CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Jun 1920, p. 7

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TI-IE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. JLNE 10. 1920. PAGE SEVEN ve taken ~ncy for BATTERIES andi a oîition te raake rîce on the batterY )u neeti for your e also eau ffernlsh dec delivery -on one to etart you are has'- ouîd b. giad toi us your ING SERVICE rs and Trucks U. S. Tires urings, <a'g,hui UYWLLE ~RAGE ,RNARD, Prop. Libertyville, 111. ilth, Vice Prealdent lager. tUST CO. ýS GUARANTEED ILLINOIS p repared material bank-run rials rnay from the~ s to discontinue ris with zvash- trial can be had or St. Paul, or -avel Co. ade & -any MDES JGS N4D.SHADES nrs in the bnsiness .25 Winnetlca, MD. -readers Who buy ai. bndent stmmds wMthut ruuuu~r r nil tIiflul t'uîT.'i',nu.' ur Jine int('0 0 0 000 00 0 0 0000 000 0 iT-leT4'tlburî,-us trip i[ > T IlTiit'iTT'TTT 0 000 000 00 000 0 B.4aa,.~iuwROI ~ i.,cuiinngi, 1- nia000000000000000 0 in , ljun( d._\ a. i irlaio hi 1 1L. S hlIt IMPEL VI EM11E.NT WOÀ 1( :n'îi ic t' 'MILLB lLUiit-d l.~ .'-::, , R,,N 0 hisni n îrsdM i 'ls. iuh, TIuî ,rlifit ii0 IlST 'Ille a vi tiilltdoiiii huniilnu ihhiîn iiba, cT,'î,g Mre Knge it-D T ,,., T mntien*"TTTTTtTT al'. T VIELL UNDER WAY lo'TT DTuer' 'ai i li4t4Ie Thit-t' ai0t 00h0e0("0î0h0, 0h0s 0 t0-0'Ci-,0C0 0 0 unî' NlT liii 000000000000000000 iT' 'T ,.~ T ( li'- '-Tue i al :'l-îii tut' - it,,t 1,,Te. onA. ' ,"I l lîuuW i V.'mt i ii, TIll tutî tiTiTi . n I L1,1, T ioi'u i o '-.n'TTT Standard Paving Co. Grading T'itttui Al are unî jT1 Cit.d t,-t TTI,'l. u uîn.l'n'itSnl.U M \. "t, k,îîc uit-tl'Il a i 0 IN G L S ID Io j Oinm! ,Itand M is. 1 i' i r , ~t,- 'l o'f' T GraystTTTu, ~ la. ii.i 000 C000000000 00000 \ .i l' E E uCnoi TTT" Ia, UTune Fi5. .. CJiilh'ic %%.t il]~ A ,' Tho , iiii' "uPin g laaiT un lilt il inu l i0 oîrk Uoft c«nr.u ii TTT i'tlion, jtict î,îtr',T M, iI, Xuu. , - IT "r bennian. T ront' (,f ITI, ilporTinT sEcc- , i; i T,,'I il nîlMi>, Fru'd AcT'.t-n i ni ' tl.,I ' I.,,,n ,:,TIT ,T-T lit'-'Irl. and pmî s ,dM.T R, T ,ftt ' o i, "T 'T"it i.I 't T. ,,T4,fi. ,iTinitunity, ni.h ',l ",tX T' IT 't, 'TtT' ,' . ., ' iliEi T '., M k VIT' .,. 'm ..' 1 T,- I .~ 1T. il'~ u tlo C Te t \ .TT mNî, ii' 'm. 4 TT -> T44.*.T. T 'T'-iTtitT t i l 11 T'ý.! , , 11. " . 1 t'C i't1'1T'.' Th' Ivil gîte Lauke " tT' j, 1Tr u. .T'i., M ,-'1'm ,T T'Ti t t.TT, Mi and NI I' l ý, i T i T, ' T '.TTT. ' TTTTT, ' TÇTT.T 'T iu li~~~~~~~~, sT'-,r' l ýiT(t i building i, '.,t .i ,îî'TL.'La'î, 4, 'iTT'.' ~ '- , nT' i i t m kit 1reuti , TT 51:Iil o J0r, -- i lo k I h I .%tiTi i!,cs tpare-nts durîn mi ,, TlT I T ' Lt. ,,l ii TThe nl ,T ti. .'