CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Apr 1920, p. 4

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WAOI YOMl -- - --1 * * *~--- -------53 voetyvlleIndependent REVO C.S. MOF AL~i t é;", MN, hepenafflt - Waukegan WekY &M ATTENDS PIESBY- ra esj AT Â ) Th meting held Anthe l'irSAi jgaumb will be decideti on liter A S-oCmep LeEbleti. Office T.ik4heme Niambér 3. Lihertyviiie Exchanlge. T DAIC D IEs RHZie"0fthe 3licopal church Tues. ltAeca2i 0 c.mtajb.l..mChutge mitoemetithe, PtoStie t UbertyvUle, Ill.. as Second Cimses Mail Mtte?. EI IU iI JRYKILI day night won thie mont succeueftul one m e coen Smîttee. in* ________________________________ thlle fir, About 35 feliows turned out --d--Tt--GudaniHier s sua ::a:e -andtei inrent andtIle mbnW4i b> mai aPpolatei te melet wth the officeru WANTED-Thrlee menia An 00. yard- lisANTED-Meçs or women ta fte à- %w J. SSITM--------.*-.",- -- -.*-..-----..... ..Edtr The Emter #terni beid no terronure oflnt was more than aratitYluh. 'Thursda>'night ait h. village Hua. one yardJmanone barin maad on. tiers smnn&riends anti neiglibons F. . .SNA111T4M.... . . ......a.... for...i..e.......C. .S...a....I...... .........t. .e.aMa tflnefor theRev. C reManait, SstiofIfthe ld traiera weretharpo"d itetieltad tias tiera app000aitnti ea35.00 1per w .elk.3for ptweek.enu-ith geuaie nteedte ho oserry CUlAS.D. NALLEY .. - -------------------------.......... Lecal Manager pagtor of North Chicago Prenb)-teian Bayerali ew faces were la evidoce. act on thie Athletic Commtte.Tho PeBa. 46N Àel iCi ullnsfrmn ee nlcf ___________ o~~~~~~~~~~~~~hurch, and he attendeti bath main- Chrisi Hapke vlunteereti hie ~scîices cormittee alieameete Thunsduy nîglitFi'Ba.635NUnintCli u Aeslrnn -oeslcîi Officiai publication for the Vilage of Lib.rtyv<ile. lng amd evening services for thie finît as mess ergemnt, and shorti>' Huberi-th Ae Village Hall, anti ailmen Inter- Cago. Phone Ravenmwood>642.,13-2t dren. Eliminates darning. We -Pa> UumlPahlctos frkaiCont'Berdp SprvsoWProcemiingm. fiime since hile arrest on s ohsrge of DOWt mdehi ppearsnce anti re-@sied IAnbaiseebail are urget ta be 50c an heur for epare tinte, or $24 for OWWPWctoýo aeCut or 1SPrlOW1dlseturbing thie Pence, Februar>' 29. QUesteti enlistment n thie menssaqusti. present. lFOUtRENT-A ,arin of 316 acres An tull tAme. Eliperience unneceisery. I%~ ve~Turmjay. Advertlagng Rates Madie Known ce Application. Burritige, wbo finde lieen enjoy'ment Suydam andi R. Yosung were appoint-R rtRItrainlîokn IJ _____________________ No effort wl Ae imalle ta Preven; n warm ronomn, easy chaire andi good èdet ta act on the paît Activities 'Co. Ela township; near Fairfielti. E.R. rteltntonl tcig i. 4U»fCRIPT ON PRICE-81.50 PER YEAR, 8TRICTLY UN ADVANCE. hlm frein attending. . He came quiet- cigeaM, madd aie uaruiogltIire 1nr tAie mitte, oreni>' -tAie Social Com At ________- ___________ uanpd îhroughout thie Easter ri e :89;appearfnce of beaucoup aminItkein enlsgdadtbey have been' CORRECT ENGLASIIA HQw ta use At. ILIN I LND v LuSgrana Aearing ]lis succetsaor, the Rey. In tAie formntof cigare andi cigareti. chergeti with thie respon8ibiluty of Pro- FARM FOR SALE-118 acres on Mi- A Monthiy Magazine. $250 the Ysesr. ÙMNOIS LAND VALUES ~~~~~George A. Kilite>' te;liporary rminis- The meeting was catieti ta ortier et vidilng entertainmient at ail of thie wue vneInWelngvlae ed1 et frsipec oCr ter. tîroacAi. The 11ev. Mr. Kîthe>' ta 8:30, antIn Ille absence ai AtjUtant meetings. Arrangementsarhen wueevneAWeengilg.Snt10Cnsfrsjiecytao- Ai interesting suhject of news dispatcises and editosial sîîppîvtng tele pulpil ontil apra at rdewsdlgtdt aefi a atadas lme ihsaeo uiiaInadiPtEgihPbihn oEaltn heominutes.hAieemeetin.waar-hLm.gond building, i room i balse, 2 barns, Illinois. 12 If* nlu uu nwstesl Ofa Iliosfr frso«,it I..sappointed by the Presbyierislnqapenet in athe usual inanner. The eha*- Howard Marris loamidlarge on ftic,.laig a edul oo rA nis_____ $U87.50 an acre. Many May have thoUght tbat arnazmg board. About ffttvpet-sn teddhnrqistdta tvs o Aehorizon or ldnor steit, anti requested 1 u«tbalse.lourè orN&cob FiritsohMNWA EL-1 tigrtrî. tAle norning service. andth Ie attend- reading of thie presuible ta the causti- that since we hed camMented ie gnethe venyj to npce for land for piUltnaI uses, but a ance in the eveninZ as about fort'. tlotioni, and, th,- leigo a art Àkbenaxt îxratatnî 'Witlillios hfe iNo. n e0illgî>,ne oisto .ur es rrcel ne ecr bsbense_ y nadetuoi _badanwo oid(eting tAi e ao -yvaftrlteihis mediuma to tel) the warid tisatihe Iiltights 159M-.o ..Man N. neofAtWrdLgeirot. hasbee se byan dteturnd usbnihanehowatt îgaded as ver>'sat- Thie commander awarded a piize otfsa.lad caine back. -'A4 iat satisfaclarY, 7130 Ellis Ave., Chicago. -liAtne H. . CPital Oaal$1,001iJ,0000(i) tainti an'- as paid $700 an acre for a farim near t'ae village of Grîdley ening seboxo ing args t FmralA oufoaitiimts Ter isXV e akneil Ws mee . 1714tbtingaus mo on în ur laitttnall tif-m in the Illinois corn beit. s u trof itîit ts i~lfCiSlin hiag~ ubto tcea .tb~ hii-J rd8 otai eii niitr usîîna i kooti 1 c. oiiliîced ilînseif .n a-. tIr>e haracteriaric spirit of the soidier canna, istclose beforetAme tigfAile hae ialace loison rnd in " Wnsiln ii.îVC Optixnism runs high în this rnch commonwealth. and wh - titsne t iiikn ta tteili he is Ille srvesetare consceti, t-but il la urged filet ever>' meMber McKinley Ave. Mn .Grimes. 2-tf tes, palnts, naofing-.. iubnicittîîig os-. shoul it ot? he sate i a cnsidrabl partof te wold's, "'ed..the box,- andite contenta bec mte niake ia special eftita tlie vresent, W tiepemntstock fotds, etr. No capital renjuired. diiiiii-o;" t ilscoe lipublic.iî property. as an issue af vital importance in thetiMACHIiNIST1S I ehae eran nt 1 od .-nt~uS atUi ____ -- Tht important leainrent af'the meet- liAf i, 1tht post ib atitakle. 