ERS 0F BOARD RJCATION THIUR. cAdi ni anjd new di'ectorsq rd 'f etuititîon îf fltatri(tf Il <'hrago wi hi. irstatljed rniz to hé helît Tî'si-' Neal wiil lue insitiîd 1r8 mCok niNrs o galer servig the- district rjf of six vears as peirtdent. -al Ae flot a npw niembër trA, howevt-r, Ijavifla been . for the tlit I X yeai'5. 1. .1olley bas been a dircrt- Ag the trniy ritw diietor 'ic. rjard uf lotal Amprovt-i'li'R the CouxîchAhambers f f-S .Rettan WhIÏI' ct Prlar fthe venina club at ehr boune g. F. Gibbhoris c.f HtighlaiO ,il frAitd in ('hicago yefi- ,jrt ,ct icris bav bé n ,mitcd ijL'i igk jf-lje 'inr',uinity Northj t.bic;%go. ial lv 10 i(111 e%-,it-ont- al tht- A-' j r"ni. ' f i'mt'i î r'i, $ ('I Ill I N- i, ja am i", (1 j îrd Ini jd,ig At çjjf'-vjit r. l-7i CiLiagu fj'mj ii.i. le hl-d rr.f the-ad n i ýag> ta'! ligIlt Wa aîg. j 0f nit-l - in fi,, j'Asrit:,, n jjulh V'ij'ia~ tjt Niyrih as bc-en rt poitedl lu il- idpartmrnent Mrj' Juin-plà Pétr6.jaý us ' f ('i ore opendingi lit- < j:, fbov* the Earth. he-'i'miljij'1b :tn)orjtîcre py. 40 rri1iej. atcse (lji' eatrfieo ftjjjjiji nt mily si f-'v t. o'f liii' grcat a l('ijtit> fa Feul Blippers. nes are tî'wrf tir t-hneq. Wre ver, lijit t'arai i.kInN rie fo r lmiijjera, - lud',a Third Floor kNDISE AND ) FOREMOST OPPORTUN-- Varnishes M Paper paticrns 112od i tchen andi bed 1 c Set high grade fijpcr floral de'iigaw fur haill5 odds and ends An itgbt >tierna tu clome loor Mop ...y........ 69e Wall Paper Absorene, a 'wonder- lut clea er, .5 rer can7 ..1 cI >nlet Paper palier, 1000 sheetz te ................ 29c i Biz., of naturai oak. eaey aprIngs, uphohas- luroy, very 3 7 le of fiat--reid wlth natural finish, unus- .....11075 î wlth steel framse, rette upboiaetering, one 9.75 SINETTE , rbtte aitd eri, esAis- AttT r i ý fAIMtt 0FCO N o ELEF IN SUEIT TY FACE A RAINY FROM II1FO00 COST SPRINti SHORTliELP. Crop Prices Were Higher April1 IJElAR S1IRTAfiE IN WAUKEGAN BARS CANNINfi. Of FRUIT!i ____-1 Than Adn-i me Since - Raiiuy Season Will Force Plant the Civil War. QrocersSýee no Relief in Siqht:' ing of Much Corn This Price to Remain High wîth cear, 1t is Sad. '(fi ur dav-th t-ln.i the SupplIy Short. - tjj lit(- departnierti jjf srrricte ij . ýM UCH TO DO; LITTLE HELP , Crop.pri(er, wer* tigier Apill1 'l, , '19r . rii!t<,ionIn Rli s cay-jthje ft-rnîit ureau of eut-p (t 'Thj, tartjjirsuoft rkj" ('intfly (f-c îraijj. %ooruwhjait- pianîiig rir Iuzn1 Fe a1 ljd f'i o j jlrii~îeh .t Far hors earc nou îbeixtg pald f j-,d ti'fruit tt'is- runairrjhave i'îiis fjet jj that blar i, îtlrjîntl lià fojr Pjrdure thby mjjjj fil pijij ' I-i'.îini; fr ûa nett-ful proi pvî t j'j thj ni lijtiî i jy (jj r, iL ja c:i.' f ~ytarm fijr $1114 , fie ji'njjî jîji Yjîjii j jjt j I jairc. tIajverytbing ]poitsfIo IAIîý Ileavy ' roàfi ,,fi ,là thia ce h- lk' il th- avPtage for 43 yearé-, fjjni 1t ( ijjo. filj! bat jtugar 1101ore < jij4 1,i thti n nthj'Aur prirjg wjjrk, eciinWb- frj 9(?S. Tire nîýreamf- bac ij-il 1 filtre smnîmerer but the pfrij t fore I i rîly %Viis j'ijrjteritady sincî' January tasi. 11111 b'. îiiuguahty bl'gh.. Iltcaumtc eort1tjj of ftg t a! Ij Ciop gri,41à;avé i,-ri-aý' 12 3.2 tight row Waukegajî gro<î r- aief lep.Iniariy farnjj'ijjhlddeco- r.Iii4îd pt-rcet ijn "eAprit 1h9 9ýdojijrg iugar out f0 tht-jr pair(,jia 1n to 5w1 largêli îru)p"'fj5t ti, r Meâî Price pare fiaAttng but thi on- (ii and two pord ba rît- than ftjiiije'IY If jja i fjjjth-rt-p ý;ii umer Is nut tcnefing. reng front 27 to 30 cents êtr oli lie planted affijiharvjr lýter A t àlIj PrIrem to the tarni- are now li iAj'l i-, jay t A5p't a qui'tiîi of Pjjift- bh,-tp tirai otrre. Nou thé raletain , bi t' rent lower r-,hjin fwo ,tars figo, 1row- but rallier v.hether they 'an dtppcd ýçtii. j<jtAj i la L or mt itu(le:usnîgs ain 1' eîtt . î,ugar lat a)]. C(ncCrris wh.