. Ili ilij)TJTT- ru T,., '-ii:; -T "' ' T', '. T', ' T -' 4ITITT T' " ',, t I ZIlcS.o l F" T"i i , T ra'] ,rTiporltitTn. IX li l Mî l- 0itlî îiXXT a4T nd i Iai't.d NMnil, 'l!n.I I"'T MI a d " -Tlere w. ' . iet 1 ITT 'koTiT' n a' o GRAYSLA KE 0V tifT, T'r fori-t'T ,-T,, i Mrs.NlnnieEbni' "'mi'T.'n gt. aXt- oci, LAKE VILLA pi "t- ."" "- "n' T', , ,iTIdT'.' T'-aoo-iO.l0i0t0:;., il ,' 0000 T000'0000000TT'T40i0 0 in1,1.ail-'T 'T ,, ' "T,, ,,'-T"i . - ' "-' ,",,. "- ,,,o GUR eE : ' Ui ' "'T- T, XX~.MoPa ,'Xt,'i.,,,t riT, t t,, ,TT ' ~ ,, . -t T't t "T T .~'T, . .T ~ N Ttfl, i ,,TTT' i:T, , 'A.TS',N AmP 'mîT ,,TtTI ~ T. ~" .,,,'. ' ' ' ' -'- ,.Ti. ' ".,iT '.T i' i iT TTT ',in','.nx~T M"'..R ',-, T, , T" ~0T0 '-T0T 0. 0i0- 0X0 0.T0 0i,0-'0'"0T0 T0'-T.i'T, , 2,11, "-T, TATS T T'mT T '- 'r,..0 . I ' , T Tl T TTL.,."m . 'T. '- -'- TT.- t ' '1 TA ' ' '- l . ,,' T I ,r,. ,;t Tc l ~ __________________________ i.. ri.i' We like ta explmrn <ojr Budget Plan. t proves so heipful to, Floks who are amn- bitious to own a New Edison. The Budget Plan puts %e sincyoer hue eai Oce Then it applfra the eaiab.- LuhM pinndple of big buni- k Q" tbe pswcham Prme ou of yoew ncornego p.iday éza you don't ime o -oqmoetet"a . CSw ela Md «M As L oém l. MW <~î& Hell ® ho noe b Libertyiie,IL T T T '.1 TTT'iii'-T T' 'T. T T i 'mt T .,"-' T.' T 'mi T' T T 'it \' ' t T T . T, i,.,TT T T 'T T , T -. "040 TT0'0 0T0 TT 0 0T0 '-T',0t0 T ,' , . . ' ~ ~ T\ , nT . -' f-"i T D RY AMENOMENT AND T ý VOLSTEAD ACT %:.-. ' TTT.4,i TT TT ,. T c~ul- Ct T T,,tTTc .,! 1 -; , , . , ;, T. TA TT t C -ditTt'î fi EiM! and M l ;'uT .c ' i,,,,inai Il u01 I 'T l mi K Pl/".ý ,i , ' lT-,M' i -t' TTT ý I '-, aiT' i l T, u I4' Lai.,uTiTu 11T 1,Ti"- I l . , . T.iTs ]aii, r TiT , t t n,ý. T 'IT r t iii i Iiý l. --l.T >i -tT111 Mt 'i' ,,n'i 'N!, 'Nii T W .' Mi- T 4'T M,.1 lT'i, M/T -, X T.îI 1'TT, i T4T TIl a .C ý ýN -"T 1S i ,,Ii :i lTTTTTTltu' -i Tui 'T(j !, [. il! T". T 1tI Il- "- ' T ii' , o i Ct Ii ing -1 ,lui.T"' T I, , TTîI a! I4 l 1T,,1-T,'ui , . 4,~ ~ ~ ~~~~a P.u' ui'~n1t "i o i a" Nit ris XX ili 'x, ttTuh , ThTaile an ex e%",4 l T It' ' i'TtCT aT liagt4 itii, ' Thti'- Righîs it'-b Mii;"auI Le giten un ___ coiiOt-ÇtuniIit 'ath,-ii. tiiilTlt"-t uda> Servant Girl iWnluidn't Go in Cellar, irogtiaTi4 'Ihl is ta i '. t Tbtautitui en- Fearing Rat&, tertainmeit. anti *ou are welcone. Mrs. Teliet., Plaînfielti, N.J., says. .Nlî anti Mrs Ni. S.NMiler atîended "Rats wei'e 10 bati in our cellar the tht- lutterai oif Mus Millers sister inT servant girl wouldn't go tbere. citago Thurstiay oT this wer-k. t Iought corne RAT SNAP ant i l Mrs. Iistment bas returneti to ber cleaneti ail the rats out." RAT-SNAP biorne in thue î'ty alter seteraI weeks destroîs rats and i ace, *bsolutely siiet th Idrs. Frank Harnlin. orevents otiors, Cornes in cake forso. Mira. P. M. Lund spent this waer nu mizing, Cats or tiogs wont touch wlîhî ber son anti fanilît' in Chicagu. Il.Tbree sizes, 25cc.Sf0c, $1.00. Solti an.d guaranteeti by Deeker Drug Store 0.0e00 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 00 anti Scbanck Hardware Company. 