CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Apr 1920, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT Laike Counry's Bi NDEPENDENT ig Weekly in in es dmie WAUKECIAN WEEKLY SUN PART TWO LIBeRTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, A PRIL 22, 1920. FOUR PAGES $pflý50-PEU YEAJt IN ADVÂNOZ ~U1A r: M tut>' oO e.GLOBE DISH PANS FRIDAY SPECIAL 14-quart gray' enanî-lç-'.rdisipans with bandliis Thé e r-iar.r i25 ,ai- ut Specialir r . dfn Tiauratia)> ofiiy t ...79C \See Our Other A d-v e rtisement inThis Paper SOAP SATURDAY SPECIAL American Pamil> Laiory'Sii. Ever>'oman knos 'h r naine à getalue for Sa-r t 38 tni t bais for, 38 GVALOBEN 11N T- i.à- Our prin Clen-UpSal Now in Progress Here's the sale the shrewd house-keepers of Waukegan have waited for. It's a matchle§s opportunity to dress up the home and lawn at a saving. Are you ail ready for house-cleaning tirne? Better check up your needs and be here early-you'Il be well repaid. Remember we can flot fil mail or phone orders on these advertised items. Save On Latindry Supplies W '~ >'Pa.,r * Clothes Baskets WASH TUBS Theite are large size Hev a s îetb SplitBasket-. that sel In good large sue . - s regial at $ e> a nd ite.. Clothes Wringers each............ 1.29 tie 'sale .... 129 Curtain Stretchers Weil matie tretcher ni(ft statloary -pins. A splendid value 1I no Tlit famioua Anc= branti. Ever>' ne ur anteeti for 1 year. A- great valut at each .... . .8 fo tîssae. iUO WASH BOILER for Large size holer with Kitchien Klenzer heay oppe,Zetto. You al knor its value. StaUionary hantile.A Speciali>' mark- 24C great value 2 ed atO6cens .LCat ........... Sad Irons - Mrs. Patte' Sa t te Irons ln sots aiCofh threeet . <lant Brand j the lino Wash Boards Metium izt boards. - AIl zinc lineti. Ana>' tht>' go 49 at .. ..... .. 9 Ironing Boards Tht wel knownn'Rti- Jiti" hoards stands - ;.50 lu is Linea id Unes In 100- at89C I Oul Mops, Dusters, Etc.' O'Cedar Famous Oit Mops, Every woîmai know§ of the O'Cedar.Oil lMop. I s used the world os-er. Thesc arc in trianigle shiape and you'Ill14 bic delighted Nwitlî tcn t .. .......1.............t........ 1 4 TOBEY FPRINITLURE OLEN SHLOX 'OLJSH makes oit fur- jOL NLS LO niture look like new- WXNn etr 5 4-ounce offle 19 alue. Special 59 19C - or.this sale 59 Wl7ÀAFD DUSTERS.-A necessity in cv- ery home, They'II go in a hurry 1a . at euh Wall -Paper, Paints & Varnishes WALL PAPER Our W'ali Paper stock is exceptionaliy ronîpiete.- wr'vt a .ieniîi a"çsoit nment of papers t 'r pan- lors. dining roaruts, livitng rSon a. heti roomis and kitchens. Ail no-wc.t pst- terne are tispiayed .andi ils priced et the rail front The F'anous Jap ALm, \'arnlshIr n aIl fin Islits. Sperialil) îi Iat tihe quai-t ............ 1.39 ALABASTINE For Yoar raIls in Spounti packages for I fln o LII this sale at 1 Oc to 4 0c Itht package .. . ....-5 Go Carts, Sulkes and CoasterWag!ns GO - CARTS Collapsîbîri Go-carts with heavy rubber tircd wheels. AIl are strongly made.- Just the thing for Babys outing. - Worth dottble thîm à> $6.98 Special price .............- - COMFORTA8LE SULKIES for baby.' They are strongly miade and' hav-e hood and hcavy rubber tired wheels. Tlîey collapse with ,17 one me)tion. $15 values at .... 17 VELOCIPELIES in medium siz- es. Will délight any childAÛ S pecially priced, at Large Bsi ze Boys' Cooter Wagons w e t bilt wagons. Ail are bali-bear- Ing. Tire kind that sella reg. ulanl>' at $11. For this sale at PAINTS oinr.1.f i'Le ~of \Va,îk.t'îhaiian ii snil> dyis' L,, nuj. d lai n tandti liv kîtoî le tualiîi . It coi îcs la aii coions and st-l. reg- $37,7 a gallon -Sîe ifor (lie' cleup th gallon 3.25 These Miscelianeous Household Needs TRUNKS* \Viel made Trttnk s 4iihs og wt srpcSdi regttlarlyat$ 1 . 