CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Jul 1920, p. 12

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Ths ratMnySav EetsNowin L4WI- rQgress Boys' 75c Blouses Women's 35c Vests Sin.s up to 16 in 'lie implerfectionls do lrettrnew tripe and flot lesscn the Aearing figured patterns- ex- guaites of these, prced L >eln iaeia;nwat ................ i AizxHIEmIoN Lake CountVa Great t tor.e For' Women'aeand Childronps Apparel -Womena and missebs' .1k bon ase1 r ia. toaset bt, sope rboe 81.75 and 1$2iralues in bL&cký wbttf or ftroqê bal* Imehï ranging tu vi -an al-~cIor~SfhI5Ze5in plain anld 5ue p 10 590 4tu thla sale at a box- lace at 8.0 Women's fiber Plik boss ordinaril? I belitng for $1.00 la black and colora floys' wash suit» la the luly sale at a lue.. $1.25. $1.65. $1.98. .With Manufacturing Gosts Mountlng Higher and Higher It Is Easy to Realize the Tremendogis Imiportance o, Ou nnual july Clearance Sale!, -of ail our warm weather tpael for wo0 men and children demonstrating more forcibly than ever before that here you enjoy purchasipg-achrantages impossible to secure elsewbeein akea Wornenàs Coats Reduced a Fourth, a Haîf andfin Some Cases More Than a Haîf $10 and $12 Rami Coats for 3vomen and Misses. A linîit- cd number, while they laut toecear at ......... $698......... ' $19.50 Sport C oats in pretty new styles. -AIL SizOs and good colorsaut ..........$1298 $1450 Bain Co ats in -good colors; very specially. Prie- cdua'................ .... $998 $20, $22.50, $25 and e7.50 Sport Coats in velours. Novel- ty fabries and Silvertones, -' Ilelted and pleated effeets. AIl colors at ........................$14 75. $30, $3250 and $35 Coats in yery fine fabries in both long and short coats. Br oadclotlis, Gabardines, Silvertones, (htld- toues and Novlty fabries at ...................................$2175 $37.50, $40 and sorne $45 Coats in a varicty of the Most popu- lut materials and colorings la longand short Coats ut $2475 $4250, $3950; a fcw at $3750 and some Coats at $45 and oth, ers up te $50 in fine Velours, Tricotinca, Bolivias, Broad- cIotho. Camel Hairs,-long or short; silk * lined at $29.50 Women 's- W-ash Dresses In the July Sale $6.00, $7 00 and $8 Wash dre es for Misses and women ni~ dozens of good-looking styýles anîd coloriiigs in figured voiles % iost ail sizes. Speeial $3.98 $10 te $12 Wash Dresses inu Voiles. Law~ns sud (inghgîs ini a inuîîîer of wantcd styles iin a variety of color efe~, Marked for clearance ut$65 $12-50 to $15 N'allies in (IinG- hams, Voiles, Lau ns, (3ottoul (,leorgettes ini a %vide l'ange of cl:ver styles. Vcry specitlY piced at .............. -. $9.75 $1650, $1850 and $20 I u-.e nait u118Iuusualcollee- tiuîî tof uNvtited styles vith. 8ashes, ruffles, uide collais, etc. .In the July Clearane at . ....... .......................$1250 Wash Dresses Up to $22,50 iin handsomely styled cotton Geor-gettes, fie NVoiles anîd a fewv Organdies to chéar .t..... .......-............ $16M5 IlÀndsomc new ()igaiidie dvesses With stYlishtiîîiig of laces, uZide sashes and eol- Jars as well as fluted ruffles, Coats up, to $35 in wool Jer- seys, wool Velours, Broad- cloths Camel Ilairs and Mix- turcs in handso-me-iew Sports Coats. Many lieing haif or ful silk lined. Al sizes. .-Special at ..................................... 1695 <ots up to $65 in a wonderful selection of materials; colorsa and styles. Both long and short niodels in al sizes ut .-$3476 $22.50 and $25 Mixture Coats for notoring and general util- ity wear. ilave belted1 yoko and pleated effects. Very spe- cial at.