i-RIT WORL? American So -'ty cal Research bt-st dfor the 'tt IE BF-OKEN SEAL Hervey IlyiUoi. f iîrd"- -an Society for fi>î- for ruati> yeara lis tr. - ke to boive the lbtilty long e»grosî;ed bis dled I-ast Tburbdity New .lerasy. omain a-as su0 fajiliar- ta, oi o-called sip"iis-il op; îuiubably nu îii.in I- &fnomena associati a I il-I id Do> lei are mecre asil'- -id vilS ibis Ami t-iczi l waas t5tý txper-t. 1li RICO t iott5 via art #rit-i eciii fi 1, table t ippingai and. cil a nj uriOuity ai 1< ile r wiii confIit- i,3 iî iil of tSera by eoauriuci- ývidenitIal ntnct. lF meote year- go 'Êt a Lis ii moe e-t 1 ofi SIat-ti i? ai !t lits contetd or a )ti disntotwd to an>'ti h tni. Theme notes ai 10J velates and locketi uaY tuaint oif the PIiyaIcs FaO- Il vas agreed 'Ihatict id be distirbed tintl L.ad- -11 ar aolne nienbe'î 4)i toni t revedI ta one 0f tisa- ru-- lie had vt-ititen. lii oa be openod and coi;i...e4 elation. i onse ai ihe Wtitas M a e notes vire luckvdsi- las been no rcelî.U uûiopened. WliI Pif ha "eai? Surîivors t-t 1ie a a reai test of bib ita- 5-8et-ia5 ii filsu mtiO I. and ilfthe tue Of Pkg,4 ln> ibis 111e 'le ams pretaea. imunicating Fru1 aIe site i nlo iPIVIt evar wSt W1,011 lventure Nto peult - NDS ONSIN flUIEER :ONTAlibNS KICK r, lune 23. I,àtiiine uieratinntç of br',wt-i ics nbec-sues af the sttî or <aiter runtaitti-t '1i- Ifofi i ptr ce-tii p riil-t 1I rohili, î a - 1 -i t - I-t day Or two. aeîîîsç' eri I. 't-l tit il ' I l -îg1o kick ln h t-fad ti iu-tr aie t Second Floor Prices at just one- ey are made and staple which gives rice i - lis vag there tbat v' tood On bliétorie E I sol, oilvhere thé fate of races ORSls L/A3TE K1~N CAN~ADA 1 eli as nations, vas largely decided Iduriîîg the piat te weenture L^..~IJN I Satiolîat IiditorialassociatinofÀ nrca mk>es bite recb ii iitiiii uti Firrit-Iîand i%-cstigatiozn of the R*sourees and (jen- BadFeiliadltt tritishah d (2II t il*iuab in Eastern Part of the Dominion. Anieric7an ft'es contended frcr - q1>1j suield, Ill., 3*e 22ý-l t'r(cmacy. MOi-bhisfatry cenltes around nteda a -*uicid, iaw- accordrg ii Itenw eYtful etie u t Crcîît r Scott W atertof '-ang.arrl thenovbeutiuil' ertle t iflVV cou i bt> aSihs prepured one foi i1 3 SIUTthe-home tof an Indutrioî' intelii 1 gentand asp sl îopî n-s-ion te the annual convenltion (r gendad osorbl pope.thet OuntycoronersofI lilinois. %11, D.r W iai su. As vas Interestingi>' polntc'd 0out tO opened licre today- tMr. Walter piîîl us by our Canadien boit, the ctitzêus te ahat lie bellic-es are shortt-oulîiilK, of this border iowns tof Amherst and in the crimnlaaw In tuat tI r", lti-,Ni w Bruaincik. C'anadia. Imposiug buildings and romtfortable SackvIUle, an exredItttn. conF.sting aIdes no way or brInging to Jti(- ;,i June 13.- Sitec-aL )-- The Canadiaflii i t-rii tact, the meimberm of our of 2,000 volunteerm. left flaston one individu-ai wiîae conduct LaS l-1 t tIfoki have k.-î.t thu- Natonal Ed(itartai tari> w.re surprised to spe t'uch a sunny day In May'. 