CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 May 1920, p. 10

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1..... a - r IULE t Im oeNS. am , af; mmdi wmd.l ,ew;Ca- om ia es rn Ph~n 5jIwe~nIL, t~ 5Ibe *; ..r, - CONFEVRENCE TO BE Rmme o i B~ EWD ON RAY 22amunlt. Gllmtt SALE 0OP TAXES TO DE LIGET tion wth NewBitiders on property wbIch le to be tio wth ewMovement sld for taxes Miis year ny County treurer Eoy W. fSelcer viiipros- Pr>fwse Im~7 '1S. abiy bie less enthusastle andl lever In number anti it le feeired very lit- PARENTS URGED TO AID lde property vill be soe u tInlai manner. Tite reeson le that under (CONTRI.I:TEa»à e »wstaie 1awý--tite ustomary Il (CONRtBCEX>)goy cent profit to the buyer if the One of the best couý,ies 0f Ual.- Popety 18 rcOeemed by the oriinl ,Dg for a young prson I.lahala&j- over bast boen eut to 6 Per cenlt,1 lng of te Older boy andth Oe oSai a4"5mw ofthlie usuel tax sale buyea Girl coxferences that are comiug00 vM bI nterested Iin an lnvetieit rnch into vogue et presient. Thme 4&m, .ttla< sucil modest returns. .- mnilslriation of these conferoma h Cdet the olti law thte buyer re- largelyl, ite bands of lb. 75U58 cetred 25 per cent ifthne propertîy peuüple themselveu anti coneemA»bY va» eedeemed eny tinie In the tirut Itear 10 lite young tolike a C01101114- cix menths, 50 lier cent before thé able'si-ose of responsibility. D30u9ai e ftte yeer, 76 per cent et the the cojference experte on iif*et mmd cf 18 montits anti 100 per ceni phases of young PcoPle'e ya1k Si OP 116 it" years. Under the new lems at>cy andi thorough expoitlc$ ai cfh ruiveti only six, twetlve, 1«8 or moctives, Iidtais, and mnetitods la Cylo- 14 pft cent, according to the timi lien living directly to te *uâg ha laide thte property before Itla sre-. teiisele, and titen flot nierely to deented. L" reprefeîîtatives of agroup),but The buyer of property for taxes ii lu the %ihole group if titey are viil- eBIBIenîltleti to tax a tax dtie> In&; ho attend. z Il t t ee nd ti cto ycars as hereto-> Lakte Couoty la very fortfute lt fore. itavins ssuch a conference titis year It lq doubîful if thte axerese Jlo under te direction of thi. 1a0 vestor viii catte ta laIte a citante oi mqunday eritool asce.lelof. Lait 70&1 the ohi peremet proposition for a six tie Older Boys conference et Lib-- montite inveelment especiaily in viev Ety%.Ilte itas a great. il5p iration of the tact taI h ymnetaitva (1 and vas productive of large resuits. of te tact thetlie inlay bo to keep li Thii year bot thlie Older Boys andItif It lesmol redeineeti. the Older Cii arte ob>Iave conter- CouftY treasurer Braler's; clerleal, tites at Wauketian. Good talent ln force la ituy writisg op the judgnîelil assured. a large attetidance le suer- record lu peparation fo rte ta), sale. aried. andi everytting that wili go Atiother One lier cent lnterest PC,,.,,; lit niale a CsIirfrnce a siuccels 151 ote effect un proPerty ruponm iicii'g d(tc ipine titis ear's 5<- %whicitte taxes bave fnet lien o ldt. (aii"-f-la t l>îg , . quaîu i ra (ly gûF i (lut laîjge t-reynefiaiois 0 M;i' _1,sai îriay ail day. 'Il e tidii C iris tecnfei uer will B i bu u iili t ..i ie Blfptt trhiirh and ief ùldýi* ConLe cntB %yiYoureFur ai (Le M. . E<iiit 'Iecolt mis, l1Lný11a] trL,-N evèr ~iidii.l'aietii, î ii;ar lerîs - ed ii thie niîddig ut ciaracler andi ida1t >hulu rge titeir citUdren tu azi cAn yourq rerFon wiiu bas picsd tho iftrîtîenh biilîdlay iL. in-: p c a vited 0i 'l lti riigi-anii (Ioto : Morningprices al 9:V egisttatiun ofî JOINT SkS>IO.N h sn o t BAi IT CHLUHI 1.0 Wors!tp Pevilut,Re.. W. liaîi,.Wauietian <hriblian o ehhu rc . ! : 0b1.