CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Jul 1920, p. 4

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__________k TH~WY1J1 1T, JULY 29. 192(). --j- J. cara, Big.i 0Days" Sale Commnencing. JuI 28andCloingAugust7,19ï20. j - The- Oblect of This Sale [s Two F!--eMust-reduce-our.som to makrOI Ow stock of MMILIO . aun4 AUHUSET Dresi Shirts in tire Fresci SefI ant Lau.- isset &ard Cuf Styles arce e Càt thu MUIe.y LII nbay, and xifi be offeret di,"sale ai à orice y«0 c«mot fford t. paus q. They are aid his seastockeLémd mre coosprisof.1Fer- calis. MorsDdord Co&, M1kW peiMa draS M Y«1k T w i iniVomes mtple vubOsimsuhc---eiy sMt of Plais or fmmcy sipes and OelLe deilgus; colon « cly sur- amiedt. la fact, a SllT ferevery-tase; a PRICEfor evory pme. -Sm s14 te 16. *LOT f». 1--Soft anci ar cuff band shirts, mamc of gond quality percale, coat style, as- 'sorted patterns, guaranieed colors; fegularly LO« »0. 2-French Soft Cuff Peuléanimd Madras «mai style, -excellent paliernsin stripu and oduer demag.nsLad; a dmndy lot eveu a aidSbe cular price we bave Le.. ask- rLOT MG --rec .Cuff md Hisrd Ctir' bau& d, tsyle, Madras, Crqme anti Bedord Cord; wor6nâ n d i p d~atterns mie the L3est on ibe maiket- colo absoWuely guar- anteeti gond ;va uicr reguar price of $3.50 and $4.00, but &'REAL* 917 ARCAINat ouraleprice f...V l75 LOT NO0. 4-This lot is cornprised entirely of Silk Strkpet Madras 'fly mrçsofi cuff coat style. bu&cl11%è mapply ii"bilot isimniîed, Lut thesizes are good; regular$401 price $5.00; sale price....... LOX NO. 5--hese arm Tub SiIts in a DANDY range of stemet patteras. Band m<c, coat stylen mimew gonds.Silb h ave becs very bigh ibis seison-Lut we were fortmate in makimg t"ispurase at a reésced puce. Tbey wouldl Le cheap ai a price of 87.00; Sale Puice only _ -...$5 85 LOT 110. 6-This lo is madle up of collaiat- tacheti dress irts that et regiilrly ai $3; "hy go ai o $2 .25 Clearance -Sale of- Overalh Mu VIII KNOWNBRAMD 0F .IANJVELEOVEIAMLSAU COWDEN UNKUIWIImUD 1NO'COMMET. luEiE AID. VR AVE A GOODLT STOCK 7T O EEmmFIE ML 220 high Llack. blue dmnm, resular pie $3.00;sle prce....... . . - . V ~ Cona of same &upeerbock Stifel, reguar prie .50;' _$22 saeprice . -._ _ '223 Staaaedwu*gtHickor rlr pine 82.00_$ 7 " wpde _ Coat off mmn Wlêpaice- 'J $1.79. Underwear lleroe »mea .lmrpafl nom âeL.« m ont f IbmSesmeaUR, dewemr; in wokmmliip, fit andi qumlity àt Ws a.eqal. We offer dhe resnaunckr(Jfthe sao'stock of Baibriaan Union 1 rts for cmat practically cost prie; -the lime is sill complate in msies from 34 to 50. hi . s. and a. L. s. s. and a. 1. md s. s. and 3-4î.; solci regularly ai $2.50. pîed for ibis sale Î L.98 1MesA",it Union Suis. pina1 check Stephsenson fuikait.back, a dandy regular value $250; ai ibi sae ...$.1.98 Newport pin check. made witb elastic web buaIt Iik.B. V. D.. and priect everywhere ai 82.00; ibey go at tbis sae for ...... 1. Rocimchair Union Sits; lke its mane, is cool, coinfortable aid easy; closed crotelu Muidseat, made blonueffect back,in the regular maid stat styles; pin checck, regu- la price $2; sale price .. ....81.73, Zephe, rgturprice, $2.50; sae price... -..ig Ôme lot off Mcn' short sleeve, a"l kng*i union suils, me"ua prie. 81.50; sale puice $1.18 One. lot off MWn'sUnion ,suit% brokl seslong and short sleev, bmrigm atiporcs bt, mostly Co"pr' maL.; valiies ta 82.50; wlethey lut f a .. .........81.29 Boys' Underwear boys'Bmlbiugmm d Naismol 1Ia "i ý uisorguu Omd at"isi eépIs. dm sqp o $.50; goisi mnStOhe evoeisis, ît oie lotohof es i es aLo6- worth$1,50;*0 gice .1f 9 Wednesday Morning, July 28th,at90 and- Women- Who Appreciate an Oppos Every Article in the Store with a Cut.PIN W. bave alre stock ef t4ecwea m, Land that we ansI redsce bdef r.ourFmi and dwistu sgoods ami., m»d have de. cided te do it NOW, gîvint tke publi a <limace te, buy at re- d.c.d pr , thr ha. am thm d try te dose tdm uadia regular piric; sold Like EVERYTHiNG cisc in the store. tL.7 go. Reversible mercerized and siA Fourf-in-band Tics. regular 50c 75c and $1.00 tiçs, for ibis sale at each.