< j airad fw wck pa- l' lie ftîuîig off'îin exportle rei'litoi fuit requireenttif f-ýugar 110w are Vely fj w nati were sowed bhernie- In ioer prAçes fftrcrd Vire farnicr - eling flictfl but ur, 64 Iwo Iligs Ea"ijri Sîîî,ilIy and the' snOw sPierre by the pat-k-ri,. The- deireame te) lit a finie. VIJAI railejj l Illajt fintit", hjijelfa.riner. wa. rude ai the Paije trio' Ont- whulr'caler tI W'ukpgran ri-ai f l'onji ,y "n t-nle-I nt raillifa il j) j o,- t-act- Inmn-taitprtres wj'ret iad e. there A- iii)Indictafion ffa t t he prie;i Ahjfj.ibt ithe grj!imnd cjîuid i t rgta "'S lime to crüc. He- taid Là- lbas put in V.jjj k'd s',i f:t i iisafè Ioi cay lIaI hiriginalforaugart"r ' raimnoi rijji iîinî,r ieas bu n d',î'y %tefjjj i<îr 'dsflrîrr forrs'g'îjfor snieral i,'nthwr put-tnt iiri r a e ~ -~ iS ltlill3 ie noms- jjf f, twa,11In adevanjj' giarantt-îltig as uhîjcijat- puttig In latmtrop hflh%"'% l alait b thenainifjXI, ie prire ut 27 ccntiS pe rrjîuijjfor sue- oft(. -hotlt9- nf být-W.îC(< to u,oW~iison, wV. %t ('.engog.'jI c1.4durn- ar fji las jafe as rij xi ffttre b jnfil'.- î Ij, r,' t ro jîîp ijîj8 year s5îIe'r of [roîisi'.ngc HIo, , i;,', i I 1i i -- - ura -ii-up aj i j .1'î,j - u ii' na~nj slhl A> ls riîj,'js s lnîi. t'ir li' t i h i jr rj dii" al-e Frarrt-t- a rnpjfars t t";Lrtoi i I-î'mc li, put a ;anig Work lhe s lluj.. lhy.iP'f(i go,-j". V. W- ri,w tht-i-e ciii i, lit- jrui 1ng . [,foi (jrle ajjf vjîjj tri y ,' a ih itijfi. iîiîr 'i j o- t i i n W~aIlIloýgajO i ý ý . j- I n 9-til" O ' u p t det hlm i' a 1,- fier ljs n;l'krtn t, ,j siji , - ; :Irs r'c- t" i uar tt- ori ' iige'i -iît- 1,r" r' , 'Tho- ain hzi -airei-dy - 1 'errtii,t. *,î 'i i t. . ,,j . ,jj " - , î4ar, Il 'as ia't îr'îî .andtiti s at icjr k tIfj. -' iii,:l ji j' ei , 'i iU t I iji . j'iîî e "«.ii , j'- i , ' in,il h e j j th( prîc- - n eiý l an d' ailýit-it tateVrilth- cropc wil blehi't on u f rbl ia etja ltj'a tme aî j-îjijî(batt'vii i;.;'ura. Exiiajr r."r,î - X (rbecrt j-Ath.piji fhl,' ,j~jt ,_kj- ______________________________________________ fie. jre t.' f'lii',jr t . 1', a li j îr 1(i.l>j! , , "j i i i~ FARMERS CRYIN(i FOR HIILP TO KEEP. THE NATION ALIVE n ,tg?"Vjn, hI. C -With a short ft- , ('f Lii r am i ari§ hu,( acif' .am- In Dlýtf reaietnine u uî ail foot o'djiîn. jnAmei i an fat-is,, <t- rttr tif AgricuitiirL. Nlj'r(-jthihtall Iwr-n"i an apptai lu cit' me-n, oitvgt- Ft-dtîs'nh arid oi-it-. t enîrd fhedr %ncîjtiijri4 working on rat-m.. Rnjiijîf, re'eiveil b>' tiji'de'patmeni frouiipracticaiîy teveryitatti hi. aid, -how fîjhat th- 'uijljiy uffarl butxr 14 ('11Y zabiîjj;7! Iren "t-nif0 the- ner- mua îulpi> .the- ntjîîage hIg almuit -Xarfty the. saine a sihai of two ypars meti' a f-nlotc. nmbirs oi me~n Fatmr. Woritjnbjta Limit. 11;j-tj" j-r t 4 jj.' Lb U ttioîit- AV Ij Lion I, dj j I ) r i n IL, l jib , toi j' .~,j I i-j 'j', îîr I F-th Ijî'jlit-c Iji rjjl o ino rj, ..t-- ' rz. .Il '( jIlilj "jr roi-j, "4. isCty Foiks fa l-fupý "';." 3jt- ij ,i on irai i S -j- 1cr ani sj r, ý i'î ýej ~jni .1 '!' prtrI rit ua'lojii and fo aid in riîiubating hiph 1llimng cut.