CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Jun 1920, p. 15

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___________ _____LIBÉRTYI.Ù fl IDPDETtio Continuing our DRIVE for'LO0 WER PRICES with the most sensational event iof them aIl- Our Great, June Clearance -with a stock of $ 150,000.00 of Women's and Children' Summer apparel thrown on the mairket at these astounding pricings Sale 3,000 Dresses Sitks &C? Go ttons of Every Kind Ginghams, Lawns, Voiles. Specially purcbaseed, iretty new styles, wanted colors in a i szes. The eas sgreateat values. Dresses of Voiles, Organdies, Linens and Cotton Georgettes Special 12.98-18.75 and.$25 lier(- are exquisite new organdies, co- ton (eorgeles in a wonderful array of syles and colormiaas weIl as lineni. and voiles atthie various prices. SiL Dresses go $25 SiIk Dresses to $32.50 191e75 SiIk Dresses to $75 39.5Ô 1Thins m. hoviond floubi.- tlhe easefla g reatest veml]ing of silk dresses includinq am It does every wanied fabric. color andî style featuring Tricoicîles at $119.5 Wash Skirts to $4 -at $2,25 lie tlîtnew s 'kiîtc o!f'white cotton serges, bas- ket mes ae' nd noetie. with new îîoCket.s adsudLits. $7 Silk Poplin Skirts 3.87 A ser.Nsi'lt' ial seilixie jioside4 women's ik poplin mkîxt. U n _Taupî,blsîack n cîîd _Cop(vn Iipwanted Stý leS and izes. Skirts of Cotton, Silk, Wool 6.98,9.75, 14.50, 18.75, $25 A hmore v onderful dîcîîlay of ekîrîs for every oc- cason'. n ie5r bhen -n lau 'kegaxt liere are ,,:, .t'luiîe wash skiris of lancy cciton fabries and sol sain, , o.1t nerges, Scotch plaid.s sad a wide range o! sîlk spo ' ikirs ln tricoilethe';, siik crepe de chines, etc., ini whhte and colors. Childrenz's New- HaIf Hose 29éc&57c, Ciildren's hlaI hose 11n pain white in «I tiiSO" 29r. In whiite and inafly --- ored effc s inill1k lisle in al sizes at 57c. Wome.n's 79c Kit chen APRONS Sale Çhildren's COATS Size ta 14 - Values to $10 3-98 &5-.98 Odds and ends lu children's coatis in many gond- looking" tyles and fabric a- -whie tbsy last at $3.98 and $5.98. Other Coats at 9.75 - 12.7.5 - $15 At these prices there Pretty coats of Ailk popins. ilk moires, serges, silver- toues. ets.. ln sports and regular modela ln biack and colora in ail izes, Sale Children's Wash DRESSE S 2.5 Values $4 Values 237 2».59. At $1.37 there are a number o!fiîand- nme liatIs alylees ln sizes 2 to 6 and ah 12.59 tbers are othler Pretty styles for Sgirls np Io 14 ln plàiis cooris andi plaids Suits Reduced Ini Ail Styles, Fabrics &? Colorings Suits up to $35 at 1975 Suits up to $50 at 27.,50 Corsets--m Up toS2 at 1.'69, Womnen's and Misses' corsets ln a nunîber of gond -styles and ln a fair range of modela at $1.69. Corsets to $4 Fot-at. 2.59 Frot ad bck acemodela ln moqt al .izes la waxsxed styles at this speciai Girls' NilMisses' Middies <W, Smo0--ck's' Up to 2.48 at 169 A speciai assortisent baâ been arrang- ed in .iddies and smocks of flain white with perhaps a few with colord thm- mings. Other Smocks 'at 2.98 and 3.98 And bere are smocks of dainty voIleM, linens. artistat' linen, etc., with fancy hand-embroidery lavishiy and cleveriy applied. Shown in white and colors. Blouses ot Voiles e& Orgrandies Iat$3 Cool, somm-e-y, tvlish -blouses o! crisp organdies a nd lia(ti, îiiî'in plain white" and the organdesna l <open and runset, ros, fleO'h, icifflansk .k Trni- xîîed with laces and. îîhroîii y, special at $ 300 . Tricolettes, Georgettes Crepe de Chines, etc., In Values to 7,98 at$5 -This; wiil posiiively establéili a record in bl ou se v al ueS; here are dozens o! a.4kedi for et yies in sch o u laq usfabrica B4s ilk Georgetle.s slk (ie, le Chineis. Tricolel tes,. mtrip ,d Taffetas aid Pongees ini a con plele rnlge of cnlme, and sizea .t tho very modeit price of $5. Suits up to 82.50O at- $45.00 Each year fhe great June Clearance la featured by the sensational suit values Il bringq. This; year the reduction in prirea 1'; greater than ever anîd n,'wi froiu every authoritat iv e