î \ii" ie- I.B Lae outiS.S.pieces. uni, E Lakt î Cunty . S. Assoiation.i5-- Dressing Tables as l'ARIALLEL S lIO ow as 't uiig Menin i tîr. y (,,,i,.Woiien La BaPtisI rlîurch. 10:45 Oî galiizuticin uf Conter- I'eoPn D H Le: $ 24,w95 Dvisiun. Yohung %Woni, us Sect ion; Mise» 11(len A. Wright.- 10:55 The Machinie Titat Deltv- ers the CGood. yiuliîg Mens Section; Il. D. Wi 9 Youoig Wooîle' S ectioni; Misa Elsia M.( hi.,hleagu. Il:4o1 Addiess. Vuiilnif\isetiotn; tir. L. J. Vele, Yîî.Vomrens Sectiton; Nelle C. *lem.~ V il.. i~îtuii. ssisiSOl. tavefil- a <t i <hyle riail (liirii. ,ueeî ervedi lu ail delegates ai laptïit chlureit. AFTEPrNOON yt iîî tn bNi . .ltacmirh. YouuSg 1 V iii nBaflit et i liii h. i i Wîic) ii lriid. Y g M. nsSect îî. Hec. lit. W. 1 IjlîlaOl. ai oCurnie Christian. cI. b ~îiîg WijuflsSe' ici o: N. Eliza- y u1ng Mii> S(d ion: 1. L > iig. Ask ta hear yluis WMoLuxinSiitioti 3 sE M. A-2895 2 1 -utio li. Tr-aîicn Ito BO-LA- B Fi .litundreti lockels. Bo-La-Bo yliiol,-,MitnmiSection. D, Il. WinE.I and y 1,li Wýjmt'sSection; Mhi ls FI 1%. Veçtian 3:30---play and ti lîatiî,n Per- EVEINING Mdehodîi Epteicopal Uhurcit. 5:0< Deleato Meoetinugis; 1). H. Wing. 6: ,u0--Cet-iîgclter Seocial Perlo.o 6:00- Baneiiiil. Song. Telle, TuR '&chool. Citeer Leader; John Winother iltandi Parkt. 7..00-Song Service, Led by Dr. 0. W. emlck. Waukegau. 1: 16 er tre'Reports. 8:00 -Speclal Music. CIe, Club; LaIts Sito oys. Solo; Mim s ryBKlmball, Hgln Park. May1iiiid 8:15--Atidresf, Tdug Men; Dr. L. J. Veille Yong Wor,,ciî: Miss E. M. Clark 8:60-Joint I'arwell Service; e. v Ail. w u f t V jd sth". - 'HREOF- CORONER ooLto wodb e UNDE MWpim gfv* 1pever to a&& myun - ee5 IJNBE NEW LAN lew et caue a os 15 C lrial pmS~et $lgit stteme lt. Cianges voulS ýb. Give Duie of Crmn« e o- the Shewiff. 0TI4ER CHRGMES EXPECTED Coocu Uty mesnbers oft Oe constitu- tional convention Mt bah am lookcd Ms todzy wvbUe &wstaaia delemic folâgt oYve fMequcalion r oa iner the Office cf cobrona. Of creeibÇ couflty assuesor,, bo vould &IBO be county treaurers and mimilar counsty, eum peubéms. The reporte ,of legate A. M smith's coanimte. on coitAty anti tnwnsmp, goveramont. va. leior*0b alfttu, of the viowelie prt>., velofla deD"f aly te Cok eauty. It would aiake *ecoutg clou miW» cléanÔ èth caat! Court.create a ýeMBUt! UIhEwor, v "I.»b.e «m ofificia EoUyt iruwm Sdcollecter 0f tazc.' Til b b.rff vOm bu" Twauii. .aaecm vold i'o eabuS- . Ilh ed. tthe.1ti*creuft «art 1141 be the recorder or eeds la man canalis. 1T9 , . snc.aiEemtiuion cOU bine lIe tweo aillesla cuatiu hirrins foree Ian 00,000 inbabltants. On the quiestion 01 germttug tremmwers and &Urf fiate auceso tllejnelve.a. thre commintee diviSaS. A minorlty report by Lewia A. iAr- manflwoulti prahitit tbeme two off- ciais from senving more titap oae terni. Thte nemainder 'of te commit-, tee favorvd lifting the reutrlctions- rabette a ,eferesld- Ir. e" o IMiiRATSAIE AUL WELL 'EEELD' New mv Vrk.-4BeIl< Ibu 1 rd&'io" tI exiats wac 912. Wy iwmttis5 labupetWs ~lles 1- ia hmigiaais f re A ..b On)Mouple, si Ma4ked, 40 dePOét Ithe&r umaYer n afteafg b#Md," aM invculganiom te80 liii'amh.I- bilitY. laid ticen a bami sel of 8114.- 000.À sA Ejemi _ evuc@hotaiela métion, emmafer Bsn a dbek for e I1.000. vbieh sb.1. vte*d olaci te dcfray ber exPenses te Cel-ifoefr. A Yeuns Syrien. tms.ellags ilik big mctier, precented 82,000 la0eu& sud Ieleofrp aid511for tBsusaade Lat, la the- mltegsan me fý amll rlaid dovn seomchnuOimnèy sMd se- antic tslte mmmigiStlO fficiais 584d net baVe lime te doUaI 1IL ivms » i tii. total votilircici 3300.00. iBtls.M*i.. Mar 1le, 1Ulm Helen ]Kelier bau been abhseS tleael mil m . ngemnts aaS go tetheIbm iptai na resui of banE been t"« a111 vîith meute rheuilatism. Mia. Ici- lus auflreti an attack Of IBflUOasa shite In Trontu a monmtrao, anid neyer reitlly recovemet frOm thb el- baom, 8Atnerttantre Amer"ca - * Other 1The Gibe1 *Challenge I l - Ad and Save - ,InThis Extra Speolial! Men's Glassiest Spring Suits JUST IN TIME FOR MEMIORIAL DAY JIARVEY S. PIONEMR PRI Was Father of Pi S. Coon, WaL Resident 7: HOLO FUNERAL Iarvey Samnueil Cco dent of Dlamond L Vlew neighborhood fou? yeard old. and known in Lakte Cot horne In Prairie Viev niornins, tollow Ing Doe.. Me vwu the mnan William 9. Cod and Mrs. C. N4. li Mr. Coon wus a of the Ivanhu M, loSse anda lite moi ter, R. A . M. Wat y. and A. M., the tu be heid frcan bisIL Prairie Vew aet 1:3, with irteriMt i.1. eemetery, wlii be-i Modern Wood*men. Btitdee 1 te on a, Coun le eur.wlved b3 M r. Couil wk -bc niture and Rugs Now For They WMI Be Any Cheaper ANew Bedroom Set for John and His Bride 1I'ùr aps he can flot f ind a liuiiie to live in, neyer- thclvss a new (,coîrpleto 2% 3, îýr 4-piecc set ivould look beiautiful. -- 2ondÎete sets as lowN # $89.50 'Ask iour neighbor. whP il<te lDuplex Ab4îazar wliit she thiîîks of it; lhen il Lî î' ave ils dcii- tc)ist-îte it. Over 4001 sat- jiýfiecd users iniLake Cotin- t'-. Ask to Hear Wonderful Pal and Tell Me by AI jolson sof Waukeg-an -Can You '-show us where you cain put -your bard earned zaoney into a bigger h9fflehola neea$y than an APEX WASNIN MACHINE It xneans the end of Blue Mondays and drudgerY. -ý;rMaya -Tnother's faee show. hard linos froln badlbr over a w ash tub. BIake'your wash days easy by washing with an APEX. WA8HINO MACHINE Ask fur demonatiation. -N -7 k This -Challenge is the Climax of Our Campaign to Cut Your Cost o lthing No matter howv particular you Iârc, nwn, you caîî hardly afford to miss this sale..- The prico wiIl scarcely cov er the cost of the materials. The suits are in the gwagger styles so inuch in demand righfrnow and the inaterias arçc handsomne Worsteds in gray and dark miixtues.'lt's anothei- blow in ouî* fight for lower prices and it'a a ruai punch. Cor nuelua!id sec these suits at 29.75 We're ,howing otiier suits specially priced at- 34ý.5'M 44.75 ma.54.15, -MENS SHIRTS landegome new dnesq shirts in aIl the wànted new pat- terns and colors 2.35 at ............... MEN'S UNION SUITS 'Atletk Styles juat what you want fçir summer 5 at ................. THE FAMOUS COWDON ONE-PIECE OVERALLS Every man who wcars 0v- eralîs Nwill appreciatethtlis newe. They'ne in bluoc'and khaki in aIl sizes. -Piceel special for the $5 ê'a~ 1c -at fc Our sto plain< town( -SILK SHIIRTS Stunning Silk Shirts i crepe de chine and tub slks. New patterns $16.50 values at MEN'S BOX Good Cotton Seau i white, black and colora, 25c.I~ vauSt............ rices 0E ivilil1 217 P~ A & A,: Electric Co. 1706 303 W. WMbington St.W kes LE 1 5 1 s P

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