CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Apr 1920, p. 14

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Weho U Týhos Gives "Lie" to Charges That He Was Undesirable in in Other Pastorates. -HF- SHOW& TESIUTIMGIALS The RertC. S. Marioif, former pas- lar of Noi-rt('hicago Peahytcrian hcrav, %% ho vas placeu under a peace bond tantie juàiti'e court. andi vha bas filted a $Iotî.OtO damage suit agfinst officiais or ille citurch sud coitata North C(hicago culy office-e for cnusing bis arrest, lOday madei te toiowlng startling statementa ie- gartilng charges. madte by those vIte are sèeklng le have hlm iemoyed froin t techurcli, sud tatemente éon- cemning the action et titi Chcago preshyterian hourd- in Chicago un Iliday: an] 'hl i juilant ta tari eut bty aig tI1Ipronîlsed thtiV ubUIc several weeke aga titatlte nevepaper talli 49 vouid btop so tar as I amrnconcOrnnd andi thé refit ut oui'troubles vouid lii settietinlutiti'Courts, but sine te article luntse pape- lait ulgt looklitre a poiltlcsi camWagn toi- sataesq attoriney 1 decided lbt veuld liec necosary fr me te îeply, ta te mut! siunglag in sai Issue," 'Mr. Maisoit dîclarsd. '.Final., regai-ding my reaiguation. 1" vent ta Chitcago vitithtit intention ut roigning. vhîch intention i have hati f. un ite ni-y beginning. vitun 1 i 10 te proper parties. lut 1 i id not intenti te reelgn le Mariln Dedci- or Tomn MeKlnney. Titi Decer-Mc- Kinitev aggrceaion wire lit Chicago In fîl force but ai;s son as titiPi-es- hytery earned titat they came on titeir own n litative andiithiao nt leen t'iurtcd -bvte chucitthey 'ire tnt alowed Io10spc.k. ;Een out.-gaodi i. McKinney kept quet once. BoirA Hiadte Act. 'Te IPneshyieny voulti net havi dissol' id the pasto'ral relation with- alit a congi-egatlotialipmeting being Ilielti and such rquesîs belag madeA fronttie congegatloit iBut sthîn tiii paslai- voiunarliy resignedth iey hlI o vte on te reslgnatien, andi didnul vote thei iastor out In an! tîter mainer. 'Ilu s truA taIt"he Pastoai-'& cSe vas rcferred Io titi judielary cofi milulce foi-tri-l i vitîiviitalle place saineitme In tite future. TitiPie* hyterv couiti nt have duine otite-- vise aiten sucit charges ver. pro- oetîti as Citese people proposed. No- hody desities taI trial more titan 1, wirih sili Put an Puti go tit" mud sliagng anti gel aI bthe t-uutite malter. ' it woulid ceuititthe-se good churcit officiais are laleresIet Inl BODC;Mt listol'! as [tiey batt u t. devone t a go mb i te Pu.t oethbe paitor. Itlil t n y purpose ta do te ami. îhlng but .i Imagine If vi wouiti' start. oh say at Moinneys hard ware store, anti go un down te CIiceti dgging up übie past vo migitl finA asortie hlags le retresien te -minda it dir gts4-oinM Public anti wouud malte some otiier itiaoty look cheap. But i1a&m net golng ta do, lit aiSt tistiIme. Roesgned Vluoitarily. "rThe pter vîshed ta r*ily lIlias eatett.înt- tiist titat Le itat net ai- wayî hein a Preebyterian, wiîcitle _ 1re ispent a nuinbei- of yeai-ain tite iongregational chilich andi lifi eniy s len a Pnsiyterlas olturci secretai-y urgîd me bc lalte a Pros bytian cituaci. Mty lait charge -. aI Bittla Nhere i reEigned ti lr ri- cilvlng itore titan t iundi-d ettei bers tnto te citurcli anti tliere týe congtegatlon voted unahtmously nÀ ta accilt saiti resignation sud aked nie ta sia>'. But aflerr ietusing tu tay titi entire offilcal bodiy golte gilter anti pr(%enteti niaevîit ti foiiowing: 'Ta witom Il may concerfi: ' Wothettiunderalgiietioffice-e a te Furet Congregational d1ilurci c Bris, lova, L,4it ottier oui- recoin- niendialion in bitaIt ofthtit Rev. C.9 Ilai-colt anti do itineby expreess e appreclatioa la hlm as oui- Pasto torI-lIte services ieneed by hlm t titis citutti. furlng hiti pastorale liet bi.