0 VOLO e 000000000000000000 Jamtes Haltiin of Libertyvilue 'aas a, recent Ca ler among Iiriends lier MissT Anna C'omptonl and lier itheri are \îsiting ieiatine,in Elgin. Mis. Fanny Tttw-i of C rysT ai'Iake of Northl Chicago visîted relatives in illias ieinity rectýntiT. Mirs Alice Meyer had lie.r tonsils re. ntoi d aithie MeAli.iti-r liuspîtai ini XXauktan lasi week. lloi,, Benwecl made a busiîness t i TO Elgin Saturday. Agnes Myer and Oite J,,I,'.oîî tu ilingTtood spenit -aturday and Sundayl wiT h tlie to t p 'sîar ents. F. J t'-uni'yîian of i )xuflpet4 Sunday ai bis fam here. NI and I Mrs. Aaron Ford of C'hicot ar@ visîting at C. Dillons, Mr. andi Mrs. Thomas Williams,. md dauiehter were Sunday callers ai the hoine or Lee Hirson. .Nir and Mrs. IZay Fîteli oi' Wauke- -ait and M.NntMNrs. lHart Thoimnaon la visiting b'iends In tbis commun ity. Mr. andi Mrs. G. A. Vasey andi family and Mr. andi Mr$. Wm. C. Dillon and son, Artbur. attendedth Ie commence'- Jnent of the Crystal Lake Iigli sebool Friday evening, June 4. .Miss, Millie Hogan passed away asat Fî'udav andi was brouglit 10 Volo for hurlaI Monday aflernoon, June 7, tbls being bier cblldbood borne. Sbre leaves ilianfy friends in this vieinlty. Her ageti mother andi one brother, John, are left to mourn ber departuf6.-- Miss Pearl Vasey graduated f rom tbe Crystal Lake hlgb scbnol Fr'iday evening, June 4. as valedictorian In a a class of sixteen GALL STONES BOOkiet written by Dr. E. Paddock, DePt. B 3832 Brooklyn, Kansas City, MO-, tOlis of m.thod of tr.ating in- flammation, catarrh of gaI-bladider and gai-atonot. Remarkable reauits. Write for froe bookiet. P. E. -HILDEBRANDT DRILIGGIST REXALL GOODS AND COUGH MEDICINES Standard Books Fancy Stationory Coofecttonery Toilet Article. Pevfurnor Doils and Toy. PIIYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carelully Compounded THE REXALI STORE GRAYSLAKEs ILLINOIS R. WENDLAND GROCERY AND MARKET DEALER UN General Merchandise STAPLE AND FANCY GItOCERIES * DRY @DOMS, NOIIOKÇ BOOTS AN HMStt MATS AND CAPS HOSER Coumwy Pr.duce hught and SoId Ph... 07. LAKE VUILA - ILLINOIS P .' C-T 1,11,Tf ' t T T. , T , 'N T STAND DO,, sze (2 c,kes ' 'TT' '-7h' $1.10 sze T2 c,,kts, .TT ' T SquprerI O U ttoiT> îoua y Ul' i ,1Tl. al id-"T Tufol TTT 'inTTT , T. '!n lm niT u teh,, \-rT i ,T TTTtT(,',CT T- TTt and t.,, 11- tit cuii4f,. rT h' ,-.TT TTC 'TT n TT t' - T ' T Were Vo u ThýereP If not Be Sure and Attend the next GRAND DANCE At Ray Bros.' Pavilion Diamc'nd Lake, Ili. Saturday Night, June 12 ThoseVeho Were TJiere WilI Be Back Excellent Location -Fine Floor Biest of Crowds - Nothing Like it. Tickets, $1.00 Mc-Cormick's Orchestra S AM S ON Auto Insulance Aociatio AUTO M OB IL E5~, FIRE LIGHTNING EXPLOSION SELF-IGNITION INSURlES T R--WC---S ami - R A C TO0R S A GA' MS T! T \\ '!NDSTORM CYCI.ONF TORNADO -ri.ection at Loweat Coat. 0 , P tft"id R ,ska Accepted. Losses Promptiy and ,1"-b 'Ail sled YmTuTZP Ti , te 'uTr car itgair,it a:: ' tT! ",TtTT'. 