1 r ft worhe gdn] ùdti.'Jl exn&C.,à2W l. greatest granary. lits annual contribution t h nrai ~ 1vervynîuch tet-entedti he utLiwîng vethe discussion of the, way2 After it vbuissfthte - varhefor wa or innes1ootifilerond hlmyJohnSexton& Ca.f352aW 1111 wealth of the nation is well-nigh incalculable. Fortunate, in- in Mantsys Issue ofthtAe Sun, inslit- anti manta taibseaonea uit .n AadAie ansledrAank Kn-it naheini aa cirne C.,biack - -I--I - L.J ~~~~~iitng th ati hat distùrhedt he pelace, su anti asbt tsu, ats tilketise piano failli. Fan en- smill. Amhicn XlFne SCa, L n AI fte-ti Club :-lte aee, ew an declareti thet v ..Mar- the foati n i fpanstfi'artn luttai. neti>, wih li usual foresightht e- s tePan 010-6t l (>1T Aini) îîtteîitilaClub ilk acres ofis ricn hso - s a. oui-edrpastr at tAe SartA Cnî-ive utemnber. l> disve, w hicli ino., scareti up a feus tiaeaisang boak. .la- l;î wii ut îy ,iati aceIf is ihav fncy or cetan ieeofifonan aPretenan cf h Nt Ci-Uder May. LibnrtýiIlot Ps, lia; a ani we ad a gieat limie. Ail theoid XxASAl;t liraigaf il caean ayerai cuah.. large terniior> ta cota-i sud tAie b"; t songsve sangt)itiihose weary mar'ches lMIý-I flt - raiarBo-, ý t- If ma hve facvfora ertin iee o grun ja - Isvelitved fat fcrty Ycana andti y welavte discotîredte t inte.eatj and ian tbecanis lette revlewéd. anti1 Ca'.'117 N. DearbonSt., Cîsîcagi. WANlEt-;liellui a; etid iîiî would inale it his home, it is wobas mcan hm s enever 1)e et;acuspofiodsttiurItntie3luInte Legion isio go to tlwm atnd thie resuit of that lpant of the eveitfl are In tht market ta buy farnisat ail Ntik NAî. ViiVb . Lîlis- illa, may cane to pay for it. One man ~~~peace aittil Martin iJeeker accused telfiletAamw-bat 111eNare tiissing by lis a ,tls in iinkme gve sauinsiiel,'ie rmuws asict rwi iiiin wo ret o $00an acre; a nermaybuthought a liosfaim Ie, Decker and l 1ihave a sattile i natjoin îug hi l robi buldiet. tOur ex- slîiiw I I i liii gn a; eri iike a juil "e'IlIl Ilt elcllo ri 3t wot 70a ce ntemytbink a faim worth $1,000met. Inite curltserics t Aerience has bei-n illiaiflic- îtaso0 lion dollars. thein. Phone Centrai 8148. 11 21r XA~~s,- ,-ta-- an -acre. Is tbere a limit at ail? These new ahdever-nisingî ptesbytetan cituich Sundav eAi filaie.î-e ae t-Iloe w 1, a;t- naofinhe illiape itolueL lies sng Les tapo.I, SAL--- xxliit-)Il i ., tiait-i land values may lbe partly sentimental, and it ii, well if they ii i a.s eeti niy eco- tat iend reI iat t, Tierae,. of c lougbe, ai tht Iapke(, ri. ameut i> a in-ama n, i 011 osA t intiu. Ftit- lrcadetion.iii-iiî-s-ien1i-iaîceaîil 3t are. Love of the land gives to tie citizenship of the state a igiilserOvites every Sanda>'. 1 en- mattv eroen tarc.-a out-es t-w an outi- ld uaI a ie c-lî Thken wsd ull . litifîse- n Ait- i;.