CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 May 1920, p. 4

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flIE UBERTYVILLE NDFP~7cJDrNr.. THIJRSDAY MAV 7fl ia~>n - - -- - . ----.- . a * . V. 1ig ad evermnore Io rejoice la JIU » ~~**'rty tue Independent ~hoI orfort tirough te nmritao meia LIl Nw tes h ty ileIn ep ndet i hrstJesus our Savior, Whlvtb -. T57.L .- < n d eiirneth wthTiee, nteuiy A eia e in N w tm l 1- c.. a"Inéi;(Us. 1J. 'I - PT uuegun IV e5ySu Ill the saine spirit, une God, wortdi_______________ _____ __________ ithout ý,nd. AMEN." Cut lite,,d etthOfe otelephone Nibail.l.. as St~Hec Cas MailMatter. This Priest-in-Charge wul lie absent g oa enny thia Sunday, exchanging places with T ~ Hl eno is brother, the Reverend- Htugli Mil- Th Lke Counîy Assoction of W. J. SMITH4 . . ....... ...... Editor likîn MaWborter. S. B., priest-in- the Amertean Legion ls planning a big P. 0. SMITH ........ ..... .....-....---_ Manager Charge of Saint Andrew'à chyrcb. ati re-IRt for dune l19. There wil.libe a CHAS. D. NALLEY ----- -----1 ........ ........-.......Local nairDowners Grove, 111. 11 ta hoped that a .iarritvai and Oni r oris nof athuse Mngrlarge congregation. re.oresentaUIve of Ment iflitdittg dancing andi conces- Officia-Pb-lia -i- for the Villagei of- the parish afîd communtty. wlll bie 51008. Theubig elent cili lie in futr Publcaton îberyvile.present aittI a. m. ta greet nour vis- blast front oi i0 midiiiglit.. teacî 00ffeê Publication for Lake County Board of Supervisors' Proceedinga tr h a aigbsfia ii ofO!the reunjun cuti be anttouîiced *oedel ýveay Thursday. Advertlslng Rates Made Katown on Application. SitLwec' hrhsînce the later after a wueliîng ýoj Uic commlit- IN dedication of the beautiful new <rurc te5ftevrlu posta. aJSCIPIN RIE$.1.50 PER VEAR, STRICTLY I ADVANCE. and Parlah Hall in December. 1917. Hfimer Dabtringer Pont. Vaegan, Sudies in the Book of Revelal on. METHOIST EPISCOPAL ~a the biArîtule17i îloory on Chrit-ian Endeavorers s ;i c e.C F liaePso. Yeomnaneît Polii.retli n Ch urc/z cïervrces t e h:i .. e.C.F liaer atr IeNurasiii Post, Foit eid - ilie raIls at the rsteîn Sînday School ai 10 a. iii. A clas' vhtu cli. Waukegan, Tuesday, May 26. foc every age. 6. B. Toltett, Suit. Teolîaiocngoteloa PRESBYTERIAN Lei's sec if we cannor capture h'e Mocning worshijî at Il o'clock. Thii base bail sesson was cffctied Suinday Earl C. Morgan, Peater banner. \Wýonîan's Home Misstonary tliank of-titternoonStai te Fair Gr-ounds. Nuni- SundaY Scboot ai 10 a, ni You nced Din forget te Union Memorîi fer;ng message wlll be delvered ':in eru rctc ane ae o h a greater knowledge ni the iScriptuces. service at the M. E. churcît May 30,. a thank offerlng receiced. VO Steam of the Lihiertvilie Anierican Le-W A department foi evecy age. ~a 'cIock p, ini.Il'entecost Sunday. ginl'in fine shlp, %ctit%%'as demui-' Preaâching ait Il a. iii. Toili' of tue 1 - Epworth Lcsgue devottonal' e r, ire straled by tiie cay Iii.' cent after aermon. " Christ t lit i l."1, SITLARNE 't 6:20 P. ni. the St. Barîlî's of aukegan. Specrat music. t64 . E'SOA HEHEcnn octiîS .