizabethi txUebkcî clpent file itbefrcfle os asiîiinF1 AEGo.parfly nmodern l 1<li'cs iiîf11 ~(<tn>,tatriteet8 ehle' e r y, . L ui nd a. in, Tr e c- &o r' fo iI r tc G o e e c u r n e d s " 0 - h u t i r a i e l c t o , !.ý retrY D L.Punan; res. IG, . aIM'Ms.Frak amhie. esreasonable. Phone 31-49. Zion' 2 fitilllots if necessarv. ,Bain, stiade ri'îi' aiî.lnd t l t'.fii--fo:rî'- .sali tîsunt>'. on tir--firstI NIonîilotf 8frober. - - - Xli'. Franit anîlîlîler I Buiding lndustry. ZMon, hllinois. iiid fruit trees XXmiî st-l on nontît dI> i'iiio ln hetiijhove lti, i'. Oitex. a ef 90 linat le. h utt iîs' saiAi Ni~ lianditMis. JL. ChambiierlinoiandI ______ay__ _________osnen.' M192d0,g ie. îî'eo 'it 41, aand uiî, . - i ciits gat u sîî - Commites acre si'ti'î cilas iîiiiîis iii r iFrtes i Ai, -: l ria. ,r)ayiineieni.tic ., cd M.tHardingc ha m IOR.]ALE One0c1nIlle'on' I ,d '>ofiJulie, A. iTi . eros a1 li il diheri Pe le lali F R\V lîSaT I. Iesnshigcaii -'ntsade Opeatonftv 'aîlî 1..JOitt-sn'* berlaîn frotin Lihcrts i i. na. ig 'bs2IcisSIii lot.ii'it- tîIuified and requestod to »,*. cer and Il Y.'Fi!t-c: Finainc i I on;41 2frcesaat;2f'ae StMokot-, P. I.. i.a r. . Ijarî'îî. i.. I Tih'at\ i il u liai oic , n l Mr'..Jolin H u kel'tis cti f Ied( St $ len na; bin ue oe Itii SXL - rti.' er. l, " V eii t i a'! ii X " .a' ie ii1 i siii1'tt 'ti' tt i Brooks and hE. A. Ficke. lib t tii, h'if icsle%- h l uliranti dauglîlci Mahel ot Oak i'ark a on.Prîce $40. Aie) 3 ful blood .riii>."t'.u il I loi , da itogJntikenî,- 1. 19thit oN h. 11'> daii a' iMEAD LegisIative-s-lI. L. Fisier and E. L. 'i.'l a îîîUî '>e>dXli t ~ 'e hulera'of M is.jtiieat lrf rPiA o coks 8 îioflthlî~ad. $ ' t " ,-' ""' 7- ' 'si" t h ý lurhasd 0ndha as.igti i i, < e rt i înIirti ~,eike Wi> m Mns H hut ~ ii i ci 'u. 'tiîleled ii 1 ncslaîcdi T. C. Nail. Iliighaod. Fli. 7 o i 'li.'ltt a t , ta tbî ' lt ' 'tt f Io,1wI-1 't "I tit'. liiiatri o-«r, E. H.M c îî 1hiici iiî'i'iin'tt con li~lcîii Miss Elizabeth lVirtz Nti iIiti at 'î 'l .I,'tt'e tirti' : i i' iil :i.' r i.- nnt,1, i",i .îi ii. Mai' h 41 1920 N'(!adýý. u.fIý Iii aiiîe nacui ri eih1FIt'Nlfi Gun. Owner can have same ltle!î'",fa .. eit of ith( eîî'1one liait o t i t4'.Platmac4Il1 Manager Lt',' as as tiled tiîipo 1Io'> , His iuany fiends in ifbis %ternir ioboue tille Niiîor Satunda> . upon identification and l r areiiouii' ' ,ol f lgh l'til, ti t iii' itv of tgt od p' lainttht- new tegislation living haset iuu' liar o in.lI\ i t e rcil lu hs t(lits ad. If XX'ndl;îndîL.laku viil-a. fil. lhi îlog ionM1iIýa d t a tre s'\pî. r e,(i il n onii bit cc s .. anti ,utiinedtl ie proî i stiI1 i MOi Bs Jeîininia Joite 's a s bhum in Ken- 3t M-'0IIiuc', 4t*Iiutl.I l a il irî il 'l-wl tpr nte2;hfw is 14 ditaiwbich grants the saine Mns.Assnîîaa(o! Chilcagois lie zuFt iuckî' Jan. 24. 