CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jun 1920, p. 9

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LAK ÇCOUNTY INDEPENDEN Lake 1CounW# éBig'WeeIety ckgm m tat *a W mâin CMsMl"am JLrLi~ UL[ WA.UKEGAN WEEKLY SUN r vombea lD 11"b unds and aDmhore guarautesi houes'. ai. camen 'àud 511*1- t dat-ns W. "«Y sure lima, or $24 'or i -eL-e unine*2aay. [liai -Iliiekins Mil. b1-241 mms and lousaiS ras- tItI eau>' teni. Wi2<- 18 t: - , ustaiý,al Br(m I. ;LI] Osr wrft., I îk land, wetI - ,',. I ri,, filil and,¼, .i, 2 m. i iprie- aiui wil sti ;,~ ,u, X K,.tîn.i- a 1917 M i.-NIl1,ntar. Lii, SGIRL FOR GEN- WORK. NO LAUW- eORK EASY. MAS. GENESEE STREET. HONIE gq5t Il "ITARV' siIAI.LO)W i- el,O1 , , ri nkito lu ,î coi a -. hione bIouse111 I i. il , 1ù -, sh , 5 o , l iIe an t'Io, i ( Il. b k , 11 11 4 '- lt Co* I Ç'OL. XXVLL-NO. 25. PART TWO UJBFRTYVILLEIDEPENDETJUi NE ,17, 1920- MUNICIPAL LMETAUE CASE FRON IS TO OPEN IIERE iust Off Ther JURY INi DEATII Of NI3XT SÀTURDAY Bat ADI)ISON DE HART X rnsCity Cub aes an Iri B . F. C. Cin ta i1 udge C. C. Edward Deides Ae fo Women of the Pa ..a e elinola ahreawweeks ago, inFaor of Defendant Ç t f0Support ILt. i' aithorbornie%,buslnesenaad n $1O,OOO Ca. _Wu Re[UC TH H C.L tElgi, ilûru aoe r? imt. Jol- WtU~REDCE HE H C.L.1duly, standingç and qiting :nlong* COURT IS ADJOURNED N0W VertheflIat imoin fs istry.about that terî ;îory ,uffered cong.d- W orthotiet m la 'a h uiialy.rabjly-ali rtg>,t -1 Judge C. C. Edvards ln the circuit Market, . t hav a a municipal ih1a'bre were sane P,.uI)ie la ho Cama- court-late Tuesda>' atternoon tank irinkt, t avi>'beei btaîe IY munît>' who ïstack t the Cali 01f ront the jury the ce aO Ida Marti, thp prsistent efforts or the, Wonana dut>'. tad4.i ad ittin@ amollir. againat the Chicago, North, Shore & City' club. The mnarkcet ill bO!I bruhen glana, plater and bricks. try-. Mlwaukee electric raliraad comapan>, ti.rawn apen t# the publie nl'rt $t- 'Ing to bring succor tu the atricken for $10.000 damaxea. unis>'. 'he foiiowing cammufication 1Commuflîte. OnMi otion by the couiet for the in rut'mitted b>' the ,iul), expaining Teicephon,, operatore anld plant mun defense the Celeu vas eismaaed- the Ju4t wtat I.itnlahoped (o do: wamvoked liîk, demoans. liauru didnt temtimnmny showing that the raliroad "Thu mune *pal narh-tcreated b>' count. ether. But dunîisx the bcseai 0fcompany va inn way ta blime for City ourdffiance W ili hc open 8aturdaY., material, athough it coste ,up. b>' the the- accident.wblch renfflted In the june 19(h. coiner Couti Sheridan way. and julit lot un realiewhat the death of De Hart, testimon> beiag rond and Lakre areM t rii a.ani. t diturbance rneamtt,, thecorWunitY Introduced that hoansd everai tier iypeuople have ignfied teir at large and 1the, abuttng dagli of oldiers ad ildellberatel>' jumnped Imb derffapublie market ;n W,,,- 1telephone facititifs. the path of the car In an attempt ta kegan and umui n. em )tm. DuhamiE'veryý,Ody 'breathesdl Mare fraetl rcoachi the alther aide af the depot. tif-en foundl thatltueur producorsand,'< 'tien (the teleptione linesa vue ce- A zPeciai Jury vas calleil for the grower* of garden tnîok would bhug ms(ored aseiceuresumeil. case. Ilîcîr lroduce ta town If therà waà a Art,- ?ene girl% and plantmea lot, Ida Martin. ad.