CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jun 1920, p. 10

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m. ,miaWâr ti8 t. *bit' EASTEKN CANADA* U M-bs -rm u,Î National Editorial AMeiation of America "taes Jade jolned la flb. vie-on: and thonl Firet-hand Investigation of the Resources anîd (en- theilgnuue nfl aiei inao$ lie oralj Conditi6ns ini Eaàtcrn Pàxtof the 1)oninion. HaIlax. There they were shovn BY wonderful drives ledinir tO Weverley BY and haRt lunobeson ai flie country élub) froan whkh spot, theiy IoMed out W.3*J.)DTH upî0tonel etfthe graudest slgbla lie - Zito ~ bas yet seen vuilfls Calnadhmn XiLto. r.aüy UR;launi@. Sprcad ouf before*thaîin tbey beheiti-Nova ScoCa fIl Ifs fulsPrlng- HaIlifiax, Canada, Jue 9 (Spedal).- moud, clalîing Ihllr parn'i-cnar ai-fne itr. n lsueyaokdlk Orne hundred edtors oftheUrn ited tIciîoit. Vie sai aieng tie, Arai, a fery story acene. siill, it was reat. * atées wbe no freguentlY ini their wilhitIfsbeaut1fuli ooded ah ilWrdaitcntr nnclnglY dUici be fi e«ruera have bee-en lId te0"Go te on Ure on slde. and Uthe cosy homes Nwods ta to thiftingYdteie-It Haifax!*'have gone threre-auffi lbey and summer cottages, on- IlleOther, it-ornftv&e bc ohu tItierry. Uoaeitio- fae lendtat il Isut lhait hll. And came au a-climax toa adeliglurl wiars ln eterrible expldoson l en they pardon ail tlioae miscreanta îooî'ulng. , 1917, laed been carricdtitIre. miles Who base bWu s50 ind as tu male As Our Parity looked avpr th spot OVer thec watcr aind lIaded in lart- tb. ouggestion. Fur, fthc edtoîs like wbere the frlgbrnful ei.pl2sIon oceur- moîî»r. People tolil us tat eidren. Halifax snd in future wbcni anyllody "dt two years Mao when tlirtY Million saw th buge cananon passtng Ifircing tlflstem ta '*go t10" theyigîl gadly, dollar@' wortb of pruiltbty aind 1.600 the air and ran ta Ureir mutlera and accept providirngtg 1y, are. asureil livea were sacrifced anti nottced boa îogi of iseng a large, strange bird th i 'ise Oort ot a reception 11ey the devastatsd artsead lbeeu rebuilt, tlying througb the a-r .Later the.. 1we ave hdrigUet ave deue n. asld flot hcip but fot tl ileitiCannons dftovery sbowed lb. natuore wbn hc hvebeen gucts Ci te Canadians living lter. have the de of flic "bird" The cauon bail been tiet Baillax. teruiuation necessuy fe band, auY blows trous the ill-fatcd aMg asMd 'Meu visit u aluiax Wutof pectai biuationa t aupecpie: We eveu aprLn th a rge . - ail tinoranc ad iteesttotheed- yu et ol thi he erMe ats-becu Ure of n te explosion tonial Party bease few bail ever tophe bad faken ilace Wii.flthe. whose effecti covered partkiglfirnij . - hem lhrc before--aiîd Ibum for tic boat biev up aithe ic blora entrante, atroa over a sillar* a le but whSee Pîrea- lfite hey &W te Ciy trin You wotstd net reahse ithat auYt'blng »tsope waosuencb tat evcry wiadov la * ha vieno ent that grefit amy PtUfuoaliefic a'EUnr. E, fuulba le~sn lat fltr. f e<j thbelire tCity .was brûaten an& ln Ornsncau 8 ic<a. nwnmecaises -aiiidowva ere amashoil Matez.. 