CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Apr 1920, p. 15

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a. a areful ditver V a big car bVt a 'O1't neair nr-)vilit iii, Ut ade a ra,7 -3111 arg. , ' '-. e i ineeilng& of liât cà Thi sdr.y i.-ht ai It m'In; iii ilie fi.- Lay.- oom broved-,' hing Buit Ends o. $ -1PER.MONTI! Farmers inL*ke County do flot Know-How thçy wiII Meet the Situation. 0 .OIJSEMAIDS CqARGE MORE Wliat hie. bec0sne 0f the old-fulî- *!Bad fmm.m» ha w hdîXtdbt ie a XVL tlpl f t feliedfro n $20> 10 nlever saked mors "fun $3 or $4l a wffl for ber serviers. haut m0 the ,l'armera of lAke cuiats a"e Offerlng 81010 a month and - a t12.9 These are a group of blouses bought frôm a prominent manufacturer at a large price concession on account of the quanti- ty.-Of finet Georgettes. trimmed with band-made Venise laces.-Every- de- sirable shade, some worth as high ae-$2O. 12.98 Laster special - ÎWomen'e Silk Hosiery in ail the beirt colors of the- season, - fui fashioned.- pure silk boot, regular and out sizea. Priced artie- --$1 A ver fine quality pure tisread silk hosei black, white anid the new- er shades. These are Phoenix, Radmoor and Bnngonbrandi. Pnlced at pa ir 3W,* $ 7 awaiaean. thce toff &ài meblo As $U_8.a veekt b botuaalds -doet liâ ameaa' la bemmca -or an- indue- M'pot and inly wonfi àre crfiaie te gel an, tedo their vont. it la bell.ved euat botb the farm tendu and 'the houesmalde can set- MOI* wagee in the factorise and are availing îhetmeelvea o!f the apportuat- ty. IfOre la vhat a d&eatti, front BGflutnln litI., et-Ys with regard t0 demanda 'bat are to b. made by far.m bande for more pa':. Rl3onilngton, il.-IC'cntrat Illinois farmers are facing thie problcm of an Inr&e . I ]aY for ait tarin labor- ors thla yeur. Demande for tarin banda already are being BlIed and th. fariners wbo full 14)meet fthe n.w termemal' be (Mreet! todo the, volt Uiemlve,. Many are aaking 120 te $125 a ýmOnti,, lneludtng board ad waah- 'ne, *and' maist hbat they Wit not leave thxe citiez for ans' lees. The 4cection mon.of the ralîroade - are nOw, bolus paid $90 a menti for Fine--fibre elkjsouiery with mercerized -lale top and -foot, -ý black, white. brown and chmpagne-; il izes are includei at $1.50and.. A peciaIvalue, are tbeaewomnwo plain haie White, 04 i mii.priçd for Fievoei- efo!Z Iint. Ibo -fis.inbiutuwa myl thamti s i uon lte faimrus e010. tg tirelve, a day amad' that $126 a niontii la Dot an? tao mucb. Farinera are dimpoued 10 pat' $100 a fmontb but tlis laa sald t10 b lar .tni.I -tc s DEAD IN DEN VER Mfrl. il. B. Prle. ntol'i6c of i. . Preportiesof Zinc. 1rice of 225 N. West mtreet. died Suýin <lay ight In Denvcr andm'il 1), ?l',e In ductile between 212 and 3% r<,ught 10 Waukosali for hurla]. degrees Fabi.nbeit. and, Can then ba lire. Prtee vas born and reaied in' ssJpe4 aireqîlred. Burwhen eithel 'ilenminlty. an] wectto 0D(>î'î-r chove or hecw ltes. Ilts ,Il beecomea x1l)about twc YP&Ma;;,) ofoi- tir biteand, uuoplant. and tiieretore tnt bN refit of the bealto >A ber daughle~r brittie IMMsPres deatn wal due LU admopted for treelment. Tt melte atieùýn breakdown in ber bealin. about 788 deureps Fithrnhet t voli etilizatlon la gujarded aant _____________Gondola exoIulwdly Vonstlaa. Ti. Tit * f .Ouke 1t waflot molli the end of the spy- Titi.enteenth century tbaet th* Venetieri Tet1eofduke, the highest &M"egondola ax-4)mndltgprsaent str.Iic.ry el th. B3rllb tpeerage. taaBrut faIro- sodjeoinernu o! cotor. A vain et- du'-ed ln ISti?. snd t1 DînetPrine.. téruplias li een Smate to-Intradlire l the son aldwsrd 1TU of Englan& ,WaU in allier eaullTYha. but l biha aptîr- thue irsule,, nder ltheti. c f lte euty reiletcýd ain efforts atat selliiat- duke of CwoiglS. astion. mm Those who