9 SUIT CASES-24 itclcs long i ii iti or black. TIhey'1I give great 3 4 wcar at 34 Window Curtain Shades ' Rods XxV-t sIze laInligbt or tiark green. Ver>' gâoatiqualit>'.85 speiaI at-85 'rra-Buaner ize Nickel platet fin. lob. -WalIslerful Ext-ensio'n curtaîn rode of brgstr. Equal thent. If you dan at ....... 2 Rellable Gas Plates £very Day Kitchen Need s Wlte entuinel rare in atudlituiti ize. Splendid quality ~ for ibis98 Coffee Mils The neli known Crys- taI branti .7 $225 value at 17 Bread Mixers' Economy>'Brand moixers. Evtry houstrîfe katirs their salut. Gooti $300 mixers .1 8 at............. 19 .Wash Basins Gray' en amntîtt. Goud suze. 65e values45 at ............. 5 Aluminuna- Steamers. A neceesit y in escny kurùiîenî-4 comxpart nîsrs-1tgooti $1.50 ai ec . $2.59 Prescrving Ketles 'Wean E!ver"' branti of Aluminunt-w are.- S"st. $3%leat .. 1*98 HANDSOME DINNER SETS 32-pitre dinner sels in golti band decorations. Daintv, desirabit aitegtht-- --ae- 8.75 jlL. Lawn. an d Garden Needs Lawn Rakes Fork Spades -StrongiSt madie rakes In the -rNetded in rver>' garden. These are toôth-sýzo, Be sur@ anti get 75c speciailly priced at $1.35 yours at t.............. ... arE . .. ..... . . ..... Garden Hose --Gooti 7-PI>' hus i 25-ft. Lawn SMowers -Medium e i ze nstwers. 'Tb# Jen- el brand. Théerl "a rush î "eU ettatrrudbouse ta see hen (r~ f tain a glidlng angle that wil bring viçhiu'sh. The Illnos LegilativeCa ')Uni BOLIKi.IS MD NID ewst report for- duty. Fi- -aT"- liEi~JEt er to saiety witli only one mol or 'mOIA i j~fjntt.ée investigeting Voliva wI iu E L ulE ,i hiebea clthig. olih rs wrk-rrnnIa This give-heran Immense a mnan wllh bis bock te the wall and PARD N OR CO1~ U" ig ibere, an~d according EtaLthPLANE TO dvantage, over teOne-moarýbipe, P Y ~ IE U N ready te10 ndZton and Zion C FO CL T I 'A D N 0 . mm gdoee, Walkoti up aa-d wlped bis dirt E U LA E nd teuss a far greater degree of witb ail of the vint that hcl e melle~ E U If glove againet imane face. Simon PsINi HE ID N y for. ÉL I tcid hm t k. hi bada ff lm s ~The Curtiz Eagle looke solnething ~ATON F ffI3NE o ald hIerepeatuthe ofns 3lc e FLY TO WAUILIAEQ îeanEgl C Te ROAD IN ZION CITY ACKERTROBR sal tahav rpeaed h*offnse jail of the gbip bas RflrkingR that StatOmoP6don Boar taGivengta loo0k 1ke feathera of a glant bird W LKtI1 - - ~ ~~ t ae atd. iios onster Airpiane WiII Make ad I m e atelybeId helelSays There WmiI Be-Fight to a RE EV SWm. Konney, Caretaker at Ruling Today; Builty of "Who wil?" BoIcb demantied. Flight Kere fron Garden wîng i !ttdthttesl Showdown When Effort at £ IfN  Lake Forest Home, Tells Manslaughter. nUlBI was the ttpliy. 1City.nLong tsland. mte is Made. 509«000 ij. I S iij $Jfl Wbereipon tiolleh la sald ta have Ciy ogIln. taite two or thrieeflights over Wauk- Paving Stoae.ry to the Jury. - anded on bis Jan. -The blow made eéan and thon Bbc wil Proceed te US ~ ~ ~ ~ bu thW T H EFNE II~ e place. S hI etggrd MAKE FLIGHTS OVER CITY Mlaue.AIM ATTACK AT SHURTLEFF ,a aoln iutonilWu-CASE 15 BEING RE-TRIED. wlhbavlng @truck hlm neyerai addi..g__1______al L I ody liré ti, A atr i .ltoa ba iial>nianatk Wthln the next four weelcs. a ten BY E. W. CROFT The Standard Oui Co.bas mest recelved fiseétanalofagataedBnonhave a Har ho ws covr.ed nltba rimal Spil*gfiId, ii.Ati 21.