CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Jul 1920, p. 4

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S1 crazed about f un dayi ago ns n re- ln ep n en $0000 .1aeE- sit af belaag frilitencod bv a ei c n vitw cia e i li"r a intîc~ c 1fl ~j- osi -Waukegan Weekly Sun MENT IS STaRTED sealblck i,-n4ae-t.Dr Miilaer aras c-alle-Il ta:-tteatd hua-. HP W. J. .SMITH - --------- ---£ditor i O O TI IE sentliher t \te Mllser hopt F. IL SMITH - -------------------- - - -Manager ONoi-UHa ws-s-k. î lein asnrm Msrs ou C111^ . A V .. ......----- - ------------- - - ----Local Manage' -ar he lita eh-wouid blie li er danugiter CMAS.S. NLLEY--- One Mile of Double Track inl sent hom,. providiasg flaat tey OfficIi Publication for the Village of Libertyvilie. Tont eRli na waiiIl eep lber undî-r clue surs-ei- Oltelal Publication for Lake County Board of Supervinora' Procoedinge ,n ob Rlid l lanC-at ail hauo-e.This. tht-yion- U»Od Dvey Tmrdy. Advertlaang Rates Made KiiowuoauÀ Application. Concrete Base. Senteul t0 do. _________________________________________________Qu Monday afternoon balla Mrs TPhe lonag discussed Improvensent SOuitar and daugitter Marie vent 4IIIIIIIIIMPTION PRICE-41I50 PER VEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. or hie Soait Sheridan rond (Marlon awaY an~d lefI lthe datmelled girl lI treet( electric roan lainukegan ban th, care or a iwel',e yenn oid brotit- O)ffice Tlaphone Nuia-e 1, Libertyville Exchtange. hint fruit at last and s.ork wilI start i-r. Tite boy soon fergat about ber a ed a e lsatofîce et ILaeryvillIl.,iasneSecond Ciasa Mail Matten. wiP b it fi-w days of tearing asp the and vite vent. oai la front of he Pa-'sliti Steel rails and replnclng lias and -at down ini thetu -t outi. ilirit aitit nuc beaier rails wviehill ~e aemined ltera' or soate tinte <e LTVU'BfhlCcaa-i iehi laid In a soiid concret,- base. and ihe intenise Taent affecteillier Ch r h e Y rmices A-UHhIlfl'F JCO*UeAt ihe leasî e-aimale thse proposed aind, viticia caties-ai 1eevlia wn lit roi enteot will colgt $100.000 and os-r 10 the catholicehiurebIn.l Northt IIA E ~dM I1FT aa aun clo-u toi a quarter of a Chicago, Dr. Miller aaraertedl toiay. PRESI3YTERIAN iIL àSE 759000' O tuliif n dollars. About as week ago, tie Pasir Of LT '~"' MIMAI Ifl , hi,-n Belvîdere street and Tenlt lilty cents i change- and a noe 0on NO VESPER SERVICE ATITERINAIIL BLVU. a-iet ls tu be tbm uap and put in the' aller of tii cituccia. TIti note lat Sundsy nigbt oser 450 pe-soos___ait.St-.rairîaa oo îesaa natin Iti'iis attendeai1W tis e ivlr services in aise nw terlirca odte edsneliglkii Park. Many a-cru attracted by titi-Biggest Coricern of Kind in the wII boened. as rieur p ser telronak hs aaauyttlblliat F enachoirof aea near peh (ealatent as CtI tory1 boys' c. hoirofev.nGtA.ei cWurci- t U. S., to Manufacture Itou hib,. Tite-canvt-uctila vallieha ile stlsought iitutti ilv Soiti:iwas ter delivereda abris f amessage on lartiosliî1ct Dehydokth on-ti arytatlf h' oý M as reiated tu0 vi-sîtl.t, quoting tftott _________ * u Patly Itha -iOput it ere of llate. ttaaîiiey oni te Nor-thi (hi,, ico cli ircl servraal bisbops. The chior readîecd 1 fl.