% srvies have b-ýnniait exce lent, lits preaciting hily acceptâbl anti iis sermons flot i-csoi-ing 10 Il sensations]. leqildes beng a Iiglit efficient miia.'ter of titi Gospel. Re -. Mai-soit. togtiter stîn i, muA vit ai-e In a social ýway a valuaitte asB ta any cormnunâl>'. Titi chu-ct bi hall a ntoit lîearty gi-avIli uiner h urtvofnd hlm an 1ludeatiaabli ' 'y1k akgan l.avir.arebginlilng tae wole dl as thiough bSiitt 1V - W1ke gafl !e.' riy fine as the gracia gratsla "'W"' antIwork vre able tebtu!d gàuving ailaround.J a n w c îr t d r cnce. H o 1 A s as b rn te I. an d i .%r a '0'.y .,.,.,uI speaker-*a pleasant en- ~ ~~IeXSJacob Kochigan.2434 Okare.ii terlainor antd waà a fsoiIte vit tte ShorI te m s " ' Okstee.til ptublic in geDerzti while ho wa.s wl!hThW.RC ilboda&Idy us as a pa.stor. As a finance monring__tTh e W. R R. hol al dayre I)rtiiierforthechuch lle la0116 va w rather a atubborn figbt anla.Ist- day. - the, best i ever 51w. If 9,1Y lufor,- ed &bout an hour. Thei% wvIi b. a prepnra.tory Service ,naion la required nt covered la lte abhove I vilI chee-rfu!lY answer any Mr. £and Mrs. George Sella return- at Si. John's lletormed citureitTri- questions pertan itee. Mon, 'ersonTuesday tram their loneymoon day esenlng et 7:4.1 'clock. tliy yours, .,. A. GATES. tlp te Caliiorni&. The ministertai asociation ot Wou- "'Clar rli tâlie session.- Stanley Wolback ot the H. 0, kegan vîli meet Frday mrnnnng at TIre menthe and threo days ago Stone Real Estate Con., Chicago spent 10:30 O'clock ai thei Y. NI. C. A. tàe officers ot 80e North Chicago the ds:y with J. liumberg. M ion Gneteve DoniohuO va eleet- Presbyterian efrurcit ignod te cals A mariage license bai beeu Issuod ed Sertary of te AnioriCan Ace that made effective the v'étlvfro- te George OwIlng aund Elale Brooks,. Unitof the Girls CoMMnitiuty Lâeagtt tion Of thîs church I lu itLithey tatO both of ZMon City. 1Tuoaday eveiiing. atter due luveatlgatluu Uiey arte on-Th ai Adsce. vlnced that Ray. C. 8. Marsolt's min- Chailes E. Gooseman and Gertrude' Te aies Idorley tst. laterlal quaifticationsare such as D.BlSmti. both of Ilighwood. looek ¶johna y slleneo ai l hMeot would ho heiptulteta uer ciurtis. 0outa marria4% lcense bore loday. Mis. Richyaftr Bruai thoe GhomeRof ,,Cali$" $îalsmlents. Taik about a fine summer'e% day. It 'avenue. ",Nov îhere's une Of two thLigii as 80 under the awnlng In fti-outf uVntral of Mrs. Cathine'ul RoblInj. true.; they etber did net invE.U- the Sum office ai 2 oclock ttuday. 124 North Couuîy trset wviiitec held gare befare hiring te pestai-sas tAiey Tit tire depai-Iment ai calied te Thursday atternoon ai 2 o'clock froun salA tliey diA, or aller Invetgationl the cemete-v about nuon today by a Iît. Josepl'à churcli. Rer. J. B. they vire flt titis te thelr Loua- grass tire. There vas ne danitage.. Laurman wilI officiats. BUrlai ei galion lu their representation ut Mi. St. Marys cemetery. eltiier ca6se chu-ch IlIac buahes ail Cvii- the clty arei. Boe.emlyd y lt would hâve sufficlent greunde ta start beglnning te huA. aitowing (tal sprlng uncle. J. Blumberg.Nehu h directing a ÔÜÏ;tFrCI>P« lflhZ'l.h.e ---- --- _« -j. liicge---the-Pm-_ edanaw -. ; .n nîy jutgment there ari e e! The Eriscopal churcit ladies are 'whlch vîi lieaupeti for relier of or- strong redlons vhy Mr. MoKhnney le servi retresitment at ite Kappa phaU«ý announea the date hasnlicou andti r. Deckr vouiti 11e te get lthe dance te be gîven ai the arisit fouse set for April 18. t ill ho b given et pasior out of towu. wltluh 1 do net en Ruiler Monday nlgitt.' Aryan Grtta. FElitIeo hundred cari te reveal at ihis thtne. but i vant An appeal ta tbe appîllate court lik*ot. have alreedy bien salA. Mr. ta assure' the frlendi of te churcit vae talion today by atLonneYs In thei Becker bas been direcîhigreitLislaà that the lid vili be taken off at tIhe Cooper damage camse ln vhicit James for twG fo, mlis. proper time and they wyul have thei %îurTow la deterdant la a suit for A large crowd attended the Passlin prîiliege of knuvîflg ail. 810000 damages. 