('Unt I 'h' i.,r tjrjvsion bir- bt-n made by ftic 'I, trinet-riîatt prmonm Atleresîed fIn týii-J ng work on1 fat-ma ahOuld wrIte tirs, .ire'eiers of aziculturai ex- 'r.'ojat the- agricuhîural coliegeâ In %tiOiScates." North Shore, Auto Top Co. SCOTT H. PETERS, Manager 236- North County St. Phone 2o28, Waukegan MAKERS 0F AUTO TOPS, CURTAINS, BACK CURTAINS, -SEAT COVERS, ETC. Curtains Repaired Cars Washed Ail Work Guaraneed The Starting and Lighting Battery That Goes Into Your Car to Work TIIRL uc lcri saLout ti i \IDI irttwo Nf ars (if bi j rý-ii i g cpericrie guaran s the ciuring riglhtncss "f î1-, t-\(r\ dr-taî i ,, l l it to rn r. ~ i Iy, ýorrf~i!c-end(ably. "LXIDL" Service is equally r!'jj, The next timne vnu requirc Lattery servi c, ,isit nur "EXIDE" Service Staton-or, better stili, eall for a F-ree Bat- tery Tte regulariy. Ini a littie whie vol, willillmuttî appreciale that "EXI)E" Service is really ani]nîportrit st-p tcrîard more efficient and economicai t-pt- ratiîii uf t i er mY( )UR EXIDE BA1TERY STATION M. SHEAÀ%, Prop. 106 S. County st. Phone 22441 'I' 'I Tires Special Sale for- One Week Only, at Thia Week 30x3 - - - ........ ...... $f19.10...........................-..--.... -$12-30 30x3%/ .$3... . .....-.. 32x31/2 ~*...$74...- ... 31 x4 . - ...............$5 32x4 $3 . .. .......... ....$2495 33x4 .................. ..... .........5 $26.35 34X4 . ..... . .......................... - - 27 5 Guaranteed 5,oo0 Miles Save. Money. Bu Y !our Tires NomW for the Season. !*n Ùik~AlF. APRIL ~ g SILK TIES EIUIK SHIRTS BEnn( 9, Li, S0' -li - Li- Dw95c ..'Y 12045 Here Is the Globe's Contribution I the Fight To Cutthe Cost- ofCilothing This store is ini full sympathy with the nation wide drive for lower prices. We are behind the movement-to the hit-and we're cutting prices to prove it. This is flot a special. purchase-it is flot a disposai of surplus stock but it is a DELIBERATE SACRIFICING 0F OUR OWN PROFIT. WC want you -to know that we are as eager for Lower prices as you are. We want you to know that we are Jighting for them just as bard as you are and furthermore that we are dead wiliing to give you our profit to help bring lower prices if such a thing can bc donc. There's No EFxcuse For Weaxïng Old Clothes We'1l Help You Cet New Ones. Styili Suits For Young Men Stylish nc de'llts sucli as swi',tIine and belted effect, Single or double breastecl styles. Goed fa- bries in brown or gray mixtures. ]UP to $35 values . . .............. See These Suits and Topcýats Cleverest lot of Suits and Top Coats we've scecu anywhecrc.- They're the product of master designers and the. tafioring and! fabrics tell their quai- 44e75 lty at a glance. Up tei $55 value-,....... Mx mmX QIIIATS i rowns, grays, greens and mixtures in gpeatest dfetand right now. You al l now the maixe. Speclal at___ Smart New Suits and Topcoats o>xl;Ijf txcelient werst.îis, -Serges ai»J Flainnelsin no end of cts ' v î'attcrils. Sty les for the yong f 1-l "' sa1ithe older chaps. Up tu 3 4 7 $45 valtIt's - ... .................... ...... MatkhIess Suits and Topcoats Ani extraordinarv dillpay fromn the best known miakers in Ams- e rica. They're the last Oord in (i ssy taiij ring and style. Garnients. that sen- reg-5 7 ularly up tu $65, rnarked at ....._ 4 7 Wilson Bros. Union Suits ' Metî's ribbed Union suits ini white and $50 0ecru. Long or short sleeves at Y Prices Listed Below: Waukegan Tire & Battery Service, Vuka&jnlzln1 i.tRetreadicg s t Double Treads.':- .Accessories Sheriaû Roe nd-Madison Strçet 1