THE IJÉERTYvwILLE M)FENFN, MMRSAY. JUNE Il., 1920.. 00000000000W'ANT A D S 'The t' aîîcuotla shoui was rirpre-RTE-0CnsprLeFc srt. setltd in thie î'ack meet a( Gurnire by RTSlCospLa.EshIsri. torboy,, ait ln faét that couid be got 0 et Minimum Charge leuloethr.and ti t ilwas eu lolo s BA h et h'eef ep~iuVE F.OR, SALE t%%,t note's ft>r %ANTELD-Men or womien t bie b H Su itrl t 1-A IA.Stroker, Wau- -en t'n, u iiIliOyeiir. fiers amtong friendi and nihurs ('tlîia2.Lux, Aurne:3rd, . E tro- iand biccu % LAir h it dêeil oin 280 tire'.foir the genuine guaranted boUles?. lier, I't'ucoridu. lif Illeberu l ard a nLaiw.' 'tunfy, very Aîgi Juinji 1sf, A. Stroker, Watt- welliiiflimed, The.e noil-s are as fulli unes fortlui. wotime I n)1i couda; 2nd, lion, Gur-nue; 3rd, Pl. Siro, - as t" îîîintboAindsatnd btientdren. Eliatiiiiittu dtrning. W. psy lier, vvaucondrî.lifeiguf, 5 tee[2 JD înfeervst mii5 fer cenl. EitAier crin lx' 50eair!u i ft'r-tsparpt' inie, or$124 'or l220 Yard ili- - st, A. Stroker 2nd <'Ho setid u W. Ch~ 'Aurchîill. full titir ptitcu une~'ajy E. Stroker: tti, Bon of <lurne. tî(eLk.n îrwfnr i. I WrIte Internatfinal.'t"ecking Mill. ShOL01u1î r,. A'.Jenks, Wauennda i Nol *n'nl' a I 4 ..Ind, E Strtîker liii, W'th, Guru <'îyî WAYrCI îl r'n"iA. 'tt' nilf trs Distance. 37 feeu 7 lnceat;'rtOUS L -likeqan os tr AillAe Ritîl I.f A. i'l;tik,,i-: îA C' 'ono'h CHe'.,Iiî",.i rabc pticetsandeasy tetions. f2i1- ..î'ks;3'dt, W,.-h h i (-urne". Ciaî' rua'%vil.,c %ijrrriiii ifit i'ttie iritll i 'I lorunlirsi irnlîî,',-n A ,j ir, îrîe Inn, ';, ' ý, ~ Aj" (lnî~'Aîf,'i il 1011' nilr, 1,', I tir'Cul h : ,:;1,1,,r ' ,,rhE Sron"ki. rr ,n ' h Il n, i. P ,tlGimies z tf li.r rnI I 'r, 3 C1, ,%t 1Ci 11d, r!i;I u. cO t'. . *.r C N ,.n ,i'i St., :;III, C'C' i'l'1'I,,,î ',al,, ' .11-, rr ar r,,ral tIf IV'h,' l . f i, r 2 ',;î:;Lr o 3 r I]i irwrif.r 2. I C . k l i«,'. C . o 'A. -,AI - "r IîC'n I r:. v I,,1,in.urrr ,~ n'o't n , fontrm r iii:1.- r-r-' r i> 2. i r r, n ,, '.T,,,j, w' . ', -, nra' ri ' i", C e n di 2 A I rrr,, l',IIIlti,ri 1, a1917 "'lc" r it' -r ' 1,'1 OU j.r. 'I r. '., r. ",Ai lit Pîrr ,,l .rr rr C ~ '-lC !-' M : ln r lh. , nîg :.î noik, r;r; %'sîlî b.' ririi' nhit' iuil l , r ' ' r1;' . rrrl ". s rWV rrr CT' bit n fî, ririI,t ' rfl' o! ! , .îrrî' r 'r' r',, ~~',\ ', r rC r ,rrr. rC'i- À ' r i ' '. ' ' ' . A r.A ' " n"'e, r r. r" , HOME MADE W11NE 0. K. DY UNCLE SAO Expected that There WilI bee Scramb!e for Grapes in Waukegan. A saparkle o ip :ý1nihp -*ppearedt oî rlu' r, ovder by thte intetri 'i. irt i îr MOItL lgtdl' ii i" i îr" mm o!f lnintox ' at iiier. '. ,"tî r r, The order, lîku e ii nn, irr àtM Bantba n taies n kick 1IC nuItp th*t the vorde 'ioni:.lîrxcatin" rhl be Interpreltd as utnintoxicat in. ir ot. not n accaîtianc.' SiChlu ( ln ribôUc content. 