CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Apr 1920, p. 18

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JUSTICS0F11 PEACE 9AVE WON A k- BUYIN<i POWER 0f A DOLLAR 32 CTS. FIGIIT- FOR LIFE1- COMPARED TO 1896 1n-con Plans to Retain Pres- ent System, Except in the County of Cook. Accurate Statistios Show How the Value of a Dollar Has Shrunk Constantly. PLAN MEETS OPPOSITION IWAS LOWEST IN DEC. 1919 P1oltal scandait that ci*pt mInt For cost of living an d doing husi- the aid justice shup systetwoe rr- neas "te bappy deys" were in 1896. called today by Attorney Frank H. which marked the Iaw waer of sev- Mc(ulloch of C'hicago as an argument oral decades. Comparing 1896 wtb agaîns t the Miller prolpSid In Ihe today, we find tai a dollar wouud buy con con' that the selection of Cook a certain volume oft he ninet y-six corat> judgee lie ten away 4roen different comaioditlies which are the3 people nad placed in the bande et choaen as representative. As te thes goternor.- years have passed siace 1896 the Uoder the Miller scheme every dollar bas grown amalier and smail- rouîîiy of the sý,ae eZcept ('001: r.., ln ther words, the purchasing waufld eiect ia juidciary. le this value of the dollar bas sbrunk, as county. hiowever. the People are ta he shos'a b> the table belos': depriisi of a voice lu naaîung thte S1r9...$100 1908 ...$ .74 _Ix'ronnel of the bench and thie _~. 9.7 l0 £q~. 6 î,ý1__U7doîý18l98 .... 90 1910..... 66 !eld 18D99..... 82 111 68 Cite* Justice Shop Precodent. 190....7 112....6 «I would be inlaveavofa a P:an for 1901 .... 78 1913..... 64 apdoiîiing judges. ether by the Su- 1902..... 75 1914..... 66 preme court or Uihe gaverflcr." sait 19u3..... 74 1915 ...... Mr, NieUiulom. -Webail aur cape- 1904..... 74 1916.... 50 iiencec wth that kInd ofni years 1905..317..-... ao tien the circuit court Juilges ap- ;'1906 . .7 0 191..... 32 pointed tile justices of the pence In ; Cuicago. lt invoived ibhe circuit 907... 66 119p9 . 32 In pety politics and a worae The figures are authoritatîxe be- loi tif juîstices coulii hartilty have re- cause based on teé universaily recag- tutu 'lhee wa a reatoiitrv ized ttontbly trit'e Index" published' sild fîtally se got tic oiuîîîici1pai b>' Bradmitreets. If the objectian wern courtraied thait te cotpacison lsaomade I pe fr He . n ts'thele wsest ycar. ftle figures uic jîîls. salil Auwi,>' s oulil be iicressei l ai a (cvi jir N-.e.Il .îî,uhuon ~are cent If ct wii iisere tmaude s'th tî ile, jîa~ tlb eaeirage of ihe ser>1e5 to 1899. ~f ~ ~ In al4 sils. tlîê dollar ta wou1h i t l r .kiîg lge Ajuugea thiid tnw ni sai fis-a-i in 1996. s iI ie~J.Oî lii uîî,lq j. d, ,The l1'4;13ldollatr woulii buy tureetlit (s 0mlg a lule 'i' ül S iCi h t Ie 91". ot 1919. idollars l il.iit lîîî!ui e .'. O buy. P'. ite id nofuIleaVE-agt i- bu -i ~ 'Ili~iiiiu ~.a.. .rr.rnlm pnir of Ilile 1%eýl.întii:. of 1' *~ ni ahi ut' b:ui1919, thittonlti f lierettilex. 1919t. ccruipared *a iti 106, thle bu; ini îlw- er orthie dollar is 29 cents. COUNCIL DELÀYS Mt "SAVE DAYLIEilT"9 Whnt la Itie largeat springInthe world? Fiarlda hna arte which mnt MEÀSiIDE b. near the liesi of te11.9t. Thii la MLRJ~ L M ÂINIealled Wskulla sprlng. Itl I 400 fect &cses, a 9.0 feet deep and fiaws at te rate gt1W12,000 gallons of wter RODe af a daylight savlng las' for every mn~uîe. Il gves riteste a river Chicago was agaîn delerred Monday 250 feet wlde at ls source. This matin 'hen te city council referred biacl malth sprint la stutd about 15 miles ta the judlciary department by atrmTlsaae.1hOuoo. vote ai 47 tolti the bil fathereti by rmTlase.