CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Mar 1920, p. 2

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LIBERTY\'LLE. LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS THURSDAY. MtARCH I11, 1920. -. 1. Owii Y<-c'i5me :ESL B e ( '11 Y ,t i - 4;.k iE ' - -u3 D L s 1cr -i Ctkn.a DUýct foi F-,tjî e Homes in Lbiv'i!and Aree Sold on i'his Plan. rciP..icili .'tqa-re cf INSURES NATIONAL BIFENSE' F. M. HARDING Phone 184-J. Area, Illinois. Assurance of Abundant Amnen- can Explosives a Reason PRODUCE FOOD! Why Germany' Quit. F.e of Any Cksa S*feit and Mot DY GARRET SM.TH. ProftaI~1ir'eluetmtTis n Ocf the ehietfort rosses of Ar-r Th.Evh. i. Source of r iras nev milltmry defenatse ystem wbicb deveioped out et the W'orli PA Food Product-Cultvatel War la thte Ammonum Ntrafe Plantt 6. Eari-I. Odier Words, at Muscle Sbonis. Aabama, on thie Firui.i Tennessee River, oser titree hundred li'oilxg are mantionei mci. fana ilsfenteéaatcpbeo effareti for âale ai reasonable oncesi turnlng Out W00tons of hlgh explosives and m eW trmsof pymet. cesa day. it assures te te United Statea ant onace tenisof cymnt.Tiese for Il turne an abuntlalie of ammuni- JrM6 àare nuvbere near te topnotel invtuutaicta royl ep in Piice. The. person buYing snd op tIOr ithenunîbrancv anti If laps aiep el'aung anY one of ltes, tarins a us o. 1i uhnuei îpi fepoie Of ivO Profits--one f rom te naîul-al tas ilaîi liborît resof expra ma- làcreaa in îhe value of the. land, the ltaris)tfe wtousti ercite Othertrolu>thie Iroduets oftihe se1 i The.essentitîl imgredieni of ail utot 120 Acres crnt uiiitaty exlosivecs in nîtrîc acùt. 1.0mted 4 miles froin towa; tIP- tefatre tlite NVtrlNar. Amerlea wasj ilium atil; very;tied an nti r erly tiependlent titîon ('hile for th,, cullîvated;. uvw lttnise; large barn; ,tît o~iytf n!iratI'et of ti te otlyj aie;. deq veit fulliy equilîpei ti'cfutrmlifrotîtit ltit 'f itrit' stid cia dal rytng 'possestsioni i ntime for Ihis iutnîle. i iet1i.iis cottît irys ineîti >ear's crojîs: $165 lier tacre; stock.ini ils e I n %ntr ni tht îny nation that feeti and i impenients if desireti. cînuld cinitlrtl ilii, set-nttr, foc w.îtlti 240Acreg to -.--tt . . . . .,r fr .'l-'.-I l' .-;il ih I ,i r .0 ,.t STUiY I N is MR1 So. BD. , ,"1 'N'\\'. ,'t:N ' , Three Doctors Rettirn Froir jf*4 n l.\111 il'"1.tiil. l \ 1_.$1..t1 America to Beciin Active Health Carididate for LI. S. Sen-ite Ac- 1:'a '"1', 1) Ma, ch 3. 1920 . Canpaign Anong Wome'n. cre Rs'tino Cn . .Jarchi1,1920 i li %%l l h,\l fidence in McHenry Co. a 'l-1.N%, il l,<MHi, 1,;t.i ALI - AGENCIES COMBINE. Iî Tti1t ~;~ad.îrj-..'I'tlitihI add li1 i nw*I-'l 1tmi 1 ' wi,'týNp i \%I. \V 1 1 î275Tilsk, ot, 1 7 and l ilt(:2,N i e:'.':> rordialipîprtialfi l te resoiti- . .t '0.'j Nî',rtM.NI.1tîtg,-. loi 22 ir! 2, WNN'tingîttt F.ttj t> Noltij,: a i tri rti.r. ArrerIcan y. W. C. . Wiii Supporjion fltffred lb' Sr:In-rN'h.o: W ailer.' \1- I, i *. I'i.ii2t -ut.itn! k' ('$1 0At" tgrl'l' xlt'nilsk Wome'. P rt f Chnese l4e l of Woodrtork. i.'