-otaatrtrili In the cenrai place where nie>' coold dis- !tu 1h, pald cquaI cage or More. tir, OBate Of Ilehart, »oldler it Fort paie of il.. thereby saving tîme foer that niatlur, hau n tioter Channela"fSheridan who was killed hy> a North ilt'inah vûll au bringing a savlng t o OMasurce' -Shore train et Vine avenue station. th" houseWrife. 1I 1i.e a inl item te a ech aub lflghland Park. Sept. 26. 1917. uhile 1 13'braing a trirgr iMtPI ' of 1 ier lu m.tlu u a living wage ta. atteflhlintflfa go ta the tort, flled the gremn tif t a thre marbuet wil tend thcsi peoRle whü are of your awn suit. The plaintif! representing that tuhriag down the preent higli cuit flesb ond biood. I.e ln tilft coin-, Dehart supported i îs, parents. Mr.= 111 silin.. -ua y penil tiiir muone> lu tihe andl Mrn. Alunzo Dehart. af Highland *u ta wih no tboîtiihhlift antagonjrmuinîY g~ it e iufonPr tanit he men han' ba ha'e uanrkpt'goîng. t liq Ontlail p i n,il ie li,- DAhart vas ret,rning ta Fort fM lia.4 Ioem creafeil. vith [la ii,- with jphone b hy4 et,-a Jong chetik. Sheridan, alter 1a visa tta hie parmnts o'lî,-r effoità ail Oier trie ciUIIY j Wag%4eil't ule more ilhan lhlf uf every when klited. - Produce brouglit te, mark"t m u bo nt)frbera i4 oilybill, and if the' be god idrb, the :P.'OCu-ýer theru<>f. 4 elepiione cunîipany ca't afford tu> *'Tha woa'%ea af the Ca>' have re , pav 11-i,. thPY go wheru the>'es ciLLN qîg.mted the ofIbihs market eana1t ILI OIS POLIC andl ta mnm'ke It a eurctiî, s. 1ue ltoIeltoîne eoxpenseî'5 have lncreasj-ded stand hyb>' l ad he a ohland 1te b 'hybundre'Is of tho*aands of PSElari.E tepoue&ictubo-t&» but service la a ew entsa a ontb' morte. The l injustlçu on (the telephone 0f POLICEMEN 1141 WIJjLdWLjustilce Ia the %ailer. iisîcl WheIEN ARR ,-InNE!tït tiIthie la (r la Arura111 I llinois plcmnI 'WR N A RAINED a %ry alat facton n te bg uir - uallai m nt ion bore Ioda>'.sapt- ' (if tth-i. ndustry. _lue bih ,of the ud a resolution rondemning tnilkea AS À KIDNÀ mnoin tycteleptione tbus.i- ot Men or sionengage4 in police Segt> . S. I >nrlî utChicago. andi pretei by Fxa»k Suivan. a Clii- Continuance Granted Because eacu police operator. leana follows: Mrs. Musil's Mother Coud U11146 T LLI,,P4ovdIha e heIlni NotBe resnt.oul WE RIN SPo lcemensaeeoîotton. In conven- ti Not BerrvnP iwrir&r R tion amuembled. ut Aurara ., or - J wrimi IIL A lereby go on record ase belng oppas-0 J'Ll"'E RY 'REN ÀR- ed ta -trikes or walkonta aofamena ONE WITNESS IS HEARD a~"~~~y' U Viu nd wouiu engagadIn l police work.v - L I L CHDIC va.. Betthat we ara public er-1 Mr@.Carles Musil of itighwOOd vaà R SI vaÙE nta and that bthe sotet> of aur tel-j gaê..catiuwance ofo ne eek TreYunlon o i ctizansdepends upon our loy-v vea 11er came came up la Chicae a aîne-t thlulawful helemîjent. ci