>.Oicil The gante w,îs catteclliu tîI end of Chislnqnivor a :5 .Rev. Gardner Atpheus MacWhorter, sonz service led hy N fI io-i7 il Toi . Wilia a cn Ruh God?" ,î jPriest-in.Charge. . sticîltion of Epworttî Leaiile i ci rý I icn to*oncîswitl Lce scucrie 17 ro, --,ward Casey w-il bIle leader. uî(111i> 2 thTt.f3xfMsag yth aui ae motiforib the îl- alkandwth Preacbing ai 7 30 p. m. Topuc of!i (et'ecost). Moi îa if7:30 fi. ni. Ille. suu,îizYi onv1. luî o u icîs m h the sermon, X'h-îi Shah We Dlinoc icîs Cotiuiullîii, 7:3o0,ain. pies' Bible study clans a Ile The'reguitîr wceI; u' ccupcy o the Negligeni ?-F' .ecial munir. itChî iiIlSllo, 9:45- îîiii cnage. i lieau > a ic s ulifotiîîed c anoa he S i.> . h--l .- - -1 .1-- lîîîî .',-.'-- .....,... Cirs tju- . .h\i oci__ t Tha e wi-tii o..n meetru g of;11 il0Y 1Iii> i i ciinim îîîinion and Sc cion, Il sc cli tesdacy lat ( . I.' ". i*i ' j Scouts or the(Cmpi Fice G;' h 'riies 1a ni. anîI libii- confecetîcef'salîîî3,6. A day. May 25. IBoy Scouists ccc ,atnut j 'f()Uod. Whtukt,, .at 'titi te dtdst cOrIiinvmxitation to aiii day. Ma>' 29.bto lelti ilear i liv ý :lves i ti cli i iecr i th l ii' ciithlfut peuple 'Ï of tlie G. 'A' E.dead ct thie.'Likeil.]' bý snding 10 iOietthLit o f th- ceneery. jllui> Sîii, giani un b>'te samne Present Second Class Mail Frayer MNeetin.g Wednesda.. cîi 21Stcicii to hcîxe a riglit Judgment in ait Rates May Be Continuedm i D o ijouwanlie-~ mi utED In,~ Tiis sthe - m ed fadimti.g ua et %unga. b N4ew pÀdiom' e ulemh. We o-0 gise lb. nme tut h" l~mmde by dmtngehed A mevlea ycéiogImb aNm ymé. Let uîs gise it te gj«. Sme uhtoe mm. 5w Nd.m paodueseee ii me Se.e ns ta h«Iotbe l.. Ing aier. Come n e nd tjpI. DECKER & HE TON ®PHONE 55 LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. e 1 id i l v <ntilniied iin tit Jul v.% I 92L. lin ier a bilt ordeiccl favoraliy te- po>ed v tth rle hoisu posi offilie colin. jmjjilIe Th e nieasure W'oiîd pù)stpon , toi- one vear vach ni the Iwo author- zefi altomitc rncreasus iii rau c S' illeitii cI o iecolin..effec tiv. J uly 1 anidon,. carInel. DISSOLUTION 0F PARTNERSHIP I Trhe fcm tof Cote & Cteuse. Liheri> ic lias been dissolved, John W.'Vote purchaslng the Interest of bis partner Gý. W. Clouse. Persons knowing them- "Ives indebted Io Cole & Clouse wl ptease adjunt iheir accouflia withi ten days. 301-NT W. COLE. Gi W. CLOt'SE. Remoirkabte, Watsonl Spe;ikjig of tîit-., (Comin wroie recomnientiiiii, acriinieut. 8lonacy. el once cIii-,î in %If rry. Ing tô finit word. w\\iii- c"h i ii, it, butl I didu't Sicîei» i sîr ran. Ne'ript. BEAUTFIY YOUR HOME Pictures, 10xl4 loches, heads of beautiful girls, in many colore. Titese pictures are of exquleite beaijty and muet be acen ta b. appreciated. 