CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Mar 1920, p. 8

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Auto Insurance SAMSON ssociation FREEPORT, li LINOIS INSURES A U T0 MOB IL E S, T RU CK S and T RA CTO0R S AGAINST- FIRE THEFT LIGI TNING ,WINDSTORM EXPLOSION CYCLONE SELF-IGNITIONTOND rotection at Lowest Cost. Only P.referred Resks Accepted. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted. You can insure your car for $1,000 against fire and theft At a Cost of Only $5.00 Every Eight Months. ASK FOR SPECIAL RATES ON FORD CARS. It iS Better t0 Have It and Net Need it Than t0 Need and Net Have It. LEON ARD DISNEY, Local Representative RAWLEIGH RETAILER Poe156-R. .LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. TE LE P HON E CA LL W IL L BR ING A R EPR ESENT A TIV E To YOU. \\ old s w; rk, inta w nvii:, . . r ::uL o The biiher the !ut on to h i he 1[,-,n, W rJ Lawtov, 8PP hiis i.; the recor:d oi ;i a man who has done big thb ilWhode- serves your support woyuý go to the polls on Tuesday, Ap)riFt p t let the country know who you think àughi _o'be president of the United States. Nathan William MacChesney -Leonard Wood Illinois Campaign Comruiittee Suite 1248 Congres Hotel, Chicao aw 0.0 00 la oàeloe he toou idst00 00 00 00 00 0 00 0 0 gi9ven y th J I Ni A Al at the itne 0 0 0 0 40 00 hiag ier ie aiiting his a Om 6 0 g0 ag60 g0 0a0000 - I A N H 0 0 a n d h o p e t h e y M a y e s o r t i e r H L F D AiY0e r p T a h A 0 b N ' D -0A e 0 é a n . M s e n e l h u h o t r A N T 1 -ý, 111-00000;0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 00 000 0 .a cea1000 0000. 0000, er alielhe d d48 hours ]ateiof0 0- 00 00 00 00 Mrs. Herr3EmmabFisher of AreaiM .iand liil-bert l(ir i:ýii !ouble pneumtonfia. Hia age was 22 »Mars enry rof Illaa te honw o hler brother Hny Am æ w i anerad .n 1maeCMECILCU IE ears. mionthis and 18 days.iie L UB. Grice was aChae nr a äpeht mosl oflwo a verypoor h 1 day eveninigMarch 2x. lat 8 o'clock, Lat s Tent iSunday ithM . Me HnBANQUET TO a.B. .TEAM NI st munhsosl aren tthefirs1 of fthe week. k o.Mrs. G: albie1-i. i'i m wwnhaillfor Ilhe apiwova of th. helh fragood In an nn das te ew ('o rdo n -k b's w reiin lita boter. isstrs ad .ay elt ve Mi s. C. Lille retlurned S ial av :l l$ ltii fu il0 0 lu 00.0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 las-0! th 0 ,s orothy -rpL ,nne -rit onnue ('ub n',d ter-iesterehnl atllwan·a w ek' viitl-h er nua ad- went to thé Michael Reese 1 Churich and loir co r io o ua fi11inttiih.Tl.f.,iiii;,ii lbs leo v r vI lIi -.i " ' i LNII itlt onutaspcai l hpe, FREMONT CENTER 0 Snn , fr idil b ganedbNUto 1!imle i ho41ne 0ofIle deceasealt aitIle Fall HLGrand ltialads. o a"e may begin to gain sonort00 000 000 000l arni,-hIi. Niarh L 7 l.i, æognio 'oi E i Figlish cmetry, tRe. i Dr.Il" Warriner hlas purchased th. Mr. and Mrs. l. S. Dollph visited r lr Iathrin lphol entertained te enit he Soci q ie n their in ovinng111 althe -j1! riet Tour- [-it K iatmg. rc ad it " d Mrs. 1..H. Bryýant tin W k :n ayto: hiadSurniia., ater »iý.w llb- rset The annouai re- nam'enua, E inlir. and IrM Wehrenèberg and baby, poirtis hi1.4 tol hhuIl s.e:r una "" "ht The eveninfa fiestivitie, beýan lat 8 MIr. and MNrs. Jelly and levroy Hlelfer co Wm Kueker attende th 11 W Ma lauw riesand Wr ha H hurchand Suday Shool*wc beklockthith banquueteredibyd l by alMof Lbertyvlle wre hom folk vis werr Hnnahnieran il t! rv su W. convent(ion _iàchicago Nlonel: and ion: au.s were Prairie View calle-rs last read at this meet