CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 May 1920, p. 9

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pure bi'ed'Shorihoru tuba nId. reau colar. ike Villa, 111. 22-2tJ bargain. Ford t our- condtiuion. l'boue 22ti G(ltiey cow, lire, wimour. mîilka about 'I 'V. Ileaney. Tele- Ctîcle, Lake Forest. 222-t NT- Furnisahed suai- 'ge 1a1m-hlîtové.' Jone t miai be conifoit oîn goîîd aluiînîcbt)lt ýi ci' Ilinois. StIait )ie gardeit and gaod Only btouseP andi itti requireti. Address A. tLon. Jilnoia. 22-It UNO MEN wantedi 1for RaUlWay Mail 1300. No experéflce aton June 16. Send Service 18elf.lflBtruCt' *pares you front th@ îfl 1ke it on the mar* e isde information àple exhinination Pa- be f illeti out andi sent uti ativice ta J. W. vil Servie Examiner. la Building, Washing- 13.oU post.oald. 22-IL ted I Co. armer cblem. Id stili st Fail days. themi, ot pay- artt a greit nuot sol't' ,,cther. mer solicit- conunittee, .AnKECOUtYI mPENDEN Lake Count Big WeektyWAKGNWEYSU edai.aegoe eM We&Iu l CossuCeSUN ,N,'01. X VI.N .22.- widow of-:-Dr* Dowic akS Up, Work Ho tHealing Meetings' Started ini Catifornia and Mrs. Dowie Attracts Attantion. CLAIMS DIVINE ASSISTANCE Mcr it*Jhn Alexander Dowle, wldotý rfile founder Of ZVon City,. and beli- et osatoheu. ttange doctrine' that EDowlu prmnoted, has atarted in thue "heul. it9 busintess" as à rival to oversoee Volisa who w.. te mean, ofcitoer- Stbrowueug Dotol. andi bringinq about the rovolution in Zion whicbu com- pameti oui>'wîith[hose in Mexco, but on àaraualer st-aie. Mir*. Oowte, who &Incelitemr>hustandt ctihat beenliinulg in [he West, la nove a fuit fli7dged "*healot-" andi mak lng a business of [biat doctAtne, Titis dtepa.lth frocs 1.)m Angelet telle about ber ici test in [hieAUne o womk whltch l le folIos cd fur mu itttfl Ytiar' i elLiber huband eben lie was Lipea fth I ie Ziou ity'f>colony; Mrs. Jolihn e nic-- i i'atow cfthie '-'rottlt-'tof Zîun," haa r-omein L oai Att,u les IJlie. cut ahready>'hai begun ilolitg te attk. Mis.Ouwte là liinlvt617 %West Asenue..FifIy. Gar vua. euh ifberssa. AlexaodtelJohn Gjladsitoine ittele. woistaan 'ordaitied EpiicapalIuinist i, and bia bad ciierge-s n NMont-us l.anti îarioum ah" foilrusoc>'as engageti 'ith hlet luusbanul. snd lu thé ast six weokt &h». haâ praye.d with miore thaun s tit-ausmtai persolta, sevPral huntiret i t whluni, ahi' ..saCt. have been. bealed "Sic Itwte anti I tain e f0tiI country ci-or 35 >eartiauolucmAudj traIta." sat! Mca itowie. "andlthe very tiret iiealing that GotA dl [liroueli us cas chule ce cere lvint ln uïLvii Mgeler, Titre Cire Man)t wcn'l",rful cures ef1ýcetcd at [hl ail..ti cuuit'of llie uneu s wic Uerk italed Jhen are nue tioing tlle sm "-We enttfroru hbtu Cicahîgo an' ('iprom&I'red or s îrk tîere. Sine- MI. litiehea il 1 ILied done nç L.smthicg or healiig I.,ntil so'>rot-Ocnt, 1>. if cas uni>' six wteeago lhat cbega thflicwork again. ant i 111 be ;uî uy cen failtiî s et ii an-I .trtngthened b> nt'u'iltg t niptilntt of Mr. Hîckscn in la.atena Ietia', frocn the [lirongs tif II andiauf- tu'rnnît mnant>' 'îo t-aieto hil fî,rtIei'liho grosi the neit s-ast, an( tit' pirit totl nie uii>work on orfl wi. nit )et donc I begmu glving ir s tîlci'L)i ul it tfoultt i t o>'At( and whcn te gatiiemittît grec, t Ar eîuîluf0work ta largs'tatîdîcli-s. utj.. lîîlt 'rlvt' M r. Iickvs1 siteas aie thle sanie InY hîuband anti alwayi piatireti Tiiei' s nothing spi.t-t.i( uai abut Gol, say cf loini,. 'Ih e eu lt'tLt-uîtprttyer ar not sl5.ayvi instantuiOiOO ati iL i! li. iilpIetrsyen of failit hflai besi the it-k anti nul suggestion or lilo hi-i or an>' cf the iman-inis-mtet ilt 'Tiiere la noibing aiagirai or mir Iculottai ial 0of this. s le tstcangl tuaI tut. ebo matie the stucle gros ctuvtt.tan paie aua acfiiug necie c îu'i.nigtttn a [titeti bon, or muscle "I neve et-00aoy ticugas hatevét but I do test-b the Pîe elt wO o rm to me ta 1Le rtean anti instu'tL heu Inotan>' cf thé Iawa cf byglelle ani sanitation. )iit anti sin aro respoutil hie for ail of thé ickness themo 1 suites>, anti 'aen 1 cafn make peofl- se ibis [bey waI forsake both. Hem Activi[les ln ZiOn Mrs. Iocwj ie larocalleti cas tLb iteaul of Dodos paatial homne In ZIOI wIion thé leader duîected iZon al ffcîa. Shpetne Ihere citb ita ani lîtu-idesign 11e ieautiful ItOn whîch cas Lieirs wculé ihe>' ivetili Ht-Luci oems ook anaet-liv - pi" ult Itle religions anti social fun( [i' PIneZin City anti cas alwaYs 0o lit-i 1î1iftrni in Shilln Tabernacle 's'il llit-r tuýbitn(ilshen ho cas conduttini ste' skas ieati cfthie womén'a de p.cui'tofrtionofoi' solfiea's5 nq ivas eliteti 'athihavlng almoat a muttct bus',le'taJudgtuemt as Dowlo. Ntraý. Ticîrle des a large cameR liylezcilIy. etîmieti conutirablé niag nefiani .1t,,ds-as loedeti> verybody i>I Zion. FLolcOWr l te deatit tf bor buabait owaialaiumty beantilmokefi mn # bûaIiIlite esiate 'aa'i hftInlusucl a t n h : n i i : :aî 3 t r i n i v e c t thue rers'i'ter. she was lehi fL.imcat peu liereue as a-estpaibétl, cue for s long [Ans. 1-oever, ha son. (înIv(iztofe. atooi by ber andi late When ho onterei te minisir>' hoé 10 bl i Itlun [ole' Westath'ere h lIais'tge a clerg]Ittan I ltIl 7PIaCOPa Cbumch. W'hist- lii t-a.Dowlo évet-. w! ettie bat-k tg Zian andl ueet or con p . p.te'with o eor Voiva remansIl be s«, mf«r. Jud.glg b>' tb -is 4A éhtm bit *Cioîo t w m$tho PART TWO' UBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, MA Y 27, 1921). Wil She Rival Dowie? RNO0LCA Mru* John Alez. Dowie, now in California. lias M4AN FINDS NE4IRO conducting "lhealings" as did her husbànd when he M EIS BIS WIFE'S ruled Mon. The question is, is she fitting herseif 'l to become a rival to Voliva who supplanted hier nus- Ewi band as hoad of the Zion church. Ed iJohnson Relates Facis ____________________________ Surrounding Traglo Climnax to French Romance. 