CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 May 1920, p. 24

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Tai Ta&. i.n--[»miuption Lt 11k. S CtS. - 2ým-Dêscrlptlon Lot BIk. SCt. _. 56 6 1.58 * Do * 1.Co 3 14 3.04 ............~c; .. .564 6 1 1.Do . ... ....' 14 2.04 * dc . . ..67 as I16 K18.u' o Ac .. ....... 16e 4.79 .. .. .. .. . . 69 f. 1 0 3 ID o 1.. . .. ..2.04 f' I sr é._. 5 L131 ,, A climoing» & (Co.. 6 15 .04 r E 4-syl*r. . 1 5 -R.3I Do..7 15 2.04 1 . Tollan .1 7 I 2 DO................ 8 16 2.04 Wm EKM ... ..... ... .23 [.8 là1.18 .J WoJtekums ... .14 1e 2.04 e Aug Phits .............i 1 1la .80 LEN0X SUBDIVISION Al John Budztuski......I14 2.04 TRI 5E A cuthlmîrg et(Co.. 3 le 2.04 Nsame-I}eecrlpttoo l'ai a .8 CS. Do............... il1? 1.04 lic. fCslI........1 1.r.1 Do ..........1 l 20 DO.........1 .3 De ......... ...... 1 1 30 Zcoh . ua .......îil 2 Du................ 12 1? .0 WARAl aWvEWqs aUJDIVISION WARRANT NO. @11 Tex For ,«teral B.wer dt.d NovelIber Nan. l.cjttn Lot 2M4. te . a. 912. înstaîîmcat due 35b. (traceDver. I I 1.3 Tex Do........ ....I:1.à3 am.-Deeoriptton Lot 11315 SCt. D. ..... ........21 I 31. Nrt ff .clo lcînt 1) .............. 4 1 121N th ....3 10............ 1 1.32 Co.. That t11.05.etmted 13dese<d sa fol1owa: lau .. e 1 1 .11 ~ a t a p i t t 3 .2 ft 9 1'33and >f W of NO1 94 1 1.3 cor o sa cor or BAC . .... . 28 Iliofetthe Rtof >,i e o ..Chicam $Wtt% :,.............3Io I1 1 - S Ryth N Mr-onaa1t00 11................3si 1 1:il KarAIIG1 WM hand 25 1, ........ Il I 1.:3 2 f;t ronathe11 ....... s 1, eulino of ad R te& ..... ..i4 21 1Il poittwhich L 247.4 .........1.31 lit ald N car of ........ 1 S4 sEka4B of adm Site 0t ...........9 133 8 Do . .............368I.00 lm Bi1aI>ut .4 8. c& ntý »er iu 'e 3 Lt. W l ltrit T ... 9G 8 1331 W B Smith............. 4 * 00 Do H Str 8t 9 l'i 4 1 10................. § 1.00 onF l'idmua lu.....1 9 .0 Do..........Z . 00 *e Wný.k.h 9 1. ......... ......10200 on hylDO -id Clelacer 1 2.00 Geoge tafo rd ral9e1.M3 ,Iit.......y». 4 2 1.00 W Stgic 31Thot t-eDo........... .....22à 2.00 of 1.941 tli adBMILîîDOy ...........4 2 2.00 0 dontli.,KI ParkSDo...............*'"Io 2 0 o n.iFé lot à ln 18C-2.00 R EtaIOftioy.............. 16 2 .00 tahf Do.allr.....le ..y........il20 3 20 rumn -N an .14 1).................... SUBOI2VIS5O th o.......... he1..............129 2a0 4 b>...............34 9 1.33 lame-cacr..... Lot 814 . SU. and5enth1.12 therOw .. Iortable 14 2RIe- w lioof SIIeO . 36 t 1.13 Vatro . ............ 5 a 2.91 Do..............0 7 O 1.33 o........... 6 .01 1>.,.........1. ......14 3 1 f DO.......... ......Io 1.09 S29 1 F < 8..8 la 14o . ...... 17 .21oCis S.NO RTH ..........32 4.64 l 'ice 5W ....o ....f22, A9 1............I5SION la 9 1.32 Tai Pr s.I. .,.. .c.. . . . 29 9 1TI OT .......... 9 15IO . ct i ch45q).4fI th W Ta15 to 1-. Ide of sîption Lot 811. S l. -11I.8 t.Ii N 10 P. (7A Newcomb Jr..A 1.00 ...................D6ID57B61 WASI4BURN PARK Do...............F Ir I1 .64 Tax Do................ A 3 6.12 I1escrption lAo I 8 81 q S t. il,)s.. .............C 1 41.71 il; B Woodbssstge Et. 8 il .0 Do ..............2B A 6.01 Ur. T Wqd.wotl, -...17 Il .a31 Do...............3 6 2.4OC I...............«c18 11 1.23 IDs> . . ...... 4 1.00 1.. .............19 11 1.22 Do................2 6 2.00 fic...............-V) il c1.39 Jansea K.ctdn....41 &6 11.100 I"1 ............ ...21 il 1.11 Do.... ........... 42 6S a2)8l "0 ............... 2 11l 1.33 .' A twcscnîsJr...4 -' 5 a 02. O 1 .......... 23 1Il .1.33 Du.. .............44 & 2. 00 Lic.....24 11 1.30 DalIs ...... 4 1 5 .00 johnsc, 5 ..... .. 8 la 1.1;Tr E Dov Adm . ...12 7 2.00 D.............. !b 1El 1.3 MrsJ. 91'ingre> ....1 7 Z,69 I......... 1 16 1.'17 D it,............... 14 7 1.0t) s,........ 2 16 1233 J WacstîoII....24 7 2 94 155. ............. I 3 16 1.33,. Florence Tîssrtse .......2 2 0 1)........4 16 1 .C A 4eWs-'ornJr......8Ii 2.0 Di, -38 16 i1:3 Do... .............9 8 2. DO il ,c,,A scîson .. 2 17 1.13 C A NewscomIs Jr . ..21 13 2.00s Ac. tI4k ........ a 17 I1213 1f)0.. ........... 