1844. antI îassed aw'> IW. Adanîs Sit. eti i agi 41 2it %kj, s.,; tuf Jiine, 192t). %X.'13.SMITI P E IIDE RA D pri'lleges and uiti 'il-bt;iian tets. oi iii tns i n thle G ilt-i nuis hbohai hiat ber Ihonle Februai'> 23,I ',;liSe 'AN TEl) Girl tlor seuil ai hîuat T iuha W.tiakins, cimu.î. E ID B A D our raiiroad as il dot-s tothe big linos, i.and NMrs Geise loSe îi.i.' uî iiiariae e atesJoce' 'ok.Phne97 Ms.l.y'iMiortFOR ,;ALE F'orid liYs ot. 1h, 650 fi)' lroîîvand %Vylia ir.Tn RIG - ehlrb instiro's in onî~.~~ titleîdllte Carl NMeir 'salc. soon afîci' litee'sar and Ilie>' canieilu, -If ' $3i11 wOthei iirps fiauni $9-4)4u 10 $-5tee laite ngtict'cIat onl the 26th day l roas gglt edge secuji3 ,,as if guaran- i-.andtI rs. Phi] Ailles, and ftuuiiy nuittelI 0iii cHis deatit occurred in'aefonîlii 'cF5 iii -'istaliin'>f ' A . 1) tî,X.i iiiiv tees a relurn t ..-I l' ention t,' look dînner alth Mrs. Hailice Fnîce 17: Sîî 'at ninc cl ndjoncl ORSAEIlCuhes nîuiiatic 3iu& >os1Li90i tlt-lit:îsu .dtu fiia u i ".- 4lD RXALANOS DN -Value of our ;;l'ajtci't>. whi]hwelias îLte ivantit.' îtnzreglîtional iicurch m I eg ize; 4 Biicke>'e -4u1cg -: -,"r -iuw'i!shPt I t, Iti..*ý'u,' ii iui'litili luiflit 24. C UG ED CI E aaurdMaic . '>u. lnu asli uy afi lul ltitls, 320 and 220 egs,,,2 1'î'ali îa ýA LES.M EN VA NTL .', lct rE i t. Me's Plait of! lucha tICIN aisinI1ed andl3iotitecgn.Vi'kbcu IIluri lit.riii.ttlî'i'cpforitiiniMarel1 ina îiins. a'i'Cmays a failli :Iiii u il,-.11il- of lii toP tip'i,>. wtu - M vlng 2nut'cltased i tii $581iîîuuîîfits ' ut lic (0 ' -ti ii ari f u! iandl-une-i îuî"ketilii the ciîîîîiî 4t)i tand ,)1 ig l e ej lu i 2? 'ti lef or '4iitl iil ini i..gseii andu x s d:.,' utr î' fi people hnaom'-tispt-c'irut tlle%. tougli Alti liait antIBlciiCouok spet ei 'ttandl c'îiiiîiitînit> ;ndill be prf e aallLaVll.>' Titpi- 'll iis tri 'W 'iB. i u Ti JSult ttî Tn l Standard Bools F ancy Statiney a ot ici> las Iigttire runsi.ictin i le "iendt-ti ti Iri e lo ks iîis'i'l i t 1Ie -tuc i>itîoîun tieir N14( IIINIST'.i W'î las iiItan'n uu il't'loi.' A lu 1919 %V E Sîîîrî Pefufec.ery Dolt Arntcls I ' t', Cook lias smutIilis tarin and î l'lîlu-i t't .iiciiX'.tich 'î :. f1 sotu Aicîian,'liltîîî '":t iu ui tiiitiia , 'iiiuît u'îî.