'BROWN' HAS DISAPPEAREO Dlitn Jnton 711%?ILt i. strict. Viauktegan wis tînt' Vî"gin young mein wlîo 1, fi t, -ttî' tliic acquitatnce of c Youi i nfandt îey iere 1lini p a ri ln)ni whiilk oî'erseevt, 1 ff terd ,.i p coltti-ie l eri t-ît t It vii',on Sund-a>'triat b'in ' ' ii a taili'i atoelsufg tale w'ai ,' friend hlai reiciedtu ill fi t '1'tii' R9g,.'aiîowing how Borne Or011iii.'llt Ilig mecn'cre deceiveti bY tI.' womnîn. citoin [bey iaok ,as bearti .or 'alvta whll In Frai liere la the stor>' the way J.t-i 'W %iîen ti.>'frientifflheé Ivt 1 'as Will gise asi Brown, camue s. k tvî th1e States lhé loft hué hear' , ii in th e cuvtody o f a eautîf'.,v;! i. itrench woman, 'ihey kepis t "i respondence folowing hl its.î î mi i n , ix monilha ag~ o edecudcd it s' e would bring ber bore andti lv k.' lier his wi. Il waa val> 'ahtî". aue- [bat1wwiîen she landed In['lv',,*> .'Abou. 'iwo weeksa go wi-îv iviwn hadl returiiod froint is w'atti.. a, carpu'fter is wife callotilii, nt'î te bedroom and told ini llo h"lad asau..ethlng to show bsin. Theit"vtîthve beti lay lwo new-horn negi't, tîcies which sbe claintot were h.'t',Ilriien -ntUr'tlyC.'t antouilalted 'y. ex- pression and had vol-y llttti iýsa b iut- vîîtmedateiy tiiok bis h. i andi i ~~~cout. IcIft thbouîcse and n.- -vi- bundt is Prenait tt-- SAri'ter h.,,ieft the boit.- i.,Ivi,no looi.d up Johnson Sfa1dttd l! ;, t 4. ta *beat il.." for 1ho Coutld iistand r AElli'fl iIEthe s-disgrare. Frointthat tiiii in eg e In Lon Angeles anti posaiibi>' arcomp AjEA UiIl ha',%flot been seen or 11150.1 nul iai le lshifîg ihngî whîcit isildraw nalitin- '<' iMIENtuglitis employer' Ji; ti-)'r, i find II awitie attention tu th1e work lhier. hlIAn ardrTuiavehiiihT 't The [iowiea bai but tw cîtti p Nhîttoodr ohaeblt ' t i PLA H TC ET position. The two men tt- csorku rGadstone antite daîîght ie n oehrI os osrcini when siée susiaineti huma In ChicagolntottelubuecniuLn[f hi e curling hier hair. a Irrtait slave R9DS ON0 ei and Bown la sS.'I tu have I. lire..1 ;ý. W. C. T. tU. MEET IN WAUKEGAN I li toh thie daugliier. E'ither andiDrc JIpwle lie buried lu Zion cegry -a -City HoneywmWâ-d.wjthb bmd Té'ljmgîstnc-a IeLk Ic thé preilenl Lime. %Ir. f>owie antd Pjnc ay Proojulont of Ceoui>' Wontn's Chistian Tcîîîjwr- Id her son Glastone have flot beén "" ' fCUnion will lie held i at1o ih-îrali Kbat-k iare for sete yearq hut have the W. C. T. U. If tpliait-hurt-lt. Waîtkegsin. Frliay I Ycontinueti ilirir reaident-e In Cali-_____ norning and tipfrhtoon. The lîttrii- J fitrula. The Aurora W. C' T. LI. i-fnda>' - tng itis$iOfi wilI bc'gio at lu 'clot-kC 7e Voiva Nt a i.Neaetu i ieîî Iidv ts battît I)anîtet- a i il continue uni nofon ahen a I ke Te cup.tionnowisdois Mrq. luu to 'lý%%"dsoxt uncheon wi 1hé served.l'he' t)owie titan engaging ln a "licalag pSitt upont a field cf ialiogany. ,ateric sessiinwi lie fraint i unti id t-ri t'-"agaîttali lîcreer Xoliia whiît *ThIL, tîy là htiiîytt-nbed % t'aIt 't"iotk1a O aîilalei I lowie et Z Il asblîttipige." 