CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Jul 1920, p. 11

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*ONftSPY LAST 4fn J3PCSTO WIÉLL IUN BANNA IODAY Ussernblage Weeps as Rev. Kiorîs Portrays His True Re- ligion and Bravery. MIL1TARY HONOt AT GRA VE Throngs of people paîd tliCî,r last respects te William lianes ioday, the limuerai servitces aI St. Bartholeniew church ieing largel>' attended. The b1uge churcli s-packed te uipacity and 'the crowd streaited areund the exrtrier o? tite churcli. for folly bal! a blockt. Tliere were niati> Waukegatl. North Chicago and Lake County ofliciaile ln aitendant( A Requt'nuitat;gi NMass ssvas celc hr.tcd lt l 's .1 Ci Il. Pe .,las- 1er O! S'.Ili: tolomnew't, chîtrch. laitier Eloîr s,1raClterila ver>- fttling anti eqtîi ilsetrmon. Ile descrîhed very ',su dlY Itle dii-c-scd t.aie re- lin aiqlbras t y, tini ic-u lic hld coiiipletietd lits ie iseti. es ety îc1son in OIe clti r iw-ss rihumng The s"ri n i ii,il hi1-, e aintan folls, -We l»iit a' -1î t tiltîed Li., s 1' îay te î'te h.ltir. t 1i, , 0 t.vandt h.ovrion]i li -, s îiut t itîant h tl i- ' y tii 11tti rie s t 1i1 ' ii L t i pulici Iitîîte î 1 t t-. ill y. jwI s l I t e i tloi n11-- t ii o!uy tat 'o î ~ ~iedtdeait ,nda good1 dela li. mertanu l) Illneet otf dois se. h hi-f îic li*n t okn in tthe1 te ioiin c-- t irs uita Islisae dons lii i- dt>, >and mgor etta susre at tre urwo: Aafr thnly lie mae1i5 otirtesute co nd tiudey,1 w-tîiel w-' lost i t - t->- Oodit- (niiO -O I Sta. vPrPG aexo i thpit ientrist -iLii le ias tu ai a hits d r e t -tttan d treday reiiieiuiredhii cia aai 'ortg t Pli it a -Theret. ueiu- ciln ofI 'ii' Il- tare t t ci, t lisc .î - ui niC 1- S tur rai tea! ti isit.". ' lit t-le - P; ic - -a m- as - L- - I i-ck- ti Ii-i- -- .s-i-.-si t . i-. .i-- -A' it - o tai» i Oa týtrn.n-4 it t.., tutc,c' ,F-11 s-aut gui ' v- û- r ail t ,ilt lit- deed eec-ILi-ng s' ,rnibu, - -- 1- j, s.tpinte-i titi owmtn (tire i iii'-. anti bida ut no*-ao bwti h-lr bu tutu tolcw. for w-c li. ta l-i 'i-n i t c>l î cotine -,ia.. :ciii:; ii. - -i s t i- ý,lt sVIt'b s lutes- %,'i" al ie , conte. i- Ia' t-ic s ruA,.iî i dtom ltcd- d hy Ilie ul a an-I)un ai-e. NMin ii-tve i-o tb ll -li sly-ai ii-te ttc-s nit sulclinîIL'tS i etittt 'Ille ie> oh 'ittnk Q o? .in4' uL. tthe 1,Iea.sueti an-d tuxuiei o., lit,. ,ti "(-be Puîîi)Qi-s at ieîný, bil.,,Je>- and Plea-ues aid ftîîy aie Iiind ai Ilîsîr tt , -an t in-stacientun- Dicttareld tor Oie joirnet' ino cti-- i>'. Their rte Ila cern-at Perdîtion. - Dear fi irnds Itts nua flotleie ietilet o!filiese v rn.ngs et deali. ()uritfe 18laeoi, %Ne kiiow wlifl w miae ta dis andi su we nitt a'-.tait iti- be jrepai e tite a gos-I diîli. It we keep our itinti on deuital asw il. become ca, itoua and vt- cateiut in otîr actions, andtifil a are c-tiiiou, aird carctl in our atitonts, se w ill sinfnt. ainti Cd w-ut isiowe lts Ii niercy'. Nw-Utaftortluse te sanie op- liortunAy traii t'lie lias aflordcd eut broiller tîcte to ecointsrc'conciled te Iim; te lturge otîr inînoîtal fioul fi-cm thr' s .