CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 May 1920, p. 2

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THE LIBERYvmLL INEPENDENT. 1-IRSDAY. MAY 27. 1920. CA 6w TR IN RN SmnLT A. L. Johinson' and wile to John i. TRAI TOF Griffith. lot 73, Washington circle, Lake F'as«t. Warranty deed, $10. - C ristopher Vîch sana and vIfe PR M T WO K NIN I HE Y IH OPNON JULa110O@wald Altsnann and vufe, lot 1, PROBATsubdivision of lotF TIEYWISII uriClub Ç»UN Y CO RT ERE Eiery rural pailler ln Lake Coonty - AT CAMP iRAN T deed, $1.000. -trainling tis umomer by atending the McLaughlin. lot 3,Gee t 1f Man WiIs re dmutedto 'summner cbnool for rurai pastors given Cvlasae oLanMl tar ienlAke FIGreet. Deedu, $6000. .Mn il r did by thei nereChurch Worid Move- Cvlasaet er iiay Lti M. Dolen ta J. G. 'Welch, 56 robate; Final Reports in ment. July 5 te 23. ai Defiance Col- Methods During Proposed 100t nos-lb front on Grand avenue, Some Estates. leg, Defiance, Ohio. Sîxteen suih Summer Session. vest af Butsfrick geet, Wu 1ukegan. _____sha% been organized through- 'Warranty .Aeed. $1. în inusuaîîy large grîi etfpro-ouitheb-.1nitd States n iitx t.aoe.Jzpii and as avwifs 10 ble work waa taken up sdd(Is-hmbaýýve 7been aitssgned te0 felance goyemmenit for the opening of a 18, Waahburn Swings, Weukegan. "Oed of in couni3 courtai Wauk eian coliege lsho iCm rn yWarx-nty deed. $1. Ois veek as vill 1w seen fi-oui the Expe<rts <onl î'ral cîîure'ît ueth<odsihoîa 1GrntJil , 's-' Charles Rackow and wife Io GUstav troî h .ge1 throingicai achools pare' officers, civilians and enlisted aowprtl 2,CînyCek QeokLow AL rer peped o il ii ompose the facuity. The eftire men in lthe dulies perlaining te the division, tairingion. W%ýarranty deed, John rLe A. Henee. J Dcîî4îr F)fiýn(ec coege planir of 4e-en huid- sylitemu of'education and recreation 30 Joh Grt îvîieMdlIntntîYinirs. and comitep lereîalon faclili' iutte 4'flI> I aewazy Ian and c ie - toPaul and appraisemelnt approvd. lie-,îîrier an cxperîc'i lJlly i4Cia "ie ho w- i%ùafcu fGabrek and )cite, ioîq 1. 34 te 39. W oa-iipveadad d4nlor, ililieoused by the 4,IrS 'le ciolwIIî tafCUynibo'k 44.t)reyer'i subdivision North mtted te record.,.Let n r- of Te'sta- s on.ofiT ('44- 411l ct'14 11144 Il" 411 (114d ifor t 'h icago. Warrnitv <1',.d. t 1(0 mentary i-4ued to ltoýe Iýban. -111 î inh i.îions 4'i l'a I414h~i, retire- :azks, R.hile mil,,:,if a ri So-r,,îandmIcîr to A. H. -111t (. alap el. te1 lot 5..blocks4, Win. Gtnnon. miiiner 3 'irid a(coUlit Ir,. C)n2( , aI 14041and liris 4- . .4114 qiiij-i41tnt wîili he o nîpîle Wigc i t ~ ,14 4I N hc apprved.foitl,-ll(nslliiitg laIueýs o ez il's s4.m l s!