CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Jul 1920, p. 4

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WANT ADS SAINT LAWRENCE yIliCzrothRA 1 e -EPISCOPAL CHUll1CH muns al hapenings and de- Frank Kennedy heCa ofteRTES-10 Coutspar.ieEc nrto W. J. SMITH -.---.--.---.--Editor 1Rev. Gardner Alpheus MacWhlorter ne "s. , aannow 1.n; , Il l it camA h1-d somle tough luck inst week 20 Cents Minimum Charge F. . MIT ...-..... M naerPriest-in-Chargo. agan wln fhe-tiied to e lp lcoioito fthe con CH ST.N L E -.LclM ng riSndy, uy4h ithSna fe The Carnival Commnittee lhas every-mnitier injurieonsistingo a spl ,rý'SALE , &,cormiick blinder and a ILOR tSALE--ilTi ng ms jn , ,inlan ionfortheVilageof ib-ty-ll- Church School at 9:45 a. M. thing arranged and all we need now ed back and a grouch., truck Iin rtot condition. Dr. Kitto, 1dr1ving herse \W'l' ,,1 oin good OfflP Ici ulication for LaeCuthe la g of Liervi le. Hoceinely Communion and - moni at are the Three Days, and the big gurnsi'Mi.- tA , mlenorho a df, o . 27reT Ifr Twa n -y o T ubicao fr aerouny Bare d uerviors'o pcdin .11a.mofFosPark will boom joy land pleas- "Smioke," our, famnous R. 1,.magnt , ay2-1 R d.. 7 IIIIIIIel vr hrdy deriigR tsM d no no plcto- Community Service in ithe Park iat ure to aillwhu attend.· wals -cruelly buried f[romi a holu P lli-ie- -- - - - -- ---- - - - to 7p. m. inan into a car loadt of coke, and hie is FORt S !l 9bouses in Area and L XST Yellow suitnaii GU8CRPTON PRCE 5150PER YEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. T rewlben eayclbato ThSu mram hsjstbso-nw back on thle street with thé nmaçýk. i rtyville; prices range from $15001 clOthinghet ween md Pr -- - -- -- --eofthe Holy Commumion at 7:31) a. M., e noeitnefr usdr.I a fis misfortunes adorning ihis coun ,.$f;'101 asy terms of paymieni and Lib"rtyville. C'art 1 N i 4524 Officed Telephons Numfire1,tLiber tyvil Il. a e chCang. hs SndyMaahePietincarebecomje the point of interest to al] the tnauceI omeo on monthly payments.------N. Kimlball Ayve C Ie RwarId Il atth Pstffc a Lbetyile Il. a ScndClssMalMatter, willlbe celebral ing this service at St. members, and fltee mwill be some big --- - arding, Area. lt. Phonte 184-J. 27 I AndIrew's church, Grayslake, returning doings over the holidays up) there. Our honni able comymander, Naý i1- Fr li SALE« On Uiotjjy payaient y TueDalin, SeeestBon." to Liber-tyville In time for the church fis having al toughi time sleepIing and FOR SALE Ilolses and lots at reas plan. Awleun* ar amo He ay se tok$15n frm im scoolsevie t 9 4 ad te at cl- as 'unayBolrgiprtyofth eting and *"cussing" oe lide toable prices and easy terms. Ed- 45 Acres. eep-wel, I, stoka nd imr o ndNÀ PI E induced him to lend her ebration of the Holy Communion lat 11.mebrto eduanfom esr- railroad speeder these daysI. We ms win Austin. 18if peet;ml hc 2 rrmnh broappearçd the pair watchied matri. Sei-ietoehis clli ot 6lteo7 p. tu in iresaind e igho1 twef raennhisNmile roundiown. Olt 'SA LE -Cnoieresidence lots on a F M.rHad onia adertiemets. he n- te0prk, beginning with this Sunday tal o'1fre)tecm, a place whel IMeh¯iey Ave. Mrs. Grimes. 