CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jun 1920, p. 5

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ng ,mvrwni;M ireEpÈM , rTIIRSAY, lUNE 17, 1920. PG netery. the cerrictery $ 50-00 si 6.00 [URST ED in and n Life ' New tyvîlle, 'icago. awake rKA, cago nes Required ir shoes. parts ni over Weil c carefully - uniform- ES--- soles. bic reason ides. krpoa4 't MIRRO ALUMINUM Tea Pot There is .dded zest to tea drinking vîhen the bev eî age of cheer is brewed in so handsome a pot as this. Thie artîstît (Colonial design, the ricli. silvery finish and the many unusual features of convenience mark it "Mini> Aluminun- for every woman faîniliar with that bc'.i!1ilî ware. Note the features: S-c i.eioîîî,cd. detachablle handie 'cI ,nmui - ctîîîfoî table lhandlîng cand eut-c pourinig. ~ I'indlî' occiko, aie weldecdo, at are also (3M-the spt"] t-ii'1 *( ),thIe (t 1c lit liiIilf,.'t' and cfoN (i st;) Ri vleno-icrn. ebonized kno;,. 'fli '1crfeatureî- 2~,(4aci(q.h- oflr, xt iLl' lIy b Nirro. ((î) Il i iuard protects hctnd14- when n hupta î's Onî il(. 'IoNe, (7) 'llic, Famou, itu~rro finish. (8)> 'Bcalîful ('oloial desivpn *(9) FE.îîoous %Mirro tradi' îî.lrt c,îiîicni"> th, 'joîboîn of eccvpiece and vocci vtî,crani c.- of ' tflc- îlroutihoui, nOuc îc-,c",j of lto Aciictm ti tîîîd icensils for everi k 'i-ken cetd R tieni 4jr t i i, .. t c t ' otj h. ,cr l i, -ciii ,y as " ' 1 ' , y t ý i, l a h rf e t i mre , A n d . Scharick Hardware Co. i>hihip aeger s 85 -g Mercliart, CICAGO. ILL. 7- E FL F-:Ei m SHOE Be Gare fui How You Buy Shoes These Days price are deceptive. Oidiniary shoes that Sun almost as much as Floraheimsa=are Dotworth haif. Some lmat asgood are o«ered atr &XInq price& Stick to, a namo ou know and to values you are sure of--and you'll get style, fit, comfoi-t. character às well as, quality. Ftordwihcls ve value for what you psy. e W. PARKHURST LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS OTEMAN WHO CAiýEI Tla'weAsin thhe bqmmtIlwpay y«. il Libertyville News chIlS W NTkI t cI'aI lctiiidrc 'ii~Mutli.uc, Gt-Ot, I *Mic lcdcrii i Iii'se t) ticii)lilt. .. ctuf in i cuc. , lib c'r ru'ruc'tda) lt-cillje Warîren oi t"cI i ut utcjh ! .NV.ncsa 'tiisNIci îscnnc-dc hic i 1tii tc , t r. .. -,,,m i i '. .. . t t c, i. ,,îîîîi t ai, tii . r, un , , ., t ut, . ut it h 'itit j,, ut ci, rit'liieti lîrc N eîlciutM .,J.iy .oclc i , .tt t i.i t i ' c jilin ('oie,'t he-harnes8 maî.k' i, 1 ., 'c"Il wilifrîcnds M ici I ,1r, ,i tt ai Citcago visitlor 5lonhla> . reci Iader of 'No-i. ,t , 1. r. t.îi ,.ti .tt' ici'i I ui ia, iiJ. IL l. Iencan i-c c.! ),> ~itttwih hic i 1 N altcîî'la tiu Icelcc.ti S.o: 'i. ili a ,wo weps u acation. iIIcoIM .lt'tIcirii'i t\îicciîe M cîcani jStephetne ' bit Moncîay for i lonv ailBacul Of Lakc tu i i t iil ' ,t ti16. Miss Bocltni. 1',Ilîc qi ftrcc weeks' vi8ai at Fox Lake, %is if) business matter. cm Lb.t iti erly ived at Frernflnt C(t iî', -l cl day, Cloi,, iLhc Itlle, Sic rie Itîrri s of Chicagio oîc'r the we'ek end. Mi. Bt-r)t .> nch, wlio ham Lien ilitaii hcr homoit cciMilw;tuk,-c aientie. Moisce are vi,'îling triendsaia Vcs r nIm', III rt',i Miaeà 'a iln S ii, iLtdd N'i, N haicel) temdii W. rW. Jîa irli ic ui1SuiLIti'lîi Sija%,' rc iurîic-tl icin brhc- lsli>, Ni s tihctc-lie>il Elinii l k M:l -ni NI;ý. i ik l Mi j icitcri lic îuicn tiî d l i..îc aii . i n 1), t- n u li i mu -M i icii;il,'t ci t' ilIl y l 4 i i %tos i n tM Cntb i i % i il'it o i liitiiii, ic- uc- iii iii w ici c i Tfl Iiic-d,ilc Icliiiiri I tcJuii- 1 tî I tt lttit i ,i,,l NIrs Go<cc-i tri iltici huiti il> ;-tirit ,iit nît ii AN i ca tii i li nk cuti ii ' pi i "f. N îîntcM i Ii, Ml Ittîi lti 'i ut Aima- tct i.l t [on Su d, !i>ýd -N d t1tiijtJtiltiMt1 'ci titi i tut t 'I i c t '~ t I i i. I t t' it ., i tt d 'tIti i N 'i i~ i i 'cuti ltt Cii uc. i ttc i t ci t, 'cli . t, ti 'ci. t lit ' t' '-'t t,,t cil t t t,.,' t t' '-t uit, i. ,î il it, i 't t. t' t t iii 't t i .ttit tii. t c Iiici Iii!i t- .îî 'lit t i t t. t t i. t t M 'ci i iii liii i t t ciii,,'- 'cît', i i 'cucuru, , 'c ttc t - i I i t, att), Mt' NN 't', Mies Anna l3ader pi'ni t Ii :ctn it> c Children's Day was cbeieîcdSun- ic.ttîin (Chicago 'c' i't i l * Jai-ITi , da e - e ai t'lie I'.-clyuita ctl (i cui I ic.. finiîi Mlilio t I e- h uricliccit An cexce-l-lnt rON- %cIi '-, C agliardi cuti ci, îllt, 1 t ili) 'Ni tiicê- i i chctl hiiih. c(In til' %ere flih' eue týi c ît tct i il réiint. îcitionsccîc antddrill, Iliiti:o ll (lic>. l;ccccî i ciitIc w rî' ru cn t i l horh cc ii .1.Taylor, \Nî-' ialt iii .ilcci tii1 sîci S. P. ii îcî,î , iit Ai ii o)1lcr if autcol ilv-' iii"t"cn \fc.uegn undat "'ritticiiiti'i ccl c nd aiine (tan- Clt (har ]-es ;." i I l ,\ý ;,cttki i i i lic Nocili (liik S-ut,-c-i ti N ttlicc..i Ni-Ftt I i l . I -ic Nin'c- N tciîiicl ass.ic INi rt,.,. icît ti lilil ii ccitiltI .îItcIt N cii,- cai I X.clcctî .1 ý i r a r , P I - ,- c i .I - Il ' L g c tl i g F r o Ii [' n t t lic N Bei . a rg, NI 't -t ttc 1. ,l ...iitkii.itîtIIIN lil cMl r ;rie .~ u , , . , and îr,.- l c IIc i clitIil> rî c-n IiI tclttý . cM. IFi 1 Fl' L la -Il Fi.N , s.r , -il,,t t- t 1 . .;U% t . lriit-1 Pc s . 'i ct t . ttttIt oitîtt i 1Itti ic I i~ Utcii~ii iii b. ¶FLM.; l Anumbelci you, I , pIilt icIlcii ii. Linicoln iItrk iloaril t *w ci i 1, t1ii itt lotciIiil i iti llit i -t t t1 lee wccki lic i ln- cC d N i , c i i tI is aii li in N ii-cl f i ui i t lilt i.,\c tIhIks, i c 'ci i t t i. t 'cu r i ic ii, ii bi u b i n i cii irii tt i t I i l i 1,1:trit I . u It ,it 110 11l in n ,, 1 t n th e t , t Oit t (Ido 'c!II ri.' loIl i'.1 F t>1 110 tti i 'ci t 'clii ut it t' 1, t I iti t i i cil 'cii it t, ti ittt. t i t ticti 'c: - tic titiiii ct tutu M i i t i t i i.', i. t t t ic i t t t ti i t i i , . 1,1-j t I. i t t t . t t i i N u, il 1 ., Nltiqtt cul i-t t it bu-uric c,îrîcd cuit. ,N A - t, t, t -t,, titi c _________________________________________ i i t' I lu', __________________________________________________ ~icc' t- t t t _____________ -c ~-~'- i r r i i i c , , i.ju r d c' t cSt 's- t d it, ili itii N i c O lii i tt i o 1itî 1 Àa c i ii,, ii -i ends lic- iti i ct .Nii . ti LW, zut cli liatilti, ' ri I i'c~lSiicOî cici t-1l a i i i 111 il blc t i l]vu I ;; H , ii i i i C rroîl ictoIt c Nrii, 1'-t'1ciiit *ic l it iluli 1dillic t 'c, t i ,rri- Ih icniî il peoi i.'tiii .;, , lr it îîpl i t liic.