'l'Ae niubrianni. ofthCl - uijn la hat s'Anps ant i irts ima) âiêmanufactured in the hli onr ac iai taurnption sant i tay tunraiti nu! a4mount of afcolio I I il. itir,rrl)ii mar bu ale to an,nlli njli rCii,rr r MIiAng înf0xcatt't Au expericrilt' *Inker s ho i(-an t or,. (nf ium Cen'.v r per cent ,indt' iii ,rc'alo USBiIacture wit:(,j rn îr lhe tuxt <of iiýtîurlic r 1 'r. t'1ICîwý "*EM ion 29, titr- 2i ifI rir,. nailrii gee lbtln t-Iî p ,ni. ' i rn 1, ,ly Inirosed in it-îr, in ,t.j'j I IM'uature of liquorrAiniiiia fiet Mîttuaaat)îlot alîpl> llt a fer<-cun fil k- *d fruit Juices excltîively for us là MIL home. hut sueh eider and frun J«'ff S0e *b otlibe solti or tisiivutne i 11 g' 1,1r Ilr !r 1 o\ r1. 1 C" s '~ C r'.,CrIl nr 0v ('t ' g î. r 'r1 1 n in'C ' a i ', i iiiý I r i' d lr,'i ir r '., i,rr , "l 7L Ar' ri.!iau. 3 F j, , , r . ,rr' C ' rilir . ,rrnf -NIrr., 1'. B rt WrIr r ,nil r Ir ilr a ' 4l, r1 r r r(n '1. rI r..r......... . ni,.rr ,i (r,1r"'Ilr'1't 1 OF cims A~Cr 1 . F.'Irî'h rIrd Uriîr n l r, l rCt ii i "rr lt1at, it ( Iu n i n iti s 1i, IiýUie iid lil c' fi d, n , r., ntu .'ltrî' C2, rat a \1rI t' "Ucli lron rr rar inr n di r anj 'nîn. iy .S'rri %%it bc liIvrAil n."t 'r C '. Ilr,, ' irlie '.\. E 1jýrirOt;, gu n nii Iil nr' , T rIkln' Inn u r*ý ius fie ' - riîrrrlnr', il, Ird oll inn, r, .lreir tC i r,.r[' Mh , 1 ,occur i'd ith.. mrîri- 11cr Ifn ilusrrswîy i l lue hoirinte u i n 'r, I ,' 1 , Io Iiii (l i lilrr >. rI. C" li r11 - 1ICi iiche>('OnîIIel' iO 't1il rn, (ladI lle C hu jlrasc- ie »irutaXicmtng . z" r. r i a ns a ..lai.i i -r r,uîA "nlrrd, [ beAride i tIlAtt'only ni, ans uninxic;ailig. ln tact less tian li- Tinî' aki' yorn tnic nie 'nrltiii î o!rrlrNriWrandi Mf H. Frank f 1 eui3 ct of alcohil. as pr tIldApr-ilcl fIle day a il t AC;îr a. Iflo 'S î , ' ioinlAs tAre ynungest n 1 of ftile 2 aofitie naîit'reî,ld4 q et-al no Ina !;of1 ' N.E H ~ niNr .Tîtin 'irOl Jri :apte, CAoieibirionnen..i e-ra rtwrrîs-Ating[til)t fiiy will r riple, prhIbitIon 0e-SNî',C '.IL Av eiyanti Mrs. '. l minticiAeir honte n 4ake Villa. Their rit"utirnChicago. aèes many 1. f in. undrt miiirintîildintsîî'ni n al 'i iann> i r Iisi nI nnd cont ralurti lofl5. Ci 'rrabead, and lbas written Inida) aith iAeir pareunts ai 1ia:r 'M m-îr.J.DSikwett .îrii.rtfor a more complets, laku. Ni'r~~l~Siîlr J. attend Cit mar 'At i r n ', Crîî - W. tG. Bifker drolifit-ti a pî,ce-î-î' ,, îrgu of Miss Blanche Cooper andtil-U es tn r. he ruing stanîds i ft le, trou Piple on lis foot. asat a'eek anti liami PeAcrson. i tA î oi.