îîn of sin. tçtus tîereý fore be rtîareî for sie knov net the dtîy roi utlieutandtirie tu umn of our Lite ihai -at id -' i M illittry lionot a a er' g i t tirel grave. Tlii-' sutI6fliiiafl lia-I i-eeitser- vicec in li ou1red Statet Naiy and va-is uit-ti t": tSiarvîn lPest, North ('uit-aglis ttincli rf the Aniei ian Le- glen lTh, Aioi tarit .econ i-ceai e a iîing sjt;adroin fronti Grý1ai 1,lte, Ie psy t'- lai1i-' t etier te ttw de. Ceaitti l A s ou. Y us-sfîtIres-oer tIlit gravsetand iaut-w-ce saeutttcd. in- tét-ent sus a', Si. Matit ',; tte hIe- ege- - - m ii sc il . Ittsir l -' Ti'. 'te t 1peotpli 1 , 1 1'l! .,- t l i 17 Pnd i-i - i i,- r - -in v!c p-ti - t. If il h - ti- elu il. I r t b- - ti T:, -liSaI . '.,itare tC, - - .:t-,.uM ~ TO ESTABLISH DISOSAL PLANT trontiniied froni Page (3NF-.) itn connuctlion w h h the plans as out- lined in the ordinance il is lvarned ihiat Vie plan la for t11w sanitary board to construct a sewage disposai plant at tiie foot of (jillette Ave., the in- lenlion lieing to l'un ail of the CiI- jette Ave. séwage loto the disposai plant whcrti lthe sewage wiIl be treat- ed aend the affluent wlslch la left over alter treatment will be allowed te vass again inte the laite. It la said that the affluent aftef the processof sew- age la run through wîil be almost as clear as Water. ADOPT DOIiR PLAN. At thte meeting of the Saultary B3oard on Tuesday a vote prevailed to adopt the Dorr systeffi at the Gillette Ave. plant and this methed la one which the engineering department of the Sanltary Board ba$ flot been stu- dying for soine time. Il la said ihat the Dorr Co. lasos confident that it$ procesa will solve Mie sewage disposai preblemes for WVaukt-gan thaï thte company recently otfered to pîut in as much meney as tlîe Sanitary Board wiuld puot In with te understanding'that if it doesnt work îîerfectly lte corupany will re- ceive nolhlng In n bu for its sîtare ef tee xp)ýnditurcs. At llighland l'arit here now tire two cxî-îtîng sewage setiliig tanks but 1thenctliod ot epertition vs said flot te bc salisfactory. Thte plan of the board therefore ilto inîod'ly luiSe ta o tanks and in additiontî onstruc t a n additional t ankîik hi idle the s51w- AS TO WA'R In conntiNi tOl i i e phni if t hi MACIiINISTS' HAMrllRS t2-our.ce Drop Forged Jr ' t-l: 69e THOMSON'S PENE- TRATING GIL Sops Squcaks; Pint Can with Nozzle. Si'LC.i Xl.......9e ADELITE CARBON REMOVER Pi-imi Regmltir 5.2;97 PIE -\L ......... 1/ P115Rci.ltt1,rc75 .~64e SCREW DRIVERS 5-inch Wood Handle Vr'giiltt ý3C25 Si'ECLI-I.........25 6-inch Extra Heavy Sgît 4C...... 37c DUTCH BRAND TOP The Best Qi)- .Rcgetiar $1.25 10 SPECIAL....64 car. SA.TURDAY SPEGIALS Lake County Car Owners have respo nded 80 enthusi- asticaliy to our Money-Savng Saturday Saies that we have decided to make them a permanent'feature of our business. Look for our advertisement every FRIDAY NIGHT GLOBE STEEL TOOL BOXES 22x9x7 S'~- 2.39 FORD JACKS Screw Tep ADELITE LEAK SEAL For Radiators Pîtîtie, Reglllar $t1.089 FORD TOP ANTI- DRAFT SHIELDS Rc',gttlat 75c SILI L .. 53e FORD CARBURETOR Adjustors on Dash Regîtiar $t.2- SIi-ECIXL 97 GOODYEAR TUBE REPAIR KITS Rrgtlar 65c.....9 SI'49c STEWART SPOTLIGHTS lIdegilr $7.50 64 X'Al ....64 FORD COMBINATION IGNITION LOCKS Yvi~t i.....3.89 GOODYEAR TIRE PUTTY OUTFITS t l .......... STEWART MOTOR- DRIVEN HORNS lRcgttlar Sto 86 spI'tii i,...... 86 'WAXIT --- A REAL POLISH Qts. Reii'lar $1.25 93e .I CX ......... Pts . Regttar 6 C .. .4 5 c SPECI.