- $2475, $27.50 and some $35. Coats iu those fine>, iew iin- port cd Mixtures, Serges, Gab- ardines and Poplins, etc., in good colom aund styles at ............$1695 and $4 975 $27.50, a few ut $29.50 and sonie Coats Up to $32-50 la mueli wanted fabries and rnost 'becoming styles and colors in newest sports Coats ut..$18.75 $20 Rain Coaf s and Capes in wanted colors and sizes. Extra special values at the cearance price of--.................$1298 Silk Dresses In the July Sale .M.5%0 $20 and $2250 and sotie 25 Silk Dresses in w'aît- c(1 colors end styles, but odds and eid.s at .............. $1250 $27.50, $25, $2250 and a few, $20 dressew in a wonderful as- gortnient of telfptitégly beauti- fîu styles ini taffetas, Crepes, e, at .... ....... ...... $1475 $29.50, $2750 and $25 Silk 1)resses ini figured Ueorgetto Crepes, Taf fc4as, Satins t ..............--.................. $18.50 $3750 and $35 sreifdu- ternoon dresses iin a woncrfl array of st.ylcR at ý....... $275 A wonderful scîcetion of dres-s- es in bandsoine Trcolettes, beaded Georgette Crepes, Tri-. cotines and Satins in wanted colors and blaekr in values up to $75, to ecear at ... $3950. Wash Dresses $5 ,and ý6 valuîes iin pretty washi dresses for the young girl of 13 to 16 in a number t..f ve ry becoîIýing styles to Close ouit ut $398. $650 to $8.00 values in wasil dî'esses-for interniediates in a fie collection of styles speeial in the July sale ut $598. July Clearance of Millinery Trunmced bats te $6 in a large assortment of shapes and trimmnings, saiors, droops, small pokes fer the Young Xiss, matron's hats, simail sa- tin bats, siîituble for motoring at ------------- ............. $1.98 Sports hats, in ribbon, leghiorn. Milan and llemp and comblai- ations of Duvetyne aid straw- colo ra arc white, peacock, navy green and rose ut,.......... . 9and $698 Pattera buts to $15, exclusive styles, daintily trixmned witIL, flowers, band upplied yarf,- G corgette and Taffeta facing% ut .............and $7.W SiIlk and'Mu?'sin Underwear Clearance Sale Night Gowns' Womiea's $150 mnusln night gowus, while they last at....$1 $2 Soft Longcloth Gowus - ~Nicely trimnted et .......$1.75 $250 8-11k finished. muslin gowns, nice]y embroidered, - Special ut .........- ....... $1.98 Silk (lowns te $f ut -. ......$440 En.v. Chemise $175 Mfuslin Envelope Chem-. ise ut . . -.. - .. .......... $250 Muslin Qhemiise in pet- ty styles ut ....................... 1.98 e350 Mushun Chemise, cm- broidered and lace trirmmed at ....... .... ...... ...... . .... . $5.75 Italiau Silk Chemise - Sjueciul ut.................... $3.98 Corset Covers and Brassieres 75e Muslin Cor set Covers - îWhile they last ......... ...29e $1.50 f4ilk Corset Cevers ut 790 $2 Silk and Muslin Corset çov- cr-s ut.......... . ..................... $137 $250 Silk Covers,......... 1.98 89c Brassieres ut . ....... .. $1.00 Brassieres at ..........69 $1.50 Muslin Brassieres, all- over, enbroidery and lace trimmed at ...............$100 Pettico'ts $1.50 Strîped Ginglîumi Pet tt- coûts ut ...............................**-.89c $2.50 White Prcttily emlbroid- cred Petticoats at ............ $1'371 $5.00 Petticoats with f ie lleatlierbloom tops and deep. Silk Jlounee with dust rîîfflt'. (iood colors, in the July Sale at ........................ ..... $398 $5.00 White Petticoats elul)or- ately trinmied and exquisitely embroidered ut ..... ......$298 Women-'s and Misses' Bloomers $1.0OU Jersey Blooiners iîn flesh and black. Special ut.........69C --. SJatceu Blooïïecrs in flesh $2.50 511k, Satin and Silk ÛJrepe Bloomers ut .....19 $350 and $4 Italian Si1k and Si1k Crepe Bloomers with ruf- fie and lace kne ut .....$298 iVaInes te $5 in Si1k Bloomners of new styles and dainty trimi- niing at . ................ .. 9 July Clearance of Corsets $300 Corsets in discontintîed atunhers but good styles at..... .. ...- ...... ......._ ...... $1M8 $400 Front and back lace cor- sets. Special ................... $289 $5.00 Corsets, special In the 'July sale ut ...............$3.75 $750 Corsets, special at - July Clearance of- House Dresses and Aprons $2.00 . Iouse Dress Aprons in good-looking styles and colors ut . . .....-.......................... $169 $3.5b1 and $4.00 ilouse Dresses in ail sizes, light, mediumn and dark celorings ..............$298 $4.50 and $4.98 House Dresses in new styles. Special at $3.98 $1.00 Kitchen Aprons in liglit and durk celorings, while they lat at ....... -........... ........... 58 $2.00 values in pretty new bun- galow Aprons in ail colorsanud sizesq. Speeially reduced in the JuIy sale te ......-... $145 Women's Suits -Ini the Season -s most, Favored Styles Marked For Immedia te Clearance' ElvêFy-article in this sale is of the hig9*'hest quality-carefully selccted Lfor the most critical clientele in this communi- Pj-but now miarleed down for clearance to pr-ices which wilt flot likely be reached again in many seasons-if ever. Suits ini Serges, Velours and 'Poplins in. good colors and styles. Special at .. . ... .....$19.75 $40, $37-50 and a few suits at $4250 in the season's be8t col- orn aid styles Very apceially priced in the July sale $45, $47.50, W5 and a feyf ,$52.50 suits in checked velours, ,wool Jerseys, serges, wool pop- lins liec leverest of the lut- 'èr models in a good size range. S3peeial lit ..... ..... .. $2750 Wash and 5111. Skirts ?'aslî Skirts up te $5 ini plain ,whiîte ini cotton pique.s and gab- ardines, jîlce IICw tylst close out at.- . ..........- $2.98 $6 values in Wash Skirts at ...............$398 iValtiesto $7.50 in silk poplin skirts; vei'y specially 1rieed at...... . .. . ... ..$369 *7-98, $850 and $10 values lu silk, w'ash and wool skirts at - .......... . ......$698 $P2.98 to $14.50 skirts ini satin aBtiiped poplins, sol satins and ottier silks at --.-..-$7 $15 $6.5, 18and otlier skirts up to $35 ini Russian Crepe, Kum.sli Kumrsà, Fantasi Silks4, etc., in nlew styles al lMOIS at ..................$1375 Waists In the July Sale $1 .50 Waists slightly soiled 89c ,$1.50 new Waist.s ut ......$119 $2 Ilandsoinic new Wirtlimore iW aists at ...........................$169 $3 Jap Silk and Lingerie iW aists ut ............... -....... .$198 $4 and $498 Georgette Crepe and Organdie Wrajsts.$2.98 .$5, $550 -and $6 Silk Waists- - at . -..... .... ........................ $3.89 $7.50, $8 and $9 Waists at $589 Middy Blouses ri',seilu. 88 and Smocks Wool and Silk In the July Sale - Se t r $2 Middy Blouses and smocks Sv aer for girls and Misses. -Very special ut..*............ ........ $169 $6.98, $7.50 and $798 wveel slip styles,- .buttont and slip-over; Special ut ............... . . ....... $198 $350 Smocks ut ... . .$ $3.98 Smoiéks in ali colora ia linons, urtists' linen, etc., -,-ifl white and colorsa t -- ---.--$298 Smocks te $5 la pretty Voiles and Linens la white and col- ors. Hand - ombroidcred $7.50, $8 and $898 Wool Smweat- crs lu ail styles and colors ut ....................................... $5.98 $10 and $1250 mcecrized sweaters la lîandsome styleO and colers ut ...............$798 Children's sweaters la $4.50& $5 values at............-...39 Children's -WooI Swetrs te e.75 and $6 at $9 $27.50 and $30 Serge Suits in a lirnited number- at .$.7 $59, $55, $57.50 and a few suite iup to $65 in wanted stylefs iii. gorges, Tricotines, wool vel- ou.r,ete., in newest colora $67.50, $70, $75, $80 and $82.50) suite in hàndsonie styles foi- late sîinier and advance fal wear. Rodueed te .$45 Staits up to $115.0 in the very, finest fabrics ini ail colora. - elaboratély l)rai(le<, and enm- broidered Special at $90 Chlldren 's- Çoats* In the July Sale $4,98, $5.98 and a few Coat,4 up to $698 in odds anud ends 3 $7-50, $8, $8.50 anîd sonie $900 Coats in, a fair style range in good colon~s, w;hile they last at.. ..... 59 .$11, $1275 and $13.50 Coats8 in sizes up to 14 in good colora and styles at ...... .......... $875 Coats up to $1850 in pretty color-s, newcst inaterials and styles ut,.............. Chlldren 's- Dresses In th e July -Sale Chilren'e 75c and 89e wash Drcss Aprons in a rinige of good -colora and styles in n6'st ail sizes at .......... .......59 $1,50 Wash Dresses 'in a Iijnit- cd numiber of good materials and in sizes freon 2 te 6 in the giily sale at . ...... ................ $129 $3, $3.50 and $4 values in ging- hamis, Charnbrays, etc., ini al colors, styles and sizes at $1.87, $5 values Wi Wash Dresses - Sizes to 14 including Bloomer dresses et .... ....................$298 Pretty' new -Voiles and Organ- die Dresses in a good variety of styles at.--..-----.$3.98 and $498 Be caref ul to buy no more than you really want. These very lotv Prices 'are made wlth the conslderation that the merchandise cannot be returned or exchanged. 1% -am ofFe-O TOeO dTiti a PwjetNs azo oth b Sh, eridan RoadI dlcregarled by %orth Cblcag.î UbLzutbe w is g g.>'4CQfi" $46M Oneed .0 " Arn effort to laint tw ey nita u mntc 'e de nt belle,. jeo àýblock »au wrm 07telaxe Coun irtireIltlinois and oed secretary W. C. "1"i1bellieethat if ev«r reacb the courts L soc te gladota of mai lite Cbamsber of Coui fialbeil seÏdlng ociutil Wau Arrangeiitf bai wbernby Il is firmIY leljan -Rcsd thrU' bu imrproved during Il %Monha,, ngreed ult] Dqwrta'ent of ite Stal büdM ld p&y for unle dadu!rcs>t inthe ceaie Tb@ 2 rematallg nl oaci end. te roanect v omipleted road will b sme Hlghway Departi t"Irestprovement te 1 0" $4&0». Tb*riesi % pei » etO.0 o imemS Il.O0 ta b. UlA micclpticu. ta te »W or »nere. eme.and If eac &tmbile ite Lake Ce - dollar. wlth *bat MeêtrOsi éther! etlef IIIIi Binuat would be iWwin flot glve i uSmI a»surtiace'Is Po pui vin b. boit. The eattire arrangemt bhdisof the' State Pli ment,,and Pbould aftYl y~ rmottey wl Se. ,r Hlow much wlll raui -Bondmon@7 vif h ye pS. AÀn.arly n o m » bope te let AT fHNiLA NIok Caramante à Death ; 2200' ThroughHii I- Nlck Cafmne ktyed:tby cbarleu 5h death tt'rttby ai rerli camin otc*t wltb votre on the Publie 8 lUses at FI, wbland Pî ptsed trough hi. bc Caramsnte vas tri tuent of I ie W. D. 1 au Dale l" ene, Higt . Isng a uir or ttobed te a long pý bih l lto tbe tree ai a@ With the 'pole tu t the bîgiier ilmpbs pole beeme booked 5tusSoe and tht' Thebody or tuesvi w the ground. He* optators arrived- ci la belipyed tat de The tnquesit was h * aaiertztking rocaté, mser by Coroner J. eurctwes e in e hein. The eqif1efl ,framnte bad hc watcb out. fer the t fore lie cllibed thé' "~ SON NOT A,CAIt OFFICE OF SCongresman-at-La tu explaining hisde' m; a&idate for senatoi

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