1'URIIE" IMEAmerican Leeon -News items CÂL FOR BIDS TO IT "SOCS", PICNIC sD~i1IUILD $195009OOO AT ROUND LAKE iPost wibe beidin the VillageHall froin an ilngiiulman? Vea. ::'a Irish, R A E R O Illbe he ùüâ im r Ad hie test of 3'ou wo ntplay &A IL - He* is ave f U .,inwer, and IL wil.l bëetu -yOur ad- bail. coule out tu the games oad i -tToB wrddAg S. u. . Ju~ys Saed f0111vezntge tattend. lXktory Medala show tbeteam that vo are behindd thc. Cnr4tT SeA add ug Sdwmg Craw-dad WhiIe lhave bren receîved by the Adutant.' They can play bail, b»t> they muet1 11i il n n pcfodn ?cga,.,MUd _Bat. The qulck way to get one of thon lu a Ve nme support We. can go te work Pans ar nSpcotos AucUola t i hteIlb niiua plc- vr e.but vo muet have nm arn eayfr otaco %e & Ml ieue ofth* LR" ithe egin Mdai hav ben snt.The L oer.1 -The Bures,, of Yards snd Docks la amw Mmeul sJtlolnt govocoment bha atborlied the. ilitri- The Wamen's -Auxlllary. nov fully ertlsing -for bide, for the coin- 09S "laitevasa attended by bolion of Vlctory Modale te ail Lhe organized, la glvlng a party la the ili f~hrba ra au t U hWdiUng th doctoru aid men vho servod l lbthearmy, navy or thIrd fleur Audtoriumli all TIIUJ'5uIM avai irahUlng Station. telbxrjft or Cf ilr famIIles. and ther marine corps' durinag the porlodaitLbheovening. Auguit 12. Ail Americ» a. te- t ou ppraximately 81,500,000. ausd MMI aUy Uilg expotriences onevar. The. Me"da ubronze. sueffded gion membéra and ex.sewvldc menu rthlb.blde viii b,. opered Aubuit Il 0" ob lg the »-~ardrowniug offrtr a ralnbow clup. Men vbo av invitd ta attoud. lTho sirnlaula uTii. lait our for receivlng bide, WIU or. IL a, jolisy. North Chlcag's tel- service ln any af the six major acUiona one mmie or a gai i huait et door hb.1 in o.usthat day. kM L. Ibo vas rosaund tram ior> the. A. IL F. vîilb.ieawarée o pe. There viU ho pienty ai g&od erlI ne The. plans and pséecficatloms eai t~ ai em-bài fot aivate sudcia dam, omlee ofc the .battie..coaked gsaeanmor0fit tram yr ou one f9r th.ec truction of breakwatsrs tblMtes t aimoiby Dr. P. C KnIhtb;1yoli WIU WSuI 011. n0 corn e the if yaur vif,motiier or stater beoange cff three tiee-rabbIe mouind, rock- ne Quâté mur swailoWiag a c'a meeting sud f111 ont your affotiou jta Lb.AuMiuy, and sbs *ould They filel lie crus vlti concrets, capp. &dbse *ho. v ualliy, remo*ed, -have soniS goci imes uni areplan-. -the.construction 4fhituber pler hm ilbeg. lTh. Summor Camp lu golng at Mfuin i;big'Lblinga for the çcémng aIg amnd.ad-flled concrets caisaox . 'Me tom ubiàug avent wvueove blaut and la orovded t. capacity ev-ery Yeu are iavll.4 pernafly ltecame. ovet, eltingstaii.-filled plie and MM 0"« i tht lait jear ar.d Drs. week-end.' People bave began te sud the ladieos gadratee a £004 Ume. crib bsickvuter; Lbe construction of JR 14. 0«891v. W. 9. Belovu- 3. C. avaken te the tact tint the. camp la Lot'&.lbe tuer.ad sbow them hthat vs timber 'quay .vells; thc dredglng IL.854 . .W& a mrecommuer:- aaideai place ta upeai a vacation ofai recinle their efforts., Madthat . elLblhn the new barber and lbe ne- *9 =i - t< he intenuatteL miOpa.or tva veeoks at a very amO nt are bebini lhem La 1119 lait dtcb. Do eau5Xry flln* wthb the dreige ma, ObtL Dr. Welter W" the.