22 il 3.0) 1l t ..... 4 17 1.33IA. 1). AdAini........20 67 2.00) joîco t N, ..... 10 17 1.312 s,.. ............. il 7 .00 1,........ ... Il 17 1.1 1 >................ 2 62 l .00 10.. .......... 12 i7 1.33 lin.... ........... Il.% 17 2. Oî .......l 17 122 51)h ,am . .......... 4 67 240Qt w i: stat Arf 1 7 1.33 D.................2 67 2.0os A KIc IWaln N 7 Il. 30 17 .14 i j Il FinIe>,........... 21 70 2.00 î W 56Itll.1-1 20 1 3.3 Lit,............... 1 74 2. Il 20 1 .3.1 JsIss1. Osho & é,....-ai 70 .00 DIt,...... ......... 14 C01 1.01 Do...m...........:..24 70 2.00 J W MIIfrr.........3 2002ÀDAas.......... 25 70 2001 D....... 14 2a 1.22 DO....... 1........1a 70 .0f T . 1i2sl ...... I !1 1,33 rio.. ..............L27 70 1.00 Evo 51,11, 17 21 1.33 Dtt.. ..............24 70 4.42 Do...............1 21 1.33 tIrs A.NtM aMrshall .. .. 29 70 -.0 K 3.nmenoi . . 9 1 1,33 22A tEl .damîe.......... 31 70 ." Ici.......... 24 1 I2 Is..............1al 70 il.t(la t.22 I .1 2 ive~er ... . 1) 2 C .ttl l.. .. .. . 14 2 1..W1 Il >0011.5...........4 7t) 2.00 ('l-, u sk . 0 22 2 133 I-stt M Smitit. ... 70 2.0 L - ~stIieI 21 -2 13 WARRANT NO. 62. .7t4 t s fi nif', 123 For 2.1.1,,. Dated Dele, »..1912. f, -nj etN ,-b fi W lcsat.lment due. Si. 2. fi und - E 1,112 s r1. , (fisaldc.'-'N SOUTH WAUKEOAN SUBDIVISION oflF.14 fi 11115 Tax 224.81 t -D lescription Loi 2111. I ('ttc RE-SUBDIVISION 0F WASHBURN [>........249 10 PARK DO................ 24 43 1.8s TaKA Newtomb Jr ... 2 41 LIS4 N stste 10, 3,55 11115 S s. DO............ .... 4 1.88 tks 2 1.& 14 ' Il jon . 4 .... 27 41 . Jot C tOs~ I4 14 1 tI4 s ...kt .....r20 44 2.11 36 TsosIssc 4 il I1.I lic.... ........ ...21 44 1.89 is~ 7 14 17 o... ...........2..... 40 to lit 10 Il ~I , . .... ........ 22 4.-. .6 IV Il Sth .... . . 7> 14 1.4 .o .l24. is4 8 15s.taatd-r . . . 21 451 1 Il0 COMMISSIONERS' RE-SUBOVISION IssDtsadr 24 45, 1 si S - Do.. ........ .. ...29 45 .1 N st. Lo55 t l0k. 0 1.01 lt 1- eE Uausot ... ......l 41i 2. 1 L 1I %ot ssit . ..82.14 ... .. - 2 1 4; 1Il C13MMISSIONERqS*SUBDIVISION IlIcs.edr ..26 4 I . 17. îssr H .Ol -mc .-0 47 2-1 s E Ssoxlsq. lsr 2 à 4", I.sI . ....s......... lu............ 4 47 1,83 l .s .. . . . . ..Z5 47 I 66 WASHBURN PARK SUBiVISI ON rîssss j 1, .settec. 2-'1 67 1 ýM Ta. Il 5Nt, s.- tn, Jr - - 2 61 IL9.4 St*I~li it 1- . 1'tDi. 17-1) ktad. . ...... f 1i S-1issts176,tt 2 4 111 )..ectsslJs I 61 tt lon .... 21 4 177,3 lts . . ...5 i6 hoS 57 7 s.sttt6 2 1 4 15a . .. .. ... Il 61 1t 7e 4 A6D 1Stst'kst.der..... 1 6C 1,99 D. --, 32 4 67 S. . . 2 ii 14' l'.......... 7 62 1.11 WARRANT NO. St tDtt....... S01:! 1 lit 11 sss............ i 64 2 1 DREYER$ SUBDIVISION Do................o 614 1.40 Te p ......: 5 64 19 Natse 2esriptso .0 1115 Do. .............. 6 64 1 ss CYssit. .09 11, *...... 64 1 i' 31lstctisc . 7.41, DO ...... 91 4 15 ...t,.... I 6 1.60i D . . 14 6 1 r,,.......... 2 6 1.1 s....... ......... 1 64 4190 l . ........3 Il. 1.5.'l 1) Adams ...........12 61 l'si ........ 4 f. 1 .ss. Do ..554 6 1 Do .......... . 4 I st. . 6I DO.. .............21 61 los .........6 6 1 5 lit........ ... ..... 22 64 .S5 - s ....... t 6 ilA D Adamisa 2)..... 2 44 1.4% lin.......... .......9 6 1 s5.5 Y KLýe.ti ..... :A 64 1. t$ý D........0 '................... 1 3.812 ...... i.... s0 Do.. ............. I 65 LIS ......... Do.. .............. 12 A . .b ....... ....)................ 60 67 I1.. 19 C,.................I. lIt,16 r 1 RkIt r ...........r9 6 1> NI- K-1. rkIs« _s . 6. 1.,s7 j3 ec ,cr,kS 6ts. q15Do.. .............0 67i .98 .7 .1 Il P rm'c :xt-4 O 71 Du.. ............. Vi 67 1.9 4 20sost e ...( 1 IcSS.Il 110t s ............... 31 67 11,19 lo................ 5 10 3.0 Il i.t '..........._... 83 67 1.98 J 3K Or,%............ 1 61 1.84 CLARENCE E. SMITH SUBDIVISION Jl Il FInI y ........... 3 67 1.89 (ifIsst l. l soi 2 13 IattI1 A.1 A . itsrdso . 37 67 1.89 (c ute ifi i an 1. Bls an lo., F.tI Nel.voi........... 3s 67 1.60 1.21. - 3 4 k II St.t t u, 5. 1 J H Fslvy ........... 42 67 1.06 Tex (u...... >.......... 43 67 1 46 Nan 'oelsîus lt B 1 1 vis A A .das ...........1 69 4.19 C Yoorîaltst.. .........1 1.04 lIs.. ............. 