l'AGI J~ LERTYVILLE. LAI~E cOIJNIY. ILIfIs 11<JRSDAY MAV î a'>n o,Ïertyville EndependentifAeia eunNw tm Goin., 1 depedecan WauononNewsMitems Saturdoly, May' -1- Plate Commander dope un the work of the Legion. Mr. Offle IeIheat4uah.r . LlettyiU. xchal...Milton .J; Foremnan iisued ibis procl&iý Dolibirla ver>' hope Fui for;h cr àbi e,*@Petace t lbertyville , as Second Cai Mail Matter. Ination on the Aneriea ci0fln mm PMe of thc four fold beneficial Ieg- "May 2 to 21 bas; been deîignatewd &a ilatio& .bill-..and sajeit a&aia W. 4. MTN £dâ .-..-... -- - - -iter thc period of the American LeElIoa economic masaëie aind willlieb.à gres.1 P.-a. MIT" . -. --------- ----- ..------------------ ----......Manager moimberaiip.drive la Illinois by 1500- beaettto the country at large. The GOA,». NA"Ity .-.------ . -.--.- -------.....lamation of Governor Lowdm, D bnqu vsrotnbt hn bt t ________________________________________ t its time Il la bopcd ta enroli a ver),>' Mw otnbtte btc OffmIcia imahica.s fer te Village oLibertyvile. large proportion of those wbo are cli- YOu zPfet -ta banquet? Tbe>' even O@W uWcaimft LkeGeisy oid f uprvneiepr«dfw gible for aembersbip. had the nerve ta feed us camouflaged O~iI Paêlcatee eu'Laie Comt>'bSn f SpeolmoV Pe.elng I"Il would blpthe movement tre- gold ftub ad beanaioup. IUmm as,«ep~uud Advertlming Rates Mad. Kaowa on Appllotlom. mendouel>' as iliell as accelci-ate pa- *U»wfTIO PICE4150 ERy 1ILR, TAGTL I A- triotlsm. if, durlng this time. the Amer- Fr'ank Kennedy and Frazelle took a *IJSITIN RIE-41O PR EA. T~CTY N DVANCE. ican flag la diplaed'f ront homes and triP tu Channel Lakte Monda>', trying business buildings. UkSUiuyii"Patriotlim and love or country ae, O JoleC cottage as a summer resort iIUU~iI ~symbolized b>' aur flag, and the pur- lor- the local post. E DM NTr< @ YENcrLIJLK YILLtlBAS 'loges for which, tic American Legion %t. I l oganized. whi là are set Forth in thac Burrldge cbaperoned Bill Dowden 11<FAM USMOR IS~ IN ERCIUR liUNION preabe taitsconstitution: FltorGCod and a truck loadof nursery stock ona _____Mili toge lier for the following pupes I'Tu npaim ia dieewnd Ur ~bou twenlywr t vci oyl.br -D -IE3tJE SUT An iterchurclirounicli faiLiberty.:ution of the United States of Amen f tYville to the big geit ogetlner meeting - Ille fownslai.u h las been oi'ganized, the Ica; to maintain law and order; ta fos- ai Fort Sheridan las! Fritta: evenlng. 1trantI perpefuatea one hundred per Tesekr n nefieawr Anoter chitjtr int a li lats P'uituPose fa extead te usefulness and cent Americanisna: ta preserve the Tesekr n netieswr ris IS Do1yle ni f -E'ta.. aritten ieretts nfIlte var'iaus church af te memorie and incidlents of our lasso- fine. iooay len Judgte aEIuwardf enieretowshn'ip. Tise îasioî's and tv.a laynien :dat ioniante Gieat Wa-: f InceuIct*e tRay Kennedp and Fred Carney rep- against Mrrris. if s reportcd ituai tram each churrh lorimthle basia of'a sense of Individual obligat ion f0th an~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ipelwi a. ae olt apl ifrsaafa att otni.TeLbcornmunity. state f.ad nation: tua corn- esented the Leglan ai. the meeting ta{ lafilacohetarrangerfo laiecout iri.ttu RFSt'ht' d"1tt1111 ertYl'llle Methodiat churchia t repre- and The tuasses: ta make right the numbstning sysiem. 'ie noe h o fîbe judgnicnt was far ta 'xceF-. seaîed b:.'the Re%. C. EKil eluuer. 13.I nasier af mighî; ta ploanofe peace ai ttna nd e he litai aIltheor ofThe vale 0trd n>erti e s oIlMiler and George Foîîett. The good 's-ié on earfh: fa> safeguatrd and Thecas sfrie ovr sx yr.r ag jtransmittof0 asaerifty the prti s of g uanizations re!tresenf.-d tsillcneft i wlttseP.t Ror'sri pîainthe Cî.. Hu. EKaisarae t. F rigntttvesustlice. freedoni and leiocracy; :ta froaU cooPei«afion,<il thii'sort. Let's ail lon oante f :ies afr t . I.Kie aefh efeeffTesconsecraf e and saactify aur conirade- get together ofieja In soci as î~Weilias lova f l)erfied Lat h w-ttiatnd tirouth ie 'reisb:. telt-an c-luitch Tiaship by our devation aad usefufness. catllaunîf actj-. 1,'1wtsuggesfion heok ait nuh morevf be ndd l-,Aiea (ongi egtonal rhureh lias signi- Make If the agency b:. whtrh our Pei-abu tighet-ett auooa heîpletuhanevfua, ul citcan tnd wifl become irtîlv nation-aotilnth resj.;agdoe than te ane- lac bail fl.tctdft-,- ntlted ifs; itent ian ut affiliafing with tlized - ' ant iv5e are retdYItl) îtrintî-rf .taany Maorrie 'won ta ji-'fice court anth ie cauneil. . M -f leefore, as Cî ofîaaerni'a>'possible. :fn tppal as aket tatheciraif On Sunday. May 16, a union servicetehe Illinois D-eiarimenf. appeal foa al I'etri ' biThe t ast i a. dragged Aib tldnLbt v M. ieiora-i1iurfa,tht'. tinte nof anly fo dtsplay! Tegîmeyer çcames lîrougli wt three -eparafe tîccaeians.îtîg 'stervtticeii fbehefliflte Preala lite colora wherever available. but a toetit nding isuggestion. 'vrî - .aongforStayear hei.' ri-an eii ll)ite wnrk ta whtch Ilite Legian lUance." Date ta bie annaunceti later. The case 'sas frjed foirfiche a, * tertan churcla, foilowed hy a Unionlitas t-aiarked." ". O1itl t iîud earg finesli-f ît-certîber. MaIrii t. w's *warkers' canfereare."ILO J1O N uîa ln. orig ia iso' tba aega- unabttleb, fs i tt'ent t'nu atikeitfor a litIll~-e eeni MITON.. ittapit ttîceîîng 5<Promse111 -itai conStauance, mhile I)oN le tî'at ît'îîmeetiug repufa trii Tt'cout ci-ci ,,-b,-c lilai fte Sieiiadit ieliî-. ai R,îtiesena.iles froni ailt e oss OI' ULttus for high gradle enier- upon a i tutîaîaTheli'courtui is er.îlisss'she contfnitianfc andti he case xc-. flf i him ine Dr. Henry Set niur. ttupt inlaLtake catials-will meet ai Fort Shet tiatd presseti. Trial wift liarlits 55et-nf ito 1)(Y ttt f Of tit'iuî'ciîExtiension Ofa1 ilaît Frtiay ntglîfand are-invifed la an eharge.! fIi' Motrrt' ti'iis h a p-s'- i- l*ie ttciest bter' .v. il 'Peakun sitnforarildance given by fthc nurses' Plans tsari, ecaratiotta i: ieging ,joli ari teiC lI . ý% lt" . , - -sfi%,ît.d In g e ts a e ýiar3lb s îtonîh'.. If,, hai 1.1 i -} Evaneization anîd Lite Iiecruiting"" ' it. aferwards. Any ieiiows w 's-ha i sttttrt hela g eaî Sitttft' aof1tae tstt $5 Ilo- a lii.tion'f il) if f Atlic(- lose aifIDr Se:. iutl's tîtdress. ttoîtillike to go. lakte the 7-30 car be sefoih d-traon iti- n t "h wo 'li a îîtiîflt o $34' t Sfe' ci-i tna lctur on fite nter~ grcf i t. Ci trteva anctue ecitaittt Prgran NO*I. iai.. t".. - i Lit ' t, it 'it'hurtch N"trfd Sîîrve':.%,%i li e gîren b:.- t'fiitr ttertmdetingilit î t-c-t iii tii lite atl-, A, f'ttiti F.tt t-- ti - i pt.\W littbu-. oi t lie M. E. ('ténary Io1.e A. I! , Boy Scouts tidii Amerîcan John Pope repreventeti Doyle.\ as.t' io e titiiS'(ltace. -itoti ~Legian are arfian i ng1t-ittai liit. 'ihousaad' ai tolar- tiave 1e'-, Nitieinent. t ni W,îitcii for anaoancentent. case. .a ittaite ihtsaIant--'.e'.pe'-t -luo etti .îît. u a I(eslfî i a '!e ,t 1 oif . l.iI-'tt i L lÇet'.i lutt - ~ atiht tl-.uence Lovell tiai. îtkî-i liut'Io î'.t li16BIEST- SÀLAUID TEACIIR IN STATE; SPLENDID SCIIOOL "Rubbish File" Babies ~Ridge Sohool,.West of Hight- land Park, Example of what Efficient Teacher can Do. A concret exemple of wbat can be acecoaliabed by hiring capable teach- ers and paying them good wages ta viven ln the manner ln wblcb Ithe Ridge OebooI. west Of Highland Park.1 tu operated. Apentertaintuent was givell St that' scvllool Saturda>' nlgbt b>' the.o- munit>' club, which brought out pia-Se ticaîlli everybody lni the nef ghborhoctd i and man> parions fi-uni ail pal-ta of Lakte.Count,.icdlna numhr 1 -- fiom Wa-ukegan. This club was organlzed las! 1ala bX',Miss N. Grace Wright, a young womam with a Chicago Uni versity (ed- ucation, the nieniber,. being tile nien aiid wollîen of tha! caxnmullîty. Each i Survey of Inclia Si month the nmen and w-nîen take menst Caste I .w' z-"JY C ln provldlu.g an eveningas entertainl-l mlent. Lest Batturday it was the v.ont- 1 ýYCl en@ tua-n. beY Pregented a play en-' Tte dit n titled -Tweleve Old Maids.' ThLi.ta i was followed b>' the serving of te- :1 ingbuld-, fre8hmients. each person belng gi en kncwav i ;à a basket filled with al 'kinda aiofed tat p.t T :s things. 1 1e o t I. *Tha,.e %%ha pnrtlcipated lnthefacplay bThace' t t and te Pal tt. they rook, M'ore as foi- osçr. I. 10v.: alst ttrs. Beanter, ilote) Keeper; Mré. L Neville. is roftt - t. t Liza Peati.lic-heaaid, Mnsr', lum-. iuitger. 5'"Lt'.- back. fid.t Mar--Anti Ftle.t, U %h 'ants er Wo ft 'lr. cr.' rights) \i,.Jewî'tt. or f,, Zelibna Zook, (A No. 1 Coca> sarm to bcd lotii,- L.. Soefkvî . antri, EuJala Nii. Jorîtîiî,a ltiuti tii, i --t i Ethel M-W.t-11ht P-t i, ) aid Jî A " e < a v, IiV E S L A E C O . Nu tnt 11. . , iek,.AS U RRESID F t1 ithl'lîîîg, tWboaIli a. t-Datiqhter of Maior' Fit \~ ~ .~'s~?rI, ~? r Wood Tells Officiais lýu,;..i'V T-l-Lives at Ft. Sherid, Th~ à-, Superstiiion, and of. .sB-J f 3bies. .1 t 't ;,yt ,î.î.tio, , . et ,necihances. t. t. 1, n-f cr'telff 1' ' o ; w r iy t tj I-r l" Oie. LIST 0F NEW BCOS IN THE L.IBERTYVtLLE PUBLIC LIBRARY General, sShe hI 1i l t i t-t j ti t- "M i -t1i 4 t . l iit 1 't i h a tolz o 1i," '. - -.. i i ' t - ' il i l , I- I 'î i -Nc 1ttf t..otti tî ti-1,i-. -. l. ti -~ i - ii tt t1o %at i i ltun t'the - .iio'.-tilI , 1I, i t - at- . i i .' t I-f S it t i'tt ti'tt il ut% l. -t, t -1 Ch!, v- 't IIiiV. ,; it-1bi t chil.idt aff it. p4î pli.4 tetatat0 auteftilstt' 600 SotCe i 00niua6,&,âCharee .1 ,Id c o ut% ailtil tt ha0 t anti iltiîtt aN0tiod itNroTîdAhe S * I i oiid a liyh.. Anc up1dal e ;j1t>1 all0a t 1 h'.aitu bi t asait- Fti t0 N. RAti TE.S - 1 Cnd titIs aFac t.ti-a WA T OG0 iRL OR G luitas W rtgh t-t ut,' ut>fi,n tgtt iiitt, ortr-s tttI 2s>-fera t- MiiumE r HOs- W 'K ~tOL U %, ýlfaieSofTthe 633 NOil.EIli, ilSTREET. The sehlit t l the s rat le d ît,' ty, il.ieî.'l Il UNG\AN %PHn E 995lt.-I tf palt i Nus - tt'raiitioa nettr1 p t iIf I prIe;tWE - V. '11TEa - r l iau u-ha trs tPIno - The ldg sc too Ûwl c b umait- a e ll ra, I i . s 18 é ,i stMe.,:Be I o o k n o l iit ofMise Wcitl oeoat- th erlr e st1' oR .Able p Sieaieti cîtr 1hi n, . FI_ t HO S WO K Y If nul te hrghuîttaidsei-d sfui-nIvinteîl nI' t D',R ntendeat lOR F MudulMtttt DECO ' R' hesaI n dAY l'IhALe1 0 sAurefrt A-Nttti. îtti . --ON, 5ý t. niole than wort Me A Y ce t 11 Il, it i, : Yng luwtson enc t. duon i iF r m c ntî : . pald. NO" _. (;I-t-n iito ea ly ittiiO c t. saE .% N The-Rdge choo wil1 be ma( ai ic o , A le , a fe 1-c2te J s. et f w rkn on ii E Ittînti. Ltlaut I 1____ -tivhe 8N 1 o s fr flie .4juîs l a l criteu ,i A coîtîtît tut cergrepresuin fiurgitlheil tAeR al Muort'k t. li a Ir . MI'ititi Mo;to ' ALîngiconngian anti fit'l.o>18-ot 1. Co..E4301 e ftts>u'agei-C.iettithi 4> eu a p a r sr tit t', iiiariti c FORIt SALî E 1,0e0at- s aua le piof e 'tel 2 > I, L b r>. îe19t1 Memorial SunitbrgantI i caiti tii tit itay - Ktiler, R. F.I. 2, Prairi V-rwsix. 2 11v C Moga, ta'i ui li iesi î'i-. SA LE liaOn$e wo- eek farnagt it 24 ;I*U. I ai i5 . ,11 h li t ,if b: em Ht'l ii M teA .,r - t'ad li iea.et ber ltck r ni. - -ne On Monda>', May 31, suuiiiableo e Viii I. ectneeedeut(e i-. - J SL.eein Gi-in Tien- citeso d.tSA -L aut. 8-t OR tA 'aLE . Ad rcsW l ii er . 214: A! 10 a nli t e ea,nithîe stlnfle ciIy Ae .Gies.G2-fAj Rtiu- Ak. oie. Evans t. IiI l i jlEt I la metan gu aldoo lleting, tite exerasenerChe rl cciss ii edneld i n ielitaft Scitaef auld11 oei odcniin l odniin.ton 4690. - 19- -itotidti ac fi e îc t a r.'tîîî t fo!t. j ne hr seî. lt waB. nSv,-ifb, '17 , r oeul a Lbetîla a nti cala be91, Test hoe 7&W- . Ansi- securia fudt- a nd m tic i er fît,') Kle'rM . 'AF. l 2, ra i ar B 8t-ts sn 9f ptogrm aItheanrk, itaiasÇÉsute Co. lit Nr Derbor St,. Chicgi i- serviceAs.EIl Tua tir lis dtu tuen aier. * fi-mti nt flc lnSaI iatci f ken'. ,Vai e I)u t A ma ie t an b u>' lai-ma ,Rt a I ongLa ke r dIýice ou. Rosix frot vitoces îdacth e toitcry, wliere he fines. faro "ta. agslI, 0ali o s-ith. tig.Re l umbe Ca. stock.4tac ~ae of on, diay s30),li bu'-lcarf T! h h-N1 o noa Centrai 48en fortesui-Bf f -, ip% so Sre, )oe 4 a ean . .offtegnt, es a -s uiuofieei- n i Ner ill -Men $1or we t fothk e , 4- J oei 51.100fc ieio ls l Satu nda , Ma 2 , uit e e xe Lakeici- atn 11i1.frands antnei J2 giabo >s FORe SA -atc tîa t a rdcettmn Taftîn -v.Ingotu nti nes. ilsorer.iu oî' ng, lit lrites a i l c îuld itshe illae itt'pa r hie GA E --utn e gu rasntu - lose on', at ,b ri n lt'rue. Autumres1 cr-illera,f2t1ti ut 10tîa.mes.fIt-tnien, vonien an i ulie--wMrKinley BveLDING lGrimes. 