'itae case vas taken. Weok services ai Methosadt churcit - ilent on "Conditions." from the jury. tast nlght. Dr. James M. Phelpo gave "Iif tes. people wracvire so asti- The 1ev. C. S. Maisoif, former a et roug snd helpful sermon an "A tous -te gîve te paier publicity re- pester ot Northt Chicago Prebyterlan Big Inveelment." T<nlgbt hbis ujoct [ninlaquiet.,tie roadors or tite Sun churcli. vas accused ut baving torced vîlI hi, "Titi CitIl e d." Thoe S& vOll net b. htheieti tomorriow Dilght. H. J. Bra#ýçh. guperintendent et the ciel SeriIc Class bas charge Of bbc hut If te above namned peuPle cr Sunday achool. tu sign a paper tnd- apeclal music tbis wvel. Mr. W. H.. ithetore te public vo vwiii reveal an- ýthrasblng. The paster today ezblb- Thuraday eoemng tue .ubJstt wîli bo ather chaper lonrrov ulgitt. lied! a communication tramn the Brîtti. *'Â4- Unld iDebt." SnDAi lter. "Thte inlrmer oftheit Sun iu the la.. cburch beard, pmtilng bis voi-k l ho speclal flaster. musse et tbe March 30 Issue aise statesl that lu sas former pastor titi-e. Thle rom- marI'ulu serv ice anti RecePtti eto to auasho munlcatîii vas sgned by the elght- lMeMbers. SundaY cvenhng at 7:40 bit luei ousteti tram thte mante, oe membes of the board.Iif flue Manuey's "The Resurrectlotl" viilho wbicb lnaa yarn pure snd simple. fatur hads aicuredth le signatures preseubei by the chorus choir under Thei tacts are i my lit patoraee! trem those men ia the P4010 vay ho lhe direction of Mr. W. A. PotIer. or- lotI foi France un te 22nd day ot id the oee rom Braaac.ithb. oulfi gaulsi sud choir director. Epveith June and hafi bien In Franci aeveral bave hein compèlled te lin@ them uP Loague service at 6: 30. Subjeci. menthe. duriag vItch tinte thie famlly vIrti a sholgun. Titi paitor declared "The Power ot an Badiess Lite." Lead- remaihed aIn th msnse at ite roquent tliey signed It vluntarlly. oi-: Mine Beauice Anderson. ot -the cegat ion. Ths other I -__________________________________ stance vas as big a talilation ai ,ihia eue. "h vnt lte state turiber. I vas vs-y mutitsuipi-lad viten h came back fi-onu Fort Wayne In. lait nîg3t and, picked up titi Waukigan Sun. tor 1 suPPOsed tIhi mon aI Nanrt Chi- cage vire itonestet vtlhey salA lt1ey itnt ant suy moi-o pullclly.sud since Iitati neuignid tbe citulch, i suIppose titi'! ye sattafled. But It vouit sciai titat Ihey meant tey diint vant ay moi-e publiclty thon.- selves but waatt"d bu gi ite pastor ffettity. 'Since you uaIta knov about miy suit biougttt against ctertaia menîbeta of te officiai board, 1 viii say thei matie- vwiii go on ittat as pianneti. il Is not di-opiied ant i siiiinet be as I visi tot malte thiti fart chear titat I'ni flot itere ta gît peoples money but h came ta Nortit C'hicago viit a c'eaa alati and I expeet ta go avav iti same. Titey'.e got nîy hacli aê=1ins lte v'ali anti even If i'd have to pair moi-i for 'bouse i-ont titan anyoue eue- 'il hi iigitt iere la vcrap Il out on Iis line. Pareil pott le Eurupian countrie-4 Io ceuslng consldîrabic' vurk for pin sons imployed in te Wauiegan po8toffici. Aimait aly officiaI buji letins ai-e being recoieid t-o,.u titii postutf lice department anaouuacng1 te risumptioli et service w'tll lia-t Mous countries wvi wveeli thtitiliai or exceptions uring te vur-andi ai-e only nov again fetab)ilablitg POitai relations