inz Zion City, Mrs. M .T. Clark and hier corps of able itors over Sunday. niy S 1aN m e si Tuesday. Tue d '1Tim plans for thre new chrch iare , -ltassistant and was highly enjoyed by Mis" Bertha Kasiten spent ra day in li,(ýiu it91M 4MiN dt', ---l Misa Ldai Frak Dortel- oit;raýshlie. b t oIlil ble submnitted by W.M'. P.Jonesq. l a lis. a.. Coo 1is lwth rheu. l. A Plat!kiine orchestra Tvas engaged Cicagthe first of the week. The papvi l, plil I i,,Ojr %. il, ia dzy'ight in Are i wilh M 1 l, former1 esi den - Fi .iiont, mwastaken lI a h tvis me tingA,1 artcoy Kall ,ed 1 rs. orMa ru es du ingte anqunetaftnewichle Zurich Su )o altnday. Pner9ky llAwMns n out , in ii ..q1 n- Doph and atter -led 'he r i ib t heLake CountyN % t Tiraetiz Uha.ospiMrtassd rii,TrhtI trvhSid) lmko ii i tifo Hoy coutmeetn Frday ight sha;i ïutc is londay afternoon. H. E. Maimian as roastmiaster calledsipalu i od o ms nr ga-1· ededa oni ,where I he "or etn rd. ng t hp VTI-l u ia 1Choir practice for Eaister music i. Mrs. F ed Lubktemann spent Mon-'on many of rthe et for, (oaStst EVANGELICAL CHURCH NOTES wleh'I was bh I atun-day lristl C. D 'r: sr I z ken ul mmed ýiin-liately op a tedonfoiail l u rdyihta1te o n Ja. . day afternoon with lher sister, IMrs. J. the teamn. who geeoul esponde(ll.Palm iSunday Andy ineva ltofK i da ~ ~ li fiyte-an hosp nib icaro u bve nW le.praising the boyýs flor thef oo-lad wr :0a. m~Sna c hSunlda) mi is. au herN de o nte ieaiI o ' . .and boosting them as i cl orsat next 1 30i.lm Conirmiin srvies tra r Johnsiion nuad l a rip atones. Shte has been a great sultlerer thre iu rlal o(ilrS. George S t01 000000 000000 00 000 00 0 00 00 0 0 00 0 yar eetin. 4to1) i. Chis ner anmaolybe uceul. l1 url a iRud Lake n .0 _D IA MON D L AK E o0 000 SACE O alieil e Rasonofallcofim kur. fr.idsof;et Miss Avis Payne ofCicao a tmo a( I1l o'cIlok. M.11Schmut0 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 0000 0 0 0000000000 . n, ewwlic osen irearks and 1ands.Joelle rion wlktIn andl MinladGophA re snathbas tn' n )r ;4ht2 MAL ser, a n.ead Gl 9EtMarion Peters and_ daghe h neelti rTerfine e-aitendance ;al Sunday School a%-ry pliesnt i tr wek ndwthth om fls. yie andii otnn u m Tltce eund ei om lw M, s,,ent Friday ait her niother'si, Mrs. etran etadasrdte htsa esgo 3bigpeet u ri ingt tmewsspntn MiassElizabeth Wirtz was a .Chicago a a,-., ttshte subitted to -nlirt iAlister hospimai i a Wauk mmSund! v.Lllic. teta wudsriet intefn l Bible clatss hlad its largest attenidanre, c Adsand +tineing vIsitor the first of thre week. i to dieermine thre cause of hier, illnless. Clayion Hlufr inzs asama, itMrs. Edic and MssEvelyn %Van next year. withi 27 presenit. Hlow about you? Be Tire Thimble Cluh il l 11 1 Wmt. Wagner lhas received. is - neIwi hen learned that Site wassu-isioFidyZandt returnedIhomie with Mrs. Edie Tesekn vr h lo a with us next Sunday. Mrs. 1). Sabin Thiursday aft.-inoon gods for ~the iore and expects Io be lering fromn cancer. which had m1ade and spent the week end with hler. cleared, -and djancing WH" indulgedir Th.en hlenwoeeexm Mss\oaKuupofMwke ready for business thre first of AI-ril. ll pores hre was 11no btl ') .foria -ir. nirs. Art=mr - Brich Inn@ Lester Colby or Chicago. Mlrs.!Anii- unti labout 12:31T when all del>arIl ined and wtil bie confirmed] Sunday spent Sunday with hier pareInt4,»et Misa Ruby Kuebker spert a few lher re-overing. Threnews of her iseli adduhtro ier-il ise eber- Warren and daIughiter 'andNgas wl pesd ihthidvei ' are: Lydia Kropp, Velda Hoeft, Pearl Mrs. Walter Chrtistoffersion ia chil. daysat omethe irs ofthe eek ouIconitin ws ineedaLsd lwto or er sirn:. Mr. arL 1M 11ranlat aroWaalelalhehmeo R ivtesed looing foerwad o e n icnae.Elzaet Tnn,-anelden f Kenosha spent a few day,; with Gerg Hwin vsie i Wue-heriorlate famnily, for th lex ev1rkr .Sndy hmsaidy la vn erhneSturmi, Walter Hauri and Geo. Gieske.i her mot:ber last week. gil recenly. it I il amattier tof monl!