- Win- Yeu, Mr. Legion. Membor, viia bave nt forget th, datOe-ThurudnY eveung toilaI l"ai th. quay vallu; ail at gil-U *e bandiea* shoot. There nt yet vlut.d lthe caaip-are eheatlng AusL 12. T'he placo--thlrd floor lu 'the. Naval Training Station, Girent eaueoSIitngremrlgafbig uc y Éei o i imetbuuggilghty vWei l theAuitoriumn. WiU ve lb. here? l.k.m, III. Aternive bidai ii -bi OM 0» .6regtla tliaIlio brokti Worth ville. >Wbérare ail bose e fol-Weil. l'Il agi IrOeivii àfer constructIocof ai .ons- ?! mai et M i. but suaihor La love,*viahoa.tribuo v olr a-i filled tituber cribo snd santd-filled bal b. mI;lasi ily 4 f out ofi MI&otsr. Reavw a damhe bave vs.the, trophy but liat lm IW unbhp. H.claini Dr. . a.ilîmoyerofiMI lbo Bath O -the bail guime. *bgeidea fluainu" o t. "Doo'¶ lllmoyer vuait ai a ttm MdasUmaile tbree round Dm.. J. L -l'sglar 0f Libei igwoiblnne« if vl irt aflç iàkg 'mi MOamies in theie lu %Îaugbt Riz bot unes viti, ;Mm,. 0" of tii.ineteora bal 1* 180off the Cater Ibo ee* 11b" uat marred'i *tbs lr. 1 P. OM *id 11 rtsm"d t go <lewsl. ,Be ffld ail m tO - dutv - a b. The, docter Usa ocm t hut ho <aiei he a«i valten., te bisia. Tbg 1U5m. Ibee.,as lb. ddctor t OnA" bursi la ae w Vos <lrd Ago u er WatAbm tRatsr lmletssilMuions of dallai,' « vrabk dtkcn m cuetc. D moai dare aassbmeta EV s. a e Wool*eViti rat »RA?* ILU iimur.iy kml) ie ,@ n lo.Cala or dom won't lit c" tSkl els. Thmire 1 tWbsà* Uv. Co, snd Doktei humnOile MPing aonIes. ldkbrkle ?irii. %Whén as hiy <is~ -4 . ly is" llw n ., ,,r r it g ,t,,ui,' fbrq,ra a' h.- in mo in, u the il4 . IL..TAYLOR »»-4la o8:80 sud 7 %a 8p m Dn e iodway. oppoot ' UUi'q'vthaîmols. P. B . lirEiFl (aumccoviBe no. un~ WN . Cam 0"fOMsOook, AV&.,P" U~ffWU..ff, ILI - - ---------un ils-iN. Obe Pm rm i . MRSTOI camawm'wk Of le âampgIm las 60 tar- tfond~ ua?'h. gumme,' in shortnov. nd în'L forgetthie oset meettng 'oce.caissons for certain sec- would, Leh's go up Lere and have sout ma n thlueb Village Hall Tnosday, AngÜut 9 tions oft hie breakwnter. Drawinga a Etjobifeu, ont of thbL flvp. You viii iii> that 1Yeu vent anc of those Victnry Modale,, sud spocitkahlione No. 4186 msy be id lhe iL vas the beat inviotnent YOU ever '.'e rectivod a letter traml Chic Bj;yd obtained an application te the Bu- 0 made. (load avimming, iahblg Sud recently. Chic la hookei Up vltb a resu of Yards and hba.ks or te the1 onwas boatiiig. The bout haie.oaked' saistu t3~hIngý crov, vorklng bard, Sud! Comiauisnt Naval T1raiinig lia- ie' bas In thevanÜld A beautiful osimIen Laie- feeling fine. iBaya he la absalutely off ion, liat Laite1. i C. tW Parka Humer. Catierine's vooded shors.. Dancing 'te girls. Doa yau believothiat? We're .là the Chio! of the Bureau aithie theeana anerful fleur vitli unheatable -f rom i Mssuri! - Yards and Docks.I a ui.aave-minute walk froua the ijause. Takothie «"So Lino" t. An- i tioc , and a Syl van Beach bus tetahie Frank Kenedy te fout hi? tb. vilda of- , glory. a» rd La Crase. Havem'L or odfo u fieldcai, rbave one ai your finnd hîabaiawrfrn- .U ndrive yaou up If Yeu do mt keep a mn-. i S V Z ÏER N Nos Wi chine af yaur ava. Your wvue, ululer. h ane b: it mother or bout girl yl feel quit. a'I he ah setDlarnd Lake ru F O A B R I< borne. Ta"e ber vlth yodl- teserva- reguiariy eveu-y aturday ulabl. A Chi- R N À U NN Lh a iane, mueItbW made mot later t»»s cageoralchestre, viii- teutim the elog 'Nn or tb'e.days prior tethtAie U uInhend thlu veol.i f you vunt gond dancing. o orgoing. Al reservations mut hoe made let staery Sud ay eonudy show Yeu ~ I T I T K E goOu trougi Dale Colline. phione 82-R, or tis Sahunday eveng.- tep'theLii VraL National Bank. Do Il novw.xitn ncd i hrda v àr lave TIer. lu only ame -rntb loft mand vion fAt a..ociaî meeting ar the. Wore 8EctgIcdntem'u - * - - a, niht You once Sel liera, Lie oly objection Auilliai'y it wasilecided LhSat, a 1 . eningMXLk ste ' iS ras ySu viii have lu Liat Yeu muat leave togethee' parly bu gvea l'iursiay, ra bi orne lime. Aufflt Siu, la.he hird tient, ofLthe Flamnes Envelopti Boat. -î il~ im - Auioim airfor tie purpone of- tU-The base banl tona, bli a meeting. seoarhbg nov members. The lad41.8areHundreis ai resorteru maie OP a Tueaiay nlgbt for the purpose ai ne- vorklng bard la order ta maiee .vaent os-eore gallery wblcb Tiuraday ro u rganising. T'he team manbu put ou a affair a succeos and as pesaure ta ail eveclg owtnessed an excitins reecile= 5* 11 ral bail pl:i ytu basîs If the men In- whoe orne. Tables vil] ho set off in viien thei. "UtIle Dank." .a 324001 el- : ', l' . - . - . 1-. - rue r: thIWIalso ihait hIose ý%ho uisian boat on ake Plalaketoer warth iZi.ahigÂt4Âe.Âeme"4ler du Dot care for dancing cao eujoy lizLaie. cauglil tire. EesrOY hhat the buucb lu ontho vin. We von thbomaives playlug carda vbllo othoru Pour mon aud tva wornenver. taken M h eai. a for bigor baitte than vo vili ever dance. Doudcous refreshmoutla viibuoOff viti udélr cioting in fiame, unid ry RAT- strike an a diamoni, and Itl is vbat aerved. This party vili bu for the> ti-es ieveloped on tir.. af lbe reecue M-pme brougbt us ta gether. Once lu i. of memberuaof lie Aierloan Loglon, thef draft. ýt toaci courue, vo bai ta stick. Lot's tel Women's Auxiliary sud fuuyone vbo inluaalnseffort he put out the tir, mu. 2ic. that val' about the teani. sud get la- elîgible to etier organisation vho ba i ()in Holi olxner e t*Jbat, and P' ni teud hi getiior! W.e u put IL aven big. When nt alnoady hecorne a niember. sud a rmo, idIot. voe ebaily buruci about= es Dvi you Set fouroît notice et S ganie. tinlod. With eucb i gaod ime prom- lie bandeansd the clothblg aet1bath show up 1k. a&réal sport. Sir Thomas luedvo fuimsur.lIaI You viii noqcaught tire. Bilcu Johnson ami Sinon Ligton ban benu sbovmg np for Lvo-' vant t. stay avay. 50omshow yotir Sp. Grees of Leke Plutakeuni Laui hycue year. ani h. neyer von a gaine prectatiom ta lie Wamenau AIiISi Jergeoo u ni Arent KJelsom of lIIi- = «Rus yet. Nev ho ays ho. viii bu back next by oimnin; tu their partion Thureiay. yankee un thein efforts te heip -he owe _ Ib oeyeAr viti a» lb. aId -Lime pop. W. Augat 5. Admission tree. or voie burnuc. -nthe__ word Doberty et the _Baglevooi i.v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H RI-fawkt~hv.ai. ~ loeaid ArEur Imith o f lb. Beach au » « V4b1@6rM m e mb lot, ffilaly