-Actirg to the floor unconbelous and ras rea- sse ger.Curtis Engie plane wl nurko a n o ae O i a OP1ý lhaaei O*ioof Othe by, UPO 4o.iae absbre oil a rf> io adnCity,. Long Itland. Tere la ta lbe no cernent road tlru 60.000 gallon supply. enough to a Ftver when ire drove finte thetegraet iai Pa@e. nshdpardO r20 ied rener.bu intond 2e o maakgr aothergts CoaDeanys a aweek or ten day8. This in addit- the home of lhis employer, c. il. tck- 0f "rb20"in aalaeOtoe 9 emnge fte utsCon o'he citizens can put the whole re- Waukegan 0i1 companies' have wnu trILk oet n oce og comnmstation of sentenceofCharte&S imounedied, andi the autope>' at the branch st Waukegan. sos flt nMr grlff kdli utiin asppytelme-t hebuewat ews oiad Olich of Woukegan, wh. le ssrving a coroiera inquest showeti that deatb "The bit ship will land IXSI V ^ ILth uyoisafe1-lnssaetl@edgftecmuiy. - dtoedhsaslat,%tlm terni in thte tate reformator>' from hiedreeulted froni a bloati dot In the aur-,fiying f ield. about two miles SITT SRAI Wi. pnsbiiy nMr Sutlf. nt e ufîieltosppbahvemti t b6bus wee ewa cnmad Làke Count>' for inveluntary mon- spinal chord. nthof Waukegan."-isîti Mr. Uail- Suit ta break tbe nl of hNiuiwie ttbuyoie tb îIni s ae Mlatieanee o hmenmnioty. ed r ta dhi elar.stuient, $,600a siagher Blih carete h sgllatre wStae notîne ai te ae an bas bemien moreirtuT t h oanies, ore ear. wre.000'ter eluhe. oih as arresteti on aaWg e c. Tht shp ip be a ten Ps Iter ichard Colo. who left .practicaîîy ail] seéttSae ot'S h t ht te oiruils en ot flqo a trtat ht manglaugiter bis bail being Mftxc iret inotoreti Curtis Esgle. Shr' han of his $foi.oo eetai.e ta the vhsî,îihest of a bunch of Porr'h-ellmbr loet herfnnle n en t e 5 octdIIn ay ioe ear bonze1 Boihwsf u idglliy aanjrycri$m.00. Alsgrad jryaldc tVal 60aoreasweir-6modis-)eaotralnloadgent aoef ga ndolineal§.hasat!jueta a ireen- taothadof-gmlnarbatedt a way trucre4 boozn te wta lu Waukegan an Decembor Z3. 1120. heurd the evidenee in the casr. andi cou make a speed of 105 miles ras fiieti today ta thet Le o u <tfu' o i nme Ittsnetne road for North Shore points. nesstand'ruéstia> afternoon b>'. following tht death of Jaba imane. turneti anindltinent oharging mur- an bour. Tht cabîn in finishietiin jcircu it court atatheacbf Ei*- bia ecleaiedth antie pooe iln en>- cetscrtk who died of a blond cdot un tht der, anti bail n55 denied. gray' broadcloth. nit slverftineilit, 'ole, .ho charges tht wil it wtrIi tthe trial of Frank Stèele.veil- spinal cord resulting froni a bla' Fic pihyscians to h tn nad the paseenger seats are uphoieter- sot properly executeti. that bit unie tu spen atiesmeandi ail the rooney with fita sentence offtram ove, ytBI' and testifiedth lat Simons ha dîed are net visible In tht paseenger car, I ras in his datage, andthxift tht hem-ý gang teaafiih'________________________________ la ]Ife in the state reforSalor>' t as a resuli of the titans rtcelved. par- Accordlng ta Mr. Datley. tht Eagle~ ficiarlis preJudiK'ed hlm fBgainý1 1 he L the plitlicians of Lake ('out>'___________________________a____ Pontiac. ticularl>' the firar blow. Other oye- sblp that le. coming ta Waukegan la plaintif('s father and marner. wrnIto support tItis man Sliurtieff, Attorney' . V. Orvie. who repre- vîtntases told of the. maasult M il a neyer model than tht Eagie ship: The nlns. atmitteti ta ir'rord that la their business,. but they do ar-teti Bo"b, titinot see.k a new agreeti thai Simone' nantis vert sborn at tht Atmo exhibit et tht Col- Altril 5, 1920. Fve biundred dllaral nt ineed ta loÔk ta 'Volivi for an>' trial but reile upan i MIityta ethetr In ie pockets. or at is aide Oseum a few menthe aga. Thiashsbp was b«Ieuatbhetla the nephew, a ît - oQsideration or. an>' support., Tht p iardon or commute the sentence. up In tht cabin. anti sirecarnes ten. fil.. and aimittied ta b. sole beir ~ta Sheridan Roati througtu Zion Cttebado adn t Cît>nteftlblwwsqrc.l 'l o htapaegrcnstn cg tonyrsUn tPriIiý iewhnayhn illedn oltaineti a peition signed b>' a Intati of eight paieengers. as dild jtrai persans rbo vert net e,' n r.