.ttioîtî '-citing j.111 lît r iî '. ;fiIarv . l t .:and ! hit h, ni,I 1ai h. 42 itri i .,rl.. N(,rili Cticatl.'î Woe' ato hns olh that M r. Sil tnleff%%,., a afornier ment- la t-ii i .,t k F. i 3G. N..1. La Mt miet. antid lttrat'of!(,,t'$1. Campaign as Part of World ýe r of the boardi and tuai hie has s'iliii, hi t talîlilî,I i e ittlandtri NNVW1,tSe. .12, 1heî it -Naît ofl Wtt.Iiowarît to VFl Sevie rgrm. ,rendered long ant i eriioriuos serv- ',NIgi,înew,,T.i... Wl, w [ $10. ant i a.nn e lcîtwtttm, îlot 16, lie Sevceiora.]e ast a egitl.tor ri Springfield. îrtttîe. _21. E. Il end.antd wife te 1,i l..tit, llar-,'ington, Ijetid$23i50. The fuIlet confidence is feit in the ss tîlittît. NI t\ ti. (tt,agtt .ord anti wir'.- 80)acres in Se-. :,11l. hI. J. Wicks ant i Wtt , ttt Anni- V. nainlCerece fWo e r the' heartiest support of the A'lingtibil Slteprd Nliatk.'u _11:W I)$14,400t. i W etion 2: Fremu.nt TwIt. naini ofnneo onnPhy-ýmembers of thé county bc, d lntlist Florvtl(eF 1'. a.. iiwalkee 21 Spi oîs1 aiRsdelc-Wj 1809 sian% beld during September and ( imp - n.frasetini edrl lxE,Eser. (Chicago. 22 lNeai- e, S '/2 N E 14 N of Piank ltoad I ki-tprtosfraetin. WdriM niIEnima'Wickt.anti husbandti 1Anni.' tober, Chînese women are to have asenate. W. Oetthing. Chicago. -'0. Se. 3, Waucondsa Twp., W 1) $800. 1IV. Pester andi Mary G. l'ester, tract The résolution givtng aPProval to Edwin J. Carden 12; * rC. A. Newcomb Jr., to Albert Kaz- lofliand In section 35, Avont Tývp.. 5V far-oeachlng bealth prograni. I the candidacy of Mr. Shurtleff for .. Chicago. Dr. 1da Kahn. Dr. LI BI-Cu andi Dr.iUniteti States senator follows: Rache.l ('olien. ChItaga 22. mierczyk. loi 26, block 29, Wa.,hburn 11) $22701. Dan. three of China'@, baif bundretil 'Whereas, It appears ta this board George F WNeis, Sturgeon flav, Park, Deed $150. - March 4, 1920 women physichans. who attendedti àjb that the honorable E. D. Shurtleff, Wtt.. 24; Christine i'eterton, Stur- J. Tomaszewicz andi wife p ze .E.) Morat; andi wife to IFi. C. Ben - who for tent consécutive years 9tO ty NI. 0 gorz Ptaitinski and wife, lot, 13 an. l tt.lo8, block 54 and lots 23. 24 has ably reprented tbis district F'rederick W. Stili. Chicago. 54. 14. blork 11, flreyers sub., North and.W 70 feet lot 22, block 660in "~~~' ~ In the legslature of this state. hall, CS~ftd.Srî Mlske.5.(hicago, w r) $10. Highlatnd Park., $2. Ing been three times speaker of the Pred J. L'ainey. iberi Ii., _5 ; John Sirahan andi wife fit Aifrei ' l F T Lobieli and hushandtoIlt . bouse of représentatives, bas declared Mary %I.-.Ienkins. 