61~iVE CMILD 0f litS ýSensational Revelation FoIiow- îng Marriage in Wauke- gan two years ago. CASE WITHOUT MAALLE Milwaukee.-in thse lilug of a charge or abandoument by Mns. Es- telle Westwood agaiuat ber husband, Chartes M. Westwood, alieging non- suiport of ber 15-mont-ali baby, W1108e father la said tu bu Dr. Ciles- teli tuinsey. a denlisî, id revealeti a tale ut trienddhip betweeu ivo .nen isstîug thaât ut ilsuion and i'ytbîas. Il id the slory of sacrifice and te- ul lits bîgb&cbiool iriund might' be buru luin awlul wedlock. Ulie..er Itutiaey auJ ('harles West- wtaid were coiupauîouis ln bigi sho.A sarm ',riendstilp decu- uoItbetv.eenthie two .."iebectinie cituin.4, aud later buàdisc.a' ati ail 1thet. a buddY" myRens they aveeto ten oier. L~ater ities fortune setm Charles ta work as a lcrk. Chbester studied dezitit ry. Chester Father cf Cbild In the Autuan ofa 1918, Chester's la4t ytar aithei univeraity, a cltuld waxt 0o beuboî'n to Eâtelle Steinbarlb. a girl alto roomed et the Runisey hu me. According to the girl. Chester watm te aller of te child. ii Inte prîng of that yemr Ilnmaey wae, appt lsed uf the faci. AccýordOAig tu the affidavit of the girl, g ýbu.- cese immedlately a question of lthe au feu to Il aW 1( t gli Lai 191 the det be t.:; nafli 1 s 44 vs te ib.able to6 ay*,"U love bag not heen tai- mbhd' er husband agrees tb*t In 'ihe mean 'e Runisey, gradu- AR EIM ated front Marq ute and entered t SECONI upon is dental career. Eventiaityl liemrarried a girl nained Marie Swift. The anuouncenenl of tbe Runisey-~ Swift marriage sbattered the romance' Lawrence Huribut of Mion fired of M r&. Westwood. le ubn a $25 Iast Week Faces a overear by the mher. Question- Simi a hre lng on. lte part ut bthe parent brottght ot the truc 'story of theCAGTIN IT 0'UDS weddlmg pact. The girl leftthLie CUHTI CT CAG Westwood home Marci 12, 1919. and reted rouais for herself aud baby. (Dy E.W. CrefI) Juige Page. erdered, the .pending A iaw*rence Hurîbut. the new famons divorce actilon sald tuilte started la ". <>oMan" iIon City. vas Circuit Court, Westwood muet psy PeaoMn $5 a week tovard tbe-support of tIse arrestedl aga.ln Tuesday. Burbut vag child. The cme vas contlnued onefined $25.00 lait veek on a cbarge of mooth. J peerlng luto a vlndow where tere ____Were a couple of young ladies. sud lb. ARCIWISIIOP MUNOURLEIN vas arrested Tnesday on aOtbel, WAS WAUK2AN VISITOR warrant cliarglng a simitar offence. Archblsiiap Mundelein. dkcese of- chicigo district, wa,% ln Waukegs and North Chicago Mouday tu parti- cipate ln teh cnfrm&tlo& of tbree large classes in thti adjoining con- miunities. At il ocloek Archebisbop xlunde- lein confirmed a claàs of several han- dred at St. Joseph's church, ind at 2 P. mi. another clats Sat ltnn'.culate ('OucePtio . chu'-chiand St 4 p. ni. a classai t olh er of 0Cod churvb. The ceremonles wece among the ltia't inipOI tant religions events in these commuînilUet ln nany montba. IntolerancesAlwayum £fOP. VFeY len are really mean, but many Ore Itolerant and ImknIn aforheerI. mnce toward others, forgettlng that the texnpornry declelons of men are ail suhJteet to revialon accordlng tnatt& Stein lai? of eaunuensatîou. . Lt' lai lit of 8&Wu ip-te*b okt24 ln. sud, ta