îî ii' tti -tPRESCRIPTIONSiiîxtts' i Pl SCI N P E (J ITI N .R . E N D A N D 11 ia" artmicionsalo Ila.i I . ho ',iIi*ii'et itn \a., î'î'eactîsl d io. Pliiuneill fln ;nlo fJii .1.12) i 'e' lli'uý(, Zierli'î' of Oshos, a ltG t'ti d'iitit.'t iti aiu, - ~ '. î~ A t 9,C refully Cornounded GROCERY AND MARKET - -- tt ' FRSALE -One 19h17 ttiVtii. i'> trai\ l'i I ta',i it,.E~ X L T R lUFALEI( N I-1AU PDAY i' counditiun; i . 'Ioii 'iiuntiu'uai'. sickness, lundul ii ndotv,i 's iihai . .,' To Ailia ilutîn Thîar ,n iî tii h .liM e n t r a i ~ i e r c I - a n d t i s e 110 0 0 0 0 00i bt t0t0ti0.0l tit s0 0 0 0Z v R H . n lit t o C it. Iii's : 1'i î, 1 i y '0 1 iti i 11t 4tl. t ilîn tîrs 1 ' ia I, Y HE'ti ,îî l .. îi. n. ,i tS T O R E ii STAPLE AND F AINCT GIUCIEiu DRY G00)S. N07I0Ný 80OTÇ AND SiHOEýý MIATS AND CA.PS IIOSI[R's l Country Produce Bought and Soid Phi.n. 107-J LAKE VILLA - ILLINOIS illem e lithe uiliulng ciinit- t hi t'i 'it-gtutiiitii ,'ii(lt iiij, ,i 'i h i , h and t it a,t'.tii t tMl . i'l . mlo ' a ,î' i-qi lii XXi,, .ît l,' i ý - n i i o ,i d t, . i.' v' '-t ti.t !n i'l' t l, "td -r "l ~r Sî t Auction Sale'* Te unersigned wiII sel. aI public sale. a.t lis residence. one mile north of (tiliner, Lake couflIv, Illinois, on th'e Cliuci, Ïo anrd .McHenry road, on Wednesday, Mardi 10, 1920 Seven Head of Horses Eleven Head of Cattie Three or Four Hogs Feed, Farming Implements, Etc. R. De COOK, Prop. A Bank Account Makes p- For a Sense of'c. Security Your savmns soori grouv fc uzble propaor- lions -if deposits aie métde in a systematic manner. Thi, bank extend., ail the conven- ences neededi for the safc-keepirîg o1 your fun'ds- Start an accotint aft ti's m. îik riI1'..e < TtA, liyO ,The Citizelns' State bank of Area Phone 243 - Area, Illinois, ----- ---- 0"06« ltittuutit ltfamie. aree nteu'tainil i tits.a lite, linuand chisk-'nhiox. XX ' l îhln. Xl as l'ttu'. tii l i ili hui 'te ['W; t'o u, utui'. 'Iliiisý.11ha i "i aîk,.,litas titi .ttuk tutin ' i t,1 t' rlsiîitti. i r r" om t .it ,;t'h i 2iiniiti'andîîtJack " ti\i. I Via, , 11 . t1î- oti n t a 'r fil c it' r tsi îîd Iltu j-tti"luh, itoi\ ttIq ilz5, ituîMîh i" ItiltN i.v Chi, uiîi 'i t,î -Monda, EVAN'GELICAL CHURCH NOTES t:ngI set ui .ui t S 'I l t, i i . i alit ,i6t t i , ,-Ii tlit iltuit w lui i lu Io t ii". ,tii se tr> t4t î l 'huîu -lax.. 'Il lue L ytiur.tlic'l t I..tni.' lias ila sie-I trai 1) fr- 'u.îî u Sltîlt> ii ang. Mausl R- % Fr' .iied S-uiîu'l'îgchictigo Iailgi,' nun ltirestinur ltttlt'l'. . oit ie .t.L.stil, inîiteil h, tic illi us tnd lîcear h tua uutessagt'. ha'sl a 'fIuil bouse, Do you kno's' fiat se sue un tht- Lenief Season? If teuches us th1e one greuit sacrifice an Cati ar>'- 'This i1fhave done for yolî! * "hat will 'you (Io for Me-?" Dld you'î sacrifice anytbîng for Hi? Sacrifice somiething on Sunday and caine ta the services. t rc >oîu a member a!f'our Sunda>' tScliool and lBie CIlans? Corne. En- noiment. 