2 68 1.88 lis... ........... 3 16 .53 RE SUBDIVISION OF WAUKIEOAN 6q 1.6S HlIGHL1ANDS Do................&6846 1.8 Taex lts........ ....... 6 66 1.66i NlOs-I i.tptsis Is5 111. SI, t Do.. .............. 7 6q I 50 A Itî. . . ... 3 . -> 4 1 s,................ t 68 1.88 E A .t'siOIOes & ( 2. 44 Do...............i9 48 1.40 Do.. ..... ... .....1 5 I.t04 LDs . . . 10 6s 4. 19 De ..... .1.12 5 2.014 1)......... 68 1.81 Do ....... 5 20.4 Du ..t ...... I! os 1.8q os otkt.a. - .11 b 2.4î41 i l l Maet>n Tr... 1 680 .34 1............ 2 O 2A-4 1 Do .............. 14 686 10 DO ...........4 ;2s vaD...............1 6Ga 1.00 N C, Itrnicoe. ('w.5.10 Il 2 s4 A 1) Adamis .4......19,,es0 1.89 Do ý... . 8 2'r41 Do...............24<" 1.8SI Do. ...... ....... 2 mi '2. 1)0................ 21 6 1.98 D -.. ........... . 1 2 1 Sc A "0r ............ 4 64 1.831 D9o............ .. 11 g 2,!',4 1A DAdas i .......... 27 I64 .50 DO................ Ve M 2.' M Do.........25 6* 8.11 De ..............31b #12 41 D 2 t -1 Do .0 69 1.88 AD0Adama ........3a ...IFlIe........... ADoda.1............84 De............ ... " 4 .................6« Do.....ley............61 De -.............. Do................ A1 Do............... DO................U De................7 Do................s Do...............1 DO............4 DO................16 8115. 34Ni. 48 1.98 64 .3 7q 1.85 70 1.88 Te 1.8Se Te 1.8 7: IL.84 76 1.88 70 1.88* 70 1.8 SOUTH WAUEGAN SUbiVISION Book C of Mit@. icafl. & h7.- Tex NamessDeeription Lot 81k 83 Ci c ANewob ..... . D 1 »li Do...............41 a .831 r N Toolicuon ... ta .8 D'...............4 S 1.9 Do...............44 S 1.981 Do........... 1.... 46 39 1.8 WARRANT NO. 0& 1'cr 1.aerl Sewer. Date42 Dc Iff 101. 81 Inteament due. > LENOX SUBOI .S~N. j, .N&-Deerpp9"tle4. 811. S CIe woon!g 4 1 2.78 Januos Conway.... . 28 i".. - Du .....I ....29 6 .7 Die.31 1.3 Du --là 1.1 -of4 8arm--D..lption Lot 8IMX5S t C a SayIer ............1il 41 Deo ...... .... e 47 8:61 Do ...... .... . z l 11 DO .....: .. 27, 47 3.92 Do ........ 28 di 2." OrjI. &Beaublen ....1 49l 89£ WARRANT NO. 79. For Wat.r Moins. mted Jan. 14th, 1a14. BIzt lnstallrncnt due. 1SOUTN WAUXKEOAN SUBDIVIOION. Ta« Nmen-]Dewcrïption Lot 81.5 SC. D Doolletoder .......a te 3.43 Do............... 893 3.42 8se 8 J30........... ....1 lx se Do................17 l Do............... 8 4 WASHÉÙtRN PARK s stJBDv0ieb. Nam*-Dosîption IA% * - S B lm le E ayle r ........ t DO..... 1I 2-11 DO.......... ..k " 3.4 Do ~ 8 . Oo "'.......... 81.48 t WARRANT P4O. 7. or :Mat.Datod th* tt15 d" y J «n a, 1 14. e18.1k ln .talm e t duo. Tai Nam&.-.Deecrtlon Lot 31k. 8 Ct@. etalge Chicago Co. Th@c 0 les font of th. fots deued tract, I- wIlt a pt of N %si 24W .4 sec 4-44-13 deurd " 8 1011ws 0- wlt:Beg ut ain ron p!pe on W. ne Or 141 gltL e were lm ouehoe 0 1106 of rni of way of E., .. .h E Ry (Cu 5h 8 with W Iliné, ef larouelttO St 296.70 ft 1Ite -n s FIpe th W gart valti, ine-a %Sec 00ft to an trou pipe en Ithe E Ulne of 5the rt Of way of C & N 'W Iiy Co th NOLMY with E Uine of rt of way Of rt or way of C & N W Rat 17ofi te ais trou ip. lb.hé N KI wtth 9lino -of tiof waýr of E J h&KE 3 Co 374.40 t te p o b conaielng 1.24 . ....142 M kt Hu.oey. That pItf 4-44-12'sde"csa folt: Bega aIait rou pipe uon the W nid- of Mar- quelle et 296.70 fi S fr the 8lin . h a le fil aUey Iylng N of B1 M il 3 ic, plort du lac Bluff" Subdn thi W ae th* N lUne of admd 1 t alIOy 514.3 fI 50 an tron i 07>ontIhe 1 lIn. 5the ct of waY of th C & N W RY ('o -th in an NEIy di- rection wth thce 19 lin. 09 lie rt of way o-.d C .& N W IR Y CO 602.10 ft t0 an pipe thbJ.C.Pari jwliîc the loofrmd %4 Se, 300 fi e 10 ob containng 6.24 more or le ......... 0.59 WARRANT NO. 74 For etom Sewer 15sted DoC. 841h. 1214. klgth Intalinment due. 'RSUàOIVISION 0F PART 0F WASJKEOAN HI4GH1.NDOS.T -4ame-Descrrlptiln 1l-t 81. SCt.. A p Beaublen .... 3 3 .N DO................4 S .94 Do..... 1....1...... 2 .9 bi50 il lLarson ...........1 la .84 DO........... ..... 