CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Apr 1920, p. 3

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O 00 000 00 00 00diinr, ;of'GraIhm.ake, rguet i-hr c s eda eeyon I Ilno, Cuu f Lake,s. MISION RIE TO WITER'WH ÀT RO E0Y A TO0TRU KS0I: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \\Ha oaNubes a< M -a Ir. AXEonandMs.An p idi r n i l nd Atun Ind h a l 11 Wmb ch ak Cun il nl speint a few day_ a1iwr'n'- e tri, nwu11 n\1ulnib na do alier as somle se ý;1Iar a oss Iveep Lake for* ilw s unjinw . i-a InIn utb tiw aiaco f hn s n been Ilioiamigmehuaebin SWitchmien"s $trike Causes dnand pormwmb natAorèn er o he 6 lna .aeoa ra solý 1lýn, f din the o e teClerkof said eorted 1to udaalong with Ihe BIiibI y. . EadMsJeEu andndnue l - nun MworhotItd bnu ic"1111 ilnnt ma ar Alvin 1T'Fishmian of Chamlpagneanl r 1ya w ' lw4F7dHogin.Mr ndMn ar en o srinnu ea a n.Wunysuain-and ex ei agriculturist, jIs t irm loi ie:ý7 1 ;vn bhe .y77 1 .1 el North and South Routes. MHn lli ss Laura n ;hae ad rnaa -e " eeI',Nil"o"""" ! >"""" o pro ia m issionaies to be tient by the A ,il l Ii. v i li itby Leonard, lot Ch!i( i. Mirs Talch tilts be-en q a rinlh!te ofN .Mo e n a e'scan t e n dun e: (nlted Statesf)t tachmodern ar iing on country radsa Ir.JonLoadan'au fl, but Iiimpriiovin. iunab n ,A n r rn oic hrfr eeygvdt U ltura, l ethods to a picked group o ed hh ('fn h, s <!aan. or 1..h0à ,can't; fail ti l: Villa, w ere w eek end i im eo! T he GG . class of thw S unday S ,chool1 in z w esh -eM and an whber um y l- h t e a iim nam ed defenda n t. Elai natives nSouth India. Nlir. FiAhman a i ar idlatst I ec nc alz hw t troubl a fiew str ik- ar. a n irs. James Leonai and ii I fl liold a socl atý[fi.the moies a ai I i ae.o Nchlst tteab en m d was selec(ted flr*fle wor.k by the tboard he r , ;f owing forl n- a ara ri.l I l a canTul:I O te011 ho fi le-re ter 'of Ir. and hi', lyIn IIh., h rh iis week. on Fi <lay niht. IIuh I or ius w-k Als. Janoi-s I uilU zIIif\a tNc ols iatfle lien id of mnanage r f he Amnerican Baptis i:il- there i.-alt,:os1 a continuou)') hach.ll NIlis netty Janre. , e hai ind serve refreshmeiknts. You iar-efin.' Kinz, who h Ias beeni lt tor sv ml c pnan heretofore filed Is bill Foeg M sinayScit.tolwn w f tortucký. hatrljng sup- surniia atfthe church. lited. moh.Il wals,,:,taken nmeih worsI . and I;: compflamt min aid Court on the i eision 1,iKto Il- il i i l :ea hi g e ceauflha v apai n and :roi Chir agit that (Ir- À,ii di.s rict sellioum eleer ,l %l: ar.l At ih- i l l i on T Ia 28 ,. reos y sdoubitill. hancery idle thereof andrthai a sumn- niIture pairt Imso nary ork. CiIl1 on-f winl r heatApil1 fd na: ly ar. shippe d by expreý ord1,,1e1 rrwasele(c(l i nu the \>es.weire east in favor of drainag;e E A. Wi1,>n was ia Chicago buineiiss an hs isud urof ad C ut tobecosn lwna or are no going by mnooto. Ies Hamlin wasreh ! Six pr-oposition. Wm. Bradle.Famtes Ke-rr Miss llotffman, a Chicago nurl was i "The issiornay ho -carries rlginTheseheavy truký are tt rn envoerrw reprseh' b 4 w ad- .niarerwee ledeitus, esut .1rtadersihA.i>utaerniir dy f henet er etero and .educa;tion to t he millions of na"( idw t i oadis and inuiinerou maih- o einiterest, fesand C. \\ Talhott ,Irk over lthe week end. to Ib,- begun*t and held at the Court lie f ida"sidbr hnn e 7tU'1: Hsad epr ¡n gi tstuick. G enayraap Nlr>,,Ora BarnsRtable spenw ' wek The biy >of' Nirs. im sasisær ofHo .in heCt ofW u