Tu~dyatternooa]. trs. Musil la TreYugMnBud.t ianl u liet ' repreaeuted b>' States Attorney James Grand Jury at Highand Pk, rul osi i duî tabtheurloyln (I Wlch. A charge of kldnaing tan elnet eti.Vte unher lelee bt1u9l bien pr'ferredaaiînait lier. D.ln oTsiy W ute elv h* u n The tollow ing accouaI i fthe hear- tenegsa ahI îli.r,î L thendurce ot-IV ing appearedi n a Chcago aft ennflOiBNS IE T b>' ntrusting stho (ha dulp[s ct-at ,,.ar" stalned lier paie and liaggard 1 -dîeeâ on our protection pending -he-ekit uien Mrs. ab-i Musil ai Iligli- Efforts on 1the part aeti hree ,ouîg prop.-r adjîîetrnemît of n.aterna bene-y woud. iii . appeared bsdre Juilga Franîk men arreeteil on a charge af i lîvtug ficial tti dur work." Il1 Grahamn lathese hutilelilavenue hurgiarizefilthe Wîter.4 jeweiny store C court la.lay. charged lth ikdnaping at Highland Park hiy mensf haebu.. Ra>ynond Pallaach. 2 year oUI lad chie corpus proceedingseviently have faitl LIWA4 lie cas playing in the trëee near hlm Pd 7The Ira. young Me.n vure ilound homo 2066 Viltrinavenue. Juxie 4 toa1the grand jury on TV-iday ad viii E LE A K R N The waman vept ibraut the hearing. 1e lu.-kud up ln the county >' li ta LERA D Byli er aide st5otl ler hnebanil. Char- avait tha action uf that baody'oaiMn I flt-t le Musil. a lieutenant la th" nsvy. next faî.it. la seusidl hat aoune aofIlîci LO SMITHI WIEI.I>L Recause tMr. Musli'm mothur vWU vilisbl he te raise the bolidaea of____ unahie ta ho pret. her attarney salir- $2600 each.Tewdigo Is elaWîu -d fdor a coatlfluafice until June 23. The namea oft ibo uag Mea are: h-edngo isNeleWle iltivga granted. indgo Grahama reitimei. Victor Catie. aged 20. iaughter af Mr. andl Mm. Charles Waik. hiowvvr. ta reduce t1e bond. 2,000.- Delbet CasiLe age 19-er. 713 S. tIcla si reet. ta len IB. Smith,. The il>' mJoseph Gentile, mad 19. moil -r. andl Mrs.James Smith, 418 l'etaioxl>'of one u ' tir OnLae Ct tokpaefuatunll Malane>'. 2107 ('IIton avenue. vaâ tait- lb va n December 20 of at s er, Lk or okpaetiiatr eun, a hela ta leave for ILem Angelem. that 1the Jueier> stare ai R. E. Winer lmîauau ocpto chr rl -Mitss Malane>' ol baou the day af at lHighland Park vaa burglarlsd, a the prusenceofa imniediate relatives tue adlled abduction. ae(-vas stand- coniderabla &Mount of juvuIn>' bains- sud tricadg. the Ruv. E. W. (lavîn. of- lag ia ber dom-anca' hen, se.flaw the laiten. Laler the 'yâuag meun cure flclitImg. deimudiht beal aver the little boy a-reted la Chiicag-o sud cure entuaceil Thé bride andi roama ver. attea4edr amit tough speakins taltr. ta mrve terme af, ix monthse in the jb>' Misa L0ulu Walker, aiter ai the Hait a bock a>'y the wilnion sald, Bidewell hecaume tise>' ere carrylos- bride and Walterr clitîx. brother et the elhe notiel an automobile witb a cal- cancealed weaponia. Jewelry t(1e>' Warm; bridugroama. oM-id chauffeur. While the woan a asanddhlaIlt their poasession was Identi- The bride wan emplayed as trqê% eti tpakiong tIe echilil. the vltnea ual as part ai the lant takea trama the at 11e Cyclone Fence cOapanad Mr. va calfet ta the telephone, .w heumaWintur store. Smith ls an ensineer on the M. J. P1 Pihe retrned. %he al. tise child vo At the hoarlng Tuesila> the itale, amui E. rallraad. Thte Young mUan i man and automobile hadl dlaappeairel. ruprumuted b>' A.