'heyî vere keenly intarqsted sUeet% bave risen vser devasatmion , even au far awày au sizty miles. "i ng ftle .dock frodi ahi-I Uhe ad pufferlag aprentisnb borroi' Thse Lieutenant lovoenior Grant wbo. b4 Or'tqsald "car'dteIacoompliqhmets ofthflecHalifax pDca i hi. eMoial eupacityf welcoinesl ihe * beçim Dc lie aivali. at nvetrypIe in rctuilding Iis district tl ue-h a 'isitor@ ta Nov4a cotta, spoli Of Ithe mb bc -ca f ugei> lrnoad. y a short f ime illrnatrates lthe haracter- lilaloniesl associations or Halifax, and Tii.y sou ln the11e caf ia aro1ltc atpumli andtt lote taI ve ftud alsa of <lipreenI importante as a flalifaa.-remtnantf i the Briali lei eptlng ber.. port, ifs commtercial activities bean vlios. watchîiul and waiting pOicylý The spiit-lo!framternalistu whicbl greatly lnct'eascd @sari ycar. He mail oireveil go effective. The asaw' mine- 1 the (anadians detire 10 exiaf be- f bat italifax vami, ldebtedIo 10Liet ýy i,Èite States for a 6reût many aets OR I G FS IN NOVA S O I O T of hIindemm wtiil cnuld only w.t SORTIN ra~a~ IN peai dtffieitiy 1e rctîaid. The most 1notabule esample o! tiis vas given v5 ~PImmnidilet.v afler thie explosion IwIich wieck.ed titis city lu 191U, and trein tle effecis of wLcli Il lad uet * ),tlfilly rerNied . Uited States ~eiizerns. as moon as lha-y heard nuthtIe - s-ast,. respünuded wth evelyvwnd being ¶arfu-nlaî-iy proviinent inIb iis «a'!31)frt. Front tIbis li-t lu r'al-te. a * relief f rau vwas Kent ladern iaibdoc- lois, nurses and nui, iletd s-uq plies-, z î tc rutarute -f Iiis- action as- tking reatly ('liii st lîke. lie said thaln the iiiiangiiary line whichs l-i etretetIies- cross- t-lie roiîîî'-nt 0i xhier trioe tlio'uti nIlîtlfs l)eweti c~ 'aaa andICi gru'al aoîthcrn tne gli- *.< 'i~'~tfielshoutîl bc callcd a coriîiecting f~ ~' " je' er lian a border uine. v '-iarMurr-ay spoieofC e t close s R 's- îîrtiuivcy aitich iha.,. xis-te<l 1r Over a 1<ni ii abetîveen lihe îteglitrîi., ln tnany waa ve scie unler a grea' Ghligation Iotohîe tniied states s-ndl cout probleu~is- itta he Issu haie I-een Mz tle- ivitie te) a certain exteni. wtîîlc Ss- îfeîiiîpýiev i l nith u :v c inlvil aite is S ~ ~ ~~i e4uIl oi ifîn iuiee i 1il liaae te lie ai<a-a'i '<y viu uxnajus.t-en -hh adal usl h At 9 oclocli todaý we boarîted a Fav;sum.alnes wýL thpr ]rd nd ors n 1liee'eial t- n o!f is-lor carti. oniithe sotîre'ol aI' ih are cn lie unake forISiates vwas forcefully illustrated wi<en orte.An mufilî'tuuied 'ili dpe-pa speaei ati11e luti<tucn on Tue anad<l0n \'edionat amii wi-i Uuui~g' ~<-i'îitu tii-r leais.tliy dy sid "'e pefe aicailecf Eaugc-iine couintry.' the spot ruad<e rt t-,t îLîf tri-ru eit ea 1el-l-rin prufecence uii a te3<sue 0 lfattoiisl1, Logfelow. of wLicvh e sîh:vos 1 iia i. lurrnanatos rtetIorw Uh iît aî 51Io an ,rd. îhvc' were The ride