20 cents each, 6 for $1. Vour maney back if you are flot stisfied. AGENTS WANTED. Bl. BAKER 1020 Chestnut St., Philadelphie. IVE ARE offering you, a large vani eyof patterns and - fabrics in, Soft Cuff / Sbfrts. In purchasing '__e our Spring Supply last4 Fafi, we 8pent consid- erable time in choosing- Our patterns and a b______ tics, with the object in view of not only pleasing owr customers in this respect, but also as to the price. We l believe we have suçceeded ail through.t The time is here when you wilI * an%~ Wash Ties We have a.eomplete line off these goods to offer you at 35c and 75c "Everything for Men" JBe MORSE &CO. Libertyville, 111. and is so well expressed that wc, wanit You Lo rend il: "b-I order that thé Amierîcan L.egion miay co-oPerate in furtiter lng the greaf awakentng that bias ;aken place ilirougîtout the entice coruntry on the value 01 adult rec- reation, it je the snocere desire of National Headquarters that aIl Posts aval tîtemuelves of "eer>' OPPortunity to encourage the pro- motion eof Post sîbletica and lets- ore tinte actlvitlca. athietie officer, as well as tite Post actiu'tties and -selfare Conînîlîtees make tld5quate. provision nt ail seasons of the year for au-prograni that shaîllnicet lthe cecuirenient., of ils lndividual lnetubers. Clean sport wilt tend moce te a hitîî organization titan any factor known. and there ls nu reason a-hy the American Legion shoulut nul continue the grent cu-crkt lnatah- lettes contmperd in France. and J eventuallt> as an organizatlon ial ahiirs lplace l i Ot' "It iii tîped tlict ,'verv Pont -sitt l;i Ilti'(nuise mi cim,, bave îr blase ncitI, bfoWling ccnd ,othrir tes ria ltIi !tîîi i n sîlîhit inn tl nronltinzg rurflcitents anikipi i lii'el r-,cect er ;ntie rehI hic> Il' -I --- -------- :oos:,a000s-------- - ----- WANT ADS RATES-10 Cents par Une, Each lntiois - 0 - - - - - -m - - -e- WAED-A clerk for ouneoff the *UV COLTS OF THE RIT lIND most uiptodale grocery stéresà LO0O0 KA H EA M Lake Courny. W. also aeed the. er- A car Iload et work gelding, sotd for, $385 average ai stock yards 4ast vices off a firatclan eat msaket mnonth--a biggec trie> licn wê!m ever in.n Applicarnts cal or addres a tidbfr. woktre- ilti The Independent for fuiter ** - Yesr ,îuo fomatf My fatrin is -ol t am settîng bac,- fforation. _____ ________gains tn îlotsq>, intaîhlnery, Loola. en- jYOUfNG MEN AND) WOMEN lfi' rail. gines, tanks. plltia coco plantera, corn uuay mail and Governient clr-ct ctr.POtIc i~e and digger«, l niiPs. $110 mentît. Age, 18 upward. j ilows. bob sUds(l. wagons,.itarne.s. Excinination June 16. Expertence un Sacka, seigits, housctiold gooda. , sfoCes, nec essa"c> For free particulars wr-i tean; boiterm, lic. etc. Rl 'r,'rr> îtoriîicCivil Service Exam R. B. SWIFT. 1net). 1199 Continental Bldg., Wltg -___ in uton, D. C. 21-2t WAN'rElI 1 n, c oticîn ragsi. a[t-t>' at Tite mdýi îunît . toffice-. i.fST Sitnda',, May' 16. on rosd b.> S Iween Wlîeelîng and Lteivle a CO)RRECT ENGLISIt1milw to useu IL. snriallt amy truck, niarked Lt. C. F. A MonIti> Magazine. $2.511 the year. Wiicîece. Ai Setvire 8US.Army. iSeunl 10 cents tfor sanîtîie colj, ici Cicr- t'creta i no u d tI1h15 lii'- ex ~etîglcti >,Ihlsl),ingCo i1ptoW3J fitcrai .' atfor ce- tu rn of ttunk. Ftndeî.i j [i tilyThIne linois. 