CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Apr 1920, p. 9

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yv !Z INEE-ND ENT LAU Coeji<jTy »p£MWj< Labo Countyo Big Weekly WAUKEGIAN WEEKLY SUN. -P*RT.TWO - IJIBERTYVILL~ INDEPENDJ~NTS \ i NIL 8, i '>20. SIX PAGES I50PKIUYEA.R LN ADVANOI LD mî ads. for 'haît is g;;en- 'hidi 1 have tes, of New oifering for enl beaug on, :onayon Srt distance. Base wiIl be miles fro. ewe are e Ud weil, .orne, (1), moa Cornnty, ord in Vau a few days titis larnd is loney every d that was for thirty. >erfect titie have only a rEXAS 6.Texas. jj 1o,'20 TOCK- a team; 1 fîlly d I y Wesîstde e International Jt ne, sured by r'OFS bred miare ir. old in June. animais. granddaughter yeau-s ol.d (reg- m lIENS. ~OLS Lrness, saîlic. lit ming imlIi'_ OiN 100 nuer in. ver limat aunount ablc notes bear- stelesi for., ON 1, Auctioneer. 12 'rram 411 Freight Dsposed of This Mornîng But futute Looks Ver Dark Here. MJAY EMPLOY NEW MEN Waukegan feli ithe effects of!t iha 'wtma*n gtrîke ln (ýfflGo thus rnumniga, 10 o'ciock elien the tvelve swtd4ien î*iployed ln (hai local Nortlîwesern yards, quit in a em'i tbody mund hum lied uithswitcu- 1"in tle . usrdiihem.. Tii Waukm'gan unmiomn meambers be l'ng toulie Cimiago union and lbere- tons aled unîler orders fromt Chicago. A &f the c <iClocal un;on ex- * ~ u1 ialng i tison îaid glialthei itical menher" beton m wbat 1s1 knîîwn ast lhe broherhood ot Fa, vyý t:*:: m-en No. 75J. Ifîe > aald (Ih ks4.-1 rîuiml'd awitcbmen and lso brakemen an paiseng#-r irailas anddonied thal flie .4witchinan le an "outlaw union" 4a Chimcago [apera are repottitig Il. HA sId the Only trouble sla I tthe brakemon on the passeger trains ce- fusae te act wibh th e brakeseen oit tbe feabi trains in golng on a atrike. S,) . salmd lb, brakemen metely v.'îîl aiiead andli re carryinF on their nwn i 5r'hse Thse local brac.fmftn aid *iiaî the I cal for-men are recclvIng 66e an 1 our ielpers 624e anLd tbey are de- mienîng $1 an bour snd 95e an iour. A40 tinte and a bal! for Sîrnday and blitmlay'm and doyble tîme for ovrer tr;ime mieSunmmayri and lolday*. hIl a il on ibe bas of Piglt bouta a day. Ti**a £wrytl.à% ma Amu.eii Mattiev ef. ie Sýortiie*t- mon (fid nol knnw thaI ilh. swlicmefl ra I cttn. on a vîrîkp untiltlle Sun h . ibe ltm nd lntoruied hlm of ithe Lcl HEt said lie wouldi eïetigate And rpperi Iter vhat lie bcd found. le a haIt bour Ut. MaItevs b- fortmod tiheflue: 'Il la as yu iated1 --Ste awtthmen bavp slaruccb ad et- orytlileg nov la Lied up le tbe Wau- listait yards. The cars vere aIl apitîed iis ntrning before the ' tamte on and ietafore lodaym freIght 1,; taken date of ail rlgbi. "B'ut tomtorrowva unIeras sosetnina d 'v-laps, vil!lie ied iuî. competpiy.' 'Winl yen put on exttra ietp to ilindlî' ut*,»alluain?" bieaasked. 'Yeî. if vs' can gel them.', said Nit. Matiew!%. Tlhe pare nu new deve!oîimente lui. aflenlmoinletlic wiiclimen'sq strike le Wmukean. andf no excteo mitînI ot any kied pravatied. The Anterican Railwa>. expresS imin aalqo bavin(g ils troublft aa reslt lO"f,-cWnlkàu, .but Man- aetJ. A. f1;e1îçqie as aauted bit kLxei#àt Agent 1.. 0. M"Lewsiglia .<'preis cama woutd be gitan iawtrb- ing îweteueuce jas nmîcb ofthle ex- ~VagituIner elrnin"t*. -ffets. are being ituimi.go replace tb. unioe switchmnen i.0eoi'e tbe - local frigt tshipuML u . LAKE CCItINTY- TO COOPERAIE on, PAVIQ SIERIAUN ROAD *l'h patint . or Sheridan rondi lIbrougî'Zlon City was the probie. âWcmoe&aed'oday titis vie" -*hie#. the road and brIdge eolaxitltie*of th. Laike County board of lsmpervisors. îOgttter vitli Chuarles- Russell. cise- y supainteedent of blgbwaya, mt asc blgb«w&y offlicaislaluCflicago. Ilik Be-inett, aisie -eimiwi.Ilaixm et publie vort; 8. C. iradt. tate' somasntendent of igiwaykaucand 11cm (J'.Ifdens, preaiflW o f Nverai gyAodroagdî;associationsl le Chicago, and a booster ot gcoud r"anss f ove. tire silo ,wete amtong Ihoe -pmeel..l Mlayor W. H. Clendenin of Zlop C'iîty w»as sppoed to b t t-(he meet1 mjàcent property la ecaant.lHe uId. a itier howveer. ewhlch lihe sala liai tlime. speara ta b. lno ay Itu t.ti Zion City Il mci! can finance * t îîoîîebtoul0fpailng *)eMideà -th le Mlle and a bial!tteteli i liri;glmiboeit>'be=am Uchof Ilte imrpryla acan:t. .sli livve. thaI lie toit reaens.b!y Ma- vcurd t' ut iarrangeutienta, roul& b.t îlpue ori, Iý'i- ct u paye Uth all- - 'ttetcb ihrough ib..cty psoer. t, wissdedidcd t the inseingjýhat mm ol>. way le %Vh Icch,.. erest out lim Ic%,illent coulul l4e put la vouad b. hclîate and comnty co-operation and b e ýwns dectded mpln. Ali effai-, wilie é niàdo s1 once Io see boy fa,. th coînîy and claie cani go linbiis megad. Tiie fart ltiai S)teridan rend. ipsvcd wlLh tlime tîeptIon of tiae sýf-glioir strip îlirougti Zion Cty Wa ,AlatIs cti8ig tc tr-eiiuouB efforts s0iV mime lioili. t.uor Places fer P$ltlr*a 1'hef' orneran srl grliery samys tlimaI If lalirnanîui 10 un 01. )imuilns 10 lait fiuesil vîndout n-ler. lu yl be c:1 te- 1 n tise ai.or tlu wfiimung menui À ......uix)saf eîàrw. NEW TRUSTEE T. .StNWho: Received a SpeddMajority in featéd Park Mlotion Tueday, De- featiq P«vrk Bo"rd-Candi-1 dtO ett; Wilson. DI3ENTED NORTH, CHICA60O AN IS FOUND AT XENOSIIA Missing from Home Since Monday; Family Learns his Whereabouts early today. PICKED UP WED'S'DAY P. M. ChalesMiltaausi,1333 Linroln 1 strcet. North ilicao was laodun-1 der arreet Wedieday &fier noo n 1 1 lie waà round wandering about wcst of KenosaaIn a demeted condition. Ho Wl> ioîestoned by the authorit- les and they tmanaged ito lect ti-u' 1Iaformationt that be llved at 1333 lincoin siet. Shertt Grcen this minng e; rait cd a cai from the Kpnopht author- lites. requeatimg that be make in ln- vestigition to.see wbethpr or Dot a maxi W." muiming fro ite Bâsresa gijveB bom --. flazoly au bbtrjir.ard a Youang weoma enter'd lthe police station at Waukegan %rd exhbbted a photo- graxiu- of' her fether, har'e8 Mi ki- 1, .mmki WbOM .1," m.ld mi Ti. $àlEIct- Large Vote Mu at- To*nship Election as Resuit of Park Trusteeship Beind Up. STAHI WON 8 0F 10 POTS. T.,. I au tselected trusmee et Ilie Wauagan Park Iboard ai Tues- dey'a elecI ion vben ha u'ecelved in Cte total 60(7 votes. wherearIs .hre. opponents rocei"cd le the total about 81) votes. Mr. Iahil succeedta Chartes King, aimese terni expires ibis yeai and lie vas not a candidate for rt eleciion . Tii. co. tbixled votes of Mr. SUmimI.Mn. McC'anfl andm. Meiod> tolaled 1,016, ehich îëprenenta lime PuWberia sentiment emLltlzmg Ri PreA'dOn t Wotack and the gîrk board'a poic> represpied ein e l. e lion of M. Wilsons cundidacit. vboqc total vote was but 399. Timus, sîmmarizlng. 11 i9 leen dt 1,016 votera expresscdthemiseivag lna lI a rang -opposition tW the park boards svolley vile out 399 ehlrmed almroval b>' lbeir suPPort of Mt. Wil- son, as put into thmefield b>' Prou- dent Wotack. Anaiyzing lime vole futhar h l gern ibat . t. SIahil securos i,49 nic-esh voies and 1180 voxuons. MUt. ht mson teceived 261 aer's votes and EU'i wfihlen'a. Mr. %IcCamn recalved' *144 mens voies and 3# women'a. Mm. !-elody'e to&al v as ti men and 2' vomen. Il 'i1,limîs seen Ihat Mr. StlimIcarriesi beith È men's and tlhe, women'a votes. lfesoru. Staiml. Me- Can afld elody vere- ail on tht. sanie plaiforte. namell' net for lb. 'park boutd'a polietiiaeoe hi Iptal mvoe teprewentsduatsnlmlt - viereas Mt. Wiliton's yulvote rept,. sentesi coi ont>' the park board@ simp- .M- i 1-v - jui . - .j v t Thore le trouble in Denrark ad reports .a>%ime king's job la cne ton isuture. Idan>. or tb. ["hi~t'leare clamorbng for a repuàblie. 'But vhat's Iler ltron.. vben ttO bubblîug vine stilll'fova? The picture? Sure ita thme bingl PRETTY lARD FOR .WIF3Y TO*ESCAPE ONE 0F 3 CHIARGES fi UUMIUuu >." Ma - - -lpr i prtut heb enrI fnilinst tant Mkôndvy norxng stram hbionle whiuch wël e conze u'tt-i ai l3ts rncoin Stret. sinee thîtiiel limp nothlag bas beon beard trai t hlmitrale and fh ah flhug liamiglit bava been In Mn. MoCan'. oa" lmtrict. lbe ptcled up by te pélire or tat sente- I itptentlb. tle vote carrl.d ltin wf tbiag migbf hava bappenai to blm. o*ont,05Cr aIy oftisiîtovPonea. l Ilbe vas ovonioyed wen Inforiniad Mn. Wilson carrlad lime Eighti pr.- s thil ie couldi indl hlm aet[enoieha cint. neat Seltîdere and Genesec and ttI for thât cty ai once. steets. over bis OmPPenetz. but db, -The young voman esai uhal for cmrnbie'uai.t-park vote len(bipre- tbe ltest mreyacks ber failer u-d ins-I twsus 100 'tu lIn. Wlqon's 42.,R net been binîscîf . hmîi 1,e ap_ Thugs wbîb the Eigbtb Iolin. WIson'ih Peored te b. danuentesietaI lmas asd redit and! vitb the Eievenlt Ut .' ,i suught te kilt bisite andinmtlers 'McCann. the otier tee precint.a ail e of lie famil,. uoted a mialorit>. for %In. 8fil.thi siowlng lia lie vas gii'en splendimlu upport. ln arrYng tn or the, WAUKEGA.N SPEED (share iplciey uc Mhllua vot4 e lit sboe lprcnclir ml' svole BOYS TO CIIALENIETh onice. d I T hTie'was utIleinrèet lthe rs.otior m SUN ET lPortion of the iowa elec tien becausev (IR YSAK3 IJN ~ tb: - lepubican iltet vas the ocal> - WlIlPlây in- M y m e Jm fore on ho "andp down'- an Exception of' Grayslaice ODdeate ae n h oti.d ver, omso f the aoeiailstccandi- UPu#V ~ ditea rittew le. - It la rocaltesi the - soca&Ioticâpet nueo laken off the, SCHWARTZ TELLS OF STff ,m»ý*@weç ofu ielreuaiy fume iaItetittuns. Thme fro.asistant *îupervfrajM Businose Manager'Sebvarte of >i v-er. lailt -icted. uaniolm', Ia Wauk.gae SPeOd noya basketbali HOldrligo. M. P. -Dgar and 'P. A.' I btain .tîd tcdaî dmh . -vWi issue Webib. Chari - jak, tove cl.ftk, WU- a challenge,10althe ry.lako basket_ ase re-ellesie, whitelWilliam A. bain &itgalion tibls vee kto pa a Taylor la lie eew loubumsip oumma.. sen re <games for th. cbampionsbliut aluner or ibvaya vice WLilliam '.a aW lrc' wiiilàg te play the Semat 1Chares 0. Armos. tie meaw &1ourI _1111 Y'a M_ Caepl thé Orayaka1 Of ibth iehipU11. succeeda Byros A.t gyb. vbicb a rtpan&MM Io boa" DtXna. vhO hanhebdlaite Poition fori IBusiness Manager Criwford sate alei1- thelient iht y«». Denay (Wly Iday..1 helbDer Constable whloite saýL . Anl article appeared tu the Sun 'lJey. wa e-elected sebool trua11ý11 & bout a weOk agoe îtalng liai Captala tee. I 'iCrawford oftheb.Waukegaa- Spoud t IBOYRa basi chaliengod -Orayalaitota a Evansfon Girl Wed to plaYed on a neutral fleor. This vas a Soldier, Despite eil misnake.,The article abouit baveé 112p I ataltesi liat Manager Crawford veuld [0iFia amig les a chalene lre raylak <v Nder1' I eàuesi ai Waukegan for Wleeler LeaI An article contributcd b>' J.N.t soldîer ai Fort Sheridan and UtMIl Turner;Matiager Grayalako A. C. D5a-.,e Dorolimy L. Patiersomi. daughLt etofMr. l keýbiil eaix tated liaI (bey played andsire. C. W.Patao cf14 the. Spead Boys at Grayslako on RdPat.E at.tbat nigbet 2343il Matc 13 amidefalei he b> a;Patterson deeied acqalntece .villi score of 29 la -21. Mr.. lA,. and ber parents look tutne Buaiaesa Manager Schwartz stales ndylz.tlaievslb.,a- tha bs. eai et the banda 'rie&. Tbey vere marrie il&b'Chinageo efth lb rairîlake. self stylesi champ-' Utady niait. ltans, but "bt Captain Crawford and i _________ Hfayas, guard sand, orvard, raspec -. o.a lively vere usable ta participaI. e l roning BoardC.-l t e ganes betause ef ilinemas. Thun il fll'o'atfrCt ta proved - eoacl.uaivaly h11t the BpeedlafrCt '. reys teamz vasnuterially vaakeeed. ne tactMIecrtaidy vas a reaarkable 'Sprlngifteld. April .-Rijisi Preducla IaCitieVeement for tbç Speed Boys ta o. of Waukegfae lncorporat.d today t bolsi &ayslalete an erglit. point vic-: te *Maufacture Ironlng boards antidw tory -eonidcrinig that thre tellje vasboueobd, utcnsils nt 110 Madson b minuse twoalsars aed'allso handicapped t S. Capital stock $3500. sharoe lie -1g due ln belsg forcesi ta ,play; in ai Par value o! vbicb Ihe tcéliowirgn l "Piano box"% vith a crippled tente. been subscrihesi and padlu i: Qeorge a "ln addition-ta tb. gym belng, HI. Kîsineesrge $400. Elluer J. Clark -u plana o, bte ta astoie i e l ugym I$400, and E. L. .Cowa $200,. ail or h, uanti ta keep lhe place vatun vien Cli4ca.11 gansas are tagesi,"flusimess Manager - Schwarttz decared- today. "'This cet D«mty Bouglit. tg'nl>' le a *Wiierfl' gym ta pIsle in frIcnd >ou' havelbu>' U-'ill Ba avs~Seu>'Îb1154- Yeu, . lSte Ulmi ov~P~e. m tUbtlqve yn bc be * .n! whaM ýomA. Mye.-fr hum iéorge Tumrne Charges De- sertien, Cruelty and Un- faithfulness in Bill. THREATENIED LIFE, CHARGE If George, H. leTr et Ofm'aukîgmn ida donsue as do mu lin tmey file a bill for divorce and bâad asked *9r Il on onasoQIseVerat dîlferenl grOUnda., bis ifs. Uta. Helen Turner. xiigut hae ficen ale Io co( elt bm Senereaoetaucces.but Il sa rallier dffficut for a wolian tu egît back vb.n rsadivorce i., aàkes on lire. separat. gtcound». Acordiez 10to the0111 mime coupte wera maied e&t lie !reat i.Akef atai training station MIarch 3, 191ï, and llved togethat mnit uirloliet t, 191'. when ha- nonis le.eertusi bim, Tme tht.. groinds, on vimicli Turner ia bekhmga -'divorce a.reias fol- lbvs: , Desertion. ti'nfalthtlneamt. Cruelty. Turner dofargog that on Janisary 1. 1920. hi. vif. was intimae vîtb a nani viomie name be de not know. lie chargea. aie ibat cdefendant vas cltimat. sevRrai ilmes vlth a Keflo- aha main named *"DoIt1.' Several allier unknove man" axe îoentl*"o. 14m. Turner, according tu thbe bitl. m'as extteineiy cruel b hilem. She ays Mhat 0on numeomia occasions sue mas béaien. slruck. plndied. and ikesi hlm. andi otbenviae, cnueliy ibusesi andi llt-treated hlm. and lias -ud vile, abusive and opprobnious lanjuage tovard' hlm. On sevenai occasiesas. according to ýteblI, lIra. Turner lias. tlrttoaed mer bushand's lite, as a tasuit of alimcli be As s &lii, as bosu en- denesi xcisemable. llecomning more apecifie Turner. mes that on Oscenu ber 1. l='t iii wl!., itruck ant lbea% Iite anu or@ lis, clothiat. Tie alt.ack,hb. ays. iok place on Itme atreel.' ýThe tuli -vas fneeuiy AtoiliOB. V. iltyls. "GUN TOTîZRS" FACIL PRISON TIUEUR140W Waukegae men vbo ara le -lbe habit of "*parking a gat" vould bet- ter look out for Asal. Stitea Att>'. W. A. Dean. bas servesi notice lImai le la camping on Iheir Irai!. "This gun toling habit miuet atop." bte ssistant prosecutor sai. "*andi If neoooeay l'm soing teau»Aisevmai violators le the peniteuttaryr as a lemuo. Ttlàl getting te get entirelt td" coxmeon andsiIl la lime liaI a tait vas calted."* \UM. Benne's t.uarkl vole callei forth. y he ti. sbttag attray on Market street early Wednesday more- Ilo vphlch a coloresi man vas @iet tbrougli lb. ami Bolli 0f lhemen vole packlng gala. "il la a serloos nimalter vise ve muat sette Ibeit dbtference. t s gun play," Mr. Deane saisi. "le tie heat of passion a a nlviidra va suni and bogine hooling. Il gels hlm lrto trouble more tinte thaxi Il cver sels baie out. Tii.emly. vn te cati a hall simd ptunlsboevemely every>' maxi *5fIid'ot1ng'a u. TOWN 0F NÉWFOIRT. Witb (ha exceplbnnof rm'osécnnims- aloneî tien. was no cotitesabla the .taXn tf New port on Tueadgy. Ein- met Haoslîgs defetutesi Ra>' Ferry fer titis pos;itIon, the voie bclhg a fom ,Emniet Hastiings, 220.' Ray. Ferry. 212. Ferry evldcntiy vas PoPular' vilti tho vemen, for liereocemuedsa 1 wonien's voletscac agaitist 73 received ýby Hasting4 Huastings vas the regu- lar nommne, liuvtrîg tefesoted Fenny at, lb, eowe cucule by semanteen votes. tijverai of Frry"s trenda prevailed - .upon ihini tu rue ut lb. eleciion and ho vent on iho isallot as an iiý. immndent. - Thefregular town ticket ':- ..,4 élelOClii.vholt oppostion WUasa Town cierk-loyd .LucAai. Apteesr-.Leroy Aic'ock. Sicoooltruste"-v. T. 'Çbv.wfod.ý POOR MAIL FACILI* TIESý DUE TO SHORT ,WON BY .PETION, Sîmervisor Fred KCirschner of1 NcwMevc~flit HEPINPSTfIES CbaTwnhpWho, De- IIEL INPOSOFFCES feated at PimarY, -"CamneI Th unad heene -Wt Back1' at Election, Winning The un md ndeendnt ith by Fifty Votes. Other Newspapert is Sut- f ering as -a Resuit. PoStOFFICES NOT BLAMED Ovýing b o 0=ge.ted mail conditionz, tha4 POsto50ffceai of thebig chien of crally coteplain of poor mail fmîcmH r Ues throughout thme country. Thla applles t'articulaXlV te the newspapers and iaofld cîsaq matIer as a whole. Npe tLt ihr o The Datly Sun and th ibhrtvvil0Npe fLt ihr o, Independent are confrontted wili miis Appeals to Circuit Court, -trouble every day and every week u ny er The. mtîst noticeatile trori-ul soin sOl e lims n ti.dellverv tfpapP.rý A RDC IIA I townts close gy Wmmmkegan or Ln'et vý AY POUE LTGTO rinstance the t'ailii urt-t;g. out "r tt-ý Sn of1. evry iight i t, i er jha te Lake Bluff Orpiianag u)'t i.kasue om' eery uliivP j;i i ayi oe tL $25 o0 boqiset of th, ovt, mLa n sho arty lie he npx" 1 f aie Richard Cote. was seen- Monda. moer Lak ounty r oty thme ns1 ser! oon iwien F. LeutipCoIc. à Ch] moreig. However ôfteitime ("(5CU9agi0tornee lvng a 'ik mg tomfera gelthueir paliere two or three 4yodadaitd beMr l,' days past the day of publicnt ton. Nov!___11______ .__ irait i look an apuMa . to le,,îr thi Sun neyer faits te have lisapaper4* - - (Uitc jout amhn aCountyfJudge cir- et he po-toffice on the. da>' 0f pulit NEW'CITY CAR3. soirs tduited tire Cole wii tu pro. cationi hirefore whon if js not deliver pbl.Jui ht cin1eleCI ed lentda llat itl.tO 0fiicald of the Nortia ! fr illeI ht vpe ili tam êis not knovn, the. posiOffice departrnent iath'r than'aia litinlg over the duiay i limeai.- li a. o11year In whiti t il to thj Su office. rival et a nmimber of new cars wiicn In fo iewîim cs ile e It le partIcularly huid in such plares, have been ordered but wbuo, Ilth fac- 01 fs on 'Îl Wadsworth and Gurnte. Mail a-.trir o(ltPemm, .abe t the iiearing in county cou, rtc.s ' uirregmîi'iy Sanfar as paliersa1torluout on fliea..- itjs panned O'Monday Mr. Cote mdit!not iniste Opi are concerned that oftentimes Wads-liPuace mnore.of the iafaty cars In Wau 1 ,bat groond.4e te I~aklng 1cr alitar worth duoes rot gel lis bondi, ai rail, kestan 4)> cars for lthe cmnantiy In ieal to the, circuit court but bette anid somptimes thlii, lst-onere uiier&reasIrtg business and s1ee .oon a' prevaits uhal ýe desire.i a moreroux- ï'ot two Pr frteis paper> at a finie. ithos, rais arrive It it probatble thaOi pIete hcarlng in the higiier court. Asq regards the. weekly PaPer f i'th e tii, avier cars whctî are being use0 i The laie Mr. ('oIe,. hose death c- Prnted and maited evetbv Tjiii-sdayiy t on lhe w"t idie iirkte wii b. rernuoved leurdMrh ,12,Ifta si IPl', Lherivilîle offico and yel souie e 11,11- vaiued att $47.000,ofwhiih $00 tînmes iIf requirer; twe or thre iiy< ti Itetri s -at Ile bNl,- - .eiî-cirdMri7 9.lf netl rpar soe, lpcs, pace, fint' loin HY. eoui ýcrt delay in [he 1< a,, ve. prsonai irperiy. liele ti$5( rsmmiiMoneliscsplce ta ae rot rivliof new Arli bi.s nephew. thua beng one or il Over ten or twvptilenies awav frot:)"the lav' a i &Ay'a being One orIlle 1sîîmaiier bequests for ufer. wene sev l.ilient"-ttte This rf conr , o' t l Wîîeîii Sat'ppare ipolce abottor-ai bequesis of $1.001). Semeral peu- due ai tielt hbrtyvitta office but ýt( &, jly , en n lpewowr or-ainu i rillier to, condition.tiliat iirevaiai te inistaw uiJea"asbI erhng 00in Olirt- !w o vere no iatlYonail on the. postoffice in (Chicago 1 icli iche iis nerh'tig ntt. h. ceouyduunl eae. tbpy are sent and ftrain there Irans COldî'î know anYiting about lime ccii cd heqtiievîs as large ag Leali Ire rP pli!r smdm r-yiidinu ,'oie The suini t$,Olifl as leit 1. Nevaspapeniof lisicaole t h11owiir: iîtllsttrtmit. Tiers lias been onete iliraeMeiiîodiiat cluorci. a ski' %acks upon sacks of second chiasniait d,'tay ater artoieor ini gelting outiar alikotmni to tIi' 'i M. (. A., au malier are piled bhih ithehe iirgo tllîio' new -iim'I Pasîeo'ter coscielleI > .ti to ime l'nion Maus5oifum. Thi PntoffIceanld remain thlere for days tflintvu' have nretmioiied InlireviomN soniof $9,0001 wims- 1.11 lntrust I-1111 without boitig bandied. inabulil>' b I issues. Thems lie the car builders iliMr:i Julia A. Marah iWho ls tu rfeebo obtaIn sufficient hein and lack of' promi" nmîv ilathe eilveny of solite rt(lin mcltlCas long atse ilivex. Th room are said in bring aboutl condi- ur tloit.îîalong i Apili 0f coiursc. (ion,len m e iilii rî'ua lions tVini are afime~t nlteievable.1 fiai îent sncb a long tCrie in wait.: almch ti e r've aiFOI the situe c Tiiese am'eevîet for the. lsng finie taken, u r !A ilisd.siaPPolintinz hscauv' theu>' lite ..e wluaciianînlînts Io aboi- ln mail delivertes. newspapers imost wîre exported it mcii e.riî,.r i ml otý) everywiîere complaîn ot slow niail de-ithe lauml o! ci h,,North Shore bec ë. llvpny and Tiie Sun dptsirpt tu bA. in i<erylbine pcsebie bas -tesn doret o Gives the Otd Gentleman Awsy. cluded In ihis Lisi, but le convlnced mxPedîîe dell'.er3', but e.f.ero le that dispatching and reeelviriz pont- ahmrtageofo1'mater iss -1irla eceoing- il'u'y l'vim mmici slrmaily tu wi cftrès are Col i'veivuid. lhe dlfflculty t>. caneot ire tIîred. Josi have a liH "e)'fîmter musess lic FI-.mmlislmi aimglîg restint In terminal offices ret i, ý e patience and those cars yl lie In 111,grxiîitmîer l.4voumnifmrîily c(rre. transfers are niait. Chicago being le service belî,e e tfiie for &gunimuer mi hu hb!lie ilotlim omu tm1i,ea adeplorable Pandiilon in tiis respect. outi ng. lr I, "boa, smi ut> mmie Our Spring House-Cleaning Salé CONTINUES TO SAVE THE PEOPLE 0F THIS VICINITY. CONSIDERABLE ON FTJRNISHING A COMPLETE OUTFIT, AN EXTRA. ROOM OR EVENA SINGLE ARTICLE. GOODS HELD FREE AND DELIVERED AT ANY TIME. - BELOW WE LIST A FEW 0F THE SAVINOS: REED CARRIAGES (C'mne L-otini prodtîcts. assorted colors and shapes, up from REED ROICKERS$ A special trip iii Grand, l+pids briaiglit Reed ni)- holstered rockers 5o patterns up fronti DAVENPORTS N il h og- hetter made îîa n a Kodmîr. Largé -setîtoiî U11 frot LIBRARY. TABLES \l;îlîîgamv and tOak large t)pe, hcavy has;e.- Siiecial for tis sale. $19.50* $A.Ousx. \'ac swce1e r $2(5 Columbia Grafanola L.arge Cabinet witli' six selectiomus uofî'ur owrt uh îLe for-011ly $122.55, JEWEL GAS RANGE Cabifnet style,- 4 large burners. A $5500o value .Orly 142.45 DUPLEX ALCAZAR btins coai m ai. nd 4.iulgris. Sîmeci ai île îît. iii t rat ionmu curig 'ile. SELLER'S CABINETS -limhe ui ServnI i ii uit 1 lutitse." Ct no lino ue tlianui otimer gouud eab uîti . Speciai i anl'ad S"rc- Velvet Stair Carpet Sik roils eecircd îhirotigi iucky pîîrchasc, -$300 grade fur this sale 27x54 BRUSSELS RUGS -A. large scece ion to etimmse froni. For this sale $1.89 $io.oo SPRIIýGS $645 ,tar.mitii for 20 icars. Ntit wil aleer bu> iv m agalîl ai stch a 1,,%v price. $14.00 MATTRESSES- fi) Gittoli lelt comna- tion en cuir, Gt c uto- nîjrrîiw $5ïntiîm-e 43. . c. Storpréeeà VOL. XýÇVII.-NO.

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