1755. in a fleet of' the suicide oif anaîher. iV me sa tîra twe have ntti ad a subsîantiaIIy consiructed c*ly In fImail vessels un der the çonîmand of t.cently a coored girl'ailed in fi', ;ýî,ce to, '-nd out'w5 mince Tbuîrs- whaîthe tafi ot before bad beIn la sort 'Colonel Monckton, te drive the -l She had leen tue dupe claai, a t. We bave been an the juIIt tif ut uft ile-vay spot in tihe1rov- lirpnch out af tbeir anclent heritaire saier. Ater lier self-inlicted Ot-llli, *such 'a clip i al Frid#t>' and Sa -mc,.. ai Iieausejour. Having aùcamîdi'hed CrnrWalter, knowlflg tlhe cirîiim- ut-day ^ihal wp. bave bar -Y hiall ti" Ibtis In tbirty dayti. the Anglo-Saxon stancs threw theman lnto Jil. l i i l to breailip teetilsil>' nd wirat mi> IThe dinner at the expimentl t'onquerar, vtth a rutbleas dl"regtird m a'- however. no iaw ta caver the- i., haer<e o- oeIltt rwrieiiafaria was faloved by an Inspectioni af sentiment changed thr. narne ofthefo(mrfud h and Il Iiv aur éest -es eire tanhale o flic jplace andthe guesât-f a as8%athe fort fraon Beaisejour ta Coin- r- eI he rei(ut-r o.Thw il s the people utftiti- s'ai, a r-alize fully fine a tarin of ls kind as any ani, tand the bay beîov Il, frm Beaui ie prî-otit-î. This situation ivi, oi vlusî a lha-pitabie ani "iet-gptie lot paer visited. The drive thraugh la basin ta Fart Lawrence. And here It mtuu NI r. Walter says and hâsail of iteaiec ieerail b,- founitilnuivery Sackville vas dlghtft iand wva wenlt, l9 that your rppre.qentativea verp eaciii, o scdeat n elty andi h:-Yrlei ahi( l i u titr in bte egirls' cliege wbere addre!sbýeff pisingly enteriaine'd ftala " Fev tt-s ibis grî'at dominint. tif vlcane vere malde b> the collage 5spots In 'Canada -or in fac-tAmerlcasa Et waason I-ridaý . hat c e hsut the and cit>' tifficials. Foliowinui ihls. ve possess mare oft he elements<of! vorid tfii xei.cri- ot-tf tandilîg vert' takefl ta the auditorium where romance tban dac te scerie of aur Beginning of Lufe Ineurance. witbln the ui î,î iiora- tFort rcfre-iit-nts w ere aerved, dancing toi, atternoonts pleav-ure. Titis vas a iIciî'iacegrearouitif maîrine theatre In vblch Iwo greet pavermiusuraîîîe, for...nîectntiss-ii î DO K CE E ATSY NE ,N.B.vrirsd out Ibir destin>'. vitit ail the IOishlienI ti trly titiie.% t'-aUully DOCK SCEN AT SYDN Y, N. B.accessories aof ticetg and arrii's. In- i] ti w dian combatantIt atid rench habi- tt l ib e atueira tettît-el'îa îî tenta,,priests and nuns. Iraders and aMoe oi îl't cttlre iîyndil'tr, t'a diploma-a nd sil t-be pay of ambi.- r btîîl III.y t e uo sîate ,rll. io.greed, Intrigue, love, var ,m ndtlicN a l,, 1helt'ie 5 Meiîr - patriethsm. ralipe:îi -t'n. In tîrter ta pros de theî - Furthermorc It vililbe rëcalIed tiîat tiT-e.uli'V ransuitii 'oîr thclr releti", -il <dîring te troubiesame te rei<d -tif t'aureililt lt-ime the prîitt'-4-if 1777. an Aincrican force ftmVieii'~l- lgneeiîî a i> î-îî las, Me. under Calonel Eddy, a caon- tpt-nain liîiiividtlu:s. calieut iter. tinental bero, amade an effort ta cat- %vrte whagunrîitieeî the p i'nieîî tutre LAcadia and add Il la the (~'e i' titi rnsoin l)It the even t f - liejr- ofthie--union i-te uctualy îîsi 'l icants %,,-lng caugiut. The Ira-i-, / Fart (Cumberland but vas defealeti sa graîlunli>'exiendedteI a til wiî. and bislittie army dIsperged. And so îthe livem,, rsi of marinera ntiiltier been wrtten wvUS uhe londof i't e areîIl iirelut-n uftra certatin lire- ndlan. the, French, the Britis-h andl C. mrct ade a e ac- iiiiii» .ta pny a fiied amotîrit-if the Y ht pes gem od-wiii and friend 11.(titi ut tilsn-q evolve'l liitf..ir- ptit) fort-ver. acrion.ite beau! Iful vilîrloug arinuaifcontractsaifilfe lîî'-ar- orf landsciaiie fanee. la lise tdy Signe of Consumption. i - M"Vt tare tt't' a rly syîu i lin'-? Thl paien(t-t mii>lhave ni-l lier c(,u^'tIl h-r exî-,,ira ititii. lne teela. tir.