4 f t,-rdînt .jîîct ille, 211It i- - WAN'l ",~ ,n ir xc, e itic.ii L tj us P'cul. and lie d hic i Ici' rîikx shots -hb, ciFetd bh.% t-oit~n c- âauinsr ui ab; utciî 7iiiil ii Il t. t7lil, ci t e-r (i ci17 Il cru tile saint' dii n Il., l'es in sigj tic teacms of onhi- rioganinr ln ' I'Iltcic 1Ih-ic, uti-294 J L M 12t NNW 'iN lEt'II SI.0lOCl it, tîeld tt-%I l ,i o ccfcitsando in suîîîîrt ofthLIe bastebailt cý i c-ci idi c4 icr ci...: x mcil' tacs*agnm7 saci*«- On, c. ct. r cgerit groi (ci.jap- srîîîclc oel rfeu. 'Tjor ,ii,siicciecl oufit ionaticîn ici) l i tc is -jc - i - xltcti.. lci- 2q2 Il t. 21 _t2 i edrît l n it. t cul'fcio) anLi ainti: witti a tctomis, Of a "cI clIlljii. 'ici geting ticr-!hi,> c .tcrLed j flouaslos t ea- i i l uinscîitc nraltjo .Ilv (!c : Itius, i i si0. 1.'s ci ii>liefs n-- naie prîces and easy ternis. Ed- branis cian exren>ixi- lii.. f gril c 'lr' i isx tc, at n; [ic sîîîîîîtî,r tariju tîcouc cî. lic jaWin Autstin. 181f î- î.it tir pa ro, r;ieý. tcbcicccr.i oci.' ;iuru singet eu- -i iole scte c i icîci> ciiang-cl A <r. tL In_______sîil-liloist. 1.l, :aiticecjull-i:. Pashc floned wIo-niolr ui ccci c iîe li. Lire set ci iti l .tiii-e, th . i.clicFOR1SALE-Mahogony piano. tike i t-is iie a -cai ivî lasir tat..!lu ccjitiiit a î,,sun t leu clui (herciit new. $300.00. J lilnus Ittîr 'ia',-2. toduns iund cuti el ttlenburg tic lil inî-i Etectrie ligil , Tse. LAke îta 1lciiut ifemc' ctii,.u', i misasecl]afluotone îruin ii ciiis, ltijng coi arlo i lid t ra cinting w%;lt, 1. i livri1t'o fle tunner scoure tiicî iiictic. ofiLle ltroi fit i'le cij,csi- tircg t cc'tîieï,' -ocghut i i iiti -i l fce ii AJtMý T\AN t11:1 Vi' l al;c c.xitict ahorion auls out, culuitng. t'gbt rincrn rît ilt ut t nrici !1,lir,- ici 1Long Long Gro%ùe Niut, IS 31 or:~.,j i ciiiaud ccani.r.i Frtom'theu on St. liccrt' ouiitn'l gtt Io oncleî-fiti 't.-, t'ng p cihe-, lirîlt jw1 tt tci- iiri s ct,,5.. a l Il)iIc, cc aitan laver, thotigli ihes guit iîîgtty . cic-coc,ant ehc c..u big .il i r FORf SA LE C co residctnelots on iOn- of ci tu, ' sI i-i-s. t ail, 3-ii augerous in the secon.Thc 'te first Tite bous, is bîcîtî ifut ij iunt-.-j cjl1 v.MnGiîe !O c u.c- une xc a.1 lu - -a m. cc i biiit safely andîl cile kuorkedd u ci ilI be siii.ciaed ai tithe- f,,' îmcrinleytAva.i iL 310Gritles.5> ait.. ight or ten syllabte., cff iln-icînat part surrcrnings rhaî ite youî s Ken-r i- t.. t'cc-I-îtî l-cti- '[ics.> zi ae olUirlve te 4vca tea,: tf D. Bodzura's naiîccnetatthe bases nedy. ;end Suyîtart 'ere at île caittt'iiitc - i do busi ilaaou , heepri aîickh oeLt' - rt4n wcre fitied wittî none doa n.If looked Loday gvtting it rî-acte Lootir Ti iii Ij"1II I ( tri îcîr gl; .,borneîiWi111 t dtuire se i ontir- riLo 1 ctbtous, bcut our dtion tiitia rn oinr »ptaiined l.-ci aei llentAia, '21 Orbll l' i'Lm--CAIS'82 W. Wasbingtc uo afiesi ita-cfIteci utan Ifl nîcîl Jitta. the fttc f i . c: St., Chicago. In the furi busin--ci vel nnned the next Iwo cait fou ced Mlck- possible. _-_ 2ý0 "cars st the saine adclci-n- 19 7 s te po out te Mteadit cl irst. FOtR SAl.E 1914 ta-.,".c tînctîr Inîlîcn Liberlyville won tile gaine b intetiîttoig-tc -fg i .