- --43c and 59c ICnit Four-in-hanc' viibursîrong for FeHli wc are offering you a good selection -f îegular 75c, $1.25, $1.50 and $3.00 Titcs1 at each... .. 59c, 93c, $1.15 and $2.25 We are pricirtg oui regular lne of open end Four-în-hands that are regularly sold at 75c, $1.00,.$1.50, $2.00, 2.5'0and $3.00 for thbs*sale ai each .59e. 75c. 81.15, $1.45, $1.95 and $2.25 Out complete amsszrtment of Bow lies that sel ail over at 7ýc and $1.00, go ini this si'le at ...... 57c and 85c Men's Muslin Night, Shirts and Pajamas, Mens niusin nigbî sirts, plain or fancy patterns. of. gond weigi, wellnmade, suzes 15to 20; regular $10'69 price $2.00; salepr ...... .... ..i..... Mens te" isf lannel ni*b shirts, higb or low.tiecki n goodl pattema, well macle. hevy weigbî, suzes 15 to 2 . 4 regular price 83.00. sae price ..... ..... 2 4 Men's muslin pajamma i facc stripes or plain. best quality mualin. sies A to D; regulai price $300Q $2,.45 sale pce .........-_ - Mes, tmai flannel pajams. dlandly panuera gocd weaght. wel madlesicsA to D; ýeguar p 'me$4.0$2 sale price .... ......... ....................... ......$3 2 Men' You'Nlie Trousur ébai we the V"i .d@ aud bus the ommley; th. Cusdoru; wd di.. midli Onie lot Q oi $6.00; we ii c off at only .- Oni lot of .vool values at;ibie price 88.50; bt i hy One lot of nice, some wathoss cuff during ibis sale at.. %T 9Is ld lisL and tylle off themm o a cas.mercs, mcres. This lot $13.00; -your cb& Men's and boys' janesville maire; sale price ,- -* - Men's clark sîripe ville and Union 0- wear; sold regularl sale price .........- The Armor Plaie. regularly sold at $ for ihis sale only.. Plain c mln h il Plate Lrem; relag Heavy wigh r lackt or 4au al per pair.- Boys' Lest grade ail mme hrom.t Mens Knut WVeut Vkl m Soîtock up wi cLauIKï. You Camu ,-shimw for " in ma1 firsi corne, first sem EN TENBIG DAYS. I(ont)ret the ae-uy -TEN. FLDAYS OFS .REW r . 'GO I I M Ooods tilat are ai ready arr iving, and ir 6aln _____________________ - M ~k hapthis Great'Event Beg.ins., Men to Save Money Wil1 Be Here Early. Corne Before Selections Are B'roken. ous.ers S«i s u b*of m'$, *m thon. Teercdie b M me« ct..worseds; Il armap in staple pagys and blues, ini m- onîamaang values up to $4.45' saiserges. '.ere, good ý:%ig $7945 tl fabrss some wr-th and eres mn meiun and utmi ola Le "&&iy mda.kcoon" Plei aes inma nfm y cass- to 10.85 isf rom 26 to 44 waast, 50; $1.98 '.work panîs, James- ke, well liae.and wiI cka id wo-tonc fancy s Iks ....$.. .. 1,25 sz Arnor5 c wmîih wite foot, and ce 25c; 19C ocsNgs nbaclionly; sdt.wber.vuIn to 6large &M del madle. "e Luying oder muer- unm ai the price.we Jare kac "hemfor ibisprie.. 1.5;25pir Septealser wii seen Le bore. Sceeml wii open. Yen boey wiU Beed a Bnew suit. Why net take advantage of ber cet prices ai Ibis sale? -Yen wiil hav-e the boy ready when thme lime1 cornes, and have saved money ai thme ame lime. We ha4ve bought up a lot of boys' and >oung men*s 2-ptxe suits for this sale that is a wvonderful huy. considering fihe highi Prnces wbach Pre%.ail today.. Suis thai are regulhmly pnced today at $15.0(l. $20.00) an82 5.00. we are able to offer you $ 5 ai only . .. . . >,$10.4& $1448 and$ 5 9 These suite are the weil kmewn Steinway Brand, made with a double seat and kmee an i bd. Thec lme is inaïde up ef serges. worsteds andi cassansees; single and double brueaset, plin and fancy backs; medijui n d dmrk patterni. They are madie for SERVIC, yet are appropniate fer mny wear. Sizes are fron 7 to 18. Corne in and look îhem over, and don't forget eur price for ibis t0-clay sale-$IO.48, $14A8 Work Shirts-'ý Work shirts have taken another big advance, causing the merchant to, raise bis price from $1.60 to $2.00; but for t6i big J 0"dy sale we are going 10o of fer the fellow who needs work shirts the opportuwiy tb replenishbis supply $ 4 at the rock bottorn price of only$14 WeM te .