25. P..der.ten, 601 acres in 9 FP 14 Section'. Skiiiin. lois 19 andi 19. Tweeds 2nIti ~.Ihis Intention of heing a candidate FiÙttîrta Woolf';. Sîtt'unrG rOV, '22- i 7, Ne'wpor)N.-W 1-$tti 'ub. ontt 1'ikte Lake, W 1) $7'- tI for United States ,ceastor of the .i Gould, Sîtring Gr'olle 19J March 2, 1920 Mary Heidernann tu Emma Her«hb- ~ileff. of Illinois, andi 'Whereas, The Jatoi) F. Uhith., N.w flutleZ', wi., John Kukia anti wife In Joe Jî.nochit berrer. lot 13, blotck 1, Ares. fýaîi P. D. shurtiiff Is a man of wide :I0. Rose liachnian. Miiwatltt '21. adwe.ios- ni 2 i.k 4.5, nay r-aen anti hunitandti 1 Akst'l 'rexperlence bln lgislative niatiars. N, .eiPi(*-cheitt.ilîgiîajlottrl 1.Wasiburn Park, North Chicagot,, NW 11t Tegt-n. lut 22. Wilittnoton't 2nd Sttb se ~~~bighiy stîreessftîl rît bus-inessaffairs. dt. Sanîltih, n.î 2ltntik'QC$t a umaîn whotte bonor. intiegraiiy andi J tih Usne'tcnnEtzîci .t ian.'Jr.2n, 1 tfe tt K .i N I itkl. anCtIowf oIC ot_ 'S" .abIIity have never been questieneti. V, SieeW..Chicagot. 1X. Ki.îner lot 4, bilock 6Ita, niat Iligit 4 e- rn Stt-9, An:itocht.,w \V Be it therefone. "*Resoived, By the '_._a board of ttuptl-rNi.ors. tf McHenry lantds. Iigihianti IPark, W L) $10. t) 82s7rr ;cou:uty that the. beariy entiorsement <IOOOOOOOO 000 .WGiliga. i.I)W C AitnSra'att , t U.t. of tis oar t ciettyvx înd o is n~.srtFretttan tnd wif.', W %S5 vi.lot i12, (v. airi, lti29, t]lik 9, Walîkezatt lofntntbar d lolcaily i arodedIf0 . II, RELtL TATE TRANSFERS o blet k 4, Lake Itiiff H1tcgurts. MW 1)$16 lIilthIttti, Northit 'tiagot. W fi Ir, th.etonorable E. 1). Shut rieff for, 0 o 0 0 O 0 0 0 0G'ri.i .1 0 ttt0, 0' Wt-0l 0rt 0ncit 0 5fiteAnt0. the posten of 'ntt.d States senator[ S ltt 3 -block 5, NI.Kays 2ntritd, i (eitan, itti 2R, bhltk '9.NWtt:kt-vat s.. J front the state of Illnoîs." February 25. Wataktettîi .t-d$1.ilihari.Norifit cticao. MNY- It S2'it Located iwo miles îrom ont. îowln; eut tff our v',iiîil ii of trik ing.. Iw o,1 21/2 miles frottîianother. vcti:tinaliv *bacis. govtvisolit; s'aro 'it ît-î : misti l e lli ttlrr :irt'ai. In- ht r , r re Ï and'ti tîter I iy.. .o. d nuan l1.. i.itt iIlle' Ilittt"i building.,:,, $16I îpe'r ar et- iit. cî. iirti:- s G...I 'tr' alr li ir i ternas; possvt.t.ion ",iii cl i Sild iri.r'i 'ilin! .1 if. *1..- hall!tPx- and implutîteaiif t ti red Thi l. m -tni t. i Us-set: Ivitit lier xith wiii renti ln$2'psler .t'ai*, t ittr.:es luti .ret lii:a prote-s noW oCCILtit i y th(- owne- fr',.'xitrntinitrI gît. ri'ithe ficair . '- 145 Acres iii, inten t't'tiiittrti i- , t,'*1i'iiv .tifl'n HIR IDA KAHN URGES CHINESE on _M:jluise,-t bt. 2 irl tr eftti't fri ýn Itairi rtttîsWOMEN TO WOR'k. froini hcaît. 6 ilesij', jjIj ,iýrdThis tre.i riS t.etî si e--tut ln r"e-sr10it, naiept! Park; beaýt trfblc uscs elxcsoit,! -' . . . een ac.t.ive pt fined ine il e ti al'r i : t,ooi j 1, tjt,1: re exîtîiî .rn rii îîîtii r- tr 5rrtt w Il t . hidi iili0e lte shat its tf tite 'vated. ine sif.!tri-,.,îtil oor nIztiii'iîrt ' TW C. the big heaith o mue- thoroughly md:nbtit, eri"ut1î:111 v. r.f 2I trti ic tit modrn xue: lauiLl tiilinrî tailntra.