viit Uncie Sami. Remnarkble Siglt. Liteleijorie. ageti 4, vass ittuhus out oethte window on a tresty d uisev a herse anA buggy passing. cndatleA: "Oit. mamasconte quidli and- ses te dust cit'oui of the Bo-ne Dry Every Stifl Better WûlIard Battery that cre out of the factory is macle and shipped dry. This absolute drynes j your guarantee that the battery bas flot lived a part of its lie befare Youa buy it For evey battery begins tu age firn the verY tnute the battcry solution fist touches 1*it. But when you know that flic battery youi buy ta botne dry up to the tinte you buy il. yeu caR bc sure that you ame buying a brand uew battery. Stifi Bitte r Wilad Batteeset more but t1Sy'rO worlt it. bath beause tti Be ane Dry" plat- es ueYOuu eürsn o f battrr' nevue u d becauso tii Threeded ]Rubth«rInoulaU lo soMr .j=ased votectlii te ime sd prolonge effidcim. Ai he BiBi Betttt aü adtii next lime 7011 cçU for uur reguicrtY tet COLWELL STORAGE BATTERY CO. 116 Ma(tisin St. 1 4 Exchange Wa'tacgar. 11. Xcosha Wl,.- JOIN -ROY'S JEIWELRY CLUB BLUE WHITE DIAMONDS The Higlacat Grade 20% down zo0% per nionîla ELGIN WATCHES Everbody knows are good -ROY'S tir or to lre ül- fle he ily PVI re Bel MU hil ve! ýv. icq ve th !'f, NB JIE 01 lei W et WIiiaM W. K. Nixon. m-t - Watau. kegan vlaitor today. George Kerzle, Tenth tstroét, vas1 talion mtocustody by Obief Henimick ut North Chicago and Is belng h. Id. at the North Ch)icago laIl pending the arrivai ot a NHyde Park officer. He wil ho talion to Hyde Park andi gIvea a beatrIng on a charge of bWg- Thi asa sei.ty ets with En-~ .I smtt ofr uo est Benson, Helbmuhala Av. tiIs oven- automubIllst and a ereful diver ir lng. at the winel of à big car bVt a '01'u St. Margaret (fltlld of Christ church 1 ttterday ramel neair tIlMivîniZ litIlit wiii Itoit an allday mneeting. toinor- eoing. lie ail but made a rarage 2U1 i-1)w (Tbur'tday> begInnlag ai 10 of ronrad and Large ,là.. 'clock. Box lunch at noûe .'rc' viii ho i îaeeir.& uf tb ni. i atlnnal A .' t I., 1 I1 . - . Mns. Custaf Johnsim. Plamer place.£qi.Iagec cmploycà Ttittîl.idry tiî..làt a% wili entertsin tite Ladies' Atd oft liiilief, titlde çftk'rs .11HI1 w <tiit gwodish Metitodilt cntirÇci toeurrow ili teinx lthe tiret mee'àan ii 'liefli- arternoon at tho chiucit parlors. £aàl Y k. . Now on Displa<. At Our Show Room >i TIhe -New--m-r--" ]E1ieetic'-Xashing Machine (with Power) Swinging Wringer. Cylinder Buit of, Heavy Zinc with Galvanized Ends 'Phone 428 for Demonstration IN YOUR HOME Matnglers Now in Stock Warner ]Electric Co. 234 North Genesce Street i S HAPES in New Easter Headwear that will quick- ly appeal to every nman who is particular about his Hats. Sonte especcally good shapes ini SoftI laIs offet' a mosi intcrcsting display. You wiljl find amuple selection ai ev'cry pi-ict. W'c are showing a heautiful lint of Stetson and .onglcy ifats. W'c also feature a spccîally muade silk lîicd cap. Open Eveninga Farmers i L*ke Cou Know-How thçy w the Situatio :0.OUS EMAIDS CqAà "itaed ftWmm bad vý»tho ILevessked mors lI"n yodS for ber seriviers. Rigilinov the tai-me coity &M ettering $101 Thosci who Spring and Sum here are asaured in style and lai tion. 'flie IIw E f re ready in.'ai leathers andI at a Easter -atl These are a1 blouses bought prominejit mant at a large price ce on account cf th, ty.-_.Of finest Ge trimmed with ha Venise lace.-El sirable ahade, son as high ao-4.2O. Laster spccaal- Eastei Women's Silk ii all the beit. colc season, - full fa pure silk boot. and out sîzes. - the- - A very fine puire thread silk block, .white and er Sbades. flM FPhoegiigRaidm - Bmrington brnd The Master Jeweler iii North Gencsee St.

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