-.foi diii we'ro la te b. off yM md vs van pou te b. fui aiafletviii vim pou 84 L. losey cbowfrfe- ImMed if yon m»L W.bav, boom in b"s lm*ofr avr yeumd -dds oa in hbus"nssbore for muea i uer NOTIONS Carters ..... 3lc AimBand% Se Overslceves .......5Ie Susopenders ..... -.2$c,. White Handkerchiefs.Sc' ce a Money Back -on any ArticleE )uin tisSale if not Sati we mustget, the money to pay for these goods. -i - - -. 0 a onIom Men.' Hat& (een&ie lâneeof M.', mid Boys' Fek HaIs wufl Le reduced for tbis values up ta 87.00$58 for.$5 8 Five Dollar Values tA I&'r. for One lot of broken sizes and dis continued lines, values to $5.00..$3 4 Work hais in Lrown, gray or black, ,igt$ or1.8 7 Men'a Straw Hata One lot lof dresis sraws, values up to $4.50; your chokce for à a,.- 2 29 Onme rot of dress straws, values up sale, only ...... - 1 6 One loi of broken sizes. remnants of the season's stock, yorchoice for .......... 59c Golf Caps The Great "FITS-U" MuLe One.e pc rovu cf fectiia ptai img offco1urs e., Youtlisam loy.bspoted mil domeieyo eus, edie FanonsFmI4 Cam easy futters, .9aple. oyleip 84.00 value& ..9 for only ....... $ . 5 83.00 value 2.1 for only ...... 2,.00 values $ 1A for only . .... for CO gy ci à e -PLY Collan S2 e 25à* ' One lot off laumciered -collars. regu- .larpric. 25c; éle prite. 15c, or Y 20a 2.5c Shoe -Clearance---Startling« 1 fin accomâaI of space we cau menie. ealy a few of our Shue Bat shocs in the store wil Le LUT TO 111E QUICK for tiis sd. The gr t',e Peter, 'DIAMOND BRAND"-mD Seliti Leatber Througbout, stOLi. Y.. are [ahc*ng ne nisk wlmen yen purcha se a pair of these aho If you want-to yourself agaimsthlie higli cost o' f3cf .ear forj biy severmi pairs- A Dollar savetilis a dellar eerned. Men&Black or Brown Ouîing Lait Work Sboes, regular price,$5.50, $4 .910 Sale price, pair . . .......... Mci's black waterproof . work shoe, a gond A-I1 shoe, btùlt for- bard service, suar- anteed solidi leaiber, regular $5 Qoe price $6.50; Sale price, pair WPO Mem's black or Lrown work sboms a shoe of merit and service. and weIl wortb the price we bave been sellsng tbem for-$6 50, the price for this sale.,57 Per pair.... . . --.-5 1 Men s English last dresasboes. in black and the popular mahogany sbades, with the money hack guaranteq if not perfectly satis- bid ave been selling for $ 5 $0.00; sale price, pair ...... 8 5 ' den's Enghish Last Oxfords ini black and mahogany, with the saine guarantee as the shoe mentioned'above. regiilar price $1 0.50. Will Le offered duri8 ibis sale at pair....... $8 6 Men's black blu foriable, dresy s& out;. aurleadr; $7.50; Sale price, per pair...... Ali Tennis Shoesanad Slippi and Youths, in black and white the beel, wilIL e reduced in price ~ for these shoes is far from being Boys' Youths'. and. Young < Men's Shoeî AIl Boys' and -Yemmm Mc' Shees mie REDUCED for dii, sale. The saine privillege of reines and money back if net eulrely-satlfed, goes with tlie Schees as it desw it aif othei artide purcIased of us aI Ibis sale. Evea thoqh yeu do mot need ihqes for yernrboyattmi bste, yom cannai afford to pus tlim by at the price we are effeuicg Il. Boys, mabogany side, seamlesi bal. shae. English, last, a migbîy gond dreusa soe. wiib service and style cosnbined; rewuar price. 86.50; sale price$5 5 per pair ..............-$ 0 . f Shoes Boy's gui mnetal English laut .oe. il ithe mahogmiiuy, lo shoe; regu"arprie sale prce, pe-r pair for the Children at 1 Wholesale Prices Ve bave ome lot offth di.Teu HBgu m &àdA. &KeieorChRW emylm lae ilbutto., b« ta*, liatve aut goiag te offor miaprie. 11kil a reetfbàuhbim e dog ot awe du tcur, antooqiAi sIaI Sr Sous LMmheflo. Mmoe arevalsinh dii. lo vede mot vau im e.o w uevos. 11 v be akedt LM Tu BmtingSuits Boys' coton batlug suis, one-pieée, a good sui t. 83c' A.he regimir " nof $1.50; sale pce.i Mc' btingsumli.,onepioce sty o ond patteans, colla, 'On. lot 0& MW$m's weeliompecegthmgsits, gondpate bi boeizes, regomlmry wmifor 86.00; $480 to clou ~ . .... > toAugut 7h, 120, ncIsive IJULY '28m, BE OPEN'EVERY 3EV.ENING DýURINU

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