- !en Mrs. SNlrand so .iind1 aMi- 0- .Ifss Dorothy Mrs set hewekGood Fridaya( 10 a. mni. erman Mrs. Hildebrand and Mrs. Maudeà 1H. C. Payne was a MWaucun:T;l,,eIller she wul1be latk i1iuom thre , -i i1 a Bartie : ' ue Wau ý-ýul- Tni at home.Chs1pe ofln li, communion services. Special offering; Sabin refurned Friday fromt thir trip the1l firpPt-of Cile week. I j chv :i nd they Tgav-i ler eevrycIle one uay la I ieek. In thre third bi-mnonthly examinatioDn.lihtb 0 h ensfor missions,;.oin aliforni Mr. Dorfler is staying with his dam i and comffort a loving husýband aind ý hil Ors Clýrtnu .Hutchiin andauh-Emmiia leMeyer made the highiest a%- 5udyhereeloi u ls aet The -Boy Scout Basket Ball team of giter, Mrs. Eveet Wells of Area ai dren <(ant give. . tcr d1sited in. Wrs. . W 1le erage In the seventh. grade; in fifth M ssCecdi Antioch ea.sily defeated theIliberty prsetasMis¯or S caring [for her Being unusua. l., ik, ably i1l 1da.grade, Cecile Amiann first and Camiel end in Aleinyaitfthe Ihomilof ther E GR-RA7"e. .2 don theloca,,,loor mother at the bhospital ever willing to shrr,.,llshte noîs i ssEvatine Townpier o HighIand V1an Haecke, second. Ciecile Amiann sie. MI ,cafe h on thl ie a 9t Frank Smith viited Henry Hur'Lni m with any!one finl d e i. ad, hor 1' enjl' mTi•, her v% a - - 21 e 1vas perfect in spelling for the imonth l t L l favor of The- cls The local r(ii nl Lie-yil nedyls ek reatly adired by, lt who m li er, hler !m )-r iNrs. i,' Tat r Several of the children were roller M31rS. Emmil r %%as ia ch a -o will journey to LbryvleTuesdat The ladies of thre church nme' and acquainince . .A., pliaefully as ', 1he- Mirs W .FiLas i w saig n tecemen.tIroadSundáy. iio Tusato lyth rtrn am cleaned t44w parso"nage Weidnestia,* always lived with he r ;r, 1and in (C1-a2Pat of thre time they took itheir ska.tes Mr.and Mi., M iý qof StreatorAlphaUT TiiiE-WINDilW Ournai] carrier i., sTaying at !ho ihbr.just a er a me her Il *in. Sio-i %,:as aWilo nd off and coasted down thI l l n aesen<umt e rw ees ith riela rs. ollock Tueisda% I etning home of fiWs-faibher. Frank Dietz liter w ions , into arit last Fiiy u ywagon. Meanwhile somieone hadl hai. and i nsin our Nillhit and - - spending the winter mionths in Ar eo . inorrinz, Ninrch 19th, at the age n! 61 ý;rs. G a an, l 4,; aG mond i ned along lin an auto and helped % icinity. ks pi.i itn Mrs. lHarding of Area and 'Al m r yar l rial took place at Si. M r tnan,: spvin, 1W . ,\ ;lir itemselves iti;a pair Il fkates belong- •Tl J. Salu- r1-ansald bs n inks r i eissditi- M R lett Braillnrdiof Watermian. 111 ralleri cemieiery ai Fremnoni ( -nter,. 1-a1w4 it %'s ng to one of thre childreýn. the(-city Tuesday. h hu a r hi.' unflaggin) où fiends in ithis vicinity lomay ý Words cannin·express th I mli!y, s G li liaalni san spent ia 10 Thomia, sold all his hotzs last P. MW. e a redb n uw o find] shii-. FR:0 Z T F Rev. wolsted and wife iiuo the mny tliends of Ar.Schiit and a(%: daýs a wiTh 1riuni w .. i , Aonday ay, after a i <otr inFO OZ T ÉT the parsonag( Tues.d:iy. He is hins- famnily extend to themi in tis thleir F( lanck K na and Ten n ni *Ch ohnm SI,ýiir a vacation this week. MWe atre all wriy Ihour of sorrow, bout 6& ,1 lple aie le i1 nIl-'!. If NEWS, it's in The Independent.