-hOtok Aid. Timothy Hagan. Labar, Aid. Hagan said, had apposei crtan pro vision%, but these wouid ho chanaged and eastern lime. places thiIs City' and ho hoptet have the measure two haurs behînti Wall street. enacted loto las' b> the latter part Bankers bours there wlil have te of April. ha alteredIf i la agreed (unleas New' NEW~ YORK TWO MORS AHEAD Yark repeal lils da3light sevînga Chragoas warld af finance (on-, las') because synchronisationa l15 e- fronts a dilenima in horology as ai sentlal In the Intimate iin.anclal re- consequence oi New' Tork's adoption lalianship ai the ts'aciltles. When of tae daylîght savlngs las', 'hich Chicago batiks nos' open their doore plus the haur difference In cential aIt 9 o'clok Il la Ilin Nes' YorL NEW JUST ARR! VED Dem onstration Daily -. atour new show rooms. We -are also Lake County représenta- tives for the JORDAN HUDSON DAVIS AND NASH MOTrOR CARS See these new heautiful Spring 1920 modela at our Showroonis-now CHAS. BAIRDSTOW. Phone 31, 1723 213 Water St. IU-i, I9~à ALEX Hrn< Go. Lake County's Greatest Store for Women Wo mn 'sEaster Sui ts -Bfingi ï g Very AppreciàbIe Savings at2 27.50 $351$65 A bit sensatioaal. these prices are. but the>' are no more unusual than the Sulu weli show you. There are suils oi Wool Popaîn V~elour Checkis, Tr icotines. 'French Serges . Woal Jerseys, etc., s'ih larng jackets, short and long-sleeves, boîtait andi teltlesa modela, ail styles. Bnis plain, sio. rip. pied or siasheilti cs antionis elaborately embroldereti. Women'>ss Easter Coats 18.75ý 27.50 $35 Coatis of every ilescrîption. lutug.4 uiashort fouis. thireequuarter icagt (oalta itil , 01 0ol Ciotits. ('autel lair. 'Tms cciiifine \ir.WtOl Jer su-tv manaîd Woitl MIixtures, '.t it laie-' patilI)lockts. les' coliar lui. a, e-tii.. cbu lis and cîu ter trinimiug- it it an especially large at'iectio of Sîsiri<Catis. lito 7 / (j -I ý3Oý Dress Values at 19157ý lI$tl r'4 eteli1 fiiflR~e, 5111< Tatfetas, Saillig, Woal Jerseys antid $ 1 (4iW ' aislesag Ana4 )ai.u ie largoeas sorMuidt et Ibis ver>' 10w Master Sale Price. j Lake County's Greatest Store for Wome, Easter Specials Wom!en's,2.48 Ciff Top Silk ýHaif Hose 4 -at 1,98. Woman'a nos' Sllk lIait Bosss'ilh a 3 or I0 Iho very newsat Ides for Spring HMe>. Corne. ln brow'n, blacki antd aavy la ail szes. Here Are I.Iundreds of- Chîldren'S'Easter ilats I Pretty Silks and Straws Sllk poplîn bats le pretr>' polie sliape.In *situe plait. rose, coppn and sky andi thon the stranw ide antinarros' briînied liais il trinaeti, Ila Bvarlot>' of coloringu. Children's White Dresses For Confirmation 3.98, 5.98, 7.98, 9.75 Dressus for confIrmnation ln thoae f ilmy, fiait>' nets.,tiaintiy orgaso dies.anti voilas for girls oi 4 ta 14 at the varîrsu prices tiuoted abovew -y Purses, Hand Bags and Vamities 1.98, 3.98, 7.98 and 12.98 'Nothitug vilI add mare istyle to a woman's appearance titan on@e oi t hesa tandsome purses. hanti haga and sanlity caseq ln variotta alialies andi colora, leatiier, milli and i alver or goiti. Easter Neckwear 69c to 2.98' <'ollars oi organdias. sîlk gcorg. cite crepeut, eoîbuiilured nets. etc.. lnil tian>' aaw styles ut 69C $1 26 $i 49 ti. 98 $2 6'> Anud titan thc-rt' are tha nes' high andt lsowncekusi vetet's of orgîn- dia, laces uînd nts tt $1 96 te 12.98. Real Chamois Gloves With Gauntlets 2.98 Wni'agenulné iuiisglosa s uwitlgtiuuilein' P iuual zes, teri fipeciai at $298. -Silk Gloves 1.69 Wuîmtp'4 xtritliteat y sîlligloves In aillottr, andtieistel-Y qPe- Citil uti$1,(;9. 1 Silk Gioves 1. 98 womon's liitle siuk giovet. wortb $250 In il:u ors andl size& Piceil ut oni>' $1 9>ý. ' One Table of Colored- Sateen Petticoats. 