-' cî,îc C-t- 'c bin, n acul iboIlt VIOtEt"ilCIN iili' Icit haiffthire fjIl, iii fixe rltos Weine-ilcrituilgîit. .Isk lt: i,- ica molli on- a31 i..II 21îr f i i .i mîio: onthreebits, twu cuattms and some nmous Ci ttcagou cetsrs.uch' jý, i-iac'uc-tî t-cL z'.1 ' L Si utetakc-c Su»ix>. s a'ucr--a nce base runniug. 'l'lie c inltnueuilpar excellence ici ihe middicxc>e iA g î : tli'17 l - nîîIcil 0lýS-i.c.i. In r "I- L te gond work unttilIlle gaine cas vi-teci ci-owd iir il, f l e, lrtot -1c 1 irthe ci:c. îiicv iiau,, lieslnA-t w'îttcrrrii ai u fc caed at tne end cf Ltce sexenth b>'c-outinîuni t' (î,iiiiantdi uci r' ,c iti h.iîfor .î sTiko.nII tuck.t- il b c w rk. i aie II b n Iarî minaI consent. and cc-ith Tie tianks Tc -opni s- c cîiîîcloii'.,t'Nc'n1a2 î'tc,- -i,' i r f Ulic shic'ertng bugs. The score: for givjnt lthe k;nît uf daiic-- jtucrrsci fileI.- iliitir i,, Libertyvitie cuct ireue pl ille enc :\l. - in L'OR SAlE îlit1t 5 i s ngi-r Ca r.'and wlth exîcerienced oiii-.atcli AB R H O A E necty .luicder andI Cottil'-,illut cli - in gîîîîco ndition. Jue titctîins. i cin-rc.- c .isrlln Ili'cllý, Goïdeuberg, 2bh.. 3 1 4 0 1 raea sni odiraga ielteT,1.201, lcbctc ii' bM.trci iituiîîfonde- 1N-;jl :i laster, sa _ ... t1 3 3 o 2 1 luttle Ilaile ilii iliceccurîicnîc» wm btrul -ný. 11 l teyers, cf ... 4 3 1 2 0 o the>' at-e. Nc-xL edne-.laift i Ir(. Wni.-' iq . ti. . [ni Derfler, cr_, .... 4 3 2 10 4 0 Auitorjum. FOR SA1.LE -Sucer King sced corn llion. IItt21t>Il Hook, 3b-2b 5 2 3 3 0 îJ Test 9S. l'bons 278-W-1. A. Andier-j lecl-3b i2t 5 .lc -ft u--l îcui'ay ciî< fi lii a son. 191tf ONE: OiFTHl ..\IEST IASI'XAý Johinson, cf . 2I 00 O 0 fet io1 V 'oian's Aîtxît., , - icil ib'-i li ii, ii rr, in i tle cîituitii'bi'o l ii-i' qheldonI........ -2 1 1 4 0o01 Pont. A nieceZ n lIl( ic Iiic n II tut Xt'G MAN wcuntvipe'rnanen t c" lutril» icnitu iii .îfo rtirpeteOiiti' . lapke. fc, --0 2 o 0o() Village Hall nexi 'lue -is'etY itc10 1condaîr>' uirc zenf,rcccfarot. by June 1[I jii~r -l"' a I "ri.iaint.-Opral' aock,i ... 2 2 o aOIlO0O'arrange tte delaits o' -klié 'cruicO l.îtIcess C. M.c ie(-Indeiierdent. 191' CsI'l5lii itt.ticacila fil btii'lI--- 3heffle. lb.1, 0 1 i0 OAIl the wix-es;, nuîcî, ~.v nljCc iir% ,ktýi"ttnsely itic s .ît, 36 17 13 21 7 3 îtsughters of Aimericmn Li ,ron WATiicm GRLFOIcN. iid> V'-ku nesi neeiti St. Barthtes becrs.and lthe nIen who n."- ,ued ! ATO.- OGR FRGN iîiitrourndir)_. cin'ti>uiill. rleas.cnirtici.- AB R Il 0 A E c fange to juin. are ILviteli Tc, corne. ER AL H OUSEWORK. NO LAUIN- riiýi'.inchIt nuît esi'c.inneI-iof ii ranci liks id gel on lthe inside onthlIe erganuza r.DRY WORK. WOR<eEASY. MRS. higi gîtire. utning rorun inl 3humn. 2h 31 7 4 2 l ion work. Have the t,'gî,n ic"i 'ic SMITH, 633 NO. GENESEE STREET. neciir .iii'ld~irnt u f yur amly ecor ,o inheW^LKýGN. HON 29. t abitionus, rnîi-tent 5 iiitiC acunli. 