5 1a .91 1»...............14 18 ,.l 9 . E. MITH-1 RBUUSDIVISION of lots. 1. il, 12. EU1 Iand Lot. 1, 2 and 3. Bik 2, ln Dreyer.s uidteln. Ta; Name-Degcsrli.o 1ot8DIX 8Cia. C Torrgaittls...........I 3.94 DREYER'S SUBDIVISION. a Name-L)e.cr1ptittn Lot 81k. 8ICi.. *2 1.ukecthscgsc..... 1 a 6.31 DO..... ..........2 3 13.13 Doss............... 2 12.13 Do............... 4 1.15 uu ..............2 4 .54 D.o...............14 4 .66 Do................ 15 4 .6 1)o............... In 4 .36 C W 11~ k.... 17 G De............16 Du t... ........9 4 .66 Do .......... 20 4 .54 Do................ 21 4 .56 C .E Soîler .......... 25 6 .67 Du...............2 6 S .63 C F Nl ,,tiuaret....27 0 Do................ 28 5 f 1i)............29 à .68 DO ........ 1.......380.6 Dots.............. 39 S .63 )o.............. 80 5 .53 j 9 lat,t......-_.... 41 5 .63 Do...............42 & .53 Do.............. 43 6 .4.1 DO.............. 44 9 .63 Do.......... 1...... 41 6 .72 o .)0 . . .. .. 42 6 .72 S NarsrOktS....... :...6 7 2.§ DO............. ..1l 7 .71 1it:0..............1 7.1 DU .................e 4.91 DO.................4i 9 4.91 C iltSoriast. Ex 20 If510 I 2.941 1)t..... ........s 10 1.21 Do ...............le 10 -.91 DO................ 14 10 .72 11,........ ........ 15 10 .72 Do ...s..... 1la 10 .72 Its ............... 17 10 .72 i.......... 1 10 .72 Annaltq ttgaa ... 9 10 .712 Ls, ........ 0 10a .7 ho..........36 10 :76 lit.............. 32 1i .72 1).............. 34 Il .72 1)s.........43 Il .72 C Y Sa>ltr ............44 il .72 DO0............... 47 là, .72 C Do..............48 il .7 C Vh 155...............25 12 .7 lis........ 25 12 .56 Dss.........27 13 .56 DO............. 2 12 .56 1)s............ .... 29 1a .66 Do..........5 2 .5S Do...............16365 Do........... 22 la .5 Il IlStrsrnct. . 3 -2.66 Do...............4 1 . G6 1D)0...............5 12 .66 Do ...1.... :a 1*il .56 DO...............7 12 .46 1DO........... 3 19 .i lo.............., ~.54 DO...............40 l13 .5 Do...............2 1là 5 Starsley Luksan .. . 1 14 2.45 DO........... 15 14 2.4« Do................ Id4 4.91 DO ............19 14 4.91 Do..........22 1a 1.37 0LOt ..1Mi. 6, W..bburn, ierII T«i NaInO-D.sviptlon tnLoL tCI.S . Henry Werner ...... do .1s..........14 Tex Nam@o-Deucrlptlon Lot BlIc. Cia. W Woodlcidue . t.....71 S10 8 1.71 wGanse.........17 8 .1 Ine]AK.sliia .Coin *ai BW cor 8115 1e Waahburn Parti th a 143 <t5h aS k fith w oeLincoln et lth7N t'0 p 0 b....*1 8 M H Stipe. Cma àEU1." oor 1ot4881159 Waal- bora Part Subt>h51W 13&4 fi to MU t et a- loy w of .0 lot 4<th N on M Une Uey pr- duo" 65 fit th e 1& et thi Sa ag w lI. AUncolu et 46 fi te P. WAS94UUflN PARK. q a w 810,114r.Ule41 fi.., là J ow£ne..W 4fi. WAINHuUNN PARK. Nam*-Doscrititoa Lot BU[5.S PN Toculao.. . 17 14 M 8eaite ..........0 4 J ................*i DuWale......... 3 DU, De....... '........ à Du ~y.r...........34 D ..... l EDo....r....... .....S y Do..............63 S J i 4mul.kt ...........15 Do................3 Do ................ a 110................. 2 Do.................£3 vo...............-114 Du..............3 Do...............4 0 M Do....z............12 le do.............. ..7 1 M O Kaw ............ S IL do................ 1 I DOl ...on........ 40 LIU..... ...........b 5 Do...............2 I D1.................8 13 DO ...... ..........1C4 il MmoL...............21 lé De ...............1 5 Do.......e.........2 1. Do................28 1 Du.................4 I lire L 901w......10Il1 Do................ il 1i DO..... .... .......42 1il Deer 1Ac-der ... . l Il Do.................19 Il J W .Mlle.............14 Io DO .......1lé I4 Il o M tl . , - - . 2 1 17 Do................ t41 Do................130 7 Do ...Il...........1il 27 Do................14t 4 Do...............-.1m 26 1£v m&.1 ff11. .eh ... 1 21 Vo ................ f, 26I P o..>k..............2 2 Do................341 2 Do................Il 27 Day o............... &0 27 Vo............ii 4 JOrvI eh ilecu*,' s ..... .41i 2 DO................ 27 F u î~a .............. 41 32 Do.................42 8a DO.................4a di MarOKe..p...........0 4 Do................316 42 ta J k ...uok...........37 43 Do................0 43 Do................