MAN DRIVES AUTO WIJNTOXICATED;1 ARRESIED IN N. C1160ý Frank Zlcurtivit. I itit antilr'- tian avct il.. Nerthti tic vgas aSt reme ictiSttîay e' eîinîg by 4ule! (if police RalplitHeinm-k. chtiiged o tilt drivitig n machine v, hile In en 1nf x- icted condition. Hie -as picked ttp ity t NorthliaChICP,ge pol1re riVef. cii 71 h tet neua iLttcol t i-tl 7 P. M . An tti sutblaltonlu'ed ai fl p police sation aitotut 6:30 aitd report- ed ta a niachtine. in charge e orote fello. vWho wsi nfoxi4-aiE.!. watt blocking traffir on qouitit 'J'inen gtreet and wta-' endanigering te lives of nutoitai es. The man, ln10question declare.! taihe lia.!arnimrculotve -eseape front a collietoît on Lincoln atltreel. scene. Z/.iaiuttiijcit as making an attücmet lo start liii, machitne, a fihlh wak; ihen blocking PraclîcallYI'line enlire treet. He was taken tolthe police station and! lot-ked up for the i.nglil. %%lile bIc machineoas 1<c-fl ,,tandiiiginn lionl o! t11.- p-'lVcesttion. Zocurivtch was arr,îigned ln North Chiange pç,iit-t' colitt- btfore Jt,ticet Nelson t lisiinornilng and aas fîtîfd $5 andI c, t- île Paît! tia- fine. KALLIS îS FINED, IN POLICE COURT Jeu , iRallin if N(,t1iClirat. - u' gîtea-l i, a ai t119 i i(e( r tt TUii.-- day ~tcigbelf,,,e Jitirte Nel itti citargcd moPti leaving a hio-e treeli s ovýer a e: liat riîrlussy.leie lade-t gtilty itii oa., fit-cil$2 and rois H. L. 3Wheel cii lie arraigneti In police courttdav. ritat-gedtia1h ex- cecdlng-'lhe rpeeii law of te Ciii IS FIRST IN PERCENTAGE. Officiai Reports Show that No. Chicago Ras an Incraese - of Cent. O)fficIaléi enue- for 1920 forw*rdcd Io Washington Salut-day show taI N'ort Chicago bas a Populatito! 6,839 as compare. wiit 3,306 len >eai' ago, an Inercare o! 76.6 Per cent. Thi.- nofficlal report whici vas announced about a montb ago gave NortChicago a polation of but 5239. tue Il Io, seen taI Nortit Ciicago baso 600 more resdentp titan il vas prevtoosii' credted w'lth. Evt-ri' bsn, village and! lownn'il In Lake <nuniY ba@ madie a decMfe.! gain Inithe at ten years, but Northt Chicago i, fat- in theead. Norlt Cblitcy, wth an, lnrrcsse of' 76.6 per cent. is titIte pefceniage c! gros lit Treet the- ,rtuenisi litra-i <f trêee. Nhat <rie- î nw oll cgtI un Il (t-O. tuent-,îi n,'c rai glt tet! le , auch Ily otittt-.. iti îîi ref,- utî 3l ie O)nt-OS tiin ltone- jii-eii idofýai tac- tive In aemiller. Suchle Humnan Nature. Mlie îînn't itidoeqt-e .-mielcoi. A)niiiignîne ittn an ùluinaobile bretîke dîmnit; is wa>c b-the(ne bo le wtit l'îg for more ridetis iîtend o!fte oun vdminulab 10 i IL. Lifebont lflventor Rewavrd(ed. Lifet,'tte vere xivrted hy Mr. Gaetha, w ho recePicti ,sapr.