1 Bodzunas. cf. 3 0 0 0 tbor fati0esoI '()iiiieWUKGN.P-OEf. ! lcii u-lo e tî-nV 'aclna, .3 fi 0 4 2 2 nteerling. - - . --i Ir2C . n ,R ,n. [asuis, sa 3 O 1 32 1I'flewden, Johnson, H'a;iLi' Suvditi 2 P. Litais,. .. ..... 3 A 1 2 2 and Kennedy ccilli r;x 'i-,cks front WÂ2NTEI)-Ford niechanica. Gond D. Bdzuns, c. 2 0 00 0the factery in Flint, Michiz-in Tu. Colo- wiages. Dent of working eonditUona. FOR SALE-7'-ace tract, beauti- Gry bod.z..a...cf_ 2 0 1 6 0 O rado. Tbey eniback for ',c' front 11i"Toole furatsbed. Apply at once te' fui matuai grove timber--hau- Dackawrz crf-_ ...... 1 ()0 ni ornfnl atter the doter. -Sunerintendent. Ray 1P. Mudd Miltir tiful lO-reoom houa. local dhalf 1. Litle231_42ý 1 0029 0, . 0 0 0 000000000o1 Co 4301 W. Mad»,o1, mâle norhCitylimitfacing inNe. Titree baie bit, Dasiter; Iwo base 0 M IL L BU R N 0-' l9'4t dj"gWme is, flasher Méyers. Ilerfier, Hlonk; OOOO00000 O,0000 O000009)00 ItARMS WANTEI>--Braniga Il-.-[ -gan Cutrv Chb. Forfurtier par- strurk eut-b>' Hapke. 10; .by Bodzun- Ms oaSeac.fiiir> et Co.. 117 N. Dearborn St.. Chicagi.' L. L H ,a e s, 1: by Litas. 4; bit by pitcbed ball Me Ll h ad oinryareE iuS.,.Cao Teo H D , a e y Haptue. 2;:b>' Lttus. l: double play, dent et ibis vicint', nuw a stattu are la thé market te-buy farna at ail. haro Ie Masilus; stolen basesflash- worker for the W. C. T. t., cciii gi% l, a 'Iimeg. If you wisb te sel, cati or wr te ctuity Savings Basi, Wankegam. r, 2; Meyers, -Hnnk 21, bead. Bock. talk on the wock cf lthallercanmiu t bten. Pitons Centrai 8148. 11-24t 19-2t Lutethe tacies at the citurctî ridnl SIDE LIGHTS cîflernooin nt 2 ici nck. - j ORESANITARY SHALLOW! tiANTE-t-- Zcen or women lu raitec Mi- ,t i :N c . l'i, EBR licc:he %% c; tirue Iha5t% uiti crccitt a lis» trad Eutic,rcN-. cc- ' 'eIs l00 feet deep or iess. Drink ders socong friends and neighbi;.s cigl.dobl ula(Icrl. Nic hAlie augCter Mis Mcal i p~< ure xvcter and avotd contamntifon for tthe genuine guarantced hoeiety. 1iucîli liait t 'filstüpped amlien tthey j s i tfCi ag Suuday. Micolr N'cîd îckes use movtng bonne f'uî,îfines focrnien,.iworren a] ciir nîied tu i alt, and Gotdy put the b>.1 raising, window and door screena. niit en'm.1birthday anniversacies in lthe fa:ct work. ZIO BUILDING INDUSTRY. lrc'n. Eliiuîinates darnlng. W.>e. noo aim.' t flea n the noe e-ithnioth of May'.z Zion. 111. Phone 31 and 49. '16-24t 50ei an bouc for spare tinte, or $24 for Hok în bt îcniouth nne St- The Rev. A. H. Perd spent flic ecli fut[î(fine, Expecienre unnetcssu i.. ting tre> alfe di ives durfthe l.> om- end in Millburri.FrtbLaeCutTeINE Wie'ncainlSokng!ii bat. Mr. -and Mrs. Norman Adtamsî an') PENDElnTLkCout-h NE rt Itrain1Sokn Scorîng us snm. tatik wben one ECNT'NorswnPa needs an interpit ccand ca passport te daugitter of Citicago Lacyn, spentl'astoîItw.P.i 4 cel sieccit lIe îîeupo! Lte u nda>' xcitb E. A.Martin. toclsl %t ieliepo h i Itoiard Donner iîsoirue blie-r .1 ________________________t___________ itr.Tepresent 'iliflg. 'Fl ica 0~Icia ce a nie.