1.98 Onei large, table of satiýen peiticoats I na gretît vi vor eotnrng,, wltlî deep peated or fluuril flounces wurtti $2.5v u b li iaster Sale at L198. Petticoats of Burton Satin 4.98 Tihis lq a very unusuai opportun ity to secure pr t>ty s' petti iti of Burton Satin wilb deep fancy flounces, c<Ato tinb,th ie5est colora. To 1.98 Corset Covers 89c C9rset Cavera ant i arIsoles oi La Jerne, fine muslin anti fiower- eti ribbons. Washable Satin Bloomers 1.49 Of goouitqutality ' hu ai's'hable Saltin ln flesh anti blak. Alil siv ies. Silk, Chemniseis Special 3.98 ILtndiioiô new silt iti hlxasub FI Corsets To 2.50 at 1,79 Discontinucui nuniers eýpeciab- 1>' piit ciaaîeil et a s ucrif le)i i r t Include ail sizes la santri modela. CORSETS, $3-$5 and 8.5e Frront andt la k tceit '.1>1-a la tttu' Sutuu i tu.and ik . -ttCrue de 1 iu11 111iiilttniLlIdituti uritisu lioe8. ~~,tfcs i ttiuidflet.i. A Great Easter Se)Jing a/ Georg ette Crepe Blouses 3.98 -'5098.- 6-.81 A aipecial gpurchase provîdis thon*i vory pretty boorte icrope t i lto flash.' out1,U.Au L Toilet- -Preparations- Her. you s'ill finti a well chas- en sortiIon of toIbI waters, 9e?- fumes, face powders and creams, Odorono, liairgo. etc. Il SEE THE -9 1 Beads, Combi Pi sEtc ,. - The nos' lasnter apparel s'lil neeti sumo littie touch b brghtop Il up andi nothlng wlll do btter Ihan fancy cumbâ, beadis. laclets. etc. LA VOLUME XX III.- LEMiON R~EMI TO KEEP I ConrnanÉer D'Olieg Records of S( Uhînni 'rati riiligg. lo,,ingtil it-ir diiCitar tI urging that lue>' b-- n county clark', toffice À!Jtiuîugh >itur uh=c tuas Dot be helu wji.i pridi- today," auset.,.tih *th're will.corne àta re ing year"" when a sMount ai sentient aroundi h." Coînnîs3der D'Olier ac ,.lodiately coii .ecting al mombera of tic orga s'hen coînpletedhbave il tie coUpty cierk or re<3 "Aiq time gaca on. t ijoubtediy be sorte ferro passeti for the ex serv ic country - betcoacludes, tntan us bt is dist without dela>' and hiards etfsuufflciont î-vide.nce s is h etifor the clailli itrc .rdi n'tbe county clerkaà Care for Tuberculosei 'Wba!'- ie i(tvî.d ti b, buli o. a iuia s îrl offtcialI viAIle meit Ifor .'x-service rtn'n fIlrit wil .iitutîerculit-4S -i tai, sthe anîiounceni F'î( u s.îiiiiîriuu i u tout tuî I , u tea.'riolosis plle gio inti tA f', i .,,ntotaftlt. .natOir' andl tiie. of thoe. b l"oremari calling et enito pforable condition tbat 1 ln te statle andi only a E rage haing careit for. lit .mthing must be donc ,aÎénitaru!iil i i" fir'i 1, j>?itpen.-Il feti lie itai I- el îiulettnta aid tiier" sill The gî.rnnîent tia s s m-lng of the inilitutioo i -iry sil f iluh ji s nurý.. NESTLE COMP) IN R[PLY TC NIILK PROI 1 TI Y .r , - i . l < t c . N , ý - T iii liii S t 'Il ' f Il i- N e il "l i il[ . it ' I. i t i *liî' l %iVui th iid ii ln;rît. , n mn i , I lt t th %vi.n i' .ix i w4b-e1, th . 1- ut l fte Ca, iitnil'.r Il farîtiers orgal îoiupany w itbhheadquar a go for t1w ~pitrpaae oi fot milk il aicin. manu atiyonitl.1. Tis lu. a r Irpiera i i colllparl y doi ln th, ietaal way.'lb. t ani, *îu ts îiiti tihe \Vt th,- ii th -ttain tîtali th titth--ui.'e~:îii t *îî s11 Ua 0 y i> îîîntiîl iii. jiis l l it tur1 u, .l tilk - it i l, i l , i lie i foti. iI. id- i i mta po li-s'i "IOiiî.i' x t tii (0111uI tiev anîd ili.rontn -TtL n ,ic;i auto lays the i1 iînsibtlity for, tii to lti.farwi,rs. wheni of fta i. i.%% !ail nithing it. t tis .i lie pii ie a Fari' r-i t t î.. tir titi pa one ti,{'- lifia4ti terrîtor>' s arit'il dat i 'i(gîît tat! tbî' Mid-Wet Dealers- and tte Dam> mît' 1".tit long li t itslii'-ati tak, ntkîgof ii.pirIc 51?the t ice thte liago wie hbis..ttufoi iiany i','Ti . 'ttiti' u i ri ,, l'le ti Itiicilf i Mil pad, Illi prîce othile c mair.,ltlit. aarThia untriue as. whlle aur cost 95 per ceni duriîîg the lni we have droppeti aur t e4

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