gan bw, b [e iaM dudnu con u a l *tacil Rye poit-- Grcat Lakes wmas Iblock..d toen»Id %with hlersister, in CHe4 Hebert, Evereit and T. Nelson. was Priest Closes Church toad unyo Lake on the first Monl- by 'w insuo wil eah it proe m n i Mr n al 000 severYal hours Thursday by: a inured Ailitnumber of ladies. lasi Teniday. tbroughz t fr-om Elgin for burial at Nlona- dru ueA 90 a sb a proved methods of f ar-limg aland so hli i.rI)l1_r M lll. . ueuntil se-veral Itais of mer-chan- , d.teirdinen o 1JUpnna A.4 oniue15.2h1funaawasWea ersofLow Dre se -IEî iiives Tý_112il T 1ï-if-er w rÏ nei ýMTi rul e-renovd otir r nd gave '.Irs. Snyder a t esur. held aitithe homle of HlerbetNelson, p oe iA ;~ _-¯-¯O h ep rd li bc ui sru pn ýar 'ailon Gondition of wini w wheR, il yearn he1 redeeýp dt<eIolarhs, is ary .ihtenld.w r an h iA. n deyf ak ila7371 or aOalfo r enr n thS . i in noigten ew paseof m* aIlw: ipr.c Ilanorm..f te ra a ha oitan t ia ndan1ce rat this bouniteous s and chur-ch conducting rthe services. Alarys Catholiechurch notices ap- Dlated c Waukeg, l linois, this 9th siiteinayw r. l i I rigo . a t a a mitw prl1 ea ynoabl ocialaii ni onui, s Nirs, Addie 31anzeran old and high. p-eared +>day-saying that "entrance didate ectency of the1oard, aid % a -for te III tn earm was One Iàtalleýd imachin,. confametyrsetdrsietoiu ilg fr it htcuc i obdeow m dyo pi .15 "This is afn-ew d-*oIlI,1,ml(nt, di-ieeld i4 , r cent- load of tlqaicaie l enir.>- r t ir Fan aminan1lu1<,uh an eaers ased awou lay fondy a t h wear ingl ow-nck d dresses." u dTh LEWA i S B OCK AY on after we beandt il Itre>rts of mu Condition oIIIy ayi-ar sowa-big ttrurks wr n.poialong ters.iae he. Su nd fomi Lae 1 oelck a e.ome of her daghtriname oftheev. Fath e . NoaThClrkofSai Cur sionatries in ti «.The n e la s "f e ti ri t of a normal. two -yeai- at 1ergularinlter-vaL ountyme hospit.S a fi 0 aki 1or. Wckenafteb rnean illessasgte nin re t was u aciblidP Memberts lr fS or beenul o empasize by filezriion , dth on-year.a sera , hin road is alto gting it soPal King, who bas been ;rhomue,ý many months, duringiwhich ftime Mrs.f the conigregation said the Rev. LYELL H. MORRIS. dil nso amnoi nia Poos a hriofsidt.h road d itrogtraffic.,reover-ing fromt ilils snn Sunday Wickens has faithfullype.rformed her ovts a feqetl reste n S ctrfrC m liat do natives lifemolloneimel adayro. Portionof LthiBluroa jetsoudth andin Chicago. duries as a nurse. Because of quaM'n- public utterances.against present day do nòt-owrta mak tht eeloduie i noiit t f Lake Bluf, fiareso)adehatRev. Mr. Carpenter, wlit, andl chil-itine for scarlet fever a shor-t funeral telndencies ln women'clothe. april 15 22 29 may 6 li . raine larL! crtopis and feed telir -¯¯ . It at night. To addå i)t hetl dang famuilles, then they will be in better teei arcd fbglg cos -- position to receive spiritual teaching." tlIIiirad jusi north of Lake. Bluff. Sending -out agricutlural .missiona wýh(Ich is apt to cause somiebody to1 rien in but one phase of the expansion -ge t hurt. should rthey, fail lto see fitin 1 I of foreign mission work. The New . time and run in toit . There waisi World Movement of Norithern Baptists noe danger light ,ver the barricade s;tarts a campaligni for $100,000,040 on last nih and a W'llaukegan automnobil April 25th.