-iinu lanpariiamenl jn MIi', 1802. NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF GUARDIAN FOR SALE 0F REAL iHsrAi1L. STATE 0F HPLNOIS COI'NiY OFi AK-ss. In te Coiinty'Court of Lake Coua- ly. hn Probate. Tg theo June Terni, A. D. 1920i In uQma 0?rtheapplication of Su-,an A. MoGuire, fornnerly Sixean A. IkQ'ie, guardian of te eUtate oif 1lelva Doyle,.1ýIarseIIa Doyle and Johin Franci5 Dayle, unno,,i, for lente te bell real tstate. To ail whom il may concern: Take notice tbat the underaigned, as Guardian of Helen Doyle, Nlargenla Docyle and John Francis Doyle, mninore, wiil apply te lthe Counti' Court of said Couniy of Lakel ai tie next June Terni thtiof, te be begîîn and 1eld aI lthe Court Houde ini the Ciy' of aikegan, in te County of Lahko andi Sie of hVHinois, on te l'-si Monday in June- A 0. 1920. for un ottier 't el ail tb< rîht, titie, in- terem îant1i c'tieof sa-id Helen Doyle, Mareellî D -»le anti John Francis lyeminore, in and te te whole of te tllooving tlescribttd r-ai e8Wae situated in Ihe Counti' of L«ako andi Silie of Illinoin', te wt: Comneningon te c outhIt Ane of tAe norihwept quarter of te sMOuth. et quarter of section lwenty-Dîne, in Township Forty-five 1,ortb, of Range Twelve LEatof te Third Princitpal Meria. 'lwoand 76-100 lcitaIr vern of the soutitefft corner tnere- of;thience nortit eleven and B0-100 çhains lte hecenier of te 1iugdale 11usd; tence outAi sity-ene dogrees west flitîea and 10-100 chninm tb lIlid'delieribed ln De..! rec(>t-ii-d tl tho Recorder aOffice o! Lilk,- tounty, lilinois, In Book 46 uf beeds. on page 19 tliemof; *beace south teb te souti. Uine eftsad quarter quarter section, and theace eut tirIse.and! I-lO obiua 1 the>place of *iaaind, anJ that te etition lliere<o la ii@w on file la the office of the Cleit of ort »)4led Awili 14 h. . S.1920. BUU4.N A. Pau ). Quarilut t ri.= e 1of fle3e zb Isl1PulAum Pfl~e UJa IN. NORTH! CfICAÀi0 Tite parisitopens o1 Ho' Rosant A a <-ltirrit NothltCicago,,met Suutltii Todaîye eboptrolg tour diaclose.! a noveli. tthe nevi Jazz dresses' In net. ln salin. In clotit-for -Jazz- refera in embroldery. Ilisîrateui lsa sGidding 'itlrlCf o! ise'tawill wilt an aprox effect o! silk cor.! an.! cooden beuds. Beside it la une o!flte iost Intereslting o! spring' a huard tuth. Ils Turklah. Thçi sicîrI con- $ita o! tea eqialwltts o! matertal. trîcoline. alth a spqce leIt ire« - Ielîher aide toc ft-n-' City Tzeasurer 10 COUNCIL PASSES City Mrhl 160 ORDINANCE TO IN- streetr ai ateon rk 8.0 AssitantEngieer 11320 CREASE SALARIES p:Mes 81 d,500 riremen An or«inanre increasing te ol Alderman $5 per meeting orles of City' officiais of Northt Chi-OseubyIaue cago was read for te scond tîrne Edward was .skedto go lu lthe store' Monday evening and waR passed by for oysters. Hie went and ssked the an unanimous voté. Thte îîew Polar- mon for two pounds of oyrters. *"W. les will go into effect May 151. don't oeil oysters by thec pound. my The new ealaries <f the City Of- booly by the miaqure," said te ficials. per anum: dealer. The boy thoughi a moment, Cityolrk $600 îîwnenil: *'Then let me have two Clii'Clerk$600yards." VVrE GIVE Zlet TRADING STAMPS Cof ee Mil Wall cry.tal, 17 'n.hJigit, Okx4t/ gnisesP 0 canister, Japantie.! crew ILL#M) tp, itolîla 1lb., patent lumbier, - boîtier, citilleil steel giiers, S bock enawel lt-on Cale. Ai special et I1.49 Wonder Butter Me rger lnusuaihi' low pt-lced -For tba gahe ........ u ..6 c Mixing Bowls A 900do. ize howl fmatie of iteavi' glaze.!, >elhow enribeiiware, priceti frtitis sale ............ ....«""*«**.29c Dunlap oai and est WMipn witb mlxbng howl, oilver, bleds, san- 9 !tan' simple an.! most ecanonîlcal.- wips cnctnm ln 30 seconda. Sp- cial' priced!aI AS Fige Nail Bru"he nade 0f gond Malrieliifinîmbe.! bardwoo.l. a god eling brubit.priednt ..... ».....0 cV flooe &oeh nmadeo! ver>' gondI brialle tb be- u1e.! viitt inap bandlim. Pric.! .............. Sm ce Pan Aluiinuni lipped sauce.pan,.!eep an.! trong. iigitl>'polishe.! out- sîde, 2 quart ase,..ver>' special ah .... ...79c Toilet BowI Bruui, 'aitit cured handie, au unusuai pie for Ibbs ale eit................... 7 c Tea Cupo, Saucera Itent border anti golti ban.! pal- lerne, a tat-e oçpottunili' 10 tC- pilit your china ware. là dozen................ Cbff ee Ci Plain.hill e cina, gooti glaze Si. lieni% shape. eps' ony' 65 Very special aI iloz . ...s.. Sewing Tray a ver' hanilsome Irai' matie 'ait a iigb qualili' maitogani' fnish frame. A very neat tiesign,.dz.- lûl.Speriali' .9 pricet i e................19 Rag RUS Madie of new rage ln ver attrac- tive designs, elaeg 24xso; a reel bargain ai ....... 1.48O Te. Ketti. of te guaran- teeti Wearever ac1 u MI a uni, mseamlescav- e r ,_ieavi', trIMI;gw'iur.0 ~ itandie; fi<a. msver' spe- cia 58 for aIl matai ulenafs, - Pllverrare an.! brausa, 0e 3 Oise ai . . ... .... - Wax-It Po0ioJ iIghigrade furnkfl4vol ai te chut-ch hall and decide.! tae bull.! a new Polisit ciuré t tiis yesr, lte. Ireent chi'rch beirîg entilreli tee emnali teaeacommnodate thte con- gregation.- Members of Vite congregailon wlO atten dedth te Meeting à3un.!.', state titat il le plannet! ta canstriiel a -ehurch tet cost in te nelghboritood of ' $15n.000. 1 A, bullng committ" tof nîne ntem- < bers wais selec!ed te dticde on a site -. for thie new chuircit. The comiittec, will neet TitursdtaY eîeniitg. for the plit-pose or tiocliing on a location fetr.1O!IO lte ne-w citurcit. A member of tebiulding cqmlit- tee stted îoday ilhat bW0 sites are 1te the- -4tmer k4o an1ez n- -C site IR on Victoria street near 141h. In thAe rear of te presefll churct Another plan ihst tle hein gconsid- ered is. tewrei te iresent chcirci building oni hstitbi te new ,churcit on te saine aile. ARREST SMALL BOY î IN NORTHI ClifO. FOR LOW STEALIN4i BICYCLE Anton %V7.iy.k.kl_, year oit son (o! Mr. anti Mu W cîttZiFutiteenth anti .ackgiîti Ftl'I'tt, INOI111 i("l e e wast lken inmb eWt(tIy Sîîday i a (arge o!fstealiaii a bit-Yc!ie.owîiid bi' a