gaI the pasiengere ani "' mIa, ~~W~W~W SW bis Lgetiier 1 wa as eoIîÇe40 Mm in rvlt-Unll at fo bo 0ý efle; ffl u m À»hievorknk d oido vint ho viabhi la imîci ltr. Doihcrbty fier I.bil- ,mn laU ggbgsMr.Et' L. ainlnltnata atheeprburre- the administration or the proipefty.5 » v bi ~ g bhast te sore . A lucket squd put Mrs. Dwle adittfdt Lt ele wu f thetire ont: opinion tbnt ber pis"e vas General= DOWIE QUITS ZION A2os:%ic :b:nçb in ion. 5h: gaves,£m' ber onulyroaem or quatificaiion for p. lM The Widow of Founder of Zion Mbe country sud wriai wfth- ber i, Par Packs up Effeots and De-, hmndity. Abilh -te mailnani SAMNTLAWRNCE'S CHURP.H = -parts for West. cbnrch affaire iid nt enter luflo Lth* <plmepal) matter t ail, sud I utasnoaiuse lmak- - .Gamne, Lîpheus MaeWherter, Img ber bwaiahe ouli go ýabouL rais- p,-itabjn-hsrge.E .D.BY ILN. ROVPT log the $96000 eohopuy off the int-- - Diagusled, diatertéedi.amid a imnson Lb. ostate vbicb ba ilen Stla1r, Aug. 1, Ninth iSuaday Aller adtirei of Lb. viol e business. Mru. iiuiig Lbe lattgr part ai ber buslandi ,TrlaIty. ma. Jane Dovio. wvite lotsl Alexancer administration. Haly Communion at 7:30 a. m. - Davis. faunder ef Zion Cty. i. about "The estate vauli- not bave Sotî In- Cbnrcb Scheel St 7:30xP. nm. la pack up ber truaksa ni rstmrn bteatesucb tînancuaiifficulties itiiiaî HoU Coummunio nindsermonaIe = Lac Angeles, been lu contrat," casnlMr*. Dowle's a . mE lir%. Do*lo vwu brought te, ZiOnas ilar te lb. quéition on thsu, pait choir prectici Saturday eveing et= City hy the Imiegeaient or Abti-Vol.-vhn it vas finaliy affl. 7z30 sharp. "de hum ibe.the lait prac- "ifi culihsv haen hetic. for a me atb,. as a vacation bui lys taî,tianne s lir truilnq csni* vei- Mdbvetk over bntheriti iecorduigLs «11184 lys a adicei Lieu tea f randeInl-chrcb vrandamimy on,, Gladstone. bent a Li e chlb or Auig thTe .rNOIIS ovnY i f1511fer the oeutrol etai ii( ty 1 lbe bues end; viathie vay emn. ct h e vu» Bng Ibis u tLbilhe adit ut athougit tliIf Mru. DavIs, put it. cairîoc111ooi-atlo" Sumihey Cthm- vite et the bader. vas brought trom Vlv lubivhnh iihummias uni vi9nemt again Sppear l Calitorula elbe migit eltber vike tOof the aspirations et lMr$. Dovie listheChancelountillie tiret BSu y nil - coatrol trou Valîva or aiaoe&.é i asu0f1 theOpinion tint mieocl -d 20September, vbmî IL luaci dtintthle stampede and Ibull awny rnuy of hie more bave pniied 7.ion ouf nt. a h><>'0 former irlest-im-ciiar«e oet .la-E Dils toilovergs. Tic sohena-rogue.iMd han site could have pulled an e- ,r«ece', cburch, lie Rey. Nivard 8 lira. DavIs la nOv preparing tloubve phbt but of a mwamp. "Wlmy idn't White, rectar. ofthle Churci of Hoiy vs... té la a day or tt oinn eioa. Ginil sho laiecharger"'aisi Valva. . Communion. ut. LouIs, vilIhe prenantW atone In Lot Angelet. as the speclal preacier il the 11 a. mn. la an Interview vlth a evsrpapsr- lLllI'a ma~mesie L masnlira. Dave isdiDot deny'liat II)M D J~4 IlAIS The manulng prbhsg servicesaIut ebleia a baokerlng aller the cautrol the lremyleruan chuirci bulmg amlltedE of ZMon. 9h.ema te bu besei d ulff7tf~~ n the tiet tva BSdaglunAugust. - vlh heome tiaugit-that Volva iI~ durlng th. absueneof the