CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 May 1920, p. 31

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." 19SIIliITORY; STIIOUSANDS SLÀIN Waukegan Man Makes Appeal In B8ehalf of 5000,000 Jews in Cossack Country. MURDERED JEWISH PRIEST. Ti. y L Broder. Tedocument lust receivcd by the. Zionit orgmnizatfon of Waukegan trom-Judge Harry M. Fisher of Chi- cago, reprosentuifg the. joint dIstribu- tion co.nnittein Ukraina, Russia. of a&U t4gt ho saw and wtnessed, la the. waost.bloody that eer bas been wrt- ton by historiens since the 'world'a ereation2. Thi efear which ho des- crbes lexceeds ail the. horrors over committed by ln.enus. barbarian. outlaws and other- two 1iegged a=i muais ai any Unie. The. middle age with ail lits orrors has corne backý upon the Jewish iu the land of the Coosacit. Ukraina, Ilussia; these 10w creatures, who do flot deserve te be classified with humans are the very saine as the ones In the time of John the leariess and Buga. Chtmeln'itciik, -7--X rtTru-sia oet tree iudred vear ago; they do flt know civiliralion and progresa; for item thie unlersel la just 'as dark as before Ils creatiou; tho Cossacks are a iiioody creature. and their pisasure ia ta waîeh the sufferings of others; their mnotive ir ta kiti and de.-Iroy, their logna Io de* t to non-Cossackâ. The fart of the report prescnted lant neek in the Jewisii Dally New3 prov es painiy lirat tiremo;iî c i killiig lhe Jew is flt for robbery, but fer the pieasureofo do'ng so; tirey evec. iiied their oWsn Priest who came out, athti ime of a .uassaccs 1' Prouskurof, Russia, with a croiss in b lands, aI wiich li lm e ewarnedi I.peope flot tu kili the J-ýwlsh te- cauje tth. Saviaur Himseof wai a1 Jov, they tien Iurned on hlm and1 ethiiled hlm and ire fell dead. Such creatures as the Cossacks are sup-' ported vîith ainmunItion f rom îlei Aied nations and go the.litberty to do whatever hhey please; at 82n Rerno. France, tlîey have deciared thein as a soif determlnatlan-people like tes. Cosacks vito shouid be kept vithîn the gates and chainedno10 ou flot 10 endanger h. ives of the j public. ver. recognized at te peacek confereno. in San Remo as a nation, sad loit thtei.consequences? Overf 15,000 innocent Jews vere siaughl-1 ered by themn and Franco and England bave recognlzed Petlure, leader of te Cossacits, wio lias mad. himrseif ramous by kiiiing seventepfl Younlg jevish moen vith one swgrd. Englanl bias royaiiy accepted enikîn, tire lead- er of lhe Cossack bands, who setlir. *to a Pynagogue that vas Blied with thousands of worsiipers. andset lire to lhe board of an eightY 'hree iser oid Jevlsh man and leet hlm huu t asako. Are we, as uI,-lzefls of lthe Deno- cratic-Republic gong t' recoanize thLepe Coss«aiteen o! learuinq and intelligonce-will Yeu help us la brng these murdeters to justice bo.J BrouKhtOut Fact~ HONORABLE FREX . EUTTEN. 'tÏie subcoanrnitÎoe-ofthe Houso Naval Affaire Commntes vestlgated the aviation base scandai aM Norfolk, Va., vas ho ~~gej~1y iritenof Illinois. Tihis conpittee made a1 trip or inspection-«f the Norfoi-k aviation bat. sud foind thi the. NàavyDpartu!, Miartel 10 build a 810,000,000 aviation à"s re*ily si.nt up1i> date *41,000,000 and Uncle Sam does ovu the. st# for whiph the origîililand ovuers are nov sak grecsa 10approprIiaaother 1450,000. .cretary Danlels es Departinent offciais seocted à swamp near Norfolk for_,thisi base. Thon tbey bad Il lililed by puniplng lai sand from the oc Hampton Ronds at a cost of $6.000 an acre for 340 acres& bae nov dîscovered that tiIs ocoan sand la salty and wlillà grass and they are askinÉ.Counus for an addlt;onai appre>ri $2,000 *4 acre 12 sodU.e 4lwcres. fore they are recognlzed ag a nation? Jewisir and nonJewish I appeai ho you ait. Leti ltake tire Iitiative steps li anendina lire justice aud rigbl for th. ive million iewd lu lhe land o! th. Coasacits. Compensation In ^go. Il ls truec tirt a poet wrote a fa. mous hyn "I Wouid Net LIv. AI wmys," yet people are luleresled ln liv- Ing as long as tire>'eau, as that aseune )f the. greal bmw. uf nature. Even d. ,'anced âge, bringina dlm sîghl ise of h.arIng sud general dectîne. Ilu ntl wlthlout Ils compenualbons, and teliaw proved tht lage la opportuuihiý DO less than yoult." Invention ef Roller Coaster. The. tact tiraI h. was deprlred outhéii fuof slding downsill viien a boy led to the. Invention of te roer coster b>' L. N. Thompsont Inter famous as th. fu)under o! Zona Park. Tille of Duke. The titi. uf duke. lthe ligiesi order f lie British peerage. waa OirstI mIro- duced lu 11.17, and tie Black Prince, tire son ut Edward IlU ut Eugland. iwes tie Orsi dulie, under the tile of te dulie of Cornwaai. CON CON VOTES'1 ELECT COUNi SCIJOOL CI Sprlngfield Il.i, May' 11-1 1e the co6nstulional conventi volCd te pruhbil tthe appOlIn coutl>'superintendcnl of sel an>' ime in the future a"dri of any improvementa oft 0< Tii. Count>' s.perinender vere represenledl as lare factors downztato, wanlcd th lion made b>' elettIon. DISAPPEaRS RON BOXE WITft KIDDIES John Machnak Reports to Po-- lice that His Wife and Kid- dies -lefi Home April 29. CAN'T FINI) TRACE OP THEM, Mrs&. .ohft Machnak. 1203 Lincoln, etreet. North Chicago &CCOiPnaied p aternoon of Avril 29th 'and de0lte a thorougli inv"utIloti by JuC? hîusJand. relatives and lhe Police*de- Partmoent, it but been impossible ta flnd àan>'trace of the. voman And chidron. a them afiernoon of ber departure v tb h chidren. mrs. M.schnak told ber husband that she was go- lng tà tbe home èf a neighbor to riait for a few hours. She took threo of the cludren wlith lier aud vent tu the. homo of a neighbor. She thon sont ont of thre chidrO tu t J~the ochool t at the. aIrer tNirO Were 'attonding. 8h. sent a note tte O principal askod liaI lthe cildren bce oxcusol fortheboalance.of lte S& wblehla i. UO'ôoan, Tii. ý-rïuilpal replled wlth liiei~> er reQucat. Che teiret clthe child- pesmland aDparently the sextet aboarded àtver train or street car and left the. m hase It cit' a mot rot As hies wifo mad ieft homo about ing Cou. 2 'ciock, Mr. Malshnak be aine nd Nayr alarmed when bhe irad not relurued Saviation homo at 6 oclock anrd Inltulred at )Mean .fd the. homes of neigibr.or and friends. Offiiais but vas unsucressful in Rgetllng any *ot Èro"v trace of abe and tire cilildren. Ac- rittl * cording taulier liusband. sie re rquent iy ieft, homo and tjûk short frîps without iuformlng hlm of bier wliere- abouts o0 le did flot report the. mat- ti er to the police unili a few dayR ago 1T , Hoelias boen conducting a quiet scarcli among friends and relatives. V Iowever, te search arnong, relatives [y and frIende faiied la revomi an>' ID. 'BE S farmation on te misslug vIte and JE Cchiudron. no lbe reported the. mater tu ChIot Hemnilcitof North Chicago. -Delogatea ama bat viii, black pumes. Site tion ioda>' vore a pair of dark hrown ahoos. ilment of The missing voman le a6 years of hoolsai age. The. chuîdren rango ln agea. egardiose f rom 2 tin l yoars. lucatianai ChIe! Hemmicit sent a description of tbé voinan ta te police atong enia, vlo thé. North @bsore and lu Chicago. polilai h' 1-o1.- Marriageofo!Fint Cousine. 1--ast cousins inaj marry In A&% bnrma. ('liornla. (bilorado, Counecîl. rut. Deaware. Florîda. Gergis. Mda ho. Ioaa.Kentucky, Iouislana, Maine, Masrylanîd, *Mfsscitisettq. ?liigsn, blinnesota, MsIspl Montana, Ne- bricks. New Mexico. Nev Yorkc, North Carolins, Ihhode Island, South Carm lns, Ternesqee, Texas,. Utahi, Ver- mont. Vrginta, West Vrginla andi WiVsconsin. WemuIs Teorsece. À neighbor .voman'a Idea of tll anc. lo to 557 vltlia curions empli- mis vidi baves te Impression liaI she la open t0 conviction on the sub- icct:**Ob, Weil, I don't suppose thé %tri'& ctualiy bad'"-Ohlo &aU jou~ Inhert.d Chsracterlstlo. As.a general lbiug the. kld of mot>~ er who enjoys a midnlgt supper dovntovn gets mad wlien the bshj wants t0 cat as soon as she reclies born.-Duiias -Neys. Hlow Can 1 Save- Money? Wise buying means economy. The way to buy wisely is to read the advertisements. -because advertised products are good products.' -because merchants tell you of their bargains tbrough advertisements. -because almost every new opportunityis offered through an advertisement. -because practically every unusual buy is advertised. -because you save time and trouble by choosing what you want and where to get it from the advertisements instead of hunting ail over town. By reading the ad- The May Sales Continue With New, Fresh Stocks Offering Many Money-Saving Opportunitie.s May Sale of sport coata Wl GIVE a«C TRADING STAMPS I Rr.xsir Woinen ' <fwBet Sove-Q thofovtl&roe May Sale of Women 's and Misses'- Suits àdp#à. SpeciailyPriced-in Three Groups Group 1iis $24.75- These are remiarable valuîes. -Madle of exeellciît quality inti's wvear Serge that contaiti spleiîdid weaî'ing <inalities. Some jackets are siik Iixîed anîd the tailoriîig refleets the greatest care by skilled wourkîîîci. -The styles are'tue ajîproved modeès of the svas'ii and are gr:eatly varied. ¶1iev are suits thpet sei-$24.75 reglary u to$40--------------........-...... Group 2 is $ 3415- In this lot the suits are fasuîioned of Ti'icotine, Pojiret. Twill, Gabardine aîîd Serge. The jatckets arc lincd with Pussynvillow ani fancy colored silks. --T'Ihe details of fashion have been carefully attended to inu nî exclu- sive waye. They are very unîusual values, worth up to $60. In this May Sale grouping$37 at ..................................$47 Group 3 is $44.75- lIn this group is assenthled ini great vaî'iety of mode9 ail thc '1beýt" suits of the Îai,.Tricotine. P>oiret Tfwill, anîd (Iabardiiie of a stîjiot' 1ialitv %vithI jai-ket.-t Iiîîed with l>usgvv%iliow anîd faiiwv silk. - -The tIe haeteapproval of the season anîd ri ip lit $4475à valîîes that formen]ly sold up to *70.-m 7 May Sale of Women's and Misses' - Sport Coats Unsu-al Values at au Unuiual Price The Sports Coat-bas been an ail season favorite and will continue to go far and* wide in fashion's favor be- cause of its great adaptability for suinunertime needs. -We have xnany smart flaring mnodels, others that are almost severelv straiglit of line, three-quarter lengtlî, belted and bivltless with large roll collars or sniall manl- nish effects.' One Group is Priced at $ 18.50 The mnaterias are Velour', Duvet de. Laine, Toilç de LInc, Heather Jersey and P>olo Cloth-the favorite fa.- bries of the season. They arc truly remarkable values and this May Sale prieing offers a most timnely oppor- tunity that cannot bc duplicated. They are coats of un- usual menit and among the handsomuest that $85 we have ever shown $1.5 May Sale of Skirts 1 a-m% Varled in Mode and Prce As the @eason advances, knife, ae- ordion and ide pleated modele are favored maure and niore. Discriiutating mwoniei are tl)proN-itig of this mode hy wearing themn everywhclire. Thcy are featured here in nmany beeo.iing'models. The materia's are ail wool plaids and stripes in beautiful eoloning effects. Thouse May Sale offer- % ings suggest inimediate choosing at prices ranging fronit ,b,$16.50 to $25.00 M ay Sales in the Millinery Section A Special Group is Featured Here Containing some most attractive models in a var- iety of colore and unique trinuings. ýThe styles-are greatly varied, sinail, medium and large hats in a wide selection of splendid materiais The May Sale pricing of this group 4s worth-ý' of your$39 aigs eviet Io fth edlieyscino hstre frThe M a e eengop st.pclo h an ot- How can I save mon'ey? vertisements. ~j~I hi, Not only today. But everY day. You'll save money by keeping up with every op- portunity, to get full value in buying - by reading the advertisements regularly!

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