2a'. fa ise iiIten liîînaf aringthe-te 'taycian, II46. iar 1 it 9 1 4t auditoaniuourAforndpapeatee, or $21 1ot NîFNS FORTEILE TO SELL GROCER nîvdd o h-i ccason,\r ant' d' i i Nu lît>h fni . . Swenc iicift. a17 I l' sR SE ll %jering e iît ' one  curd t n ii, m us ;ic. te i l ei M %'NT - - tius aia ta îîît- ioriity a 19el Y Ail c ai ers apacreit aeh.. n e itllîCo., 11 N LlSH- o w Srt.,tu cahinagotatioa-l -kt ca A.E. U ON, lerk f bana of a n ote e in tif groce fomdadteln f ac aé 1)1ae uin thy m aketin . $2-fartiseutaal] -1teLngu ake r oofn s lul trng ail' 4 Wan, fosle, eet. ad, van rete e iN-SnieS'10 cen is orsial o rw t a , sock.footis. etc. o.auit lulute graesP ofDENldrach oVSr 15,000 ied- îet E ingîittPuhin g Ca, Es11-tuao. Wienay Sat ag ati cup Thelocl oy Scutshae vluteeed1 li OnRlba S' Itfut Y&SIIA5 WLI)In cl eachof tee gavsk q>d lts n -Titi -- . %In1r2 m n n tke r nawis Si, Cittc ilg-Il r . Drn M;1 x £ Mrts. F. Clevelad)I to a home for Invalld Mdig Annia BwansO guet ai the E. H. IDr Mai. P. E. Allen oi on IÀbertyville fient Mia T. L. Monroe over Sunday witli Ml fIlai r Foulda utof hie grandiperentb. Mi triendis Mism Mary Gannaît ..i -,t ai IfIt, *S. i over gSundtt> Mr and fMI ,, Ici urnc-d ltrîday fi-on FInhida. -M We have secure ten.cory, and 400,500 of !Nia, the steiling que The ;a~set thos posa - ! cill Co i;- e c-;,- Givtng in Service. - Iat iff, -- t ' :. - --I t e î au at---t ti Ilt:.-, 'tîîuî 5 E«ht'r 1i,,tj I 1~ b ftti t - t t, ut,' ti îttîî-r t.' t' t' ehl - t-.: 5. .,ti---ti~i' t-O - - ' I t i lier i ~ - houa ti anqtilual ( La -.llî, lit,I i - longs to Iltrans J. Sci't l'oit tttîî1aient:. Litt l-,fftt, <nit... tsar cor ntt1th-t i tif. in iin ti i'f. oti i'-tmo ei.se te the speakhe-rst..adiblo f eIîgîbes litt.ftatt a i iv tf t uiey sure!> gaveelis a lot ofI nterestin in l taUticftont 13. V. PRICE & CO. TA ILORINa is the tailoring-of today It is the sum of a quartet century's pro- gress tbrough scientifie methods, It brings the highest type of cüstom tailoring to every man of exacting taste in drese, with abeolute assurance of satisfaction as to quality, fit, value and service Je' B., MORS E'& CO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. êêê44*~êê4~ê44444êééééôé BID A deli sides t We %,Ill SaNè us at thfý imne. -Now isthéei =is higher pii taking adva - at a big disc - Prie =GT FURW We are exclusive agents in this territory f9i, thi.s lne of men's clothing and have ail the latest weaves and styles to select from. Âkto see our new woolens and authentic styles. "EVERYTHING FOR MEN" PHONE .14 1 rw 1 411 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Ç"W 14 ý ýw 'w 'w 1