- aiiatî ln , n! atte; ttr-' ik& tlndern'iine Iii>ecilvei s mach thletwo sermons L [l- iea aictilit-r tuai coirades, and tl-iaii ibaille ws i ot siagedýIn-l 1i fiuit i---1Xiiioe n n iinnîii>CAR C HOICE POTATOES saiiytantigcaIn Ùllerieor shake. pi, achieti ty tAie liev. George A. Kil- lisien ta 1theaa-nseî;-s Wil-ln as(ie i-r-aila cii;-.imIt. t>On s-r> Uti, stabihty notbing --s bsn of Clii; ta, whoAstetuporaîtîl>' tuiase aiisaie 10iper;cet-i U ied gt-ct4saion tutti ta Ile dii'iiiK i- '?u"i'dn. ia,î~ ii;i, m il',!kn il >iiik ývng Ill te pulpil. t uîust caufes s tW...- IratinaIi.e r apl;îit s aid gi tee. ad l iu -I i J î trfl ' iliti-KE-N iAt &WTN IIltotiîtsidn- o! Mr. Ruit>- tI ditiui t XX a-haie ies-reni e iiithe paun'saciliobn s- i tii l . i-bail. TuheInn; h1 M A K U O Nu'INi."lnuale otintA idcistiraèian front titeIle t. Xv XW. ant ihle i-aalled soviet . sas tai. beiler tiiî;st tisai, ati ite i- i :- "Ild'bin. i-tt E', V YIiIILA Na tHiTE lEven M'Iss Lata nBengtiTa iliosn- budtis-n ia Iitiilai.lqita tait'iiu -I - ii~.101oi'wihIi u-- i;$." DOROTHY SAYERS, Editor-ini-Chief 1Mni a ..litii io I ary. i(fùseti ta teach a. o, it tulev pic-aie len IlaflAe other ' <uh; i) sud 1-ieske. ID J AR Uf INi..ln - i lleSiîniav ScAioai etaasberause Id-'uofaitAie argumuenit oit lirai hantýinmtuie cour e1iithe 'banqutt" i lîlas 115RE aIJ iÀ iAkt5I5N ________________ muýa-s flu il The- Sunday sctîool se(-anhorit>', andi consuit any tîtemnben ai bor ttnispu ,-ie "Ilialie sra ed n CORRIDOR GOSSIP il caui b. detied chu, rota a lnunbc, r. lai;> inforjîleti nie ;,fief- iuteritw- -(lise .jisericaîl l<ederatioi af Labor.l,,t . Wc in' ;-- place we can I i ut, ii'andasWANTELID-Good press feeder; ig Miss Berge;; con; erning tht teach 'That lasliai ueessaîy Aisrt. botueter. h onte; 'lc .ýedtl %nr ý' ýii.tflyu-rxarso ii Iluntonsa>s thatJusia ?Ntirlwe s lait i -taieuted ti udents,areaimost calable' loftecl.sthat lil have te do cmuiyaeinte isatM' ilctiIi; it, f f. bu~lii>st](] n iia-11-i l dIi Oni titis ier o In iT emn n hs e, ab nj i1. beil îi i. ulile;-ni ~'i n locnmk ey o ha-ie e din, lady in **%\-lisen a Feiler u! hiîîdiii2 1~ i- n- l,,Ii n if iivantstIo la w It Ii.ent etin ii ' !,i îin i, i ihe> îilutil wuse an buiîd aurx, 9%n1b;"1ni1,..,-'unil""'ii ii b s- - lotît -s, An iii,; lic Nen-d a Frenti.' tis hui> tut - - --. I - - 'a-d tv-aie - i ai; the insane ,t lt In'V-Iha-e !, lno; t il i u) a?,.skn l,nidtntl yidrpeerd nalean lie -iven Aie te b iii-k ,11 B '-ii ei 5s itn., 5 a aiy I1i, aiim ta eliphaizagîe ainftint lahi- r otpaganda brough; out by tI,'- .xIl, 1 li.- at e i;-anioî mii, and.-i .,ntii.~~ cutyman. Tlie Daily Sun, o0ui tickets .-.snl>anti roi-nte nultisu,.- ifthulAie>iap tht-Ar tîoqtlhs hut about fanal i ,îîlîcais lias no; anti viii tnol hiks i.-1b0s iil.,i.là.imi'! ini -' -iaw uc H'tsal naiîl ;-Waukegan, 111. 8-tf tmo, in the paper 1Il keep quiet, Abuil enter imb -their affiliationns -lli tbhe i-, nimi n-, 1. I-I r lîlî 'Ii - ."ii i lit nt-i ibu i li-li 11I 7A Fashe i-aie a ,st aWEDENEDAY'S ASýSEMBLY te;y finiîe they pop a tîti Up lI~l ' PmtA-'nilar cent-f lour muitm'iacd-ii..,;-ga-lIi .1 ,Laiu i itin n. açples 1iobaeg iz g a . aio a i-wattai il ' btrs ire unio'n Tisa; lignr it is .