(jvsîh 1N i oî l, 40 Wau- Nets Soreîîson lt4 al.i niior -lir;I S11140ai hear . - r i. i, I' P a r eîtate 4i1(14 îed. l <il 4l itw 1 44(n' il: .1' ,101 a t Itii " '414 'l ) C4414l lvil on o0000 9u0' 0000 Paul -Andiko ,. ý-. 4i al. lrn - i , i 1 hu t '4s(4 0.41< "" l i ' il 141"I 0 kî'i H.iT ii co- C 0 0 0 J'1O 0 0 0 0 UN of G 44411 141 Il 11) d 11,4'îîî4..-4'1RRIAGE LICEI4SES George W'. 1141 .t1'4 , 44 1l411.4lcî00000 00 0 0 0 0(000000, Admrinistration d OelR'111 1 41. 4îîdîîl.tXTi' 1 t]1 4tIl,44lh. 'onli Lac44 W te Allen w' IDa l is 11-1 i iI . 1 1.41, 4 (44l4 141 41 2. 14'llC114 44' A..'. Lande ,at 14111 îî 1Il (.4 l1l1-1('.1îe1 44E.î4 15:IN Elîz- miD1et4'aTiîo 4d, nli I, i 14d 1'4 51 ':,4.10 I 1 ('41(444.'- I cal i'. Kh !ý_ >i:i . IW.41L.J-.Sniilb. Tof DrAViN j'11A tt<4 4 Ctll <ig4 4 t. 1,'125i; 44 laîi, .îît . , i:1 44 1141 il' t-I III*JI< D'I"i' I N 11 i'"i t 't i(l4 ]ii...11 14 4llai], duais4!(es îl- 1" ' I ters1 of Adnîîîl h la1ieli 11-1, l l4i444 4.1 (1it4/40-.44,,l. '4 F i I 114'.114i l fIxed aI $214414I .4 s a"441 . Io1) 4'emp4l1i.' C '\îîiîpIî % 414 carl tio t 1.411 <11;i ci , t t"-1M ! I-1 4 'I lp1.ol14 , 41tI'444 1 , l-n4 for4 414.sol'4 4144 4Mill, estate tiosed. 4. 11 4' 4' 1(4In1 . '441,4' 4c' 41 "' n' .and't 114Illel< 'lîo . ,ln Cari H'enrîy VNî:t. 44ni4t of4 '.4',Il4t'44 C!4 444411 4l444 444' 4Il414 i4 lil1414511 lll4' "4 14 X 1111 i4l l . 144 -'I 1 d~ V'ogt. il IIu(444 14 l 44 .t 1 . li4l, oi441dw tin ls 44j» 11A'l .. '11k Flu 1 41 .411dln s ' I 41'4iiz '(i 1eu4'.T44t1 i . l K AunO JanettîrS. aid--i1 r,"0 it .4( 1114 , 4 I 144:I. 1 ;t41444 1~'4 4,11(' Xî 14(141414 Nîll '.LI 1141 .0. 141" il444,i 4114 a. 11 1 Z,'1/. ".4114 appproved anîd e4. 4111,' '44ed 14044 4 44 4 4441I.41tuà,t.4.41 1, I 'ai . i I"4 XI . 5 Alire L. Cartoan. n înoî Ll re. '1' 4.4144 .' i <i 4lfiî ,<1 ; l ig Fa1' L et Guardianshrip l1- o' d 1i. .' 414.4 444404114. 0 ù40.0,0-,-0000!.00.401, f441t11 , 1, 4144 ' 'II Bankof Lak' 14T 14 I . t X 4'I4411 1 441'44 'O00000t'0000 H41I 1 'î.2 proyed. ' '111Il'4 .41~ 4 ' l,îîo REAL ESTATE TIL4NSFERS o set itcîIal- Li Li ,1k. il.1 soîia Nan 5y VI *I 4111,4'1. Vvi, . lýiq! 'i o0 00 00 0 a00000O0 0 il4it.Xih 14 2'on si adnsIîîçd îo net ord. 1. tter yA BWE V unIl lý o Testanenlary i--ýil o J (1.aîî. W.1\N" 4141 44 1 IIM1414 , tAsistant Secretary Security Titis & \\-a tii lîî k, N 2l ,: I me- roua, Wm. ..Watrotis. Chas.. 