source tells us tlhe prieus for Fail willbe ,tlli tîîgher ou t i wise econo.ny to Luy now, and HERE. Extra Speial- ITEMS Waists to 22.50 -at 14.7 5 Exlsite lOmqeeS Of CaffitiiiteCcorg. eticf> elaborately -bsaded and Tnîco- lettes in many elegaut creations are fier@ Women's $2 Chemise Womcn's Muslin envelope chemise in good-Iooking sty lesc and most aIl sizes. Women's $3 Gowns Womnen's niuslin niglit gowns jis înany hand15 sone new styles nicely trim med at Womens $5 Go&wns Womien's gowns of mnuslin and crepe indâin- 79 ty new styles and aIl siz- es at,2 $1.79 Silk Hose at A great special pur-. chase provides this fine 1 OO hose in aIl colors includ- J j ing lace. J Corset Covers to $1 .69 Corset covers and camisoles of silk and 9 c nxuslin in pretty styles, aIl sizes. $2.48 Camisoles at Handsomne corse t co- 4 ers of silk, beautifully ,nm-14 broidered and trimmed at $ 1.50 Jersey Bloomer& Women's and jer- 9 sey bloomners in al clearance sale price. Womien's $2 Union suits Womn'4sSutnînier Union Suits of extra fine soft Ses Islsand ('otion, ail styles ah Women'a White Rose Seconds of woamen's 59a vIsito cottou hose. lwbat 950 i9pk Bandsome New- Sweaters o, Merceriled, Fibre, and Pure Silk 6-98 m 1098, 1575m22.50l The ultra stlihnpess o! lilk sllp-ove:* or Lutton Bweateers lis wêll knovn m) thise reamonable lîrice.ishulîod rest-I coiiiiiili'ritble ectivity. There are tî faghionaile navy and liai k';ais well iii colorsa acording tlu rxce Women's 35c Vests Wonîeng s levve- less v'esîs If an" x cellnt-3c iîîat. in ýAIl sizes, wlîile they 7 , last. $3 Athletic Union Suits Poliyanuîa athletic un- ion tîjts of plain and 1 8 striped voile and flesh - Nainsooks at oxly. $698 JERSEY' BLOOMERS %\'eoxnen's silk jerseey BI unrs pret- tilýy styles and of an extra 3.85 go'd qtîality, flesh îonly .. $4 House. Dresses Womcen's regular $35o and $4.oo bouse dresses0 48 ln ail styles anxd best col- orings at Àr House Dresses to $5.98 Fine ginghamis and per- cale's in new house and 9 porcii dresseq, pretty 3 :=Â styles at I 'nttv , I-.n be lîehixig 141and l.îge'~î.îî~,iii black .and .9 cojlýrs at ............ . Children's Hats to $5 A great selection of %tylislî liats for thie young'~8 fu;lks will be found herc at only. Sale Ne w Coats- Hundreds of Long and Short Styles Coats up to 22.50 12e981 Coats up to he ave more tha~7 iaD oe~lai Coats up to $30 at $5at- 050 J LA£ VOILME XXVIII -NO ALLEQED FREIG THIEF ý,BEI NG1I INBONDS orFI Fvipl Burtis Occupies Cruînýtv Jail: 1$,000 of Loot Taker 11-ii,,>hl,ii, aI (1.1no A il. 1..Tel failt ,-r ,lc iniii fA, tîî'xîey S.1M lie'.a P ",,e arreet M t ttcTeîý ri <ve oclocli SaturtaY (ný :"Wilir a tti '.'- . qee l- il bq<., <h "iv -j, I. ilin boa ' Sp a" an- ni, c~ POLICE SE[h 1 -LOCATE ALT(i HtllPOLCH L .B.pntfomo'n of G! 1À-1'1Se N[1111 Cir tldhit tçB 1in ', ui t. sv' î i ut lvîg t.' 1d ' f a() .t.î niix-inmhe r 01, tie car a 'dnt* s taken ..t9 .472,212 I1?MsS --fi n il"". Ton idpiclîavc ho th," ait omobite, de[ ti' i"'n 1,110 rr' ,clvc i i'h., informat ion is eXIeci dy" r i iiniirroV, cxii sert'; i . wilh swear outla i (p ' 3 ' AccorditiS to th(' story ,son Le ind hii. ri'fi' mouth in Milwauîkee rosi mailte whieh entained f going noti. Peleriion 1 aie!"( of the road 10 ttlow to pass. Hie gays Iberei room for clearanche. fouaded when the aut, sharffly in Lis direction: rived opposite and eras buggy, rippiliz Off two hrllng the vehicîS Into hi Petérofi vas injured qi ln the crash. The automObIle afisO the dlhch but 80 far as taoue of the occupaflîs ePeterion gays the met C ivp btm their narres an4 e ous f tbema even becair and tried to stril'lti aisted. lie owner o! a bltacik <lcand avenue arli Mi beard thi, crash and var nie supplie,! Peterrozi t paper and penci nd th, ed bis- opportunily and ,cense numnber. The mc auto succesded lu rigi -lbino and drove awaY ALEXPHEIO Norihern 1113. Largest Store For Women'la and Cldcren'la Ready- to- Wear Il 1- -

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