ît. Status Attarney onOritiseftirst ivaeligibbus visas Deane. prasenteil the evideace et bh ie ma venu raaareltîemr- SUPERVISORS SENQdispsai and th young mua cere bouillile sadd11e ervul avureai tar tva 7ars THEIR. CONDOLENCES aven.Tise>' declînoil ta testîf y. being promatul ta the raak ai mrgeant _______________itmzmdiatel>' tallacins- the veddimVs- Tise hoard ai aupervisea na-Wed' rsaw ua ~ceruman>' the Young couple planne. nedyaotda resalublan exteal- l IrLL IILU i leaviug 0an a tua days hoaeymoon trip lus- condolencea ta thsp tamil> ar Tisea. J Y1E L S O Ï T ta lhe Dalla and >Nrthern Wiscoasina. M. Clark, labo supervisarad (armer bA UhII ,wfrau pon theine retuth'thâey lrmaille on (hait-man of tise baard, et HighladLA iI Oak struat. Park il cas odere spteU tipamPEiAPT tho ueord and tva copieqýs mnIé ta 1ei.itives lu (bat City'. The resalutton tollotri: oè MORE TO COUNTY T I OW IE I4 e tervisom f Cbunt'. Ilflinoi'Ta .nn micord the deatb aifeeat theirmeëm- Tîcdr enî ,~ Gerwood Manfuai riii IN IO C O ho-resTi-dr erttCak IIh, School Notifies the County W N DIO C F R hlm aPrk.i' Board of Increase.LIE T VL EM N iiciaily end warual> attachaI ta hi;i LB R Y I EMA cxii iaiy -a-i mmbr eua Pr- ST TREBLED IN 10 YEARS ".%s n Ofiiaidu___bi___ve Robert G. Nichois Namnes Har-i vors -ot s-rvice fan thse tovuoai1 The high cent ofJuventlus lq an- ry Stecke "and Various is-tiiandl for Lake Count.,lii'1ather pirobleua vbich is controntins-ohr" nBh luc'xî.-'y ha. never ien que4tlaaiedjtheeboaurd or supervisai-a. At their ohr"i il 1 ni hile sterlingies-rît>- wan fon meeting Tuemila>' (he supervisea Iiiinliile. spl't sud cantldence et ail-: vere notiflid by Leu. A. Philipe, up- (,hargnea that bis vite hail et va-' î'iîlîncevhlmn. ierînteadeal at thse Glenvaod usanual rions imons bailgone fa Wlxellag lu he privaias if e cl a tnnder i training sehoal that liunam.ter the centat d allier places citl aCIer men sud (hr- "earchlighi of public poiton bief ta Lake CaunI> for ah Juventile meont that upan the one occasion et Wheei- c4latractPr mrovedi ruc, nindeit apu4Tta' 4he , ount>' court ta that instîtu' lus- ho vas Indtscreubet Uh Han'> uni> and lenbves Lu his famiil>'i lnr ii u$25 a moath insea of (uka.wou for Roburt G. Nicholle. thxe heitaeaf aun l'ggT$5te aehr-ofr charged. of LIber! yvtlle, a divorce Monda>' la lite. A~~~~~1$6.teorna threp-ort e sprn iecrutcut ug .C dsd RUSIImmEBO S Capais JV. Ley> le playing .0 lagO bud l thépoitîce ar ta. day. ~ ~ o as BU iHerbent doutlai a@uUtioý. L&RRIED DEFO 'RE FIRST WIFE GiOT DIVORCE IN MO. Neait1iy Roalt Dealer's Wife No. 1 is Yqung Brunette; Have, Two Chuldren. TO FIGHT THE CASE HARP The aIles-ed higamoui ni ,ruuag.