\ Fitni-s.tiaali-ailofuthle Menu-. iaaddition to pitting lin i-sa- altar. selectinna ltte delaglit aasu si-ofî n <aclure'rt-Ter-minal in W aulegan, bas ttit(:sIhe-y trP pamen iefcut a te audipcke 1ch5àUy ,tii ngti t t utfrom a trip Io Baltimore, i'l, -%%Pvmn ptlel l tentue ut ill sa ' tatea i XI ~ tlie c-dtatontact- wluh -Itis&a1ofor air',-fiot-oiittît ad solo Nor te Da is.(-)ei..euCgb ltua-lht-tî, s ai- iru-id-tcof te f-il uîtalter rai lair yearattii- U. OF I.* TELLS 0F laiaad Meyea-s, witb thea ffitlchira'tanftit iiit-itsai lt itttît-i antotittyl M -ai-ire avcinioin ta eent comIany ia g iiita in a li-w ituit F it t latkt----C ttiliarv et toifilotor s ince iolvebiti- ta tnia-ttX E I E T havs rad raten comit--se ifis txilellé-ntiiti th- ta rmial.Tht Pias is i t lu l0wie . 1 tîsttr d tha- wsî bavaudni e- E P RM N SI c-hoir-. f ite i- rgei o it, n er't tf tht- kil n 1 , i l itefu t on ithe lor tula (di u tl.i I N uit SuaIda) taI lig t eea- S i e u n' f t 1 t- ;it i t i il iI l ai i- tta il(f it- ' ' iii- ivl' c o ri- t î -t aid i Ifit aisici- att accour t ofnficlia- C t ii ttqii!. i fi in ! t'a atkegan. Vlia !t!eh- tPavement ý,slan~ i d i a itý' A SI f i Sunda> nigitt, Atagusa l, is Itti-n,,tsf aitoitFoit Troaunts fi a a-oaa ultitIl b,- jlaceal nigisl 'rite tt-.iiii- ileicllt-bt-a,,,,;i < i aiîtnoilt'~rua-t>is dreai nd oo tndar tielié, a% t-aleas helween ils The Illinois University ReùeaIs quartet endl ahorus ailfua-iih ti-! tia ttihe trds. foottu frem inticit ail lliaikut Titha, d mtslil o NIA £ S. anusi- . Mitoy Witlt.lit , il Ilit - ii-t iousa-d.-the-procaes te 1ht- citte) i ttan - -tmmri,-u l I îs, for Inose manlofer a lertys ieaîfIi Pst ttl ziý t-iI rîtai tti-rlti- po tritiof t Il-rtsea-at ne Fnterested in Pios.- man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ý 0fbcic lata a îat-c u f i * aig fruitsi. tiigutibi,et-, ic ant ift-li,e - sae' wti rt eni a pro- fii:k»t. ltierytine tliit i:tt n i à tlot i Il( t.-.îî a it-e-e itiatrt - tn ~ ii Sunday Sch-xItit l aî l a. îtt Ilti,.,t i fs lttat î a i ael oii f irale P1 tot lagit. T ii condiit-o n tlu ittoai - "-fft ît e-a P'reacbang lit Ila. ti. Toictt ttthe- lt- i t aito. il T II( ta-tiy making i1a1%e - ti iauas-etng oithecii-t lis i ii rî t 'i cTif.. iil7-tni semn laagti i.a« Siî iel Possie i aeiLs-a-' praîf aeally iresh it tise-tled.Titis iLasli ta-lit4,;ase i lis. ,iate. Titis la tthe test si-i aice bli -i-.titd iag taî h ie year round, t iti-t stt bîtîapy ha i't,6en filte a att, 1',le wi t as Itt- -- îii- liuf tas !itat te i>stor guise(ian tus vacation. Thia, t-dattes Food Produa-ta corn- thiati l saimo-attmoliaitaîrv sa--ttiaît' tîîacagstond Christian Endeasur ai, 6:45 p at,. ianni. ac sd it Asctue btrtn tn aîtîia-hlt-ovr i.0,îî ios e tdritveat-t tigr Es-e-y liretia a iseauaa. Mss a Stttttl-.-asinuP, atiar Si-vunleenîla Wt(t- heli- - atriel aar aaupn -lle it-nlasîtit te nlia-f Ruth Prace, Leader. S u-t itror 8 .aanlha pulctaiee i- tnpucai-rlis-it a rWisfe-etttî 1~ iitt t Tiserets i-ilibe no Visper Sursviceltsa irg-et-itt f mani-yIn fitting it up. wili taki- tuintwio 1.atht-i-a rtnts abotut tlar(-t- va arai thiis an In- veek because of teciaaurauquaa. on Fiaiotis ai-taon il lv nul thougti hat Iii, oaa-iat-hiflei-ru -lil alubi- lie c reasaInlale - i-ae ttflitt- as sows isexi Sabbalt aveoing the 1Unin ai t, Plan t il ite aiandorteilThte h, plia-n t0ýesmllb go ldr per serrie, ai bliscoratnuat. *Titio letif t tt -s'il a --pttitiaa -i-f-i.......h i b,(- groa Th iderpo meeting viii bie a layaracu 1,t' ii--.- î-tl ii i a- iti t Spektet, t tti- estniî .- f ---t t t t- tlu a a-tai-tt i-iaPIOyua r-- itapars-il to s Ilit -i iy the a WrVight. Judge lnj. Mile-ra-andti u. PTitu utitatht's not t abent-it ii r thsettlt'aîi, ittcatls uxgrsî PAaama iatloge a-dte1ite.portion oft-iha- tiiei-t Thiisincîttaies Tt Is douhî'ful tt t-a-ftru area BY te oa f thttsessaionturfl ;in ua ILGEBADPRCEIG l * 1, alrn att -titailtfutir strtça ans. vari-tiona in ftrow -attita-i itsd-ililcbtto u-st-tt>tt-sao aatîf ibi i er t atb-euýe of te ;ia-ia on bisvaaton. [aiLL--ta0ARlit t DNGSt-onotail,, it ofAeflicatretn oa-II ed. na hc disaeJr tls sevaca t ttisi-ua-h vîlha-sui -fZeaular Iaetiangtuf tii- Trut-ees ol hiafit -n naditatuitlte pavývit atbcIsnia ucccedîng :,-,mitrol i a- îia- Petaded viti iaa-caic tofaithet un-.' ffa iga--oailLibeî lysl- ejuiy 5 gre i tt r)îî aa conuai- eba",-ii- it sowta-iere vas n 'rcai-ltt t daySclioul Tta axsri e inCiors Pen i- .- J. Il Morseha-iaîore Ille- brick as relid. This fta r ai! pigs Pur it-i antIin titi Endavo Ta- a---t-eraaa~ i~l~ n-S, pcedent, -îuîuî Le liatifor.ili tatigga--sued, b4yas îîglîîo! indus-iduil ~ittl t - churca i lei(*s o âuuai Y '"a-Eri, o t ' T 'rIange, endl Sturta -lîecil i taiaa iii- atitif ater, a i it ji iii,. - i tiw - moil ial cra-at tfAU- I tt.. i0tess b-a-ni - J. Trî-îtatss-clerk. h I i sid titat Il ia, ,reet cor suff- wi.-titre- tadl <tit- I. itf s. t - 1 it as at lac -tit a ta-ta iUlY 5 hFing caînsi- t let u a egai hou , î ae ty ai- at, I tie i i a-l intate tt- 't îtheah îî - l,'l fa-,t 'Le îl-l-îaaa--Mis -îadîîîîrne ta ii süic t i-et k ei ana- tutil te teris -iiw--ia ie-da- : -tgi- - y. iii- ' Z4 rt.--,- etaiut t îtaate, au ahlng- day-s. Itta- fingit of ýlj.,D luip-rý iRe v H OC . F . K e a l e P asC o A L u i t c I J u i y 6 a i 7 a c t c k p . nm . 1 t o r t t , r e l a t a i n g i t w i î b d o u b l e o i , w ta l i i a n t N , r a g czt.i(if 1 1 4i-i i y s Bei'C. FI-Ce i-uer.Pasa-,W.1. Collinis, Cierk Pi-o lent ltracki, 50 ahere wsaîiî ba- a douable liowea-er. 9:l-; ie ar o'<f t- inter-aE Siind3tlîaa ani George -Adjnutned meeting off lietitrustes oti tek fritn Tuavit street 10 Franaklinit erp fariaIaaa--ti ewe--r, th.î,nitJilatt- B. Pilett -ai, -li 4as-hfilli-of Lierty-silt. helti July "'-e -i t itifcis .lrs aa-at -Il, n rlou.i.nii( menrunng WQt Il f;ti(s1-ta-ti ii%- -a-ud rthOr -aal anata-i-nl aica Mon riseme A mmnsfo h - 6, 1920. fac-unI - J. B.Morse, pt-es ;adnnffnt atatoI 7:-s ieary '-c lm to PLion.-Colîtis FltUs, (-Gil, fIri. Lange anil h eten h Ot-tliri at - ad fTnee wi b e nu Eîaýorîl Liagus -:Sturnm, truseese;Treptîtta cierk.'Te lçrD T l;~fl n tti lt-ti ezPi ut-a tb.ierI- Or eveiag lTraclingi senr c'tntaleC- minutes of meeting hldl fute analU sL VItL LocUlt i~ t.!î-i collnt uf thea- Cttttituqa.,'t apf ftlSE RTtu 'i D tal od otii-tua -ltiii-i- Priateii. flty tirogri ,i tI 1ePl aJi n ia -taag h ii Juni-1 r ta ait te bi.g Rllat-alent-at. tead. Iliai-il y Stîtîtî. s- tidi-al ALTAR 0f N. CliG0.-a i- iitt.ii Prayer 'ifekti an ad Bible conter-' fllî ta t itimttas taielt pa-o'ad -lu ,i iî il t i i f itl- ence Wedneaday a :au Pil . ot aelAyes lCollins, ElFila taitGol (AT OIJlioCH n ai-ai m a-iiit lta ttit A cordililnaitalien. Sîranget-a lla i a rta. Lanige i- îta Stittin i rrulîîadt. l alo i i g itla a it iftlita- allav5 lfnd a iearîy wuiconî waauj.a 55JCCI O ia attt a-tii t- it Tht- Treasurerta report for liane otuil! tif - talgin a;ltaaienattIta-n -'-AINLAIWRENCE'SCltlj7-ilC 90, vas read. Murmi ity EleaaothFather ayrnes Surprises Young ilî-nty tii titr sa-a- ta) Pta-uotoatsI J (Epiacapai) seconds-i hy isaice.tîiît tîta- report of Wonien in Act of Vandal- mniait, ltin rmal, Rlev. Gardner Aipheus MacWhlorter, te Trasurpr hb,- acepted and ýi iýdizing Shurch Tit-eave-ragae -tt- ffiiters as 9,' Pricat-aCharge. -on file. Aya-s- Collins, Elsworth. Goiti , [bs- 'Ple avueagi- wa-itloraite litt Waa,%4 aouat 20> ponciftas. thPa- asaragi gudi Jl 5 s.jludItaît, Lange ad Sturm>. Cnrrlei Ra-tilt-rmatByt-atat, Pastari. iy 0):Wm<ýgI eîlt [itat li litta-rs aira- f,-er Ssinday. Juiy 2ThefSI.oJaag billsa'eFattaily <hurt-h. North Chiciago, va-tfg in i tctgi ts2 Eigbtli Sunday afler Trialty. - -I 'efiwn il cre rend: 8atiileal Xtaday alért oaa pîoati-- iiuian- if i-ravaratrwia laI.67 itoly Coununion et 7:30 a. no C N. 8 ME. R.Il-.. 5.15 leringITels charcit tuaind1mai yill~ ig tsi. 2 7atdinl tiilatiiw ilt a-t - l Citurcit Scitooai aI4:45 a. in. J. T. Pavsle .. - 1.0nîa d erating itit iluy altarlty >ý . 7.Ions 'iegat v Maranug Praye r and Sermonate1 aPub. Si-r. Ca.. St. llgtcng 14274 iloith e i-sacred iltluuti.atauad tge :ail 01 jîlcewam 2.')G lxaunda. Chor pi-acie. Faiday, July 23. a iota 4-nle ni itn raan-i 7;30 Pa.m. 1 libertYs-ille Garag, tee s ad aIt ai-saamlesiho in ok ire,,,ILt, à;rrn rc" .-The Eriest tn-cbaargetwll a-iad Evc- nev attery .,-- ......... a 11 lIt rira adtrow a ite oos ua-) im-ndK I~IR liting- Prlyansd preacit at St. An- 1Staýndad0C. ai----- "Wliat ara- sou etemptinh to do . REsaR dreill"Ic rurcit, Crayslake. Sundny. Scitsnck Hdv Ca-t, supplies..g.95 Rei-s-Byraca- tndignanaly aikreal tae at 7:30. Thei-choir af SI. JamessH . eerrparn1Vlae 'aag girl. chrd. Chicago. is caiung a age's H.P. eli -- ----- --1251.Villagtati-sa-t-ai aitROBBED 0F AUTO LAk tis wekan i J h ped th t al ......................... .2 ud telling mte tu conte la lloy ltaiii-- vo MALY bave titeir 0ascîscance a i tlis P. B.lLovell, supiolles - - 4.79liv s-but-aitandi change things topsy- rtnl'isNlai(aais 0 service. If s00,va- are'confident taI 0. J. Weiternbérg, moter police 2Mrtt-.-lt fr rîledlîin iatNir, aNedl-a gil-eeofaI (la-aalake wyul have e musical t-23 .Libr-.ela-----~000 Naluraiiythe titer ine s nleraaarta.iin. tlt eka almiler tu that gis-en Libeatysille by . 0. watt r-u4iid vitenlite discos-ared t~ho 111le in thicaga.of enlrlg iacoin Emmanuel citus-citchoir of LaG range RAY Waters,secreus for lthe I girl uining up l tatas-la a lirrLincoln let-uaa. eIevraau flte Village Hall -.----- 1250 lui mannea an lte aller. of uts;~ Park in titeir alatur sar early liauday faithfal sdeas-or talite hresenl et this 3. Lester, sipecial poillae-ctrl u nifaite ...tit snormatat, wa-ae aaccosl'-d ty hold-up senie.Sudeya-v-nug t 730 Ray Waters, Park tance Ch.00 goPolice dopantisient. sn.'h-aabr elid it at, IU .Pnlnst-in-citarge, atten being ah- - Lb.Lr.C.,pot,îaTh iinquestion Ina î.iy. eîgii- talle Mr. Corinthedrst ivetera West, -njt frou itbis vork mont of lte pait ... l 'nYa odduhe fM.adanid ltëe- ajëetpriand aoibeali tem. test dais ettetidlng the Racina Conter- Chi. Tel. Ca., pitone caîl-------16 Mrs. Soubar, sesenteenlt stateet and Te okV0 ntoe n een sales for Churcit Workes, lias returai- Lib. Independent. prlntlng -3551Gre.flflidavenue, Nonthit c~ago. ienlonhl editO b -tvle eretbd n ildAtÉukmnsre ok. 3. hnPte ynBeratise chers vere no cross lova'1 mdt he binsirio.nef r esiestla eath, oi - 800 ie Pte Bre ent halo hlm ca-s runaiiag and no taxies iiaght. bit Inepiration làiinfmecadrns........... 6.b omea'lacalilte Polkice,V p-- ~Mn end Mrs. Coombe and their tas.fs-. metu in nfomaienilau-o~ eatt. emai..- - -6.25ently itecame faigltened and Tefll th e si a ekbC at Mata vaY vitit thoee brother clengy Geo.Trvgssaine-------------...31.5g <clumhit.runnilng lovards teCentral gPestwa itoe l. i. e vas he' sd Waty Who are enuaged li vonk Iiterstate Sand & Gras-el Co-144.00 -licol. aI a aapld «Peed.aka otl b arwsrcv afIMan to, ig ovaI. J. A. Trealow, tialaa-y------200 Thte police affluer uapon arrivlng atet ________ Bdat a Lvaeuce's citua-citmembens H.---------------b ths hurch it lse r.d ta chhegiri are atatalb tianecîtsen et Ibe- W Snitit. 2 days pump 5.....:00 lied s-nfilsied. Oveattdascri 111le h ele omaksithe bet-Alle. slsy------l11.00 for iter ad ound iber tu near the. WIT ES ESBAI flt movlag Pîlua-e show sncb an un- J. A. Trep>tow, postalg.............10.00 Cenitrl a tciool. He Was taboutto10 ake qe0~ft0d seoces lait Wedaiesday eeve- Pire Departinant--------------.......12.00lber Imb cuetiody ten -Ma-. Soulier Rb-A 1splen1111dId plture vas siown. Mos-ad bY Hart, aecondcd hy Stus-ansd daliter Marie. motter and fils- AUTO AMCCIDENT "w 11111.1rYou11e ssemed In e~njo bitaue - ter of LllIY. cPPered on0flic scente. tehé o ilring efforts of tp mambers tR teseseral claia ho eallov.d ud Biteefflt tards itermollier and e 5 D el wenle vitesWa aratIer ter- 0fIIIIIII B. W ssolli.theheuse 1bP mqAeearta daCavlin lt iteettni aea irThe police ottîcer. vhoton,,uaaautomobile- accident abfrit tvo twill e. sE iebue en ya o ina lzwàvrth.Cod, lHant. anavwereai tecall vas Faank Gabel- I miles aout of Raclie Suiiday af- flUi - Lnge and Sturm. Carried. la. île asfrted tloday that hé dId i ernuon at ons outinek. F'osr lsalIons Th.ite asitrff h- iMgeassîn ot 1k la iel lly Soulir avay ver,- drîsini a car vien tli.y be INDEPENDENTS SAY VOLIVA .15IS "PSSINÛ BUCK" Objeot to His ttatement That They Are Blooking Sherida 1n Road Paving. Titat Vous-a nover bad anY intentIOn of asisting ln lthe pavlug of Siteridan rond ttru Zvon clty.lanies e coula stiread lthe ..nssanent os-ev lthe latine clty. whean "ea 'm'atter of tact ne woiild deriv - mof t he Ouenrt Ca cause he ovas jirncllcaly ail1rate frontage a-ta heaira-et an Ziota, ana lano eeking tu make itltappear thts lic nietibers aor the iraitependent fac- tion ire lta-e ures altolare blocking tlae îiraloosd pes'iag Impravellient wet- lthe maternent made tocar y at Thomas Bl. Nelson, pastor eftlite laa iaenda-ni'gtciiirch ln Zion. --EviŽry Intlepenaleni In Zlon Uit! ti anxouqIo hisep Shteridan raond Janvei. lt- N ý--n -iild. "hut they ail leel lthai thieColtos0f lthe itravetain -aitnatd «11 onn lthe antauiing pro)periv owners. Ir senui 011er atreet In Zioa Nv#a ( I-r l i--ps i l uilivi walald lUi., titing ni t kang Ilnte ir-Citls-ii paLfor it 'l iesoiwIlv sita¶aaa na PIpci nI li-a%,- tf.1:if? y ateo'îg. pay io tii hi- irifrot-ce -i! ai h a-ai 11is iraIt et ,ýl t p hii ie ituo it*--AI nt' à, ili, iiitir standa aia l aiP [t tr- hat l-ciAt-aitfii n aZion on t t' r-a ii- îîîtltîtîi Stfaisi Y, h. ii i t i' f iai- t' tr-et piai-si i.,- aii- - a-t--mtatan 0 e sitteatiovîýr lt-p -itiiiià- < Ti i t -'a t paa-toa a le in P t-, littti iin , t in- ItI. Jtînateatt wli- tae- t ong î-xcetitiins tail. Tis#e t.Il ia[, tait sxloUs'otiaSe trie aipro' i,it igo titt ar. i-iltig i-s-al' tal,; ilL tr0, -otir t -mOaiIIla atera Ôý CITY USES ADAN-- DONED MINES IN Supervîsor Geo. Bairstow tells Springfield People of the Wonders Here. If Wauka'gan htaî a fa-w rmaýtra h ers like Supers -r Georaee l3ii tbe city vould be limnou. furani a. t0 coastiIn tact tiieri- w<iiiiiini,!ltw och-oul c>iid who anulal nt i-. a ilin- foraied on ist.uant wond.-îiftil i, pros a-ma-att i Supertjésasr Iair->toas, iot ihe, % 1 aé oth-r nirtebars tif thi- laki- I iifn 'Y X3narf! of! li iw wtact inlia tini- fiield.111i a fi-a day s ago..ieit of lthai f l'an hiL .ia velouh -t aaaa t %Ir rs ai il i n',t r-îk- of h at i:-tng lhm-.r taLlzi-rri,-n, ' Mir. Bairstow hiataoi f etpre- 1 *Titey swaliowa-d thp liî,au,yi sinker," -i unid-rsiaii lit ha fi stands over aaaaaày iaha rada, t minesi,"Mr. iiairaiowv-rtai, t, Liroimînent dptlpgfield rsîît ' kiate capital. lie was talilatatacia t., ,,0 hava- lth e Mmi- -aili,' Waukegan wita.rg- ilive(i-I toin imia town w,- ut itize tht-iua i lie 1- i "Ya-d acan go linatiy it, af In ruiC busaniess da- i.,it tind lltt .. ,n iia-ttaIn il,-- abîandon- d minets. Titen, wlithout gî-tttatg oano lte cage you cen Itasia a buaitn aloi go to ary part of the, cîîy >ou ai-i. This systean af huattonas is Nery a-lhir- ate and il je possible for youiso igît 10 aaty oftihe-itg a-tons by tii,Unaie- tround rouit-. Why dlaesni Sliirinm~ field get up tu date andl do "Tbat sure la wttaderful, rf-pI ici iii- Sprljpgfieid mian woiînmarvelapta-i at Waukegan sitoulilIhav e lIerfea i di -li a symtein Ihat taxiabs and t i,,-itiai.-: were scnrceiy needed. Mr. Bairstow aiso got ahe - angora- of. a trafflc policeman la Sjîa-jofialui by telling hlm of the systeut uf gat rs1 used ln Waukegan 10 regulate tht rai __ 1<1>1 iIN B liç S' A ITÇ"F r'POVM1 WAYLAID DY SAIL2GADÀ~T~ W~' 9 ~~ 4ORS, 1MAN CHARGES e . a't- ltiîtt tat -t- i litt Il,- vas mta iti- u i of atanal ai (a -111rl-. i i St - itttd-r- 1 - lack bY six men altir-ai ln lthe ali- ie lt-tii'- l rise 0~ s;alors. lvais tlii Ilrepot 1lI-Stt- i .. iit t t iO it madle to Ile polis-e Sunay natltaI b. iti- itn a< '. l- 1 -a li -- i.. Johin .Maleatar 1hall South a ns s 5 aaitla i- ah î " it. tai tiai ama atlu. Nî I-e sapa ia t e vire an. is Wiahmie<t. h' .f til(t-tUVi lal'-'fil.t.i- Iy homa nd., .nIhad r,-os-it a oi i.alt f ar Itia, Rt-e i v- ('tona- i -i,ý-.tiiai., ,-,. "(.. ,as# aet ... il MI8CULLANBOUS XMWM COL»D DNK8 FOR »TDATS. ~ ~ ~ h.... quimabout frve mdosas mac , g r a t W b d 0 1 b o t t h e swbx)omà etsagar ad tv eu&* m Iin ab.Wum a be Omo 9VI untileset. Top wMtbculee if 7 vM am i o wl. neverYU wou ngt. umhe jeai Pars o l waer ndyou wU bMme Rageut WIIbPeuper lndi"ya a" "m rék 1 package et bruni nonii. gdik (or the. .quivalent) 1 u0... RareakudlLMaoa par PlmiOa a grecs paPPm ,oba*ami&Bdont SarI Blé.t b atipe.Baly W"ter le-monade is m ar- a~-lpa. ceijmnt drink for thie pkcol or .se~ 2 cupe c01Ieft-tover MeaS eut la ride, nes k la both »niblag m au pieees. refreshint. The barley<, granM F on iwtb pepper4a, miithe ha usai or the barley 1oM if B. Wi noodies, tbea the Moat, mason fermer te qsi. take a pouei et bar. end asr tiorougiiy. Cook about ive ley and hoil until donc in im minutai, serve. quartaof water. Wberi the. baby If YODa bave »se . ft-ùwer cornlcooked. drain off lte water bat (eltiier canaid or freah> Ion May ("bout two quarta)> mb a lafge adSane 1 thie onionwben tUgiog. pitcher, add threor four elovea m Suger to tante. The. hauley ga mev h. served for breakfart harley flour in used, take tweta. Dohemian Ha. eni Noiles spoons of flour, surar mooth la ou 1%6 cupfuls broad noodles. broken water and add to tw nonnrtf bal. bd* squares. inR weter. f osA for ifteen Mivm " teaspoon black 'pepper. and use ag described for the howby " teaspoon Salt.vter. 1 egg. .aper elh U~ pocind of bolled liain, eut In RsbryDlgâ -au aie«e. lO six quarts of raipberres, aiM 1 cepful of miik. one quart of vinegar. Plac, la a cuipul annd pa.Stone- jar with lhvavy weizht on top 36 cpfujcannd POl.and let it stand tir twîi dayw.. b.. 1% taapoces butter subistitute.. strain throsagh chea-se i-othl, Cook the.noodies until ,tender, an queezinz aIll te jalae frontSI bain sated water. Drain and UiI puip. Mle9surt- jaice, ad id ro f VU t . baln at and pepper. milk and guvar for each a-tn of juico; hiat.. pa.Put in a baking dish that hasn i-thq-r for- ten mninute. Pour liaS. la.. voloed. lBent the egg aad atariliza-tIllntt!,. an-Idwhî-n vaMe ar ~aeav" herictop. Dot viti the eealed tîjthtly and il t,,red an ce»J lattersubstitut. snd bske in a nod- place you wilf haeu(N. jalrhtln uis - arately bot oven for about twenty- nmer drink. bv 'd i.itný, one part of &W. minta.julcein thrus iî " f --awafer; CAR.U 0OP THE 5 mm Prtapu tii. Irst tblag vo noti- la a vomanla bur ampeo& an d "0 10 Is r&Pt tapb la hacmons o01 t. te.. NO complezlin muai lieneir- leeda. -it mut be talken cane o±. Te- anar&aildisaerent sorte of euplexiona. Thora je the dry.thie mormal and thse oilp, and asciih a Se b. treted in a dilferent vay Wbat May p lone cmpàmMay barm anotiei- Study Four "5km a aid tin U-eat it eccordm 1 » ' if pour dry and tL barmn tck naturel tranaparency tii. aisances arepou bave bacc waablg courface 100 often sud usngasoap t contans tue mucliauLaIs, or, rmaybe it is thc remnit of bard water. v bail so anjuriotas to tise skiai- liard vaten ahould ha hoiled ani a fev drops af tinctuzuetfbmmacn or a tablempoonul o f bicarbonate of soda addeda. Es-es-y vornan eson thon sic May bave a partaet con- f~x~ ougit tb use 1h la formula. WWPreaez-ve àagod si sveil as Imprave a poon on. Roui ski.a may also i. due ho thei votiier conditions. 8 a ryi) vindai, and sathan extm Pseut or 0014 bave a tendency to proune. ~= and 5harahness ci thse"aki 9= 9 thefacevlt soap andt vaatr b borthadiscontinuadI for a tima& Une a prood emi exclu-c olvely lu conaection viti thse rightc kini et a skln-tonmig lotion. Do asoa buni-d lbut geai y vifis apwari oatkm o.Let Os. eeam rama",enr the face for at lsatbsou su her - 'ibm remova viti a soit clohii. Is a hbut ho use tie lotion uni oeaeit Juat betae n eiiring. A 6slIa tie. t4S anud one ltai ca" ho auW om mont delicate ikin in ma«, 17 mizin ont dz-ath if boa-scims&i, I. nase cf ibatailidviltes aal, t» «e«« ol rose vater. Th §nid appid te the f ace tv or tiare.tumnes daaly vin grive tirat satisfaction. Es-en lboue-h aour comtaplexion M taarly fgood you mueit gis-eut acte- tion. Lt 'u iompinason bebeaga te lia nar.taiciste it in aU i gbt to am water. Afler waeiig thie n the. naonianir h ea eod idestet. S- ply a Cgoid akix-titnklotin beran ds-plng. A ekin cleni-t-like coli crosu $iou Idibai applîel netirmng.h stould be o nta-.l weil mitii.tski" and left on for about fiftlensmin- utes.Titisiesla asimple irentment for te normal aki.but should lho done vîihregualarty. Ca-easy, sita* akîns are very na. attractive. If jour skia n l iyopu mutI nat p0w Os-your ano esea fe avminutes. Excessive nue e9 po. der llite worst itinx for asgreaapy comaplexion. It nait aely logsl the. pore«,buttanlarrea weI. Risi powden Lsea«p.cùallp bai Ta nlgbt povier usad itil ilccrigmuia. tMc. doas gmach 1cfaor à skm,, but imait h.e pv%R= sY i the. skin. Neyer lailu m m te rensain ontb. fac.Wipe Tt ce ma" aarefuy. liyes-ar, healtis !a tise.fouas ce gondlooki. Wltltout geai baho" one eannct ha beautifuL We n te glt lsniat eainut Th y Alie 'r 8 alà T sudàfTaà .., .Nîntit street and sliteridaa os vwh'-n ie vas siopped by six %alors. i-e says Ihat one vila appuared ru ha- a pros-ast giaard knoclaed hiasuis on vitit n cluband titat lte a-ist outhett mnnlicn searciaed nim Hi- itad »-L moÎiey. or valuables no the nive-o t A tire orsnknown orîgin vbich broke out la thte mediCal depaes-ti utorehoulsea t ort iherîdaTuesdaY morning caused about $1.000 dam- age. lasla lie only fia-e ai serions coufequelacse ithabas occus-red since tb. openlng of tehospltal at lte fort t»o pears egn. A board of la- quI-y, afler speial investigationaI, eommeaded the fIa-e departmnemt et ihs tort for excellent voit ln cheek- lag wvit promIsci tln le a bnd con- f lagrationi. li.. builailng al, a-alit i, il. i RI witas ciuatlii pt-ai a[t thet-ime 111(' gîtat ua-Mi--t-, . ta-as fIXc-ai tlindIt--- a t-ti î ii I ts S-tsgpanî 1E. C ftiaaa' nu- u. .ia-.itlitrmial. WVant, for salte, etc. ada. an the. IN- DEPENDENT reach ovar 15»W0 reati- ers Oai week. il, ! h lt-ti-I f tk t tfiata l - i u- - c ta - t Ilîl NOvel Neckîsea. Wi---çernNew.4iiamîsr-îler ealy e ial tl-lttasi a-i aa i 0f itlmili pears t1a i lita-fgm-t.. i t.aaton Tran- et-iti. w- i- - -11 l- 1 ARa a 1f11ai tt:1, t t ix h il, - n THE LIBEFaYVIL M )E9 r.THJRDA. JULY 22, 1920. To the WE 0F Corne ove A The ins-estine motlier CEDJ IJaneMi Ilie Jane muon ai Hospit dîe beoy an This iachool of die State c Gradtatea nurinUg aervc fle Trai educaion, C6.i SThe course a nmndiy aJI dents to ,cly eiglit bour d weeL.î vacâ (7eneral re ter, age flot Ic Appkiai" Victoi CAGUI FOUR "inois Stata Fa Sprngfiod-Le0 M jsahel Kspb sî*-nt Sunday li LIN MinsaAnna Winkie Laken a ilJK tioflw; b&kerY. William I owde n, a g rocflry btori- ain M gus-at uf relatives iii .M<ael;Dorothîl'Pljf~ Flin t, Michigan,. Sil,, %Ir andi Mr Mr. an-2i- G. ispmsding tiar. t-r sit.ýi1 Ce .eatnîittaage Misi averonia Gai WalhP ri:a D<ISotit Masis M %Whitaat, lirat Ma nt it- ti , il "Igat viii tt 'tt Ma-ý ,ne]M:, .1 i i-r tati: \11-kIb Mraf. -I , -e d otir saatI t - . i Ni t ,Mrta 1.1 ii I i li t-I -. i gfa c.-t ittatbe Mi tutti ýVeMs -laint I l aaîîi ia.titt iampaaan-tfld i- bt M ie.<.ll il, soIN1i.he

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