't 044 I'.4' ii 1,4 inlli 4_ME ,Trust Company, Waukein 111~ . hîq.4.r."4.. î trous and Frank 'arous. i' Tl41il tIs . ,4 u u Robert Dil SuPPleiîcî1144.____I,41 'îTilll5 .May LI41,920.4, 1îî4 ventoa'y approxel I 2, 1920. 1'Hugi4 le4"', -lîîMa2y James Farru Il' E lit"- 4(,1adrninî'i- Wisilli resdent a -î4îî<batlvet n- Ml l 'a 11 41."ilI~.24 4l tt'ation d- bonis in ,ih \Ila -Says Ppblic Will Pjy il'il440/ 1-r41l4 r 4.îtionl F'îk'l.1 14 ' 411"ii George T. Siii th i 'uni4'C P-i n'gai. '4 coant af srvî4it2g p i4r . 4 4 4 4 , ý'1 Ii l erXîî'- .14,. 44 .' .41 11-bfl ) .oi 4 14'î 44I'4(1 4 ed, I M'.< ii44414 4144 corîîpany in their 1(1 .4 '4 4.14 o'1it 12 . 1t44'k I111411Lî4el.."tIn. e i. Mary Talaî-v--Fi1nal 41 40 111' ' <.,a-.,p"4 1(4~ V1 44,k ~ . k î' l ' 2,Jspî 1 iii!ls'l" This w s 15. il Sj,4r.- -,auloizan 20. proveid distributon Tl, C(iin* l'4 as- ( I. , l (141.14)11a-kk'd of re-sîdent N'l'i- I 4,.1 144 4 4 N 14l Iti . , hak, Zuich, inter and rl-'e i l1 it' ..'d . 1% :ii . <4 X '. 44 "<11 it ho 9asFed IKh. 1 . 1 .1 i' 4 4114 î2 . 41 '11.44 '4<4 (114Tt.4 ','*- '2 James- . Ni ,. _01 i Fil'1 'll I tî ýtpt1îh1înc " 14110niM .14 iil 4 '14, 1444 0. ,lî.11441! - 1îjy liaîim .il 144 21; L.ouilse approved and niate caosed 1()f c ur 4 14il, ill l'e 4e d 0l 1(4ici 141 îîiîîi Wîî lîiî îîb.r, '<Vi'.\I !ka . sain, Il,. Elizabe-th -] i I11 14 ' ' ib-î .public ' -',%<Ir.Woo.d salit, "< 'at 4'4'4 14.41 1.4 i: 'îi, < lîî1 r4 ,1 Lali - 2 l d apprai'.4nent 41iTo4 SaI<.ï-1 I,, 44(1 11440k 4%%e I e going te do Pn l n ,i sn4J11114 NiJ4.10 1 E r.t'k- 4 1 îî dh< 'g. ehaittel properly au'i,riz,-d. îîîîlm a?" inl illl 144part' G.4' 40 011 414i4r I -b,,'44 444414 . M44 4I444. 44 YELLOW PINEI 250,000 FEET B. M. We have a quarter million feet of thoraughly seaAonied No. 1 prime Yellow Pine Lumber-a izes and lengths -àa1 y part of which 'is available for immediate delivery at a reasonable price. Cati be seen at 'Our yard on Or- chard Street, adjoining Standard Oil Company station. Apply ta J. A. Melloy, phone Libertyville 298-R-1, or ta aur Chicago office. TERMS STRICTLY CASH Melloy Construction Co. Phone: Franklin 5442 Conway Building. CHICAGO SAMSONAuto Insurance Association, IN SU RES AUTOMOB-ILES, TRUCKS and TRACTORS AGAINST M ~THEFT UGH1NM 1G1WINDSTORM EXLOSION CYCLONE SEU-IGNMON TORNADO 'rotection at ,Lowst Cost. Only Preferred Risko Accepted. -1 Lo"ee.Prormptiy and EqVitabIy AdJusted. TOU cas in14ture your car iia!nt al nt t41w above' items at the !olowing rate: » CENTS PER $100 EACI4 EIGHT MONTHS FOr amlount of Insu rance carried. .