-and' from futnds rePalized ; P st hadi a close call. The barricadel 11IIl expand in ailldirections, Of-thretEdrycou 'ltdter rsmby oke h total, more than t22,000,000 will be P ou bg rck ro raein ve pr anet n hefoeig mssonfild EM 'SBA SA tion of "*green" road just -uth First In Lake County-The INDE Win $top the tichie iaLke THE INDEPENDENT always pute that makes youCgh ILbertyville firet. STATE T AXES NOT mm 119 JuSt Where and How Is the Money 1 to be Spent? . « S, because it. - tresit of 26 ked up by an' tIve surety of eao )N lithl, vice Presidlent ager. tUST CO. ES GUARANTEED lilGiER; FACT IS THEY ARE LOWER Interesting Facts Given Out at Springfield Regarding youri Taxes this Year. Ibrus f rinaousinqirlf i e r1 vn rLard(ing stat-e Taxe- Frank i ýN,1-anChiairmian of thlt Illni, Tax' Cummisioni, lday gav, ou atn n plaiireL that al-1 i ch tax. in ( ny lcmuities are higher t- hanl th.y> wre la-t yar th,. ýtat1 tax r 1a lihe only rate ouv- r whp ihthe tate as any juiidiction, l- ,, per -nt 1lower.el than in1i i nid ::: p r1 r 1 e t an 191 - ..l upayer uI l examnin e , his ta . ipt M r. N - mn ani -aid. ' ·he um frol hat i, otal tax is miad!, ufrorn the1a-111ntf Stat-ý. Couty pe r.(ax Jn fiois la i al t of a 1al p. 1: ail p. r t hha ri fi i i th I ce jxi N In-a 711 y.ina n rd ato uojust how d i 11 fo.r;n 1 'o them that hi tax- for State puro is ere, r 1y , ri -nt in 191I9 thani n e premdlilth i'la onms i isggesýd to the locali tac\ (oll, ting officials the advisabil. il * % of, unlfoi , mnized rece pts which wouild make it Plaint)o,,the inii vdNiual1 tax, Payer just h wls mme ,was (di%: ldýd., Maniy loclalitits have adopte-d taini frmnmt the, Lawmoe not givý t taeTax Cmisinany auth- oiytocomipel its, use." The rleduction In State taxes has madi poil il tis pointed Out, by Ith-. increased eficiency of the slaitegovernen lt under the Eadmin- i> ra tite code unider th, pre-sent ad- ninist Iaion. POSTMASTER EXAMINATION Aitithe req Ues t of the Postmaster Gteneral the United States Civil Qer- v iCe Comm1ision hias announiced an ex- amination to be held at Libertyville, Ill., on Mlay 19. 19211, for the position of POstmlaster ai Grayslake, Ill. This of- fice hias an arnnual compensation of $1,50lo To be eligible for ihis examination an applicant must be a citizen of the United States, actually reside within the delivery of the office and have so resid ed at thle 1 imie the present vacancy occurred. A pplicants Imust have reached their twenty-first but not their siixty-fifthi birthday on the date of the .exami-. nation . Application Form 2241 and full in- format ion concernmng the requirements of the examination mnay be secured tlfrom the ,eostmaster at the place of vac-ancy or fromt the Civil Service Comi- mission ai Wasim:nfoýn, 1). C., in timie to, arrane for fihe exain atiiion of the aplien ic nt. Misdemeanor to Give a Newspaper False News Alhany. N. Y., Th'le Betts bill miak- ing it al. misdemieanor for any one to wi1lfully furnish false informnation to a newspaper passed the assemibly, 102 to 16 votles. oviln pay yo. Remember when the first aufiobile came to town A businesslike A nswer to a businesslike Question THIRTY denominations coope!rat;ing in the Inter- church World Movement have budgeted their needs, No business could have done it more scientifi- cally. They have united to prevent the possibility of duplica- tion or waste. At least a million dollars wil be saved by the fact that thirty individual Campaigns are joined in one united effort. Each denomination has arranged its budget under six , main heads : that we sold them to you. U. S. Tires have a record behind them.. They are built by the peo- ple who perfected the first straight side automobile tire, who produced the first pneu- matic truck tire. Two of the greatest con- tributions to tire and motor economy ever made. P OR EELIG'OUs TRAININo.