about Hîlifax harbor aclua'ly ai th1e spot tioni wlere stari;- slirwed te gueFs the aaoncirritil ad- ed tliat great rrray ot fîplters wlit vanag, 1the rity re-sse"<es as a re IAIf '1ii rned I t ik" suitI of tlle Aliighiy's enflsldî rat; ai COUNTY BOARDI You havi 11e:rî o: lai:ax liartor. m-h<n 1the lanit and Ve ner was cri'- But you at,îv no idea aliat i it le ikvatd. A lîarbor whlch ineur balseffl untj'ii eej!a tie aw il rester Ila dredge, il m able Io harie, e c ASREIJTO REFUND day from tliii f,'r .y iiicli Ç oui' biggest stAps afloat. itla capable of Rmity ahîu' the aonde; fuitinland liaking are of unlýiriîed. dockage Pheter usIo YPtht al wic niy e needed as Canada ex- ON, 3M, TAX UNIE anc asa 1ort ï,tie--n(levfn lait 'l ie ideabiout thlb' irbor CRs re- lia- fot '- said . in t lavior. (<JvC tlete wlli revelatioî,s of the advan- Attornevs Ernploved bv Board ('ii go iit îaffiatitages cf aurl a tapeil hi woflleifui port oflers niari - hartlcr andin Iwao yeata alie would l tî trade. Itivas alao full 0< invr- o eiw Sb i e iii-tip nyp tti newoird. And, e9tilg ide lighta. reveaied wtli forcev o e w Sb i e maik o«niwoîut..a, rsg n iladactuailîy in thc -rear clîllit ofpot n rk wîl bc Oe iiîv1ir( oiuakilg Hlifax 1the feryThe tact thaf fBill Bryan a corittillr to lirai pace i0<l-ed of lias ai last cule lto bs owniluthie Th,;e,-vqor 0'Il Orrc:vit are- be rîg. aýs th'-v<ain, **th ird great- ties caîrned 1111e concernto I le por1t rotu Attornp>y E. M. liunyard e'st pfrt in 11e trîl"vibtors Io thIelit le caniin The Cana- 1andl Chartes E.' Jack,. appiointed by 'lhe tle.101<r joain t Iii <aci-ed vai>ia s iare griii t' os-t and ItLeir sy n- 1t llho b t 1 u îre n t thlie Iboard of tliLaI i fix ide ' of te bal'or. îaâýI la îhy toi theli ii Aîîrîea lrottierm rliew iC n Ile coi er iCnOf t! alay tIl-e de-saaîaîed disrilI'. andil cunîinued tinil opieu and piîyskal expiesmluIoi housanfla of dollars I b Miafk luxes ué Io the nortiiern limita Of lelord &H, day. Nobody got sielv'.for fthe t loti weaillliy Lakte FjTist tax payers. Basin. Turning. 5l<e came clown theIeiarlor Il, amooth. any of the maie Tllc ,Al0ornoiya report stated that hebrber on te' Dartîî<oth midle,î<,und. memibexa rof Our part.y ho foit te filesetîtiment balbeen mate Ir. the cd Georges Island aanti proeeeded up temt lI-t rnqueaiùh acre giî'en îagUd-1 aeî, against George R.,Tiiorne, the fortit ia as itfar as Itle lireattention inth 1e iai cal,it Thei POvid-I. fangler. Abert Tracy taY. Waegwoltie'. retnrntiîg to lier unir regreti was utlaiit 11'-irieus ai 1tu-çltD. Hill. andtd fia the on tie 11lilax '-de ai tomi-k bikin te àBiaies mcvuid nul Le wrtîîi lcapagainyl tla taira Thorite lin- Alîhoglihie ay as rflic- ctiil. Ihot.nelly anît (arrie Yoe Nedîlermait e& -ard 1the lire<auladen ilih a sabght tatees l id the rnidneIlle uist. atrot ihe ic itor1 i ,xi'es'Cd Pits id a ehir rde le The reporl t f tieLaW e <oonty thembelîcgasa'. l,lghieu ailli ve x- rues-t ia luncieoi'.aiwhiî Il theygnritopalwq s ecvd cuonu n the iu.,gn!