\I ....... V2 PtsR egtilar 35C 2 7 c SPECIA XI...... TIRE-COVERS Black with White Stripe. Ail Sizes Regitl.r $275 to $4 SIE iX.25% OFF ELECTRIC TAIL LAMPS WITH BULB Regiar $f2 79c SPEMA -L ... No Phone Orders filled at these prices. "EQUIPMENT FOR E.VERY CAR" AUTOMOBILE 'SUPPLIES: 223-225 South Genesee-Street WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS NYVULE IDFNDN1';~U board It la aso uotlced by the appro- UP te the presatt tîe the- board basý prlatlon- ordinauce- thâaL-4 àsua I Lot rat he#M M appropriated for the purpose et con- thrire bas considerable te tais3e at Btructing and operciting »orne deep p!csent. ThiIs amouni, $280.0(00, will weillain itie clly ot Highland Park labu-itcUdeî.in lu fOie cmitta tX levy oriler le ascertain Ithe qualitY and as a result6a 1 ., ieutte aplpi- quantity ot waler lîat can be obtain. pritcion erdînauce. cd tliercfroaa. Two liundred dollarstt hail uciana Ilat lîs Sanitar>- bas been provideil for land on which l3oad at Iast, iiter oucli delay, lias te couslruct tliese wells and $3000 aPPl&rentlY 1tuitu conclusion for flic acquiring and insulation cf attI a bI Iitu (I ot wag tan wte sultable îîump for Iliese welis. Tliree beI h a fswg n ae tlioueand dollars la prosided fer tbe exçerimueutations even îî nothlng dét- o ail sund imaintenance of suchi latte in aCcompli.shel. l'hoa board bas welîa, making a total cf $7,700 appre. b(en Pérestire sixneta s dl prlated for the board for experîrnenta-tuhepnatlerlao vsie tion n Hihlan Par. . lint Whiclx IndicateS tltat It bas been TIe lboaaidePrk. * frexer-trYing te solve any of the probleins Thtboad aie revdesforexpri-whlch have corne wilbiu its juriadft-i. mentation ini wells lu Lake Forent tien . and apprepriatedl the saine ameuat te aparashugstahae f or the works there that was appre- Ibeo taear aslchoujl reubavte prîatcd lu Highland Park, uaasely 17,- entk wch ilrau Ite 7(w. The plan outîled for Lakte Foi- actual construction of a sewage dis- est la quite simîlar te that ln Highlsand to faite care cf ail thesa ewage that Park; namely, et acqulrlng land, sini- rus through that sewer ai the pres- lag wells and maîntaining them in or- ent titae. der te determline the quanflty aud Tihe experimentation for deep wells quality cf water thaf la avaliable. wlhIbe oerrled out in Waukegan, Lake A similar amount, $7,700, la aise ap- ,Highlaind Park and that propriatcdl for the prelinîinary workIn luHlg6land'Park thte sewage dIapo- by constructing and operating wells lai sal plant ne oucrating there w-ll be the City of Waukegsn, ln order te as- modifled te conloiali wth tuse present certain the quality sud quantity of needa, wAter that can be ebtained by tbst ruerbod. PatcAmputations5. Thus tise board lia aîproîtriated Pi ilase -atin fTtet $2ý66600 for sewage disptosai work and P. Bs' o Itn $23100 for watea' experlientation, Ay'to"-lasmat il .- rarkfltiatlet,'t niîaking a total of $289,700, jirovided 1 p 1h It tttlo a ep ofr itn the annual appropriation ordi- aeit.-I > -tiil prtoi nnce. l LSt Ml<'l httU The beard lias a right uflder its ex' AYrc gIs cil- tils attbe l ItS 5 ltinq charter to proidS titis arnount lie rem Odeisli htitll)îtt eS 1 iilZ of $289,000 in tle annutet tax le'sy as tit' . ta h i h-sChlItescriltes ile result a! the alîcratie )n of the law te te s- - ite ht.tttttves wlîîch enîthîca it lu ev> a tax net t hi u~s-N« Z lVIslite tîttural eceed tour tptilla or $100 s aluation. 1). itit- ihlit. III III~ ~ ~ i IIIIBIIII Ili i 1 '111111 l 111111111111111111111111111IiIIllhifil 1111111 !! 7.50 i i-i- -t I 710 il To siî-ssîD 7 ; 'î RI RAEo, AISO AT B IR ' SOE F TESE SUITS A And al of them are in the fabrics and stylies yen ail want. Everv man knows the oualîty of Kuppenheîrner and Fashion Art Clothe- Theru. are no better made at anv nce. Wher- ever men wear clethes thev are the standard cf excellence. Owinz te unfavorable conditions the makers wvere lef t with heavv everstocks and we were Riven huoe price concessions te, help dispose of the surplus. lncluded are Suit% of Worsteds. Serges. Iinfinished Worsteds. Mixtures, Cheviots. etc., in double and sinzlp breasted styles. Here's a Great Sale of Men 's Stylish New Trousers At Decisive Price Cuts Al yoiî fitS alpreciate e icvalue of ail cxtra jpair qI îît-r ail-! ir' uin opportlliity to Ire-dienu îîî>uur wardrob.c at. savings ltat w i tiwk'e youi woîîdcr liow wc d(o it. \\c've liccii preparing for this sale for %,.ekS aliJî w're alreandy foir Saturdi ly i au array .1f uchl,,,,,winitititg valetlî.ita ex'ery mati wlo iîok-s N\ il lie cntliu-,iastic. Theyre in Worsteds, Cashmeres and Flanneis in newest patterns and shades. .All are perfectiy tailored by the best treuiser makers in the land. Smartest new styles and aIl siz- es. Many are in Suit patterns. Four great lots at MENS SILK ROSE Splendid $2.0() Silk 14o' iii plintianid ritnc>i effettý. NW'lttc blac k ait-I1.3 etlors.. Vvie>pvteal at .35 MENS UNION SUITS Cicti: Ing- away a great lit o? nen't i-suni- ti i n t uit it vi tî ýi -u 1 8 styles-. C 9.-.0 vstlesai at. 1.8 Es -îttiuality inn a lvd,i ralige of pîiîîeri- In in vailotvs ne w s i c- and a ll iti .. ........2 5 C I i- c t-r com lu lîa ions at. . .. . .. . 3 l îhI ýbigain at% :for ..$100. ei4cli ................. 3 C - ,Cowden's Famous One-Piece Ovesa11s_$5.00 I - - ~i-5i~ L L~L-N eaIkLO BE Bsop At Fremei-l The Globe Sfîte end Save For Men J Money. We' ve Rubbed Out The Make r's Profit As Well As Our, Own- [n This Remarkable Sale of Surplus- Stocks of the Famous F»shion. Art'an-d Kuppenheimer Suits Scores of the best dressed men you meet on the streets select- ed their suits at this sale and they secured savings they'll remember for many a month - indeed, they paid just about wbat most merchants paid at wholesale. There are plenty more lef t f or S tu rd ay -in these three lots. 2- 711L'S5 L)RI..J[ ii Prices Slashed for Tomorrow d.f rm Ns 1 mu. ereea diatr .1 fe rou tittees &»d vhag.m hoo"lit 1 11841ila the sateaua M900Mte ugtuafi.Id 1 lb- mut]o t - h m ml. WY& »-v7.9Oit lu MKM lite were tDe: u~EB~y gs, bIviv «uOr maui Got" -*"* gmo fouml1 - - sua oo"»AM ub - oreo lb. be tbe- ib -oLa e . tuhIs.rtqu m1 toWeeebutmes, *@o Ir s Ilaid e, te a.s8" mpUOU Ibdm *éOawtathe ona-a p-u ai -.iue-afleof The vile e e boas met h Llft I teor-i tOt . - bar taubold 1 the *me," a Cd' #m» be musa' rma- - àamiidlt u 11 ffl .te îifycderj hoL oe red b js.pth.ehomtwB daisl of a*gfb. dl" fA om eued e Mc ad notmm tt b gmatdtlîtê vig I'Wmtby atm d. -êI agnl-e t. -wu - s" aube flmert thisU« -Uaotlee tihoe *é e MWdImordtI' I v bue <,. l d~ ttei - "Àts 0É tau ebsl .àIaUl,,l . Rim on lang lire lu

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