-d] li tht ie aftr ail, udnakes tireti lit the norilng. [lis, appeilite1la pair, niitiis the 'rim e iw-- ~tlng. lie 1t as'e iyiatistt'tl sitr- expetse. Anyane %%o iîîî,lfce'i he"e To have voux uintiflf and .ytoI4IIuI.i lri luseit alînulî l cîîIltî plier baung!do4e.For satis- a 11 faetorv work and reationable --il ill;an>farnît>'.ricti or polir, vriestrvne I*wrence and lucre aur thuughts liîwed iand a delîghtful eiielng vas in mlf-ithane meniier la knownt t11:1tva AKGN vent back ta thé early davtis wuthTr'tiý'îitiiitloî lteltesîîidb N Trnc ad iîts > nd:taivti Uc The' p -ale af Sack% lie and Arn- exaiîîîîcd tîy PHON IEl~'i peopla frain the colonies ini the sale-s i-a u-l'idct htlt> at-___ ____ cane together la sucS dradl>', îron r-.ivhIappy anti îlsru- unl ad- ijict. the %atitorsi bad a fine î(lrsso if FOR SAML-Oiie 1919 Ford!tL L 8 Arrived at Nappant, aur party ltrt thet oi commuffitues'.Cue one Model 83B 5- 2 8 the train and walked a short dîvtitriro 'The histaricai asolat ionsviih Cue te the experimentalti tmwitcrc. -Ii te aid frts about Aînit-rvt and passenger Overland. -Bot - oues1tisifthe cilles ai Amhert and Sacka lIte add mucb ta tic Inter, t tof cars are in first clas8 condi- Sacilviile tey vere served vliî th t i l caliiy. t1onadwi90esl a ar OB0ETOO LARGE ORt TOO Wondetulliy fne luncheon and then t Fort Cumbe-rland, iocsucd atesr- I in n il es a a- SMALL FOR OUR PROMP>T In au1tos, drové dovn titrougit a beau Milt-s s-es of Amberýi s-asa pointt gain. T- Linga. Columnbus In- SERVICE. 1 country ta Amherst vhere 0_. thet iumah nterèst tathie travsIi-Uranat1 stitute. 'Waukegan. ltwkly ~ed a weli canstructed cil> n it n e s.-pp4,d there about a haîf >our i earOld-3' -THREE STORES - 215-219 Milwaukee Ave nue23- 5 South Genesee Street S Wuth en tre Waukegan Liberty-#ilie So uth eneSre Saturday, June l9ýt1h We -Open Our New Store at 223-22,5 South, Genesee Street Corne and help us celebrate our Third Anniversary and the opening of WAUKEGAN'S' ONLY EXCLUSIVE AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY HOUSE. Free Lunch, Cigars and Flowers. -Special reduction -ôn ail ACCESSORIES.ý, - TIRES and TUBES ALL DAY EVVRY ONE Lilesto Save On Clothes t y OUID HAVE thought so if you could have seen the crowds in our store Friday and Saturday. Probably more suits were sold than were, ever sold by a Waukegan store in two days before, but the great resources of this store were hardly touched. 25% Hart Schaffner I& Marx Clothes There are hundreds of suits here for you to choose from. They were good values at regular prices, but you save one-fourth of your money by making the de- ductions yourself. Ail This Weelç-25% Off $40 Suits are $30.00 $45 Suits are $33.75 $50 Suits are $37.50 $60 Suits are $45.00 $70 Suits are $52.50 They're fine clothes, seling at less than it will cost us to re- place them for nextseason. The 'time to buy is now. The boys, too, corne in on this. You save one dollar out of every four whethei' you buy for sum- Wmer or for next fail. It's a great ezchanicç to get next season's hschoo1 suit at a big saving. 'x~n The Home ot Hart Schaffnter &t Marx Clothq.s S Largest 'Stock of Shoes for Men, Women and Children ln Lak ,e County 6606 Reductions on, They ail carry the old priçe tags. 1---- I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -