CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Apr 1920, p. 7

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LIBERfVMIL INEPNDENr.. THURSDAY, APRIL 15. 1920. w A> s ac' k1 e . *.u1'1 t%, Il'1 10 r) *î'aC; at ViePre sideoti i r. JST CO. GUARANTEED ILLINOIS 00000000000000000 00000 ooo00 oo00o0000000!LDDV his four are x-ced to 1enefi I. MLLB Rà A1 IILDDIaTot as tlos SPE» Boys CIIAL LAKEVILLA . oa:0 ................: YPUT. mz:laz~ î L.EN6Ew-R Â S4K Raymond Bartleti was home wth hise Mr.andiMro. A. Ford and children CAR- IC ACID mi ae.iaeFis.$t cc tMr.catd Mit. B. J.Hooper vn o Ralph Chîttenden of Gurnee caUElleil.ousaNevins ono.iv B'.r on isINi F TEa;.UEt daughti*, I E ast i>îcîsîycn siret,. th~i U IE ae t ertho weekenad dMr. H- e arone vl teMt Ceeland, <'hica INfl T Hiî .l cp M a ag r S b w rt o 1 h. the ch ldren rem aîned lor a visit w itfi T A d aut h er w as born o M r. an d M rs. 12 r0 ra0,u000.' S' ke . n Buiinil Mnaer charz fthereaiivsLeon Strang at St.Jobun, md.. remaitly. AlbeLake FOI-estZio$City Lait Waukegnn Sped Boys beaketbali 1Alalvs. rUrB pay' n,.of'nsnabeonstCfity,00 thum today libtlia e lsed a challenge tMr. ansd Mrs. Morrîson went 10 Chi j. . trang waa torinerly a resîcteni of fNfrb.inBi fr i- lal h atrus.eiie neof SAbIn0 j.a Tuesday to thse Orayalake basket- cago Saturday. Mr. Morrson returned Ami., rter0 . tsg lianen fo rihe chamnpionshtp or La ke. oiday, but Mrs. Morrison and m yur twr o oc ildTdy ai' iese r.A$50,000hfor t herAt b.'- bailaçgraao to uy aseris ca M 'Chicago came Tuesday to spend a few - ue of hicagoan$50 .000 for 1frthés Camille. re'mained for a few days. !ueo tcaoad$.u, e i J. N Tuner Maage Gryalke Tsaxlia puchaed he ia>days ai the home of A. H. Stewart. That lier l'and. Aihvi Spcray. Young WoensCliiistian a%. , ai A. C. bmketball teamt accpted the W Mrs. Mable Mahon and sier, Miss plhdpwee ableat nler to fLaie1oet rliallene. hIlamnot knownatti iurecottage and rolted there last ,,in.toan ei'orto iill liii TIlont,'AAS. Chandler oj Guto.'.'wlaose fine tsie 1ao. moanygaInes wind lieataMearieuMe-eBae Adamse of Chicago speni the ' week lof the charges maBile by 'lr*,,,Sarahllarxe home iras destroed by lire on' lualpoaiit h is am eze aemoved m lot ielower fiat edwîi hijnce .A.Mr E. nl~. Spray. 2718 Elimials anue ,'lonFebruary 22, ai a bs of about $f6OO lxiailprbablut ti.'fîri ameKeoie hae amily. :('ily, ln a bllI for divorce file(] n ir lias loat Do time in rebuidîng. Tii. wlll bc played ln Waukegaii at the et1flie Barileli collage, wliclima Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aciten and clil eu court ai Waîîkegan MccclacThi. mrof la now going on the eiglt rocini Hîgli ïchoiol gyni 001.'e v. iiing net It i'ad by flic Truax iaiiiiy. dcifKnni icn udya h s lie thiril ne,'Nlrs. Si..