105. Atendance lait Sua.. day. 70. CARO' 0F THANKS ' j t e wc islu ta extpress our aincere ttbank.9 to our frlends.and neig4tbcîrsj ton. thm'tn liell) end sympathy. also foi- tbetn beautiful florail offerînsa durnfg aur relent bereaiemenl. ASA JOICE. SARIAHIJOutE Good Times. I SihtIpjos'ino i.t ' ti l i ts etî Iltmre la. jdubttiously 'ur Iititul 'ttii..for a -good ttiv ,,'tutrit u1'rt- Ieultîs have * been F--ii ti'ii' ihiti utit ' i'iiti 1:, c 1-uiedel Want, 1oF &aie, etc. &ada. ln tht UIN- j DEPEf4D".T reach over 15,000 read. orsch w e.k. 01JJ2HOME IOWN BOOSTERS, These Merchants Wil Serve You Quickly and- -Serve You WeI'I W. F. FRANZEN, AR.i Lumber - Coal - Feed "Pay for \Vhat You Bux-Get What You Pay For- Telephone -5 0 Libertyville, MI.- SCHANCK HARDWARE CO. Hardw>tare anid Farm Implemnents, Plurnbing and Steam 'Heating Tin and Slîeet Iron Work Phane 39 Libertyviile, MI. RAY N. SMITH Shoes of Style and Durahility For Men, Women and Cbildren North Milwmukee' Avenue J. B. Morse,& COMPANT--'-* Gents' Furnishings and Shoos "Everything for Me a" THE BEST 0F EVERY- THJNG TO EAT TRIGGS & JOHNSON, The Moment of Need In emergencies you run ta your local drug store for a quick prescription. Or, ta finish a dress before going on a trip, you find yau need a littie more cloth and - mn ta the dry goads store ta purchase it. Or, in many ,other ways you fi.nd the stores right here in Liberty- vile conve nient and rend> to supply urgent iineeds. But if you patroitze theiLibertyviie stores only when yon need something hý a hurry-4f you habituai7 send money awmy to ont of town concers-thâe LiL- ertyvifle store suifer thezreby. . flac> must have your support at ail tintes if yon expect them to supply yonr wïnts in time of urgent need. There are mmm> wmys in which Libertyvufle stores eau serve yen and spve you mouey. Give thei a chiance. Your patronage bs whmt they need. TRADEAT HOME Support the Town that Supports You- F. C. NORMAN Groceries, Fruits, Candies Tobacco and Cigars REE MOTOR COMPANY HUPMBILES Telephone 8 H. W. ROBBINS WOODWORKING COMPANY Wood Ma Producta Extedor and Interio Finish tLANGW.ORTHY'S Variety -Store WILSON & OHMI "Fords"' and Fordsofi Tractors E . . or a figger, Yetter Iîibertqoêille. e e I u VOL XXVII.-N idsrOi t i= Il u' iii lima Siluati Women Members Lockedi Doors to il from Walking in, HE WAS ORDERI A tist a! tr.oiibiea that Iroînt wluere trie cburcb )ori h iicago Presbyt t'tdtauot maa"fi 'Olu"tîneir [Asior 1 C.S.'Marmohf. ftue Soün," Whîo 1ronuled Ht-ni t;und.ty etini u i thrashiing t-ce, tiai) the- itreet, s'auld fltîta tgg 0f tht-nu were detailed Martin C. Docker, a ta cburcb, 'hoi atte sandi Bonis incidents whIcM. bsoard to tU4 the dru "Prom the ,tandpotta, bloodcd logai proliositi 0f ibe Nort.h Chicago sistîng ot the trustees., e end tregsur, aldi fot fta ei-tIna ea> tu-on f be aubine! toa rrtet ult iter. llenry S. Browen, ont of uhe etninbosil cag0 pr"tbyteSt7 wliui ]y on thie 'ret.,ali' of i! dlatnii't, bail ntifutîti I dai-sot!fnit ta pntîl.î I1 day, Febuary 22 dcci Deocker totîiy. 'Theomf -han fthisi aitii olty in <t t-nu-y rreceeding offIle tht ext eu-diîn board," Ai' ta Iid. p 'Id flot ri's lie such tnýt shitl'( li dAufo e' -dey. aini'nig ible 'clà dld tl-l 'Ui. McKinp,ýy ber ihSf lit- beîleîed lie but tht- latter told hinm '-i8ht cause trouble. >1 Feared Figlit et e6i pay >'wite gotng an no the local board geLt ,i'-clded taotî'sîuîlnahe hi lie w'tnild tt,î'ash Isaa' andaf-- Chier of Pal hall waîned hlm oecura iiiaIn away (rom lte chi îtay 'se naturaliy' tatIk wuund and wien ho i', tbîirch, whers Braaach or ,lIj.Sunday echool mg an v tý-ti. n a odld flot t' ea srr4p lu the î"2eo! puilîs." 'On& of, the- ta'.ar'ý 'Aas tuiâ habit of"*bî'î îa lsbtofir-vs' Fsatomobiies nsni n rdtaking a mpin.' acu'ordinc toatl, jeain. whuî forbade tht fuiChel u-e ai the inuat Igald abiat ont- aftemont, ti Clîzego tt- pasmtoi' 10 of tht- garagt- On an£ ho -bocrowt-d Ati> orne>' Schine, not 'Altbo)ut pan 'ver. T J tSabI 1 itWaut'. gan Iftos'ui,ýtnilr 10.w bittn ahorur a colin tht-rn0aq if i w'e huiles (n No Man's Land the rien who trhed ta Dace. -One siau>'the ptthi>lii.à li s"'wo wti ebtîhiltng n, g'hur6'u, c 'ed ut filie 1ti- I)cm-he- askA dthe ci ait; tIi, ruent wilth i'e fatiîui Uusc n. Sm. ',%1<0sta 1ii htw, 1.0 I'nali'tuslien NilasSw5* i 1. and t-ndlr, thouglut ho tI-r ir Ai rut.9gte Attor Mt"'tiew dayl ha ],incklit' af site btdb -tllu'catirlt-01i5ty aot [n î'eîîuîth for lunch. SayB Ho Callgd Tý 7'tS3Ieu au' Bergenu Vbo tluc the Cbrie 'tht- rth-hti so0twhilî rast-d the qtltsttofo tht- Sabbath bt-tween Brnacl and Iater bri b*.Ik il y gude e t k n( _n fr '.ne to (i * walked (aiiaud fnet final the bouse. sienL ta în( Btergen'a nocani. wltct> Fup3týng ai tiio lIme i 4o open t. but ltwwia lîail Idtan'ad Lou>and U rooan, ahtli salto hevard 1 ouf." AI'ot'ney Docker cirai otWIte' nembens c aItqovère einoyed In 3VIve1 o'silAi4t s - R