2-tf - swered one Kepler o.Juy4h Th mebrofllteL -_ _ work and worry have never had a- - -- OtS L 0f inch steel CLASH, IS RESULT 1o%ý,: ~ertyville churches are invited to attend, chance to t.ake life. Just one round oet FARMS WANTELO-Branigar Bros.! cable. wil Ih (ari*)1-r aýA pulleyrt for Highland Park, ;11. and to h elpi make these services suc- 'rthe swimiming, toating, dancing fancy ciating, sleeping and entertain- Co., 117 N. Dearborn St., ChicarIitackinLg ha%, ChIa, -o Lb 1 ~~September 30, 1919.1 cessful, hearty and insoliring. They and anything thatP'afin Beach ever ment. are In the market to buy farinsala a1lle F«rne Waukgan M n thrWs worIy ir ii in re-ld lo your ad will be heldi every sunday during the lhad are theire. and can*t be beat. Ortßr eg n n r S inth Hral Iwold(je, to. know Ilummner months al the samne hour and Trio:, Auxiliary hiad a grand limes. If You awish to oeil, call or iirite-- Sand in Th0mpS0n Machine; mori. of. %ou iano s s nd you lherewith place. The Priest-in-charge of St. Law- Iinm't forget the next regulr nee- i miie Wednesdlay evening, amd all who them. Phone Central 8148. 11-24t, gO od Lc lnimr> passenX@.ra. Block Stae IC.nrOl y photo. Please return it. 1 au, rence's church will have charge of felic flos Teewl b o efie ddno tedthe show missed some- --onTel c209- tLier 7 years old, healtniy lookmig and service on the evening of Sunday, July works there. thing real go sol ý SALE--At a bargain, Ford tour 7 191ýlit yer raoia halnr o h C .R--Oudeah ircinofWlim ilyELCINNg WaInn ondELLt iCoCPoeiodtrCa M Brad cagelofC- al m an Iiý%,,abas.thrown ainirr, w i rede-th s ical o r1o uoa d m se tSeigeprenentncs nIhn as ithey were lln elfoIlle p fra- -tn-asaiagdad uSe el no nhyns- ----tnSaurayltd Tatent dy f ta oer$100,00.0)watsami Te en oto ae p drie"whch asix rd raxted ýuntetes ro BhrIl re in)\%yu angreaoudupor ttteeli diarectliaon offak F ret . t he VILA E iou m nhnaouslca'tWt sIi e.- t Ideenen ohe This becameknown Friday whn t ber ae. 19 n r ia n die thm u1 nsi a tuPrday.0 uokhis Autoob deSlast rdy wi i he o unty of l ak .an tte of brans of angexesie netof grce. W N E - O D GR O E the efipeft:edcity ial s ae fr stoe . IlleseBoi éarithnkv en Mnd la.Jlyn3th 4 and aitnigi foto e IlnoisEA t>E IL EL* ; E TN ie ant.ofns.ub ctngoj ER L OU W RK NO A N offce, hih s o e ea ed by.te r y urcfte o te ;t . llug fso rgahy niaizeevs.oetd ugtr. In m ntsatr WIL 'H L o h up s f st O f fis, e Nl a t a r eqir ed DR.W RK(W RK EAY-R govth y ernor aild to maey ,its appearoi'ae uh Ing a. i med n itey ied ayoram Nld him wher 1 i nul'axofnottoexee t o ils io .rJhnSe;o & Cn p2 . l ben rme nd prcicu ared h1et n dcntma. Whthnit a ca oeli ,l)d'Osakerero sat Vllgeinaditontoth axes'r]ûerwnsa b tTohleneofc tob wh ciy m la der llbeariein- soud nttiIsfot you?. M .mg too ralgood för 'o u oys dw e tefbiayon m nfhlumecote .1h111 d, A. lim it b t II(iioOn f ot Si i -fi Pure bred tyuro as W B ff S NIAR iA LO qisdoi ti: ond the epaaion sui My : i mi i g ni -l Thses th i rs eurerm ov rterdIl d n li ned t Mr.Peasn htu I%\ Ii i t(I wai s . ried , ie IIIEigh lf A oA fobr t.hein' - fi5sw s uired o aro nalJu na nels 00f tdep rl s Drn fotcm nAhncniae h d to w ie O h eri can 1to show -armappea tios onkCha ield a yolor's ci-aýj ri d ta t hil ine r o tinl of Citi e and Sil aes". t ap n,1sof aof suckofta r waN te ranOd avIdLcOtam aSEN Thi bcani koofVidiwhat they e 24.U49 a re, dii on for me. . W ll lw iTh 1 sllhinnad icnes. Houn otrgihus on',rs ami>iion to r etu o heet o, dab aet thetie eSu matwhtyu ilhn r