>ewouking team nt -ls. PîtiE b I elinr îecati ienteî Tic' tiiat, nîcutil mrakie.cdandy sioccing fîtocral o e ileral, Nîrs. Patterson. aci I ~7 thie year. sstrof ber motter. the patn eeer. t ccci>ber w. bauiiy spiked in ftle M î' atterson w-sa s Issero îicd, sud cîtiei file administration olfI M.Wbte -G ir TV 4 1 1 e L irst aid wast Laken home in Clay lORDM M i NA CE N-.6 A N ORDINANCE NAM [NG THE Tbe Post teai isla sreal baillMEMBERS 0F THE IBOARDI.)OF uiaying iutlit.ILi la awell balaned HEALTH. cutfit, witlc eaci man pî bis Do- De If ordained b>' tue President -ition se weiî titat it ls difficult te and Board oft Trustees efthLie 'illage, tick a sbinlng lught. The out!iltd ln ut Libertyvilie, Illinots. Ju a trifle slow met. bust shows such. SECTION 1. lu accordance witb aptd imProxertent exery week titat thle provisioîns of Ordinsuce 2.10,tthe next Sunday slîontd se> tilent worklng Board of Trustees of said Village des- wli tIile saine perf0cit rythu i tat Ignate and appoint W. t. Collins, L. E. T or itîtracterizea Lb.> infield. Golding and Dc: C. Il. Galloway. wbo Lîîst Sunday'a gaine was hardly a shall contitute lthe Bouard o!Ileait- test for the boys. St. Bartha scored for saîd Village until otiterwtse Pro- beir e runn thbe first înnîng.inlu vided by Ordinance. the sco-ncd hall Libertyvilie Put tour Psassed May 10, 1920. P c i R Ro 111n1 ouilthe blure plaite and batted IApalroved May 10, 1920. .î-ound. 'Te Lc'guon boys Cao bit anti Publlsbed May 20, 1920.c bey Do0 Ilt. -1itla seldom tt oneitB.0MRSE cc, aT intî n h s any eiuggera. Preaident o f MO StE, b)e5lu'theii' uernent weatber, 125 Village of Libergville, Illinois. Peule wiinc'sseil t1he gante. If you are l Attest: J. A., TREPFOW. abcase baiul î'nriiia si yotc dor't bave Vilaîge Clirk. of go teaciol a i-calt..cîî nacton PSAG TAP len cct-ustitugle-Poet dules Tite on oid.tettene and collections bou-ght te go faice s el. îa îep i tnci iaction. OSAG SAMS o u ten ctcserc exs suruort. Lot's give it ai the higitest prices. Many a personf fo Iieri itv cctlcndîng the gantes. has tound a gold mine in their oid cor- th (lo gîutatton frotte Frank.- 100 Dollars for a single used postage d s M l in 9o lun D'Oier, nainllu commander of thte stamp if you have the riglit kbnd. Rf pl tOfe nierican L.eguon. is publisbed becauaeene : Third Nsmonat flak, Pitia 1tcontains ou, (if the nrincîples that detphis. R. H. Brookfietd. Jr., 20 Eu. Lfbcctx'-ce 'ctt lia tcs been worlu;ng on, pen Bldg., Phitadelphia, Pa. e ýE FOUR FURNII Phonel14 M IBU«YVRU IMBIMM THURSDAY. MAY 20. 1920 Waiting, proc aucceaa, neyer ah Ile Suizeessfu obsîcur lu--. ViIiichi have been obstar It is our earn needs, and don't conditions whiclî Mul canrd longtr.leev close therta out 1 Andi soine Boys to 34, for $1 jSEX VON BOM t . 8~ a"1, n Sito YOUTHS AT!- and 30 N-C On anc following wi shops, in Lib Open at ê P. m., exc The Folli Haïr Shavq Ailothei JACK BRAD FRED SMITI 'Wl - Now is the tini s higher priceî tak ;ng advanta -at a big discou Price<

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