<il 43 D1 ......... 4 43 Do............. 414 Do...............45 4li D.................467 43 C u KS>............ 8 4i Do........ ........87 48 Do......... 1......148 4& D o.....lPy............Il 46 1>0 te........ ..... 8 4 1)T0X....t........ ...2464 1DO................2le 44 E Do....r.............6 471 DU................ 7 44 Do................294 4 Do.. ............... 1 47 Do.................à 4« Tohn SlS...-k..........96 44 Dl....... .. 46 Do.............1&474 Fo Bowper.. ........ v.411,7 Dio........... d... e. Tas C. .81 .01 .et .fi 83 .68 .40 .84 .41 .81 .94 .41 .41 .61 :41 .40 .60 .40 .40 .#0 .9 .6 .40 .60 .40 6 40 :00 .08 .40 .41 0 .61) .69 .1b .49 1WARRANT NO. 04. For I.aeral Sewer. Dated Juoe 251h. 591.711, lotaIlmeclI due. REIÉIDIVISION 0F PART OF WAUI<EGAN HIGHLANDS. Trac Namo.e-Deecrfiptlon Let BIk. 8 ete. E. A. Cummingu & C'o. 19 I 3.01 ...00 *17. la.219 Do................4 2 .47 Vo..............g 9 2.47 DO................10 a . 47 Do........ .......Il 2 .47 Do............ ....l 3 2.41 Do . ..4. --3.47 Do .id 2.1.9 De ........22 1.91 Do 1..112.2.47 DO ...6à 10 2.47 Do ... a' 10 3.47 E A cuInînce h&1.0 10 10 2.47 DO ..... ..... l le 2.47 DO ...... ....12 le 3.47 Deo .... ..... 13 le 8.47 Du ..... ....14 1e 2.47 DO ..... ....s 10 2.47 Deo ..... ....28 10 2.47 Deo ..... ..... la 59 DO ic-4 ..... 291.69 Do E % . 2....1l il 1.99 1 # . ... .. ... . i il 1.89 Do ........ 4 .12 2.47 'Dio ... . ......& 3la 2.47 mD ........ 6 1l 2.47 DO . . .. . ..... 1la . 2.47 DO ..... . S 1la 3.01 Do ......... il2 8.01i Deo .... .... 0 12 3.74 De................33 12 1. si, DO................264 1la 2.*21 Do................19 1la 2.,1 Do................20 13 2.47 Do................21 1la 2.47 De................. 12la 1.47 r»l ......... 0 1a 2.47 la12 2.47 la 2A"4. DO............ 33 13 2.47 WAUKIEGAN' HIGH4LANDS SUS.- DIVISION. Tex SNarne-D4mcriptiin 1,O1 8115. 5 t. A IL' ilib1,1.0..........I1 1 2.75 DO............. ... 2 1 8.75 John Kanie .......... 14 2 8.1.6 DO................£16 2 3.90 Vo ..... ....1 3 a.9pi Du ... ..... 2 2,9à Duo .... .... 1 8 8.75 DO ........ 16 8 8.80 M mahosie........... 17 4 11.75 Christ CIlurce .... 18 P 3.36 l'IreI M E Clsur.Is. .. i4 0 8.76 DO................17 1la 2.75 DO........ .......13 18 8.76 WARRANT NO. 45. For àidewaik. Daleil MaY ISSu. 1913. ge-ttu11 Instscllment due. LENOX SUBDIVISION. Tax N..cse-Dess.riptioIi Lot 81k. 8 Ce.& J IVatner ........-....3 a 2.41 Do...............29 à 2.4t WARRANT NO. $8. For Sîslewalks. Dated Oct. 1411. 113. Ieveothintallmuent due. WASNBURN PARK SUBDIVISION. Tax Narme-Deecriptloo 3.05 Bik. $t(Vts. P-t X B WOoslbridge - 13 il 4.1-1 WARRANT NO. 69. l'or Cernent fSîdevalit. Ilated Mt,. 16111. 1913 Seventh Installruent (lue. DRIVERIS 4SUDIVISION. Ta,2 ,Namt-.iescrlptOcs Lot 1B1k. a5('t .c (2 F Massloart .... là 5 3.ts RESUBDIVISION OF WAUKEGAN HIGH74LANDOS. 25,cne-Deocr-Ittîocc lot Blk. a (,t4. 1,2 A Cutîmbng.4 & Cos-.AS 9 11.93 wAUKEGAN HIGHLANDS Sua- DIVISION. Tex Nasme-1>sesc IîtItn I.o1 1711. 8 Ict. E 1. unsng. & ('o .-13 kt 11.50 WARRANT NO. 70. £'str Sidsowalk., Dated Nov. 26th, 193. Sssecth IsistIm.nt dUe.- WASHSURN PARK SUBDIVISION. Tax l'va Mille..............56 24 3.123 F Elu.ek...............2 si 1.21 DO................ a 32 8.-13 D ................. 4 32 2.31, P N T.rnlsnucs.I.. 47 4.12 1)................. r 47 2.22 Do................ 4 47 3237 DiO................7 47 3.23 iK s'Ott.......... ... 9 47 3.;j Ftsr I.ateral Sewer. Ilatesl Nov. 264t1t. ii.1ii.eeentitlnsst.allcnent due. Narnc'-lI»eiltln 1Lot 811. a ('ta.. Lj50I skclsisai,s . 1 3 27.47 DO............. a 3 ait.14 D Jssîs...........5 4 284 Do..............-39 4 2.17 Do................40 6 3.17 Un ..... .....I 6 2.17 Du ........ 43 2.17 C A> Sayler .......33 il 2.11 DO .....--34 il 2.17 Us,.................643 il 2.11 D,................ 44 il 2..17 JsslsSzssvéez ... 47 Il 2.17 DO............... .43 il 2.2 WARRANT NO. ý72. i 'or Pavîng. Dated Nov. 126h, 1913. eteciiInstallment due. WARO & DIVER'S SUBDIVISION. Tsax N.s£ne-IkcOCrlZsiIn . 