ws1o1mogtoe1e ve mn Ay heetfor the purnose e ýofkPrhe d 4forue k s cpal rpiE. DRYs, wor Z O UI IG NST RY he nc6occpid i th Uitd ta tesimt thien our v t>, ime i s o1 come.s the thzr dserès 1 atied a l r l ephone ni r.last1mintiig uie ak n adVi1ari w 5 R2 in l.P oe3 n S t na te. o r e verifal yas tapie opiy aL gta 'yurl n- · · night. lan, inpurn t eio f .tho I e rov i i 26 2tt ,e an oclt1SM T ,63N .G E E T E hsbe dage beoehm lyte dy vllntb lneo e fo m y ouR e ei inMaWhrtead sno" lvd Talra& - r. of St. I1aw of a A t oi aujtoie CIitlis and i4lio.Jh p -ýC) r2\. 11 A K G N H N f. t Chgoven c filty h nall e l ers. To yers ho uhts 1 wil,)e wih yo. Betrnc'acuch a hnre una Ho Cere h Ml oiatey aeshvigapomato o es hn -IO O EL PltS LE o son Tisyea h hs eenasurd lelve Bni- aried er O K tion to preach b at th gCom urnfi Ser- tiktj iha be divn on tpubloli k, apttiýprdadiyn hd;ago al ½ arso thhemlke wuld a ilsloportunity touwihot in g sa% lri obbd. Natually ic el,*dayin '-lake Fo re's unrthe A-ih acmnbeiv pae freJue2t,11,adt e re n utdadin.C inagote1 ea1ad1.c beco rm€a cand a rtheheuli a n R - as vdery gl aito see m, ait usics f hefoloin cerym nsen o tre rats than a m as og s aty ac inhere t io ic h e toa i rvx.>.id;2 mlsfrmCicg, VE B MEILL E I.0 t ytha Cty w a b eore the bia ei of ay ou w tu laned himItodw o were allresent at t'he servie bpka. of RAT-Sa insojaide ou6,w eks mor ing, and will cnti nuon utiil hanl f w AL oE l ak bes u oc r .,. InIlefe-l ' ta l n th Spem cut esrye telealgthr ih-ntrst -Iwlicls. T Ret ifo*v. ergte Roert, reb. lerd he alou. ile tem b lveoclckinte ftroo o teuureJhnBom.O ne. ieryn stuis fthý n ee ny com itee wich y lov ing ite se. AR .Si ternianl d on sntft e sc r e r n i t il ue s he r.stAnnlj ili f " n A ote d y ln-b enIoirim r Jii» n 26 'de ttman u the Thompson* forces1haaelec1 dainte r h . yad Rev. Jton hn eearfed a y 1-1 never heoi th Ti AiE.C IN 8C L E foth sp ing Thi dee ionT- w1 h a, hhallo iT-NAP."Thre sizs, 2 u.e5c N TRpo Ali N CE Fa theVAll ab e w T Mes,;n 11. . il ukng or womel n g 11toad take. l Mt m & bos ex e t d g e t po e s in d ie e e o r. le t r w a m n f mthe H oly apr it. T h fora e "M 'e l]cc - w 0 ou l d a uaal i c I %n e ed by She ackl en o ed a ni n pursuan8e2 fa n Als e rs am ong fe riens at n elnghbor; g w n o n 'io r s r eli , m bo cth the o nd wIeulia tt olifar everyt"'hing i com c ing aogt er preach e teneofielaetFoet sdet.nd Bordof'lrG - son m ites fur 0 i .ei oin. !The place bt 1haw n !e t a m e1no Commuiy- evie w sSudy v W ee h Fahes Go !oNun Ie rm nw me nY 1ing wil onlebe for a sh rt ime nin . F b 1 thre mo thsbefoverm m â oyt e e o o h ueo eo r d on. E i uits l darn ,o E.1 w e mo ý l; Am ng o;be 'nn . t aa hi t i hs heoterplcefi - oug to Li ber t v oi f "A mr1 he('an igt succ e ine a mtng 1YIpulic arka i e i b c nNou'fripa- im , r 24' basthe t w R iedb ot i n th e ' a'% b l ýL!ed. don com soe- nighty ev. G A. MacWho-ter of'-t LàawIaldaifAso Irve il time Exprience unn<Vil mhitaotee h ald beadrs.ognzed y e llh w %%il 4henen.w.ecom ewihu ne'sE isa church, s h a be en tin - h a 1none dd t thMilow ad t B agnigappui on T lesil Vrtat-ait I IO ona Stock i - vib taecm ite ndisrTedhm t isa d ky Ap lu R . ea e ied by Admirbal asett, Comnd e nhi eht ceR . hit iiuan.t ianai Cleuri on, lar lnd 2 hr with he conp duct orhe y9 o I: puignint at Great akes. o