"The. pedulum lias swuns toc tur. W~'~i"~ lUS [S The time han coins, the tUr na- TC M E C M N VTVIDýS Il S ium ahotîid begin lilsswn ak r toward théeniiddle point of wisdor, O Z progress.lilere ls 10 be tound the religions obligation and the religiolis Christianity Cited to Solve Na- ,,,,,Iunity of the Anîciia nation Elghteen Students Get. -Dipo tional Unresi by Or. "There can lie no cure for ths mas at Ceremoriy Heldp Murray Btier. world s iscônte aba un fi adin Tabernacle. the rule of ese'rlastlîig Drilicipie are D ISCUSSES THE SITUATION. againrestored.aid ruade supremne iu esa a h eet-hr n l'hiadeiph ' a, Christian failli as a a fouader o!fZMon Gît>'. The event was )u;e for the worifi's Il]- ans advocated MO O M NlA ~ cOnMMeoted lut night duriflg tii. bYD lhls ly ha utler, liresi- PRMA 11R reaainor ciesgof There Wer.ol dent of Columibia univtersitjy, In an ad- PC' rc'f'AIIre. hee er do to colun îisstOliers of A Uhe ra am-r eliteen o!1 Ihese succesafl blah rt--y V&.D Ld&/~IIE4 nine girl.$ and aine boys. Ticere was th-1ý1ý Y 01111-lIle-Iýltitio o f1TqIN URIES T an excelitrnt ppsînm gien a e ta dlri.IIlrzIII,,. and dis-iV N erraarle ovr iwhicii libur Glenn 'olUvs, hi :.r-t is îi'tl*Url tadtihe lEi1~~5~ itresidtent of Zion Flucationtal Depart- orl' id p at lir, (j hrit týht iet. presided. Antcin Patia, Vice cPii id1t tie i!fliil(i P lesident and Miss Mr hîisn tail Ci01,14.ptsis i to Hi 1111 . t ule w iwlni--isrd tilie 'Cotle Pricilial,*were aiso present. 111;i1- Sie -ai liaii. ceid-tfai as fîsîpËhi *:ir C'1*4ii ~ in N); t1 il;- Anong the 0Olatiens wa.s an exoeel h9011, rui"rbia it 1as, o 1 ,-t i viteciloon , Silde i ii ot alk on XIcli n Aixander DOw i1?*" 11,a oii î--. ano,iii ttl"'iiiti IW iiclt tIiat* ilh.-iuoi ll w s -t t 1ugene lai itOse. 'he iii- os 111 a1 "i ') e .l-i tisiisîîU 'kilîi-îîor scrio-,:y njîîr ci . slIroPlite 011 iicun~t or ftle ,,îro lia-i-o:- d lii-î,i iiIng si rt of iitaculolits. anirexsaty or ZiOns first leader. The iiia ".ldsei.'~i;liîodatid ý Tii-ortlhour- car and the -f rekigi pier Mus wecl pîre;iLred anid il rw ;,,là d -~ ~1.s ar clliied nt tile- swiît a 1 2id forth prsî tp rou, Oîerseur Voiva. aldîiiea nelsi i jnrd ut(i Set stia bU-t and Shenradan s, Irt l111-Anetiier ,-xrýjetioratton M s# by Ar-. vîfIiîîîî or a th,,u-aid iiiiiiil i tutun ça;o about Soclock Tussdax ,îîîer- IitrSchninifu-se. il ut etiWhat %V t- .s .1%,k t a c-I!f, ftT-a îiiiiî '0H-O ue - anY as îarttcuIlar- i1it.fits ,i' i.tUii iati ai Uillte Eddie P4rish. aged fi,, er sut*rie i i. it-rYM> l gatsufatil-il snd Iio<îîi ig bt iuitrest 1Iacksen !r eet, North Chicago was, whlch the address was deliv&ered. Il "n"lion su-diniidnd utpoie a ndlsTe clasa Tuesîiay îîight was the bie de i cIl LY i" r glass 1ie as iîurried lirst one uhatliîad gone Ilîru four yrs., Vh ait appears ho iisvc ialPPelit-d jto thi- ofiet-.4 ni Vit. i. B. Jolie>'. wi.re ut' Zion Prejiaratorji Ccui"ge., as lt ithat tri ,*ting fie the' Individusia i ast> t-xnintion tlowed iliat lus %vas Just four >-ears ago uhat Zion iiila! t-t-rntboeotenlr- n.re