7- S PECIAL For Thursday -and Friday Womén's Brown Vamp-Seude, quarter-high wooden'heels; width A to C; a $ 12.50 value, at $10.75 EVEY aHELEAD'ER *BUE EVENING 108 S. Genesso Street MONEY AL[C CARS STOP AI' OUR DOOR EXTRA! - EXTRA! Bad-weather conditions and the need of money force us to sacrifice At Terrific Reductions Thousands of dollars worth of High Grade, New Seasonable' Shoes m Pumps- Oxfords. 1 Eveëry' pair. of Ori. lot Sai i nd un tlai89C pl ar i b er ...... .4 Tii i ol, tttrLoe 2 .45 'ki 14and r d TAUn le alier 4.8i $7.6(, Oxfords54 Al leaiter ..54 Pumps and Oxiordir'6e45 Citd'a sPurnls 18 $2.5.0 values ... . 89 13.00 Girle' Pumps Ail Bîzes ------- -1.98 misses, Pwnps . .4 $4.00- Values ......24 Tuue ad Oxtords 4.8 shoes must go or value regard less «of worth Mit-us (lx ards $7.0 tiJaluva . 5.85 Nlin's Oxford-i.4o $If titioxfîrrd't tan & black, al aizes 7.85 One lot Met's work ichut i........3.95 Ladies' Shoes 1 8 Men's WHp~loij, Sîbti value .... 19 Leather i riti ........34 ladiei' Shues 29 Iota Scuffers 8.00j Values ........ .5 $3 .54)vaues 2.4 Ladls-r' Stroca 545 110 i ti es0( Tan, cloth top ..-. .Ail s .....z.......2 4 Men's Slioes Men's Sllîpeis $6.60 value$s ..-..4.85 AIl lesdher ............ 4 *Mens Rompos Mlastic on ides 9 . EXPERT SIIOE RIPIRING OUR SPECuAL Y. - ý ý,-- -il Heas u- Wà t e aune lum .ep~u p Us atd" Wi. >x-,BîwnWtsea Rataarefondet UUfl tie ~ p~ n~" akiJuW Trk5wr.i fltDrUce. lÀlCior Lrea a Ford lpaBre ig material of eteetrie wires, and aruIt .on fte ahr ho Xet over esponsible fer màn>. of thse Orsa. cheer wli efol s d up the sanilwieef aid 'tire. Reward. W. A. Ibed to tdefeutieluisulatio[." Tite> Clans uit a»' Put nt away ln tihe i- Kamr*for of Nol-th Sirore Pianio 5op. se gn&yr.hoies In lead water U*v jtA ~Wa,îkegan. -Phone 21ÏO. e'y it Ôur Spring H-ouse-Ceaning Sale stili continues -to save the people 91 Lake County éouisider- able money.- Don't buy before you corne, ini and learn how rnuch we will save you oil your outfit. Thousand of dollars worth of furniture are stored here FREE for our customers- some that wiIll ot be delivered for six rnonths. I STAT.E'S VOTERS cr FOR 1115. VICTORY CvLa lnt.cninent lmet rrlIgbt1 onis-n e to 3 n Illinois nas: .Sorne tfrrre aego 1 atated that 1 wîruid urake nira mtrpaîgri in ite irtale for indorsarnent aithe prer-Iderrlal primary, but titl1 wouli reiy uIlo My officiai re'od.I 1adhered tulite 1esolution titan formed. Il, lirerefore la most gratlfying to me tiraI the people of Illnols have given me In seo generotis a measore tild- sentant. Again 1 titeni ttan, wltli il]My elirt for titis reuewed ex Pression of titeir falir for me." -TH-REE MEN SEEI< COUNTV CHAIRMANSI4IP. Tire Republicain couîîty centraîl con- mlice will intlIn %Vaukegan on the 26t for oi'ailaztion. Andiindications arm' tiat li ie~ha nterrv avent, for todate tirere--are three avowad candidates for lte po- sition of- chairman anld eports are -ta tei-nray 'fie--ne rwtlDl. Promrtani anlnng those vito hav beenrinentioned te date are: William Bl. Smith, Waukegen. pres- ent counry ciRsirman. Willam tmtonInglesîde. super- viser from