on» -1mu8l 'leilar ie 4s alised * to bave etartled' tva young ladies, one or* lwàbWc&nght hlm gaalng through su CPeýn viadow of lier bouse., 'The latent Charge vas zmade by- Prediericit Speechly. lHe bau aseven- teen year 0141 danabtar Who ln eaid to b. good loolti.g and Hurlbnrt ln, mai41 te have been cauglit g "-g tnto tue wlado*- of the Sp> bouse. Speeehtey came hop, atly Oal be 1ram rlght mbIl .f i e ask.d hlm vitat he -wa,- provllns aroubd bis bouse. b. .minuM"@ Mn evailve anever. sayîig.that hb. vas ISMqulrlug vbere somebodylitved. Mr. Siseehley compialgisd ta thee police and à IU*rrant vas takn out fort he ePoPokaboo" msnWs arrest. The case vu St for hearing somptisie nexi veek sud tedefendent 'Wu reiesa. on bonds. JkmericalzeÂAieI& AXHENG $Ave and Red..m 0gw Own 24ue Stampa Now For the Great June ivisabillty of Cluuatt1r qulîîîng school- w w WW atlimnewbehe u as about ltore- ice lus diploma. Aller consldertng tIse ilera. NOTICE.. îîîsey rotd tie girl bue as nu. in PBk liibLTIG losition tuainarry lier, titeeaaid. Notice la Iereliy 9:eun that sesledsuf utr ube sbould bear an illegtlnsate proposais wili lbe recelîed a i te of- id was nui ta bu thougit of. saine fice of the.County Snpperinendenî of tin ot of the quandary had lau Hîghwasys, In Wankugan. iii., ai 1:3o und. m.n.. June 15th, 1920. for te n- SI' S Miss Sielubaîîb rcvealcd tbe tactostsînction Of Wecuîwood, itumaceys chir.lse One -foot Span Concrete Bridge. I ti esn.-asAs-m tsM dl île al proposition io hinuit aI bu One Reinforced Culvert, NoriheasIl> eao sH n so etM dl îrry ber ln order ta save theelanie of Lakte Ztrloli In-the Town or Ela. the chiîd andtirtIai alien Ruusey Aie: suits ta $35 ait ut to$ 0a toIuat-J site would gel a divorce One 8-foot Sporn Cotîcrete Bridge, ut 0 5 kdrarry Chester. .Sentirliof l.oon Lake, lutbe 'Town of Charles agret-t, attrt on jue 15. Antioch. 18. ai N"aukegan, the îwo actle Al in accordauce, vitI plans and iii cd. specifi-cat ions prepareti by the County1 9 72.5 lit.ît Mr. and 'Mrs. Westwood at- Suîîrltendent of lllebwaya. whicm t tothe forts of the marriage aud mey&be seen at bis office or that of1 972 75 e agretent. Ii le dunied tiratthe COmmlslsoner of llighways ahere iiey e-r ipîroacbied fls frlcud bbc bridges are ta lie bulît sud front tht matier. wboni further Infot-mation ntay bue Suits up ta $8250 a- Wliihe Weswood was ai tire Gteat oblained. Lkes Natal Training Stationy late lu A certitied check equal ta St teast i8. flus bride livr-d ait lits parents. ro per cent of sulotint of bld shlil .Pureiy Platonie accointsny cachbibd. Fris lite bIÎT. scctt'ihng ta bot Daîed rat MWiuaegau. Illinois. thii ot ;an and the wonian. Il vras un- let day o! June. A. 1),- 1920. tl ood Ilitai îteir telatItowaus to (111 . RI7SSElI1ý purt'ly iîîatonie. CoutY Stipî t oHltgliways. 400 "t ld bin 1 couldunt Lring my- 11> arder of Rnad And Blridge Cani- rs î,-o d lcep ute as aini. nJle.Lk o ue 29y.lIt10 lllustratin1g forcibiy the pre-enîneince af otîr position in te- t'a Wtatwod a qotei s syln. Jne29 vttylolocal ready-to-weur field are thesc e rcarkublc suit V-alues. 