--- kt is Better to Have it and Not Need ht Thau to Need and Not Have It. LEONARD DISNEY, Local Representative RL4WLELGH RETAILER floue 5~R., UBETYVUILLF, M 'rtiLPI4ONE 'CALI. WfLÈ 1BRING A REPRESENTATIVE To vou. iînîlirop l laib4'i.X d1î' 4 4, $1 p, Kt' 444 i- 4,4 Sanuelo0 îlî c I' ,4 1 11lut 11,1144. "1444 1~ Ra 11.4 ý ll;tlj.vîîîy4144 , $0. Audh" B. Iý îgdon. R4.4'iord. - à4 Il. t' Beiîiu. I ii-' '%îe, i u,1 J. A. El4'Iî o l el< 11 144' Clark a.d ý " fé' lot <. 144k'1rt--U'4 j Fore-t Tboîîn .X4ttA 1 4Il _24; divisionin b. 1loc(k 5i. iighland 1Park R. Il bI1 4i141,F'flii IP-18. W'an'înv d< d4$î,4~s 'lai tnC. hart. F,4ghland Park. Lot4s 1 and 4, east one hall lot 3 24: Catlieî îîîe M%. Shîalansanie 21. and sauth one-halof lot $, bl&ck 2, Charles "r. léaithwaiie, Ilarris- Eves-breeze subdivision Lo~ng Lake. burg. Va., 2-',. Prî'-rilia Gran strom,. W%\arrant> deed. $101.ernt'miîe. Niu.b, 24. R. S. Kelîner and wife 10 John Aus- Frederik W. <ruber. 1411w., 21 tin, lot 6, block 1,. WrIght's addition, Nell Andrecs..saine 20. Libertyvilte. X\arranty deed, $2,."0. Arthur A. Dunkel, %Ilw.. 32; Ar- 1 John Austin and wlfe Io Ida D. manda B. Schmidt, saine, 32. Netz. lot 6. lock 1, Nright's addition, Earl Roberts, Lake ForeMV 27, Liberlyvllle. Warranty deed, $10. Lila Benjanmmn,. me, 25. Andrew and vifs tu Arthmur Schultz, Sheboygan, la., 22 John Jelovaek and wife. lots 15, 16 Id Mundt, Narshfield. Wls.. 19. snd 17, block 87, North Chicago. War- Edw. Lîndstroni. Chgo., 26; Mas ranty deed, $1. Jones, sanie, 22. May 19, 1920. Theo. Gubîne. iloricon. Wis.. 23; C. A. Newcomb Jr. to -Martin Kinc- L'ocille Schneider, Iran Mb. Mlch.. zewaki, lots 34 and u5, loçk 16, 21. 'Waahburn Park, North Chicago. Sander BrichIal. Cligts., le; Heles Déed. $500. R. Prigozen. aime. 26. A. G. Watson and wiue ta tConrad Stephen W. Robinson, Keno&Alta Buscluman, lots 11, 12 and 13, lUnears 23; Gladys Owens, saine 19. addition. Anû,och. Warranty deed. Carl l'owk. Waupun, Wis., 23; 110. Mabel Rolsiins, WauPiin, Wis.. 23. Borden Fari Producta Co. to Adam So'lnefler. Mlwaukee. 41; Bovman Dan-y Co., tract of land, vil- Lhnd Paherer, Mlwaukee, 40. lage of Wauconda. Warranty deed,' Ben A. Snîlth. Peorta. 23; Edna %I., $10. Féazel, Peonia, 21. May 14, 1920. Edvard A. Ruppehtbal. Milvaukee, E. A. Cummungs and vile ta Sophia -97.: Margerite E. Bogenherger, Mil- Wojtalevlcz, lot 71 Cummings resub, waukee. 26. North Chcago, deed $1. larles3 Il. Gili4iuf, ilwaui'e. 21; Sophia Wojtaievicz and husband to EmilIv Posî'r . Milwaukee. 18. Franclezlta Mielî,-ots 70. and 71 i'red L. lioyee0 Sullivan, MI., 23; Cumm-in-s Resuh, Narti Chicago, W It42tJi N.illiT'rt1 rairie '4(w, 19. 1) sit>. - EîalI r. TpilertKenosaa.28; Hernan Johnson anti wife et ahl<40 Emlly N4drhri.Kenoeha, 26. Arhur Johnson, lot 27 hrowf's sub, 1lail Sh~'Iarî. Chicago, 2.; Eli4i waokegan. Q C $1. M.Toh li 1lla1fd Pitia. 22. F. W. Cushing et al ta W. M. ReaY John I1.llMoore, Chicago, '30; Cecil lots 2, 3 and WV 74 fb lot 4, lBlock 60, A. haxismr, C'hic4ago. , Highland Park, W Di $10. Corad' S1iîsel. San F-rancisco, .17; W. M. lte8and 111wlfe 10 W. C. itog- Emoma Dierihbatigb North Chlicago, ers, lots 2 and 3 Block 60 frghiand 4;. Park, Deed $10. -A 11-i 1,S'Jîîpp, 1ltockford. 32', Clar- May 15, 1920. ice Schwoýizer. Jefferson, Wis, 18. Guy Ilusîlmn and wIte to C. T. Mc- Bro'eIak'as. Milwaukese, 23; Ed- Iîonahd, ot 7 Ruitons sub In Block na 1hoeriîak. i. Miliwaukee, 21. 70, Highland Park, W Di $10. W'alter tudlph, Walls, Wis.. 26; Ricbhmond Dean and wife to lR. P. Elizabehu . ayes, Wiele., Wis.. 19. Lavenant, lot 1 Neisons add to Ha- (Iller XVsecap, Macgim,i.,11 21; vinila, Woods, lihghiand Park, W Di Gerxrude 11'14rch acine. 20. $4600. Gi'en D. C'ook, %filwaukee,'21. Marie Mary i. Carfieid tu N. E. & G.P-., Mess, Ntiwaik(-e, 21. Corydon A 1/2 lot 22 Wbibevood suh Dewey O. .Johnson, Antlgo. Wls..' on Long Lake, W fi $250. 22.: leanor F.- Rawlings, Shelboy' May 17, 1920. ,tan, 19. fiVil.XX,s and vIte 10 Oscar I.yst- Archie V. It"tz. So)uth Beloit. II., ltnd and îi'.lot 5, block 1, Yeu- 3'9: Jennie E .-, inih. Beloit. Wla. 33. mansa Butrick Street subdivision, Arthur ..f-sn Evanston. 42; Walttitegin. W.rranty deed, $2.500. Uî'ac.' E. '4\Vat'; varton. 37. tononer., 4'4j)anlpSIo W. Wu FrîmnlA. 'atnî,hell, Great liaRes. Wat't'no'r. !rW o f land on northbeast 13; Ian(-imt'444 i, Chicago, 18. - shore Lake' caiherine. Warranty S'i r . PlIison, %ilv-aukee, 21; deed, JI. >Alvenui. ,,I liiîdson, Mlwawcee. 18. D C. hiorning T Dtîafonahue, WihIîifi l ffiilloU44. Milwaukee, 51; east 45 feût 'ce:l].,0 h-et Iots 6 and îýîvj4iWî¾ iisaukite,_40. 7, block 4:. Iighhand Park, War- Diavid Nelsonm, Racine. 30, Dorothi raniy dp.ed. $10. Lawton, Rlchiand Sentes-. Wlg.. 21. A. L. Brusnmnud and elfe ta Pure EHuer R. Martelmne, Mli., 27; water tee Comîpany, loba 22 Io 2, Aile M. DuDCnanSUa Antonio. Te«.. Grady & TiaiiomOàe1's second suhdi- 26. vision. WaukQgan. Warranby deed, Geo. F. Mari, Racine, 21; Z"l $10. M. West'nbcrg, saine 23, May 15, 1920. Walter K. Miter, Appleton, WUl.. Sarah J. 'ltitnell 10 A. C. MoCord. 31; Zabell Schmnidt, sarne, 27. a part aif44045 one-haîf souUa5ast one- Ch»a- Il. Karger, Mll, 26; 'J@ quËrter, section 24, Lihertyville 1 j leT. 'r.-erk msane18. towla.4bî' IX ,îtraaniy deed $10. *Itou O. Jenhe, Ulrlng Valley, lM»'i 21; Louise Wlnterhak. Ripon% Wlz., 19. Arthur Melcaer, Mllw., 29; Cas-rie TitalRe, sme 25. John Ranges. Waukegan. 30. AI'. l»a Hulasame. 26. Frank A. Hanan.Cluga.. 32; Anna Vita, ame. 18. LeA B. Gebrke. Clugo.. 36; iMyrtie M. Williams, Rame. se. D. Laue, PL Worth, Tea&. 19. Roy B. Us-a nu*li..SI; Iubelisý L. Pater-son,. arne, 33. Edw. R. Hlolrnert. Waukefan, 27; Agda L Jobagon, laMe. 84. Wrn. Couine, mili, 39; Elva Bm- es-i. Oeonamawac. 29. Lawrence R. Lane, Pearl, Jîl., 29,, Nettie I. Terri. .Wiiaw Spi-inga. 24. Sylvis . Bertagnali. OGr. Lakea.. 21, Jeanetta Kaufman, Mili.. 18. Henry iHoward Jr., Chgo., 50; AI., Mna simmans. sanie, 39. *Maex Lisneck, Kenosha, 22; Verna Ustonla, sanie 18. Paul Gordon. Chgo., 1.3. Vernon Aayea. saine. 21. John De Bat, Waukegaz. 30; Elle Monroe,. me. 28. Ralph Johnson, Nintbrop libr., 23, Mary Aien. saute, 25. Jas. E. Becker. Cbgo., 38; Chai lotte Knottzel, saine. 38. Alfonzo J. I3ellie, ktsghNood, 2ô; Ellen Wîrten,- 111gh. PR., 24. Daniel W. McGuire, Clugo.. 19; Olive M. Dermnody, Mtllw., 26. Chas . -Sohling., Waukcgan, 38; Mirncie. Christian, same,' 40. w M e W. Are Red Cross Nurses to Ail -Sick Batteries W am pwvg every day that th. rigt .cr' tthe zight time la as important to batteies as it is to *oundad soldiers. mout of them acn b. ment bock t* active duty i short, w&dr. Doadt watt un t bo batery cives its final "ickau the middle of snsm portant job and refuussta work. Ihtnk k Ôvà" 1 Drive aoad and sSeus No cbargs futtn the butte pulse and teflmg y=u wha la the tnatter wtth t 'Ibis sathe Offcwai Ser- Ion Station fr Eveeay B.ttry. Guarantced in wrlt. t~rè J4lmY-~l H. P. SUHLING Orchard Street -1. Phone 131-NI SLIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. W. hd d b.8br.W , Ev On AVft urg ..é . SERVICE S TA TIONS: Established 1858 Philip Jaeger s~:A: ; ~îîy Gienera1 l444î!~ Commriission ', ..î Futton Stiet Wholesale Ma'l'eî M erchant elcclILL.3 Try i "Want Ad," ini the Independent. It wiII pay you. Spend Memorial Day in Chicago North Shore Trains Offer the Convenient Transportation TRAINS LEAVE with]1 LIBERTY VILLE TO 6:02 a. m. 6:; 6:32 a. m. 6:' 7:02 a. m. 7:; 7:32 a. m. 7:' 8:02'a. m. 8:; 8:32 a. m. &: 9:02 a. m. 9:: 9:32 a. m.' 9:' Then every hour until: 3:32 p. . 3:ý 4:02 p. . 4:ý 4:32 p. . 4:' 5:02 p. 5:'. '5:32 p.5: 6:02 p. . 6:; 6;32 p. . 6:ý 7:D2p.m.7: 7:32 p.m.7, Then every hour until 1:27 a. m.' et nt Lake Bluff Express -Trains CHICAGO ý24 a.'M 154 a. m. :24 a. Mi. 54 a. m. ý24 a. m 54 a. m 24 a. m. 54 a. m. 54 p.m 24 p 54 p.m 24 p. :54 p.m 24 p.m 54 p. m. 24 p. m. 54 p. m 112:32 a. m.;-. TRAINS ARRIVE IN CICAGO 7:44 a. mi. 8:14 a. mi. 8:44 a. m-. 9:14 a. m. 9:44 a. m. 10:14 a: mi. 10:44 a. mi. Il: 14 a. mi 5;14 p.n. 5:44 p. m 6:14 p.n. 6:44 p.n. 7:14 p.n. 7:44 p. m 8:14 p. . -8:44 p.m 9:14 Iast train leavea at ,- For further in(ormation apply ta, the CHICAGO NORTHI SHORE & MILWAUKEE R. R. Libertyville Ticket Office Phone: Lîbertyville 74 PA8E TWO <44 11, 4 t' 4414 '44 441 '<4 V SUMMER POLICY SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE Majestic Theatre WAUKEGAN, ILL. County anid Water Sta. Every Saturday and Sunday 3:00-7-00-9:00 P. M. BEST SEATS, 40c and 50c lincuding tax) Saturday Bas-gain Matince! Aduits, 25c; Ciidren, 1 5c <Plus War i'ax) 19~ Expendi May :, Elaartl loYe May Z it ,?Krîtrknial M ay 3 'h Il. E%,Ilimo May 3 %V. i.. Altridg AMay- 3 If. P. Engiehe - " May ji oa Trlggs. june 4 Art Kruckma Jue 4 Geo. Trlggs lame 4 W. Fl. Frani muep 4 W. L. Attridi Jume 4 Chas. Herrili lune 4 literutate Sa Osare Ceo. ..... -9 RIClI GIRL S IN LAKE IS F0UNI Natîon-wide Sea rietta Butte wh Lake Forest. îîoîîî, il rf- 11th 0an end ' I 0"sel I 41.1>cm 1414 " 1 't I> -h1 4 ap4 1', ' 0 '- ollîr "' t"' b't weer "1,i Il Shîr '-aid tii a%,4 44 : 44)111 honi,1to0 T 1'n 4<rec. -oliing An llOkYiowfl wo IC t(î ' 4 1) l'h r4 n-l 1 Cawda I co ai SII'oulb Il ;I e 14 '-'àmaid .cbeh Nýw las-k.-i dot fl44' 4>4104. 9he is lniy Sa,' Lo.441> useI1111 foldi - atiter daug i IA,40. A' ANNUALF 0f the -Treasurer otf ertiil, 4Lake C for thme Fiscal AprI 30t1 ROAD AND OR R ece h lqIl> NI d nc on Il; .tîe 4 14 h, W. lnacî u"T.4x O' IlT . g gravel Tai. Apr, Mh '. linachi I LOS T HOME NER VUS V TUÂT SWI Mr. and Mrs. Ar Back in "God' and "No Mo 144o r 14 rg a-11 Al : .111y as on 1 w 44' Il, Ast aresut of t Il4141 e w' s lw I trucks anonhIy n chi th, iade pansIo o1W4U ,of thii(l 14ail vail t -i Acî,r4lî rîi I y fi 'r ano iîIi- out il ro44 44mi ry :4l41 t 'fli sîtheyîa- W il<4? I 4glfl4 >UI OPa M-, 51 ma 'bt lî fi, J.. t a I 1 - r ii'îing 4h" lîý,rot1 art i 44 it -) ' w i ', q 1 ': ,

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