îr-lNu iii i iii; o lm..u Iitlsil -; iiiCii l$Stlitli Ieil FEnta) nîght. mdgsng b>y theiriXedneeada> soînîng in assembi> I Editnaî nt,-Tht article ta ichicisoaika Ion itsldl Ill 1, ltII1\'-O WANTED-ýCaood country printer; 1i nMsratton s;l., aoîng iii lie ton e s u deuità haIs lIsle asure ai ,i l. ?t r f, irfined îId i sat atate - Xtlaget hack IlaIlic subaîcci. W ü t 1 -~- la'.~. i-i n l1- ..;ý1Est- e ndl i Lt- stutentao! ElîsA IIItre niî I glia Edwian E.lsborne of Katiama- td i S unity's-ere.if eei hav sevie iO0îiin our let-riiml l tayjbe 3 e cko -J e sudtisof glih 11 re 55tzo, Micl;., dteiutr bis lecture,-ýi ghî- itil ti> tint ilah s tAie fInaL liime li-in nthe ne-t; thre, teeks md 1tiak S rii i-- . I 1ni11 d-48 haurs. The Dpýy Sun, Wauke- ing e-sais ou "My Ideal Teucliter. Wne shatie, lolspies ansuilâ ît .j(w-as h. altendet riens t tthe chunch ta hlm. Iis aLetur intention iii ur-ge, .ak. ciiittl. mIll 111.0 n-I e.uaI -it. X î nt-.Ibii-. fertl'ei ûe7vhiinper ii ene> inleresting and, înetîîuetî m'e lic i-as ai î-c-tct ou 'a change iiiembennsiît ou ail> ana-. Acting on thte, 1- t-'-Aiî $. - tcMiî ln 75Wiî ' gant MI. 8-tf ftarilin,-sa iar nuh ibn pe;r 5~5 xmlof tiitîîblng tAie poe; on FeAi 29.) asaîînmînîon tuai those mon s lia are, inustome of thetu nlie lcture frein si-rItaefinAah. flot nseaibers do ual knîaw smlI_ i., lni siA' s"-.mln llu t Membene af Mn. Ma> et-s ph>tics I111tins lectune lie explaînet i11e et- Legion la. t-e are goîng eut t tell b u Xiitteuieei iitl- ti luii il lIt ' 11 A t :17li ii-'I tlt iX i i- dlata wenc 'u Lake flnf, Nortis Chi- icaa oimtpnfaa elttttM STDîera, and thtetiecisiot ill ltt - the lA ie îa ga- îa:iilin n sit.ii7ad ,m--: o ltr C@40 anti Waukc-gsn lai-t FrtdaN anti ilîssItht oppp> Oiginali)"grew ia , M pSa I IUS 11 tirePy witlîi heni. Mire detalks wlLa Itl Tv' iri.i- ,,,I,-rn lPi-ce-n Stock 51us te arans iea-Aa tei bt as'nnouctiIpo hia i> ~pear in taier issues of The Inuielenti Intuiglînuta. tilt-oail sîltation Arniy Fîalu7.12 ws14 2;)(r*yilp tor par th acrie rs. glîbu s ntrde pte hi a bec En-ttcU R3nt. Tht big îpoint note l that; etch kinti, ati stet,)al xussatîngti liturroil loe18 I 4 forDatiulrs.glshtrder wer i beam vry LANDS S3 IO 1L meinher get out ant ilf] out lits thriitica lnîtî Plans i--cv betng tin tfran aitetabar 'lisa.ular. Frein China t spregdte tathe carda. A itather membenshlp cartit i 51F i, il Xi:î.i. l i aie Prom antiBanquet uzpdr-he'[Lnitd tatsforas the Chinfl jcam-iîh itAe Legian Eablet siampet In Filt -; st thelieinbenabip 0.11-28% ~acres Jus as ut of na>shaka-. Thed-it a i -- Aent thty Arougbt their customs anti I fourBAR wlasuew ge opes la i 4 i liste taLe, ors thtC inse cme u n'j~uTuE ARS aldman woffre s n aretniumrsr ae nd re tas ibis Issume ges havebepnmss. s t of:î ra 4 1 ake imo r win tvaut Li ~ habite wlUi thmm. - - ~a prize for tAie man brngîin AIe ' itiined Ioda>'. Goond watk. -tcrni ireine>I.Kny, rs b>' tAe tacuty. -Neverthtiess nelthen opium nolr ai-. Actinig an a fil) tapplijetby A.Xstsif l a l 91te, 111.î-i-2tAAi TAie date for tht oPtreîîa la May 21. cobol han 8o strog a belli on tAie peo- sut Chiot Tyrreil tAie provost mac- I-~I U~ier n.WmierscoPètent direc Pie Of Amxerica as bas tabacco. anti for sa ate Aenaval station 3'iday placet aid io an' nth atanti the tht tantdi-yen months a yean anti r Phoinite 278 NW t.153 tin -11t yas ovr a aIdYfll esetifws oacunatD.tier anntst thret sailons whô are coast range on the wesî. 'cultivatIl. but a t-ltIer mn>' have FORt SALE Ses erai stacki of weai ta o . " M l e , and e ro se t hAs erp idt LAsbo rne a rn i l a s tobco t a n . c arg e o vuith av ng ti ti cp a i the A L O D H I Tcredit o un tf i se ho nestea i, pe nAd for ad oa î s îaw a i F J. Io ub'4 taa nna. teknsaae, mdviprmis tiepî~a-Osore prtcuan>' anieneiIn point o! a gun anti robbedth Ae %tes ALRA TRaI'tith fitime ie tenvet wti th temil- t4miles souih of Prairie VXl! -1521 lic somediln very mucb vorth wbule. bis lecture. & Marrîuî tmrg store et laIte Bluff TAie Oregon anti CalltarniA rail- itany forces. Mr- W&*-r la giviag ai a grsat uaI Dn. Osborne lasgolng tha-auglithé of $30000 Merch $3îst. Tht polce roda i-unseIlirougli the enctrof iAt, IThose wha senveil tmpe years nia>' F0' SAL.E Teamt of sarr-tI, Wel 01ftlAme fer ib ciongt te ehigAi country trring taetiawn nurcotlcz. He s' ay iat B. A. MlartiaL. ont of tht vie- vîtA ntamtroua logging.brandi noatida teea daIm. pe'thie $250 an acre, inaicheti, weigbî 2800; goot work- fiis.a$ba posîtively ientatieti the peneratîng ailier reglons. move on Ait anti gît a deed frfnmtAieiieaalnaresntwaoIfiere acholouMo.aymai Tinsta> api s ve>'flen mpakr ntibl tieSireti men aider errestath Ae LAi-e Cia>' Taîlman. federaIlendi com- Igoverumeni ut once. Ai-triSnytier, Box 52, Urayslake. I111. sen«O .mih< bff out0 ou sand9hall ntereeat 0f the stutiente durlng ever>'mn i aioianfraano hm msaloni, Banysalt vîlI graw aIl klntia 0f cotarse tAis landi totian't atter162 alte "bol Mosd"-6@m Oftheminte o th ber. he sildntscon meof fruit, lasespecially, adopted ta!an>' snap. Commesiîoner Talmen alb . lArMOY d ay. ee fteinue0ft a e ur. Tii aluiant on tp. Itooatii-ven apples, ri rw n solie. av mimy ee sleiei îdreil a lau vl tTAie men under arreisl. il tramn grdnçe ain have An; mtiie diint think a lomateatier WANTED--Merried man ta wol-k on Per. a o1Oxë pensons living on a homestee.d Aeiug antisaime of At-las eut aveli landi ant Illi. Phone 133-J-2. 