îr ict ai v vere ft<îritty wclroitii<d to Ile cîîy gnerat liospîte wss alýom.rIeee 'th IM4iliù f wi(I filedtheil y te leutnan guernr, i. The board almo rereived scieral witb siîrîripeand iiladirattou. Ail <rant. crown rQpiemitetive in Uthex rî esn eop weetie' ititerçesteui it i - _view .provi<cnce of Nova Protie. th1e 30 per cent liorizontal,,tax raWéIs-f iltaitied, Lth of ilalifaîx and] Part- Prenîlor Murrav Of ovs--oaili.,o 'Ove boardl of review uitder proieSt. montA, lie sitilyaidv, and the dvts-s-extended a corîtiâl acîroîne il) the Thie IaxllaYtrt ask for s retuai] ou tatedt art.. in t'le vcinitt ut Ricli- Iviitors, 'îrg ng a continîralon ufth11e the dlaim of overvaluattin. Mothers of Lake County -show is ee ucan p #You bard Peanwd inoey ntoa-bigger hotiselhold neeeity thaii an APEXWASIINO UAGHINE - It means the end of Bitte Mondays.and drudgery. - Many a mother's face ahoNs hard limes frcftn bard lîbor oi er a w îs-h tub. - Make yî ur w -11h dayit easy by wýashing 'with an APEX WASHWG I-ASIIINE, Ask for dcnwnsfration. A & A lectric Co. 1706 - 303 -W.Washington St. WaUkegan FfiICE> lU AIDlU the vbhkwe l uplod réo m. .-.9 forOluftl LK MaÀT-ooi. DO otdritu It riisN 9. and cm les crass. p4rlprs. -Tha alderiasu are taikins à liccuse o0f tixu4400 ta L'Fee or SeIIng W iskeyM~$1,000 for thi soi drink pf'jeuas Tbrey be Fixed at $1,000 as 1. éaio, imPaid an milcné Means ofReene. luOf $',"0 maciia te ai <L S43 0'o-0 of Revenue. iieCty ge <euof t'sni aow *&nd toimaklgp tii.thealdevta plan tle ALSOSGFTDRIK PARLORS 'ipI~~O Otên tcs Te mermen &ImO plua 1ixgler 0110 eon tisatetSU. Là thi plan gl. Aurore.111-A plan for lic.nmag ig MiagOftte.atety. cý«rdu;i ie stores viiere vbiskeY la sOld and al lIliceilse or8lnaaCe must b. eutd meft drinit Parlore and'uthioaIer. viii jbeiAOre JmI Ioauwel a ilU iHonenseo 0be discusaut by te Arnwor City cou- s re ,aaWe on thmt date. Wb,±ever 09 *t meeting etftthe aldermm ~nov lee m ee. ijedenmneaidese. _002111MO401 wolela he s &@Itapon iut ieb iii . vtte tat hiet oomutt.4 0! moi.le lu let -ayors Jugug bWb alt bé,prasubae te eODiîe oa. Baerai O! "U I i e Counoil. t th$ atcuregutiarme"s- Oe fsteeet front 00 te Il m on_______ aruififta-nfling vbiskej O àoeboe'uJ yIe.Otptiua. CSlg ARj.»hdln N. e*one e~.r iWwwuà& Thue mml tggtt a lm ty»V. lohbbd just been i<prluandet by liemeeinglongh b oi ie u?.,bis moth'a for somotblag bu buo& doae. lee-fadoptina- a plan ff5g iaeeaaig th fy revenue." Cty Amter, Ummaine. hobe be v nto the b.beiroona hete. mat«-' bt at saaction villii up n (hie ev 111110 babg mite, as llg lit 1 -Îe Dlot 1110w. 8455iIet li ier. bar eib.