CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 May 1920, p. 12

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tha i.iigh wnta sttpof 181t1*oFFCAL USI &o 10 L U. . S AR S ~~r~ii whlch-comîsrlsee two or theeacre.,- 'U S.Tg SR PÀR o tftepa k adjoinngtii.Grest ESTATE ý TRANSER 0F DONE To Laites rifle range, but no legai stops , Pftlhdby DAM Gb ave been takesi in Ihat direction. LAKE CO TIlLE AND TiUttt4 . FOS$ PX. BUILDINGSFNOS OPN&ut o -nu' . pi. d imm Vandals - lyd 200 IN UL S. SERVICE Lena nro:zmrZimp lte ilie Qed. Destryed $,00dis. forth 124 foot, lot 4, block "-J., Worth of Property While the FORR UVE WJRES Bargo. Waranty deoed, 110. Park was in Their Hands..I Arthsur Jacobek te oebphie M. liPrings, las section 9, Wost, Ântiooh. HIRE HENRY 9. IJRBAN GOOD WvwES ARE OFFRr Dwaëlmncvd $0 P.A errY l(md vifsto te dmard Henr D. rba. ofChiagohasSchneider and wlitp. ott 160 teet, Hen re y h orth oC(hicago.plrts Civil service exaiinationa for po- lots 9 antd 10, bock 32, Wtlgbte &d- 'boar ashire y ti of- 1h7hMcgoPark miions in the government service yl dition, lbe'rtyvile. Warranty bd& wiiich wau leaeed by the govertîmn besiheid In Chniicago May 22 a June 80 during the war for thc purPobeor 8 . 9 and là, nccordlng te annýounce" Auguat Radiott and wtt. te Q. A. etoring supplies in the buildings and monta made today by the nlt.d Statos Baton., tract of landi knwin as l"e ,otior pu rposes. and which the. gov- civil service board.1 Connty Gravai. Fit, Libertyville. War. arniment turned back to Noth Chii- Ainons thse postiona that are te raatty dffl. 8i0. caoltat Deeember. be ffl104 are the follovlng: Sorroman J u ohnao, o 8, Brwsivilonj Durlng thse tinte thse Park vas fIs and Wast8er mechanic@ for nited States Joanson utcl-Bo*'a 81. a thse banda of the governiteittvandai naval ordînance plant'at Sauth Charle t.. e. u l u to W$ daniagedth ie park cmTur sttion "IWt. W.Va.. atisalarie. ranging front sonB.nd if.,nd lo t ee t visicis had just been built aia tscot I811.84. te $13.28 Der day. mininug 140anfeet) lot 4 1, Moays' psol ad of $5,000. Thse extent of the damage laboratory mecbaniclan, 81.400 te 4diti ocWakeg, a Wrtye'» idead. l)t hirt building and.cter property -81.800; expert optt&in, $2,400 te $10. lai etintated i aI 2,«Où, and untier4tise 83.000; ciief Ballistician In order A .B~ic nivf .S terrai of te lease, thsegovernnsent department. 83.000 jta $3,600, iaw prtlots 3and w4, blocP.3, isani 10 tus-n l back In as good con- cierk. $9,000. - Sske part Fots andem ,ublocksio, ditiîn eaitweti iltook il over. Those who desire to taioetthe cxam- St ee n Warrjantbde'ig udvo. Thse governmnent itas uow tarted iMations are requested tae lnncte SaaukegA. lbcrt y datae sed, rp -îtglt danmage donsc b carry vith the secret.îry of thse United Stat- lot 9, bock 6, %IrKay*a addition, »ut thnijr part of te agrenment. eatvi service orLttefdea Wukgn 10 Thse s'verunientt as also tndicated building. «r..H.lDursthead selle 10 Wnt. Bak$10 Sixes For Women Misses and Juniors Northorn Mlinois G'reatualt Store tor Women'a Readyv-to- Wear AGreat Special Purchase & Sale of Values to $22.50 m98 SpQrt Values to $30-00 j~ 4 Dun'i fbdivj5O la biomi * 1 ladm. Waîeqlaty tas&d, Leo *sutdviiorn w1itkefan. WaI' Afro l emll.. I J~rE IF R ant7.ze. 810. 1 H* . UBraoer and wife te lAfRoy 4 FL À.F mO~tore and wlfo bo W. W. W, Braehor, lot 1 to 8S Bracker-b' X Otyon and wite, lot 4, Powell'. .