CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Aug 1920, p. 11

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_______________ ~LIBERTYVMIMNEPEN[ Tl A.AUUT5 90 a à 1h.e majet milady.s <al- goume brouml )ffI lis con4l loor IflhIIIlIfttlIIuhlI lis Are ,sale )t iteather 41 1 ire Stoü.k oif tuJ> ar- prîcingl-. î,Nc NT 'ILE. 1, 'o gandi--, and] 25%. es, $15s wothcn'i. Drzsý- of fine aIl-wool )rice. :NTS ARE IND. b. especially in- its that are sure sup wWool. s for FaIl are in- showing of wool e pleated styles. and -new tison- ROUPS ATURED rel-rarlcahle- val- roîghoot the as- -tcd for tli ad-. Pe î.. riced at aî$25 -PEJECIRTISS CO. 15 TO CLOSE ITS LOCÀL PLANT Manager Dailey says the Local Plnt WilI Be Permanent Service Station. HAVE 150 PLANES NOW Thte generafly accepted report that te ,urUs Aeraplaîle eompany aas a"out t cloea li itls airpiane factor- les throughout the Unted Statea la aithout fuundstton. according to Loo0 Dailey, manager of the Curtis, Aero-. plane and motot corporation, Wauke- gau. Interivlewed today by a nespa- ,erman. r. t>aley enphatîcally denied thre report. le tabcîlil at the plant at luffalo. NI. Y. wat cloaes] l- ,,5riy on arcount of !orelgn coin- li pIton. The I3iL',ýh tovernimcni. ois] $500.000.000 Worthu of areoolanî-a an'] notorut of an obeoilt- type, 3a)3a Mr. D)alley, ans]d -r nalîinî-swerc. tld to prvate Individu al., for 1Ibr - ri t of their value, wlllî the undtn îranding thât tba Brîiishs coi-srnmenl xoulsd reci-ive 50> pt-r c-ntof tire arîsout realized. These planes, and motors wers, bettes duaped on te Aierican mnarket in large quantities until Judge Thomas 1. Cbatfteld. in the United States court atilBrooklyn handed dowil a decialon whlch virtually pro'îibitii the lnterailied Areraft corporation ot N-ae, Yrk t rom uwiing or. selllng fer- egn airplanes in thits country. "The plant ai Waukvu~n ilat 10 cone a permanejit eervicc station," said Mr. Daut-y. 'We bave 160 vhlpt bersad overbaul thema and put then jtna séaleable condition. Those. that are te go to distant pointsa are as- gemblomd on the fiel& and flown te their destination, We have a force of 401 wel-rained workrnen at fthe tac- tory." Parti for Curtion aeroplanes are re- Caived ai the Wankegan plant f rom the Wilbur Wrght field, Dayton. Ohio; the Love nelld. Dallax. Texatt; and the Concentration field, Hlouston, Texas'. Encouraing. «Thot .last thiaz .you ent in wam good." @nid an edîtor. "We ail en. Joyed It ver> .nuch." "%10,i, u that cane." LId flhe Youtfui poet. "I take bock ehat 1Iqsud In theietter 1 wrot, to Yeu yeiteriday about zuy deterunina. tien never to senti pou any of my work nugiO. J wrotp It In a moment of i-nu ilon." The cOller slowlyiihook hlm liestIl. ")on't do tiat" he mtir- mures]; "that letter lu wht 1 refcrred toi., Mountans. Mountatne seem te have beea bâtit for the humn race, as at once thelr sclîoolu and thefir catiiedrals; fuit of treasures of illuinlnnted nîanuacrlpt for tIes cholar, klndly in simple les- sons for Uhe worker, quiet ln pale elolxters fur te ttiînker, iglorlous îin hollîsesti for the worsihlpcr. Tlîey ore great cathedrali of the earth, wlth thetr gates of rock, pavements of cloud, chor@ of tream land tCloi, ai. tari of sniow. fand vaults of îîurple traversed by the continuai @tan.- ]Ruskin. The >~tAgs. Thie dark agas o as a perlod of about six lundred yers lu zuropean buttor>, eommencont with théit or 0 teWest. er- Romanempire (478 A. D.) and contlnulng untlthe chose 0f thei le,. eth cenltury 1100 A. D.) The dark âge coinpriaed thé Ont two-tblrds f the mlddle agesanîd avre charicter- lid y extremna itellectual apathy und grOm religIos iupenitltlon. The iwaY O! the churcit was unIversal, and learnlng wag et le lowet ebb.