-e t i~ ~ t ih e S..O c- i iInti r ilis fii 1,01.l tIc iCeii' iiinthiit ii>l tf t -ltn e II c cîcctti, lucha, .,ji îimkîiu, onait l itkct. iof , , "Catiion wiîh tltitsigrnnd a-~r, ail ,c, Ziicili, acflsuta * iliiiiibt pa N.i t c ,itil 5frs Fred Jcllie.iiî 'additiion - i itiiîfo ce orfle,'loccal re- cair slitt. hiwi N uct. , Mii. ic'I ei i ,,î: liîrd cci Fi cliii cl Soitur Illa t m t ,i lti conlereitte i i til du.!'lle, cl lci lii 'iclEvansCcu- , iiUitlc ci Il' ccl lot tc nc.ic îiîîîtî i icili ii R ant >1 iti 'i lit io eg tcî l' t .îîî iz dlictPmt H'c>liC~'tt tcii Lhci ard, 111 . u chire Stinuhi> 'iiuîn. 'ctilli ashu it ccn itii u ici tlu -iî as a F: 1î '11 i 0 und î faciil> -'and J. form i le i lc-iîc(i ,I l Iiea' .ciiciiii~ triiu- ~ i. iiiy Fi- cce lt Ille Av.aden-iy> ,anilexîlcts ii ic thic c- , ii uc o t t l. Tl.> ia ,ih_ [or1 tht- cxecCisec."afciir'la> ici itinl, ttr(cciint i ,tinc'tiit-enitnl t is c cti The clcnrch secioot teaclieiaand ofti-ici'c1( î'a'aclii ic-t I wtîcc ie u'cui uci ý lriicut SiIarei,- Ec-cîaictt. cii d.i i î .iberi 'v,!1,in ic clieut l w c-c-c'dc-igh i utty cntec-naineîl iti c-rui ric iii i y on Moc iMûfltday eetning. Jîune il t 1W. ' hi Ionte Ijjý jj .iîîiît lii t tý' Iofc M r, andl M rit. Wl Il ialf'% .Naîritnd 'c-tîtcI l ttt i l 0rY Ll, and (talia' Afi er fi le rei-cilng icf rî-Iort c for (i- -ctcii-. c t ii tu' Arerican Gui IcI ci I Icasi six ictoni ls and na ki ing plans [fo itOra n ltuttu . hiand itdr-ci oîft the fuIture, fie stbject (if[flicannuit imuscii'c i S i. i'li aomtcits churcl.I n icentuir -as dicuncied, and filic date sel (', îiti -ive au organ recîtal cof for the tast week in June. Only Ihose clasicie itlitmodem organ compoci- pupîls antI officers activety connecitedilcîins bY-ictt lu the quartel of arc ici Iwiticflice, s'hool on the lasIt to Sun- sotoitt ci lithe choIr.ot St, Chrysoi days in Jîne are expected 10 attend, luis. i -, admiioln charge 'wilt ci so Iwîc mucre chances are gh'cen, for fitî cenl' and the entîre prûceedc ittuce taicc ilhto10gel Iln on tluk an- will i-u deviei)c cithe pipencrgan fund finacl picnic. -of qSi lcrcwrelict-cichurch. Theatreý r.\ t UAI. JUNE 19, 1920 JACK PICKFORD i -BURCLAR BY PROXY' S~ \i \. j\l 1)î, 19201 ,A G TEWART î1 ','MIDNICHi ROMAXNCE' Nf )' J' ))if t.t.c T- 'ci ci %4- C F.-, P rimi t M 'hi',c ' s, .î hî,,tness visjtor Arn v ikêe a.venue m rmlt.r of their r , r. . r 't., t i 'i titi.,,, 'p. s rp]t. M tîcn e t ic i ordcqced thie a- o-i Lady of "I Mtg IlMVIrS_ In thc.' ys rtf iigliPruî ts .i'îi ad-Iv' cet i ving costst v.ou have 'a drîrilr i ic' i ,'-- ilie 'tc , i,, cc ti liti i t', i - f i lu t i ;,t ict t1 c B'uildîiît up ,a 'c- t rie is ii att-r votiî hate Ijitîiiti t.iL, IActLie ic portant îhing Is il>"staît. ýwe Invite vou Lo n'>'.- that btrtw ý- I. %'.' HAVE CUSTOMERS TOWNS AWAY. FROM EVEN TWO AND THREE 1 c,' lte iltotîjiliii'cou,ccdis enougli to imake the ~.i 0< NiOi ii i lit l i pîI'c vou to get our prices. Wecl illîJ i: t oi. 11,1. 4n of profit to your advantag balui ,iIle good li îusîness for us to do So. Volume of business is more important to us than profit inargins. PH N Li IB. *4 * - -4. L K s The largest purchase we have ever made has just been received, consisting, of Messelines Taffetas Crepe. de Chines Georgettes on sale Friday and Saturday at the uniform t 00per yard W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANY Phone '29 Liberty'vill.e, 111. il PAGI 1 (, - ý. 1 ý. l., ý . . 1 , , , 1 1.1 ý ffly,ýml

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