- lIil depenti entirel>' upon tht tuInt number of people who t>l4 of Bolkeb'sAnitWudm the ont In Chicago.Tirere lnae lsoLated or anl>' distant relatives i,-n-fit andi the' mont>' that it takes tili preins oat lehslo ad stInj et ied a lavatory' and a baggage compart- te) a greter extent ttban te . tires.' scoundrels te a stantietill.- that cltmtttcy be. etended. On Jan U. o o tgrtts5- tt1 ment ln tht cabin, se that mhe wnIl iCole's housekeeperlire.- Juta A, Voliva stateti furiher titat lie did ary 13, 1920. Mr. Onui appeared bu-e- tate If youushahl rulge, nt tire roof be right up te the minute In PasIt-Mtrsh. ras loft $8000 In triLt. ahirh .net propose ta let Ibmr junip on fint fore. the state board of pardons anti Of the bouse%, but the seule of tht ger aircraff., It ta expecteti that Roi- 1ras aiso ta go ta the arpbafag. .fîer I r on ta Zion andi slug thern In tht argued for cammu tement or a pardon. (itizeng; for il le itetter that great anti Rolpbs, th.e pilot that put up an bier deth. open dayligbt, ritbout getting tht state'e Attorney' Jamea 0. Welcti souis shaulti tielila maorn atiosealtitude record of 34^00 fett at MIe- Thtpettom vasfled -ta rpitrmin trimtning that in coming to tbem. N rhS oeA t o o ace appeareti before the boTI at rotîter tbsn for menanslavs tat lurk La nola field. New York wIl pilot tht -the excu r.Levis P. Er.,-ne. "A mort inîquttous piece of bus- N rhS oeA t o o tbat ime and argued ag5Ut a cnm-giet house.-Epicttuti. ner passenger plant ta Waukegan. -Thun. Cole.Join Conneli and e-.verai mness bas neyer disgraced an>' state.. mutation or sentence. The matter Rlpbs matie the record in a Curtis otirers frorn isiposing of tht prop- than conduct tif this rman Sburtleff SCOTT H. PETERS, Manager was taken uador ativisement by tho Flyige no>'.planebut It nl be remembered hlie Ct>. mont of vhIeh là persona]. rita. because Valiva titi netot uprort23Not unySP neo8,W kga board at that tne. Tht oldeft batik note 1- 1.i.-Ae nwu afternards heaten - b>' Lieut. B>' the teins of the viii the Nietho him. imagines tirat lit can wrtck antd 26Nit onyS.Poe2 ,Wuea Sto>' f s... uc useinai etognti.itras~.Sebroctier. -at Dayton, Ohio.'whO diet churcl anti Y. M. C. A. taci'twere dsmn Voliva anti Zion. Btihe wnu MAKERS 0F AUTO TOPS, CURTAINS, Ilitry f Çse, ilemuium o Perogad. t N-asio.brougbt the record up ta over 36,000 -ta recels'. $1,000. and tht Union finti out that Voliva is on the job. Chares Bolich and John SImoI> o ued 139 B. C. Acorriing ta rhmatie fee t. Mausleum $2.000. andi on it good andi proper!', sait! the BACK CURTAINS, SEAT COVERS. ETC. bath were employet i n tht Elgin. cironiclers. bank--notem rere rurrent Tht big Curtis Eagle bas a dual The nepbtw took an ape1 .tht Zioti Overuner. Curtains Repaired Cars Washed Jollet & Eastern railîa>' roundbaein Chtins 2898 B. C. urtdpr thre namsne cntrol, andi sie càn fI>' witb Ina *count>' court nhen .IudgP Pt- TtOertraianhefglg In Waukegan. on tbe attemoon of of 'flying mont>'. Tire>'were probabil 'mtar.eot ota h e os amPt Ui ol iitu pro- armar and 14 reati>'for battit. fli ilWrkluret Sunda>'. October 19, 1919 . inions written. ofa commission, nhile ribe caf main- bale. readtiet figbt lit enernica ta a fia- x Ill' ~M eseseee.eO~ .5 .eeeee.BOe I i desire. mý . 1 XXVII.-NO- 17-

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