patthe ladsgen Lb. -reigns et gavelUmeat cogregation la meil co"lly invIti tM b ffl Ii4 avo. Ena. te ber, met- UKD tei Afjl, 0camee uni orgbip aet 81.Lavroace's vlislan»ingtic fotait fl eiseS I3JII IA U 3churci. laid te AbUs rVts. ivaing lie Fniday, lie lthaofAugflttla asie- promeot$-illuesu, Ba maie li*ethebratei on the churhc aoniar us the% ahiov ye -q O . s 1, D u s- John P. Tivane UasaCourt ta F..il of the Thmoitloot « Our gisiOt-5U51, LeuS~ ~Annul Marriage to Anna yvin le th euit et. Laursnce' * la Cir eto M««" IorilOs adi Sou- TIWBf LarsoI1. moulez; St 7:110 a& . -m 1*001 heuet l, CbtStl5 oeIieau ebueb -Anotier fatom*Wdayon the ehuri ou- la: siu sordéréd't i os eles l"aiVu- Jobn P l'iroa.«etWaaeff ou lut <, pnjg ntret orlb uva vas Ioeo 175- ~hllu" MP*F* Irliy 1usda 11111for laum alst fmembera a'IlLaet nca a lnetm Inla double apprffl e-09elleM$Sr W m suans-., o li, jlgSue, 1»w. mrrifls. iant Anna Tisse, aPýi leLler- kie Iti m, Ioa Tidsy jq c th prUW-ý d&W Nb*tb. bomho ügm la hi»llho 'eV-Ap e- t ut oft.lwu&-A osaitloa. as.Devi poci s îgali manic lucelbrali or the lis SlrCammuasýle * staning t lis- 6 W.olevsd olsilymrre uChicago et 7.:30 a&m. vIi UsaI ikte obsirvaàMo 000" aoaiOvemuer. mai ber atsii o- van lie ,yousg luBier bonass pas.. OnJmauary 80, 1 -816. Anna Tinano clou a ni aggreve. h le moeis-imanei sman by thie nmsmo f WiI - th", oiîva-tipped off al robes trmIaIK l Arn,'In Nov Tari Ciy and CALLS RJCH PLIIMBER; I EVer> vomen, holing office hn lie ciurci obtined a divorce trom hlm )l Wau-- tram desoloneusani as Mn. DavIs kian*Dec. L 1919,.lust four deys NOW SHE MARRIES I'IM belli offie aes 'Overume'er" .becumebetor. elle murrlod hlm. l'iran. do- lneenoai SbIaving hsr afflouaI boed lares ila big petition. Wbee î-aung Norman KntMac- iCits0 eut off. h. fumd ani starmei, end fOn Janusny 7,. aihiq yuui - l'iran. Arthur af Gienoeceliddte suOcooi S finali1y puled eutfrointht churoi.-JLua BIB 05he tirmetJeroci of bis vife'a hi& faier 55au aVeSIhy-piambing- Si compinir vitI, ber aon Gisistone eh. divorce -lie preo«dimg menti, and cantractor he. propeily enoagb began diit.d ilnaIly t b.teaî o it utni 9Ima0,earmlag liat panrUagecoutract- aithle bottai». About a yesr aga mev depends on colleetioma Wbicb usseld ilelu is Ilun ayer &fiter thMiselIla miorene Payrlik. daubler of raees einra meetings and if'om ber granting ai a diverce are filegal. Sud Frank Pavilk, Jr.. Waekregaa con- 'narippo -t %,Il à ottoreoitetalt taieoepea -fuseita luve viii ber, tracter, sent il u an megenoy rnIl caro ot ber If she voul taon lotoaMill ing ber alîfflaent money tetakii.fen a Pîni» ho. Tiero vBmS a1lok lu but sbeefa e co nider bis lai- ber 10 ber home lp NewTriOL. Ibesummer ioue atchea. Young "I Ou"110ta it 0caoelrY la 11W" cuitl oMIrte It.hbile mauiag Oh tIrI"ltie - job* -Uni dMise «Uri us1Deie. i'serrki g i.ratK Ilenebbralu lie bEl Won f1104 1vPavîli vwerq m Utwutia u -Jt 04merlca e 7o.oemost Zr<Ca lis e imf aluptierctwm ned by th. e dit L. -y..M d fimd the mb WW m «WAress mForumot Trato. a*àsmr MasTEornet tdor ms.4b .f«ormmm ab0 mimd bfrdmis, uUgU-£We i mdApi- edtrae4uta. k uidy Luàwm~ ues.. Ano.eudsderizig the purchebsec t La devure sai~faerypue2-us e. titot éeulsabfiy imielf poaiiivly in thLoms mad E rca'. faine mi'oriu piweof th. misehe ofod l'h.laisha.Le..