'astris [the ofgaltizalti t. a h ti' nt' Vte. Mt > 1et i b hri ioi ociî'I presîdent. Mriu. J. W'.'l'iorniatii.'Te '1b.eiirs cf'[ho deslnt. M - î an appairen.t fartt fat Vo'dli t' bacw oiien will ially forft'a'Itb brick- i. Rite suil gîte the greelînga.ll inever entiavored tii troclain isl& bas antiRaft-hett anti put [boni ot." frotsvt Waulegan uniton. andi Mra C. B. 40 "divine healilfg iiat'r't ta -bhe x- 1 Mrs '1'honaton ismuti a istatementt Tîblhitt 'ailgît-' lite responce. len(thtaI Iiwe -ained tlu 'es;fiîilowing a mîeefinîg cf iLe Aurora 0Ouir Plrtvltpitni- i t te mornig te thin. In fart. uneliear3 tel'> li ntttî uilfiLtd p a'. tui jrtza ii-tiilu tr i'vnnL. II i.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r anfbngof lias'u bcutig p'Ot t he goctis"(,ntht'!lîtayor 't,ion 'rs' atid rttLire',; Lre F- cilivties. th[1e asitLi-taiit satîc attorntey ant il 1it ut-'llagel.'týi> NitlI ttinteuLt"; MrS. a However, 1.4 aNais aknown fartIo eea rbbto geý.le nieJtiSi(a eios, r; id ithat owie's originallitoîI on lii. foia i' aderieniohlîllsin anet is:r .teil i itb, %'iniid îo Mrs. .L 7h luîwers came nmore tiîîi.ughit ls ai-saefit ncoie lv-t ti-nIr ivtt. i tt li S. Mca. ". Mb n- l'ged "divine healing" powéIrs liant Lquor t laiîpenîy inii tiud' ttsit- iFiflt.'iiI'i.îî utos. keIhoghhl unn rà eL-owft ditfrit-t. Th1e sonien an- 'dv-l--%IM liautiftg v"'Ins1titutlionsa"; i liglous Ilwae tite hea!lng iferrnîlin 00otuly ii to p lîioi taIt' orNa .Sivîv ' u . C t'(T. 1'.I 1u t1et- h' etlî f aela i luttr, t"' ,t . kt Report." f, alors lbat ftirnli ht ,fî desla utfitn h kln rbýI)jjITeiicni inna wah ltb te Zuuvn t-urt- t sdîîapoouds. f11 we iuit . t gi etide ut." i - iii-tt-iiiitvii osa i sas eiablistitei.fiL> .chier "ia y.1 w e tIli ditas up ai'i of 11L., ex-t iti- -i n,- t. tra. Wç' c kg I ________________ h anti gct iti(,etidu'en . i cpi ku' luiithvri foidttI la c di O.uiolr tg thi[le Polît-e andi icter te «.Istant I Sri -ilt- 11,'h tx. vocal tlate'.t aliornme, atttirt[hie ganiblirg. 1stîIOlO ý J.i't 'tIi, tiC. "Temper-4 reASKS $1900 DANE buttthe>' tidii oi seiCul 10 w, aîny-st-eanti'ts--' MisWilliams, [4gabocut It . lb asistant .4aie',a cuingi -'tcr,. i.ita"e-o f 0- S RmLEN att iey a Id tai h b ci ti i'e gI ail ,W>1k A\iitinp tii-' t îîIîîretiPeople':1 ÀfiESFOR À IENA to ruswh the prosecutiona if -tut-b gan-' MISt. Shiiîîîltyt 111ii-,e PExtensIon, NS f. ta.'. golig otiandl se suld Pi-ogant." and v Outt- f commnit* TION0F FFEC IO -coe tu hîti it sîth le evtience. 1t tees. dotît wantinlie hoAe village ttc-It. A sirflaiuiiýin 'i tbî'ifg beid to- it .'umnliin bîît aspresldeîît cf [the '. C. T. [V.-dur [ait - i ttIIt'andî asidis frotit 1 uair,.calleti upon b>' nunieru uoci won infy cf ii,' ti t ai:owilîl parti-Iý or Anotiter tsuiii-l to tht Anio S5- te do '.omethIiig, patin mitontitru it '-.'i ttgt'ult lnWatt ur Sasasitias qirteil suit or $,ti0damito n fvrascohsaentyuggri iteIýjq'jjCn t sagi-aagînrliaipc are tîiskaa. -' ni n etta coli pate to'ng, 'gan tte l.î'îî et> ille conference- i e n 5g n st Ia a o 'pI) i N a r t us k a . tîl T l y a r e g r a y Ia ir e ti so n ie n , b u t i hic s M a ry ( 'h u li- iîli ' . M r q . d i th t l e id for div-orca'lite tîtetiagainstihis waife. Lt> ae wryatt ie't-nwa iîttoot I.,-E iain tr 'ags. gifotmi Li.knMa i, Mary Stasaitis.le charges Nar>' "The W. C. T. [U. women bave t-ont- Mary ALaî\e'. 'ti-, ic(irnie Shank, la nakas witb bav it altî'nated iis efes ptaled [o Feticral Prohibition Offi- MiISSFratnces ii-ii'.Mca .Mary le affecions. cr oadad Irml nCi lk n ii i., F lta r 'rlic slerfir t-barge is thtai :"con- cn oat nt amml e -iaeat, Ltsail'-il .Kebuc trlving and wckiy ntendhftg to in-craio atudihave liera'n ot ifieti thâi theli'ior of us Ylî it1ilI Meî.hodiat e Jure [11e panIfand » uhni cmfort-ententoth le prohibition lawssrhumb-~. in cf th îifrt oieyan rsi!.tancelit a ciy Itthfle diii>' of thé chîf cf ti sro> be-afectin fr hit"thé aidcittthie OFFICIAL. LIS!I OF REAL f, cf bie wifî. ansi-. Th sienate andi de- plie'idrteîi'tcfd ls ije,tidly>'of theiteuaie's attor'neyt>'he ESTATE TRANSFERS O-Naryuakas s-as intlunaue wîui r.i h-lfaniGsenr euieam hclhd~ in tsai[is an sevecal occasions sri'anti -inr.W laesoteFunehdb Vsuceetet Iin iisîroyîng lier regardu I os-dnte antii g telîlhe miire. L JE Co.TiTtiE ANO TRUST co fojr lier huvîbanti. )' Ifn l't llii [ieuîyor. A# &t o l.Titt.ou&r.ntesd c' The rase t'aite Io liglît wiîeîîSta- le la too bus>-. lTe ast tti t1 ak- *né@T-p.DdP .. n satis aueo Uîean-et 0fi~aruaka eiblaitpoint blank if lie catedtheié___________ bh alter ho bcd broken inio is en s-aoiren 10 enforce tbbclatta. lie saiti g9 home laiee atnîgiti. antifd nt h Sure, go abeati. îeaketi nie If t May 20, 1920. roupie In the bedroomn o. jdth knew wlîo nm.ade the countîy dry anti Ai ii, hcrin Mc. S~uailsai I ali "The'Wonienr He saîi. 'OU Flot-ent-e IB.'tvkean dtLasan id mititeti thItt NarV-uskau lad kiasecid are mistakeon; il was te govcrnnent' aA; .Lftriî o 2 rct' '5 tur. uttioici aiyfOtlbtr mi-1 sali. "But wiiat nmade the govecu snubdilvlsion or ( Is lland,. Fox as oit bt dnid ay urtertaml-mont att? It'was [the teleguama. théeLake. %Warriant> dcî.$10. aril>'. She deniedti iat ahe careti Jettera. thé voies of Woniîen thiat matie Joseph Herbeiger and wife tu aCrI tr édr guit>' tay i bs clier regarcd uCs a ntior th é g avom oim elit a ç ' A fler tijat ie (C arson, 10 1_9 10 aîud 11, blo ck 2. 1- ierhuaandoul. Ntrticappla eth Le tiscussion Ilite a bot Nixon'$ M'est '.',sitlatigtuticsubtilvis- s'as fineti $25 anti tCats ta.o.]I on. Waukegan. %Vi'lintuy derd, $.S.i Id_______ "An>' évidencee thé W. C. T. U. t-an Masier In Cbamît-euy Io C. PL. Whit- il ~~~~~~~~galber that salonsuAroeae Ina1sni2-ebeu .-alrd SConsulting Lawyer vîlating té 1mw welhobuused U sbdivision, NNaukegaii.Deed .$801.72. At o os Moe owa basis for proserullon." gW. GIBon24and wr25, CýýUmmlnga meetgof otéMoe Cont>'lb. i . t' s' FOUR PAU ES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAÙNCK , HOOVER.&S HONORED 1,00 AMBIIOUS U fftcî YOUNGiSTERS CUN 613T EDUCATION m i k li Room For That Number at oo s ' VVE ýq 1" Camp Grant I College. U$ ,0 0rn 1 lo îpî-I oi a;C uv tiir- Id vil v iilv tIaIIn4 II enGovernment Leaves Prosecu. Uivttjr'ît- îîîî' "tion to Disiîot Officiais but iii", n,'(-In loi' ,ttvî aatîî tîv1îî,gra Collects a Heavy Tax. i tiln îisitît'. i and l 41 iu ', * ý nI eiins opecîa sig en >wu I lWiso UcnlcO aro au o edfrINVESTIGATORS AT WORK flere are both aIdes of theéFçP"vice.excePit Air S'îîc..itvr Wtk.nadNrt('ieobt In edal pres ,nted ta lIetert 1j f lCorps and % Iiic l ! legers anti biînd piè;gers, whermal Hover by the National Acaderny fart' sîr, ice. 1t1hink they are getting aa'ay t.wecause ef Sciences "for Iminence in 1the An additiun 10 the sp.s'iaischoo. l, tv antt, bltu OiSviethe, police. application of science ta the poim l-jans hîave been approvedi for tees-inîay net fat,. -Io well, if a tlp re'ceived lic welfare.* The acadermy epeci- I abtishnient of the ,, eucattona*l and 11v the Sun developm. fl tbat the moedAl was conferred recratlonai speciai échoal, alIoao l Ifoflatlon ias 'been given that a tu recognition of Hoover§ Cati' pGrantIIlf)dî-v,,op the inmliract nuibr of tef lcshv eo achleveinetits in food conaervw tfIon and ira;ning fci f'cere as cdu- jvlited hesinetiâplace ha e tAon and distribaution. ction andi riwreation o!fleers: iund of l Uiited Sitates internal revenue de- oficers. civvdmns and etilitpd f0011 inI lartrnent andi evidence ohtained that 1 he dutils pertaîning Io the Mysiecu ili Par tht-m fiont 1004) each. cf ,edu,,cbaitoand,creation n 1 te WhIl51thegoverrinientdet aliy u i.ssatco l ci i s ftlirai care particuiariy about jirosecutlng GA O IEJ M Sse-ssion Jlyi)1. 192Q). lilaînrs cf îthe pî'cihltory iaws, As so0fl a enitmetntq uptiltteflaiC ing that îîiuaiie teilite state. roun- oni bî r tif 1.40!', haveI,, len rî-ceved. ty and clty. It l, intereïIed in viola- ONE CENT; IS NuW -- Il b Ioinadnumr L f i f o sn 28 CENTS EGALLON aliit e aceepteil lof b~uAine ftatc. riMo crrry O Much Progress Made in district of the Uit ed Staca. or ln mn>' ,Serjous Situation Has Devel- Booze Trade Since 1631 7 c -h""-.P"n""d""' 'y oal or ýoped in Local Situation Dur- taxs ec il t . thiitroth<tWit, dite dis- ingA.PEst Week.of lie P,'arce îirug- POflser tif intilting lqilil ~muât ing astWee. sore Ilýtdocez.iin t cosui anoIdPay$1.0tlOfax tte iY'trnnient. record Ille ciliter day andtisiaovered The naines cf ;e%,ial botleggen The Standard o.1 romî;any of In a M-ylauî'ald wiîiskt'4 r-ýguiationn datî'd in tlIii terrîtox î ret-eni 1> were turneti dinannnoffttffinid T'Iscîay lin inrrpaspIl1639. %%ltiî'h shoîws a big contralit bintr Io te eleniw Iitepaiment andi of 1 cent1lir gallon utlit e prce of tit iqtuor iaws ini tiiîîve days and tiv- those w lia ar.. flOt f'.iing tistiitu "atolîe.tking if 2S centsa agalion lrsn.wi!I i.l nd Uetit ltihie clutchea at service -S tîlotîis. Frotttank. A fi-w da>-t utc Jîîdte Landis ni f i fi.