wrkiýt 'ootýs were te organized., Oversesi' tainî-nd font ue-i teiîaicon- iiirîawrsU? oliva .poke or the work accomPlishied Muleiilyaîdnipu- e h ir -o--ant ie aconîînended the graduates fe i01 hs noa r set J sver>' hlghly on iheir splendid work..1 fre fon tios iîCîaiî-slriîts Aiways Keep The, Fiaq In Mind. 1île annouincei t1hat hie wouid m-ganta.1 b * earj rya.d Wlfl itu, 0. Beanewate, Arthur 0. capp. 1L Roy- E. Gge- Richard F. Hi'e, PMar- îth&à E. Hot lngkéad, Eugene L-a Raqe,ý Eit.t .ndskog, Fera E. Manibal, Geî,'sldL.,Iilier, liarriet A. Ifylîre, Arthuor C.* /Scbialfuss, Katberine 4. SehrSidt. Paul A. Stewart, Sydney CI. The ciasa motto ias '"Ail do the Glor>' of God." The clama flC>wer was S3unbutet Rose. lass colors are Oitt GoBdâànd Royal PUrple, Richard Hire taeived tiret honer. LORKOY Gaéde. second; Ettiene La Rose, titird; Ktherine Sehuiidt, tour Lb. PuICE 0FCLOCK 4iOES UP 19% EFFECTIVE NOW Manufacturer says increase is due to Wage Demands and Material Shortage. An avsnce e lii pet cent la an- nounled b>'a laiti'- ock manutact- urer. the" deniand for ail klnds ait dlocks lm inerea-iîig. sîhile dffficutl- ia§ of production aod nîsking deliv- erles are greater Ihan ever. These. CondItons. the deniands by worker% for Increasad, wages and a scsreity of mnaterials brouglît about the high- er prices. 'ths nianufacturet eald. The cheapest siarni clock now là bringing $1.25 whoeli.» The brisk deand for dlocks la at- tributed in a measure ho a shortage of dlock repaI1rerg. Persons &re bold UUISS 351 ~flT D.g l1WUC~ W DUJ' pli h1.W sieuRs Insteal. su Iliferta of Importers to reliev. tIse ar siiortage Rave been cf lAttIs avail. S, A re~reeentative ai a large capeera te' i eus" Of deu! Wlsela he erland Germny Bs .ndMn a isy 'atteinht to ru a wa>y "saIt oasi homent .-Ol b.iag kiocked down.-Lond on Pui Mathers. of Waukezan~ -- -* ~Can You -how u&. where Yon SnanPut- your hard carned mnoney into a bigger household necessity--thau-an APEX'WASHINO lACINE. It neu'as the end of.Blue Monidays and drudgory. -Many a rnothcr's face àdows luard 1ine.s fiorn liard labor over a w ah tub). Make your wash dqys easy by Nvitshing g w i an AFEX WSIIItOIAU Ie- i Ask for dernonstration. ~ A & AEiectric Co. Phone.1706 303 W. Washington St Waukegan This Store Will Be -Closed AlDay Monday in Observance of Decoration Day On Dec. i 8th., 1919 We Published a Three Col A dvertisernent in Which We Outlined a Vîgorous. Merchandising Cam-. àý paign Designed to Force Down the H. C.L. So Far'As Wornen's C& Children's Apparel is Concerned. Now, Cornes, Another Link in the Chain of Peerless- Sales of Which Perhaps the Greatest is the Sensational- "Ye We Olde Tiene Bargain Sale" W ith, PremWar Pri*ces of, Four Years Ago are taking an advertisement run in the Waukegan papers FOUR YEARS AýGO and re- producing it, as nearly as possible with of course the exception of illustrations CSiId'a 79e Union Ste 'Ail size4 in an ex e!Itr.t îqai. nn durs tlî.t sel]57 reguarlyat 9 at Women's $200 Bloomers at hiîi 11a Ci ' 97o f4' &24.75 Wbmen 'a $2.00 Gowne - Woinrrts andi Mise-t 1 muslin ,îliÉ t rowns in gncl- i' styles an-I ait sizes at $2.00 House Dres AÂprons Aprons in ltght,ni n i3 cark cu' ,-,, oan i )t al13 Sizes3. We Present Below -COATS longi and Short Coats By the.Hundreds Coats to $2250 1 248 Coats to3O0 1ý8.