-Kan. au Cty star. Dally Thought. One of thte hest metliods cf rkender. lng î.iuty agreeable Is to live wtlil aibIs nie!,. and] to sufer ail those pangs of lnferrortty whlch the ivant of kns'), 'i-alwf's 1 'billets-yu ler s1l': Prices Slashed. Your- Chance to Save Money o n Tires An opportunity to save some real money on your tire equipment, will be given you next Saturday, August 7th, when we will place on sale our surplus stock of tires at a real sacrifice. We bought too heavily for our storage facilities just before the price advance of March 8th, and therefore in order to make room for other goods, we w ii price them at less than the old price. Read this clipping f rom the Chicago Tribune of August lst, 1920: Car owners who are holing back on the purchase of tire equipmcnt in the hope of a reduction in cric- ea are likely ta be diaappoinfed. There is nothing in the tire manufacturing situatiôn to indicate 4 downward trend of tire costs.. Output haa about reaclied its zenith. So long as demand continues- strong there is a possibiiiy that tire prices will re- main on their present level. Goodrich Non-Skid C seing Guaranteed 6,000 Miles 30X3' Z RegijIar, S23 -), $18.93 Special . ........ .... Portage Guaranteed Non-Skid Casings, 30x3"i~ Regular $'î $94 Sb'Iccial ...... .. ......$ 9 4 Boone, Non-Shid Casings t; '30 X3' Reg-ular. $2o - $6.O Special ..............$60 Goodrich Non-Skid Casing Guaranteed 6,000 Miles .3lx33/4 Regtilar, $27-65,21.2 Special........ United States U-Trread 30x3Va Rcgîîlar, $2250,$1.3 Spca....................$103 30x3 Firestone, Unlted States or Goodyear Smeoth Tread' Casings, Tube and Ford Front Whe.l 30X3 Spccial ................. ............ ........................... $. 0 RE E.with each tire bouiht, we înélude an outfit FBLIE Con3atingof Goodyear talc, tire p laster. tube repair Rit an'd gasoline patches, which we retail at $1.65 WvILSO-Ng& OHM AutOmobile Suùpplies 223=225 So. Genesee Mt. Waukegan PAGE1 This ia Waukega'n's Forempst Store for Men.. Most Men Know It. How About You? -Our Unalterable' Policy of One Price To Al Is Our Biggest Asset It Saves You Money JUST CET TH.IS MENt If You're Thinking of Paying $55.00' For A NEW SUIT See Ours 50 We are Selling the Best of Surplus Stocks of Fashion Art and Kuppenheimer Suits At About Usual Wholesale Cost. k - These Suits at $37. 50-are as classy as you can wish for. They are the Product of the Masters Designers of Arnerica and are devel- oped of Splendid Worateds, Serges and Flan- nels. 'The tailoring as welI as the fabrics tell of their quality et a glance. There are styles for the young chap and the older men as weil and if sold regularly, they would cost you $55.00. $ 37.50. Suits that sold $5 up to2- $45.00O$ 7!; These are Suits for young feUtows. They are in the stylish new belted and waist line models in both single and double breasted effects. Good fabrics -ii gray and browoo mixtures. Suits you'l see priced the country qver$4 5. Foathis $75 Suits that soid $ 50 up to 4- $75,00O7. An- extraordinary showlng of the best clothes in America from the workroorns of the best makers in the world. They are the asat words ln stjle--aid fabrie. No matter how particular you are, you will be pIeas-W with these Suits. The biggest Suit $ 750 value in the land at $ 7..Iý M EN'S T ROUI dlSERS At Decisive Price Cuts Every man will appreciate this sale. You ail know the c an- venience of an extra pair of Trousers and these are such extra- ordinary values, you will be wise to supply your needs for sone tine. to corne. They are in Worsteds, Cassimeres and Flanncîs in newcst patterns and-shades. Ail are perfectly tailored by the best Trouser makers in the land. Srnartest new styles and ail sizes. Many are in Suit- Patterns. Four great lots at 65 $745 $985 A- SWEEPING. CLEAN UP' 0F MEN'S SILK SHIRTS' This is our linal Cleanup of- Handsorne Silk Shirts. The surplus stock of a foremoat Eastern manufacturer combined with our own regular stocks. Included you will find such farnous makes as Manhattan, Wilson Brothers and Belleclaire- in SilkBroadcloths, Silk Jerseys and Crepe de Chines. Ail are in stunning patterns and color $1 -0 FrSTRA combinations. Shirts that sold up to $1 .5-O FrSTRA DRESS SHIRTS -l latidsoiu iiscw Shirts iin the riost t', aîîil colors and patterns. h-r in al i - es anud are of $2,3 splendid fabrics IPAL SOR COLLARS ii a r:rsie 1)1of p j iil l tc -tvle-, and,]all'is u 'i-'e excelle c ol C lis ii- stt \wlîl'o-t'ah at 25e SILK 1105E \ls S ' k Ilose iplalin ' faîîcy cf iec ts.\Vllit e,. hLick and colors. Thesc are good- $200 'ans $1.35 ai pair .......... $ UNION SUIT$ .Nen'a.s Alletic Uion Suifs for Warin ut c.ther ' car. - lhey're weIi niade anîd are very conmfortabie l1 a -r Ni r. N- -r - :ýý 1 Nlr- n )AY - AUGUST 5.1920. 95

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