-ut) larry Rf.McLe-A. ,Exce1,I- S:rni Ma. -realt>' operator. rciîuiî Itu t., woAi $300,000, in Waukî gais(,us Nov.I 7, 1918, ta Mima Shirley Ni.II of 1a Chicagoa.Il>'Justice J. V i. 1,and tie mutiliatian of bise merî,- ense -ecordà ln theclaits coutY iscerk's I officu fa lustra>' evidunce iliat tise marniage booik place bure, tank smliia mure coxaplicatul turc Iodad wua lb uas learnul flsat WIte No, 1. Mns. Jaie Kit-nus MeLain obtalueldidt vonce fata McLain an stebubon>' ln nIs uhoft fiâeyear, ai vib tne a propunt>' mettlement oi $60 000 là said ta have bu-en made ut aule1 iret1 cite. cho claius chu diIInet kaov ai tisat bîme thiat Mcesn liad married iss BMua mare theis a year previotis a the Lima ase ohiainul the decrue. Mrs. Jussie MüLain's marriaes-mte bue ruaIt>' broker taok place about taxi anag as-odiltise> have tva childiren. She ua nuaillua near Pasomas, Kasas. The hulk outhei,-McLala vu-altis vas Mra Jeesie Mr hain la a Younig va- mn. apparently about 30 yaars aid.4 ald a abrikins- typec ut brunette. i The nmaison fircItle continuanceq whlcis prahab>' holak'-uln tise action us-ainst (ileLaun au yaks limace là balie t e iaaid Io huve indicated h. Tise tiret cule lu sald ta b. dater-1 minaI ta puch tiiî. case, adihainar- talnuî Etigene MNi Lua>ard as iser la- gai coasel. 'Thesamutilatioln and shîet ofthe mar- rias-e Index reculils his Involvel upon9 thle count>' clenki. torce a tremendoua amauint oi work. The ILdex la an rnasel alphabetibt>' Yunden bthe lu-f ittal ai bath part lesi la nemnavins- the index lea! cuuitaîfitg tise name aifI iie Shirley M.hIc-e. bIle ames a 10Ô other pensons chiose alumea begIn. rith that latter. extendias- oves- a per- "lod ai mevenal ),cars, cari aima ne- inovel. Tise crae b;ale rue aofbîha- page ualer chich MeLln'a illeame recordvaas fxled Ehmployem ls pcanL>'cleriCa office cene dumtousdcd when the Iiscovcry vas made raveahins tise mutilatians ot tise marnla:ge icn book ad tva piges oaithlive e ndlsex. . Mc Lailà laateteue .about 40 or 46 yaarm nId. TIheUficago wcausa. accordîng ta peni.ons vho necali bey- Inas e auma er ut the ime the liceame vas issued. las ftnikitil>' bealutul. Kindness to Blue Iay Causes Bird Vengeance Bedford, lad - Jufli-16-W. D. Danln. , clnt udîitor, maYs bina laya have uneuiissoitbut flot raison- las- power.oa Sunda>'Mr. fenaison, itudas-toak tarail-tic a Yaung jaybird fram a cat. TbIjeuother ja>' mulun- denstoo hi8 moive canid attaeed hum, iijurnas- i.s huad ucltb clavsand beak. Twice sdacethue la>' han at- tacked wben Nfr. Deonîin left blis hanse. Theu tnt utitack vaa four bourg mter the fln-lt and the thisrd ,early tIla nuing. Sugar Prioes Take'Drop to Nineteen Cents Pound Sus-an iold tac 19 cUitaa--Pound retail ad ao pattabtom fors-$1.15 & peck la moat netail atone a am y la Chicagoa. accandbns tu inaM'et reponti receivel b>' District AttOM-*y dyne. IMIlleace heinn Ie therai, W.grand jury iudicabed that Pnles a othiie vegetabli ad clatiîns- Vms-e *o ldMmiip. Idiatmeta V*M bu ackel f«obi m ~ ygproducean m t- os- ags vrèrebauses arem atIDealler.v SIX PAGES $ 1.50 PEa-R E AV I holter (han tva milio~n dilla &ta FIDV L EO ion as the>' presente il. B A