îîJ::rsés t obllea wilid srait osaied uie ninurwltih laidFret aiMr. 'anti Mrs. Edigar Keir of V'in- ThierîIî,,r lie 000000 00000900000 cenneslnci., and Mr. and Mrs Gueorge .encolles. Ilt1 at o L AK E V ILLA -0 Mitchell andi Mrs. WAlliani Mitelieirî' l te fi'ni"' 0t )o0 0000 0000000000 Chicago.were week endi visitors at the @,stance I. l el T Vhl home of Mr. anti MrM. James Kerr alMostii C. . ,i.l~i(i 1,-. "r- t'ny on bvasi Mr.Vuf'nluNfxon of Aftenujie burnAng. 1f'rn' 1,0' i~~ rii.î F'arm han been sPentiing sote ir une lje ttrr TIr' ' 1 .'itimi 'rircamel out wACh frlunds n Chcago. tite anf'y %sur ~i.n.. .,. r'e HI-r-4 r, .rrr.'rt"r ai ti' icr Mr. Altbe,'g andi faniity of <"h iagnt tl rare' occuii'ng tAie rafiots urove Oime shattirîtIfi 1, l'O' . ir r i.ilîîie ru fl aet mariket. ltgllteiîlig ' Hv il o , r C jr,, jr . '.t.vilIe, 1lc.înno i aldis stenîing lCtrr.'k of the 'ri'fririrn. i rlai IrC'rwr, r OCe sith Mca. John MitcellIîCLibej'CV, nl"iei '1,r. andi Mia. Jîln fri,î,pf e r w-uYry ofl 5ttl'ir1, ne r ..~.- - . .. .~. ~ tiineti Chicago frientis overnIflue aut'k ______ ir endl r , .îj~ 0,Mr. anti Mca. Roy Meachani hall as Mr. Growcher's tdiea. et, I i. Arr'c>Ar inrlt of Alleriau.guests Ihîs weuk twa frentis froul %% i'. Mr tir tnhradiîlrn fiI .il m te suIn itd Il' rntrnSirCa tenovutdsmeconsin. Br'ît-rîî lilual. but thiokb iit o f it C .îlý ý' alXtard neuer qrume to iully te Mca. R. E. Hussey, Mca. Wm. Weber,.ltî i-' z(i e oVêt in thecN)ur» o f '4 î'u.-t' IkuO s'ry (11l1 last wuek Jr., Misses Ruby anid Iabel FaicliUne.e "r CA CD "r C CF'le l, I'.S m r r' ' nit 'r 'I. .. C I I .'llý brugi it L urrp.ic y the' Mouira KILLS_'l-RATS ALlX F ELDM AN TrLEPHONE 307J LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 1 Pay the Highest Prices for 'JUNK AND OLD AUTOS. Automobile Parts for Sale. 'Cl '7 Mi NfICrriard. Lit, '.-'JAN'rED--GOOO GIRL FOR GEN. ERAL HOL)SEWORK. NO LAUAr- DRY WORK. WORK EASY. MRS. h,'ITH-, 1633 NO. GENESEE STREET. WAUKEGAN. PHONIE g5. if IC f.Uht2SANI'lAIIY SlfAfLOW r'!ý or :. " .13' 'r"' il irtt 'r /C'î 'rCTr.Cr, l bousem '"i t' I.. r' f r. n i t ' r r ir , 1i. ..r etc h.,rnr r!,,r1 t'çi rrr t.,' l r. r' rîr' S ix' > l' ; 'A r' "r ,. ,. andr t'IroCU C. ,Ir.'.Cr"r1'r'1r1.' 'r' C IGirls Wanteý.n.dI For Packîng RoQm Foulds- Mdilng, Co. Apply at Office YTOL XXVLL- MUNICIPAL lu JS TOýOP3NI1 NI3XT SAl Ikliman's City Club Appeal f0Womei Ç t f0Suppol -WU ReDUCE THI ror the %ti tnf WaukoBUfl la te have inai*ket it having Aieenm fli- persistent effortit or ('Aliy club. TOit mare tLrtwn aupen ttî tAie pull urdaty. "ie following ci ln euiittlttdby the' lii ju4t wbat IL ihoPuti( "TIi-e muxilc.lfnl niarir City urtiffiance