> Ias steel bungalow lie la building. s .ek. ie fl c'a set u a'a te h umband for dl'.tir 'c ,,if r lie' Vili ani Lorm ier '-s iack iii Clai M'on lhtîirsat i, ielng inaîîîfegted Mir.and Mis. A. Kapiile were Wau E.A. Marilnlonîie ci, iîiling in cclamas h. caiw ->ie,'cand lim lien aic inZIn ".ltl In brili Waukegan and Graymlake kegan ciarrcSunaî. A, Hi.Stewart reûeiv.'d wor i'e ,icaili -II. I, îqcùsaafu]. M.ayor Th.ampson anad ied 1.oîadiî an il i cci,,îg iaialaiiihl D S'i eI ' * Mi .J3a ud iS lievo IIIui îna. seiiius ilinesai o! lis daughrier %rs St>le says la l. ci- j hii *lsîuk-th IT. ir i f aj i ,u4kse '-JU lin- nit :î tct4t site iiênc i4cl. . _ both ar-ic li"c e, Tieliergi' tl,. il',-.j'Il .ek. Ecna Peinber, Sunday atlec'nocn, andi ci"r." lila. 1 e(d arTTC> î.a l'-'T .1..,'n p in li.cccîc tti t'ua virilci- 01c,1c' iniiag c e.'nali nd lideause oc unabli' îcc ied ,i n hu aer ' rd îa il ,sIc ,' ,î.'în braa . 1 f 'a'l lile- l agaclci. 'i. liaI i, tIc" ainne'r cfif.. lu--aniplon- licI 1 e t' e ýi nI T,-1.1'a>,ie I o. 110 S ria lh agc' 1.l i -,' c îlac" kicca' îîcg hi-. cho a aid %W.dl -hp i Jc I iî.'alia'v lir" la'.'ave1Auci Xi i. dai ie C 'Oce Saca> n i <t~in# daN-t' hat flic ii' ptcatci aa - ic'n 1111(IcecI 'cuiriLil la,.'.ni Te ichnai. ta.%i«c.iiJci ll, c , micMr 119111l 'Il. l ca a.lic i Ici XX ,cca;t k.aiia ca te.d by a,,I uc lae l .acc ,i as fbelli at Iilc il'icla X 'i,'.laca , Ii' ' ;i ( lii c',I " c ci , aIc t tw 11 li, - . TO ~ ~ 'I-. - .1 ...1 Pi c ,cîs tc iii,îoîe lue lawan anc i e,acccc 'Ill ac ~ licin-"icisa'".* , -, 'c- filet] c c b '.!i c cc 000000000 00000 0000 stîrubs. Jttictîla(tîc'i ccl ;ci,, ac"!cc Il).' ci a't"îi,* caic o S A U G AT U C K ~ Iî is lio>cecl cail t .acccci iiulia6c a ,- ccct cliin." N Mllburn Frits> filcihuslaand pî'oînisc'î'oi...c NAVAL FUND IS INCREASEC "an cI c,' l...n Cc<c0.c ',Tfi N.. 1,dci' .1c '.. " . c,, .'iaciac0.> iaccui aia... .1b -ccIlc'c' ..l'Ii oooo oooo oooo ooo .. cas a.',.ccii' dc.,.,c cc .1 ;,i.,, s ~ \',,* hi'a '.1.1 fl I1a- ' Vca car.. ),ca ii 'dî,, d T> M r. cci11wIcIfli % cl! cccIig 'il iilIji.Id Ic c,. 2c. l n dia' . .nl XiI cc' a. 'c.. c iac, ,cl,' i'1 cca 'c ci. ccli, u ci c". c.. ..~ iiccil c c t.c,. .i.'cai.T '.ic I.'. t, Tarchan . . .cc jcc'. d u c c. c. . c,'i , ccc 'aîlicccd I. '. ai'>.lic a,. ., ilîîa'î u .ca c s, 'c': i,, . ~ 't .c'.~ c. .~ l, ',,,. S cclSc cicll .lfac c i. ..ailî M li . T I c' 'a d I;iLîl. I ;n lci cIn ,, .c:. " ~ ~ . , cc c'," ~ c c.,' ~' ;~licilcc',l..~ c , , - , ' 'i,,laehuiis.'la .lcclcciicî;: ci c ' . cTcî ccic.7cl cin .' 1.. I. . . . .rc 1 et Il lot- f;! c..,l 1"ch A in.: A -li ro'c '.Ina, tvur> ca I.c',cca,, . icut, ic,~ -"c . ' ' ' ' c1. li%,..rcfIî 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 0 CURNEE 0 1 0 0 00 0 0 0 f00 n 0 ccc T Xi, tic . i THE 1INDEPENDENr 'v .- o0 oa dr.,Y îsad rv'.'.pacr co x Lakte c...y 'a ýXO0Sx0 O Ox 0x x0x 0 ras 'Il .1 " T, i% il c ý co '!If.l~ca' LAKE FOREST TRIO GET B16 BEQUESIS IN THE BIAKER WILL il ""c I 'T, 'cli I.! 'I ci 'I ~. N ' i ., i i ' ' i 1citi1 c',lilc't d Il.'1 c îa.t ci cIcc [acc Ic, l'p i c il 1 1,11 lio-u' c ccl 1Il 1tilc' c cîclcc1ciac c il . cil 1. c I a 1 v Ici.,. i se n T e ndc. ' c ' ai c Anot1her. Blow to The Spresd That Nuters the Bead e T HE CASH- COUPON~ IN EVERY PACKAGE SAVe.S YOU FOUR CENTS ON EVERY POUND AU\HE FOLLOWING DEALERS: WM .WALRO'..Libertyville 0. H. MOLIDOR. Ldbertyvclce Rubcn's Dept. St'ore, Wau'kegan Reardon & Wail. Waukegan. A. G. Taylor, Waukegan J. M. Bcdinger, Waukegan TRIGGS & JOHNSON, Labertyville R. J. LYON, Arta Wclliams