D Of REVIEW FN VA U 0FThe aluns ed DtePub uAsPLANT VASTI te rst' o .e :made of CIECKIN6 RECORDS I EVA~EDL TE as-loera vIsa spent much ime la WSti LYE À6 E AT D kegan. gains- thnu the plant ad cecmn- TeVaIle au(aunty huarda!rie e~~ lsup an lb accuratai'. YVer 1the citirliaseheen al curk tfor the iasCt t .1 Waukugaa ta have attampiuf a uch ilsyàsor (,owO eekia.. If ciilraqufre Public litilities Commission en- s iot"t5ÎVP i, ivestigation weuld hava Saie nie inf check un> ou their hucha. '-s ma y undedRof ollrs. They wcli not boginLu tar 0Wajmn gineers Knock $450j000 Jilsi chat the finding cmi resut tbina4 nt il atter (le ietrst af Aiguat. off Valuation. in, Se tir as tfi inglof uTrates il ___ conceruued- remains to ha scea. cut under circumatances tbu msjarlly can-fR D Â E M O M AY AFFECT RATE BOOST nulr sec ch>' thucommaissiona antiîi IA U T SF O grantlh sa anpu> itencease - -Iaked fr avi .wofatile t tt li ai their The Narth Share g-a cumpany I10.1 vaîtation bas beaua n % buc, e inn AN 1 NAPOLIS ACADEM a ratiser important decialan a fac daya asmîlor - as-a chen tise Public Utitities commis_ invio of tise vaet ainomia tcir sze i Carenro O1s"ux. son oft1 il. E Oi«l. sion made a findins- Liat tise antîre Csuel hi>'the s-as coîpen>'. tus-etnrI iýgýin aeu.arvdh vauto ftegscmaypoe-wihIta heavy Indebiednese la therf Rig-utavnean-olhe I fIýdstefndn rh tise yoestrday for a iîrep weks vîmsit. sluabtan8ath4s-a7.s cian> oe- a u luîstsetîdn1 a le ieiij o radtiteà hil, fre irnt Annapalla liesim ut 1.6343. fffliai of liiles commîxission Lai interv-ting te ay >'Nnaaiscisoal cul . ilierank ai au- s-as Company' have baun contcadîns- tIe eat. Sigus al-aluns- lat tise actual valueaor(the -Enqis-n h -u-n urL.h comPny we $21010081.fjCr. q.PejnaYhiaa tia ahli.airthe The decîian la important- becanse .Grain Qufcky Rt.amdiii orwam. tîv91 . aiNwYr ro, the afficiais ai the@s-as Comipany' in I s u1 01aCma tat igrains rtipe askias- for an bocrease !a ratea based ëarIier la Noranas>' bln utisasout tof blîir cantentions an the rate .airln-a Europe. Rn ativantage dlue laelise lomng Doiii> ThOughi. daysa nd saotngts-isbfaitiesaumouer ?ever umgen madie good guard £&J cone tha>'ahould receive framn blaIr lu tise nantis. itieL-Sisakiis-10ro. oeesss:pppsgpg:------------pp: .s m..:::pz:; Ever, New style Is At The Goabe rinI. - GLOBrmI. N 1 ' tE. Waaken-n's Paornaist Store For 1 Men.. Oh Wht a Sale and What a Response!. Our Great Drîvé to break the back of cloth. ing prices is making clothing history.* Neyer has a Psale of Smartly. styled, top-notch quality Suits brought such a response. Lt is a tibute ta the men of Wauke- ganand Vicinity who appreciate clothes of distinctive sie and highest developedý tailoring at prices that haven't been approached in years. We Continue the Great Event -withi thie iiggegt cIotlîcs savitîgs you'II fuîd anywlicre. AUllstylea fuir nieu 'lnd YobtLUti i t tiiesc speeial pî-ic-es. 27" Regularly Rtie up to $4500 Regilalyloetailed up to $55.00 471 SIX PAGES

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