é 50, Goats Up to $55. 06 ai- Th~e at illustrateti s. ill perhaps gisve1 you a better idea of the styles ilsaî Word, descriptions. X\e.iîahavetmore thaît 7.5 fashioneiiî,iodîttels iîicitd- ing fuil iengt and sports Coats. At $12.98 there arc lcatlierette. Coats aiso. *,,very style, oeaterial and coluir is represented.- - ALE x HEN Oo 206, 208, 210, 212 No. GeeaSr eeWaukegan l'a.p 8158$27.50 .898$69 24.75 the eost Important Savings of the .DRESSES Satins, Taffetas, Crepes, Tricolettes etc. -Dresses f0 $25 Dresses to $40 Desses f0 32.50 19075 Dresses fc $75 A dresta sale o! inconmparable valuies in which there are lundreds of wtanted modela for strect, sfternooss- and party wear. Dresses of-*Serges, >sool, Panamias, -Tricotincs, Satins, TIaffetas, Georgette Crepes, 'Zricolttes and Gorrette and Satin comhbinaticà&ns .. -_ Women's $2.00 Union suite Women's Sumimer Union Suits of extra fille, sof t Sea Isfand Cotton, al sty les at,95 Women'a White Hone Seconds of womneî's 59c White Cotton Itoat. Most all sizes utile tiiey iast at 89e Brassieres at - Women's Urasiercs in good styles, niceiy matie andî trimmediantliniiiail 'îzes. WOMENS 35c VESTS 22 1c i .it *35 II i i l -tz 17 019.75 UZ250 S816.98 Year on Waznted* --SU-ITSý In heSeason's Hands Omest Models Suifs to 833 af 19.1@75 suits t04$50 at 27.ý50 suifs Up f0 $82.50 af- $4ý5*.00 -SIIOTS FIREI RACE RiOT IIOTEL 1 Fiv e Hundred Sail mnes Storm Shei Police Avert L - t P liY il 4 1, 1 ptIlît,,i, e 1. tou ;.- ,t 1.1, il lhn b e %tindc-. i îlie bI. mdg O nii u'- Sn uc' ,îbW ,<lo. i , tl tit ni t idaiiii;l o,sîiiir :. * . i-an.- tu 1h, ing ( '-il-- i--ian LIIIil r, 1 1c a il 1,n au.ii , Ar est arn i, ln -. tj -1 h.i ordr,,i , ,iant ir'f 'Iyrrî - nd'-r arr.-.1 taridIiii - -' ioc n tht- 1,or t', -ntiaued on XcDERMOTI CEEI>S F. BI AS COURT I Unwritten Testin Deceased Rep Deciphe' --tltflYoungi man. 1 e ffIciai cOýurt ri r nk N titak ee, 'I ho iSerre1l n thi- Iiii court and tht- court for lactît> c c al ec îrr.-d ast 'ipe4t îm it htue aPpri ittaChItPý S 5 j, S t- Sin th is cil>, reci-lv i Miepublicesel, -nographir work -,î.îse aSt h, Wault lie has bei- niP is duIn-ng nitot Of -ibpen lu tihai tîut 7ai-e w îîked lti Sntilht-dit- E ('î mud ; dil ia te a 01ii - hs' îti i o t a tti'h, i 14 r sIi l . th, , ;~ tuit 'i ' !Ils Ii m î i--tN, 1 wei e , , * ir i ,il Nick 1,111111 .-i -iLtf in e-e- toe b' - l iour 'sai t i a e Ili Ou.'o trie a b- W55 tt' ca e fu tg etz-h -tier. ir sciptba,,h 111lustrat in g forci by fthe pre-eminence of our pasition in the local readya to-wear fieldi are these #Oemarkable suit values. ' Hrer are Bujts of wool Jerf scys, Wooi Velours, Serges, Wool Poplins, Tricotines, Chçcked Velours, etc.# inrthe-,season's rnost agkecfor models as pi étured above.