Bros, Antîoch i:ellebracd & Shultis. Artiodli R. A. Guthr.dge, Waukegan The Rocktefeller Co., Zior City * If any deciler tells you that "EV-RE-DAY" is like any other. and1 be convijnced. WISCONSIN BUTTERIjNE CO., Iâake EstabliKed 1858 Phiip Jaeger saT0h. \ al 'oPeslollry T h' le t r,'sa ed s, A 1 1 arandi Eggs. Gen rai1 ,o or . alconelignment G eneral aaa T i is lthe tl~ lies i.' on ile 't r.'et. Tag~s an. l;. i s tîaînarliepd on a,- Commission plcaio old Siorage FREE. Stalle 1 and 3, M erc antFulton Street Wholesale Market, M eir hantCHICAGO, ILL. Classified Ads. ini The Independent secure resuits. Give theus a trial and y'a will ble convinced and wilI neyer miss the cost. lie Security Bank and over «Net ,At"stc snd Pacific Tes Stores WAUK EGA N wh"é I.i4 having remodele~ snd aU ree thet conduct ~ of âà pr"dce in May. Thie ênreste part.cuîarlyl thoe h. -dvertj@ed Dr. Sutier had quit PracUjce anid the towfl SP. E. iIILDEBRANDT REXALI GOODS AND COUGH MEDICINES St"" Bock. FancySta!ion.ry Co~dieery ToietArt 'le. P«.» uy Doumit,d'T.y PiIYSICIANs' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefufly ComFounded- THE RE)(ALL STORE GRAYSLAKEs ILLINOIS R. WENDLANDj GROCERY AND MARKET DEALER lIN Omerai Merchandise S STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES DRY GOODS, NOl ION BOOTS AND' SIIOES MATS AND CAPS HOSIERI Country Produce Bought'and Sold Phone 107-J LAKE VILLA - ILLNOIS 'c.a i cci. îî ' . ' .. 'il ciSc. iaachtcc~ , a:, 'c IcisU 16799 DIED .11.1 la.,î c %îccl,'>c..' w'vYork City alonc 'f7or-i kd. Xi - iai I ia'...,i,',,'r 'îr.'bleasat year. Don*t aliow c rTucsday. »-5tf11 b-corne a viclm b; Mc 1 c- 1 Ic . l.i~ c :t!cinLpair. i and aches. Ouard o,cr taleiandcisa-cc î ai cl',r'k at dbs tr5 Ulbe by trirl. ThI i i. lcast week. 'rici'I, "V 'iîT l~'cai a-c .lo GOLU MEDAL lipld a husines i îîî.î iig Mrcnclaae%,c, nlng. and C(lairles lianilîn 'mas leccil, * ? u presideni b ltaie the ac f M".ccl M Dqai'. wlo liats rcîisil dIi. poitiocn c rbl. woeld's ntandord rernedy for kiddny, in tlie 4ank lie.. ladder an4 unie cid troubles. Fred Barlett. who lis bevn working Hofland'a national remedy since 1696. n Kenoalia. la; ailiome 00w and work Almrgglnti4 îhree site&. G uaranteed. Sett~e-. eM .wl- u cng in ii'wn. n.etelU o*ooo oooeeoooooý bdet INS LE asIDE: Obeient? lNilESIîE axar. clw>Amy Eieetritai Applianee Mrs. ElnuirStickeia iof Graylake spent Wednesday and Thursday ai the â ye .MmD"i- hoeeof lier son liere. ately when Yom .onneetfil Tiie card party and home bakery te any Iamp socket and sale gcsen Vsednesda) evening by the hI*on lie'euiront. M) si î' Workers of Grant L.odge was a great auccese. Mr. and Mrs. B. Grice of Antiocli mcie cailers;liere Sunda> co o ic l lienr> Siantian of North Chicago E on mias a Sunday visîtor here. 1 Tom won'[ consîder the Miss Lîllitan l'BoyIe leli Nlonday toi, few pence the use or any Chicago, wtîere sh.' has accepted aI one of ihem will add to poiiBon. o onla îeuî)d O our nionthly lit bill. MissBesie Nr(o ha reirne tomuch lesi; 10 paiy for tlie Chilcago, alter a.ienjding son iiaaTile à( atissfaction it affords. iei home licie. Miss ,cLaura liuciiaiait oahicic siieîliiie .' eck end ai l iai 5liiiiTll.