1 lce marc suits oô.as ol jersey, Wooai Velours, SergesX s ool Papli ns Tricotitnes, heckcd XVelours, ec., îinthe season's nost a-,ked Ifor mortels as, ' ctured abve. Coats Long and Short Coats By the Hundreds Coûts ta 22.50 ICoûts ta $30 Coûts up ta $.5.5 i- Let t e A p x G iv Y ou TheCoats illustrated will- pcrhiajîs 8give yo u a better idea of a Vacation from Cleaning Work - tire styles thami word desceription,,. \\ c have Mort thats 75 fash- f or Five Days Free 2(gthe!c re iatherette C,âts a,,. Every style, ratetial You-Mlrs. Xeary IIOUSekeepr-Why don't yau j oin anîd color is re prescnted. bhe hundreds of thousands Of womeu who have been released from cieaning drudgery by the Apex? ht is sa easy jusbt o step to your phone-or ta mail theCcoupon -and ask US to Send you the Apex tbat WilI bring you a permanent cleaning vacation. ACT TODAY-PgONE OR-WRITE - Don't put off enjoying the aid of the Most helpful , es days is yours for the asking. No money.dowq. 'no S9nT fea,Ç eps rc lteEc obligation On yoUr part. After free trial a $Mali initialDrse to $ 5rses o 3Z0- paymnent niakes the Apex yo4rs to, kee'p,-batance on ri «tu2 rejst 25 1 deiire la balet advau'ttge of your five-day free trial oSfer. .,.. ndrt.btaud t thiàrequcat puts ne unîer nooMlgation-jDr tsto $4.Dese $ 75 A J)nesti sale o! nco.lnîMndile v'.uI s ti whîCh tiiere are indfeds o! Wanied Mat illtforstirect fiertoqtîand party wea.n Dresses af-serges. WVool Panana, I riçcjtnets, Satîpai, Xaffeta,. EGeorgebte ('repea, Tricolettes and UC' rgette ansd Satin combina- tions- xA J- ue Clearance SpcId. BARGAI NS $3.'98 White Skirts Womén's white wasl b slirts in prety uew styles 0 2Ar and Most aIl sizes for this4 sale at $7 Si1k Poplin Skirts Women's silk polîlin ed syles at C Pi3 18 $1g Serge Skirts st Wonien's and misses' 8 serge skirts in a fuir sel-àC 8 ection of styles, very sçpe-Uqj cial at Plaid Sklts to $15 Pretty new skirts In plaids an dcheci plea.ted and plainj 0 9 with new pockts,. f - beits, etc, $2 Corsets, Special Women's and Misss corsets in a numnber ?f 69 food styles andinafrj - range of prices at Corsets to $4 at Front and beck lace styles Most ail sîzes inO59 'wanted models tbs sensabional price. Women's $2 Silk Glove Women's heavy silk gloves with double tipped 2 fingers comin l aU colora 12 and sizes atA Vole and Glngham Drelssesl Upto 1 2.50Oat -A very special purchaie pro- vides these hsndsome stylis in new dresses of voiles and ging- hams at a really wonderful price, New Dresses. of Voile., Organdi.., Luwn. etc., Special 12.98, -18.e75 $25.0O'O These new wash dresse@ are creating a sensation witli their sheer fabrics. riçh colorings, triiiminngs of embroidery, lace, ..tc. Shown in dozens of styles. 79c Kitchen'Aprons Womnen's kitch-, en aprons in IÈ light and dark I colorings for thia . 1 1 sale. VOLUME XXVIU ihose Who Mad Payment Mt Instalme F- re: 1 te fice," va& oui' -iday. 'h ycu t be uý,artoly paym- yîîar inome las for uit.tmenttle lue M5. seat out 300.0W nDo tentlu 1) b t act mom 1.ý due before staili-ttlৠdue. v notic '. is6r.esved. &btot. d bear tiii boru. npayiue&aL.** No.Turne 1 I '5evîu do i :;. aili bu nCa and .be entire alto. tai. .1 b.-ûOtue dut witit. t1 day- ailE ait) p5ler cnt thî, du- n d int ut É Il nu a uto T publi. tPe ,- ond î*a)mten c1, . .utof, will z 'L bu u,, I taihuit. u py e t Ps, tiienîts on the. arc' -xpected 10 tu t-nru t'.. tn reven. Cot.tre tu $i 100.0t. ig judtArfr of the. About 40(004 la, for t.- paynent tu4 bleas-. district. vil 30 wgilbtet'ticounutl 000 of whom pald' the -jr4t paymnent. lmt'. faxcati he r- draft, or pestal 1 paysb1e ta thé@ uit RUBDBER C( 10 BUlL difIIIWA BARGAINS'BARGAINS Women's 35c Vests lcss vesbs a! an ex- cellent 35 quality in ail sizes, wbile tlîey latit. 17c $3 Athietic union Suits Pollyanna athletic un- Iaon suits o! plain and J 85 striped voile and fleshj - Naiîîsooks ut only. ChiId's Dresses to $2.50 Children's ging ham dreSý.es 4n SîZeS 2 ta 6 an-1 37 ,y' In bst calors aisdj styles at Child's Dresses to $5 Ilcre ý- are children'i lvash dresses up to 14 in0e 79 ail colors, including plain I- .oneseî._ew styles, at Sale Trimmed HAT]S Up to $9.75 4.98 Here are valuîes to $9.75 inI the popular Tricorn shapes, pokes, large and, small hata,' suitable for mnatrons, trimmed witb wings, flowers, etc. Many tailored effects are shown in black and colora, -Trimmed HATS UP f0 $5.5P et Baud trimmed sailors, sein bats in turbanis and off the face shapes suitable for street- end auto-Wear; good selection o! colors. Also there are Milan hemps'and thrce-end jap straw shapes, Women's $ 1.50 Waists WVonien's catton wàists %slighbly imus- cd-, frot dtsplay'tng in mnany wanted 89C sty les at Silk Waists to $5.,98 Silk crcpe de chines ancd C.eorgt.tte crepes in 7 ail colora and nîany icas styles at3 $4 House Dresses Woatcs regular $350 4 and $4.00 house dresses 4 inî ail styles and bn-st oi- - ýorîlîgi at House Dresses to $5.98 Fil e ginigliants and lier- cales it nw oie til 9 cares-i drew se prîý- styles at- BARGAINS Women's $2 Chemise-. Wonten's mu i envelope clîeinise min -7 l sizes. -t8l7c ad-lokist ai sizs Women's $3 Gowns Women5s- mîîslîn night' gcuwmîs itn nany han d 5i9 som e new styles nîcelyj tnirtîmcd at Womens $5 Gowns Wornen's gawns o!0 niuslin and crepe in dain- 79C ty new styles and ail sîz- 2 es at $1.79 Silk Hose at A 'great special_ pur- chase .provides' thi$ fineI OO base in ail colors iunclud- ing lace.- Corset Covers to $ 1.69 > Corset covers and- cailiisoles <of silk and muslin in 'pretty 7 9 Styles,-all sizes. $2.48 -Camisoles at Handsomte corset cov- 4 9 ers o! silk, bcautifully eut -__ broidered and trirnied et - 1 1.50 Jersey Bloom'ýers Womett's and jer- sey bloomers in al sizes at this great 5 , 1i9 ., l , t wi lt i riai cean lu on, , m 's .tIl]ucismIII f. id.,.,i tif nit> iîn t '-1 t uction 'ibis ad a it- saimple lu téa.. soitnit s.kint lb.- hucat and mtiut "od Ibat eau bu 1 The tunds tor 1 viiii b. pnovided t Rubber ConîpanY. Luntnany's willlng beclinn, Vice Prf 'The. desîre of thorluing tbbcapig vaun"'publice kAiou pet permanent hi a" l tstimtitlat.e t w'holitave lu chai oizAnierbca's pet cooiiderationcOf1 le lnu undertaki The UsfclliebC q'ttstlomnalme bas higbvag 00ommb1 la the Umlbed 81 gestionls. 5et beau h.ieete the Limeola Ugbt Illinois an" lova Ihffle statu viii POSTAL P 'fIs- postal pa 1,q juit been Ps itas gone thitht WaUk.igsu and jh-,aliiing more rid1es for 60 cet ý1ltUces sud Ibis V. In ,plplica ,,l'I ,A. Onady I ,- trouble go wse theh"regu.tt ctaking thelr il b-igin about Tul Titi- mcv rat- aw von biat, bS. len Ineffeet