ý Neniil-_Nllll e th 1 1 , ,n . argMaT LA E OR S Satrriy. Dera wb rbeted and Highland Park Mani bære appoxino ninthé Toils and 4,1111g fi, n<til ld a i t1 i ueri oidF i koS the-1 nioth .\:r .\,-110rbbing lir i from 11 car- for President Awernaire"" i D u ri n g t h e s e Wla s tt1 8 y e a r s h e h a s.iire n d e r e d t oisnn ro t Amerca or1ie o theverxhihestvale an ofa fr d' h hnt i kidt f ou erendresdel ymnt ofNtwho;,Ilyal Iih I r b Mý1'd exceptional puor and ability, ardent in his big- u th g riad- hearted devotion Io the honor of the ffag and the nHhh dP9tt welfare of the natio." n nn rM - -THEODORE ROOSEVELT, March, 1917. h Tu Wi t, for s 1 e, etc. àds, ln the IN aunv uDEPENDENT reach over 15,000 readla,- -1,1 l\ o , l 1 1,ers each week. VOL. XXVUI. JURtY Wm Additional Er Forest Case Prompted NO OFFIICIMt Speulation go a reason for recali rtUbe action hi one of, A thea-bel sMay have,developt est liquor theft .£ the return of addl This tkýeory le by roports from 1 effect that additi be-en obtaned wat robberles there 1 isable toehave in Dow rather than i Wd>e grand jury to The tases cf.the alrefy indIoted 1 the $100,000 robts for. trial and prob at thlepresent LeM one of the cases,.1 teridge, already liaa tied'in. a d isag re the ,tate'sl attrne enttat h iten, gIl0týùty parties wei 'ce, no matter wh b4) encountered. ft le known that Lake Fornst are cage t>e clared up sible moment, and r the grand jury has this-purpose thia n fact. It lis reported tl: wrill be able to ac work ii ytaced be; day.- United Evangel Pai Freot Il.-T ence of the U churc, whichà has' abut one-week 1 heL., ajourned tc thel nading of ith, ments by Uishop '3 man. The, Lake County Wlud: Barrington, D). P nd Park, J. H. nd Nortuneid(, Orai DO YOU capacity thm DO YOU 1 Iide" batteri CUas ca ood American anM d as a vo(ter at the Prefer- ence Trmay'uesday,April la- a ragnt to non le le r(ccord Career of 1len um for Whom you cast Il,' vote. You have the night to read the story for yourself, stripped of embellishment, and draw your own conclusions. Here is the story of Leonard Wood-the things he has done-whiCh make him the one outstand. 'ing candidate for President of the United States. hfester, ecainie premier leader in pre- boyhood Bparedness in theUnited States by estab- s. Gradu. lishing training camps in 1914,191:>and 1916. 4.. Thousands of men trairied under bis direction to become iian officers on call. bis reques andhs r s transfere os comiandA pril, 19 7 u e who harried . Selected and laid out eleven large training camps and iofciviliza- supervised three officerstraininig camps 0 0 0 0 oo o0 0o00o0o0 no0 0 0 PRAIRIE VIEW 0 1P i lu w 1ne day lasi a eKutnd children sen Sa tur day> and Sun day ait the F. Mitcel ltome in Area. have been down wNith flu Ille vast week but all are cnaecn liev. Schinab. will preach at the church Fý;day' %evening at x o'cloc(,k. Communion at 2 p. Il. Sundayna Schlool et 1 P. M. 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 0 LA E0WC 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 020 MVr. and 'Mrs. Ed Wistafe visited thre lainer's parents over sAunday. Mrs. W%'in. Eichmnan Jr., and children have been spending a week in Chicago.q Emil Frank, Jr., is silowly improving. ' A large crowd attended the examina- tion services at the Evan gelical church .Sunday. Seven children were 'exam- ined. Confirmation next Sunday. Frank Schneider and George Schu- macher have been under the weather the last week. Mrs. J. Cornwall and baby are vigft- ing wvithftheW. Prehm family. "'9 On last Friday the fanerai of George Pepper, son of Mr. 