-Aà ing t1,e faith Iof'W'hington and L c, oyou thinkthatAmer-c wil cotm eprduce washi. tone andLnolsIffe't h dios out of the ert fit. youth? 5FOR THE CHURCH-s wORK A bROAD. nfue -acaefirst . .rom'he.ret hryyears g.: nearly al1 plagues are oriental Pla..ue.. SI longas one physician.toevery40,000Xýpeopl. jý the Orientw-ill cnineto b. a -nnae. S.olong as.on-thir'd ofthe hbies.of India die before their ,e- .nd year our own babies arePot Wae A Christian doctor or teac.h.r snt abroad is working for America as ruly as though he worked at PREACHRs' SAL*RIEs. The preacher i. caled ithe "forgotten -a."n well he may be. Eight out of ten preac hrsar' paid les0 than0 Ma week 1 POR THE CHiURCH'S wORN A T HOME.A cr.ttncre to ca 1-oradths s oro Amr &aiaio fthe.hrhde FOR HOSPIT ALs A ND HOMES. Evy-ea tosnsften wo ensriulyil-rtunda y foChrh hsiasbecause of Wak of ro.The chIldren'shome. are comrelied t o turnaway more children than they can ree-e. P OR HtGHER EDUCATtON. Of _the 450,000 )Amelirican et udente ln itituti oofhigher grad, on- halfareininttuinfounded and supported b'y the Churchýe>.Many of theme institutie : ',have had nogreat endowent ampagnsbut their needsofr'gershool; an ' ou h-ve nlyto re:,d their litof alu- ni andalumnae tomeasurethe value Of their, contribution t. America, - . Sealect.your tires arc- cording tA, the roads they have to travel: In sandy or hilly coun- try, wherever the going is apt to be heavy--The U. S. Nobby. For ordinary country roads--The U. S. Chain or Usco. - For front wheels--The U. S. Plain. For best results-- everywhere-U. S. Royal Corde. The first thin- a man wants to know nowadays, when he starts ou' to buy a car, is how much it is going to cost him to keep it run ming. It s all very well to take E-ach denomination has its own detailed budget, and will administer its own fund. Your pastor has copies of the budget: examine themn for yourself. In the week of April 25th-Mayld you will be given your opportunity .to help. You can do it with the full satisfaction of know- ing that every dollar of your gift has its post assigned to it in advance. Every dollar, for better America and a better worcl. When your church calls on you giver.-and give with your heart as well as your ppcket-book. United, April 25th Financial to Campaign May 2nd C'e'INTEMRURCH World Movement R. R.. otfSVörth Jmerica raepulictin o tisadtriummt is mad poible throgh th. oprfg of t4ity dumntos L- LIBERTYVILLE INEPENDENT, THURSDAY, APRIL 22,1920. PAGE THREE' - 40"] ILLINOIS ý,jý TODAY there are more than 7,000,000 of themn in t he country. Pretty soon nearly everybody in this sec- tion will-be traveling around in his own automobile' some dealer's word about a Asrpentiv oth tire-if you know who he is ods n ags ubrcn and his object in selling it cr ntewrd ehv to YU you.tto t ie pt Our object in selling U. S. W a' fodt usi Tires is to have you come ttlu agodtief- back fo more-nd beAadere ntivs of sadr uithe United States Tires LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE JOHN N. BERNARD, Proprietor Phone 202 'LIBERTYVILLE; ILL.

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