Waukvgiiii nnifi lic ,beboy, s ben - ha.! stolei thlie binjycie. itowecer. ait- er being Iocked utp for 24 hboute-, lie @dmitted tg Chie! lljjciCk, ltat' LeOF II E rT a bad siolen te biycle an.! iid I 'O.IIiU* LE~CTIUi in a wods il te nu i t end of NPrtb Hewa tke e hewod i (ue-RETURNS IN NORTHI ing plaje or te bicycle Parts, dti;CHCA O AT1awUNCED, clieetiyoung Wznizk when ak ahi' te dlsmantiCd te bicycle .ald ltaI itedid It for lte ptrpOlie O! us- etoreun frad- îng Rne o!fte Parls e 0ismodel lisMOfficinai elt lon rhe oresfo ade oId bicycle.mai. cth e -Cty o! 'tcit aal Il Io net known, -htler or not lie'ltehef Cuncglof Northt Clii- Wauh<egan man prooe pros- caotMonTy eveing follow: seule lte Case. o d . Total. Men. WomCfl. George Aitmus Ï480, Fovrteentit Pottieki'....... -8 76i 221 streel,. Chicago an ex-conviet, who Svee . --- I _1 1 S was boun.! over te te grand jury T. Petkus ..-..... 1 i O1 a few days ago on a charge of as- A. Petkus --I....I1 1 0 sul an.! baller' was taken te the lad Ward. Counli' laui Saturdcy,, as be wus Pihps ----------_-74 63 il 1unable te furnisit $1.000 bonds. Walulis .....-.... 22 16 ôl X EMýBERS 0F BOARD. O F EDUCATION THIUR. ITh, president an i 05w dîreclorsq ofthe, or.!of ehtltàton tif l)lstri t (,4 ln.No-Ii iago wl ihtrald lit a n e nto 0be hel i I y evenIg a leCntr sehoitti dli iChh ,.N.1wIlibé ns8 I 1 pt-e. (awitieMf i Jo y arý har- Neagced .W .tlnoI Ir!ti ,.me.Cok ir. ei nt row iv n alrsring the, district for a o ix eus as pe2itdentý Ch'rlesNea Blisnot anpw nimbër on the-.board, howev 'tlaving been . -a i ülÇ o he astIx yearg -M're. L. 1B. Jolley bas been a d'tr't- or for Abte palt two i'ears. Martin Neril. Ilhum la the oniy new dimtftor tu 10 atk office. The boiard of lotalIimprovenmen 5 willmccl t tseCouiltichambers ilsA even la mcii. F. Regan will enltertà!n te S Tueitiay éeinng club et ehr boule tl-1 eemtnlng. Mr.L. F. Giblbons o! Highlaid ~i n Dowt Patýi vIsite.! fritnd;isn10 hIcago yea- telt day. .- AMDii > Aaîgbncl avehen n mnsileted e. ~~foi- the bM, tut-t îîng of! 1Il,. ntiiîiîniy 4'îîti l of Norti UlnJr;igo. talisIo t bliîtId Friday e%(-,iiing ai lte Pi, g iý- lt)i,on,-. 11wi-b'e ie,-iPrît , i... I , ir- ii . le îar.11i, I I t((, . ,X l qf~~~~ rlýinan, ý - I. '(Ii In*anî- lulid,îîg. At iii e-C %r b LLtIîe Nî!il, hogotei,:I 1'ok i Wazak 7 7 t0 1 'ilt Idan,-ugo la -zAlgntC,-lsg. 3îic Ward, Iattn-iiled. Wl n t ,ri, 9 42 17 jA ett- of neî in' tiîl,,- rînnt: n But-g . 43 I 2ho3o1laut itg~ -t . Ntrh 'Wagr1 7 ".9 8(I<ictng'. itnbcen i-nttportedti u i 1-c Motlioîn w aillone and Fe,,ntd.d citv fi-nuthdctrniet ltai m.-n ruc-Iilàg the lnlgheel Mr, uti Mc" Joseptu Petit-.-.'îus 'f numfeer of vote- be declekrtd (le c ted. sTent er'ýt st-e spetîding ltie On, Motion carrne.. la .ci. Sinsîl Thînga Remlly CeUMi. Above the Esrth. Lite lnis mde o, uta nnof grentf sien. Th- tatthe ,,en-5iie :îîn)o5le;jbrp p. te«. or dtib.tîtof Itille things. la tni on 4 roi-es tI,cîý.ntihtesati wilchit tlice sra kindînest, and ialmclut-itae.