'nT t thte following tT'30 CENTS PER $100 EACH EIGHT NIONTHS For Z,I TuIIlV of TtT TITTIrc i, ' 1 -- d Il is Better to avea'Ic RaiîîJ Not Need Il [han to Neeql and N.ot Have Il. LEONARU û!SNEY, Local Repreaentative l5AXLEIGH 1RETAILER Phone 156-R. LIBERTYVILLE,- IL. TELEPHONE CALL WILL BRING A PEPRESENTATIVE TO YOU. Try a "Want Ad." in the. Independent. It Winl pay you. O(JR HOME IOWN BOOSTERS, These Merchants Witt, Serve You Quickly and Serve You Weil W. F. FRANZE, JR.- T Lumker - Ceai - Feed "Pay for What You Buy--Get Wbat You Pay Foir" Telephoe50St ihetyvi., UM. SCHANCK HARDWARE CO. Hardware and Farm lements, Plumbing and Steam Heating Tin and Sheet Iron Work Phone 39 Lihertyvlh, Dl. Loyalty to Oui Community If we purdiase our necesoiies and luxuries fris mail Order houses, we are Met loyal te Our asseciaes in the coczmunity, becs, we thez show no apprecd- ation of thé rendeavors h supply the memibesiof ie commmnity with thqfe dm£&ga.W. are cet helpiug Our associates te teir establilnents, wliich eam Le successfufly operated only wfth our c"-peratien and support. If we send ou dollars te the mail order honms- we can only expect that tse limie wil quickly cone when we must send t. the mail order houses for ev- erything we require, bècause it is onIy maturai that out local business houses wil heconie discouraged if w. do mot patroie the.mmd bey Our ierchandise fia. Ue,, and-go eut of business. When we pay our dollars ta aour associates in the community. the store-keepers. let us do it cheerfully and with a feeling that we are providing for out fu- ture welfare. Let us forget the attractive and often uisleading descriptions in the catalogues of the mail order houses, and remember the kindly. friendly spirit of ourtloca dealers who strive earnestly to menit Oui trade and who,'when everything lias been carefully analyzed, give us mucli better service and more satis- faction in the end than we can expect from the mail arder houses. TRADE AT HOME Support the Town that Supports You F. C. NORMAN Groceries, Fruits, Candis' Tobacco mmd Cigao' REE MOTOR COUPANT HUPMOBJLES Telephone 8 TUE INDEPENDENT US ALWA'VS FOR LIBERTY VILLE LANGWORTHY'S, Variety Store WISLON & OHM "Fords" and Fordson Tractors RAY N. SHITI Shoes of Style and D.raility For Men, Women mmd (2midren North Milwaukee Avenue J. B. Morse & COMPANY Gents' Furnishings and SUnes "Everything for Men" THE BEST 0F EVERY- TIHNG TO EAT TRIGGS& JOHNSON *~ o -'a %k a igger, Y3etter !îibert(qoiIIe I - e ** =1 i. 'l ilici ý . 1 THE, LIBERMILLE DDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. JUNE 10, 1920. PAGE SEVEN 1, ve

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