wilA hi- ai Jtifltî19(h. coiner Cou roîtt and Lakre a'reot. 121 MNany peuople have S fIssAn t' tc,,a publie utar kegun and uorni nr tifen roundtb iat maily 1 grower* of gardien LnîOk flîtir îii'odictce ttowflIl cent ral Place whore thf p atte oft I, thoreiy u$ai ihiiah well ds briDgln fh"' ouseWife. ,lIy brn.8ng a IlIr' gre t'nguflate emat fut bring down<the Prefi -a ' [tii wAfh Do lhOrlli lait, tii the mert han' th litae.4 cretiet. with i o'fî-r n41orté al overtil ' Prduee broutAit ta be gold by the. .PrOdtî'. 'The wamue of the qîtuitued the creCton 0, andtietatuitke 1Ilaa urci stand hy It and be oui the piioduce wtîtch ta '1 *RS. MUSIt 1i W1IEN ARRA AS À KID Corinuance Grant, Mrs. Musi's Mot Not Be pres ONE WITNESS Mnrà Charles MuAl of when lier case camfe 'fùùýafdy atteoIloO. repteaeated by StatesA (, Welch. A charge of bien pr'ferred ataift Thie followtflg accOuf ing appeare4l in a Chii' newapaper: 'lertstalned her pa -'.kiks uen Mrs. Mabi- wood. III 'appeiareti 1*10 1Il Grahamu in the SbC court foilay. chaiiud1 Ra> niond Pallasch. 2 ye. ie was playingiAn fhe liorffe 2066 VIAfftonav Tfue womaflwepftif n( By ber aide it5tztlber les MusAi. a lieutenant Recause Mis Musil' unahle ta bo preseat, it 4.d for a continuaflCe 1 t wgs granted. Judge C lwtveC, fa reduce thle ThAe testini Of !0f Maîoeey,' 2107 (1»! on a eu, an $lhe la Lleave f, Miss; Maloney tolti how tiS dllegeti abduction. Ang in ber doarwaY wh tiefendat band over as thah spesking t Hall block away tI she notlcedi an automoc Ormd chasuffeur. Whlle stifl speaàklng to the ch was% called to the telep nhe returned. %he sald man and automobile h SUPERVISORS SENQ THEIR c TAie board of super, rniOi'1y adopfed a ros< lni; 'ondolenceâ ta thqp M. ('arkt, lats aupervl (hoif-ifan of the boar Park. fi wasordere 'tho ui 'ond and two Y eC.îflvetu Anthat City The resolutlon folIoi "With deep sarrow s îiît'rvis0V5 of L.aite 4 r'î'ord the deatb ofiou bhe, TAînidore Merrftt * Cnd Park. (rIo.eiv nenoclateti Cin"'ally sud warmly m iudAs ifuatîfy (.a.t'fl em' 'a tn offireal duf a','ora -of service l'o lefrltandi for L"~ ie'Cyhart neyer A ,jCidi ls sterling nti fiiin fie msppet and 7 ot'ii lnee hlm. "n Ails privafe Iffe t tAi e earchlighC of PU' AN ELECTRICAL WORK ROOM l)elco-Llght enaliles you ta have an electrically equlnPed' work-room by furnlshlng coin. plete electrie service. Bright e lectf'Ac lghts for workleg In the es'enings after charnu, Eîectric power for aperitîng lathes, drifls grtnters and eharpenefs Write for Catatog NORTH SHORE £LECTRIC COMPANY 232 N. County St. Phono 607 124,, N. West St. Phone 1658M WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS ý Il