îib- division en Grand aveue. r 10 #41 IkC UR divsi. 1&In block 9. MtiKay's addition, gaiii Quidaims $1.N&i N C UR Waulegnn. Warranty deed, $10. Grace F. Meliann and huaband to a'E C. J. étreiber -and wife to George Estate of Rose P. ChatUield-Toylor. i IColer and wifè . west 50 foot lot, 1. lots 190, 191 andk 192, Lake Forest. K iI S N E U block 7, Highsland Park. Warranny Warranty deed, 876.000. deed, 810.JoehMeusd ohteÊ0t C. W.'Hantord et ai ta W-' H. Jon- n OM..of Moi Nl Gw JasoneptblMieu, nid to ho te stl aom, forth 109 feet, lots 15 and 14, There tu slwasman orange Lisa paecnoxtbo"en"ee rotd block 42, Highland Park. Warranty plm on a ehair neai' tue ýioor a Pite North Chicago. or lnftact, lni Lake April 1, 190. Savoy cbapekla I London, on the Stn. (loltty and who wua reieased, ram Es Atpofrie F21, 1924L Tylo day atter ,riatmes.. Ihueucjtom ý g the North Chicago Monday atternoon to,-Graçe 1. MoGann. lota. 95.M - i vOey 14,don« lu MiMOl7of xSOUon 88.000 'bonda will discorer that lt 100, 184 and14 1.*IkForest. Dftd@ Gwynn wD whWMsavWOUWhhbome-. la atory merions matter la otey tiie 81É000. lten chuajomsd oms .la a 161ecoud tla.,aocorutng te Information ecured '& . 9.Beaubion and wif4te bT. IL.SM I9«7 t» -e& AtU*11 iu ab*trou) Stbtes AttornieY James . Wolch Gray, south art lot S, block 6, *Me. euagsrn gIv"r te th*chureb ttday. Rare s econd addiUdon. VWaukege. --i ( 1>j00 . "eV0A f b«f lte 'U la addition tet iling touar charges 'Wamuaty ded,. JS~ Io*1. Whlle Ite olted It agaanat iekun la the. North Cheago F Xofly Avediemlan an. vtla bce t heCitD t lc u orang, Police court, State. Atboniey Weich Bemmen, part lot 2. -block 7. ftnderlin'on00the ",~- tîsitodai that, la al Piobablity. liratadoition, Waukegan. Quttlabm _____________________________ ïlamar Redding et a', to M"ar non, lot 22 and outh 15 feet lot 23. block 2. Wfntiirop Hlarbor. Waraati, deel, T Alei.Ooddlm and huaband to«Wil- liam- Oveben. two acres. Village 01 Barrington. Warranty d4004 $2 00. J. iC Wright and wlfp to 9:V. 1jeuo- @en, Dr. Frice proersy on Grand ,avenue, Waakega. W arranty deod Sanrord Peck and wifo ta Henry Kollo, part blocsk 8. ChîCaCo 111gb- sale Starts Tomorrow Thursday coa0àts_ Values to $37.50 I75 Values to $55.00 at $ i The handsomest styles of the season are in- cluded in these worderfully low priced assort- ments a t these unprecedented reductiôns i n more- than a hundred spirited models for women misses' and children.- Here are coats, of Polo Cloth, Silvertone, Camel Hair, Goldtone, 'Wooi Velour, Wool Jersey, and -mixtures. Many are belted, pleated, pin.tucked or have new collars, pockets and button trimmîng.e -Corne in ail colors. See Our Windows Every -Coat is Marked- In-Plain Figures -As Always With One Price For Everybody 'The Most Remarkable Merchandîtîng -Transaction Ever Consumated ByA-LEX HEIN CO. North ucaégo 5mw Violator. ti tE! County court. Miekue %XASarrested In North Chi- cage Sundey imbrning afler a teon u baille ln whicb ton Waukegan ann& North Chticago policemen engagad 1% beforo the man was tinatiy lockedu in thse city liut Northt Chicago. Miekus y'plll be arrnginod n North Chicago police court bef'ore justice. Nelson lonsmorow morning et - dlock. John Simmong, proplet*tr of the hall whore tho fight started during- and bis tep-father, John Valenon wili ais boziven a Iteariisg Thuru mornlns bofore Justice Nalima Miiekus,,Slamona. and Val«nf are reprmented. by Attorney M. Orvis. State. Attorney Welch wili prosecute the,. thrfe men. SotâlI. eWesIUce sUS-BlU tceuf~ Séries 2 0 Big Six T rHE printed Word, forceful as it may be, can no more give you an accurate conception of the Series 20 Big-Six- than a carefully compiled catalogue of a -man's virtues wilI visualize his real personality. You must see this wonderful car-ride ini it-to know and appre- ciate, its acknowledged superiority. 126-inch wheel base. Seven- passengers. 00-65 horse-power. Intcrmediate traîîsrni."ion. Tonneau extension lîglit. Cord tires are standard equipilient of ail Studehaker <ar. ""This Is Studebaker Year" Lake Couîît.v Jistributors. Phione 568. Achen & Wells Motor Co.- 217 N. Genese St. Waukcgan, MI ALOO DEALERS*FOR PAIGE AN~D MAXWELL CARS ÂND TRUCES. ni Policy of Honesty and a Square Deal Has Built Up Our Busimess. to ,the Largest in Lake County., Investigate Our Prices Before Xaking Your Choice - Just Received a $5.000 Delayed Bug Shlpment. WE HANIF: A RIUC FOR EVERY ROOM IN YOUR IIOME, GOLEUM-N ORA ('REX RIJG 18 'A CIIEAP COVE1I- ING FOR FOR ANY FLOOR. LINOLMEUM REMNANTI Good grade, somne'strips large cnough to 79 cover an entire floor for oIIly, per yard.......-79 STAIR CARPET HCavy Vol'vet grade - suitable for halls 1.98 at ouly, yd. i 5U- PBUY jA&LLOYD'S WOUNCARRIAGE TOXOUROW A. Spring guaranteed for 20 years an d Feit Combination roll 89 edge Mattress for only ,......... ........ ..... These Two Articles Are Worth $25.0«. - Lertt St 13weeper i iU eu $2.95 W" 1 -' Tea -Kettir- L LA >VOWME XXVIII.- LOWDEN FOI nesdav izult, anliee COrse", \uOjrs ý'fos nioney -t'iittdd ninnt. ti nmadpie 5iiSl t 1c; rou rrt irat îwodaYS. Th, nrltiitionr, o' bas n <'t"iS have n 1114,000Tt r-g lte1 ing to a finazscial tsudp , public The r all (d qthee'.e ltIrt li'arkeî sucs-case of rte -monts of April sponding penuoti or ta lisree hundreti madie b' te InIlit, woeedo.iltbIt o f l montS nf -icI yomr. hall f nTisaýweek 1 beon tttrnA-i n hv Z 'ie pollulat ion 01 inereasing anti has * bout 5.700. Aonording ta W. 1 aal maager of Zio ipdtsstries. tiere a ingrsemulSin m tor Ueo City. onq tIlr.Imsn mjuist té moen City.- ...... . ....................... C1 IAEiO Seventeen of thie 1 gates Supportù son Platfoni Thse Lae Counly tit State Convetiion Springfield wvus a f lion-,-Every ane of wa' prement sud th-, 1hý' aiternatos; got a onr the commlttee. B. M. Millet of 1 chaîrian of the dele "ditos- et tise Sun The tel lowteail 141 Surrday ngtt 't'd fi field cas-v MondaY thse . '7g d-<Ii, li (t, ian . r t -., Lak1 O ur it lgil S n ],' ciegnt'A ,S,o r t-! fo ' - rm- M1. - <I* Tht- -I !-jti _(:iIn o' - i.,k il A i i Tt .Sri l' j f ! ve" 1 't h n 'di', s-îîtîd 01. ým dt rrts-iîl roSi te t - fromr fti a:,lt)r of rkthi tor ri' t ,aF fl tion ,orito'. n an lii or 'rfi, -'2 TSi fi,,dpn ol tr ofli Cv-ntio qnamýely went int) Hnwtvei. ted tha, *h titre' would h.- recordeti Tiiompeon .rowd rai l.owvdet, Tise LaKt~- Coîînty qeats with lte deieg 'Cook Coutry end of every rmvanwalS n 1 linie dur .' lte ex tion& TtIifr tld iy Ith( .Conventiin Ihat Thisa was Ptitir.-ly froin number ofthtie cour Vcook c'wîrîty vote Thottipeon platform. JUST LIKE T TIJE1'HAN[ CHIECK F( 1 --

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