'and .Mrs. William P'epper, was held. Hiewas born Nov. 28, 189c. Thie last three weeks of his life he had been working at Wauke- gan. Hie was suddenly taken ill in !// ,, p August 26 bedan training of crack 89th division at Camp Funston, Kansas.' Sent to Eµrope in December as military observer. Wopundedr by bursting gun; weeks in hospital. Returned and resumied comniand of89th division April 12, 1918 89:b %, ntovre; Wood ordered to return to Funston and start traiining z10)th divisiOl- Made commiard r ,f Central De partmnent and or :anized rees to ca,,ifor uin soldiers throughout central states and no: , , in li mr , of honor for es. Oniered nths. Made ith, niece of to 'ýshing- erv under olýonel with d his troops . Captured to Brigadier July 20, and lity. rGeneral of ýer. 1899. In ckness and ning nation. iry obserer. )vince in the inatic tibes- no in three es in Phili es and m; blic. ýhief of staf. it of the East. His Work Born October 6, 1860; Wincl New Hampshire./ Lived in b on bleak Cape Cod, assa -chusetts ated from Harvard Medical Sch00, 188 Worked among poor of Boston as hospital physc Boston ndwastrngrred to Mexican border on 1 "for action." Fought for many months the savage Apache, w the border à a an dun blocked the approach , tion. Years la r red Congressioal medal o his heroism in the iân warfare. In 1888 he surNeyied Arizona under General Mile back to active service on border for a few mon staff surgeon in 1M8; stationed at Los Angeles. Married In 1890to Mis;,: Louise A. Condit smni Justc,ý Fit-Id oiithe1C. ,, r - Court. • Sent t ton ii 18'ý> as :mmata ,ng .urgeon and se Cleveland andMar Organized Rough Ider, ini : 08; made C TheodoreRosvl as Letrn Colonel. Led in first battl ap, Guass: sz> June 24, 1898 Santiano, July 17th. and wz - r ted for valor t General. Madie militaàry gRe,, of Santiago, J turned city fromt pest homia n. ii -cern !momemiali President McKinley appr ir 'ted Cm -i:or Cuba, with rank of Major G:ea in D', -1a! next three years he broug-ht Cuba (ut of ýa: established it as a m'ode law 1:-ai,. s ifíï%our. Sent by Rodsevelt to Grmanyin 19ý02 as :ii Appointed governor of the savag- Mýýro prov Philippines in 1903 by President R-osevelt. Went wi hbis men to the front lines, fouight fan men, eïh dshed governmrrent and civilizauo, an years redeemed another "lost larid." Made commander-in-chief of Amierican force pines in 1905. In 1908 transferred to United State commander of the department of the East. Sent as special ambassador to Argenine Repub Fopr years headed American mnilitary force as ch In 1914 again made commander o f the departmieni The farmer's banker welcomes hm as a friend. and cus- tomer, grants him the loan desired, or extends the loan already made, so, as to permit of the purchase of still more and or stoc k or machinery. The co-partnership between the farmer and the banker is mutually pleasant änd profit- able. Farmer and banker are dependent upon each other; the farmer for the loans made fromn time to time; the banker for the farm deposits which make his bank 'Sound and stable. Thisl a a Farmer's Bank The Citizens' State Bank of Area Phone 243 - - Area, Illinois Don't you tl for their -cor ".Exide" 'bat prize econol biake your wiad ,Aud,

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