1.M1 2k. a Ctn C , WDivor ........... I '20.41. DI,...............*- 2.42 î ............... . 3 20:42 DO................4 I1 251.4 DO................60 1 20.4.1 8 LENOX SUBDIVISION. 9 Narne-l)seâ rlplfon 1.M5 11k. a Cta !b s4 WIIlr ........ la 62 20.3si a1L,150 County liai.t03 q Bank.................5l1 2.6 WARRANT NO. 74. For Water Mains. 311.50, Jan. 145h 1014. B24h1.Instaicnt dits. WASHBURN PARKI SUBDIVISION4. Nam-Dei'rptOn ot 4k. T.x CANe-wcbr ... ,ILt -48 -8.2 Do........... Jr.....2f# 46 --48 1 Do ........ 350 44 8.91 1 DO .SU ......86 4 .91 8 Do ....... .. lé8.9 Do ,3. Do......... DO4 DO Do . . ... . Do 7 DO "0 .. .. .. .. Do . .. . .. ..* Maison Bro ' . . .... Do...............4 Do. ........... . .15 ÀA D Ada.. ...........92 Do . .. .. .. .. Du Do................2 D................86' C J6.yd«kb...........38 A D Adam....... ....2s DO.....ý...........4 ADAd ............ 44 De................44 .Do .. . DO ............ De ............... Do I Do ... 1310.............I De ...1n ..........' DO 2 à Aam .. ...8 DO 4 Do Vo......... 4 47 62 on 68 61 44 :à 64 46 te 4 Se 'e a6 0: Se 40 la 79 te 7, 70 70 1.1UCummuita&C...3a 3.31 DO................ 4 1.81 ]Do................ -a 1.61 Do...............g 1.21 Dom............. 1.81 l)................0le 1.81 De.. .............. 11 14 , D)................. 12 1.81 D>................. il 1.81 tub..... ..........14 4.00 ........1.. l 1. P o................2le iI DO................2si D................22 .81 Do........ . ....... 23 "0 D..... ...........26 B 11 Do............... 24 S 1.81 12 ýA cunmtuul.h a.1 m D...............2 a 30 DO..............1.8 a DO .......... .....Il 1 SI DO...............13 14 .81 lm..............3 14 .4 ot ................Hlé 14 24 Dtub ' .. ..... la .U1 Mi............... et 2 .11 )0................. As 1i 1.61 tub..... .......... 14I 11.81 )th, .............(te Il 1.81 lu.................11 I 1.81 1....... l 1.11 .t.b ........... 0 I 1.81 8 ) 1. ............ 4 1 Lai .... ..........5 1 tu .5 L... ........ ...I 91 1 I 1 WARRANT NO. et. I 16l'or V. .1er ld lm latoidue. !i 1lIS 18. I.tI.c cl. I fil I NI 1.61 1 SI I Wl I SI I Ut 1 Il t <I I 61 1.91 I 81 1 SI 1.91 I 61 3 90 WARRANT NO. 80. For 1M*oraISwer. I)MOd lie'. 144b,, 1114t. BIstI, InsteIlmit îdue. Tas Nam- DeoCcltlon 1Lot 1111lk 3 ts,. MIl Musser. 6.24& Iy- Igr4gE0f 9E ine,4 - h N W RY Ce'. W cne Marquette et a of a 1119e 70.66 f54 utfN lmes Seond AIS. &A paria1 tlereto h N .9 lino 161.66 1t N (cfN lino Second Ave. h parI thereto . ... . .8. WARRANT NO. Sa. ..For IVater maI". Daled Ma&y 26S1., 191.51. ltttgIntatilment due ........... WASI4BURN PARK SUBDIVISION Tax NamoDe.rIlîitsl InIU k~. Il<(te la M Bl,* .. ...4l 20 . Est X Il Wc.dbridge .. 7 8o 2.22 DO .. ........... ...q go 2.23 Do................Il 24 22 DO . 1 3.6...1, e 3.32 Do.............. 151 8s1 2.2.1 Du.................16 20 2.233 FNTomIss'csn.... 1. &0 a213 Do................14 80go 2.52 Do............13 130 2.23 M... . 25 et 1.97 14 831. 2.3 Do............27 si 22ta De..........20 3si 223 Nfour Sowîifs i... 42 31 2.22 Vu ..............».44 ai 2.22 &OUTIE WAJKEOLAN SUBDIVISION. Tax N&muoDeOcrIPSluis 7.csî 311. -et».. 2>Dc.w'ktad.r.... --... do4 2.23 Du ... .......... 40 2.22 Duo .... .....i 40 1 23 Do ..... . . 12 40 2.2 Do ......1 17 40 15 De ..... l 40 31 mD .......41 2.8 Do 29..... lit 2.23 Do..............41 41 2. v D Duecktadet 4 41 2.21 i>,,.............1,) 4. 2 3 42, 2. a Do ... ........14 4i1 i.23 Du........ ....... 17 48 2. Z3 - *:.............I 43 2107 D . . -.. .......... 731 4 34) .ta D o . . . .. . . . . . . . . . I3 -1, 4 3 2 .2 , D u .. ............ 4 1 43 2 23 Do......... .......ii43 2 1. For ARet R ATs' NOIt.IB84 ôls 1.913. Flftis ln.ts.I6lment due. WASHBURN PARK SUBDIVISION. Tac Nare.1.ictIst..s Iot l DI. 1 Cts j HunI ................14 1.4 1.4 DO........... -.... 15 21 1.64 H G W'seil* & t.' ....1 2. 1.64 DO................ 26 14 Du................ 4 1.4. Do.. .............v0 27 1.26 Est E B W.-.icUtdi4e..31 '1 7 1,64 Do................2 27 1.44 Du........... ... 