~ ~.190. h Eay mmfadurena mel.th* -, have luroughte i poent *4.N.., as b. er W uyte lii. ouam f w mi in * PW ew «rý is "g iselr và de. ~- ~ 1l ais asoemmemly cmd a * mire 4e Uo 5 57 i ugim vern s imd wdi-" Cm"ie. <Jad rarem isle .m il 8 l. Â.L.u .L.Jn. - . Of. So-i twl ux i ieua dhti.u b- . --S i nueeisa cepehu.W Oiseler. esudilieu &te diffleu it il il Efeu W The ami iu 2 yemld d bu steod temnlý u twp ou lbe fait $0 " le * tie tom ofaMme. la bus berna ied smd proe. cMd of the day the meure mmuantd.wu& m tiomsadof fam &0 .ver te wsrd. kh. sdoue. us id Ly a cu.mny emlauled mesuly hWi i eig bc qms f acentury; A s.pamy eofimepitymi repu hei ownt dà el .1 of1the tati. fr suar liesesuheiag. -Read-them and Itee s uto eue issmi No mauer ulucijer y.. spirae a bit faim kt us show y.. ah. easy supier n9 or a liie fanal-uhîpery« lv. oei ahe of fuis tracter, FAIMW "Upt FRAM Yet i ii fnidno nîînecemmary i.,kîin Lthe Wallis, Americai Foreinost Tracterru Tisa la e-li lua;trted la the pate zhcd -j rm tsrensi.uelion. Ail I-bema, braces Bani boita wtîieh.s, (1 heu caue troubles, damage and Ieav) r' rair bille a-e, en mies tie Wallisa tudLier than ii, aiIîCy iSi teand n elv«aafour-fuid liurpome. li î-. ibu bame- of the crani case, transmision 'i. .cciias .a tramte uni ciI roserveir. MatI 0of % itii ni boiler ginte steel. the utrongest maya n io eclanîçm. n stands theb.iardebttwhistsanatai ,rais 8of lt service. POWERFL, ECONOICM .MOTOR Wallis tenter la madinluhe shopèa ut the- cuai fony, w4t-re every shep la car.iuiiy %watched b) the engluera wbo desigmed IL. l i-i a 4-c> iludei. valve-in-luendi vih cylîndors 4 1-4 lnch baie uni 6 &-4 inch strake, baviug 8M o e io revoiuflons pan minute. The long stroko glv.-i hie lremhest possible crack shait leverage ami aiiaws fuIL paver from eXpansion of gaie.. lTh. vaii--iz-bead matai- la no iavor9ily knovm that littbe ueed bc said In regard la IL. The Wallis bia the sUding geai-. iiective tY*O transmission; Lvo upeoda torvord, one neyera.. Ail goaru are drap tonged. -ai nickel. steel, euL and -harieed ha ébtain rmaximum voar. Every gear lue toilanSd macbluoi ta 1-1000th ai un Inch. Walisueut-steel gearm aam 66 par cent moreetfu- Oient uni economlcal. Trachor gearu are eut tram mnivc steel blanku. iiadnedoiasoigrouad. They anrehehsanme.asusa»dInlathe .200 hors. paver Street car. IENVAILECYMNER la Ibis Sa Lb. heWalli s spolier stop in ad- vioc, l'h. WaMs umtai hbas remavable cylînier aleeves vblch cao bueatily tairon ont moi eau i)> put bnci la. Accuraheiy rnaobneilde uni out. vic>imeaus oquasicoolng. even virx. and bette-r lu am»eot damasge ta oeocyilnderx mipupiy re-- move alleove sud replace al a Innail cash-a uew cyl- indor. Tins, yen aave valuablo lime uni cooL af an eMures, cillai block. One ci ths mogtIimportant thlmp iluthe opera- -'WA= J WIMTIO tien et à ra«er la ail--at tlie4roper place la the Ooas-net <iIio«. 1%9beWMDcllas011kg iy t e laof the apl»a l forai feui type Witb plouty of ail ia rfierve l inte '.11" trame re»eroir. 