- Rie meber eserbeard -hlm Mm RDta latsepkaaila h a yii. o Ï 57 'Ii 70w touiglt 1 no bock diesa..potins a licoe ma the- «Mmvb -eofeu c m .F«jeueWmt de viiera vbhiakey i;s mat. lome .ant a «tjnla euwat to do bhem." *ON TwO ISSUES Purohase of Savings Certifi- Oates as a Means of Saf e lnvestment. SUGGEST SAVINGS STAMPS Today lan te big i, day vhen Ulcie Bain, the vrid'a greptest b"n- W er tned te pae the a ltge att. af $138 52$ 489 Io -f base Who iuserted ln -LlbWuY bonde of the tIrit and Victolty iJon lIssues. That la liea. menât af 'hitare d ue f0 lb. Peopile oîbe %am- lai the sevenfi ll'ceral Ileiker-ve Cs tiriel. vbic cempises lbthefales oti nlIu"@, Indiana, lova, laicigan ana' Wisconsin, Ithe liberty bond boitera -viiit ne,, ean aguPusala01! $8.481,- vh ise man vini relvaitlei Lierty bond lnterme siteap bis mnozey uankiag fer hlm, la Lie <pba' -son et W.- . BosworbIt emnlve see- retary of lte goverament envingi et- a-aimtion ef tbe Beentb district.lHe. "User>'on.a muet vork atdses.. efi 'FMP sv, M r iy tum. U -il, ià for tlis rogson t bieef b.ir7nv dojirtusul tbas adopteai tiihe-'a be'W aina'securties vas 'avmisa s -2 asd Ireasury savIng certilicatet a mea, prmanent poii<'y. on .une 16, vien the LHWIttjtond iln- venter.a af the Beveuth district roý relve tair Intfvilu the tii-st amu Vietory issues, tb reinvet s iIlii- cal iu ver eaving stamtpa or f.e sivry savinge cerliflcates. "Nov ltat tfelcramury îiçPaRItmcut hais permîlttpdeti ti.yrchree ofil- 0 -and. $1.0w )treasury sav nllse <,r'li cates ta be houglit on the var la' ý ment plan, Ibis Uberty bond liaertIà? tu t.eirait on June 16 cals te t-u4 i sa partial paymient on thee cfisle They are always wortli more hlm " -a% paid for Iliemn, are ual stfie(ti by mnarket flucfuaionso." $1(00OWine Stock to Be Sold Wittt Resitieice FashiinaâbleLakte Pureost "ot;* Rhore soetoty lta b4ilg for tIc -fa- macs oMd George iFranicia frit in rosi- dente, at 1511 Axtor eîreet, ents lu- lot a $100M0 privale stock ot viDas ansd Iiqimr. 'Me bouse la f» sale, anti I th purcar 4gela lhe otntir ofai the vine ceilar.1 Continuing Our DRVE for L0 WER PRICES SA TURDA Y 75 Smart. Sizes Styles 16 to 53 sale Starts LJCtFN GO Ai Thursday Northtn 1119. GreateSt Store for Women and Childe Following Up Our Sensational June Clearance Sale 'Withj AGigantic -Sale of Wash Diresseés At An Average Sayingof One Third Neyer in Our History Have We Off ered LiiRe'Values At This Time Dresses to 10.501 Dresses to $15 1. Dresses to 22.50 OFRTO PAY FOR $4,OOOO1 lshighest Rate Gover Has Been Foroed to 1 Since the Civil Wai flFkE TREASUR Y C' rrearary lepartmtent ter ths open markeit for. fun vît h a bld af 6 pet cent. Th blighcsb rate thetUitled Pis - Crment lias beau forced fa monpy $Ince ciiia-ar limes, Two ncw tieastîry ceiieS pRues vili be offet-ed. IBotte a - une 15. On., a boan issue, turc Jsnuary 3. 192(). if - 1ntereSt ai the rate (ef 63/4P The ileer, a faxisselue, vili Ila fui I ear, alaturlrnig Juite mailvîlibs-ar in1e-uaaItbh Spe-r cent. Athoneh nia quota is4smet, iol,in lus-nouangtihfle àta-s Ibaf If u' lrpa.'