- bot fi t oint'e »., 0b1igaton-n .l-ri llitatinalli'. are whluttule s-. it-git. of! tex>.gr.-at a fiinuit> 10 Wi-n mîîî pt-cerete eurettnd ecuret suppiort 111e. -- Frai lippers. Thouusai n Pilgrlmageoi. lth.î b,.lns aretîs-Ifi-r eMos.7 lîgriros nu.nlîerlng 300.000 sannuna lteutr, tirnavever, tient t- ainti lnsk i' viait te liomaneule eilsma l Kcv, rest-veft for @silînere. - Londua(i Ruesint. liIiti'. API.H OUSEWARE Ti Sale o f FTir TISAPRIL SALE OF HOUSEWARE, WITH ITS UNCOMMONLY HIGH-GRADE ME.RCHÀNDISE ANDr WITH STOCS- REMARKABLE IN THEIR COMPLETENESS-REPRESENTING THE TWO FOREMOSTr MERCHANDISING PLANS ON WHIÇH THIS SECTION DEPENDS-OFFERS A SPLENDID OPPORTUN--' ITY TO.THOSE INTERESTED IN HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY. 1* . STIEP4Percola1or LADDER Manning - Bowman niake. 6 . eiforeedhu heavy aluminum, glass S ft reiforcd, Iigbly polished ban- hoid ladider. strong and die, 8 cup Bize, ver' well Éinhsed. ' 9// ~iM~ specialli' prced 9f Prlced et............. ...............31 Siflh Lainp Shadç* Reduced In a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and colorings; nmre are lightly oileci; every opie is a big value. Priced for thia maie at One-Third OFF. G « Lght Complete invcrted gas lighl fixture, mnante! aiîd globe, colin 89à piec. An untîstiai offeritng at'....... .............. ;r .Lemonad Set. Bread Toaster Clear ight cul Iý!* gailj g, 0 ttnnblers, 1 4 XVîrcIBread Racks19 A reai bargain at_ 1.851 Pyramid shape - 19 The Hoover Suction Sweeper, Remerve your Hoover now, without obligation. Con- venient terme. 'Demonstration on our main floor -or at your home. When Yeu Just run your Hoover o0Yer- It beat*- q--« It mswcp It 45k uction cloprs q.-it ~riten nap nAlsi!d pu-rolS the life of all your caipe. Wall Paper, Paints and Varnishes Wall Paper Household Paint itigi-gnuititipeint un anlil Osit-able standard pigments;.2 aI gallon ............32 Vurnish an elastie fluor anti ail inteniot- wood work vannisit; ver durable; drys 'adil; 16 '/à galion .......... ......16 A ver' durable coloreti vannis Io l retouth fot-nitre an.! Interlot- 'aood work. Per98 quart cao .............. 8 1Floor Wax Johnson's fiotir wax or polirAi: 6 oz. can 9 et ................... 29 Cloth Basket o! itigitgrade 'aiIlow, Cioseli' 'aduen, rein!ot-ced toi). medilum i ze, aI .... i.... .9 Cloth Hamper madle o! stroog ailcew 'aiit binge.! cover, very, specici aI .............26 . - Oyster BowI Qoyster or osîmeili bowlsiteavi' smni porcelain- 11 6 for ..................11 Mystic Cleaner matie o! copper dlot. Ideal for cleanîng pots, etc- 25 3 for ......:..... 5 Spadcngff orks 4 line, blue.! steel, D blekori'-.bacilles aIt... .19 e Steel Spode Steel blade w iit sirong itandle ...