38 27 1.64 J T OiBrIeti.........41 27 1.44 Do................ 42 27 1.64 WARRANT NO. MS For Sî DatesI Dec. lot. 1516. Fuurti installmit sIdu,. DREVERS$ SUBDIVISION. Tic Name-D,IscrPtttss5 Lot 2111. CL*59 g W H . 9 a 14.17 DO................38 a 47.71 WARRANT NO. 89. For s4wer. Dateti Nov. il, 1915. F1111 initslM'.nt due. WASNBURN PARK SUBDIVISION. Tac Name-Deacriptiois Lot Bill5. $Ci.. H3 H ielsback. . s F N TomnlnioIl . 1 e 96 Do................ il 84 2.831 à V Orvi..........3 48 .8 Do..........:......4: 43.2.25 DO................5 fil 3.35 Do......... .......2 432 .8 De................2 43 2.86 Do .............264 Wm O'B2rien ..... : 44 23 Do............... 4 50 3.85 De..............3 50 9.8 C A Newcomb Jr1. - 1si .4:i De................ 2 si 8.85 Do........... 1 I 2.86 L 0 PenfillO*........18 592 a.24 Du................$4 68 3.85 FroWARRAT NO >e. 01210. 111 inetiatlels dua. &OUTN WAUKEOAN SUBDIVISION. Sfame-DcCrtp 1 ('k.$ te. Chl, eCârdY .: : :Il 1 .69 MU h i .aintly ruste12 9 8.69 Stoy ......1..17 9 8.69 C N Neal ..;... - a 88.21 .......::::.2A 8 8.171 WARANT NO. 91. For 8îdewaik. liaLtdDOo. .31ih. 111. F1151. Inalirnt SdIte. ReSUbDIVISION 0F WAUKEGAN IGiH LANDOS. Ta. Name-DtsciptioIi Ut 2131. 5> E A Cummlls & hCo.. 0 5 8.75 Do.. ..............10 5 8.75 Do . . l5 3.78 Do...............136.. 8.75 Do . 14 S 3.75 DO. 1 8 .76 D .O à:U I i "0 o....a.c A "lu' !3.70 ::.71 .12 876 8.76 1:11 8.73 Nam,'- Li.frptgocc 141 UIcok S 9.258 c~ia. Mt'cr.cady te 8. 1'o...... .........8.41 &6urfslcîIsqnctilTrustl 9 8. 5'C]A N74a1.......A et. WARRANT NO. 94. 97cr l'usIna LialeciAuguet $rd, 1916. Iouc h lic selat.inoctî0. NORTH CICAQO UIJ. Il. ?lclId.A eq,1)0>16 9210) ft ...s ....... .8 JOH4N F. MULLERYS S UBOIVlSIOt. .1 Tas Name- D..crlptîscn Lopt 81k Cia. C V Esiwarcî.....-20 a 9.69 IN)........... ... le 1 9.61 W a Sni,... Il-1 8 9.69 Yr N6 Ttcict."n --is à 9.51 R1 V s9ct9e... ........Ami à 9.63 W Ji aniîs. ...........10e a 9.61 NORTHf CH5ICAOO INOUISTRIAI. SU BOlVI&I4ON. Tas Name.-.Ltea, "LuI 811 Ct.. Br,wcisc-rlatiI, Me1- 01cr U,...........7 I11.12 Du................4 897Te D......... ......4.6t A F £.4.autbl c. 5108.77 C A .stsccJr AI7 o 172 SOUTH WAUKEOAN 9UODIVISION. Tas lsr alti.315 s L'te. C A N-swcv,tntc....A 1 4.49 lus-...... Il 21 26.11 1~................2 11 Cl ic............I 8.1 <~**mtCroasiy .. . 50LI 9 .b Do . . - . . Il 9 Murf ts, Yetnsîy Trucsta. 11 9.61 .. . . . .. .17 9 981 onr tri 1(*,, . Tficc Itt et w.>. rt cf oc-u- iIoct!tise Chi.- cf22n1lii 55tSa5t .f N si..,uc. 1)5,51 Pt Iîlst<8 N .5 Il,, tras, paraîtl w3157'. u4tfth.s 11 t, f 1hlorsw'sve RcstbdtIlIsse extîedc 32 WARRANT NO. 95. r.,r lc.vîc'Duls . July 13, 1914. Thiri Intnailmnn due. au 9SD I V IS IO0N .T a Nsorth Marcsine (tlIsg aI a punit5 3:U2 f1 S dA es fI W ,-f tii.. NE.2W-otf ilite S4E ýs ut 48-1'5-46-U2 th. W164ý2 t 10uIt. F luIsosusty line ut mle lit or at.>.et N a nuw laid lIc NEI) "n.s i is. 15 srasil t 3 & ufIt iItIaisIfsi-o cr55 lino 5f cd Switcis Iylî- 0> IL tu a point 247 fi & 640 fI W of sot or thse 1152U 0o 5-111- 4612 th MS ots a 1lts.,prllel u ih& .6 fI W of E lgie of Pd $oc 85S fIt tu5the p o b Ieing .166A more or 1 mn... Chuîtago MIIw. Electrte Rit1 Co. TIsaI pl.f Use W 14 of lIse m W ch 0f 2ec 4 44-12 desod as fols IW 1-5181 com ns 50 W Une sf @d NW&i$ W 5% sec 621.3 fI @of NW cor th of ths Non ,bd W ligie, te c. point 482.9 li e the a.d 4W sror th 2N 17 dog h 40 n 35 300 tfIth a tri a point 800 ft 10 tIste p o 1, ,tIdue W 10eitie p o b Including bleu tIsaI pt 0f 1th.e2W 1 %0tee SIX 94 0f SU scVos'd on fslowsa court on W lino utfad $60 482. fi; R4 of thé N[W cor or ad 11W 14 thN 81 deg 40 min E1 112 fI th NIIFalg a tratght lino 10 a stako lu lthe W lino 0f ad Ueo 145 t N of thI en 0 b Il S affd04W Iao.of ad 80o 10 p o b iulding ai.e thse Rt 0f way or occupalioy franchise à Interest of theo ('hi- ,mao & Milwaukee EIec Rit Co in and te ad precio ... Chiciago &hMluwauke Elo RUt Co. 