-a home ere.W e Seil Mis. P. iS. Molei l afiiisoîil, IlicliiT. il c' vi*e ii tlors ai iieacJocli i. ane hioie A Tcinda c hTa i lll .1SauTT'U.î> Electrical vý -nin, gvenby T lit M. W. W..'a.s wuli aîiended. IApplila nces Mis Bessie Kol,îî' ii('iv'iw~inT Th( veen ihMs iretSa Washiný Machines, Vacuum lien STikels maa i nI I o lWi Cleaners, Irons, Percolators, Friicay. Nlr. and'M i s.Withaa,î in î,ehn Toasters, Cooking Utensils, 1 laaarIed fic ',rha Ilait) .iFrijîa 1, moi'njng. Fans. Portable .launps Aliert Ilecluci of ccc"c.T? 1' wocek Ponl ail cs iiaimcer' h,ie i.î _____ Charîles llîlaraîi~l igh 'TTcI ik Saîs a busilacia, isi4o*ierl., 1y hc, XiNlili"IAXMENTS diq. x 0 x I x 0 x0 NxE0 0 x 0 x x0 x Public Service Co. x most widey read newspaper hi x of Nortineru Ulua' Uo Lake écunty. o - Xxx 0a xo0xo0x 0xo0xo0x 0x rO[JR HOME IOWN BOOSTERS -~II These Merchants Will Serve1 W. F. FRANZE, Ji. Lu" e- Coai - Fsed 1Ly yt -Pay for What You Buv-*G o ýt tO0 What You Pay Foi' 4- libettydiI,Ma. 'HARDWARE CO. ad Fara Impernents, and Steam Heating Sheet Irou Work r N. Swm Syle and Durability Nomen and Children ilwaukee Avenue rse & COMPANY rnishingtand Shoes thing for Men" STOF iGTO EVERY- EAT &JOHNSON Telephone Se SCHANCK Hlardware as Pl"ning a Tin and. Phone 39 RAY c Shos of St 1. For Men, W~ North Mil ,j4 Gents' Fant "Evýerytl n leSD THE BES TH'IN9 TRIGGS Serve You Wel )Ur Community If we purchase oui ecesatis'sud buzvies from mial sarwhoussa we ore uot loyal tô Our Asasciates in Il. commuaiy, Leesuse vs tins. show no appredi- ta of thek sudeavoas t. supply the membtiof tht co.m..ity with thege things. W. sre mot helpîng oui suoeistes te mai"ai their estahuishmsts, which csn b. mcceaufuy operated onIy with our co.perstion mad upuSi. If w. sumd our dollars to the mail order houss~ we cau only expeet that the time wil quickly corne vhs. we Must tnd to the Mail order houss for eV- erything ve require, hecause it as osly asnirsl that our local business bouses -wilI bec... discouraged if we do not patronize tht. sud buy oui merclaudise froia tht., sud go ont of b"usns. When we pay our dollars ta our associates in the conimuni ty. the store-keepers, let us do it cheerfully and with a feeling that we are providing for our fu- ture welfare' Let us forget the attractive and often misîeading descriptions in the catalogues of the mail order bouses, and remember the kindly. friendly spirit of our local dealers who strive earnestly to ment our trade and m-ho, wvhen everything has been carefully anaîyzed, gise us inuch better serv ice and more satis- faction in the end than Ite can expect from the mail order houses. TRADE AT NOME Support, the Town that Supports You M F. C. NORNAN Groceries, Fruits, Caudes Tobsacco sud Ou REE NOTOR cOUPANT HUPMOBILES Telepnom 8 H. W. ROBBINS WOODWORKIN COMPANh Woodl MilProducts Exterior sud luttrior Finis I ANGWORTHY'S Variety Store WILSON & ORY, 'Tords" and "Fordson Tractors, M _________________________________________ u M Y-ora tigger, Yetter cfibertqoi11e axa- 1~Â ni! You Quickly and fl-n F~orest, Phione 22 Ru 0 0. -Al PA(4v. SPIX-Tu -

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