p8 S BÀCK nder Mrptr. ay dey man yer Glancestatl and wtdsementspland News Ites Recals Men Fe P aean C..road yo.,a OLD _S L Farnetniaker. abesp Mr. ml e -e On. ttai-y ea vra l o. go trater M. ady iPassedyur - Marr, and Reid, undertakera8. They are atls. deceased. A FEW 01.0-TIMERS LEFT[ Jaittes P. Nichola. Stoveg. Hard- mare. Woodçtnwai-e etc Mr. Nîchole, A ropy of tii. premiattolit of tite t thetitte of his deatia waa one o! eigth a afuai .'Waukegan fair aih thIe city's oldeat men. îiubsequetty homme the Lake C'?ountY W N. A. Melody. stoves and rangea. Agi iculturai Amocattil tanîd whicb Mr. MeIýlody etlOi lives on the South ha> i. .îcecoiducted the iintutti ide. CouLt fli ain ha. ust cafe itýo tie Bairstow bros. monluments and posesutto!tii Sn.lis date be Iflg butlin mterlal. Fred Bairatow of 'Issu, The front paUge of te fain the fitto dled severai years ago but book show,, that the flcnai. u art ang- Jo m- 1At Bairstow stili lves ln1 town. edfor itoiLtheatern illtinLo tami utb .Tbe Gazeete. Lake Countys rellabie eastern tWisconin. paper,' the Gazette aloodled recentiy. The plans of the book and per- Pearceas Drug Store. W. S. Pearce uai of te dertiseflentslconveyid propietor. he died several years ago. thêreit i.hows the lhtoesitinthtiîîgs Dodge and Wat roua, hardivare pertainiîtg to Waukegatt 'i3hiti, dealers. Both Mr. Dodge and Mr. W at- etf forty years agit. rLus. are dead. Amnlth e adas there a ppîar am'i Hernibkn Bros.. grocecies antd Iesa. dpvelopmeitt lu, the t1Afrnu iaîiels ud Thtis firm con4lated of Henry George. changes are the. ollow.Itg: .attd Anton Herunan. George still liv-1 The officers of teasrain dur- es lit Waukega.i but la retiied. Henry ing that vear were aa folIo"-. îiý dead.tntof lies lnlie northweat. PreAldeni John F. Poepll. H. schenfelid. bakerlea. Mr. Vlceî-presldent. A. Z. Birtugît .Wtcitield died many yearsago. Sereary. C. A. Partrldge. Dr. B. W. Clarksoxa. dentlet. He Treamurer. Henry C. Hutîotilison. was for yera lhe citys leading den- LiîtdFay and Blddieccoîtî clohier, liai but died many yearsa go. bth of theqe moii are thi living attd W H. Dow, planning mlii. Mr. ai pieent Mr. Lndsay h. in Cîticago Dow died mmny yeans ago. and Mr. Biddlecorn. Waukegatî. The The Lake County Republican. John firm cîînited of Tout Litid.ay and A. Avery, propletor. The paer rait J. C. Biddlecom. for years and lien joned the lit or A. Z. Biodgett dealer in hravy fornmer publications. Mr. Avery long borsea. "ince has passed away. D. W. Arnold, Dale stable and deai- Moody and West, Italian audAmr ir in lime, cetaient. tucco.WLood etc' Ican Muarbie. Burney Moody a Mr. rnol die may yers ao n ember of titis firun and be died' N. S. Avery. stapie and failry gro- nUfln' years ago. Caries N. West certes, he dled many yean ago. j waa hila partner and lie dled a couple A. 0. Wrght, druggîat. tite Rexali of years go. t store le wheecelie waa located. Dunlay and Raf ils. bora. shcers. 1 nI Dunlay runa the shop now which Stecle a»d P=Z dcygoods and gro- be establiBhed inany irearsaUgo. "uries. bolb 19r. Steade and, Mr. Fox Haarabaubr and Pleraon. dealeis in art longame dead_ .. furnture. Both are dead. . Abbott, tfie grocerles and can-' H.' F. Porter, dealer ini ojiters antd ned-güoàs. -Mr. Abbott died manY fresit gaine. Mr. Porter -*as tbe Yeagt. 