'rho 3R& 0f w117 t of 05200- panicy & Intereat of tIhe Chicaogo & MiI- waukee 82105 RR (Co la exil Se thal por- tiens of t2ommon- weaiIiAve. In the City of N. ChLNaaoIII occupied by tise tracks of .ad(Co letw a In* Iailit wltl% &1fI Nly o f Si> lin. of Mrorow Ave es- tencld ..AV_& iU ad Commooleaîfh A VO Sly t0 a liao paroi ci- wîth &h18It iclie.14 of NIy rail of sw.ttch trnek croloS adc Comamowealth . Avis at a point ~presti, Luat1. id f 19.79 Of LW WARRANT NO. Il FMOr 519er Mai. Mt 05. '19167 Fourtl. instalient duc "£EVER* 4JoD1vis Vpr Bewer. Dat'd Aprîl Il 40staimccnt due. 2 a.ce Imm* ON. .0F... B3tiAê hencon .. --JhnJ Wr a *lea..... 16 Rit............_.21 CoMAMISSIONERS S4JUBC 14&me.-tes.ràs.llon 1»t iate1t W ....... 9 brdge................1s DrOo............0 C 1g1....... ,..........l9 DO...... .........Î143 [Vo............à Htelen ,W G(.sc ..... 40 Do...............41 WARRANT NO. 1 vo~er ewer. Ied SePIteml Fpourth ilnaalment du. -WASN@URN PARK< OUI1 ,N Touso1. .. 299 Li .:.Fsle .3 C 1) - . .. .... t Iernard Irswct 2 1>0 -.... ... Z7 Du .. .. . up siWc'cc_.. .. .14 .WARRANT NO. 1 roc aldciwl. b116Ud f lifa. F05.111.insctilment d WASIIBJRN PARK OUI Nam*,0JDee001ptlof Lot v N Tue.r...... .....4 L) lket...........4 WARRANT NO. WA8I4BIJ RN PARKS SUI I'ravsk lai<c, Do N a . li.nry ( ittG S WARRANT 740. lPur àJwer I . c.. s.j . 6OIJTl4WAUKESIAN S1. Do . .m. Vo .1 1, WAuKEGAN HIQULA) 01IVISION. RESUBDIVISION WAUKE -LA NOS. Nlîyelçn.... .........I DREVERS SU901V il-l m.n i ,sit tI.,et WARRANT NO. .BOUTéM WAUXE43ANE Naine~ tIs.50 t 2...............9 . . . . . . . . . .... , . i .. .. .. 41 t.'I . 1,Isvt. .. ......42P VVARAANT NO. &OUTrH WSULKCa.3N I S14 D ot . . .... Po ..... .. .. . 2, t'«), t.......... Da ..,.c.. .....,.. 20 Do............... ta E. 9. WOODURIDO'S SUBDIVISION Showtng lots 1 te 20, 8Ila SUW.sI- bora Park. 2 Ntssae-De.crpton Lot 111k.SI Cts. 2 Ju»lnia Kurouciki 2 S .61 le Do.. .............. 8 2 .61 12 John Krozial ... .......4 et.4 DO................. o .61 Albert Wojclets ,.....61 E. B. WOODBRIDOIRI8 SUBDIVISION IS of lot 1 tn IE. B. Woodbrdo4 1Re- subdihisiion of loi 7 BIU S. ao ot 1 BIB I 6, Wshburn Park.Ta Nssne-Descrpttofl sLot 8BU SCt Et E IB Woodbridso . 6 5 .6 Do . .:08.6 m ................I S .66 Do ............o. 6 - Do ...............0 6 10 Ze 8losibridae .::8l I u D.............. Iý D o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3e t 4 . 4 L% o........4 4 .44 S Do............91 ,g OS D....... _ v SOUTH WAUKEOAN SUBDIVISION, . Tax NamTt.Decu5rIpîtsIs 1.0121115. S t. ADL Adat........... 1 64 -1.31 D ilI,eksitder ....22 42 1.91 Do ...............2 42 1.31 DVu...................42 1.31 Do................ 25 42 1.3 Do................346 42 1:.1l Do w % .... 2 43 .91 Du................ 20 44 S.21 Do.......... 1..... 21 44 1.81 Do................2 44 1.181s Du0........ ......-.17 44 1.81 Do................2 45 1.81 Do................2 4c. 1.81 Do................ 4 45 1.51 CA Newcomb Jr .. .29 45 2.211 Do...............Io 44 2.21 DO............ .1 46 1.81 DO............ .24 46 1,9 Do................7 44 .1 DO..............2 46 1.211 .'dss D Adanuegi. 2 47 2.311 Do............ :..21 47 1.61 Do................ 23 47 1.811 Do.......... 47 1.&1 Do.......... 8 47 1.81 ThionBoettgtr ....28 47 1.81 c A Nowcomib Jr ... 2 61 8.08 Du................2 61 9.06 Do..... ..........4 61' .09 CA Neoscomsb Jr . 361 1.05 DO................ t65 2.06 Do............... t 1 8.842 DO.......... ...... s6 1.85 DO............. . . 62 1.81 Do............:.:... sa62 1.911 AD Adaili...........I1 44 1.21 DO................8 64 1.91 Do................864 1.91 Do............. 4 64 1.6 Do ..::::: 4 19 Do .. 4 1.81 DO 7 64 1.81 Do..............8I644 1.81 Do ..... . 4 et 1.9 -e - -. ....10 64 4.00 DO................1l1-66 1.51 Do................12 64t 1.81 13................ 13 44 1.81 De...............21 6 1.51 Do .............2 84 1.81 Do............... . 2 5* .81 Do............... 24 4 1.11 Do..............1 66 - 1.31 De............. 65 2.62 Do................12 66 3.68 67 1.81 Do e11....::j 7 1891 Do .........1 47 1.81 H o..t............ 8 67 1.81 De .lHdo..........834 67 1.01 Do ............2 476 Do .......aa.......6s.. ?6 1.8 loçk 8 'UtA

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