ît' frintil,.. ir ontaatment in China. lawn; '2 tais. ban .: D2i:iuîous ,', lage t.alt.. The fonds, for establishItng tita buitdings:.tà (ouairi- btiri' ' ealth cnes o eosrtose -hic-i Amnericans Buy Germai, Secret. rnea o eosrioso $1265liter a. r-; er>t. -easy ilit-. ltttr In El0>7 sn Aneriëfsarîtniiittntr, uenti. bow te rare for babies, fortealth session Mai th 1. - d Frank S. halun i. ured lectures for the woînen. for bnbles- dis- 6 AcresitAteranrgiit. n rtss pensaries and for a general edura- on -oi,! aI .ttU it.l. 1a tiletit' rclui CeîrîiaîIi- ttdr'ii .rrt rri 'e ita- t c amPalgnwill Illeralseti Dy the frytm 10%vn %%iîli .' at ' rtinýiîîî', 'it:rr'rlring tioonr, th(, t' Cana-- American Y.IW. C . a.s opan of ifs te iit"~îrr.Or" irîîr irr klu.e!lui. stie'ifiii i i ia ils. Wtlian prograîn of world service for women landi: ust'd a.,'agardea farî! Anterir'îrrIit'",-If !ri theitc Wrld and girls in 1020. buîldt(ià. $ ait.bN'or.itiîNltl: t he t rlnrtaç'e ielirîî-tittuiriet Dr. Ida Kahn, in a rerent appeal ta 220 Acres r fo lMr. NS tshiitîra's tcoiniiat. for help. modern Chinese wemen sel&i "Let our la souirle: O 1itiil r,! lttl.coittix ,The Air Ntraties Corporartiîîo as women of educatlon in Peking andi mils fomforrned, willii Mr.NSashîiurn it Is mils rin osn;22 îî!. f xi tiii, eai. e îtititu Msc-e itapln elsewhere gather tharniselves together cage, Ou g900(1 ,i, itati; gocai ilak It Ifwas a'.xl..ed hi- sest-r.tlother weîî towork fot lte achools, Redi Crous nt srâi o.alnottst le; 25 acies kana n.t'xrtt'its, uct as tire West- Y. W. C. A, anti everything eue whian fine tumber sieng thet.ulrbic iigh'isai.-; !tghouse C'hur.'h Kerr Company, whlch beffeaks the betterinnt ef th, coun- sersiceble utlings $15 utr are;Put up the plant btuildings, the ry.Ui isteat! ot ataylng et home to, play easybera ofps>ten: fie oportient City andi utilites; the J, G. White poker andi 'aparrov,' andi golng out LU Corj.utatmenof lcb. deaigeineanti con-attend onlens. dnners, tei parti"i and tUfit fo afarerwit~on hip .strurtedti he pewer plant; the Chei- dne 100 Acres Ical Construction Company, whiclt de- «Let un rally our forces and àmlthe. C'ne ofthtAe hast oe-eman farens ignet!anti haut the nltric aciti plant, slIp Ofoteto temove atchy. gupia' La«ke COUR1y; 1 Mile frotta goond tova , andth Ae M. W. Kellogg Company, whlch on catnot accomplish mueh. but ene mil; 'UsàoroUghly tilatianti Cultivafeti' sinei ppigani. 