select their Spring snd Summer footwear here are assured cf the utmost in style and lasting, satisfac- tion. The new Eanter numberu fre ready in aIll. the newer Leathersanan t ailprices .. VVrE GIVE a*YC TRADING STAMPS !»wBoet &oe'e.'On tlieffot'tIaSlwrw' Lo34?4/ ~~i' Fcwhîons~ *For those Who, Appreciate the Utmnost hM.Styl We are splettdidly ready with awond*çrful ashowing of Wom.en's, Misses and Chlldren's wearing apparel for Eater anrd'the entire sesson., No pains have been spared to make out showing at this time by far the mat comp lete it has ever been. and Rubin's quahty predominates ins evMr garment you will sce on diaplay. Easter is a Gala occasion for the ncw I)resscs and it 15 truly a superior assortment that-greets the shopper hiere. Wccks of effort have culminateil in a great showing for the next fkw lavs. Traffetas. Satins, Georgettes andi combinations fashioned into nîany ailuring Wyles that are brimniing over with cxclusiî'eness. And vou will like the moderate prices also at 27.50 m 35.00 - 49e75 S'l'lie ziajority of \\4iiien are more ýarticuiar about the Ftylk and quaiity of a Suit tItan about the price, and this is une of thie reasons why this is W~au- kcgau's niost popular Suit store. Our special Eastcr showing embraces a w ide range of thec new er con- cepticns for thow. wlio prefer the vouthifu! unes or -the more conscrvative type 1Fie al-wfw-! Serges, Trict nes Poiret Twills ani Beautfui Velours are the popular fabric and wc eai ounce sone cry speciai values for this Faster sellîî g at $35 -49.e75 -ý 69.75 -and Up to 97.50 Ja inty Spring Coats in mnateriaIs of Polo tloth, Tv.eds, Gincis IHair, etc. are lîzghix fashonale for this eason. \ari ei i gtis allo for a hcry satisfactorv selection andi n a wide range of prices fru 6 1-869-5-o569.7 Such Gorgeous Milliery is Hard to Eýua1 Our Millinery Section in. qbower of beauty with Its dosens and dosenu of charming Hat models, every cs 'of which la in the heght of fashion for Uiis season. - Handaame patteprl bats a"d many othonr from our work. racie are ;"ad for Eàster ehooslag. Particularly worthy of mention are two groups la many désirable shap)es. Some are trimmed with vivld flowers while others are mort conservative. In either case the values are very unusual, especia.lly at this tlnsg In thse. sason and'we idvise carly. selectioii at $1o.oG -a t 5.0 Here is a great offer of moderately priced Geor- gette blouses ina-thse popu- lar styles for present Wear. Nicly-mnade and deftly trimmed in laces, beads and1 embroiery. Many good colore are included and they are big $5. velues at- ..- Fo rEaster Your best chance to be "dolled-up"list CARNEY'S' Where your Easter togs may be secured at $35- $40-- $50 - $60 and are guaranteed to fit and please. Our Cloth mng Department is very býusy due to unusual demand for good clothes at such low prices. Hats, Caps Shirts and de e;- 1 Tics -and other Easter apparel on hand in goodly a ssortments. 'j . ((Q I Lii New Easter, Millinery whose charm lies i' its early, season look. Straw and Satin, Straw and Georgette or Braid, with the newest, springiest trimming touches. And the great variety of shapes offers most welcome opportunity for pleasing personal desires. Our prices are, as you wiIl find by comparison, attractively Io*. CLIMB UIPSTAIRS AND SAVE $ AT STNCL HAT SHOF 14 oen« eSt. Second Floor Phone 511 Woukegan 8OQSTrLAKE COUNT~~E S~ TIAD rie Sure and sce the Il100V- El- Suction Cleaner in action o'n our first floor. The greatést succcss of the age. Iii fact the offly çuiccessftil suction c leancr. S,1ld on easy v aients. Easter Selling of Blouses I. ______________________________________ -' 'i Easter Hosiery, is Ready mi APRIL È2'iýwý' 1 111

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