witn ss th Co iah wiéh a m d o oie od .i-l a tr r ee 0 b Commain dant's fibaa l ev m ie whe his a flagawillne lowlr;d2frm therAdmif, so . T i etinounc is bknw t b sa raio b ili:dstff a d e ilttk thth oldhv i oprui) ti\ihu-big rbi . N tr l ea vie ofheld St ati ornehst ucesrtengtw iha ei ,1hv oc ue2t,11,adtea ed adajiizi h erai ie beror or ande a t o rfilends sblia R-vem s with may th a n. sIlope aptins Wutsbaugh. will tae cm-n en m rri hnaym r os aoysl hrtw Iheeto 'I ;,v ysfý 2mlsfo hcIf, FV wol rfrt , ovro.btt l a ll fhin a good stua ion i!wl -athere.eFoet mce, n olntclieg eu te . G t$ e ltn llt see 'lc n h nae u ; i ir-r mi. L E I U p laeomi n ati n w i th it a lr . h d R - a d a n a u o c ide n t e a n dr . a l p e le t a h e vi e - p i . (i A - N P n s d f 6 w e s n , n n h andi l c n i n I- o e u il I l f , % ý o t e l i e l t o . I While wa foet he md (' o n-oith oà wh t y u c n wheSre il coutne r. Numt oleg a outhe a hi mth ast , Don ClsedThe Rev. G, F.>- lerdth mai u.Kile ieleihauero Pastor.enon orrte li'eJ,:nBtif O n-i .betil- the bT b ehomp'f re andlo:e e ed-SundayiShool at wih n crd l'lerp il IWTO the lwas . T i de(-r100gSod an ur ery department 11 A CE F heand îbeach iAN EDlaXInsr mrua ftrfle - Thislett dithe ksnd 1am- gl· ae bell-or M14 o nwig worhip at 11r.o'c hr Hl oad ei gSok. meuro the sen. trk S mithab. I nw eve added. nmediatelye, fi s lnni them. summer.- monthehsnuiheguservicesom Smth utth \ ul ea s ei h rme a ns om nr alony will be bte one or. lhertakermon by n bththeerythi an d 9 t ibia n a orirly-and lt.areistor. -i arranged and placemithrwa1 axpente C" iuiTeinion Spe s ervic in he But a thehia omit('onca.Wu M théme FeGd orGold"'ai forgotten during th. for arshorn pro-e6 pwom b are-n damamal e vi c e )l'o ,-n ýi:iae9d rig Co grlma gsn a ihe lauhor pl ia h oh r plc in nr eie, w illhe A Mncharge of thegh rlg iNI A l I A I 11) 5(ca fe rfo p rt fneo 2 oth e rpo el u ions we helb e Si nn Wldfi r.n'Ico;tc omeryh IiS wnnPser enbrk te Osener orth . ge ss. R l)illii a a o n g h on 1 PIlr erG . me na nd Bbler fSIConfer-,Ii lt1 -:l rin n t ht S 1 n F ei n e r sa nn d nitup o r n e Wifp env11117: 3 P1.ho r what IIhe c ity balrçg efer v h ;i" 1 .' oe "oto s .Yo p eaay e lcu comba e e ln 1 i iim y dd'tg) ,%ir Iu4 gA\it nt na oýl surir V German!vote" The yarehaptbelievr 'lbhat itlat ete woulitgwil e n'*bed rotnheAd ins pba oum3 . iLabo CanowlI 'li -1[le Ufle it Be bt aned' and Bi tatonIT HL inz $1500an Bi ONDSl a y h e an 1nii Ditî itTo ae s rod ra hrui t l eod th topsond lis r tlc e dr ~TheOHme of, Supreme Vaudeville The Bet Prora Se-ue ALSOýý ........---.-.----A Lib< Miss Illa Haven si' . b fiends In Wijsg MsMary R'obil v ied fiendK lhere Miss iMaibe-l John> Ilosition a la l Store. .Mr and NMr- K sunday. The Misseà Annai; li ol Fox 1Lake %i priday. \ N! o arv ,. n spending a few u- mLiberty e fiý s and firendpl M rs Mn .I sunday .afterjnoon .ie vil le ý r visiting her Pare-n' Men's Shoes Try a Pail JBe Milk Following Statement of LETTE S ARETilEMarvini Johnson. 0 LY AR EC WnTSIl'rc1,a.ep fabundan ce>p uwro rnaletabl e o n-ll s bureau, thiat Marv.n Jo ansoniý , ytan1iný ani LO VE SAd\O .Ill l. l \11 - from1 ilIt anG 1io wa, mpoydIl iriver loi Lhi, abl glwam acton 'of lhl.\Amoricar lahvay hl \in'W u- le l, how that lablor l., incking !,is !In up f, i-wo wom bs a go hadl Flee Hihland ark Jus in o"j; impos -ibb:,o obla toiandthat benarre-sted on aerhge of Ihaving Fle ig la d ar ;st inilpr - !.. m sanldi, .f ,n;ll. yý,flfatl io fs t frol, the Time to Avoid Arrest: ýlIaoà In Ilese mmdoswill hecotlfnmn lcamle Mondai, when it wa, -Swidled$25001 inSlI becau11se r, abliyof farmier.rlarnd hatF pdyd 1Thomipson of0 - -. frinlte canniers show that practi- diver for he l omp i has tbeen ar letr rmtelnolor--menou cally all are preparinig for greatly lrested and, Ilke Johinson. is neing and womneni v,, oiIüwed their curtailled operations Ithî yearBy.Th,,arrest o hmo ssi heatsin'Te sp.ders' web -bave ing Of fruit andl vegetable b these 1 :1 I;mhn brouigh aboit a- the been given to postal aulhnorities in establishmnents3 is reportedl as relue-reu of Jfohinson. Theb latter tg al- their searceh for Richard M. Bauter tant. This curtailnent is due mnainly leg-d o have- madle the stateinient to and is8 beau-tifu l ite to higher iugar prices, 'shortage or 'fihe pobre thlat he- was nol the only Posing a., brother and r, with labor and scarcity of coah on", 1do hall beena -getting away". the laiter 1s11he**Jure" and using Becaue of thesje facts the tara ith ml ioney ý,eonging to the coni- the estate'of JC.' T. Boynonl. wealthy bureau urges thant consumers of paliy., I-n is said to hav%%( asked the Chicagbro oræ I,, liighland Par.k, as canned1 goods place their orders this officers to look up Thomnpson: This tbeir weL.tbtelse two% nre said to have sum:nuer with their local dealers. This4 was, don-- with the result that il was swintlled vici ai of more fthan ' h $26,0 0 high aj no laige by Imal' il" r ln o te.l ýliglýj ý jrjÇf .1.p ca e bt reen. Baue7r was; employed as a ftlek.îi lntn ui, wil â ,nrpro o u arÏdener on the estate. ltosatth prbbedmn h0 h -,.Iessithýlat It was their plan to enter intoan hrb nbigdnesn pnrodn t ebrreipondence-he with a wealthy hlmirte prt u a hteiIloitPwsfrii d1r o woman and she with a wealthey mai. iiiica nrianr th II die hfpckgs colé fu Tw ill p e rmrtmt h e sefd e al e r s t otp a ssmt h e f o u ndot h a t t h e l at t erfs p a m Iw asl inveigled he lers-along to otheeiwhesaerrnd ig('ne T heraicle'. O. I akges ulaton s totheproabledemnd heb .they consge es sad ot the a wealth. -_ Whnen ths- trail finailb ntuo ou ur gis ugae u ,ii a n o ia asnI hlot theýy fled. htAotRtwi ifci o h ou yI e One of the wife', vieumi liBoniface a,*ýp4o hm lÇApfer 0og Milwaukee, ga%(e author. -of iloso olr ut Js n luhmnywsclet tief a score of lettersfilhehad writ-,lgan liknegec ptoedIthsmnrlmn kwbu ton im. He also totld of a woman ,o)ý,yadaeaniac uhat.adtr o h opn r.on namelli"fClla." a student at the Mil- I O r rul ihrttyRT notemte,.o n xetti waukee Art institut," who hadl be- iSA twl ueykl hmpehv utedtu fhnafwdY come eMitten with Bauler, etoos aao lg o' oci Teplc a htJhO n Geîft $11,500 From Him. i oe ncks hç ie,2cl'hmio eeepoe yteét Bteg"a'ng with «Worhy Sgi," Mr. ie$10.Slan urnedb1prscoayaotthOM U « Bauer gradually "warmed up" to 'cac lw o n »kteIrgJhsnhnsceddi etn KUI« consumerswuhe money. The artScoee.weredtaken THE UBERYVIL£ ROPE .NTURSAY, JULÝ 1, 1920 A1 F(iIR 1 prv1cejý le Independent "iCh roh Ji American Lexion News Items Blac out wea COIR RING NG BROS'. IRCUS Kids' Dogs-mm9 WonderCanines ýN Big cis- 6. 6 Other

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