1 il j ork wonderi. Lot un go akUa 7 roni ous raenty renodlet an Chglaning work in .iNovenibr, 1917, 'more Spartan-liko aimpli o f living 7 rm buserecntl reodeed ndthe big plant anti naw ecul a Muscla and lot us bull4 op wmo rviSeuntil titÔIoUghl y modern andi goias new; Shomîs va2 cempleteti wfhln oea v017 Cty lu ChIi.! p11AnItar , ve b-autWIfullan. large comnhnation Lyear'a Um. .Hat ilte expecteti spring sein ofthle fole, à"l is@prover barn; fUIY equ.IpP.d for dairy!ing; aiLc idrive et 1910) iaterialized fIlis one schoole. and every chIld, vIeller beim the aoeeaer7 OUulsldlegs; fne o [.pleut alone veUld have been able.tu>1or girila i.ean te mccl eboete.Trus Oliiit uit COean nt f aitI hearing; suwNSI *par. cent, ef ail the . o social service. bringa tiemocraci htuiUn SbuntimaeeO Ofsmnellfruit; an ideal expleelvec usati by ail the AW@d ora,- aiE und v. vueare cwtlen et a' *'It'7hum; 300»Oracr' ie« OU ail fronts turing that I dmV% B5W lPBblC..CUJIhelp te o uis18 twulî *oa&*; hoe; ; er acr lb-f and the United States vas soeu».fer <romt hi ps'achln* .and lUving diimocs oa*;mo. feeti and -imPlemenfa of jal timne te ceule agaînat aa ammunt- iMCYall th@ Ulme. Wbg nuot loaru tg lfid-qUmlitY If tiesireti; Imutdi- Lion shertage.&d u hueoddte, emn i ate e .arrangement wu d fly îieffemnate te .bc vshted upoo litmglie 100 Acres matie for building the big air nitrate anti slae ÏrIs ail the lUme? la te Monthera part of vwu begun on a pover -T1116 statuaetOfwoýme n Ch<~ina. ty; il ondProuctve and nertydam et the ante Point. Thtis werk haaWile ieavIMg match Io ha deslred. sUihl aulty; agti produl;ciean; nerty belnt condueted i dretUty hy the Unît. te qulte hepeful vlan v..e,, eider mlicusUvsed;levI; ean neer ani etaies Engineering Corps. If vI itilt alle la mat energing Ilot te .i cd; veill encei; deeapveilI; gond IlSnot he compieted, bowever, fer t*oor erhrooti ot the nation&. Our monocen r9og oenésr; large cembination barn; uhrae more years. If vas necesmsry, dePentilapon un tU btar the hurdens of Silo snd ther buildings; buildings ln Usretore, In order te icom... mmmc- th. day, for nolitere lnee. a cure thi m d5econdition ant ivlI buiît dilata operatlon when ihenitrate plant Mnisrions, dililgetandi persevertng SIOpracre; 'mmd vePsesin as cotupleteti te censtruct a $10,000,. vomanîlooti titan ho China," 3150 as' jtaispossesion steam power plant. eue of flhe arg. Dr. Kahn la Iecturlog lu tlia coim- 86,M ecuh, balance te suit purchaser. est stésîn pantîs fur the' production et tri, on the Leeds et ber tellow cottntt7 80 ACRES ; continuonssertrîr îtower ln the wvend. vouten, In the Inieraste et ilhe Y. W. One of te test tit> acre farnms In i If Io pointeti eut tîrat even liat the C. A. Educational Campalgn vbich Litae couni>. su fat as sol ix con- water-.porwer plant îîee.t eoniflieted dur. plans te acqtip mi people vith al certtcd; ülarlanil ti rttd d ultixateti. Ing the war ut wouid have heen fieras- phases et Y. W. C. àA. verk la the. No buidInns. butsi'.tti.dby highiy-y laise te have -ootrucetd s steam Uniteid States, South Ameriea, China. tmiroved fai.t.s 'rie larnd rents veil. plant to luxure tht. nitrate plantt work- Jattan, indit anti Europe. This educa- JZO uuikee.o .tt iiili.iîîrenls: nto insur- ' g at futu- siepany t ail timlea dur- tional canspaiga viii b. folovad hi anc.-; ligliltaottioTern.omnitended as ingthse year. - an active effort te raine thse113.000,000 an iuveaîte(nt; $15n per acre; very n easy terni.s tf titi-tr d PatWrhAi tco. nedt0o4eriefrwsnnfru 10 ACRES Nov, this enfire job cost thie Govera. Ontthle vend. Ont toitle'fronntt.' Nzuitot' ti-ment $00W)000. If vas Put ilîrvugli, tuenIt'as,!; ii itIîj'iit 'm"11itieti; mt à tIme wheu, tltel.rices eofnisierials CHINESE WOMEN HAVE 2 acres 900dtot ak' liasttile, anti labor were nti îhier soriaiît. If FINANCIAL ABILITY. lenced ad crosis fR-or .'d x ilt heax,> ", vsbut ant -rl pei udset woven w:nî-. ni-w ,Itrltin mode.rn but. pô(llied nt'pe gmloy; new bain; Irou1i- tbtuse-',i'it 1 Cens itttte% Tht, question iitiliy Tbey Carrled Y. W. C. A. Campilga arloes, ften, as t..) .hether Unci. Bain OeteTo. anti beautiful tassî; $I itit xiii! ex tot us ttîtî 'thewortT.p.-- .bn change foi lati rut t m r't I,ith, iti Tt s18 n rie IS or' b ln wsl tucahshvi iu nu dJf(ercnq>Tssmd folifepatwst ,Mc a ei'iIadaottehu 95 CRE olîratonsîtnet lIai tateituînnI-esty ant illoftflt,' Chnese business 95oA-lEt '.ivrat' isillweil filetimtnoiiiiakt-nr-man. Thet.t'.rlii lat, tegiectedttemen- -th .fil aktraie ofStî tîrzri î'eniith,-sîlttos couid count>-; 1 mii.-- t ii linS Ir(Inira t%'.I lie [rrtiu.'elti i i l iiant ta ces t tInoie ts .li i iiity of CllInese roand' 6ott xii- i0tnTacirî ron.1t-oulirîui les. iti ot> the tilt iiir( fti ve'men. 'it rtvelltri its abilty In lak.-. liating tn t .1 ut i Ci! Furi prce 151.1 O, Ie t'trtttetfor am.the lt i Iiitii- ampaignuoethle Y. nier ietttit'i 'ITtis farti-i i nt ni l irse -nniuîî uiiinrte rI.-untl.i hy the olier W.'C.A. Ilit Tieis>. boi, ikëdân I fý éthde Ths ot l ollyabot oe- Ordirilyth e' eksa are allowed a.cres; iit, oi îlt -iir. lujid fourtti'tîîf thile test of otiser l i iih, tnrtiix.the budget by uh-' Inr!s A ttrc . t'n. Il utt îgO !nirî ottf elluai straitgtb. aerIptiotn afît'r the l'eiitice commIttea for on.- wito vili tt(. '.u.oiiilîîtnretl itit t h.- initer process for b c'dcid,'ni ipoi)theauoneim fmrnîîng v it Ilei-,.tr% 11ii( ii rr i tIti tii ) 1 iiui >nitraethe ."aV- te Carry on te work of thse comingf duarie, a tt. ftit'st- n rot'. runt' t' itin utrît wittd hveyear. The Tutliii rtttncapaign vas car. do usriabs the fiit t fréi.'k?', lititi nt' , planit tîtut aaerIetion entlre!y tny ('inese women and $170 per tare; soîsi l ixttîfi. îtil.îîîîuaiind j.t', ti. tnt ofol..lrkAIloul broits ail rncj- b$iy'golng over the easy terme. The..I, L 1 -j o te )ltti-SilésetopI unten (lsye v-tba large afrpîci t.,E. I.IARDING .\%alitbe as aàtiefeuse te*ver thé budget. P. I 0AR INGgeuerations.I 1). A. Gtady and vif Tto C. c u tti T .1. Stahi ,ami wtt.' t> 1"rank W. Il Murphy tt .John tandiJuti.a lot 33, G raty anti fiai iow ou s 2nti 'ut. . atti k Ir.. tp.rt 1 i .1 . 7 and i,6. Fît'> v' (trka , itt 21p. biltek 71 Nort h t'i- Average Vocabulary. MWarkeetrît'W 1) $ î.. ..01ant i it loi.ýtib th,, dt.:'' The tua.. of thr tstrrjiiz, litrsoIt 's t oC»iîanttiwt-tt e . 1 Si. i...ttiv.f~, .i i enblty li.a. iteî ,.:i ntî ttl I bout r>' Mairte-n, Iot-. Il and 17.,tbiock 1t1. ti. - atnd! .tif. ,, IL h itt ttri t r, L i t rw.i tri ir.! 'Ti 5,09() uo..rîI-t. Stk-sr'.-.oeîtiuiary NN,sbburn Park, Noth Chicat',,, Ci lfti tttla il. rt 1i lnItiti .lr i -ttitl 'i, in P. î.hteIds i ii' OW hus ir tcoîaîuiA'.i trirrît.t i., c ivatt-C$. tilt k t1.tnî u.Ws.t%.rî. 'Il 1t CI,, tainu fi rtttn 1.7»W4 tt,24.50w)w..ris, Attgutt ten ki t.îti wift- Io. Mtag-$11)0l 97.,. I tf ant i t lîti-- iik, rtt ru-. itId Iu-ru-: Nlrtrreanttihit-.iand. NW' 2 lt't 1etitns. Ml:. , ,tr'il bat s trr.ien l oi ~tt 'k 6, Tiffanys 3id 'Il N.1.JA esîimt d t11-100r ti- Ililtît , tntttinq j rNit1îk. \t 1)NS' I l)- , 1- 1-li 8.(;74 ltir i ttî i rrltîto- ords and Vi'. i iaast- to> E:ank &a. i'. !i F'Iis>tr I rî btri4 loi onrîr ! n -t' or 'ri' ',î I'. r1 k.-grî.\W'it $1 ..., r' W . i 3 r. .tO . ti. 1 m t N i'. 'i 1 Pi-,s i ski -- alt' T , l 5, 2,, i RK, :1. t 'iar i îtît' i rî, N l.t'II I.. il ltite. na $ i.N' i i 1I '. tr, il , to . ;tî rt i r: 1. t. r ' P. M. Trty'iî atd ifI.i 'i, K. air. 1,'t iri, lI_ ,1 I tnt! uif,, lti2f,.adE1: 2 2 i Von 22. hru.2."y l. Sj i 1 C40do'oiiSà4 le r.,. N..uq.«a i 000 0000 O .10000 O O 0 MARRIAGE LICENSES cio .loseph t'C.trrinciorte, Chicago, 24; 1)oreîiiea Kasnow, Chiciago, 20. Milton Sprague, Oshkosh. Wîs.. 21: Anna Nachtmann, Osikoeli. Wis., 19. John F. Sehnaufer, Milwautkee. 18; lierha llintdoi'n, Milwat*kee, 41. William Hennie, Milwaukee,. 39; Nilartbtia Uitf.Miwvaukee, 44. JouI J. Sarj, Wackegan. 27, Katrie Ahe. Wiaukegan, 27. Joea Bergin. Pana.litI., 34; t..eona Fisher, Hui)tington lad., 24.' Carl G. Chrlstenslon, Zien. 24: Eh- ha E. Eckloff. Waukegani 28. Ira J. NNaker, Lake luiff, 27; .IAl- lian F: Burton, Waukegan, 20. Evereti W. Anderson, Higpss. Park, 37; Sarah Harilett. Highlandi Park. 18. ' F'redericek YL Budnfiwl, Wauike- Iran, 22; joan m. Schultz. Watrke-. gana.24. John V. Bower. Waukegan, 20:1 Alire R. Worth, Watikegan, 22. Nicholas Kant en, Milîwau.kee, 21; Lavina Wedekind, i, Lwaukée, 21. George Mlkesch. Nilwaukee.223: Mannie Gess. NMiwaukee, 18. Lester Wiicox. Woodstock, 21; An- ns Maivn, .Kenoaha, 18. SCari A. W'ooq. Wavtkogsn,' 36j Mary Ni. Sasage. Watultegan, 26. W.ilianti-h. CalhoWi. Chticago, 21:j Milfrel Rlei,.Chtago, 24. Frank F. Heftdersofl. Chicavgo. ; Albertina Ebert, Chicago. 41. Williamî t. Titompson Wadsvorii'. 18. Wdih A. Picivle, Antititch.26. Paul Subit, Chîcago. 26; Lola Itt ler, i'chitgo. 26. Thiomas 1). True, Watikemn, - 35; ('race Il. esen, Chicago. 35' Aribhur G. petttrson, tiloggo, 21; Ruth NS't-gtt. Ch.ktago, 19. Fred 1). Ayres. htFt. Sherridan, 87; Lilla A. Cliasialin Atanta, Ga., 24. Diudleyr F. Lum :. Ean.qton, Il; Glati- ys M. L.yotis, Detroit, 28. Johln Robinson , Wsukegan, 32; Eu- lititVaut'.' s ainie.22. Harley Auli. Chicatgo ,41', Mamie Osier, saaie. 35. Tiîeo. Vititus, Chiicago Heighttt. 27; Eîîîclia Slni'nkunzte'. Chicago. 28. ihxitjlini t. Thomast, Naupttra. W'ls.- 25; Etta 011.-son, sanie, 19. F. V,. ThuîînpFon. Fontiulac, 26; Ida Tischer. Knoys'iU. 'Iis:. 21. IlitroicI T. Itesen quisti, Racine, 23; Elsît . I.Jelinek, sstIt..e,21. Wlilitt.un R. 1PM, re. 'Moctron GOtoNe. 2;iia 1'. Il etu. Evuneton. 18 Alf;Ro'i i.oten. Lentner. Nlo..2;I Jennie A. Swansof Zion City. 21. .,n :Blugett, >«Ulma1l. 2-d; Bo1- February 28, 1920. md 1 >. t ,N jl r tn.t .'tIt tl ,1'Mill.ra d? u 1 i 1- e rl iFt'l . N d ut. li îîî a t t.. - t.. i. '.. i' t; .. n-I . Nrt N N -'n.." i il 'n N tri.- iii 1 n. r. NOm" r t i.'.. t I "r".. jr. N\'.nîri.". i.. n 5' N i - I. ..n~nnn '1 t i. t ni ' . lin NO il r ~ j j. j - n. t - j Il t',, ~ j", ~, n r. ni j ' lit' n j r .r.m "'I t.- 'n O i I "'j"' ',n N n n. I i t-S SO - Si': ~1 - n ' . I ' 'n n 'i - 'r, 5,.. ~, n r n . i., 'n nria"nî'.n' h i NV.nn You use neither Bus, Taxi or Street Car when yýou tr avel via THE ROAD OF SERVICE Save Nloney Betwe en Libertyvil IeandChicago 25-RIDE BOOKS NOW ON SALE FOR $15.00 10-RIDE BOOKS NOW ON SALE FOR $6.94 North Shore trains provide the most convernent serviuce between Lib- ertyville and the business district of Chicago-without change of cars. By means of the Elevated Roads you are aiso able to reach any point in Chicago. TRAINS TO CHICAGO Trains leaving Lbertyville connect at Lakte, Bluff with imited and express train; te the loop. TRAINS TO MILWAUKEE Trains f rom Libertyville connect with imited trains Ieaving Laike Bluff hourly. CHICAGO NORTH 'SHORE & MIL WAUKEE R. R. Libertyville Ticket Office Phone: Libertyvillel74 À' tr 1- 1 )t> ç S i ?-v'ot r-î 0 11 T Marble and monum -e'metery YWrtrk .....rressvî ntletnce I 6Gene! DR. 1, L. TA' Ctff.ce in Figit lNatioal atîrm:-l t.. litW)quir leiDete nBriatiway DRL . F. BUT AhhSUANT ATU va* UbortrvMle. Il ELHANAN W. Atort'ey-ai.i 0111.- aas ita . ttkAt Lî BE RTY V iLLE, LYELL H. M ,T'îttttt t t .b.rtyvîlre L~ î. , ' .rt I MMii.S PAUL MAC G ATTOIIiEY AI i.ibt.vvl!,-Il v-ais RE MARTIN 'C. D ., 'rTO.ts.î Ar K N%'t.iîtîi Thie equil Europe, diaintegi There wei standard As a resi impaire, reqwired In the me: Ansenca imngc iud visi sud the The Te overy e 00 advi Thc succi cordialc - tea CI A -p \< ;1< TW O i

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