- 1.29 Laa andle, 10 tot malloable sorîmnt for kilciten 'nd t-oom§, lier t-oll . .. . . . ..uo An a4Fcerrineni o!fitigitgrade î,.ner in plain anti floral dein4igia foc living t-oo r b al Pes. rol............. <J - lumall loi of odds anti ents in ligit anti dark latierne lu close onult atpi-irol..............ÀI Floor Mop Extra gooti quaIity isutands. At onu' ......... 69C rOwf--Clan aer Absorene, a wonder- lt cleaner, , 5 ren cal,. . 5 an t oilet '~Paper a n hmepaper, 1000 sheetz te rolrpecial 3 ribet ...............29 i (1-carl, ful sic.é, of nalura! oak. large 'aiecis, cao>' sprIngm, uphols- tered l n racordury, vry 7 speclal et ............3 .7 Stroller, made o! fI*at--re..! wltt 'aire -wbeelm, naturel finish, unus- ual la-w 7 ptire .....e17 suky-made w'ahtaeel trame, black leatherette upitolalering, on. motion. collapsfiblO, 97 IBASINETTE , on wheelni. 'ble and.! ens, en&M- -oued, *Ith ucîtreu -s g Speci., 30x3% 801131/2 32x<4 33x<4 34X4. .. Save. Mc r i ý Waul Vuloenlzln The KnnniIworthGift Shop Offers Many Suggestions Wbal shall i give? Thits always perplezlng probiem le sure to, be satisfactorilY solved itere. The Kennilwortit Cul Sitop on 0Cr ThIrd floor preseais a wide selection o! useful gifla, unique lni ils com- plelenese. Wbeter one preferti to seleçt a gift of Silver, Cul Glas, Chilnaware or Maitogan, tibs siop affords ample ciîoicc. Titen ico. every ite-inwIll be found 10 be ver' nioderately priced. TY FACE A SPRIN4I SI Raiiiy Seasori WiIt 1 ing ot Much Ct Year, it is MUCH TO DO; Lli Tholiefarfri of noik.- ty aie lî>das faI .9 l'o ita fit lint rO It)Yt iUl, liii- ieavy cli t à fai li( thietuln tit-ir eprinig ' foire ltf:itily %cli itontt Illcau.-or!tit- i-,. iteîp, nLany !arnnî-îc ilit 10 o otilarge. (to-tiotf tban foriîîerly Itt'ail c lie plante.! aiii harV-', it<lp tait coîn. N etotpced tevcihg ,! d a y thiihlt iiar a-cdild wo wéek,. piai Vet y f' a tsWells Eutle t Suti iy asduth i V.1ii.1- fillet-ai iliaItt foI t' ly cou-i -'j liai -tl hoiiii lice thatln lit.nn- t mtihe gra nit iiri-g na-, li d,,rs puitt iriig In ,tle tif o! tînt(- -lî i --of mir f î t . 1 ii lt Im ý, -ftl t' t L,. nî I Io ail -iti-ilî c-vii tht file. t -îy il.ât n I i FARMERS CRI FOR HIILP Ti THE NATIO fige (If b t ari n iý Itn131. tifreaenng ic b (oi In. iAmeî iral ret-n Vo!f.ngticuliiir-. I't-it..Il an apipeal lu ciij itilieiits. antid ie .t 'aramoiln4 wcrklng on 1 R.-îitti t -reen-lueui l t froini PracicaiIy se-ty i bhoa- thlai i1li.- utilai v01 ùînly aiînint 7- rt e tri Utll'l%,itîe a-fotflagE tînt-tii' ih,. sine"as lia -*g %&t-'-n It-ten,,imi met - liti n fIiit- , w l t l-'itin -; nil n T t-II: Liion - i l 11It*, F 1, , 1. , , it Ashis City' Foika i l" -. tin anil ei i uit:ttr iciin)t - e 'iipretuni et~a ini totitninghiîgio lun ,(*i 1v r lirIvisinon hai,-bec Sr rinent ail pt-sotte n-Ji ng 'aork on fartins ,o t-(, diceciors o! agi t-iiiai lte agricultu. 'in înîiu tate-e.'