îo Stin. ,%avion If 'aq Sralid.on26 cents (l,,agiT tufuteil to g ani a writ. cf r' Tue alset-Stc it Woii.gan iî- n fIo a co ut wl tl e keyla ultaneus1lc ililehe onmade n nseizeti andi 'ho stateti iho k.,L SPRIN6 IINSTI1UTE Chiago. y' iidec~i fpuret>' for Lia uwn rontuptivn. T A hilIago. t a iler % Judge La il igu et te rnianwoui'M" . ~ U ,,,nti tieî,t a.lti[tcel n 1e ompelled I O iii151) yeat's in or-'IL~ cralnty 110w iîng thestliiiy iYlll der lu drink wbtît lie hadi poviiting O I .C .U lagt at ail prît-P. listtt'tk "two iltîg r'" a day. wbiclî Accordlng tO te Standardi 011 tht' juge regarded as 'ho propel The Sprtng tnstltutc' cf the tLake 1COrnPany. thée.Mire works a[cccd qantfil ). 'Collaity Wornans ('lriailan Tetnprance aeciere stnsitttn a few dava ago %uceT uercoicnaiedPyMr a Ik. nion1 wlll lie hled In Lbhrtyville un no hiîric'allng ou cýas atailable front Itated ilit l a iyiand la 1637 P: Tiut'sday and Inthf[e lirmi Bapia tiho local Standard Oii station, but waa unlawfîîl te sel[ an Indian more chîtrchinl Waukegan on Frlday. Just et thée It i miute -in raille a tItan one gallon of wltlakey % lay. Sire. Noma Shîppieti. State Organiz- caricad sud the '1ulton %sd re-tandth iat a druniiîrd was to ne ilned Pr will qppak ai, hotu nmeetings andi on le% ed. loi,) îunds of0. nacra. Tiîuratay evPffnln th11e i'resbyterian If also dci lips fliatjhonaval -- 1 chîtîcitai llh'ryv i us l-elen L. 'tattlî%vast vetaY "siiot-t" ln gltt'liinel WAUKEGAN CLOSES MONDAY. ilocd. State Presitieuf of the W. C. a lifew cays cgc and i- 'local station W.îukegan ,c]loses lt)ttiglîti t n'M(-T. i'. will bhoItle principal speaker. cf flie Standiardi 011 cotîipany hlcl ta o irial Diks', NIonlay. Store-i. fac The l.lhertývitlle .dusiî'al tClub will fuir ,rndl tueni a rusht upply of 3,Ilu ogi titiesý .i', ohýu rtr (e ltotîity otiti iîiba 'MuLsical Progrt. No admis- locti. Monda>'. alon. C as* Range Week -At The-Big Store.j r'1, tiutt* i [tp o îiif o :li î'îie a 110W ùias Ra ilge, \\h' i iilier Ielet riit ,1î'\N e, A\h'tzar, I)aiîi.lî'î' l' New' v M '11id tîî. tî i 'î'-at ua'iiîg Sifo île '.h'lavxe a iltunhber o4,1lia niat Ilte oui ADutrtilt Aew el (mils Ratuîg, (ahiliet sýt*yl, 'tiliti' Splaslîî'tdîi- -$42.45 a îdOO'tlue iaîlv ...._......_.. _ .- Refrigerators at a Great Savings A ciomttlul'e lihiti, al 'twhIite, ecîtîel prov"iion elaiuleî' i'-'îhtadi l'(m'., as 'tvcII as front domrs. A j.00 Ruh Iet't'g'uratot. lîard'tood case i$2495r lei" îClli m t' fIiLS Sit;l Price ARE YOU..(ý'OINI itI "LN!TIS st-'lNIEIZI i -îu liîld ilispe('(t 44111' lit' ut tliiii ks, siîit îcases and bud bugs. The ar-iLîI akv vuot" ,ftI'l :î i ti l vohatîoîî. W'care stire vou 'till Ask la lear -' Ltt Store Losvua Pxe My lIaby'WUIII Siales St lU EWJL~ He and *a Square." Ask te bt-ar A2U21 "Tol Me'*muid «"Woudrtl 1 , .

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