Grant. William F. WpIss, Watkgan. for Mer county chiarnan. *Messrs. Smith and Streilon were avowed candidaîtes -herore the edc tien Tuetdsvamiad eaeit had maie a cranvass of lthe prospicCtive maInibr of the commltee. Esoil bai s-oturati maly pleigeq, Il ls sai. Mr. Weliss Il la atated, bas aiso beau -tuletly building his fonces an<i deairai agai Io haeebairuran cf ltheconmmit iîc e was chaira-an Irricr IlMr. Sinilits, ternu. TIhe chairrnitrîr) under lte new law uov in effert, is cunsirerd (Icit, imore limpoiltîntjI.au e. er bof' re. lui fetcitahécorrnly coîuml ians aF lot miore uow r Ian il ver%(r ddI n r ni firet laie ioremirers kolti ofit cp t' fýour yeaîs rw w,he." i-t 'j-îst1u holsi but 1rivu tears uIn vet, of it be -r ing' presîslenial y'-ar ift saise, îr agu tirai lthe rosýtriX on titreconiurlec11 and the chiairmanelrijr arnorunrs ro a lot more titis * ear titan Ilor R. '1V. Chutrchîill v-as men io ce, s;ome lima eo a. Iros.ils'ca ndi- btl hailt e-' diicd il t he was net seeking ft. 'TI ris. w 'b tlitrtre ni'owesl caneidatiss In the fieldi and ' th rersporis that tbcre av e o iîther-,,il lbol., as i lte meertrirîrritle 2r.rh rinnpmeý1 a mro- i excirting ardr i btr iyv rriii( t t Accordlrin t ie Ex aiýivtîn id.-, ts 1auk gar tirrttv rir o lîrdig in Eva îr tvir ralf,%d%. spai' WThety gri ii arrvi or Il. Morair andi W Il. 1rit't I, Irlictel et.iitheriiii tic , fnrrrrrr'larr r n Evan,i,o n liti ur1. Sudte I ligland P,.rk î r' "ir4r nt rf thre Nii lrteEit-'tli r. li Ic i' i-a re-tloi hdtrixtirg si IllcerîrlId crf1 45 itrîvriarr hoirrr.Titi' ulri',n i- hit t ir. Bttdie r, ir su r u rn Irrg fat ,ri tlie ele!<trir ir rt btlitii uindsil iiinrpor'ib!e 10'I t-il 1<4w î1 wt heuie i. iii a nooor car. liepard a fine of $15 arrntrd , LOWCEN SWEEPS LAKE ColNV I ('iriiItrU l 'r'o.r l..t'lEr ti"' fot rPle(ir'cf coiirittru ertat. ('Ianle', iuirt't ieriri 'j, 3,n alr.t ttttt Cr'it1er billot 'Ln 'iritgr Stotli jni11.. -tiiur'ad A. II-N -'i-n lii I r1 c 5.v.d I n u V rnlîr, ,Sitti, icc rr', IevrMirtru' incri iceiNi il 4;î in ii1, Thnd roi,'i 1, MartinCIIrocitir (tii1, e re v 2 Inir l Cubaa ion rlIip thire '4crit Lr -re Rhibitcarr .ri-nt"-1ersr'ronr tre, Iir1iqtNire .ie' . .nnen:c'iug 43i. -i'r tI Pi ggr-dandI C' Il.Mllier L initrrFl t rirîvi unreicoclt llettry Ii .îcîn rtr eiy re 'cil.vd an îidI Rt,,i c 1rhorsi . 5In Beutoir Sixîh inn<t Arrnir ri - i thi i.i ce coîir, Ln Fitir tuwnitip Eriril 1 retti1)cted ~d91 vol, tlrIi. r' air- Io a crmntri n \Vattire lanNo. I. Plîank GîrItciŽ,, ctviitg 12 a'il Johin IWa.sni4wsliii 52, in N'est t ýýiIi'1d William tiaduiv dI f( ateul AIrlrit Antes hy a vorte: of G3 to 4i2(en th elirtlican "I-îlot I n IJserfiel'd No. '3, Wii ali t, Er îr.ri tit-lr).)ecIled 67vcts. Ilr mat' noprposcd. ied W. lluck in1VnruleganNo . ci5t-8-i tvotés,.lunl"ceuîont GpuorgIl Tarniji-frt-ti ,Ariglut W( riz. .42 la St t-i.ce iruitlicîrrei uInWitr' keptin No. 12. Tom fBacon OtIti) r rr I-nl 41 voiese. 'Ii re Nvas cousude ible cacrti'iu uit, lu Wa';trktgait No. 4, witere Juas " lilz i.dricalter FotiW. jiuc.rl_ bu;th tifi1,rrlinrcairs, liy a vote rtor;96ta :>- . a Att.,'IihNo . A,.N. Tiffaniy ilîtoalcî L,. il ice- by e 69 to U5%il t'- otl. Il, pIi. an. lu Wtia'cg.în Sco. Il. Tii r 'ulciyer <Rep. i rri ci 57 votes. Irt waikegan No. 1, Willratr P.i NViýe..Itaffated W. . Srilih1(19 1 49.titic W. Ijiv"rer r>eivlIirg two vi'- Vatikegall'No. 7 gava W . SarrI>on 1Il voles eand Harry lloyt 61 At Lire- Villra, Scott Sv-voy uured In (en ire Republirran ballot. oner George îlt-r"',bsru vole' of 9.1 ta 85. J. Ham Lewis Gels One- JIlStiaewis reedilgul one vota on lite »>Inocreîiie ticket in We't hieer- i-lt HertieroiltIool srr-eeivod- bits higlisul vole in lýaeO Couury In Sitielija No. 4. vitere 'ne .Pclled 12 votos. - Ncr'-u 'agent- f '-r VW'av S ;:gc". S; i 'l'.lire nrll(-, C-,nrr- fi-rt lle t .. ti ly Fedft '-'e-. cnhinatirn fill ciI, ciIl rl 4.o. to r. trii.'only $9,665 Cever your floor wIthx .new LInoleum. Special Cougolvum oi WILrON 'VIELVE' H-all and stair rcrpet- th 3.00 kind .8 $4 Patentled Vac- uum Sweeper, 40 to be sold for only LLOVD'S LCOM I 'a r i;g '. .ît'rag rr the FtNv!e uni 11? tr t, v À mil- r:p frcnt $7.65' We carry 100 Trunks, 200 Suit- cases. and Hand- bags on bhind. uy yours to- morrow and save a five-dollar bill. j Now Qfl Display At Our Show Ro.m The New Improved ROTAPEX 'Electric Washing Machine (with Power) Swinging Wringer. Cylinder Bujit of Heavy Zinc with GalIvanized. Ends Phone 428 for Demonstration IN YOUR HOME- Manglers Now ini Stock WARNER ELECTRIC CQ. S234:Norfil Genese Street COWPLET Ini exeavlàting for i b@ te to erect at Nil Fo0x Lake, Janiesi krrown r- .f-nt of te l'rg t- flftî'en foc Ira .' i , »Id-liidi<Ïü n t e trîit alil tox Lak n 441-t p' éver .J1 ]' Ci.' otirg I o drouc' liiview lt rf dttyrr Miiaie ridif coiitpr'hî-n"r ce of In anry llr'overy ever.mi Thtthe axcavator chttan ls dcatedb aogthe boefa end women werre foui a horst, the 'contlusi thea Indina nlu 11, tac ur,î,al customn of buryl borriè witb hlm ai de: SKELETON.9 ARP SeveÙtean akuils, t otheî' boues wlrich ime les of the Inians wer tilde rt"he'iffiie's Fkelî lntareu.tilug didrî 11cm, thos Who surveyed t te unusual graxe-. been attracted 1to rs krenily Interepted ln Il * every one Of thl,, siu Q eoteeth. '1 .*utiat the ground down. Indicatlr liasethat the ildan Of food that cauRed foum satheir akeIeto mides. the teeth oft are ground ln surit a &ilaîs mfde-clert it pi ailinial Regrain anti ATTRACT WIr'E 1 The dirvrvery il lth -ha,- caused vurlosity se. lu lthe vlltag" suad doze of the Indiat., have b aY "s as ouv. mIrs. Tii hitim . Ie.i, e rhen 1ronies aund n1w orar D Ii- - J 4,f l'va ri i1 tiho,-lovcal1try 'Ithe 'a., Ici' <au--lriew-jui, -t la ge 14, ri'îrrirk; thhn Ie day COrner'.thiiie Indiens, fille a1ifhogcuriug tit Mirlrr li'tri. lfa r tai ainrilar d-t r ne tî fk",'î-r s eain bî'f,,ce-ira' sur h a, a, bi-ni .- b r,rîIzt inl le l'ie ii- i ii An One of t forced tq age of ti TIIÈ GLOI FOR SILII SLOGAN 'llTHR Boy' and Girl"' Ilsoas, ail 4Wathers. i2.65 Boys' and GIrlsî' 3 Dreu Siroe -. .. -a LapLý LnwfsT PMI 5f ON fHE BRýL)Cf F;Jý,NlfUWF THF WHiTE. ýIq-)NT Ti- ts -ir' it !"t-.' a in t(a Range- titex vr iIl 42.45 de-r ...4i2lt.45,l