0ui pump î.erfi-it!y uiricai,-s i'very giolmg part ai91Me nu ter- anIndicalor. , %isbip- ifi tid!r,' ,r at thow. at all u M.i-î h I1ailpuili le s %%( , COOLNG SYSTFM 1a iciriâC o"el c tre. Ovi-ri,'a Opuit i el' 6.qtllppe- i ili. eue-ciiel I;Mi ;] in capableOaielr ii.inr ¶i uLîl- rý ,1 i i.î4tua p. r iILU'IL - iis.nri -uhi-t-t-nk il , W.ihi»astuai- ÊLUTCH ira .1,hii belt. .and ituiu.î urpooee a Osgk lièree-p-alîcte 3 Iviiidie c iIiCIl i eUbei&. Il ka iuisiallç td ueohlU- 4ne oendi tbnnîe: aait #lime itgâin,it th iuîlnk siunft There are no aprbo ta engage Lhe cluti, mur iu tii-rt any dangW Cet the elathh rlipping Imia engagement. AdWntumtà M easily hu o ie ln a ev secondsi. wileîut the m- of any oiue vhaMnoeven. ZUARMS i.bii- bm-si cran cam shait bearnogamOIut b-ahfmt lineel phoephor bronze type. WiLi l". « .eptlan of thons- up.ei on Lie crank and -calfflatt eve-iy beiiring iluthe' WallIIig eif betrroiki aM- ball liearing type. Vou viii fini Timien u ni lyatt bearing@, .,vhieh fai-iher proves that oul'y l» bst and higheïat quality uateruais are wiod Lramiai lie Wallis. WA= EAXLL Tii. Walise, as Lb. fîrut ha empicy fis ai vunaei idesai a l-c ale driving tbrougioauiomed geais Sud running la a bath of of). WaAl ~u azies ineasure 3% inches linlmeter »am rmade of 40 carbcui steel. double Imoat tnoated. The time la ma« fer distant vien it vil b.sai- Most Impossible t laasi atractai othervi e structed. Meantime Wallis ownera are ujaylsg ail Lb. advanlages of thua construction- CARUREOR The Walisacanbutrehor le af ampmgi ise-I luch--and ilu"Pdat aus. other aaome. er menp or distillate. - BLT I'ULLE The bpl puey mmtunlcioleft had i e the trmtrrflut baci e b.matergamila m ils siling gear abaftlaf Lie Iraoamlala. WiMU»u. Mission. goaru a&ela neitral ami, 1Me delAil«- gagei, a tvo tao uéredm#ol eo taiaei utQUse tIme 110 e ofgeai-Sexcet the drivbg gum m<le transmIssion.Boi[t pulbIr le 18lache 'aIledmelu wltb 6 3-4 inch face, sud a beIt hasie power af 26. A DiliOlSTbiGN 1. lm n a» sAntÛRDA, JULY 31, AT IHEATON, 11 Vil bM1 DW[TMPSOF TRACTOIS E S1OW. LMTSGO AiE E ilig*AU OffF.CfMMME lURCAEROFA TUCTORIWU BE RoffNmm Acc0mm0Aln TITO VJETON BT CAIJJNAT r O aoL Telephon, write or cati and, we wiil be pleased t. demontrate thstract.r.. DEIT-ZMOTOR "O. -J Telephonýe No. ML LàbertYvi"net.l OsIL .Cooper spent1 '11111mois i 8MleFair, Amit &Y eveta.iiHiighiland Pa nwqkme 0 vMeli vas Iigbla. Park Snnday vis M9r. AUmmua.J. .13. Un làaa ed VeralOUIou f tîv bat Wililay t"n hil a lict, Lfor severai d %suci botter. MMse af Mr aidM ru. Rkube lo ik fev idaym. Ig Mi..AnlChard rehumni tfba hi 1-ln-Austin, cff Ou 0i1 Mdam. wih xlir. Aile Buy Porc 20OPer This »kai. olers y at a great saving Iple cea toffuri 0» "Mo yer Of We ore cloeîng out il for quick »J"e. You cannet afFor, eily t-o get your ch< Ray Furni P'hone 9 §un Opm mou MIRR( flhat at as truc Mire Alumium buâkte oLaut a lifet mcpaccd for rnai Morcover, Min convenience makt in tWs Mirro Alun ( 1) Hly eb 0(2) HancHe car leature. (3) Sp no dirt-catcbuog je (4) Sloued c', desired position %t kettle. £(5) RM other exclusive M (6> 'Quick-flIli Ilally %ride, base- prevents flame fi (8) Famous N tnade-mark. starq andi y*ur guaant MAirmaAliminUl ho foundIn1,,oUm ir invited tamakg LIBEI