'Ela tore was on Uic cor- father of Mrs. JohnW. Barweii but ner whcre the. Globe now stands. died mani' pears go. H.S, Berry, and Soris. miliera. Gao. K. Adams andi Cn.. lumber ibis was the fatber of Fret$ and A. dealers. He wus the fater o! Geor- C. Berry wb@ usedt 1 rut, bis store gia Adams but dîcti many years ao. at Genesee and Washington sîreeta. Powell and Douglas. wood pumpa Tite eider Mr. DtrcYiled rnany yeara. and i wnd mlii manufacturera. e ago. weil as doors and wIadow screens. J. Y cnai demIe r ln furoiture. R. J. Douglas la thc aurviving mernier D. P. Milio,.bots aitd hos, Nlîr, of tbisa fîru. Hia pantner forneriy Willetn died many YearsaUgo. wa John Powell many yearsa go. S. A. Stockweii. grocerles. H is A. C. Bower, lumber. laths and shhigésatid Poèt.l. ie*"sm e I Mý- «r t Mdn. George »oorbeekr ad. W. P. Hlgi.y. violesaie endi ce- tall bouse. Ho Wau ue of Wauk- egans oid reaidents andi la one Of, the few survivors Of the f air bsook advertisers. Charles Steink&, dry goodeanad groceries. He Dow liveu lin CiSgo' F. J. Dlirtneyei'. horse shoer sud hlsekamith. Mr. Dtetuteyer satilItli- els lu Waukegan. L. Crmi'tre. carniage factori'. Mr. Crabtree tieti mani' years Ugo., Erb and Sybenkropp, Painting con- tractors. Mr. Fln stili lAves ou tbe west aide of iaukegau. Mia Part- ner dleti mUni years ago. Millineci store. Mcs. X. S. Avery. Site died many years ego. ,MiiiuncryStore. Mis-% E. M. Sbum- way. A well known resident wbo dieti a ycar ago. H. C. Hutchinson, staple andi fan- cy drygoodo. Mr. HiciiFlon for years Us a: mayor of WbCa i dleti a number of yearsamgo. Ilatîcy's l-isab ouas. Mr. Hatley for years was lie ieading restaurent mUn andi dieti mUni' yarsaUgo. F. Moi 'rman, carniage andi wagon niakers. FHl8 Place la niere tie brancit office o! Dr. Foiey la but Mr. Molarnian died mUni' yeara Ugo. Mobrnnan's Oid Reilabie Bakery, locateti on Wasbingion Just ea»t Of Coun ti. Mn. Mohrman dieti mmnY yemrsa go buît ira. Molarnan stil lives Just wesl o! NVaukq'an., A. W. Hunter, manufacturer and retailer ot cigara. Mr. Hunter dIeti several yeara Ugo. Dewitt L. Jones. attocett i' a1w. Mr. Jones was for many years ain attoreni' of Lake Coutti but died sekerai years Ugo. 0. S. Lincoln, notari' public and ceai estais. Mn. Lincoln was a weli known resîdeut. but died mani' years Ugo. Firat National f3mnk, C. R. Steeic. presîdeul. C. F. Wiard. cashier. BotIl ihese officiais are deati. W. P Yeoman. Jeweier. 'Te Prea ent store la the outgrowth of Mr. Ycoman'a business but lie dieti gev- eami years mgo. n 1. R. Lyon andi Sons. drygoodeaad groceries. Mr. Lyon was the fatben of George Lyon anti both he andi bis .son are dead. RubAn's store la the. outgrowtb of the LYOIIs stores. Laet or the Fréà Est..- My uelgbbor sent ilunmre puddli ra frour tAnner. Neilber qo!%us fancled It, so of course it reuined for the- garbage can. juet as I wAss empîping At Auto the gaciage cau mie came upon tie scelte probabiy to a3kbow wO llked t. as It wss a new dish. Tou r au imasghierny ernbarragamnict, and 1 might asi that was th. end of hanck ouh ftroun ier.-Cîilcag0Tribune. Fiunuture for the iune Br«ide' AT THE THE! tItE Attraetiveà Sets at 1emrkably Low Priees. Kitchen Furniture !LWii rooni should not be slighit- ed., Your Nvife nmuAt do real work hçmr. Wby not lessen lier hurden SELLERMS KITCIIEN CABINET and a *WXÈAZAR COMBINATION -OLAD OAJ, STOVE .4-. Overstt'if fed Ilailor Suýites .t Big.- lhiriuîg titis Sale. ,Do youýkow that we carry 100trunks and an equal umber osuit caues an »dags. We carry the largest stock; eu! irices are the loWet. Ilear the Fuilton graph 1> Th9lnt Wrîtten to Seli Clothes- Fwe only ran our adveilisements to sel Our, goods-w.-you wouldn't seee us in'print very often these days. We can seli good clothes as fast M ~awecan get them. Men know the vyalue, the economny of good merchandil.se now betterthnever before. They don't want anything but good quality. We won't seli anything cise. That's whv we're here; to let you know our stand- - ards-and whether vou corne here or not, vou 're pretty sure to say we're right about it; and you'11 like us for it. If you feel that way about us we don't need to both- er about selling. Men's Furnishings - If you have not already visitc4;l our furnishing departmcnt. Do it now.-AMI the latest now in stock. Sport aud .SiIk Shirts, Tics, Ilosiery, etc. Straw Hats --ouI' stî,îk- i ( r imlitCI. Si i 1). Sthe word b oiwol I frieîîds. Buy N oir ri-rO~ îav bc too late. ""IF HE FELL"e His Suit Stands'a Better Chance of Holding Its Shape Because He Wears XTRAGOOD Clothes For Boys You can rest assuzred thlat he feeis mighty'proud of, the suit lie is wearLin'g because it is very mannish and pos- sesses style features embodied in 01(1er.rnen's clothes. It is economy of the most gratif- ying sort to see your boy ýmart- ly dressed and know that the clothes lie wears will give un- equalled service. for erdin.ary clothing. Our showing of Spring styles awaits your inspection. See thoen at- once, pDBL~~.~ id CREASE IN Readcr of hidepend Out how Lving Co Acvanoed for INCREASE ONLY1 y Il. 1 . C . 1 ,iii i-g tu dVra t of n i Iil. itt. 'a 1 :11. 'i l e a b i i n a i i t l'lge ant icl,- îIl h.,,gir tl!( ewîtelibotîij? If ) wuc lm .,beti r, il 9;oi talk about Il, bt-I:au 'e 'le h. faisrendered ')Y I.rls c . a Il k n îla o fv e "Y lletît sbone SIX yphrt aego. j et .,lora tiievi IrI.. itt tiout 045 (10 a ni"th week, a4 a millier (,l tac-t 1 1-3 c Ai Id pR-3 hei1-r I Il O îot i iiinicki r-ut, of lite wii itii- ntwagi patd .v-»rt u J. iii itr-. ant gri 1Litc I;y i r vi ay andj il, r\v 1 tîil! voant it , iL i 1. a îontthIl? Il i. t -IT Ai l i.op(IIt l i r. i.$"lIiior lt I l. il hanil(1t at WI'l itt111171. go 110w foýrhîeirl d, il" 1II fIi. rtandrtdu til IG t 'ti'L L tL I P IA r i Ltiti i rl L .ui. < Dar The gerrcn ther'a. etc., imu len, u!cerated oUs tu peopeIt thz word tou u. or later, ac-ori bladtuer, açlcei- t I Abçvéaxae micro f! dîfferet germa 5 that cause tootb gunts or Jawa. FHA Dining Romm Furniture You should consider oilr new Suit8; ini Walnut, Golden or Puni- ed Oak; Buffets from 40,to 72 inch- es; Tables from 42 to 56 inhes; - I)ining chairs to math. Buy your goods now and lot us store them for you free of charge. --L ýl. M. R. H;,