îiry n, pr"usslitely $4 <il,00Wfit fort isreqtàireauuUp te) mcxlt It la asumet tîrnet tI mrniuuum aurount pcuglil. Rate on Lait Issue 51 on (1 ev la is-na' of ccclii interdi"t rate- sats ls-4putrce lluxio tIhal Ilere acre, tw one bearfus 5 and tie ai Fractically ail thetIreasury through certîflrateu turing Was at 414 and 4 l per cent. Treasiury certillf-te 0 h- of nearty I ifO(ti.1)teate bretore July 15. The gr-af. those are, proîided fer by tii tas iinstai;ii.-nt payable Ib~ris pa)ment fi- esiîmated The treasur>- e'iîmateg il requirée h-ii. , t <lo of thua averflow aud li-eeu il expeudilures up 10 the date làna lbter bin he banks. Houaston &tâtes Iliat. excludi 'letions lua1the prnipal oftt tebt. treamury c perationa foi g1uarter of the fiscal 35cr -lune $0, sPoulti how aasu the quarter ended Marcb i vu a surplus of uearîy 141 Tbe compieled operationi tre..ury for tlie fullllis Isbould sbu iiov 11111 i u the. gverlment liavi luiab mnced ls budget.tourent agalnat carrent dimburiteni' the iit full fiscal 'Car i Sghtlng stopped.' 1hhetl.'ct Total Debt et U. 6 The total grose debt ef tl States bas been rotucet i o s- te legs thon 825.-00.000001).' ina- debt. ban n im fatx c bail beeu redmced au of thse i tleulis Ian s2.S0.000. liuring tbe cemsng fiscal ginuina- July 1. the treaur "«te. yl b. a furtber net both gras et fant i flatin - b. irat tva qualeers. Uni tlo11ai burdens shtoulti be Ir future legl-talmUon. Hecretarf nLies, there yl l e a ier> reduction In the lari1twtcon The tederal reseni i. La been instrurted inlearcevi' certificate" unaturnliît>n JuIy i6 ln bal nient ftiisut ta ciiler of the toew 1u-s. clude 1the 4Ciperc(-rut t-i i n1aturing June 15. thi.4N4 Jean certificates matuî-aug J te 6 Per ci-nt ban certitt july 15. DI VORCES «ON STAGE SEEN À AMORAL Explotation of dl",acce oi - osb> theafrical produrer '~led as a menace %o the ~merica's istta ggeneratîr Y.v Henry E. Rompe' o' ý t a hbon oft het Ru uelday aIt the HotèhiSShe cage. We have dci clapet a clat dal Iovrsj *h. sait,*'TIse thieatera vhsre 'divorce sbaalug. and gîve theti 11h Plans. i la a condItIon il en@ taetndermino domeicl virtuel - ".One aftheLb. 11;proble' raited tMâtes lg the bot WhIere are 8,E00,000 boys ot *n tbis country' wbOo an ni ,ber write Fort>' per ce ,jaualiem eft Uese i.oyq are çilur courts or domemtic rt #ur divorce courts:, JYfONE Cà. REc4Pj DAMÀifIE TO Extrattrduiartly severo dînt mnd rainstorma coi;f laeManday evenina- hm, '.uormOtiS damage laIIIIth 117.r]toiles of tiie Chicago s-- jpatrons are requesteti P tience -silo miles cOf vOle5 *ed, lnes, romfrtng antitus i Ait plant gangs htave fui & Man, venifina nia-ht andti * ful>', tu tbe Sprit Of s >medy fthe damRlge doue. 'ravelled 4,000 Mile Without TirE Floîcher Dale of Kenos- >fMr$. William Slainon !A&,anld bis, vite bave lu fin an aLutoMobile trip t tmlitavina- ben gono avember. Tboy travelE biiilona itheLbvarlous t XzI&. bfore Ocounferlul

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