15 it- E. A. GWeme. able tause consierahue apen raihge.,tAiefttumps vili have la Aie nemoved. E. . Wetie. SolieArs have sixty dais preference Waît nnasAi'oai WANTED--GAi-l for gînneal haun. 1.. C' ~~~~~ (¶1 ~~Assisient CAief Tyrrel detuis t nfln o u t.tipefrec cheduAt" yl won bAiei-ati> ta diîs- nk. Goond vagis anti gooaihoe LU iIt~ IIU m ale bbisAnp:::i dbeglnrmtng Ma>'10, -but tbey trIAnte, endtif itIvet;a tetaileti des- APDJY Box 88, logleisitie, III. 1511 The lnsni l li hemteretatOnt persanen talle 140 eacs.H.tiflo. th rvs asa e otain uetpuy tiiwn 60 cee an acre at ___ fonme4 as a te le-ed itientity et $2 an acre more wlien Ae proves bis tAie Young men. Thie arrliai iodar inaImFit In Lakte Count>-The INDE. vus AieresaIt Mar-lo ve oeIed To prove up a cîvillan muet lve PNET la tAie naval sation, andi uccording thie Young men. The e salons aru N O T IC E untier arrest aItAihe station but 4,ae la ibe brought ta Waukegun antid -- turneti aven rto tAie local police next ~T ~ a,12 week or as seanusupermission eau be es e n SId taintil frein Waahîngtan. T h0i n c 'T e o b h c y to o k p l a c e a b o u t ti i- N We Have Just Received 20 Dozen Men's Kenosha Klosed-Krotch BaIbrîýgan Union Suits, long and short Sleevç%, Sizes 34 to 50. Men's Govýernment Khaki Pants Ove ralls and Jackets Children's Play Suits and Blouses Men's Khaki Unionalis E.W. PARKIrURST nJ1 WedneUVIsd. USy, M arc 3. y, ma uu of M ailonr overet i biawih a 45- caliber 'revolver, aoIheç emptied tibe noney diaw,'and afthter seàarhed lis, cothini, A t the Uirne Nlr. Marriot asserted that he coVJid gie a good dleqcription of the men and wouid bt- able to recognîze theni fil aL crowd. EX-SERVICE MUNI SUNCLE OIFfERINEi YOU GOOD FARMS! I.Ex-roldiers who want ta ob. tain land and become farpmers mîr get lit f rom the governiment ln wetern Oregon- while lit lastts. The 1nterlor department wlll open for bomestead 4,000 tracts of lsnd Aprl 12, *nd former soldiers 'wW have the preference for flllng on t titi July 8. There I.- a total of some 880,000 acres, andlt la some of the beut the governnsent his ever opened for set- tlement. It 19 'a tract 100 mriles square, In the Oregon rain bell, wlth the Cas- n i. vving~4npn (Not incorporaed) Manufacturers of WINDOW SHADES AND AWNINGS WE MAKE AND PUT UP AWNINGS AND SHAI)ES ON SHORT NOTICE. Haie owr Estimator cali on you. Seven years in the business on the North Shore. Phone 2087 Waukegan, Ml. Phone 1125 Winnetka, MD. Indust ries Zion City, Miinois Need' a ,number of young women for work in their varions departments. Constant aupisynent ail througb the year. Exceflent wages cai b. earned. -Our factory is one of the finesi ini the contry. Noartificiail ight required. After dires months' service, in case you are sick, oui employees receive two4hrd f-harverage vages, lad are endowed with a 'Life Insurance Poficy of $500.00. SPECà*IAL ATTENTION: We pay ail eiployees' fare on Chicago & Northwestern Railway ta and froni Waukegan and Zion City. Men, APl IBulkley]1 We have si ternitory, 400,000O o the ein tho- -o Ca n ta;c 'you A' H. The .ug ipre, necd. witl ing requit Now is -is highý taking at a bli p V =--LÀU Oum. xàlàn

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